Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1920, p. 8

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June 24 192f THE FLESHEKTCN ADVANCE An Inestimable Convenience FEVERSHAM R. H. Bellamy, BRANCH Manager BY a very simple arrangement you can transfer to The Bank of Toronto, the irksome task of paying your house- hold accounts. Paying by cheque relieves you of carrying money about, making change, and obtaining receipts. It puts your household ' transactions on a dignified systematic basis. Any Branch of this Bank will be pleased to ppen a checking account for you. . • 33 BANKoTORONTO Capital $3,000,000 Reserve ?6,793,983 Wool ! Wool ! Wool ! The iixrket i.i bad )iiit wo liave arninued with one of th» Vii^ mills to h*udle our supply. We are |jrep*ted li> buy my ({uantity and pay the highest possible prices. Brin$; in your clip. Becker's Keliablo Generitl Stcri.', I'roton. THE WHITE SKWINO MAcmiNK Tha Prido of the Utirne. The ti»8t Scwin;; Mschiiie un ilie nmrket. For tiitle by J. A. CROWSTON MAKKDAl.E Boar For Service Pure brad Kegittervu YorUshire Bua for K«rviaa â€" Mtxwall .Inok e2<J[)3â€" on lot 167. S W. T. <Sc .S. U. . Arteuiueia. Terws 11.50. 10,4,18 T. J. .S'A'IXrjN'. FOR SALE Yonr choice of two user) Kord cftrs, I'Jlii and 1!I17 nindols. Hi niodol just ro'oored and completely renewed at cuHt of $110. (K). Pointed two conts »nd C)od tires. 17 niudal only Hliylillv UKud. Ueasun uf sale one Ford too nmny. Cash money talku. FLOYD H. BENTLEY. Phone 41 r 14. Flenhertoa BOAR for SERVICE Piirehmd Tamwoith Bo<ir for wrvioe on lot 167. K W T and S E., Arleinema,. Termsâ€" SI. 50. Fob 15 -T. J. STIN80N, Prop For Service â-  One'pnro nrod Shorthorn Bull on hit SC, con, 0, Arteoiesia. Terms 81.50 for jaradas. MuHt be pmd withiu 9 nionthH j from Hate of Horvieo. ]10..IaM.9 -K. O.TURNER. Tenders For Bridge Abutment Sealed Tunder^ will bu rocuived by the undersiLjned up to Thursday the 24i,h day of June, for the neceNsary excavation for »nd boildin<! of a cmciele iibutuient at the Deaver River, on what is vnown as (iralia.n'H Deviation. Thu gravel is now nn the ground. TendeiH may be nude for the vior|c by the yard, or in a lump sum. Tile lowect cr any tender ii(;t necessarily accepted. â€" T. R. McKENZIK Jtine 7) 1920 R R .3, FleBlit-rton Farm For Sale Lot 15o »nd loC, con. 2, W.T. AS.R , Artcmesia, containina about 110 acri s, over 90 iicres cleared, ijii.id. biiildini;- Bniall orchard, well^watured. Apply to ROD. STKWART. j;2» Proton K. R. ,i. Fleshcrton Garage Agents for Ford, Briscoe, Gray Dort and Dodge Cars Expert Repairing A Specialty We have installed a complete acetyline welding plant and can do the most intricate work on all classes of broken metals. Batteries rebuilt and recharged. No-Knock Gas Saver on hand. 5?;.# Our large garage is now fully equipped with the latest modern appliances and we solicit your patronage. H. DOWN & SONS. Proprietors "•^ You have hoird of the Clievrolet. Anil ynu have heen plniily i>( tlieiii. Vou have HP«n nirtreof Iboin IIiih laat year llian ever bufurv. And you will hee iriore next year. Wherever automobiles are to bn «n(>n and lluf \h evurywiiitreâ€"ihti (>lu<vrclut ih h (uniilim Ni^bt. 'I'biH Hhould inoai Nonietbini; lo ywii. Tlin public ri(jeKiint buy a (tar in over inuroaiiin^ ntiniliurH uoloiH it mei'tn with popular approval. The Chuvrolet haii po|»iilar iipprovnl. Wn would like you tr know why it Iihm. Tt would le BHMy for us to tidl you tlix ruanoii.s for < 'hevrolel popularity. But before you cnuie to ua, learn them from other aources. Made in Canada ^Vaich for Ihe (;heviul,.t.. Jud.