Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1920, p. 1

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mmmiftfmmmmmmmmmmmrmmmsfw wm O;: ;« /k6liet:t0ii %hmnm Vol 41, No. 4 Flesherton. Ont., July 1 1920' A^. Jfc* C^, rey City Items DURHAM SIOOO for a teao^ier iu a ruril .school is somekbiDji net" in S. Grey, fnd Muluck seetioD, centre Bentinck, lends the way. Their teacher, Mr. Rudolph, has he^Q reengaged fur thitt amn fur tiie full term. Mr. Stewart McGiliivr»y, Dornoch, had occasiuQ tu oall at Mr. Alex Camp- bells, upifer town, on Saturday night ftnd (^rew hii burse and bugcy to the tide of tbu ruad'under the trees, and got yeuag Boy Campbell to hold it, whi'e he want into the house. Just then aloui; ._ came a reckleustd liver in a rubber tired "' buggy who must have been drunk or crszy and coIl)4ed nith the standiog '>uggy, breaking an ^le, injuring thn top and doini{ other damage, and h'id no^ e?en the grace to apologize but drove off top gpeed. The afreet was broad, no conejes^ion of traffic and were the oulprit knawQ he would b» liable to severe legal puuiahment. In niDtoring to Toronto Monday in Mr. W. E Clark'8 car', Mr. S. D. Crofr, G. T. R. agent, was injured in a mishap. Mt. Clarl^was driving and with him were Dr. Pickerinj?, I>r. U. B. .Taniieaon and Mr. Croft, also a man who was gettinc; " a life " for a short disunto. The Bteerini; jjear broke, and the car out of control, turned over in the ditch. The top being up saved all from death or serious injury. Fortunately Drs. Pick- â- rirtf »iid Jamieson .escaped with only '%li8ht Iwuides. Mr. Clark m ly have suflFered a broken vib or two, but Mr. Orofc had his left arm broken, three cord.s in foot cut, and <^itB a g isli above the ancle. I. After a long period of idiereas .iwiml' to the decay or breakdown of the old Hume, Mr. Juhn McGowau has had lo>' some weeks past, a force of men building a new and modern (me and befi>re the hammer ta over it will be in operation.- â€" Ileviaw. PORLAW Rev. Mr. Eagle preached bis farewell sermon lafet Sunday te a large congrega- tion. During his pastorate a good meas- ure of success kas attended bis eli'jrtH, and the congregation has made sjood progress, both spiritually and tinanciaily The g*od wishes of all go with hiiu -iiid Mrs. Eagle *o their new field at Uollaml Centre. Mies Shank, who has re.signed aud i.s leiiviug our school, was treated to a pleasant surprise on Saturday svening. when the people of tho section met in the school hou-i- and presented her with a camera and [- irsj" with boiuo of the usual tilling. The address wiis read by Miss Lizzio Tuoiupson and the present a - lion mads by Miss Violet Tsylor. Miss Shunk replied in appropriate woids. Rev. Mr. Eaole gave a short aJdresa and Mrs. Eagle treated ths cumnany ti' » number of well rendered readings. A dainty lunch was served audau enjoyable time spent. There art} many expressions of let^ret at Miss Shuok's departure but she loaves with the good wishes of eveiy- body. Miss Violet McNally is home from Toronto on a two weeks' holiday- Mr. Edward Watson of Toronto visiloil for some days at the paieiilal homo here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Dtividson and two children visited at T. R. McKenzie's. Mr. John Winters in preparing to build a new house. Mr.'Thomas Brpwu has been adding sumo imptovenieuts to iiis houso, Mr. and Mrs. Westlaks and four children are guests of Mrs Lewis Shear- down. Two new members were r<»ceived Mount Ziou cfiurch last Sunday. CEYLON Mrs. Wilson McMulIen has returned from visiting her daughleri in the city. Mr. J J. Patterson returned