Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1920, p. 4

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June 17 l»'20 XHE FI IJ^HKUTON ADVANCE The Farmer-Banker Alliance You go to your lawyer for legal advice ; to the doctor for medical advice; why not to The Merijhunts Bank for financial advice? If you want a loan to buy cattle, hogs or equipmentâ€" if you want information as to how to invest moneyâ€" come to those who make a business of financial matters, and are in a position to give you sound and impartial advice. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK HMd Office; Montreal OF CANADA. Established 1864. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. THE Flesherton Advance Aq iiidepptident riewil)*;)"^ puWIixlied •very ThiirsdHy at the othei', C'ollin^'iroud Street, FluHherlon. Sulucripiiuii price $1.&U per aniiuiii wliisii pii 1 iti ntlvance ; when not i>u piid. $'2.0() to States Advert sing rates nii a i.>c»lio.i. Ciroultt'ion ovor IHK) weekly. W. H. TllLKSTON, Ewtor WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tiibultir Sliarple.s Sepai'fttor.s JOHN HEARD, MPLSMEiMT AQENT FLESHERTON. School Reports l*r(rmotions in 8r. llouiu Flesliertoo Public Schoul. To Ckss 4 - K Ferrin. K Bentliarn, J Colsan, T McDonald, E McMulleii, T Wilson, V. Thompson, W CarringtDD. Til Sr 3 â€" G Pinder, L Boyd, L Lever, V Thistlethwaite, H Kichardbon, M Pitton. Victoria Corners Thin Week's I'ems Mr. end Mrs. Kirch of Toronto and Mrs. Campbell of Maple molured up to .Ihuk's Lookarl'a for the week end. Mrs. LocUiart and ArgyU returned with them to Hpjnd a cuuple of weeKs. The Dominion Alliance wah re | rpsent- ed on Sunday l.y Mr. MiKiy. Geo. Moore is putting up a lean-to !• Ilia barn.'; Mr. ai.d Mrs. Jim>s LaJdla\r vi.siteJ a oouple of days (it Primrose lust weok. Misa KJna Uitchia of Dundalk visited with her cousin, Mi.«a Dulla Ritchie, at Georj!o Ludlow's. ! '~^JF3)ir=J r=tr^=Jr^ ^-r^'r=}r^=Ir=li=Jr=Jl=^I^- T^I^J^. FURNITUREI ^ All kiii'ls]of fumltiit-e^in our .showrooms. Call ami .see gur iliiiiu'.^ room, parlor'and beilroom suites. A large | range of prices tc suit your pocket book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day rhoiiriSOrU I W. H. BUNT Fleshcrton, â- â- =^3W^^Se Ontj jK^aJMaâ€" ? â€" MT Sm Flesherton Tn Shop- I luive just placed on ilio .shelves a full line ot Tiiivvmx', Nickohvare iiixl .\;^';itcw.no fonUimcstic use. Call on nio and get your suj)plics. Eavetroughing, Stovr.pipesand Stove Furni.sli- uigs. R(;pairiiig of all kinds proin|)Lly attended to. Pipetitting, iiichuling piunij work. Furnaces iiLstallod. Agent f'nr "Clare Hros. P'urnace.s. Df. Oldham Dead Uqo of the beat known medical mcti ia the county of (Jiey passed away ac Chalsworth on Wedneiday night of last week, in the person of Lt.-Col. Edmund Oldham, M. L). Knr over 25 years he wai uiudicul olHcer of the old IJlijt rcgf- ment liud was the medical examiner during the war of all recruits from this district. The labe Col. Oldhaui was about 00 yuars of age. Grad uniting at ud early ajje from Queen's University. Col, Oldhiim conituenced to practice near Chatsworth, and sinci- then has served the p. cpplu of that di.strict with a devotion that had won for bini the love and respect of IiumhedN of funiilies. lie wuh a inembar of the .\nuliiaii church, u Con- Si-rvalive in politics, and a inenib.'r of St, George's Lodi^e, A. F. and A. M. Be- sides hiH widow, Dr. Oldhain is survived by ono dauj;hterâ€" Mrs. 11. Vaiilmsliirk of Toronto â€" and one sob, Mauiicirat hiimi-. Th(> tldir son. Dr. MoilII, was a viclim of the influcpzi opidomic in 1018. D. /VVcKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK wk FLESHERTON ONTARIO. I Meaford Man is Generous A Meafi'rd man who is the father i,( a lari{D family and who poisesses no tin.incial lueina l>i>yi>nd what be ciriis fi'iuidiy ,io d«y, bud tli>: miafortune recaiitly to lose Iils cow llirouyh expo.sure raBiihing