*i-'+^';- April '22 ltJ-20 THE FIESHUltTON ADVANCE ) i A Bank Account For Your V More and more, are the wives of running their homes on a business I systematically and efficiently. Many wives have a monthly alk for household expenses. This, they deposit in a Savings Ace The Merchants Bank â€" settle bills by â€" and thus have an accurate rec bills paid. Such a business-like method also } woman the feeling of happy indepe! in having a bank account of her own TH€ MERCHANTS BANK Mead Office :MontreaU OF CANADA Established 1884. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. ..•*sS THE Flesherton Advance An iiideiM-ridi-nt nowtp*!)^ puVil!»hefl every ThurnlHy nt the utlioH, Ciill'ii^*i"'il Stioot, Klisliorinn. SulifCiipiimi prici) 81 TiO pel Hiiiiuin when pull in hi! vane ; ''J.flO when not nn ptid. $2. Oil tn liiirl Slates. AtlvertisiiiK rat«K (Mi a|.,<..^«iliOil. . I'licu'alliiii oviir llUC weekly. W. II. Till KSTUN, Ki.in.K WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New riiliuhir Sluirplcs Separators JOHN HEARD, IVIPLEMEN7 AQENT FLESHERTON. â- BsasjJS^ FURNITURE List f«II " It" 1^ "f •uiLeyy was stolen from the f«iiii ..' .Vhkus Lmiu of the 12ih •on. of Elilcisle. The tliett whs made duriiii; iliu nielli; iiikI it Heemed an though till) guilty paily would escape the law. Ilowovfi', the piilice hnve heeii WDrkiiig on the case, mid on Wednssday of next week ut ChenUty 18 (jersuna have been Bummoned to appear liefnre the niagis- (rule ill coiinociiou with ilie sleiilinj;. The ciise proiiiifeH to lie an interesting atfdir â€" 'laiH Leader. At the Durham Cuuiicd iiie*-ting on Monday iiiuhL a i<riii>i of §500 wf.s ivliup towuidh the erection of a nionuiueiit fur HoldieiK. This is to supplement the private suhscrlpiions already secured fo that puapoNe. Cuuncilhir Saunders opposrd the yrant » i; hout submitting the nialtor to it vole of the people, uiid he aed Councillor Muidcck voted a^aiiiHt the mutiuii. Tiie monument. Reeve Ualder told the ''ouiicil, hud practically been ai ranged for Mild would cost in the neightorhood of &'4000 'Jhronicle. Boar For Service Keii'*""'S'l Chester White hog for srvico at Ruck Mills This fi'.h'-r won. tiffct Ht Chicigo Kiiir. Terms Ijl 50. dec i.19 â€"I. SMITH Prop. SUSINESSCARDS Societies pBlNCE AKTHUK I-ODOE, No. »33,A.K.4 ' A M.iuuatR iu tht Maioulu ball. Arm B roiK'H HlooK FliBliortoo. (iv«ry Friday on or 'â- afort tliB lull luocn. T. Clayton, W. M., A. i:. KHilaiiiy. K6i.rB*.»ry Dentistry ,ir e. C MURHAV L. 0. f( , dental •uriieou ^ h^not'^radiiatB of Torouio UniverBiu auii \uyM: Colli'go of UBDtal timKuona o< Outario. r>aii aitiulBinlBtured for tae(b extraction tt-.f?.. at rnBideuoe Torooto Kireet. PI«iihf*rtoii. Medical Df W.J. Henry, M! li., rra'JDateof Fvsultv of lileiliriDe, ToroDto U"iveisity. UIHue â€"Dr. i.iule s latu rukideilce. Kleaberton. I P OTTEWKLL ' Veterinary BargeOD iradiiatB of Ootaric Veterluary Oollege recideocB â€" aeuoiid door noutb west oo V.a.rv Btrest. This etreet rune outl) »«Hbvt#»vlftn Churoh. Legal , t'CAB, 4 hPlNKYâ€" BarriBterrt. ooMcitors, '-' edc.