Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1920, p. 1

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mmammm rssBsmmssms^ /ksh^rtun Vol 41, No. 5 Flestierton. Ont, July i^ 1920 EUGENIA ^ DURHAM The garden party on July lat under Durhana'a war trophy, a German trench the auspices of the Presbyterian church, ' mortar, arrived in town Tuesday and, we was a great success. Thw soft ball game understand will occupy a place of honor between Flesherton ladioa and Kuj<eiiia j on the armory grounds, was watched with interest by the crowd, ! the score bemtj 13 to !l in favor of the Flesherti/u ladies. The dizzy race, in whieli the men competed, brought, great applause, aliso ball match and oti.er gam^'b were enjoyed by all. The afternoon ended with a dainty tea served by the ladiea, when all went home; thinkinp. of the pleasant afieruoon and evening en- joyed together. The proceeds of the afternouD amounted tn ^82 32. Mr. Henry Wilcox from Ladner, B.C., is Tisitir.g his brotherinlaw, Mr. Alex. Carruther.'?, Kast Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Kagle left on Friday for their new charge at Holland Centre. Rev. Mr. liunible took charge on Sunday evening in the Methodist church and delivered k very able address. A hearty welcome is extended to Mr. Rumble. Service in the afternoon was well attended. Rev. Mr. Fowler io jjreatly encouraged by the inoraaaing numbers of the congregation. He speaks to the <..)rangemen on Sunday n.extat 11 a.m. Gerald Lirge left on Friday last to take a position iu Laamingtoii, and vis- ited friends in Woodbridge and Toronto on his way.. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer, accoinpanieil by Miss Etta, have returned from their visit in Toronto. Millie McVlullen and Miss Charteia paid the former's mother a short visit duriLg the past week. A number from here weot to the Owen Sound celebration, some not returning uutil the wee siiia' hours. Mrs. MuiXdu aud daughter, Patricia, have returned to their horns in Toronto. Wes'ey Gooey is sporting a big Mc Laughlin G, and Mr. Benaon a Ford. The poptls of the public school gath- ered at ihe home of Mr. Jamie.soD and biide farewell to their teacher. Miss Watson, and In the course of the evening presented her with a nicely worded ad'.lreas and a came:... I\Ir. Jim Wright la visiting hia fiiends, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parliament. Mr. Wright, who served overseas for thr^e years, has been eoufined to the hospii;»l for the past year, and althougb pretty badly used up, )• able to get thi.s far. We hope it won't be long until he is fit and well and able to enjoy life once more. Charley Park and Charley Williani.s left on TuescUy fur the golden West. We wish the boys everyauccess Mr. J. Parliament and daughter, accompanied by W'm;, Charles and John Bellamy of Flesherton, motored to Pais- ley to attend th'3 bedside of the former's mother. The Eugenia W. I. will hold their regular monthly meeting in the pavilion in the park ou Thursday at 2.30. AH are welcome. A goodly number met at the himn of Mrs. S. Turner on Tuesday evening last to bid farewell and to show in some small measure the appreoistioa of the work of their pastor. Rev. A. Eagle, and his wife, during their two years sojourn among us. The following address was read during the evening : To Rev. A. .1. Etgle tnd family ; Dear friends : â€" On the eve of y( ur departure to a new field of labor, wt, the meniberi and adherents of hiugeni* Metliedi't Church wish to convey to you our appreciation of your Mf-i and labors amoi\g us. During the two years you have been in charge of our eircnit you h'ive devoted your-telf wholo heartedly to the work of the church. Your kindly cheerful disposition has endeared you to the bear's of the people. Wo ask you to kindly accept this fruit dish and spoon, this Bible and also this mug for Master Glen as a slight token of our esteem and apprtciation of your work. We will j When out looking for his caiile early one morning Duncan McLean of Ben- tinck, near Aberdeen, saw a deer grazing with his cattle. While raising one of the plates at a barn raising on the farm of Mr. McCuaig near Mulock in Bentinck township, it in some manner got away frcm those en- gaged and fell among the workmen. Luckily no one was seriously injured, thouiih two [lien were unfortunat enough to get a glancing blow that laid them up for a few days A short time after, one of the rafter.s also fell, but did no dam- age. Shortness of hslp was the cause. The Department of Provincial High- ways of Ontario has opened an office here and the resident engineer, Mr. C. A, Robbius, is already on the ground and has opened up au ofhce in the Hunter building. Arrangements are also being made for s'orfng machinery in town when not in me. We understand the Provincial Highways will commence work at once, but chat do attempt; will be made this year to build new roads, the intention being to repair the roads not yet built, and get them in good shape and also to keep in repair the existing completed road.