Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1920, p. 1

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J /Ie0j)^rt0tt aitwmc^* T»I 40, No. 48 Flesherton. Ont., May 6 19-20 FEVERSHAM The people of this vicinity received quite a surprise when the Feveraham bridge suddenly collapsed recently. Phis makes it very inconvenient for fanners to j;et to the grustmiU. Miss Annie Galloway has resigned her position as clerk in Robinsou'a store here Where will Harry tiike his butter and eg(;a now ? George Brackenborough lias returned from Toronto, where he has been work- ing for some time. George has just recently recovered from an attack u{ the mumps. He didn't look very "munipy' on Moudiy night of last week. Rob VVhiteoak made a trip to Toronto last week and bruu<;hc a runabout home with him. His ai.ster, Mae, afso came home <rith him and i^peac a few days at her parental homo. Mr. Bob Bellamy, local bank manager, ha'? purchased a Gray Dort. Lota of trips to Flesherton now, eh Bob I Bornâ€" On Sunday, April 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonald, a son. Isn't the we.ithtr sometning fierce, fellows ? How about a little aerding weather, Mr. Weather Man ? Work has commenced on a temporary bridge. We hope it will soon be com- pleted as we b.ive a grist for she mill and do not care much for carrying it acrosa. Georae Julian had a stock of ice cream Saturday uight for the first time this season. Pretty cool suif for this weather, bat those Maxwellites seemed to lick it up, all right. Rather ,» sad drowning accident occur- red here on Saturday night. The viciim was a high heeled slipper belonging to on9 of our popular young ladies. The poor little slipper took a high dive into the iiiiil ponu and disappeared. How- ever, 8 bold and chivalrous knight girded up his aruiour the next morning, and with the liid of a long pole tished it out. It is now back where it belongs. Lucky slipper. We are sorry to report Mr. George Midden of the Slh line in a very critical condition, but hope for a speedy recov- ery. Mr. Harry Bell, who hai been staying at Mr. \Vm. Heitnian's for a few weeks, has gone to Jlclutyre. We would like to know who owned the Ford that went through here on Sunday night with a large liu can tied to the rosr alio. It did not seem to be dis- turbing the occupants of the car very in ueh . EAST MOUNTAIN Intended For Last Week. Spring work has begun, but the wet weather is li big hindranco. Miss G'adys Lever of Flesherton is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Martin, who is in poor health Mrs. Robert McMullen is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Fawcett, Kim- berley. We are pleased to know that Mrs. V. is recovering from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin attended the funeral of the former's mother at Flesh- erton on Tueeday of last week. John Simons is helping C. Martin for a few days. This neighborhood was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. John Martin an old resident of this vicinity, who made her home the past two years with her yomgest daughter, Mrs. N. Caswell, of the Toronto Line. She was seized by pleurisy, which turned into double pneumonia, proving fatal in less than a week's time. Her family were all at her bedside when her spirit took its tlijfht. luterinent took place at Markdale beside the remains of her late husband. Rev. Belfry officiated at both boaee and grave. The lioral tributes were beautiful, viz., a wreath troni the family, sprays from Mrs. J. Patterson, Miss A. Thompson and Mrs. John Welsh. The pall bearers were Wm, Caswell, Wm. Hales, Wm. Humberstone, John Pater.son, John Welsh and Wm. Orr. Her sister, Miss Agnes Thompson, and brother, Peter, of Owen Sound, attended the funeral. She leaves three daughters and three sons in bereavement. Mis.-iei Nettie and Cora Martin of (.)weii ijound visited at Mr. .md Mis. C M:ii- ins. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Levi Betts and family visited the foruinr's sister, Mrs. Johu Robeitiou of Mii\well. Mr. Will Newell of Durham spent a eoi'ple of days last week with his brother htre. Mr' and Mrs. Cecil Mouahau visited ever Sunday with thj latler's parents here. Mr. J13, Park visited recently with his family in Owen Sound, Mrs. Sam Croft and Mrs. Chas. Newell » isited the past week with the former's brother, J. Holly, of Vaodeleur, ami HttendeJ the funeral of Mr. Arthur Johusou last Wednesday. Mrs. Isaac Siiii.h has returned home after spendiug a fortnight with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Taylor, ofOspiey. Mr. Kobt. Purvis *ud his gang of men are busy noskiiig on the roads here. We hope to have good ni.ids 'his summer. Miss Klla Geooe returned home after speiidin!; a uionlh with relatives in Toronto. W'o are sorry to report Mrs. George Johnson ill at present but hcpo for a speedy ncovery. Tiie Uock Mills Ladies' Aid will hoi i theic ne.xt meeting at the home of Mrs. Tucket Phillips ou Tuesday, May 18. Mr. and Mis. Jas. Cargo visited with relslives here. Mr. Jim Ruasell has treated himself to « new fold car. (.juite a uuiuber from aiound here attendt;d the concert at Kugeuia ot; Friday night. Miss Irene Smith spent a few days with her Hicler on the 8th line. Mr. Lew Newell and Mrs. C. Newell â-¼isited leceutly with the Intter's uncle, Mr. E. Biiiiiii gtoii and family, of Maxwtll. PRICEVILLE We have not heard of any grain being sown during the month of April this yenr. We expect to see a reviviil in Hower culture this year. R. Conkey has been supplying the Indies with choice flowering bulbs :ind plan's, which will be planted as weather and soil permits. About 15 little boys »nd girls were introduced to ihe junior department of our public school since Easter and 2.0 years in the future many of their names may appear prominently before :he public as successful menamd women. The Durham Furniture Co. has pur chased Mrs. 1). McDonald's 400 acre farm west of the village for a good price. Matt Conkey, who has been with th^ hydro electric engineers in Northern Ontario, ha.s been home with his mother f.'r a couple of weeks, owing to an in jured knee, but will be able t.) return in a few days to his work . Some Bell Telephone men were in town last week planting uolesanil install- ing phones in several private houses. Boycott or no boycott we think we could distribute about a carload of polatoe.s to ccinsumers in Pricevil e, Dur- ham and Toronto who have been luakmir UKiuiries for spuds. In last week's items we mentioned the uanio of J. Viiuse, but shou'd huve said Kotit. Vause in connection with puichas- ing a Maxwell c.ir. A. Kennedy and J. Brown spent a day last week in Durham transacting bu-niness, John Livingston was in M.irkdale a day or two last weok. Mrs. T. A. Furiiuson is in Toronto this weok visiting her son, W, $., and o'.her lelalives. Old Durham Road KIMBERLEY Held <Jver Last Week Mrs. Ferguson returned home after spending a fortnight in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Scott. Ernie Proctor is visiting friends in Owen Sound. We are sorry to report Mr. Floyd Bowhey, while workiUL' in the sawmill, had the misfortune to hay-e his right foo*: badly jammed by a three inch plank. Dr. MeKee was eu'-nmoned and tbe painful bruise dre.ssed. Mr. and Mrs. Proctir have taken positions at the power house for the summei. Miss M. Aikaos, tJacher of Eppmg school, spent the week end with Miss M- Plewes. A. B. Andrews has returned to the city after spending a couple of weeks witn friends here. We are glad to see little Mabel Flood and Mervyn Ilaminond out again after being confined to their homes for some time. Otto Baker visited friends here re- cently. Saul Fawcett visited friends 111 Quiet Valley recently. Saul always had a liking for quiet placea. EUGENIA Many from here attended Mr. Fen- wick's funeral, and much sympathy is extended to Mis. Fenwick and family. Edwin Purvis is learning the auto business in Flesherton. Herb. Haney has taken a position in the aierchant's B.ank at Ceylon. Three of our ladies volunteered to scrub the Orange Hall one day last week, with the result that five new members joined the following nijht. The Eugenia W'. I. will bold their annual meeting