Monday ' night from visiting with Oiangeville friends. Mrs. White and son, ^Norman, of Manitoba, are visiting at Mrs. Arjhi- bald's. Mr. McKeen of Toronto spent the paat week at Mr. J. Ohiilett's. Mr. Chas. Melia and son, Artie, of Toronto, spent a couple of days last week with his parents here. Mr. Stanley White of Toronto is vifcit- ing his paretiM. '> M''a. Raney of Southampton spent the pâ„¢8t week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McPhail. Miss Georgina Mitchell of Toronto ia visiting her uncle, Mr. J. McLeod, Mr. Norman ftlcLsod of .ffiaeara spent the week end with his mother here. Mr. T. Chislett has returned from a two week's visii with his son at Listowel. Miss Lillian McPhail, teacher at Alton is holidaying at her home here. . Mrs. Wright of Owen Sound spent the week end at D. Stewart'*. What might have proved a very serious accident occurred on Wednesday last when doing road wi.rk. While Mr. H. Piper was unloading his wagon of pravel th« horses started and ran away. He was thrown to the ground and Ins right shoulder disloctitea and received several other severe bruises. Dr. Henry of Fleshorton and Dr. E. Henry of Mark- dale attended the injured man who is doi>ig as well as can be expected. Thj Woman's Institute are holding their iiii-etiiig ihit, week on Wednesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. George Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy and babe t-peat Saturday iu Oiangeville. Much sympathy is Bxprecsed for Mr. and Mrs. Juhii Siewar.; and family in the death of their liltle-son^Charlos, who passed away Monday morning after a week's suffering from diphtheria. Nurso Canipliel! of Owen Sound was in attend ai-.ca and all that loving ctire could bestow was given but Lo no avail. Tho body wtis laid to rest ill t'lesherton cemetery on Monday evening. Charlie was be- I'lved by all hi* school mates for his kind and chiterful di.^position and will be very much missed. Mr. and Mrs. Turrey of Lauriston spent S.kturday Vvih the latter's parents, Mr. and iJrs. H. Piper. Mias Pearl Whiitaker, who has been visiting friends hero for a week left -Mt Monday to visit friends at Caledon and other points befitre retutniug to her home in Pert Arthur. New Officer For CountyLJ The County Council of Grey has taken a progressive step in appointing a trained police utKoer whoso duty (hall be to visit all rural parts of the county, keep in touch witn local authorities, inform tho people what the laws are, and as fir as possible prevoiit crime, anforce the game laws, prevent the destruccioD of sung birds, enforce fordst 6ro legulatiot.s and laws anain.st automobile "pei^liug, iu- v8Ntiga(« complaints, lay inronnaiiun snd inakeairesis whca necessary. The new olHier, a Mr. Carson, has a splendid record. Ha reci-ives » salaiy of §l,iM)0 and travelling expenses. He will bii under tho control of tho Depart- ment of iho A Itviniey General, and any fanner or other person desiring his sor- vicea will only have lo call up tho Crown Attorney, who will instruct tho ottiier.â€" Globe Correspondence. at Victoria Corners r Card of Thanks Mrs. R. H. Henderson and fami'y desire to express their thanks for the kiudnots and sympathy shown them by ih^ir tnauy friends during the illness and death of their late husband and father at F^vurshim. VANDELEUR Mrs. Fred CuUis had a very succesaful sale recently. (.^uite a number attended the district annual meeting of the Women's Institute at Mill Creek. The W. I. held their .June meeliiii! at the home of Mrs. Davis. Mks Hazel C_nninghaiii of Toronio ga^e a short account of her work as a nurse in a foromo hospital. Lunch was served by Mrs. E. Brodie and Mrs. O. Williams. The Vandeleur Sunday schoid wil^ hold their annual picnic in Mr. William Buchanan's grove. Miss Pyni of Toronto n the guest o her friend, Mrs. Will Buukaiian. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hu'chinson a"d Mr. and Mrs. T. Fneiiiau were on a motor trip to London and other points. Frank Davis *nd sister, Florenie. also Miss Maud Plewes, cpenr the wetk end with fnend.s in Collins/wood. Mrs. Will BurrtU visited for a few diyswith her mother, Mrs. R. Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McOee, also Mr. and Mrs. F. li. Boland, inotnred to Caledon and spent a few days with friunds. The annual conveution of jirremesia Markdale and Flesherion Sunday school a-jsociation was held iu the Vandeleur Methodist church on Friday, June 18. The convention proved to ba one ot the best aver held iu this district. Delegates were present from the different schoole. B.»v.T. .-V, /lalpenny, General Su^;enn- tendeiit, was present tind gaye an eict-l- lenC address afleruuoii ind evening. Kov. Mr. Fowler of Flesherton gave an ddress. iu the evening. Solus were rendered by .Mrs. Blown of MaVkdiiC:?, ai.il llev . Mr. Eagle of Eugenia. The ne.\t convention will beheld rt E'»<ienia. Otticers elected â€"President, W. U. Bunt, Flesherton ; Ist Vice President, F. Chard ; Secretary and Treasurer, H. I. Graham : Depl. Supeiiuteudents, Mrs. White, llnv Mr. Fowler, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. F. J. Rickie, L. Sheardown, A. P. Stanley, .Mrs (Dr) Murray and 'Miss Boy. Supper was serve-.l by the ladies -jf Vandeleur church. Mr. J. I. Grahaui attended a meeting wf the 'Centre Grey Board of Agriculture at Mill Crcfek. Mr. and Mrs. Will Buchiuiin. and Miss Lilian, are titteuding a summer school in the Muskolt.i lakes region. .Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buchanan, Toronto, ^ro visiting with the former's lather, Mr. -Wm Buchanan. Frank Ready of St. .Marys spent a few days with Mrs. Davis and faiiiilT. Miss Ruby Colauimi of Toronto is visiting with Mr and Mb.-- Jos Buchanan and family. Mr and Mrs. L. JohnstOu spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Wm BurrcU of Sligo. , â- â€¢ Mr and Mrs W. L. Cullis and bahe, of Toronto, are holidaying with the fiirmer's paieiils. ,. Mrs. Joseph Buchanan has returned home afthr spending a few weeks with friends in Toronto and Lindsay. Miss .lean Wright is horte frowi To- ronto Normal for the holidays. Mrs. Robert Richardson of Flesherton is spending a few days Willi her mother. Mrs t'leo I'ritchird. DUNDALK Much sympathy is felt here. .fi;r Rev. Mr. .Andrews whose brother passed away on Thursday at Owen Sound. R. G. Hanbury w;is in -Aurora last week auditing the ^Treasurfr's hooks of tho Dominion Postmasiera Association. .I.E. Richards left last week to resile in Torsnio. Mrs. R and 'he ehildrtn will follow as soon as their house is ready for oocupntioii in theoity. Mr. Biehards still intends to tot^in his bufjiiiess connection in Dnndilk and vicinity for » while and will be hero frtfiiicntly. Herald . EUGENIA Euuania's big picuio on the25ih luroed out to be a great success. The day being an ideal one for picnicking people mot- ored from all parts of the county to enjoy the sights in and jtruund Euueuia, and incidentally tu take in the big day, The oonveiiieuces of the park are a ^reat drawing cird to those fond lif an outing. Uverytlung Wi-nt^tf dne. The foot races in the afternoon were enjoyed hy younu and old and the baseball, which was pulled ufl° about b o'clock, was one of the best jjames