-«. The method employed in looking after the roads is known as the " patrol" system and works out in much the same way as the section gangs oo a railroad. Each uang has a stretch of roi.d to look after. The Provincial highways in this part of the province have been divided into three sections, the one running through Durham to be known a.s thu Guelph to Owen Sound divisioi., witli headnuarters in Durham, ar.il C. A. Robins resident engineer ; Arthur to Kincardine, with headquarters At Wiilkerton, C. A.. Downey resident engineer ; Cuoksville to Chatswonh. headijuartera at Orangeville, C. Bu«h rtsidci.t etgineer â€" Chranicle. KIMBERLEY Lots of strawberries and strawberry pickers. Quite a number fnmi here took in the Uilebratioii in Oweu Sjund and report a good lime. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Stuart and family left last week for Powassan, wheie they will lueet friend." and go campiug. Hansel Hammond accompanied them for a few hcbdays. Mi.sa Alma Camack returned to the city on Friday Mr. Wm. Hammond has uone to Kingston, where he intends to resume seme studies. Miss Eva Harris visited Owen Sound friends over the week end, motoring up with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond and family visited over Suud.<y with Price- ville friends. Miss Ethel Harrow, who is home from Virginia, accompanied them homo for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. James Stuart are vi.'^itiiig i'te North country at present. Miss Falkner, teacher, has returned home to Havelock for the holidays. Misses Viola Madill and Edith Harris have gone to Owen Souud. Victoria Corners A large number from here motored t* the Owen Sound celebration. Will Acheso'i's little girl, Itia, has been very ill but is improving. Missea .\da and Euiily .\ctiesou visited a few days with their grandparent?, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore. Our garden party was very successful. K.Uow you with our best wi.shes and '; Games and sporU in plenty, ideal even- prayers that a kindly Providence may ' ing, «ood tirogram. i prosper you in all your onward way and bless you both as you livo and work to bless the people. Si&ned on behalf of the congregation of Eugenia-Mr?. E, J. Parsons. Mrs. Thos. Feiiwick. Both Mr. as)d Mrs. Eagle were com- pletely taken by surprise, but both replied very tiltingly. after which Miss Parliament, Mis8 Park and Mrs. Large sang " God will take cara of you." The eVHning was spent iu a social way. Mr. and Mr». Ktt>!e left on Friday for their now charge. James Laidlaw made a business trip to near Omugeville last week. W« heard for the first tiaie our new minister, Mr. llumlall, on Sunday last. Poarl Scott is home from Orangerille busini's.s Bolle'4e, having been successful in her exams. Mr. James Best is much improved in health. Try us for your next job printing. CEYLON Miss Annie McMillan, who hiia been teaching at Fort William, arriv-id home friday. Mrs. Peter Muir, who has been visit- ing at Dundaa foT a fortnight, arrived home Thursday evenmg, ace imj/anied by her dau',;hter. May, who has been teaching school thert?. P^rnie McMullen is visiting his broth- ers in Toronto. Mr. atid Mis. J. J. Pattison are visiting the former's parents here for a week before 'aking up their residence in Toronto. Miss Georgina McLachlaii and lirotlier Ivan, spent the past week with Durham fr'.enda. Royden Gitson, wife iHid dauehter, Helen, spent the week end in Owen Sennd. Mrs. Wm. White holidayed with Toronto friends the past week. Miss Hazel McLeod spent a week witk her aunt in Markda.'e. Mrs. Banks spent the past week with Durham .friends. Misses Agnes ind Lillian McPhail are visiting their sister at Southampton. Miss Isthma, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith, returned Monday to her Home in Nerval. Misses Annie McMillan and