Ik^httton Vol 41, No. 7 Fleslierton. Ont., July 2 J 1920 PRICEVILLE Too Late Last Week The Presbyteriai. garden party on Tuesday eTening of last week was quite a success, althoUKh the (iamp weather of the eaily evening was not what waa desired. The procntds amounted to 9133 and perhaps would have bean doubled \f the evening had been nice and fair. W. G. Watson and sisters, Martha and Louisa, also Mrs. T. A. Ferguson, spent the 2nd of July visiting friends Lear Creeaiors. Mr. Gaorge McKeehnie, salesman in the big glove factory located iu Glovers- ville, N. Y., in company with his wife, and family, spent pate of his holidays Tiaiting relatives in Toronto, Oreemnre, Piicoville and other points in Oatario, returning home the beginning of last week. Colin Tryon and his sister, Dr. M. Tryon, of Detroit, motored over last week and spent the week end with their fattier, George \V. Tryon. They atcended service in the Methodise church Sunday mornmy bul^ found it necessary to returu home iu the alternooa. Rev. Mr. McEwing of Durham Baptibt church exchanged pulpits with Rev. K. McCarten of Priceville Methodist circuit. Mr. McKwing gave a very earnest; ^ud much appreciated address in the Metho- dist church Sunday morning. The people here received a shock when it was reported that Mr. Duncan Muir of Ceylon hud suddenly expired and the people here extend iheir sympathy to the widow and othjr relatives. Miia Jannie James, wlio is an in^slid and not often able to be taken from home, was in church last Sunday. Miss Jiiinos has lelfph'Uie couiu.utiicatioii with the Mechodtat church, but it waN such a lovely Sabbath moruing that her siscer, assisted by some of the neiL'hbors, put her in her chair and *lieeled her up to the church, ilveryone present seemed delighted to see her at the service, and ;it ttie Close of the service the whole congregation seemed unable to resist the temptation of taking the cheerful youns: lady by the hand and having a woid or two. Wo hope it did not fatigue her too much. This Week's Items The grai.-i crops look very promising and the meadows are fair to good. A bad accident occurred on Thursday of last week. While ths bunders were up placing a very large wiudow frnme in position in the second storey ihe scatlold gave way, and the owner of the builJiug, Mr. H. B. Mcljeau, aud Ibe contractor, Mr. Win Large, of Eugenia, were thrown to the ground. Several persons hearing the crash hurried to ih-i scene and found both men uiu'er the wrxokage. The rescuers thouglu at lirsC that Large w^s lifeless but Dr. McFarlaiie soon revived him to a semiconscious condition and ho Was carried to the doctor's residence a few rods away. McLean was carried on a stretcher to his home near by. and the Dr. found that he waa badly iujured about shoulder blade, ribs and wrist and was suSerirg severely. The villagers feel sad ove<° the accident, but expect b-iih men to be restored after a short seaaou of care and good treatment to a normal condition again. Thomas Nichol has been repairini; the county road through here, with employ- ment of several men and teams. Kev. R. J. M.;C3rten will cake a few weeks holiday, beginning this week, and Rev. H. Berry, a former pastor, will take cha.ige of the work during his absence. Louis Frook has purchased the bnck house aud lot on Kinross street west of the Methodist church from John l!. Beeton. Mr. aud Mrs. McAllister of Colling- wcod have been visitiii:; with her daugii- tor. Mis. Thomas Nicol, aud family. CEYLON Miss Anna White is spending a week with Toronto friend(>. MifsGeorgina McLaughlan, who has been visitint' with Durham friends, ha» returned home. Mrs. Mitchell of Toronto is Tiaiticg her brothers, D. and John McLeod Mr. and Mrs. Proud and son, of Hamilton, and Mr aud Mrs. H. Piper, motored up and visited with friend.s at LauristoQ. Miss Gladys Cushnie of Toronto is visitin"^ her auiit, Mias M. Cook. Miss Parka of Owen Sound visited Mrs. Bolton a couple of days last week. Mrs. Andrew Bentham of West To- ronto visited Mrs. John Gilchnsc the past week. Mi.sses Annie and Lottie Vii\t of Toronto are visiting their brother here. â- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chislelt of Toronto are spending a fortnight with the form- er's father, J. Chislett. Mrs. .1 . J. Pattisru left Monday to visit her parents at Meaford. Toronto Line North Mr. acd Mrs. El. Stevenson and two sons, Walter and Edgnr, of AUandale, have returned home after visiting Mrs. Stevenson's cousin, Mr. B . Mathewsou. Miss Annie Uichar'l.son of Toronto is visiting her brother, Mr B. Richardson. Mr. Ro<'. McKenzie lost a valuable horse one day last week Mr. .