ever plsycd on the grounds here. The roaiTtesm and Kiiii- berlny boys are both teams of giud, clean ^porC?, and a closely cnntested game resulted in a score 10 to L3 in favor of the road team, who bore all their own expensuH and, like men, banded back the prize money, Sl'>, to the ctnuiiuttpo for the ijpod cause in which the picnic was given. The ccinmillee wish to thank the boys of both teams for the way t hey helped m makinu the day a success. All enjoyed the spenkiBg in the afternoon, and we iiope lo have Col. Cnrmichael and Dr. Leeson with u.s at the unveiling of our inonuineni, which will take place sometime iu the early fall. It was a great disappointment to all 111 it Iltju. Mr. Drury was unable lo be with us, but we hope :o heva him with us -ilso uii the above occasion. The picnic was cirried outspleoaidly The W. I. supplied tea at the kitchen,- dishes, etc., for . the convenience of visitors. The concert in the eveu:ug in the was ih» crowning success of the day; Mr. McVicar of London tilled the chair wi:h his Uiusl ability. Wb listened with great pleasure to the splendid address uf ils. Cooper of the Department of -Vgnculture, M-*rkdale, and our Co Wariien Morrison of Osprey. Talent from Shelburne, Markdale ami local talent pur up a program worili driving miles lo hear, sud was greatly eiij ^yed by all. Tho urocecds of the day ;im- outited to f UtilJ till. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Cecil iMeldruin and babe i> timed last week to iheir home in T^ronio attar sp.'udin« three weeks with her parents, Mr and Mis. \\ . T. Fedlar. Mr. Bill English and l^rs. Will Clark motored from Wilder, Idaho, am! me visiting with their many reiatives horp. The Rock Mills Ladios' Aid will buhl an ice creaiu social, ball game and a u-'-'ti programme at the home of Mr. An-x English on July i>th. Ball game c^.iied a» G.30 sharp. .AJmi.ssiou -i) and l.'ic. Mr. Lewis Pedlar is spending a few weeks at Preston taking treatment fir rheumatism. We hope he »iiil rii->.rii much iuip>roved. .VJrs. Robt. Phillips and -ion, .\lbfrt, andR. H. Hoy of Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. and Mis. R. Hoy. Mr. sind .Mrs. Ned Croft attended tiie eircns at Collingwood last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Monalian visitid with Mr. and Mrs. John Porleous*. Mr. Jas. Park visited over the w,->k eml with his family m Uwen Suuud. ' Mr. Jas. RoWts of Toronto is visiting | 8t Mr A. Stevens'. ' i Recent stalistica spublished in Ger- Mrs James Best has been very ill but ] "J""-'/;':';'**^ '••"'|"'''>'» *" '''â- 'â- ^'â- " •*'â- "« is improving. The June 27, lh»- !,.'!oO,(JOO rrion were killcl. There ,.., , . o. , ] aie tod ly 620,000 war wtdows, acooruing children 9 service on Sunday,' . ., , , ,;n nnn i. -, ,'• to »lu> statistics ; 1,1.10,000 wtir orphans, , was successfni. Grent credit I , ..^tn/vr. i â-  «- and oU0,000 oianned or consumptives »app<>riM moaily by charity. And the dovilith ai.ibiti.ol otone man was respon- sible for all this Sjgony tahis o*n peopu-. is due lo thsir trainer, Mis.s Laura NichoUs. • -Rev. Mr. Kaglp preached his farewell sermon on Sunday last. A gentlcmao in town took his lawn . mower lo Mr. .-Vndfew Gawley for ve- I pairs and he was confronted vith a ^ikti ' on the repair shop reiding a« follows : '. " till' work today on acfuuntof a broktm â-  arm. Will be all riiiht tonaorrow." The I man Uugheil at the idea i^f so quick a reei'^veiy but f'>und Mr. CiHwIey at work ! ue»t morning with hi* both hands aA tlA>ttgh no iiccident had happened. S» 1 much f^r the man with ^teel bonos in h's I- 11 -Meafor.l Etprcss. PAINT NOW Don't neglect your p^inliiiL; Timber and building cost bke fori\ now and its not going tu be cheap- er for ye.ii-<, so shvo your oulsido trim .ind inside floors, iloors and wood woik with a coat of Sherwin William."