May Muir left Monday to attend the Agricultuial College at Guelph. A large number from here attended the sports at Owen Sound on July 1. Thomas McArthur of the .Military Hospital, Toronto, is 8[.ending a week's holidays among friends. J' Kennedy spent the wtek end with Toronto friends. The C. P. R. haa men ou whitewash- ing the citlle pens, which improves their appearance. VANDELEUR Miss Lawrence of Kimberley is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Jack Taylor. Mr. Andrew Graham of Battleford, Sask., is vifriting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham and other friends. Rev. Mr. Colbourne of Toionto occu- pied the pulpit iu the church hare on Sunday last. Mrs. McMnnnus aad two children i f Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Boland. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. > Buchanan and Miss Hazel Cunningham motored to their home in Toronto afier spending a fort- night with friends here. A number from here took in the spotts in Owen Souud on Juiy 1st. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Buchanan, Mr. Wm. Buchanan, Miss Tillio Buchanan, Mr. and Mra. .loa. Buchanau and family and Mr. and Mrs, Will Hu'chirson motored to Oweo Sound jue day recent- ly to visit friends. I Miss Emily Culiss of MarkHale is spending a few days with Mrs. Gejrge Pntchaad. Married â€" t )ii Wednesday, .Iiaie 30th, Miss Maybelle HalberL of Harkaway lo Mr. Harry Baker of this place In Memoriam Murray â€" In loving memory of our dear sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Fred Murray, who pa.s.sed away at her late home m Toronto ouJuly3id I'.lia. â€" Mrs. J. E. Hansford, WiunipiS. PRICEVILLE Thi creps all look very promising in this district. Those whoatteuded iheU.F.O. picnic on June 2.5th reporf a very pleasant time spent at Eugenia. The majority of those wlio were able tn go to outside points to celebrate on the 1st seemed ta be attracted to Owen Sound. Others handled the hoe, fishing rod or picked strawberries. Some looked disappointed because a car could not be hired for love or money. Donald Tryon of Detroit and sister, Margaret, tea^-her near jWindsor, motor- ed over here Friday of last week to spend a faw days with their father, G W. Tryon. A number of fainilien, all near relatives consisting of Hincks, McQuaig^, Clarks, McLeod'a, McMillans and others, gather- ed from various points in thu three adjoining countie.", over 50 in iiumher, sit around the table in the Hydro Park at Euijenia to lunch on Dominum Day â€" an ideal day for such an ouiiiii:. no dust, not too much sunshine, ruggi-d scenery and wotiderful (engineering constructions to please i.he eye. Commissioner Burnett is grading and gravelling a portion of the tuwnline of -Artemesia and Glenelg. Service in the Methodist Church v.'as withdrawn on account of the Evan- gelistic services at Ihe Salem appoint- ment 7 miles out. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see otir tiue lar.ge stock ' Embalmers of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, t>i,^„„ U; Jl^...^^*- ^/CO and when you Lave seen them juu .^^^^^ HlllCreSt 268 w.Ilbe3ure to bity. Watch re- 124 AveHUC Road, pairing a specialty. A full linen Thotographie snpFlies, Toronto, Ont. Including developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT pri„tiu« f.-a,.es, dark lanterns, all j ^ ^ ^ Maddocks, sues ol UodacKs and nlm.s. / President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. itOSS, FLESHERTON, ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. Killed A Wildcat The Mildinay Gazette says : Council- lor John Juergensof the tenth con. had an exciting experience with a wihicat last Thursday evening. When he leiurned home that evjuing at 7.30 lie noticed a great conimolioii in his poultry house. The hens usually went to roost ii that time, but on this occasion they made their e.5cape from the building io the greatest excitemont. Judging that there wis something amiss, Mr. Juorcens entered the ht-n house, and after i.aieful search thouijht he detected an i-oimal in a little addition of the buildo ; into which he had thrown some box^ s and pails. He set the dog on the iiuiuJer, hut the dog came back in a hurry and didn't seem disposed to tackle the s'riii- ger. Mr. .1 uergens then secured his repeating rifle, and closing all the ^,tablu doors so as to proven} the aniroal's escape, he determined to pu^. a certain end to it. In the daik he tired one *liot and the animal made a great bound out of Its hiding pla':9 right over the partition into the pig pen. Mr. Juergens thi'ii had an opportunity of sizing up his visitoi, and when he discovered that la- was iu company wih a aenuine, â- ;iown up wildcat, ho began to realize his serious position. He tin-d again and kept on shooting, taking careful aim until the si'ven chambers of the rifle were enr-'y. He then attacked the cat with a cbib iid tinally .succeeded in killing if. The m.i- mal wi-ighed between ;!?