\krou Cont of Torcjnto visited Mr. Tho.s. Sled recently. Mr .Ii.nit-s C arU is visiting bis sister, Mr-i. Th. s. Lever, for .a tew days. Miss Nellie Botand is t'ne guest of her friend. Muss Stella AIcox. Miss Vera Lever i.s holiaayinsi with her cousin. Miss Irene Patrick, at Kitchener. Mr. Will. Sloan viiited at Mr. E. Wickeus'. Mrs. Ah. Stewart visited her parents at Fevershaiii. Mrs. .1. X. Lever and Mis.'» Alma, drove over to Meafoad where they spent a week with friends. Miss A^gle Irwin entertained a num- ber of her friends on Tuesday last at a birthday party. Mrs. Win. Stewart has returned after speudini; a few days with her uiece.Mrs. (Dr.) Roazell, at Caledonia. 5>he was accompanied home by Mrs. Roszell. A tflooni wis ca-it over this neighbor- hood on Monday when ihe news came of the sudden death «f Mr. Wui. Davis. Mrs. Davis and family hive the sincere sympathy of their many friends in their sorrow. VANDELEUR In Menioriam Crew -I'l ever-loving memory uf Isaac, beloved husband of Isabella Jrew, who ;;assed away peacefully on July 6'\^, 19i;i. Also Cliver, son of Isabella and the late Isaac Crew, aged 18, accidentally killed on Woodbine avenne, Toronto, July Sth. Ulll). We mourn the loss of those so dear, (lur boaits .»re .sad today To think the ones we loved so well Were nuiekly calleil awliy, 'Tis swoet to knew we'll meet attain Where pariin.; is no more, Aud that the ones so dear to us Have only gone before. Fold thiin, oh Father, in thine .^rms, .And let them henceforth be A niesKoiiijer of love between t)ur hutiian hearts and Thee. - VVife and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith of Meaford vi.sited with Mr. ond Mrs. Sam Gilbert recently. Mias Dell Thurston of Flesherton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson and .Tlr. Lowe of Brampton and Mr. Fox of Toronto were the auests of Mr. and Mrs. .\lf Dunlop for a few days. Mr, .\ndrew Graham left on Monday for bis home in Sask. after spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Baker spent a few days with friends in Orangevillo. yuita a number from from here spent the 1-th at Eugenia. Mr. Edwin Cullis has treated himself to a new Chevrolet car. Darlington Citizen Dead PORLAW Haying is going slowly on account of the lack of sunshine. Mr. John Brown and Mrs. Sanderson of Flesherton visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. t'. H. Thompson. We are sorry to report that Mr. Lewis Sheardown i.s in a poor state ef health and receiving medical treatment. Mr. Elbert Corntield was home from Toronto for a few days recently. Mrs. Win. Taylor, son and daughter, " Briscoed " to Toronto aud visited with relatives. Miss lliidys White of Toronto is holidaying for two weeks at her parental home. Mr. Sam Siioardown, w!i i wrot to Alberta a few w.»eks aao ou accuunr of ill health, reports very dry weather and light crops in that part of the West. Mis. J. W. bates and Mrs. Walter Tiylor aud three sous ot Toronto visited wuh the f jriner's ini<ther, 51 rs T.iylor. Sr. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker reiurned on Thursday to their home in Mitchell, after spending a fortnight with relatives heie. Miss Lilian Park of (>wen Sound is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Dick Clark. Mrs. Robt. Phillips and son returned to their home in T irjnto after spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. R. Hoy. Herb Betts gave a birthday party to a few of his friends ou Saturday evening when a most enjoyable time was spent ill music aud games. ^Irs. Luwis I'edlar returned home after a week's visit with friends in l.Kven Sound . Mrs. Will Clark is visiting this we;'li wall relatives in Toronto. The Dnrliam Furniture Co. completed their sawing here on Tuesday .and will begin at ouce at their mill at Ceylon. Low. Newell of Durham spent a few diyn the past week with his broiher. The ravages of the grim reaper habit- ually bring sorrow to bereaved homes but the loss of the brilliant and able in the prime uf life plunges a community into grief. Such a distinct loss ocrurred when Mr. J. .