Wednesday, May 12. at 2.;i0 p m. at the home of Mrs. A. Hoy. Boll call, membership fee and silver collection. Every one welcome. A Farmer's Spring Song Says I to myself, the spring is here. Says I to myse!f, sayb I ; With sung biras chanting notes of cheer, And ;he busiest lime of all the year. Says I to myself, says I. We must curtail our diylight sleep. And keep an open eye. For we must plough our furrows deep. And sow, if we would harvest reap, S.iya I to uiyself, says I. There's a lot of seeds that we must plant Befor« May month goes by. And there's no use to say wo can't But be inspired by the busy ant, Siys I to myself, says I. Rewards are waiting for us to win. If we but btavely try ; So it's up to us to dig right in And up and at it. and raise a din. Says I to myself, says I. So I'm 1 ff t J the field with team and plow To make the furrows Uy ; I will not w<»it to tell you how. But. leave off singing about ic now. Says I 1(1 myself, says I. April 26, 1920. â€" T. K M. The fanners are busy at the seeding. Mrs. Mathenon of Mono Mills visittd in our vicinity last «eek. Sorry to report that Geo. VVilliamson lostiHuuther animal recently. Ruh.Tt Vause has purchased a now M iNwell car. Miss Maguie MeMurda of Hopeville is visiting at John Dow's. Mrs. Smith has been under tbe doc- tor's care. Welk'pe for a speedy re- covery. IJuiU! a uuiuber attended the beef ring iiH'oting iu the school h.use la^t Situi'diiy night. CEYLON It »ill be learned with deep resret by many friends of Mrs. J. T Hollinshesd (nee Miss Sad.e Whittaker), second eldest dad^hter of Mr. and Mrs. John Whittaker, formerly of Ceylon, where she was born, died at her home in Port Arthur 011 April 7, following a second operation foj apendicitis. She leaves her husband, one son and one daughter, her parents, bro-hers and bisters. One brother, Private Farley W'hilt.iker, died of wounds in France in 1016, W. Cooey if Winnipeg visited his sister, Mrs J. Kennedy, the tir.>.t of the Week. Mr.s. J. Cummins was called to the GJty Monday owing '<• the illness of her sister. Pte. Harry Hnzarit of the military hospital, Toronto, spent the week end with his uncle, .-V. Haz-ird, St me's Line. Mr. A. JIuif left Thursday for Allan dale and wrs nz'iompanied by his wife, who wa.i visiiini: her pareiiti in Duihani. Roy b'letcher of the miJtary hospita!, Toronto, and his mother of Dundalk. aru v^sii iig their nunuruus friends ou S.'ono Line. J. J. Patt'son of Toronto vi,siied his parents here last week. Dts.MoFarlaneof Pricevilloand H-nry of Flesherton cperated < 11 Stanley Whito riinrsriay last for adenoid.-i. The patient is doing nicely. llilliard LtGard of Tormiio is visiting his uncle, Mr. George Meldrum. Dr. Middlebro of Owen Sound was in town Friday in consultai ion on Mrs. S. Hemphill, who is ill We h.pe for a spi'edy lecoveiy. The W. L aie holding iluir meeting at the home of Mrs. George Snell on Thursday ihis week at 2 p in. Miss Myrtle Homphiil of Toronto arrived Siturday to visit her parents. Mr McWliinney, who has been visit- inu hn daughter, Mrs. N. Archibald r â- 'urned ti> his home at Haimver. DUNDALK Sam Irwin if Proon is the owner of a valuable Tainworth sow which has given birth to three liciers of 52 young porkers iu the period of a year and one day. In the 6rst two litters 30 pigs were raised out of ;!o born and now there is a new lit;er of 19 healthy animals. Taking advantage of the presence here of Supt. Butter of the C .P. R., Reeve T. R. McKenzie of Artemesia iuterview- ed him in reference to the dangerour condition of a couple of railway crossings in that township. The company is inclined to expect the luunicipality to bear a share of the expense in making such alterations as are neces-sary. James Madill of this place met with an accident Wednesday afternoon while spliitiLg wood at bis home. The axe whieh he was wielding came in coiact with a oliithes line and rebounded oving him a bad slash in the side of the h. il. â€" Herald, Victoria Corners Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Martin o^ Vict ria Corners attended the funeral it Goldwiii Robinson of Bethel ou