-l. H. Lucas, K. C; W. D. Heniy. I'. A. OmceB, Markdale haeu Block, Pboue UA. oiaucbo&iccs itt Ouodtlk aad Durbar. jrr KIGHT. & TKLKOHD. Barrister. Solici. '' torn, 4c. Ollice«. (irev K llrucn ISInok, Uwon bouud. Btandard Dank ci^,;KIOBber- ton. (Saturdays). W.H. Wrlgbt, W. p. I'elford Jr. Allkindsjoft'ui-nituro'iii our .showrooms. Call and .see P our tiiniiiL,' room, parlor and beiirooni suites. A large range of prices to suit your pocket book. ; I! i! I UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Phone 30 r I i I t W. H. BUNT Flesherton, Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just phiced *»h rlit; shtdve-sa full line of Tinwiire, Nit^kt^lwitro ;in<l .AiratcWiiie for (loIll(^^tic U3e. <"iill on ?ue and g(;t. your siijiplics. ing.s. i 4 ;> ) i k Kavetroughing, Stovepipes and .Stovt; Funii.sli- • llepairin^ of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installtjd. Agent for Clart; Hios. Furnaces. ^1 II in 1 D. McKILLOP J i CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. a^^g^^sgass^ ^s^§^^s^x^?^ i Is? The Flesherton Bible Deposit'^ry has juHt pJHced in Htock the largest selection of Bibles :ind Testiiinenis ever shown hcie, rai)^ ni; in pric-i from a few centsto live d'lilMrn. There are Home veiy line );ift. Iiookx and family liihles in this lot. The Depci.sjtory is kept at The Advance OHio>;. Boar For Service I'ure bled l<e!.;i,slerea York.shire Bour for Heivice â€" Mii.vwi'll ,Iack (12903â€" on lot 1(17, IS. W. T. it S. H., Aneiuesia. Tenii.s ;Sl.r)0. 1U,4,HI T. J. STINSON. Try us for your next, job printing. Jazzerizing the Buzrcr. A newly (IcsIrih'iI Irijilc Iniio clec- trie hell .vicld.s ii clfnr rlnj; from o!iP push Ipiittoii, 11 hiizz fioiii the .soooiiil and !i comhlned rint' iirid liiizz from flip tliiPd. The hiilton.s niiiy ho placed oil lliri-i' (lifforent doors of a house, or ill (pIIIco or shop the signals tuny he used for callltiK three dlfTeront per- sons.â€" I'oiiuliir Science Monthly. He Knew Papa. I'.cnilcc was Just reoovoriti.ij from an attack of the llii and the lir.st dii;y she WHS ahle to sit up she said: I "Maniiiia, I'm koIiik to ask daddy tn I liiiy a tricycle." Ilcr hnilher, who was I \iliiylii^' 111 the room, spoke up: "Well, I >ou'(l hotter strike him for It rlRlit [ iiwuy, for If you wait till you get8 well you inlKhln't Ret It." Dolls Long Popular. Tliero is iiinpio evidence that the u.sc of dolls as nil assistance to the ojieratioiis of the youiiR mind dates from iho most romoto tiiiics. AiiionR the native tribes of Africa it was the custom of iiiarrU'd women to carry ii doll with them until they had ii child, when Iho doll was discarded. » m m â- i.i • i» • COLD SEAL FLOUR For bi-cad iImh lloiw cainio' !>;• i)'i:. ii. It is hii 'ill wcslcni wlieat product. \Vp also handle Snow Klalio paniry Hour, (Iraham Hour, Baukwheai Hour and Patioako Hour. Kellogf-V (ieiiniiic Coin !'"lal-.c:, slmMldod Wlictit. Wiient Kernels .Holled VVlionl, UolUd Onis, riilV-d Wheal, PulTtd Rice, Com Meal un;' Kriunblen. l$cnHon'fl picpHrcd corn, 11 pachniies for .•{i>P. Silvor Joloss SUrcli, !l packa^'Ps Itr «6 v ( Dn^ wook only H packages lo laoli c.usiiiiiii'r. ) (Jaidcii and llowot serd.s on hand. Ui^hest piircH paid lir buttor. c-,'k'H anil cream. We supply cream I'atis. ] Can Absorb Much Poison. I»i)Ks and horses can lake It) tliiips as iiiucli inorjililne In eninparison fn Ihelr body welKlit as iiinii cai». Thft plRcoii can take !")