^o itn upppar. unci. >S.ie ibo n.imbef of pissenRors it wdl Beat iind <^'»rry conifoitably. Watoh for ir on the roads. See how it tbrottl-s â-  l<i»n iind picks up Ml trallio. Above all wa'ch the next Clo.M.dol, y.u hoo laku a hdl. Tiiat is proof of iim pciibliiif;. AndnHHooi UM you ^^^•,> a cliiiioii ank Iho diivur of H C Livrolel wliir lio ihinks of ii. Got hini l..i.h.,»you MS e.piip.iieMi, Aik hioi how many •Biles hu ("oih oil a ualbiti ,if ^isobna â€" on tires. And while your own eyes and cirii aro fiiidini; out about Chevrolet p uformi.no llu-ro won't ho niueh leti b.r u« to loll you. Itiit wo'll take you for ik ride in out) whenever you like. YoI'll.S VKtlV TIll'l.Y, D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - . ONTARIO BION LANGUAGE. It Bm Become the Tougite of Inmate* of PrlaotM. Prison messages were mentlone< in a recent case at the Old Bailey, London. Talking is not allowed in prisons. There are, however, sereral ways in which convicts communicate with each other without talking. Most of these silent conversations take place during exercise, especially on morninKS after a session, when iifws of crimes and sentences Is soon ill! over tho yard. In a short while, relateii Tit-Bits, every newcomer, If he has been "in" l>efore, tells all the others of his of- fence and the length of his sentence. Those who know the Morse code send long mes-iages to each other even when they are in the workshops, where they hammer in such a way us to prodti'e lung and 8hort sounds. Generally, the Qrst signal a man iiiakc.s tells the crime he has been convicted of. He puts his hands lo his iiiouth and brings his jaw to- gether if he has been passing coun- tei felt money. If he has been picking I«nkets he crosses his wrists in front or his body; if be is "in" for bur- ;?l<iiy lie turns an imaginary key in a lock. If he h.is only been committed for irial am', is waiting his sentence, he counts off twelve on bis fingers, i liiiH me,"iiiug "jury." After a prisoner has told of his iiimc he .signals his sentence. A com- mon slang term for three months' imprisonment is a "carpet bag"; the pantomime of lifting a bag Is gone through t>y the sentenced one. "A moon" .signifies a month. The pris- oner will look up at the moon and extend as many fingers as months of confinement to be endured. The signs for any number of years are very simple. The news of one year's imprisonment is comnuinicated by iiulling the left tar; two years, pulling the right ear twice; five years, touching either ear with all the fingers of one hand extended; ten years, putting both hands to the sides of the face and drawing them downwards. "Have you any tobacco?" is asked by popping a finger into the mouth and Ihenr touching tlie side of the nose. One cough means "Listen!" Two coughs means "Look out!" .\ Lake of HihIiv. There is a lake in British East Africa, Lake Magadi, that is famous for its vast deposits of soda. Until wiiliin recent years few people knew of ihis lake, for it lies in the midst of a barren and waterless waste; but the railway that was started some time ago by an English company to transport the soda to tho coast Is now linished, thus opening a way to this curious itatural phenomenon. Ordinarily the lake looks as if it were frozen and covered with a coat- ing of snow partially thawed, then frozen again. Tlie temperature gives the lie to this appearance of rough- ened Ice, for the heat is extreme, and at mid-day almost unbearable. The soda burns one's feet e-ven through his shoes, and the sharp frosty spikes will pierce any except the thickest stile. After the raiii;< there is a layer of walvr over the greater pait of the lake, which has turned a beautiful shade of pink. Uy moonli,i;ht the Dcene is weirdly beautiful. The lake contains millions of tons of soda deposits, and Innh surface and undeiKround streams ot satiirat- od soda liquor conliniially feed it. Tlie present supply of soda is enor- mous and as fast as it is removed a lUMv surface, formed from the mother liquid beneatli, replaces II. Natives have collected soda from the same spot year after year without making I he slightest difference in the abund- ance of the supply. The company cx- pecl to remove at least 100. 