gk&\\ttim Vol 41, Ko. 11 Flesliertoii, Ont., August lO 1920 i â- '\. ' ROCK MILLS Deld Over List Week. Mrs. Deitz of Ohio is visiting with h^r parents, Mr and Mra Tucker Phillips. Mr and Mrs C. Newell visited over Sunday wilh his parents at J>urhaui. Mr and Mrs A. Courtis and son, Rosh, aad Mrs McDonald, of Toronto, «re holidaying with Mr and Mrs John Hsrgrave. Mr and Mrs J. Holley of Vandeleur spent)* day the past week with the former's aister, Mrs Sam Crofc. Messrs Sam Croft, W. Newell, Eddie White, Ch»s Howard and Bob and Ned Croft, attended the races at Collingwood S&ttirday. Mr and Mrs Hay Phillips of Toronto are holidaying at K. Clark's. Meisra. John and Lew Newell rf Durham spent a couple of days the past week with thsir brother here. We are sorry to report Levi Belts on the stck list but hope for a speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs Cecil Munai^han of Fever- sham visited with the latter's farenls. We are pleased to learn thao Mr Walter Russell is improving. Mr Richard Hoy left Tuesday for the WebC. Artemesia Council Council met at the town hall on Aug. 3. Present -The Reeve and Messrs. Cameron, Burnett and Batcheler. The minutes of la.sb i»eetint; were rtad aad signttd. Bylaw 17, appointintr A. D. McLeod, S. Gilbert, W. J. Blackburn and W. T. Pedlar collectors, was (Missid. Bylaw 11), to levy rates tor 1!)!.'0, was read a fiist and aecoud time and laid over. The report of the Reeve and Mr. Burnett re Pritchard bridge, sou'li line, was presentod, showiug expenditure cf $277.78, and the comiuilteo was paid as follows : The Reeve two days. |8 ; Mr Burnett four days, SllJ. The comniiliea appointed to meet railway othoials a-t the Durham Road crossini; werf ordered paid J4 each â€" the Raove and Messrs Batch- eler and Burnett â€" and Mr. Batcheler was paid §4 for one day overseeing work lu Division .'!. Sheep claims as fcdlows ware ordered paid : C. Lyons $2+ .'jO, Herb Nichulla 812, John Porteoua §10. Accounts as follows were ordered p»id : W. Henry, ridge board for hall, §3.72 ; Municipal World, collectors' rolls, etr., $1-4 : Saw- yer Masaey, repA\rs fo» grader, §2 Oli ; W. H, Thurston, printing and advertis- ing voters' list, $96.80 ; C. W Bellamy sh.ugliughall, §40 32; A. Hergot, re- pairs and repairing grader, $20.10 ; travel account for overseers, F Taylor $12.50, ,loa 01iv> r $2.80, II Pattei«oii $7.20, B Taylor li»2. 20 V Cairns SIS CO, SHilUo.lO, W MoUutcheou $2 70, J Williamson $8.30; T Atkinson !gO 50, J Foster §10,40, J Carson $0 80, R. Vause $4 40, J Irwin |tl, L Fisher 57.40. Cameron â€" Batcheler â€" That a grant of $50 be made and expended in gravelling at lot 32, ion 12 â€" Carried. Burnettâ€" Batcheler - That $'.0 bo granted and expended in gravelling oM Durham Road at lots 24 and 25 â€" Carried Burnettâ€" Batchelerâ€" That this Council do now adjourn to meet on the 4th day of September an one o'l-lock in the after- noenâ€" Carried. DURHAM MiK. v.. I). McClocklin, Sr., and Mrs E. T. McClockliu, received a telegram yesterday announcing the death at Byron, Mioiiigan, of their broCher, Mr. Din,ild I). McFaydon, in his 8rjth year. DeceaKed was a rssident of this locality about 40 years ago. He le;ivt'S a widow, but nu family, Mias Rita Irwin has joined the TuroHto Ladies' (Quartette, and has entered a contract tor five ni»nths' engagement, or ' longer if uucessary, to make a concert tour of the VVestern Provinces. The ladies are under a n)auageuK>nt ' â„¢nd llio firbt meeting of the .â- lutson w^ll he held in Manitoba on the 25lh of Sepleiubor, with all nights liiled from that until on in February. They will giya eiitertaiii- monta in the cities, towns and important villages in Maijitoba, Saskatchewan and Al^>^â- ^ta, where they are already booked, aiKl perhaps in Btitieh Columbia. The seasoh may bo e.