June 17 1920 THK FLESHEKTON ADVANCE nca^ Service nPHIS bank aims to encourage â- ^ systematic saving. It also stands for distinct service â€" no matter bow large or how small your business. Our adrice and counsel on financial matters is always at your service. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA sm CwitaL Snrphu ud VnlMdcd Pxaflta »8J»»,S37.09. FUESHCRTON BRANCH • Geo. MITCHELL . • Manaocw C. p. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave Fl«shercon Station aa allows : Going South Going North 7.52 a. m. 1205 p.m. 4.27 p.m. a.SOp. m. The mails are osed at Fleaherton ea .follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.aod 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3,40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Don't mis!) the big picnic at Eugenia on 'he 25th. See bills. Misi Marguerite Kunitadler visited with friends in Durham last week. Mrs. Brown of Tor'into n visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Thist'.ethwaite. Mrs. Monkrain and diugtiter. Miss Jessi», of Toronlp, are visiting Mr. aud Mrs. H. Down. Hot 1 did you lay ', Well, it was only B few day* aj;o that you were grumbliug about the cold. The various reeves are in Owen Sound this week at county cocncil. Tt will likely be a lirely aeseion. The price of liquor having riseu s > high, iiu exchaOHe suggests that tbi-r* i» now no reason for a nfereuduin, Church of England service will he hM in the Town U»ll, Klesherton, every Sunday at 7 p.m. Uev. J. Blackwell, pastor. .\11 welcome. Heavy riins around us Sitturd«y uijjhc did a lot of good to growing drops. Chi is. Thwmpton cf Singhanipton had twj lambs killed by buhtuiog. Uev. C. A. Belfry Uft on Friday last to attend conference. He motored by way of Bradford to their eumuier cottage on Lake Simcoe, where Mrs. Belfry wil' remain for a time '^ Wo make a charge of 10c a line for all ohuroh anuouocemeutii, concerts eti'., up to 5 lines. Over that number Qc \ hue. Ko readiii; uoiices inserted under oOo. Oount six words to the line. A nambsr of ladies of tb« town waittd on Miss Lena Duncan, who is moving thi* wotk to tha State of Matrimony, on* •veuiiig iHit woek, aid presented her with a valuable cut glass water set. A number of V . F. O. South Gray represeatatives met in the town hall here Thur!>day afternooa fur the purpose of organizing teams to push the tale of United Co-operative stock. The Maiwoil I/idiea' Aid will hold a monster garden parky un the paraonaxe grounds on Wednesday, June 23, lyit*. A good program will be givsn, caus>»ting of instrument :kl music, eoUs, readiuKl and speeches. Baseball mateh between Maxwell ai;d Eugenia, commencing al 6 o'clock at Mr. Levi Pallisier's. Tea from (} to 8 o'clock. Adiuissiou 50 and 2jc The l.qujr referendum for Ontario will bo held jn Monday, October 85. The date has not yet been formally tixed, but arrargetneuts ate luado for the referendum niih this date in view. Eighty-one deputy returning oflicers will have to be appointed for the poll in ihe province. Male and female electors alike will vo e, the lists betng prepared on the basis of the new franchise bill niw before parliament. The Ontario I'ress As.socia'iou niet in Toronto recently, and it was the concen- •us of opinion of thtt body that it ia not BOW a ques'iou of a 91.50 subscription rate, but a question of % 92 rale. Some of I he speakers took the position that the country weeklie« Wi'uld be obliged to raise their subscription rates to 13 a year in the very near future or else go out of business. Most of ihe publishers in rhe counties of Grey and Biuco have already adi ptrd the i'2 ra'e, to take •ffect on July Ist. Mis* Crowe of the high school staff left on Saturday for her home at Gaolpb. Mr. .>(.d Mrs. Ashley Fawcett of Fowaitan called on friends here lut weak. Mrs. y. Quigg and Mrs. Archie Stew- art and little son are visiting friends in Uarriston this week. Ceeil McTavish, while crank in a Ford car Tuesday morning had his wrist broken by a kick cf tLe crank. The Methodist Ladiee .