000 tons a year. Ix>rd .Saye mid Sele. Among curious titles must be reckoned that of Lord Saye and Sele, which sound like a linn determina- tion to stand by what has been sftid, even to delivering a duly attested and sealed deed â€" an Irrevocable "wluU 1 bare said. I have said," in fact. Hut ttiis odd doufile tille has nothing to do with saying and seal- ing, suys an exdiange. It was in its origin (he Barojiy by Wril of Saye, created in 1311!. and extinct or In abeyance , by 1399. It was revived in 1447 iu favor of a Kienens ot Hurlsmonceaux. who look tho addi- tional title of "Sele". which comes from one of the Seals in Kent â€" per- haps the village of Seal, near Seven- oaks. The tille of ".<;aye" was assum- ed by reason of a descent from that family through the new peer's grand- moiher. Irish Wit. At a luncheon a bishop, resident In the west of lOnslaiul, lold Ihe fol- lowing story illuslrative of llie native wit ot the Irishman: Two ICnglish lourisls, iu the hope uf "taking a risi'" out of I'at. who was leaning over a gate, got into conversation with him. As (hey parteil they le- iiiarkod, "Have you heard, I'at, that the devil is dead?" This news excited no comment, but the tourists had not proceeded far when they were called back and solemnly presented each with a penny. On inquiring tho cause of this unexpected genenvsity they were met with (lie answer: "It's the uuslliom of (he counthry. We always help the orphans." "WAACS" l)«nu>l>llized. Queen Mury'.s Artuy Auxiliary Jorps, known ati the "Waacs," the khaki-clad army of intrepid women >who served in various capacities at he fnmt during Ihe war, (HNised to >xist as a niililary orgiiiiizalion with he eniling of the year. The Waacs iierformed a notable service for their flag and not a few of them were kill- >d or wounded in service. Uns> (JutH'u >li»i-y. When Iving Oeort;e of Kngluud was HboiHiiig in Scotland recently 3upen Mary led the life of a private itdlvldual looking up old friends, :iayliig private calls ami making var- uu.s altera! iuns In uud ai'otind Iluck- j>Khaiu I'aluce. ESTABUSHED 1B72 Iff IF SBEf jfflf iNEAO OFFICt ' HAMILTON MONEY IN LIVE STOCK Careful selection of breeding cattle and the right kind of iinanoial backing will pat you in a position to niiikc moaey from your herd . The Bank of Hamil- ton is prepare 1 to promote any legitimate development along this line. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK;BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON -C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager QnQOflw-i'^""'^^^ ^ match to the burnerand it is Opt/HUy "ready for use instantly, just as speedy as a gas stove. Qtaorlii ^^^ ^^ flame where you want it. You OlcdUy "can always see it through the mica door and it stays where jdu sat it, Oloon r^06s not blacken potsand pans. The vicdil'long blue chimney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. None of it escapes in smoKe or soot or disagreeable odor. Ml For every cooking purpose there is always nUl'an abundance of steady, clean, intense cook- ing heat directly against the utensil. Hi/on ^'''^^^ door, will not steam or break. U Vcll'Three point lock device saves heat. Scien- tificheat circulation, all steam anti moisture carried away. No soggy food. Call and let us show them ro yon. Made in 2, 3 and i burners. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON Pays to Advertise in The Advance BUSINESSCARDS 1S0CIETIE.S tKlNCK AUTHUU I-UDQK. No. .'4.H3.A.K ' .\ M. iut*eti> in XhK Maeoaicball. .\r». ^ »toii«> HlocK Flwsberton. every Fridftv ou [ or liBlore tije luil tuocn. T. Clayton, W. ^ Jl., A. !