\tendea to eight months. â- â€" Chronicle. EUGENIA Berry picking is the order of the day, E. Morgan of Toronto spent the week end with friends here. Mrs Moruan and daughter, Patty, who have been visiting here, returned wilh him. Mrs Maunders of Toronto visited with Mra John Campbell last week. Master Harold Tuohy and sister, Aileen, visited fiiend.s in Markdalo. Annie Hockley, who has been visiting with friends, returned with them. Iva Wickens gave a birthday party to her little girl friends one day last week. Some new improvements have been added to the Methodist church. A number from here took in the con- cert at Maxwell last week and report a good program . Mr. Hollinger of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with his cousins, Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Miss Georgiiia Smith has returned to Toronto. Her mother accompanied her for a few days' visit, Mr. and Mrs, E, Purvis are spending a few days in Toror.to, Well, Graham, wife and daughter, visited the former's brother at Clarks- burg last week. We are sorry to report Mrs, George Graham ill. She has gone to Toronto hospital for treatment. We are pleased to see Mrs. Munsnaw able to be out again. She has been taking eleciric treatment and believes it to havt helped her. We hope it will prove thoroughly efl'uctive, as Mrs, Miau- shaw has baen a locg time sutfertr, Mrs. Fred Jamieson has been nursing a Wounded hand the past two weeks, h.ivini: h.^d ir badly cut with a knife, necessitaliiig a couple of stitches. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Will Campbell on tha arrival of a baby boy.. VANDELEUR PROTON Mr Walter Wyvill left last vveak to .â- ^pand a few ninnths with his sister, Mrs Whitney, at Saskatoon, Miss McLaughlin of Ceylon visited her cousin, Mr, Bates, Mrs, Smith and Mr. Pettit of Port Hope are the guests of Mrs Hngh Cope land. Mr and Mr.s Peter Hergott and family of Waterloo visited with the former's brother, Alex. Mr Walter Corbett, with his son, Clifford, is holidaying wilh his parents hare. Miss Edith Consley was the gueat cf her friend. Miss Florence White. Mr and Mrs (gibbons of Meaford visited at the humo of Mr Wauchob. Litlle Miss Winnifred Talbot spent list week with her aunt, Mrs Robert Acheson. On Wednesday, August 12, at Nsw Ooiitennial Church, Toronto, Miss Lilian Wyvill and Mr Arthur Delacore were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. .\fler a pleasant 'rip lo Niagara „nd Buffalo the happy young couple visited the former's patents here, where cliey enjoyed a reception given lu their hopor (jn Friday evening. Miss Mary and Mr Walter Wyvill attended their sister's wedding in Toroii- to. Mra Hopkins of Durham is visiting with Mrs Wauchob. Wa advise all young men who drive lliu.se frisky Ford.s to slip a halter into the tool box if they intend stuyiiig tn indetinil« length of time and do not wish to walk homo. In Memoriam Sullen â€" lu ever loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mrs, Johnalon CulloH, who passed away peacefully on Augus' 14, 1919. We who loved yon gadly miss ycm Aa il dawns another year ; In (he lonely houm of thinking Thoughts 9f you are tver near. Friends m^y think we have forgot y«u, J When at liines they see na smile, But 'hey little kriow thu sorrnw V^'hich that smile hides all tlio takile. â€" Sadly misaed by hor husband and family. This is the forty second year of the Canadian Naticual Exhibilion, It came into existen'ee in 1879, and has been run Continuously over since. I Mr, LiwroHCB of Collingwood visited with Mr and Mra Ed Baker recently, Mrs Fadden of Markdale spent a few days with Mrs Davis and family. Miss Baker of Toronto is visiting wilh her friend, Miss Nellie Boland. Mr and Mrs Thorns and Ruth of Dum- barton spent the week end wilh Mr and Mrs Robt Graham. Mrs Winthorpe and daughter. Hazel also ftliss Marie Buchanan of Tunmlo, visited with Mr and Mrs ,)os Buchanan and family one day recently. Mr and Mrs Porter Beard and family of Springhil. visited wilh Mr and Mrs J I Graham and other friends. Mr Woods of Corbetton occupied the pulpit in the church hero oh Sunday aftarnoon in the absence of tha pastor. Rev Mr Belfry, Misis Nettie Abercrombie of Kimberley IS spending a week with her cousin, Mra Dave Graham. Mr Warren of Gan-anoiiua is visiting with Mr and Mis Summers and family. Mr VA'iU Buchanan occupied the pulpit in the Ebenezer church last Sunday. Miss Lizzie Shannon is spending a few days with her sister at Corbetton. Mr and Mrs J I Graham and Russell, and Mra S Walker and Miss Walker of Euphra.sia motored up and spent a day with Mr and Mrs Will Walker of Temple Hill. Miss Dorothy Halbert of Harkaway visited with her .sister,, Mrs H V Baker recently. Miss Anns Porter, one of the most hiijhly respected old ladies in thi.s com- munity p.