Sunday. The young man died very suddenly friun heart failure. Miss WilJa Martin, who is attending publio school in Flesherton, spent ihe week end at her home, Victoria Cornei s CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Joseph Fenwick desire,^ to ex- press her thanks to all those who so kindly extended their sympathy and «d duiing the sickness and death of \" r husband. Have you renow.id vet 1 your subscription S H I N GL E S B- C. ^hin{;les now on hanci* Fhoneorcaii. Pric s High . J. C. WRIGHT, I luroH ni n Sher-Will-Lac For Staining and Varnishing 111 one I'peiatlonâ€" a transparent sfaiii and varnish â€" one coat of which will restore the oriainal finish on doors, tloors fiiniiture and interior woodwork of every descriptic.n . Dries hard over night. Will not crack, scilo or wash away and any- body can ap|ily it. Made iu lo d;tl'cient shades. Also Shenvio Wiilnini.-* oilier finishes for inside and outside hou.se uleaniiitf including tilat Tone, Auto Enamel and ifioor I'aint and Varni.sh. We will be pleased to give you any infonnalioi. or H.ssistance in seUetiiig your spring paints. llishest prices pud f.ir pnclinu'. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and I'aints Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario FINE J E w E L E R V Bates BurialCc. Come in and see our tine large stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, and when you Lave seen them )ou will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. k full line â- ^ Piiolograpbic snpf lies Including developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and films. j BL'SINliSS AS USL'AL Funeral Directors and Embalmer^ Phone HiUcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, On MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. liOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Ospiey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. Seed and Feed 10 per cent, off Salt hv barrel and 100 and 50 lb. bags F. O. B. Ceylon. Phone or rirop us your order on ;i post caril. We have„our Seed Cori! in. Also still have a full line of Clover and rimo; hy Seedit, Flax, Peas, Essex Rape, Barlty and Mangie. FEED â€" Oats, Ipternatit nal and Kennies Calf Meals Groceries We test your cream while you wait. Call and set a can. Highest prices paid for all farm produce. Special attention given to phone orders. Farmers having seed ordered and not paid for will please call and arrange as we do not wish to carry ov^r alarse stock of seed. J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario a ..I.. ^ la2i- Spring Announcement \V. L. WRIGHT wishHs to iinuouuce to the public that be hss just reoeiveJ a spriiiij cuiisignuient of Mjn's and Lrtdius' Boots and Shoes. Rubbers to tir my shapB boot. LoDg Rubber Boots. Fleet Ko it White W\re in all styles for man, ladies, misses, boys mid youths. Fenbody's and Bull Dog Overalls and Smocks, Work Shirts, new liue of Men's Shirts »ml Bii!bri)ig(»ii I'uderwear, Ties^ Collars, Belts, Silk Scurfs and Gloves. A fresh slock of Groceries always on hand. All kinds of Canued Goois, ' (i III the Millinery Department you will tiiid .Mrs. Wnglit with (3 a oomp'e'e stcck of Ladies' Hats, Ribbons, Lices and Veil.'i. ^^ Call aiid iL-spect our lines. Satisfncdon guaranteed. .fj Highest pi ices paid, lor Butter and Ei>i;s. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton Tonsoru.f For Service i jFlcsslnertion One puro bred Shorthorn bull on Lot j ap\ 28 and 29, Coocession S. Artenieaia. I ^ Teiuis â€" 51 50 for izrades if paid in9;du of I '^^T'" Pjlt*lr4t*C 9 iiKuths-if not S-'. Ttire breils if;5 CH. ' ^ *** '^' ^ loot â€"ROBERT OSBDKNK. ^^^ '^'"' '" O'^e Euliro Sotisfan j LAUNDRYâ€" Ba.sket ise im 'nit;ht, delivery Fiioay ev FLOYD H. BENTLEY I?i.i8iei. Dyiiauiiteand l>iaMini;sii,.piies CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" *â- â€¢ for ^Hle. R.'Ck Hi.d stump Hasting. ^Se""* f'>r Parker's Dye Works- Clo' Call Phone 41 r U. Wri'u l\ O Bo.\ '-•!"it-vl "kI dyixl. feiUluT:< rejuien i 43, Flesherton, Ont. T FISHBR • -PROPRIETOi ht

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