\. McFadden succumbed to heart failurs at his home, lot tl8, cod. H, Darlington, on Sunday, July Hth. Jamas .\!hert McFadden was born in Dulferin county M yeiirs ago, tHe second son of Richard McFadden of Mono Centre and tormerly of Markdale. In Jauuary, VMS, he married Miss .1 Elizabeth Waller, dauuhier of Robert Waller, of Flesherton. A family of live children, the eldest ten years old. sur- vive : Misses Florence, Cora and Daisy ; aud Masters George and James. There were few young men belter and more f-ivorably known than the late Mr. Mc- Fadden. After urriduasing from the British Amsrloan Business Collage at Toronto, he purchased the general store at Mono Ceiitr*. In a few years his name was a household word ihiough a large "ection of Dufferiii county. Havitit> unusually high ideals of service i<> the cummunity in bu.siuess life he applied those principles so effectively tlia„ ke built up a large business. His honest and manifest ability made him moat popular with everyone he me:. His services were by no means cunriued ti> his business interest for there were few men more versatile and every commenu able activity received his active support . .â- V .-^reward of the Methodist church. ;i Bible '"lass leader, an euthuslasc for every phase of manly athletic activity ; active in educational atf.>irs, in literary and dramatic circles he waa known as a, most able debater, delighting f win when supporting the apparently wenker araunient ; the friend anu sane counsellor of the distressed. As a crallsnian be was a Master Mason of Harris Lodge, No. 216, A. F. i A. M., Orangeville ; as an OiaUijeiiian he was a Past M ister ofL (). L. 108;!, Relessey, and a Pasr District Master, .\bout a year ano he aftiliatod with L O. L. Ul, Enniskillen. He was also an United Wo.kman. .\bout! a year ago he purchased the John < Umls- too farm in Darlington, near ' '.aws. and iu his short resideute there ncime a general favoiito exhibiting the same excellent manly '(ualities which he had di.>^played in Duffarin. Sirenu.'us .iclivity induced cardiac neurosis last autumn. .^ severe aitack of the " tiu " accent stated the trouble but Jlr. McFadueu's iuooni - liable will kept him active to the '.aM. X week previously he motored in Orauireviile and then on to Fleshetion aud Markdale. The funeral service was conducted at his late residence by Rev. G. T. Mc- Ken/.ie, Enuiskillon. The funeral corc- uiie made its way to Hamp'.on cemetery, where the (bange Order gave their last rites to the body of their departed brother, who was laid by the side of his infant son, Leonard, who died last November. The tloral U'keiis of renieinhrance were very iiiimeroiis and many friends were present from Dufferin and Grey County, including Messrs. Robert and Geoi^e Waller, Flesherton and Hamilton and R. W. E. McFadden, Markdale. FINE JEWELERv'BatesBurialCo. IM| j BI'SIKESS AS L'SUAL 'Funeral Directors and Come in and 9ee our fine l&tfie stock Embalmers of Jewelry, Watches. Ciock.s, etc. DU^^^ U:il^-^^* "^HQ and when yott have seea them jun P^OHG HlllCfeSt 268 willbe^ure to buy. Watch re- 124 AveOUe Road, pairing a specialty. A full linen Fliotographic soppliesi Toronto, Ont. Including developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lancernH, all . «jr o . d h* jj i 1;. „ ri J I .J ci J- W- Dates, R Maddocks, sizes of kodacks and films. President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes W. A. ARMSTRONG • Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, FLESHERTON, â- QNT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P.O. Faim For Sale 150 acies, lots 17, 18 and 19, 2nd Icon. S. D. R . Artemeiia, over UK) acres cleared, Ibalance timbered. Tw') never failing wells, new brick house, larce bank barn with stables uuderne>tth, uew driviui; shed. This farm is iieaily all needed down and will be sold with a smull piyment down. •'Vpp'y on the premises to VVm. P.ATOX I'hone K R 3, Priceville 1 Jly tf .