()(> times as much, while n froR l.s iinliiirt hy n dose a thousand liiiies ^'renter, weight f^^r wclRht, tliaii otic which will kill a hu- man hciiiK. Bellamy's Grocery Phone 37 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO i<iBB« m» »< * »«j B » » B Bii I Bi » i « » â- ,â€"»â- •»â- ><â€"-«-» I Got Him Guessing. "I Rot tiiy trotihles," reiilled the ncvi waiter. "When men linve a friondl.t scrap iihout paying the check I can spiH the rlRlit tniin to hand It to every tinie. Itnl with women I luako nil kinds of fool mistakes." â€" Louisville ("ourlor-Journul. Listening In. A western man after eleven years of cxperlinents has invented n <levlce that cnuhles a user of a party tele- phone line to Identify any other sub- scrlher who jiiiiy he llsleiiini; to his ciuivcrsatlon. Aoreed. "Wo want more honest iiieti in poll- llis," exclnlnied the reformer. "Thai's rlRhf," iiRrced the practical politician. "The more lionest nioii we hnve In poll- tics the less polities will cost." ' .busiNRss Cards WM. KAITTINU, iceimed Aactioneer foi tlie couuties of liroy and Himcoe. e'arm and Slock aalos a Bpecialty. Terms BOderate. BstlBfaction puaranteed. Arr»Di;e- oeiits for dales uiay be made at the AdvBDce ifiicf. or Central teleilioiieoflice teverBhaiu <r l>v addreBBlue me at KeverBbam. Out. i\ McPHAir, JjIceDBed Auotlonoe for the L*' County of Grey. Terms naoderats and satis HctioD guaranteed. Tlie arrangements and dates of sales can be madeat ThE ADVince â- ilttce. Hesideuceaud P.O.. Leylon. Telephone oouuectlou. Ueo. 0, 70 For Service One pure ored Shorllioro Bull on lot HO, coo, 9, A"rteinesia. Terms $1.50 for tjrudes. Must be paid within 9 months from datB of service. Ii). Jan. â€" R. O TURNER. Small Ads. FOR SALE Second h*nd binder, 5 fs )t cut Frost it Woid. for sale- -W. Pedlar, Flesherton For Sile â€" Driving mare rising 6, mare and Keldini; risinR :!â€".!. A. Lever, Flesherton. Doherty organ for snle, c.tk tinish piano case, CoctarB--Mrs.Jainiesoii, fleslicrton For SiIb â€" Horse, bugiiy and Inriioss I'rice for iiutliclit complele $ir,0 Apply to Kev. Eagle, II. U. 2, Proton Slalion. For Saleâ€" 12 and 14 ft. hennlock plank and some of Ii. 0. Kir. Apply [tn KJ. .Sar)»eut, Ceylou. Uuok EiiL'S for sile â€" cio.ss hot ween Iiiiliaii liuoiit-r :ini! ciiininon duckâ€" $1 per settingâ€" Cecil Lcuoka, Flesherton. For Sale â€" While hlo.s.soni sweei clover •i<20 a bushel. Huy dlrrut from tlie farm and 8<ive the iiiuldleinHn's |)rolit -Ben McKeiiT'.ie, R. U 1, Ceylon. For Sale â€" A limited iniaiitity of sweet clover of L'ood miiiple at reduced prices. Orders lefi ai ..'hiik's I'atiisoii, (ycyloo, will he hlled. El. FeiRusDii, ring 21-72 Dundalk, R. II. No. 1, Ilop«ville. Hay Kor Sale â€" A few ions tii.st class hay. '\|jply to .lohn Oliver, Old Durham Kuad. 4 Year Old Oolt Fur Sale and tenyounu piys four weeks old â€" Win. llodnsiiii, U K No 1, Kevorshain, Ont. Whi.e Kock eyus perBoltinfj $2, h«r'<d Koeks pur setting 81. -'O, Kliodu IsUnd Heds s. c. per sotiinx $1.60â€" Mrs. Johi*% Dand, FuveiHlinni. For Saleâ€" Chest of carponters' toola aUo a cunipUte picture franilnK natlii. Phone or write â€" Win. Sloan, Kiaiherley For Sal« â€" Two yearlinRH and two 2 yeiir old lioaKls â€" B. McKenzie, R. R 1, Ceylon. ^ or Sale- Quantity of hny. 825 per ton. tJuod Inn ro-iu horse, 7 vis o'd. Sett Massey Hun is di.scs in