Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1920, p. 8

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May C 19'2e THfi FLESH£KrCN ADVANCE ' Mark Twain of Canada â-  Tn the days irben interesting l)eople cajne to Canada to fiixl It jlresbly Interfst- • InR there wa-^ nobody could reveal the spirit of the land to them like GeorRC Ham of the C.P R. It is said he put Major I'ond of the â- United Slates out of l)usine8s. Why Ko on a weari- some lecture tour Jnder that ini- pressarlo's KUid- ance when George Hani ooulj transport yovi to Winnip"!! and on throucli the dfliKhis of Ihc Iloi-kle;; In all thf comfort of a R 11 m p t 11 o u K roach? Great per. f^onacps l.esppch h'ni to rnW them liv their liibi names. He has Innni^d matchoa to l:infi; and poten- talcr, and nnio- sraphed phnto- Kravurcii r.f his lealures for ad- mir ns aiithorfwsrs of best sellers. There rlid once seem to Iio a time vhcn the liuly grtal would not venture to come to (lanaUa williout first ascenainin;; whether GcorKe Ham could receive them. He is taid to have KOI so "fed up" with dukes and loyal bodies that he did not mind, for a change, eseortinpc untitled i)prso:i3litips of inlcrnational fame. Many men who.=!e iipnaluics command inipcrioiu; |K)wer would no mora thinl; of foinetting lo :und hir.i Iheir Chri.stmas; cards than they would dream of ncgleciing a royal command. Ho is «o very much persona grata \vi;h all kind.s oT people in Wlio'.s Who. when !ic r.rrivcs in l^mdon the court circular !ii â- . to be enlarged to publish l.iic ir.vitr.tlons l.-s;icd iu his honoi-. .Now he ha:! achieved thi- signal honor of an unpaid-for mention in the exclu.sive Morning I'ost. Ir feels leliever] to linorr that even if the League of .Nation-T bo jeo;!ar!iized. the offlrial entertainer of the C. P. R. is keeping his health and revellin.g in lils liigh spirits. Thi» l.-ight though aristocratic London p:iper says Ceorge IJam in tiie Mark Twain of (Canada. It clalrir. hi.i jesis are beyou'.l coraputalion. Ho will yet go down to fame a.--, having originated nw ioke. He bai l)e<'n as generous with hlr, humor as he hai l)epn a profitablo acquaintance for profe:-is:onal jokesmlths. As he nnvrr has p.iirnled anv of his in- imitable quips he often laughs at them wlien he he.-;r.i i!ic;n rn the slag", until he ri'^ilir.cs that they were of his own :nai<in:;. ".'on nay havo lieard of the (â- incinnati inillio.naire he tool: to Muskoka. While there the plulocra. wa.-. altiicked by br'gands from Toronto. The chief bri- gand later complalni'd to the police that in the encounter his watch and chrin had lieen stolen. It .-ihould bo p.dded that George Ham was not out with his Cincinnati charge .when the watch and chain were stolen. Thousands of persenaccij who have cnjoyefl seeing Canada have testified" to how much thNr enjoyment was due to his Uindly wit and indefatigablo- Bltcntion. They have pa;d tribute to tiic courtesies he knows so well! how lo extend in l>e.half of hi<i railway. But pcrhnpn one of the best tributes ever paid this incomparaJjle humorous cicerone of the railwayj ties, was a copy of verses by Mr. Neil Miinro. the Scottiish author. Hej Bang how George Ham haxi "freighted laughter ten thousand liiiles." when acting as uncle, aunt, brothor. father and grandfather to a party of nritiah scribes. They think in Britain that not to have known George HajB of tic C. V. n. Is to display iguoranee of the Empire's geography. BUSINESSCARDS Societies , OBIMUR AHTBUK LODGB, No. iflW.A.r.A ! ^ A M, inaxto In th* MkaoutobiUl. ArDi : H lonii'it ItluvK Kl-Mherloii. svory Kriilay on or ti«(or« th* tail mo«a. T. I'layloa, W, U., A. K. BnlUuiy, Ha»retKry. Dentistuy Ur. B. C MIIRKAV I... O. H , deuUl aurguou hciiorKTiittuate of Torouto UiiiTerHity uutl Koyal i.'uttf^ti o( DeutftI fiurgooiiB of Ontario. ICvAfl Adiuiaiuiettired for teeth «Xtruction Woo at rtwidvuoe Toronto Btreut. VlMberton. Medical Oi \V. J. Henry, M! II., gra'toateot Faoult) of Ue4ioina, Toroulo Ifnlveiilty. Uffloe â€"Dr. i.ittlH*s lato refeidttuco, Fleabflrton. ' ' Vutoriuary BurBeOQ Irarliiate ')t Ontario Veterinary ('oUeK*^ -fniduiioe â€" Beuoud door Routb woatioo t.ary ntreet. Tbia street runs oiitli feHt.vtBrlan <Iimrrh. Lkgal I UCAb, & hKNKYâ€" Harristorfl. Solicitors, '-" o?c.