\ lind of amber is announced from I The I'as. Manitoba. With a sunny sack ' full of pure amhor. Jack Murray, former ' editor of the Oana<lian Minini; .Journal, I . his returned from Cedar Lake. 80 miles northwest of The I'as, where hd reports I a plentiful supply of amber is scattered i aliout the sand and the muck on lh<i I honiers of the l.>ke. Ho states that a I canoe could lie filled with it in less than I an hour. The presence of amber at that j place has been known for several years, i and until Mumy examined it for New I York and Toronto intoreots, its value I w.as unkuiturn. Col. J I>. Miller of the Parry Si-iind Lumber Co. and .Major I'rain o£ Toronto have gone to the amber field. PROTON Mrs. Monroe of Owen Sound aim Mrs. McKoo of Duiidalk visited at Mr. Hui;h Copelsnd's. Misi Haz'l McLellan of Torontii is holid.iyiiisj with her sjriiudmother, Mrs. Hodiiius. Mrs. J. Bates is the ijiiest of bar brother, Mr. liobi. Hates. Mr. Peter Pickett and little son of Bolton vi>ited .at 'he home of Mr. Wm. Park?. Little Bobbie C.'pelanJ, who has been ill for sometime with pneunninia, under- went an operation. Drs. Manin and Guy were in attendance. Dr. Groves of FerguR performed an operst.ion for appendicitis on Mr. .lack N'eilsrn last week. Wo are pleased to know that ho is i{i.ttiii,( alon^ as well as cm be expected. For Service One pure bred Shorthorn bull on Lot 'is and "iil. Concession S, .Arteinesia. Termsâ€" ?1..")0 for crudes if paid inside of 9 ni:nths-if not $:;. I'liro breds S« CO. ' 1 oct â€"ROBERT OSBORNE. PAINT NOW Don't neglect your paintiii;;. Timber and buildiusj cost bke forty now and its not goinif to be cheap- er for years, so save your outside trim and inside Hoors, doors and wo id woik with H Coat of Sherwm Williams Paints. .\ paint o'- varnish for every purpose. Th'' cheape.-t bveausr^ it covers nio<I. looks best, wears lonue.-it, nni.vi. economical, ai.d full measure. L'ts of color cards for just asking lor thoiii. Ch jrns. Washing Machines, Stoves and Rauiies, Separators, Forks and Shovels. Picks. Hoes, Kake», T,ow» Mowers. Screen Doors, Poultry Nellini!, <.bl. Turpentine. Glass nud Shelf Hardware. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario Flour, Feed a.nd Seed FLOUR â€" Royal Household, Eclipse and Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Wheat, Buckwheat, Barley, Chop, Grofast an! Rennies Calf Meals, Salt by barrel, or 50 andJOO lb._bags._ SEEDS â€" Dwarf Es^ex Rape. Flax, Corn, Buckwheat, Tares, Siberian and Hungarian Millett. Groceries Cream tested while you wait. Call and get a can. We have a full line of Groceries and Con- fectionery. .Also Machine Oil. Coal Oil, Axle Grease, Lice Powder & Disinfectant Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Spring Announcement W. L VVRIGUT wishes !<.! announce to the public that he has just received a spriiii; consij;niuent if Man's and Ladiet*" Boots and Shoes, Rubbers to tit any shape boot, Lont; Rubber Boote, Fleet Foit White W:ire in all stylos for men, ladies, misses, boys and youths. Peabody's and Bull Doj: Civerslls »nd Smocks, Work Shirts, new line of Men's Shirts and Balbriitgan rnderwear, Ties, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarf.s and Gloves. .\ freth stock of Groceries always on hand. All kinds of Canned Goo.-ls. In the Millinery Departmml you will lind Mrs. VVri|,'lit with a complo-e sttck of Ladies Hats Ribbons, Laces and Veils, Call aud inspect our lines. Satisfaction guarautoed. Highest prices paio for Butter and Eggs. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton ^./:^' v' ^' ^' :':L'::r ^u^'^l ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ i^^^^ '^ ^yg?jtf^as!^ School Reports Fles]:aer*ton ^^ Tonsorial Result of the Promotion ExamiDatious m, _ ,.f S. S. No. 8, .Vrtcmesia. 1^ P SrlOrS Sr3toJr4â€" U Blackhnrn, M Mc-,VVe .\iin to Oivo Entire Satisfaction ^;ulloD. L McMulIen. W White. H L.\U>DRY â€" B-asket closes Monday .\kins, L Sharp. Hcconimoiided~H ,,ijT},t,'deavery Fiioay ev .\i;.-o. I Sr â- .: to Ir 3 I Brown, h' .Mien, J CLE.\NING aud DYEING- We are .Ml. 11, M H(t:irth, E Blackburn, .\bsent 'seut'' f"r Parker's l>>c Works-Clothes -E Moore. â- cleaned :iiid dyeil. feAtIu>r< teju'eiiated Miss M. F. Kee, Teacher. T FISHER • -PROPRIETOB