-iused awiy on Widiie.sday morning at the homo of hor nephew, Mr Geo Sha.-iiion, where she has lived for the past forty years. The deceased w.-ia eighty six years of .-itre and was born at Sligo, Iridaud, in 1834. When a young girl she came to Canada and settled in Toronto where she lived until she came to this vicinity. She was a life long member <if the Methodise church and was much beloved by all wlio know htr. The funeral,, very largely attended, tojk place on Friday afrornoon to the Irwin cemetery, service being conducted at the house and grave by Rev. J Uudgson of Tottenhaia, The Women's Institute will hold their .August meeting at the home of Mrs F R boland. on Thursday, .\ugust 20th. The Flesherton Branch are expected to be preseut. MAXWELL Once again we hear the hum of the threshing machine A number fi-jiu the village attended ihi! races in Duudalk on Thursday. A number also attended the garden party at Siiighainptou, The W.l. ccjiisert last Wednesday evening was (piiib a success, proceeds amounting to i?,53 00. The Institute wish t) thank Warden Morrison for so ably tilling the chair, and also the mus- icians and soloiuls for their assistancu. Miss Mary Guy visited with Mrs- Les Puola on the 10th line. Him AUie Lawler visited wit.h her aistor, Mrs, Les CUard, the past week, Masler Billio Kertoii has gone on an extended visit t.i fru-iids in the U,8. Uis aunt, Mrs. Hugh Fuiiwick, aeconip- aniud him. EAST MOUNTAIN Berry picking mkI harvesting in our Iwcalily. The Missus Elsie, Uuby and Mildrid Siswell of Flesherton spfUt a few da>8 last week wiih Misses Allen and Lewis. Mr and Mr< DonaKisim and t«o oiuldion and Mr and Mr.s Tout of Toron- to are holidaying with Mr and Mrs H Williains. Mr Jas-Harbottle visited his bioiher, Wm., at Dune in. Mr and Mrs .lohn Patterson of Ceylc n spent a few days with ,Mr and Mrs C Martin. They also renewed soi|uaint- aiices at Redwing. Miss Mae Carralhers hns gone lo Toronto to attend ilio niil.inery open iufiv. £Over fifteen hundred people will take part ill the [letforniauco daily in front of the Grand Stand at the Canadian National Exhibition Ihia year. .\ii important real eataio deal has just been put through by R E, Brown of Meaford, in the aula to Jlr. Burton Carefoo'. of Haveuna of a valuable farm owned by Mr. Stephen Gould, eon of Mr, Aliel Oould of St. Vincent. Tho properly, ooinprisin*; 1171 acres, is in the Sill lino of Collingwoud townshit', ihreo inih'H from Thornbiiry, and is said to be one of tho best farms between Oweu Sound and Barrio. The purch.-VKe price, we miduisdkiid, was in the neiyh- bothood of gil(},00<J- Review Herald. CEYLON Mrs.Melia left F"riday lo visit with her aou in Toronto and was accompanied by her grandson, Artie Melia, who has been spending his holiday.s here. R, Cook and granddaughter. Miss Gladys Cushnie, visited Hanover friends last week and wore accompanied home by Mj. J, Cook of Maple Hiil for a visit. Misses Ella and Etma Stewart of Owen Sound spent a few days wilh Mrs.Sinclair last week Misses Georgina McLauchlan jpeut tho week end with Proton friends, and MiSK Delia White visited Saugeen Jn, Mrs Steel and Iwo sons of Toronto are visitors at George Arrowsmith's. Mr and Mrs L. Marshall and Golden McMullen of Toronto are visiting their pai-eiils, Mr and Mrs Wilson McMullen, Mi.sses Viola and Bernice McDonald are holidaying with their grandparents at Proton, ' .Mrs White and sou, Norman, who have baen visiting Mrs Arcliibiil.l, left Saturday on their return journey to their home at Pilot Moun I, Alberta. J. H. Willis and two s'>nB, Clarence and Harry, of Kaniaack, Sask., and Mr, Mathers of Priceville, visited at Mrs N. Archib-tld'a last week, Gordiui McMullen of Toronto spen"^ a couple of days with his parunts, Mr and Mrs James McMullen. Mrs J. J, Lyness is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Alex. Stewart and daugh- ter, Olga, of Owen Sound, attended the garden party hsre on Thursday last. Miss Floience Bennett of Shelburno visited the past weak with hor friend. Miss Mary McLauchlin. Mr McIUi^rdy of tho Merchant's Bank is holidaying at his home near Kitoheuer. Mr Aulph of the Flesherton Bank is relieving him. Master Harold Baxter, who for several Weeks has been holidaying at M. Fergu- sons, returns this week to his homo in Caledun. Mr.s. N. Aichibald want to H. i;nlton on 51unday