> and .">() pounds, was strongly built and was very savage .ookiug. Flour, feed and Seed FLOUR â€" Royal Household, Eclipse and F.?rfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Wl-ea'r, Buckwheat, Barley, Chop, Grofast an i Rennies Calf Meals, Salt by barrel, or 50 and 100 lb. bags. SEEDS â€" Dvv-arf Es-ex Rape, Flax, Corn, Buckwheat, Tares, Siberian and Hungarian Millett. Groceries Cream tested while you wait. Call and get a can. We have a full line of Groceries and Con- fectionery. Also Machine Oil, Coal Oil, Axle Grease, Lice Powder & Disinfectant Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Steel Works Scrap The latest information it that the Collingwood steel works that have bad such an unfortunate career are now tj bo scrapped and " linis " written on ih > industry so fir as Collingwood ia con- cerned. Ill l!)lt; tho Works were trans, forred by Baird of Buffalo, who had purchased them under a mortgage, ti: 'he Keiiuedyo of Owen Sound. These latter operated as oug as the war lasted and then closed down, tinally selling lo a man named Shaw of Torono as a scrap proposition. Tho Kennedys were given j a nominal tax rate bv the town ;ind biok i I ' J taxes to the extent of several lhou«and ] I dollars wiitten off, tut when the final j 1 sale was made the corporation was not | I 01 nsulted. Under the terms* of the I I agreemeut with the corporation at origi^ ' 1 nally made, the plant cannot be removed i and steps may be tik.n to enforce the aijk'eement and also to collect the hack '• tDx^s from the Kenned? Hrin. PAINT NOW Don't neglect your paiiitin.'. Timber and building cost bko forty now and its not gcing to he chca|i- er for years, so save your outS"i.! trim and iti.side tlo<ir.'<, doors sml wood work with a coat of BherwiPi Williani.s I'liintii. A paint o' varnish for every purpose. Tb- cheapest because it covers mo-t. looks best, wears longest, ll)o^t ecom.miciii, aid full ineagure. L'lls of color cari's for jint a.'ikin:. for I hem. Oh.irn.'s, VVsthing Machines. Stove* and Rain/fs, Separators, Forks and Shovels, Picks, Hoes, Rakes, Lown .Mowers, Screen Doors, Poultry NeUing, Oil. Turpentine, Glass and Shelf Hardware. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario Spring Announcement | \V. T,. WRIGHT wishes lo announce to the public that ho has just received a spring consignment of .Miii's and Ladies' Boots ana Shoes, Rubbers (o tit, any shape boot. Long Rubber B. ots. Fleet Fo it White Ware in all styles for men, ladies, misaes, bojs and youths. HeaOody's and Bull Dog Overalls and Smocks, Work Shirt.«, new line of Men's Shirts and Balbriggan Underwear, Ties, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. A freth stock of Groceries always on hand. All kinds of Canned Goods. In the Millinery Department you will find Mrs. Wright with a conip'e'e stc ck of Ladies' Hat':, Ribbons, Laces and Veils, Call and HHSpec" our lines. Satisfaction guaranteed. ,;Highe9t;'^ices paid for Butter and Eggs. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton L\jy>."\" '• ^" ,• â-  <•'â- Â»â€"« â€" â-  -» » â- â-  w ; ' , m '» â€" w ' » â-  â- -» â€" m • â-  ,!â- . mlf IE»y-i >: ^ ^ 'j^ ^ ^.ii:.^^^ â- ^:^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,^ ^ ^ ^••^Jj^j For Service One pure bred Shorthorn bull on Lot 28 and 29, Concession S. .Arlempsia. Terms â€" Sl.."iO for urades if paid inside of !> m;nth8-if not $2. Pure breds 9^', CO. 1 oct â€"ROBERT OSBORNE. FLOYD H. BENTLEY BiiwI'T. Dynamite and Blasting supplies for sale. Rock and stump blasting. Call Piione 41 r 14. Write P. O Box 43. Flesherton, Ont. F'leshsLertiOi:^ #- Tonsorial "^ Parlors We Aim to Give Kutire Satisfaction : LAUNDRYâ€" B.i»ket closes Monday night, delivery Fiioay ev I CLi:.\NlNt.? and DYEINGâ€" We are jigeats for Parker's Dyo Worksâ€" Clotlies i cleaned and dyed, foatht^rs rejuvenated T FISHER. -PROPRIETOR t

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