-l. II. Lucas, K. C; \V. D. Henry, H. A. OinceB, Marhdaln Iiiicaa Illock, I'lionii 'iA, timncli oUiues at Uundalk and IJu liaj . tn UUiHT. & TELKOKD.HarriBter, Solid. torH, Ac. <)l!iceH, (irey jt Jiruca Hloek, Owon Kounrt. Htaiuianl Hunk ut .'FleBlier- ton. (!<atur<lRyi). W. U. WriRlit, W. 1^. i'elford R. P. BELLAMY manager FEVERSHAM In aidmg to build up local, commomties by financing local enterprises, this bank is simply pur- suing its ideals oi a nuLlcna bankisis service. Mil. GEORGE IIAM. lil'.SlNESH CaRD« itr.^I. IwAITTINIS. Icouaed Aiiotifue.r (oi • • the coniitiea of (ir»y and hi':ico« •t.rm and Slock aaios a spMiaJ»v. ';'orci'. no'U'rato. HHtinlaction (luaranteerl. Arrauu- I iientn fur datea uiay bninaileat tlie Advun'o ( tUicif, or Cetltrnl tet«'|<lioiie otliro !• ovtTt-t-iuj I I'bvadrtrrpsine in« at Porertliuni. Ont^ I") Kol'MAlI . liiovnaed Auctloriee for tlin '-'• (oiintyof Orey. Taruia nioderato and satis Hction hUHiantend. 7 be arranKoiiiunta and daliB of saleu can b« madoat TbK AnVAncu olfloe. liuRideuaelud P.O.. Ceylon, Telepliono connection. Doc. 6, 70 ore, it is s'.rerr.ijilsmr-g its ov/n position as an impregnable bank- ing institution. Incorporated JS55 /Iffrsli^ , New Bakery For Flesherton Haviiio pitrcliaacd the baico hIioi) iti l''ie.sliertoii I have litter] ui> the same and am uw pie- paiod to cater to the public in ih'St class ]5rea(I, Btiii8, Biscuits uiid I'HStry. J\Iy fiieatest cfforl will be to please t!:o public, and joiir custom is respectfully solicited. F. Pinder, Prop ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE Special Notice *' .« »«.»«;•«:_'< ti JAKE ZENER luis conti-jictcd lor I'o.doo lbs. of ja;j;s, and 1 uill pay the liiglie.st market ; price goin^r. f .,ij^f, „-,.^„t, nil.)h(!r.s, lioi'.sc liair ^ iuul metal. I have no ajjcnt.s workini^Mnr me Von will realize a wholt; lot hy Ueepin^ your scrap ftjr the right man. I'lioiie or write ft MS a »â- .â- Â«**«»«» Jake Zener, arkdal H. DOWN & SON, AGENT, FLESHERTON You'll be Hurpri-sed liow little ir costs to operati; this C'licvroiet " Kour- Minety " Touring Car. Tvvei)ty-five miles on a j^'allon of gasoline is not an uiiuiiual record. 'iires liist an unusually long time. Jfepairs are lew and far i)et\veen. ("aro-f'ree, n^gular perforuiarice is tht; (Jliavrolet rule. Yet with all its economy and low price, ( lievrotet " Kour-NiniJ'y " Touring Car is a haiiiisoino, roomy, comfoi table car â€" .a car yon can be proud to own. if â- :!/â- **â- â- . Made in Canada The more a man knows .dioiit auto- moljiles, lli(( more experience he himself has had with them, the more critical ht! is apt to l)i;ot their essen- tial features. T(> .saLisfy tins chiHir of motorist-^ is the chief motive of Chevrol.t, construction and ('((iiii)- menc. Ic is to this element tin k! fore that the convenience of opera- tion, acc(^ssil)ility and equipment, the dependabdity and economy of the Chevrolet makes its greatest appeal. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO 1 Buchanan Colman i H«rry Hossell. the ll-ye»r oW finn of Mr. Mike Rossell of the South Line, 1 Brant, was drowned in the Saugeen river A very pretty marriaite was solemnized j^^ 2 o'clock on Sunday aftarnoon, about I Ht YoPKe Streft Methodist Chuich.North i^ oiile south of BanoTet. The lad was ! Toronto, hy Rev. VV. J. Smith, on Vrossine the river on a log with hi. dog i Wednesday evening, April 28th, when („ his arms, when the animal gave a! ilazel Colman ol Toronto was married to | ju,„p^^nd overbalancinf; him precipitated I William R. Buchanan of Flesherton. j the lad into the water, where he was' 'J'he bride, who was ^iven in m.