! Points. A paint o>- varnish i^ir eVery purpiise. Tho cllt-«p0st berause it covers mo*it, looks best, wnirs longest, tnf^t ecoiii iiiiua', aid full, mo'iauro. 1. its of Color cards for just iskinj: for them. Ch.irns, Washing MnchinAs, Slovo-i auil Ilaiii'es, Separators, Forks and Shovels, Picks, . Hoes, * Rakes, Lawn Mowers, Screen L>oors, Poultry Nettinc, <>i1. Turpentine. Gl »ss and Sh-lf Hardwiuo. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r i; Flesherton, Ontario FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCq. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and . Cumc ID and see our line lurge stock Elmbalmefi^ of .Jewelry, Watches. Clocks, etc'! pUfy^e Hlllcrest 268 and when you have wen them 3 uti.^"""^ nmcreSt ^OQ ^!^^.'!''^.^''\^^^^"'' 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. EfGWIPfVIENV printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and films. pairing a :»pecialty. A fall line n F'sotograpiiK; Including developing powders, IVIOTOR J, W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Taravrorths. W. A. AR.^STRONG Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Thone or writeâ€" GflOT W- KOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. ffj-stem MaxwellP. O. Flour, Feed and Seed FLOUR â€" Royal Household, Eclipse and Perfection. , • FEEDâ€" Oats, Wh-at, Buckwheat, Barley, Chop, Grofast anJ Rennies Calf Meals, Salt by barrel, or 50 and 100 lb. bags. SEEDS â€" Dwarf Esrex Rape, Flax, Corn, Buckwheat. Tares, Siberian and Hungarian" Miilett. Groceries ^ Cream tested vvhile you wait. Call and get a can. We have a full line of Groceries and Con- fectionery. Also Machine Oil, Coal Oil, Axle Grease, Lice Powder & Disinfectanf ' Special attention given to pboue orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario I • - ; Spring Announcement W. L- .WRIGHT wishes to announce to tl'.o public that he has just recurved a spring coiieignhicnt of .M^u's sind "Ladies' B.iots ana Shoes, Bubbers to tir any sliiipb- boot, Loiiit , liiibber Biots. Fleet Fo it WhitB W^re in nil styles for inci), ladies, misses, boys and youths. I'cabody's and Bull Doi; Overalls and Sm^^K Wdilj Shirts,. ' new l;ne of Men's ShirUs and Balbriiii^an^^TOeiwear, Ties, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarf.'" aud Gloves.' .\ iiesli stock of Groceries always on baud. AH. kinds of Canned Goods. ;,* . In tin- Millinery Department you will find Mrs. V^figh.t wUih- a c(>in|j'e"e atcck of Ladies' H.it-s Ribbims, Lvces and Vuibis. Call and inspce; ourliiiee. Satisfaction gtwranteed. llij{hest pricue pnio fur Butter and Ejifts^ n W. L. WRIGHT, H Corner Store, Flesherton fc"-) For Service I Oiii.' pure bred Shorthorn bull on Lot 'Jft rtii.i 33, C'oiJcession S. Arteine^B. â- I'lriui^-â€" ikup fiir uradcs if paid insido «)f I ',' '11 nthp - if not $'_'. Pure br^ds !*;? CO. I , ROBERT OSBORNE. I FLOYD H. BENTLEY Blast' r. Dynamite and Blasliiii; supplioe I for Wile, ll'ick and slump hliuttins;. ' CM Ph.ne 41 r U. Wri*..! I'. O BOx ' i:i. Flesherton, Ont. #- Tonsorial 'V- Parlors 'Wo Aim to Give Entire S>tkt)8{ltctioa L LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery, Fucwy ev ' CLEANING and DYEIMC- W,'----; Mgentsfot Partt'frr" 6 Dye Wurisâ€" C;- ; o- , cleiuifld Slid liyi'd. (e«tht>cR reju'/enatoil T FlStiHR - -^PROP^dlETOR > 1 ^1 ^.

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