from (;ettiu^ into a place whare aha wa» unable N) find her way out for (evoral days, the owner meanwhile not knowing where to Ijok for her A proniiiii'iit citizen of tho town on hearing if lilt* loss WHS iinprL'sutd with the faoi ibtt it was a cmo in which a hrlpiiift bund would not come amis*. He thare- foru vaiy |>eneiuualy purchased > lUrs- ford co'v at a eost of $130 and presented it to the lo^or with bunt withrt for plenty of milk and fiit.uro success. It is uratifyinx to know th:ti: we have in our niidit men of a ly in pathetic and helpful turn ef mind who are piepuro'l to do a jjood daed withi'Ut hnpo of nolorieiy or reward â€"Mirror. Have you renowad your Bubjuription yet ? ^^MmMf'^^ 11 < 11 • '• i> • . '*-*•'•*' Ice Cream & Chocolates Our Ico Cream I'ailoun nro open tiny and eveninR. We liitndlo tlio lii'flt loo Cruaiii obciinahle (City Dairy.) Try us for bulk Ico CrcBin fur parliea and socialH. Willaid'h Cliocolalcfl to gati.sfy all luatos GROCERIES Our Oroctry Derartmi'nt 18 ftilly slocked with cI«rMi and up to dalo KOods. Higb'.'stpiicoi [ftid f.jr r.iillirKyga uiid Ctcaiu. Wil^.K^ Bellamy's Grocery Phone 37 FLE5HERT0N, ONTARIO »SI«l | l<lt»»«« â-ºâ- â™¦^â- â™¦â™¦â™¦i* <'♦<>â- Â« M A RD I Tho Imported DIack Perchero.i Stal- lion, will bu at lht> Miinshtw Home â-ºtubli! overy FiiJay iii>;lit during the Hmhoii Tliirt Imr.Mi won liiht phicK in a i-^i^ii i>f 'M two )e.ir oil! HtalliKiiH in Krunco. 111! IS oiio of the b.'sl horses (ivir lirou){ht to this so< lion It will be lo tho uilen 81 of anyonu wantinij tho bi'.'-l to Ncu him. IiihpecttMl and oiirolli-d. Tciiiia to iiifiire a iirue wiili f<iiil, $lu UU .lolin Mc.\r'hiir, .1. \ CrowHloii, Man»i.;er I'rivprioior Tho Slnndanl Bred Trottii.g Stallion, Cnpli.'itri r ;V L'l'+i. Tiui sun of ihe Hoild'N cliHiiipioii tli'd Boaicr, 'i t>r>],and otIitMs, will bo nt ihn >a>iit> vtiibln on Krnbiy <'\i'nini{H fiiim (> to .S o'clock. I'lupt-Ltc I Miirl •iirolit-il, TfiiiK to insure â- i n. ir â-  n i b f 'a', f 15.00. J' A. Ctuwalon, rrop, Small Ads. FOR SALE \«ty high lirod Shorihnrtj Cow for sale. Apply to J. McQrade, Fevershani. Ci'W For Saleâ€" Gond youiijj cow, due to friisben June 23â€" Robert McMaster. Fleslierton. Fi)r Saleâ€" Cow 7 years old, due June 12 ; Grade Bull 1 year old, and a quan- tity of seed potatoesâ€" B. MoKeniia- Ceylon. Fur Saleâ€" Chest of carpenters' tool aUo a- complete picture framing outfit. Phone or write â€" Wm. Sloan, Kimberley Piauo For Sale â€" Heintziiian Piano and Bench, mthogany satin finish upright case. For further particulars write Miss C. G. Binnie, 483 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, Out., or phone 44 ring 3, Proton, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS Hiiheit prioj for batter and oa^t at Graham Brcg. Ru^enis. .Tunc 2() Lostâ€" Ou Tuesday, June 8, a brown collie pup, C monthd old, white head and brown around one eye. Finder please coininunicaie with Wm. llill, R U 2, FloeherloQ. Lostâ€" A pair of i:!lasseB on the fair grounds day of the sports. Finder please leave at this oflice. Try Keversha.ii Paltry Flour, Ihe best or yourj|co )k, AH Onttirio wheac Private fund.s to loin on real estate security at reasonable rate >>f interest. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fieiherton sept 2317 Chopping every Snturd»y only â€" Gru ham Bros., Eugenia. The farmer who ia patting himself on tha back that he has do mortgage on his farm ia deceivini; himself. In round numbers there is a debt of two and a half billions on this country. As there are about nine million people in Canada that means a bonded debt of $260 for eveiy mau, woman and child. If a man has a wife nnd two of a family he has an indirect plaster on hii farm for <1,0(H). Mr. Ed. Schnurr, formerly managtr and uiorn recently plant ontef for The Bell Telephone Co. in Oranaeville and diatriut, bis been sppointed Supervisor of Repair and Construction work at Sault Ste Marie, Ont., and will leave for tint city on Thursday. The appoitroent is ijuits an important promotion and as such a deserved recognition <if Mr. Sobnurr'a 7.eal and ability in tin service of tho C>'inpuny. Carefully Corrected EhcIi Wtok K»tt.