-irnage hy ' cached under by a strong current. The 1 her f.ither, looked lovely in be;^utifu| ivory tatl'etri trimmed wiib pearls, and an embroidered while tulle veil decorated alarm was giyen by some young lads who! witnessed the tra^vdy, and althouKh the iver was dragged lor the remains, it was ' Farm For Sale with oraniiB Idossoms. She carried a „„, ^^^^^l 3 p. „. the next day that the boufpiot of white roHos and sweet psas. i,„.jy „a, recovered half a mile from She was attended by ihi- groom's sister, ' „hero he had fallen in. â€" Bruce Herald Miss Lillian iJuchiinau, who looked j[,^'fjn,j8_ chinniiisr in it paon blu>i tafletit and a â-  white picture hat. She carried a bouquet | of Ophelia roses. She was iiUo attended : by her sioter, Miss Kmnia Colnmn, who: was bejoiniiinly gowned in a pretty] Lots Pt. 107. Con 2 N E, and 107, 3 till'etii of the same hhide wilh a hat to â-  N E, Aittniesia, 'JO acres, are otftred fo match. She too carried a bouquet of sale. On the lands are 11 brick clad ophelU roses. The groom wis assisted ! dwelliii!.' and a good frame bam and by Mr. Whitney Colman and Mr. George -ither outbuildings. For particulars liuchaniu. The gr' om'ii fivor to Iho apnly I ) â€" .JOHN BROWN, sr. briJo wsa u hand engraved wrist watch - Or W. . J. Bellamy, FkMherton. Mill .iud lo tin) bridesmaids gold pendants and 1 â-  to the grooin'imcn eiigravi d signet rings, i During ttie signing of ilio regiiir.ir Miss j Kuby Uunneit of Toronto sung very â-  s^veetly to a large audience " Because." , K^Si'tered Chester White hog fc* ,,.,', . , „ „ , Brvice iilRockMiUs The t ath^r won. Miss Uckley, organic of \ onge Slreet ; ^^ ,,K.i,ij..,j,„ ^-.^j,,. Terms $1.50. Methodist Church, p'ayed the weildint' , dec olU â€"1. SMITH Prop, inarch. .Afier the coroinoiiy a reception 1 w-is held at the home of the bride's ! • _ •^^"^^rr ..- - father, .Mcorn Ave , allot which Mr. and Mrs. Buch.inur. left on a motor trip, ] the bride travelling in a K<nart suit of i ntvy trieotiiie with a small hat to match. NOTICE As it is Cream Separator season and you wane the best and most reliable Separator on the market lemember the De Laval was the first invented and i still the leading separator. More o them in use than all other machines. Sold by HUGH KNOTT, Agent, Markdale, Onr, BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tarn worth Boir for service- on lot 167, S \V T and S H., Artemeaia,. Termsâ€" §1.50. Feb 15 â€"T.J. STINSON.Prop Boar tor Service The undersigned has a thorough .Nred Yorkshire Bmirfor service on lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Ter ms $l.!H). HKKDSPOFFARD ll[iflfi|[lS Boar For Service t)arefully Corrected Bntter Fags Each Week . 48 to 50 . 47 to 47 Wheat 2 00 to 2 10 Peas 1 40 to 1 50 Oats 90 ta 91 Barley 78 to 80 They will reside at Fle^herton. Bniinie View, Yongc and Cliarles btreets, Toronto \ K Is noted throuiibniit Cmsda for high urade work (ireat demand for our graduates. Open all year. Enier now. WriiH for C'atslogue, W. .1. ELLIOTT, PRueiPAi. 1 Hog For Service Purebred Voiksliiro Hoar for service Terms ?l..'jO:i' tiioi' nf service. J. h\ I'OLLINSON. 1 n-iir t'eylon . MajJnct Cream Separators 'j- ( • ^ J S(|uare gf)arRâ€" lie Hetiiin ; double Mipporled howl - CHniiot rock; perfect skimmerâ€" one pieee ; easy to turn â€" a child can operate; C'ipaeilj chaiK'eâ€" s.ivos the buyer 860 00 ; pirent hrake--"M«gni-t.' pilenl ; utmnL', riitid e..|isii notion â€" in()ch»ni:iiliy c-irrect j sanitary strainer â€" germ (noof ; easy (o cluanâ€" a cliild ch'i.is i' in h few liiioiites. G. B. Wclton Flcshertoa,. Ont. m m MAXWELL Has Won Its Following Through Its Quality THE metals used in the Maxwell chassis compare favorably pound for pound with those in the best cars that the world has produced, according to metallurgists. There is a real reason for this quality in a Maxwell. The fundamental purpose of the Maxwell is to carry the same passenger load over the same roads and at the same speeds as larger and more ex- pensive cars. But it must perform this mission -in an ex- tremely economical way. Therefore the Maxwell has to be light. But to make i t^t rong as well as light only the very best of materials c;ut be employed. Hence, the quality metals. And it is tjirough the quality of its metals that Maxwell has developed its following. This is a following that began five years ago with a foundation of 5,000 and now reaches u mark of 1(X),0(X) new Maxwell enthusiasts in 1920. 300,000 Ma.xwclls now on the highways of two continents are a dail^ endorsement of the merit of this greater. '^ Come and see the Maxwell â€" get behind the wheel yourself â€" put it to the most critical tests. E. E. WATSON, Dealer Priccvillc Ji\t'

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