miod "Impe. Will be sold III H liaigaiii Heili Uniliett lMovoi liriii' finm, I'roton, Km S,ile cheno and cii easy terms, l.ioi l;>, coll. 11, < Isprey, 111' ticros. Tins is a tirst chiss farm and iii a i;i>od stjito of cultivation, t^ood bank ham and new frame dwellinjj. Apply lo K. .1. Spr.iulo Floahorton MlSCKLI,A.NKOi;S Try KeoersliH.il I'astry Flour, the best or-your ouok. All Ontvriu whose Kiifheat (iric' fi>r hut'oi ami esRs at (irahaiii lircs. EuRenia. ,lune 2(i Private funds lo loan on real e«tate aetftirity ai rei\soimblo rnlo of in'eresl . Apply lo R. .1. Sproule, I'le du<rion 8cpt2;!17 Chopping every Saturday oidyâ€" Qra- hani HrOH , UiiR-nia. BOAR for SERVICE I'nrtdin-d T:iiii«urlli Itoir for s.-rvice on lot 1117.. S VV TandS K., Arlciiiosia,. Term-- Jl r.ll. l<\ib 15 â€" T. J. 8TIN5;)N,l'iop, SATISFIED ! y^JL..^^ Is what over IOC users say about ' i^--^1^^r,P. f" 1900 Gravity washers .supplied by S.HEMPHILL, Agent For , 1900 Gravity washf^rs and wringers dllectric and gasoline power 'â- washers . ALSO for McCormick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Uay Loaders, Drills, Ciillivator, Plows, Steel .Stalls. Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford dnuble uearod and auto oiled airniotor Wind Mills, Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, SHngs, Manure Carrier.s, W.iter bowls. Water Tanks, I'ump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZISAWS (Ine third more wooi cut with s.aino powi-r wheo titled with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Men's Spring Suits just arrived iu blue serge, grey and brown tweeds, blue cheviot, made in the latest summer 8f.ylea. Men 'a Spring Caps aud Hats. Latest styles of Waterproof Clolliitig â€" men's and ladies'â€" in all shades â€" with a wool top. Men's Slicker CoatH, Rnbber Horse Covers, Buggy Spreads -ill plush and rubber. Come aud see our new V oiles, GiuKhams, Prints. Galatcas, Mn.slins and Silks. Also several new pieces of serge and broadcloth for your new spring suit with all shades of silk georgette aud crepe do chene blou8e.<i. SEEDSâ€" Clover, Timothy, Sweet Clover, Girden Seeds. Flour aud l-'eed always in stock. Orders taken for Binder Twine â€" 17c. and upwards. SPECIALâ€" this week only â€" 10 hwa flaoiincr's Soap for 85c. F, G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario NOTICE Yonge and Charles Streets, Torooto I Giveti RU(>erior training for positions as Notice is hereby given that after one; stjiiogr^phers, accountants, commercial month from the tiret publication of this teachers, piivate aecretariei., ottioa assiit- notion in The Flesherton Advance, the ant«. Demand for our graduates more ilaenf which is the 2r.th day of March, th„„ i,„ tj,,,,., our supply. Dpen all HI2II, the founcil of the Villago of ye»r. Knier any timS. Write for \V Cat'>lo^ue, .1. ELLIOTT, Pkwch-.^u Flaslurtoii nr ill proceed lo pasa a hylaw to close up and dispose of the lane lying betwarn lots (I and 7 in the noith side of Dnrlmm Street, Flesherton .Survey. All parties ndercstel are liereby re- ,.,..,,â- The iindorsiKiud has a lhorouk»h.)rod nuireu to lake nutic«. v i l- i. r i . ,7 ' lerkshirc l>!iarft)r service on lot 11, con. W. J. BELLAMY, , 8, dsprey. Terms »1.5(>. March 26, 1!»20. Clerk.! KRKDSPOFFARD Boar tor Service