and was accumpanieil loniij by her husband, Mr and Mrs Percy McLeod left ou iho return trip to their homo in Uegiiiii. U, Bailey of Mclntyre spent the week end at D. McPhail's. Mr and Mrs J. J. Patlison spent the past week visitip'.; friends at Redwing, Mra (Dr,) Holmes of Owen Sound is visiting her father, Mr 1', Chislett, who hn.'S been ill. Miss Helen Gibson, who has foi aeveral weeks been visiting with relatives in Owan Sound, has returned homo. Mrs. Richaid Whiltaker visited wiih friends in Toronto the past week. Rjv. Mr. Bailey ot the Doniinioii .Alliance occupied the |mloit ou Sabba'ii afternoon in the ab.senceof Huv. I'phain. His address waa enjoyed by thosa who were present. The garden pariy held on the grounds of .Mr. J. Gibson under the auspices of tho W. I., was nuito a success and well ai tended. A baseball game was playud between Flesherton and Ceylon teams, resulting 3 t' 2 in favor of tho Ceylon boys, .\fler tha ganio a program w .s given. Mr. B. Douglass occupiod the chair. Rock Mills orchestra was in attendance and gave aonie tine selections. Mr. Coouorof Iho Co. Agricultural D.-pl. gave an addrasa. Miss Verda Frreni m of Mai kdttlo gave ;k solo, aecoiiipanied on thi" orL'aii by Mi.ss Muriel t.'ook. Misers Lillian McFhail and Jean Rcid each gave splendid readings, and Mrs Mak Wilson of Flesherton rendered aeveral solos. Holiert Il.iniia of Wii.ghani gave a solo, accompiiiuoo on tha organ liy Miss Anna While. Tho quilt donated by Mrs. Stone, for which liekets were sold, realiZ'.'d S20.7o. A good tea was served. Heceipts for gate .and booths were in tho neighborhood of .5f!t.'!. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. Conio in tiud see our fme iaigo stock of Jewelry, Watclie.?, Clocks, etc, and when you liavo seen tliem )uii will be sure to buy. Watch rc- ^ paiiiuga .specialty. A lull lino n F.liotograplnc supplies luclndiug devekiping powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and lilm.s. BUSINESS i»S USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MA RRIAGE LICEN SES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG ^°""^ ^'°''' *"" ^''* For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, FLESHERTON, Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. Flour, feed and Seed FLOURâ€" Royal Household, Eclipse and ^ Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Whrat, Buckwheat, Barley Chop, Grofast and Rennies Calf Meals, bait by barrel, or 5Q_and jQQ Ib.bags. SEEDSâ€" Dwarf Essex" Rape, Flax,"Comy t5uckwheat, Tares, Siberian and Hunffarian Miilett. Groceries Cream tested while you wait. Call and get a can. We have a full line of Groceries and Con- fectionery. Also Machine Oil, Coal Oil, Axle Grease, Lice Powder & Disinfectant Special attention given to phono orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario i ( 4 n I Spring Announcement W. h. WRIGHT wLshos to announce to tho public liint ho h»s just receivoJ ,» gpriug consignment of .Men's »nd Lilies' Boots unci Shoes, Kiibbers to fit. nny shape boot, Lonij Rubber Boots, Fleet Fo:.t Whito Wire in M .styles for men, Indies, misses, boys and youths. Peiibody'.s and Bull Dok Overalls and Smocks, Work Sliiris, new Hue of Men's Shirts and Balbrifgan Indinwear, Ties, ColUrs, Belts, Silk Scarf.s and Gloves. A fre!,li Slock of Groceries alway.s on hand. All kinds of Canned Gnods. In Iho Millinery Department you w,ll lind .Mrs. Wright with a ooiiipiu'e strck of Ladi%.s' Hats, Uibhona, Laces and Vnils, Call and inspect our linos. Satisfaction guaranteed. Highest prices paid for Butter and PJs?ss. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton Faim For Sate iFleslmex^toix ^ Tortsoriar "^ Parlors 159 ai'ies, lots 17, 18 and 10, 2nd con. S. D. R , Arteiuoiiia, overr UK) acres clsiared, Ibalance timbered. Two never ] fftilinfi wells, now brick house, lar^je ^^° â- â- ^''" ^" ttivo Kniiro batisfacti. n bank Imrn with sHJibles undernoHth, new LAUNDRY â€" Ba.ikot olfises Mond;, drivinsj shed. This farm is nearly all '"hJ>N "lelivery Frmay ev ill bo sold wilh seeded down and smii: piynieut down. Apply on tha '-^''•'A^UNW and DYEOGâ€" We ,ir piemisea to -Wm. I'ATON 'gents for Parker'.s Dj'o Wonksâ€" Cloth CLEANING and DYEOG- Fhon. l.Ily tf F'.»l H K ;!. Priceville ^loaned ;ind dyod. feath'eiw rojuvenalo 1 T FI.SHER . -PHOPRIETOB