â- ;. I'Hilnmy. S«.ri't(iry Dentistry E C MURRAY h. O. S , dental snrgeju Iu uoi- ^'railuate of Toronto University auo Kuyal College ol lloutal buiKeon« ot Ontario. 3aa admielDtstered tor te«th eSLtracUoQ thee at reaideuco Toronto Street. Fluaherton. U' MAIL CONTRACT P Sealed 'IViider- ;uldres»t-d to the IVnUuistef IJeiienil. will bv received at Ottawa until lUHia ou KriJ»y.tlu- ISth •>! .huie, lilSO, for tile con- veyance >it Mis ilikjeaty'j MaiU, on a i>»ofH>». ed Ccntrait for four years six ttmee \kt we*k, on the mute â€" CT- Medical Dr W.J Henry. M: 1'., fra4uatco( Facult) of Mt'diciue. 'Toronto V> iveibity. Ottlee â€"Dr. Little's late retldeuce, Klcalivrtou. I P OTTKWRLL ' Veiorinary 8nrf{«0Q Jraduate of Ontario Vetorinary rolleK> reRldeuoe â€" seootui door eoath west.oi: kary street. Thia •treat ran* ouU' Preabyterian Ctuirob. Legal I lâ- ^.^B, A hENKYâ€" Hartlstera. Solicitors, '-' eic. -I. H. l.iiead, K. (.'.; W. D. Usury, II. A. UlUcea, Markdale l<uc:ui Ulock, I'boue HA, tMancbottiota at Uuudalk and Durbar. gu UIWHT. .t TKI.KOKI), Harrlater. Sollci. " loiH, Ac. iMliceH, liri'V X liruce lilock, Owen Sound. Statularil Hank e? .'Klepber- toii, (SaturOaya). W. H. Wrlgbt, W. P. -t'elford Jr. MAXWELL R. R. No. ; from the I'.istiuaater (ieueral's jjeasure next. Printed notices eontaiuinif further informa- tion aa t^u^'ndition3 'if l>ro(KK.*ed Contract may W seen and blank forms of Tender may h»> obtaine<l at the Vojt Offices ol .Ma.\weU and at theotJi -.e uf the Post Office ln«p«ctur, 'I'oronto. A. ."^ITHBKL.VXl). Toai Otfioo ln»i>ctor. Post Olfice Iii»i>eetor\< Office, Toroutc, May 0th. 1'.I30. BUSINE.SS Cards Vy>'. KAlTTtNti, loeimert Aneticneer foi '' tile coniitiea of lirey and biiuc.te. 'nrui and Stock aaUva a »itooialtv. Term? luxlerute. PAti^fuetion Knarantted. Arrant;, iieiitH for datea uiay be made at tbe Advance >ttlce, or i'eutra) telerlione oOlce l-overalmii. Thyadilreaaini: uie at Kt.verabaui. Ont. DMolTlAll, liloeneod Auctioneo for tlie • i'ounty of llrey. Terms moderate and >tttia Hciion Kiiai Hiiteed. Tlie arrao^euient9 4litl dates of aalei* can t>e luftde at T llK .Apvxuce '»lflye. Itetiidenceand r.t)., t'eylon. Telephone ^ounection. Dec. 6, !0 MAIL CONTRACT Sr.ALKli rKNDl.K.s .^dressed to the rostioiistcr General will be re^'Wvel nt Ottaw.-* until lunni en t'rkluf', die '.'.'it h of ,)iinc, 11I20, for tbe convovHiKv of His Mujesty's -Mails, Kisa i>rotn<s,^d Contract for four yei^r^ six time.* yxt we«k ou tbe route PKOTON STATION R. R. No. 1 from tlie 1st of tKtober, 11>2V. I'liiited notices cootaiiiiuj; further inforiu»> tiiMi as t" iMiulitioiis uf )iro|i<i<MHl contract ni;ty U> seoii and '.dank fiiriiisi >»f Trtnter may be obtrtimnl at tin- I'ost Dttii.'^s ot l*n<ton Stalioa and at the otlice of the I'ost (.)tficv Insjiector, Tortmto. A. SlTllKKLANP. T^/^'T'Tf^P' I'ost l>tfic«i lnaii<clur •'^^ ^^ •â- â-  ^^'^ l\wt Ofic-e In»|.ector's Office, TO INTKNDKD UKEEDEUS Toronto. May 10:1,, l«t.. Tho liiipotted flyiesdale Siallioii, Horirou, will boat tbe Muiishaw Houae, KleahtTloii, every Thuraday iiigbt during jSuiiUHet Session conunences Julj 2nd ihoseadonol I'.i-'li. lV(>pK> ii.ioiidnwj at tlm breodini; mares should come and see this; ^-^n lU/tJ^TNFlM/.^ Aif hnrse, as ho ia » iifeiniuni horse and haa; C^ "i • -r't f^''^''' M Hioven himself one of thcbe.it l-reedin^;! (^/j^//j-j/y^^^_XjA.^/c-^^y^'^ hotn-!i ill the I'tovinc*'. WM H)STKR, Prop, and MHnaifer. BcKir lor Service The iiiidcvsi;;iud lia,s >» Ihoroimhotod Yorlishiri, r< -arfor si-vvico on U»t 11, eon. 8, Oniivov. Tonus fl.fiO. KUKD SrOFFARP !C, Owen Sound, Ont. Train yourscll f-'r a jjood pofition. W'o wi'h wo could snpidy one fifth the demand for otlice help. Cat*li>);ue V'ree. A FLEMINU. F. C, A.. rrinoit>W ft. I) KI.RMINH. S=ecr»Ury. Mtuiiun thini pstfHir when vrtitini;) Ii

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