\aid of Max- well will hold their annual garden party June 23. Full particulars later. The high school pupils picnicked s^ Eugenia Friday afternoon, and Chalmer'a Presbyterian Sabbath school picnicked in Lever's grove Saturday afternoon. The Ladias' Aid of Maxwell Presby- terian church will hold their annual garden party at the home of Mr. Angus Morrison on Tuesday, June 29. See bills for particulars. There will be oflfered for sale ty public auction at the Munshaw Bouse, Fleaher- ton, at 2.30 o'clock, on Friday, June 18Lk, 1920, one heovy horse, the proper ty of T. J. Stioson. Terin.« cish. D. McPhail, auctioneer. The Artemeaia, Mirkdale and Flasher- ton Sunday School Associntion will hold their annual convention in the church at Vandeleur on Friday, June 18th, after- ccon and eveninp. Rev. T. A. Hal- penny, Provincial Superintendent, will address both sei^ions. ji, I. Graham, Secretsry, The Ontario Government are planning to throw all stream? open to the public for fishing in the near future. At the same time they will establish hatcheries at several places in the Province and will see ihat uood streams are kept restocked- If thia is carried out there will be some disgrunted tish hogs in th s country, but those who can spare a day oi two during the tishing season will rejuice. Ihe Presbyterian Guild held a social evening and election of officers on Tues- day eveninij of last week. Tke election of officers resulted as followi : President, .1 A Legard ; Sec, G. Stewart ; Treas , Amanda Stewart ; Convener cf Devotion al Committee, Edith Gilchrist ; C>in. of Missionary Com., W. Pattison ; Con. of Educational Com., Bert Sparks; Con. of Social Com., Madeline Moore ; Con. of Flower Com., Mrs Wilson ; Organist, Mrs. Blackburn ; Assistant Orgaaist, Amanda Stewart. Toronto conference of the Methodist church met last week. The tirst draft of stations for Owen Sound district was announced as follows : Owen Saund (First Church), George T. McAteer, B. D. ; Owen Sound (Weslaide), Charles M. Marshall ; (V) Owen Souaii (Fourth Ave. West) co-operative charge, supplied by Methodist ohuroh, R. B. Beynon, B..-V.; Markdale, Austin P. Stanley ; Fleaher- ton, Charles A. tSelfry ; Dunda'k. T. W. F. Geo Andrsws ; Chatsworth, Garnet W. liynd ; Holland Centre, A.J. Eagle : Kiuiberley, to be supplied ; Eugeria, to be supplied ; Walters Fall», Edward M. Burgess ; Priceville, Robert J.McCarteu. Harry Carrington, p^perhanger, met with a pslnful aceideut uned.>y last week while wnrkin? at his trad-s. A step ladder on which he was standing slipped from under him aud he was forced to jump to the door. Ho continued work for some time, but his leg beoame pain ful and he found diflicplty in getting home. Dr. Henry was called and fcund a small bono broken below the right knee and the larger one fractured. The The break ia a very painful one and will lay Mr. Carrington off work for a con- sidera'ola time at an extremely busy Season, and entail an enforced real which he can 111 afford. Mrs. Peter Dow, a resident of Arte- luesia towrship for 50 years, died at ht r home. Old Durham Road, on Monday, .luna 7, a» the age ef 81 years The deceased lady, whose maiden name was Ann MeUurdo, was born in the «iiy of Quebec. She came to Proton with her parents in 18C2, and in 1864 married the lato Peter Dow, who predeceased hsr 'Jib years ago. She leaves a family of four sona and three daughters â€" John on the h( moitead, David of Klesherton, James and Aidrew iu Alberts, Marion (Mrs I'ricv) and Jeanie (Mis Martin) in Proctor, Minu., and Mamie .at homo. The funeriU took p^aie on Thursday last to Swintc'ii Park ceaistery and was largely attended. The big stona crusher was to have been brou^jlit up from Dundalk on Juno 10, but when Mr. Purvis wont down to get it he was met by a blank refusal ti let it i!o. X" a consequenee a number of men had to be laid off work here and it wij; be difiicult t > replace them. Messrs. Boyd