«' 38 to 40 K£gs 44 lo 44 VVhout 2 00 to 2 10 Peas 1 40 to 1 BO C)»U 90 to 91 Barhiy 7fi to SO Tenders For Bridge Abutment yealfd Tenders will bu reo«ivod by '.1 c uiidursij;ned up to Thursday th.' 24i;h dsy of June, for the necessary excavation for and building of a cnnoriiie abutment ut the Beaver River, on what is mown as Graha.n's Deviation. The uraval i« now on the ground. Tenders may be made for tho work by the yard, or in a lump sum. The Inwo.'it (r any tenrlar not necessarily accepted. -T. R. McKKNZIE J'ine", 1920 R R:«, Flesherton Wool ! Wool ! Wool ! 1'he innrkiH is bad but wo have Rrr»ni;«d with one of the tiig mills to handle our supply. W* are prepared to buy any ipiaiitity and piy khe highest poniihie prices. lirini; in your clip. Bocker'a Rcltab'o General Jstcre, Proton. Boar For Service Pure bisd KoKStetgci V.'rkKliire Bun for »ervi»<i Maxwell .I»«k ftS80$ â€" on lot lfl7. S W. T. it .S. R., Artemssia. T.Mms $1.50. 10,4.1« T. J .SWNIOS. BOAR forSERVICE Piirelii»d Tamworth Boar for atryiee on lot 1(1". S W T and S H., Artemoma,. Terms - II ftO. Feb 15 â€" T. J. S»K80N, Prop Por Service Oiiofpure nred Sliorthorii Bull en lot SO, con, y, Arlemeaia. Torms $1 50 for Krades. Must be (mid within 9 months from date of service. 19. Jan. 9 -R. O. TURNEP.. Farm For Sale Lot l.'i.-iand l.'iti, con 2, W.T, AS R , Artomcsin, cuntaiiiinvt uboiit 110 acri s, over'JO acres eleaitd, c" -d Imi'dim;*, puiall orchaid, well watered. App'y to ROD. STEWART, J:24 Proton R. R. 3. li at your own home^ any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a^ Victrola W A. ARMSTRONG " DEALER FLESHERT jN ONT SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers £lectnc and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCurmiok Binders. Mowei>>, Hny Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Skeel Stalls, Harrows, Gusolino Engines, Urantford double geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind MkU, Boatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, WaterTanks, Pump and Pipini;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZJSAWS One third more wood eut with some power when tiUod with luy patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Specialties in Men's Clothing A large collection of Men's JSumnier Suits Just arrived comprising worsteds, tweods and serges in blue, grey and brown colors bizes Sij to 42. .Men's Shoes in black and mahogany with the Neolin or leather soles. Ties in shades of blue, black, red and grey with their corresponding shades. Caps and Hats in felt and straw. Summer I'ndorwearâ€" combinations or in separate pieces in the Halbriggan and very tine wool. Kaiucoats in brown and grey tweeds from $!5 to 32. liovs' Pullover Sweaters in blue and grey, from 50c. to J?.-?/)!) each HARDWARE Coal Oil Stoves in two, three and four burner with the ovens. F. G. KARSTEDT, ^ Flesherton, - Ontario Hog For Service Pure bred Yoiksliire Boar for servioe. Terms -$1.50 at liuui of service. J. 9. COLLlNSt)N. 1 n'ar Ceylon. ^^//^jl^/it <m^ I NOTICE I .\a it is Cream Se|>aratoi season and you want the beat and mosi reliable j Sep»rator on the market reinsniber the I X>* Ij«val was the first invented and ;8til the leading sepuator. More o I them in use than all other mnohinei , Sold by Yoiig'R'id Clurlos Streets, Toronto Isnoted ihioujhoul Cinida fur high grade work Orest demand for our graduates. Op n all year. Enter now. Write for OatHloguo, W. J. ELLIt) TT,Principal HIX5H KNOTT, Agent, Markdale,Ont, Boar For Service Rfgiilered ("hesiur White h.iR for srvioe at R)ck Mills The faUier won. first at Ohicaco Fair. Terms fl.HO. dec 019 -I. SMITH Pivp.

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