and Moiriaon, roembtrs of the Com., went down Saturday last but could get no saliijfaction at to when the crusher would be released. Xrither could any satisfaction te fot from Mr. Johnston, the county overee«r. It is I ho general iinpreRfion with those to whom we have talked, that the general overseer has outlived his usefulness, and there are others who ahould also be released from the a;duou9 duties of municipal politica men who think uothini; of putting the county to big expense so long as their own selfish ends can be attained. Very Sudden Death [^l Mra. R. Mrggitt of the east back line, Arlemesia, died very suddenly on Friday forenoon isf, pre> uinably from a weak] heart. Mr. Meegiit was st the house; at about 9.0O a. m. and hie wife was | apparently all light. At noon he fouijd ; her lying de.id in the bouse. The de- ceased lady was oO years of age. She : had been a hard woiking woman all her i life and was highly esteemed She wa* an adopted Btxtcr of Mr. Harry Wilson ! of town. Besides her husband she ' leavee one son, Louia< at bima. An- i other son, Charley, died in England during the war. The remains were ; interred in Meaford Road cemetery on Monday afternoon. VAJVDELEUR I; who h-is beeu In some >ime, passed Mr. Fred Cullu, failing health for away at his home in Euphrasia on Wed' nesday, June 9. Deceased, who was iS ye.ira of age, was the son of the late Mr. Wm- Uullis and lived most of his life in khia neighborhood. He wis married tjn years ago to Miss Elsie Richardson, who, with'Jone little daughter, has the sympathy of the whole community in their bereavement. Two brothers and two sisters also survive. The funeral , i'^ took place to Markdale ceme'.ery Friday afternoon and was largely attennded. rrf Rev. A. P. Stanley conduc:ed the service VS at the house and grave. Mrs. Will Buchanan ia visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. Sid Gilbert of Colpoy's Bay is spending a few days with friends here. Rev. James Dudgeon of Tottenham spent a day with friends here. Miss Hazel Cunningham of Cooksville is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buchanan and family. Thomas Benlham of Fleaherton con- ducted the service here on -Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B^iker visiteil friends at the Sault recently. The annual convention of the Arte- mesia, Markdale and Flesher'oo Sunday School Association will be held in the church here on Friday cf this week, June 18, afternoon and evening. I WARH WEATHER WEAR SOHETHING YOU NEED Men'* Toyo Panama H*t3, very fine weave, give satisfactory wear, new correct shapes in snappy boater and fedora styles. Sizes from 6f to 7^. Prices from ^3.25 to S.50. Men's and Boys' Canton and Chip Straw Hats in large variety of good shapes for fine wear and every day use. Prices from '2')c. to $2.00, Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits, plain navy and navy trimmed with colors, full range of sizes in oue piece stvle with skirt. Prices trom $1.00. Men's Combination Underwear in Balbriggan, Open mesh and fine nainsook fabrics, all sizes 36 to U, all styles, long sleeves and ankle length, abort sleeves and knee length and sleeveless athletic pattern. Prices from 81.50 f.o -I.'ao a suit. " Lang " Shirts for men. The best assortment we have ever offered. Price* from $1.50 to4.9o. " Arrow " Collars, newest shapes in stift'and soft styles. " Kant Kraek " Collars, washable, new styles, most durable and comfortable. " King ' Neckwear, a wonderfua assortment of new patterns in good wearing silks. Pi'i«es from-Sl.Oo to 2.0O ' Snag Proof " Overalls and Smocks, blue stripe, black and khaki, combinations and single garments, sizes 32 to 46. The best overall value to be found aav- where. Come and see them. Men's Summer Hosiery, cotton, lisle, cashmere, silk or silk and weol, colors, chestnut brown, navy, white, tan, green, sand, bkck and heather mixtures. Size-^ 10. 10^ and 11. Prices from 2.5c tc .$1'50. Special values in the Millinery Department for June Customers. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO r"' Ja in The Farmers' Club held their June meeting on Monday evening cf Ijst week. Messrs. George and Thomas Binnie of Buuess.m were present and addressed the meeting in the interests of the Farmers' Co-operative company. PRICEVILLE We bad a fine shower of rain Mast Siturday evening which will do a lot of ' a-iod. Rev. R. J. McCarten w:ia attending ' the Mechodiat Cooferencejast week and Rev. Mr. Smith of Toronto, in connec- tii.n wiih the Dominiua AUiince, con- ! ducted service in the Methodist Church , last Sunday morning. . Rev. C. S. Jones of Priceville aud Rev. F. G. Fowler rf Flesherton exchanged pulpits last Suaday. ' I Mr. Donald MeArthur, of the Glen, j 14 miles west of the village, passed away ' ; â- ^ on Friday evening of la.st week after a ' Mrs Arthur Gray, of Kenilworth, was lingering illniss. aged "S years. Thu ^ seriously injured and cut by being thrown ' funaral took place on Saturday .-ifternoon i through the windshield of-an automobile of la'<t week. Rev. C. S. Jones conducted ; driving down the 0.3. R. : seaviee at the residence and at the grave ' â€" â€" - â- in the new P.iceviile cemetery. Th»j deceased leaves one sun, .\rchibalJ, who lives on the home farm. Mrs. McCorniack hss improved in health sufficiently to be around the h.Uii again last week. Alexander McLean, son of the late Oougald McLeau, and 50 years ago a Pr.cBville school buy, is visiting friends here after an absence of thirty years . Gents' Furnishings The Smiiil StO'O with lU.; V ikios SUMMER WEAR Straw Hit time h^s arrived ar last. Call at the Gents' Fu.'ni-shings and get the latest and best styles. Men's ~ and boys' peauits also on hand. Felts and caps soiling a; a low margin above cost. Come and have a look at our bar- giins in Raincoats and Oded Cam- bric Coals. Men's and B.'js' Summer I'oder- wear, Bathing Suits. Sooks and Stockings. Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest no' ices. Agcn'a for Hobberlin madeto measure clothing. J. LEGARD Ontario H. Flesherton, W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER.PIANOS. PHONG- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and high see these Paoto Gallery >nd ;M-asic FLESH ERTON grade instruments H'. VaJII': Stof FOR SALE Your choice of two used Ford cars, 19115 and I'Jtf models. 16 model just rebored and cimpietely renewed at coat of $110.00. Painted two coats ind gjod tiret. 17 model only slightly used. Reason of sale one Ford too.niany. Cash muney talks. FLOYD H. BENTLEY, P hone 41 r U. Flesherten We are agents for the Toron'o dailies Leave your orders at The Advauce o ffi c $5,000 in Attractions OWEN SOUND'S CITY CELEBRATION Dominion Day, Thursday, July 1st AEROPLANE STUNTSâ€" Lt. Col. Bishop and Lt. Col. Barker, Premier Fivers and Squadron. HORSE RACESâ€" $1,050 in prizes including Running; Horse Race. BOXING TOURNAMENTâ€" Joyce vs. Wilsher â€" 10 Rounds. ROWING RACEâ€" Carroll (Buffalo) vs. Price (Owen Sound.) BASEBALLâ€" Meaford vs. Owen Sound ; C. P. R. Toronto vs. Owen Sound. FOOTBALL â€" Toronto vs. Owen Sound. COMMUNITY DANCINGâ€" Pettus' Jazz Or- chestra Bnnd. Magnificent Fireworks Display on Harbor Front. Grand Calithumpian Parade. Send for Official Program to Mayor Patterson, Owen Sound. Cargoes Grocery If you want good, clean, fresh Grooerios or Confeetionarv give us a call. We carry nothing but the best. We have also a full line of all the leading Tobacc«a . All kinds of Fruits in season. Co me in and get your Soaps aad othei necessities for your spring cleaning . We have a full line of garden and dower seeds,' Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. Phone in your order. We will deliver it to any part of the' village. '^'ft* W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. I BOOTS & SHOES !::S :::: fit In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. ill THOS. CLAYTON 1 FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO •••