Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Aug 1920, p. 1

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'I \'. /Ic0hctt0n %hmnct* Vol 41, No. 12 Flesberton. Ont., August 20 1920 KIMBERLEY The heavy rain storm S«turd»7 after- noon and evening put* stop to ill harrcgt operationa for » whiio. The garden p^rry w»» successful con- sidering th^ busy time. M*ny did not fiel liki! leaving their harvest fi)r the day. Tne concert »ss good, Clifford Sewell meS wi'h a piinful accident at the garden party l.ciog struck io the eye with the baseball. Hope he will soon be ab hia work again wiih no bad results to the eye. L'ttie Ruisel Hammond is nursing a sprained ankle, he having f*llen fourteen feet from a beim to the barn floor. His hand slipped from the beam as ihe little lad WS3 about to climb onto the beam from the ladi.fr. He was lucky to have no bones broken. Mr and Mrs Jack Taylor and babe visited at Jas Lawre&ce'e. We ate pleased to see Peter Fawceit sporting a new car. Addie and Dell Wilson of Eugenia are holidaying •sith their brother, Jack, and family. Mrs McMuUen and daughter, Millie, and Etta Latimer of Eus;enia am visiting fiiends here. "Mildred Harris h».s returned to her home in Toronto after visiting a fsw days with her grAndai(^ther. Mis Harris, sr-.- Mr and Mrs Betiger of Monckton spent a couple of days with Will Ham- mond, who has lately returned hoiue from attending University at Kiofisloii. Mr and Mrs Christis Knort and Mi and Mis' Andrew Nob'e of MeifirJ visited over Sunday at the home of Mir M B Hammond. Miss^MiuJe Pleweamade a flying trip to Toiouto. Iltr tester, Mis .\ndrewt., r;;turned with her for a few days visit nr the parental hoaje. Wilda Martin of iie»r Fleshe;»ou i= T.sitiu4 her grandpa. Sir This Caniack Mr S^we'l returned last week trom his holidays. Mr Wm Lennox cf Temple Bill took his pUce in the back. Ml Olive Do'.an is ou his li.'I;diiys at his home near Quebec. Mr Jlarke of Thornbury is relieving him in the bank. CEYLON Misses Ethel and Minnie Harrow left Ust week for Rochester, after several weeks' visit under the parental roof. R Cook and Miss Millie i-oent tha 1st of the week wiih Durham fiieuda. Miss Muriel Spioer of Toronto is spending a fortnight under the parental roof. Master George Jaynes and uncle, Mr Georee Jaynes, i>£ Lethbridge, arrived ou Monday to isit with the former's grandmother, Mrs .\ Rutledge. Master Cecil Cushiiie of Toronto is holid-tying with his grandpa, Mr U Cook. Mr and Mrs Joe Heniptiill and three children, who have been vi^itlpg friends here, have returned lo their home in Toronto. Stanley White «f ftlarkdale sptot the weak end with his parents. Mrs G Colliusoo. who has been visit lag wiih Wiarton fiiendi, returned h .lue on Tliurs-Jay. Mr and Mrs Wilson McMuUen euler- taincd a fuw of their friends on Thursday «vening. Mr and Mrs Leslie Marshall and Mr Goldwin McMullen returned ta Toroisto on Saturday after visiting wiih their parents, Mr and Mis Wilson McMullen. Mr and Mrs Jackson of Muskoka spent a couple of days with iheir parent.s Mr and .Mrs D McLood. Born - On .Ausust 19ili, to Mr and Mrs John McDcuald, a daughter. Con- uratu'ations. Reliable Used Car Sale VAJVDELEUR (1) Chevrolet Touring Car. 19l9-U»iO Model. â-  (1) Ford Touring Car, 1918 model. (1) Ford Touring Car, 1910 model. (J) Ford Touring Car:*, liU4 model. (1) Ford Runabout, 1917 model. The a'oovo are f t immt Inle delivery •ud subject to prior sale. O SMITH A SUNS Fiivl SilfS and Soivioc, Dm ham. Ho!«l«ia an.l Mount Forest. Mr Wm Svromers, Sr., an old and respected resident of tbia nalghborhoed, pissed peacefully away at his home hare ou Tutsday mornine, August 17, atter a •h.irr illness. Dfceaisd was boru in Laeds county in 1839, where he lived until 38 years 3i;o, when he moved to this fieighborhcoJ, where ha has resided ever since. The late Mr Summers was mirriod 46 years sg ) and bis wife and teu-childveu survive. There are also 28 grancchildreu and two great grandchil- dren, all of whom have the sympathy of tlia Community in their bereaveirent. The children are as follows : Jamea Henry, Edmonton ; Mrs Thus McRae, Leeds Co ; Mrs Korth, Belleville ; W'm John. Vandaleur ; Bert. Euphrasia ; Mrs Franson, Berkeley ; Mrs G Biown, Muikdale ; Edwaid, Lily Oak ; and Geo and Nurman at home. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to the Maikdale cemetery and w-is Tery largely attended. Rev. J. T. Coon of Markdale cioducted the services at the house and grave. Mrs Coleman and two children cf Toronto are visiting with Mr and Mrs Will Buchanan. Mrs Burri't of Kirabeiley spent a day with her daughter. Mrs Dave Graham, recently. Mis Ttiomas McRie of Leeds is spend, ing a few days with Mrs Soraers and family. Mr and Mrs Cunningham and three children, of Cooksville are the guests of Mr. Wm Buchanan. Mr and Mrs J. I. Graham. Russell, May and .Annie, lu-tored lo Thirnbury recently >»i'.d visited friends. Mr and Mrs Will Hutchinson,' also Mr and ^;ls D.ive Gialism and Miss Annie Buriitt visited with Mr and Mrs Pi rt»r Bi-ard of Sprioghill a few days ago. .Mrs Ge.irgo Warlina and son. Elmer, als > Ml and Mrs Sam Gilbert, motored to Pricevi'.le and spsnt the week end Willi Mr and Mrs Alex Cursun, whose son wa.s rtcenily operated on for spendi- citis. Mr Georiie Pritchard has returned home after spending a few weeks with .\lr and Mrs Reid at Oxford Michigan. Mr Win Buchati.in had the misfortune k few days ago to get a bono broken in his right arm. Mr Alf Dunlop got a nasty cut in Ins leg aecently by coming in contact with the knives of the binder. Miss H. Lawrence of Kimberley is visiting her sister. Mrs Jack Taylor. The W. I, held their August meeting at the home pf Mrs F. R. Boland ou Thursday afternoon of last wetk. The Flesht'rtoi) Branch was present nod supplied the program. I.unch was served by the Vandelenr ladies. Mr Woods of Corbettoa occupied the pulpit in. the church here last Sunday and gave nu able disourso on the sub ject of Faith. Davis â€" McFadden The home of M. ard Mrs. Hami'tcn McFadden. tilen^lg, was the scene cf a quiet wedding on the 4 h inst., when their youngest d lUghter, Dorothea May, was uiiiied in the holy bonds of weJKck to Mr. William Milton Divis, Ute of :ho 4th CM. R, fourth son of Mrs. Wiiliam Djvis, Toronto L oe, Artomesi-i Owiin to the recent de»th of the gruoui's father only a few of the luimedta'e relatives of the contracting parties were present to «itn<s8 the ceremony, which was duly peifotined by Itev. A. P. Stanley, pastor «( Markdale Methodist churuh. At 2 o'clock ihe bride was escorted under the arch by her eldest brother,- Mr. li. W. E. McFadden, 51. A. She w.a» prettily attired ill a frock of satin and georgetie with customary br'.d<l veil and floral boui^uet. Her attondant was her cousin M\fn Martha McFadden, gowned in tiffeia (ilk and georKBtte. The grnoni wa« supported by his brother, Mr. Gien Davis, dtnlal student at the I eivetsity ofT.roiito. The gioom'a gift to the bride was a pendent set with diamondx. Life Saving Medal Presented Osprey Citizen On Mocday evening, August 2nd, a number of the residuuts of Osprey met at Feversham on the oeeasion of the presen- tation of a L'fe Saving Medal to Mr. Ja.Ties Davidson. Such an investiture is riie an.l Mr. Davidson has ihe proud d'biinction of being the only pi ssessor of such a modal within a wide radius from this community. Duriua the evening brief commendatory speeches were made by the Rev. Mr. Browu of Maxwell, aid by the members of the O.'prey Council. Also in a few words Mr. and Mrs. Shortt expressed sincere ackuowledgwent of the great debt they owed to Mr. Davidioo for the rescue of their young son. Dur- ing a pause in thefoPowIng address the medal was pinned en Mr Dav.dsi u's breast by Nellie, the little sister of the boy Mr. Davidson rescued. THE ADDRESS To Mr. Davidson, Fever!!ham, Dear Jim : â€" .\ number of your friends have gathered here thia evening to wit. ness the dtting stijuel to an incident that took pl»ce on July 18th of last year. The icrident referred to was the occasion of your rescuins one of cur young boys, Simuel Shor.t.from drowning iu the mill pond at Feversham. The rescue was only effected by prompt and courageous action on your part when a moment of hesitancy or fear for personal consequen- ces would have meant cot on!y tba loss of hie life but w.)uld have brouiiht untold sorrow to th-? home of his parents. Such behaviour as you showed on that day merits grejter reward than is iu our pewer to bestow, yet « e would have you understand that we apprec ate such noble qualities as T'>u possess in one c f the youne men of our community ; for to more commendable tjuality is it piissible to possess than the reaoiuess to endanger Self, if need be, in tho interest! of ethers. It was indeed a heroc acti.n and a worthy precedent f.ir others to emulate in future if au occasion should ever demand it. On ih.i rec' mmendation of the Municipal Council of Orprey, which in iti public capacity is ever d.sirous cf seeing the deserving rewarded, the Royal Humane Society has forwaided one of its hith'y prized medals for presentation to you. In the winning of Ih-s medal you h.avo ju^t reason to De prcud for no such medal is given haph-vzardly, Lut is only awarded in the most deserving of cases. W iih this medal is extended our heartiest congratulations and may i( also convey our prida in you ';hat you have thus so indelibly inscribed your name in the annals of Fam"). Signed on behalf c-f the Municipal Council of Osprey and ycur many friends who are desirous of showing their appriciation of your moat pra sewurthy conduct (Sed ) IRWIN MORUlSttK, Head of the Municipality cf Dspny. Suicide At Dundalk William Hacna, a middle aged resident of Dundalk, committed saicida Sunday evening last by hanging. The deceased, who was unmariitd, is said to have been ill and despondent. ROCK MILLS Mrs John Potteous ia spending a fcw days with her daughter, Mrs M' naghun, at Feversham. Mr and Mrs Marshall Kerton and family visited with Mr acu Mrs C Mc- Eacbnie. Mrs GorhaiH ar.d ton. Bud, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs Levi Bet's. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the hu'iie of Mr and Mrs I^'iac Smith on August 17fh, when the fr:ei;ds and neighbor* g.athered to wdciae home their sen, Capt Edwin Smith and wife, Duiii g the eveinrg they we;e presetted wi'.h a nicely worded address and a purse of money. The addres-s was read by Tom Chard, while Dick CI irk macie ih- presentation. Capt Smith thanked his friends ill a few well chosen woids for their many kindnesses and a hea.-ty welcome home. Mi<'S Blanche Lyons and Mi^s Laugh- lin of To -onto are holidaying with Mr and Mrs Levi Belts. Quite a number from here picniced at Wasaga Beach on Sunday. Miss Robertson of Toronto is sttendinii a fortnight with Mr and Mrs Lewis Ped ar. Mr and Mrs \V T PdUlar visited o'.n; day Uit week with the fosmer's brother iu Durham. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. Come in and see onr fine large stock cf Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, and when you Lave seen them } on will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A fail line ^^ P.hotographic snpf lies Iiiciudiug developing powders, Bi'.SINE.SS ASi USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmer* Phone Hillcrest 268 124 x\venue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT field Crop Competition Foll'''Winii i.i a list of the winners iu the standing field crop competition for oats of East Grey Agricultural Society : 1stâ€" Robert Swantou 2nd â€" Will. Boyd ord â€" T. J. Stinsun ' 4thâ€" L. A. Fisher oihâ€" Robert Chard G'h- Wm. Patou 7th â€" Wm. Stewart Geoiite K Fos'er, HoneywoQd, was the judge. OSPREY WINNERS E. Buc!4ingh.iiu92 J. A. Keruahan $9 Samuel Hawton 8Si W. H.HaUS2,\ E. Hawtoo 78 L, W. Kertcn 77 A. Morrison 73. â€" Geo. E. Foster, Junge. printing f.ame.. dark lanterns, all j^ y^ gates, R. Maddocks, sizes of kodacka and films. n - i ^ %« President. iVlanager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES VV. A. ARMSTROiNG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, Yorkshires Tamwarths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, ONT Osprey Tol. system Maxwell P. O. PRICEVILLE We had fine harvest weather a'l !asi w«ek until ?a'urday afternoon, when a heavy rain storm pissed over. Some eu.«ila«e corn and heavy urain crops are badly thrown dowu. There are some spiecial prizes in con- nection with our fall fair '.hi* year ihat mis;ht interest some persons. A prizs ?{ f 7 for a b.x or.certsin kiifds of tpplee, and ?5 for best \ ox . f any k'rd of spples an J fn prize for Si^lb bi x of butter, also SIC for 1, 2 and o, Kst â- .tain drawing loiil on stoneboat. U J. and Mrs Watson and youngest son, Beit, I f Tironio, mi'oitd up 1 st week and v sited frienos »t Sheltiurna and V'nceville over the week ei d and taltiuu Mrs T. .\. Feiguson with them to VVahers tails on Mcndsy ni rn tm of this week. 0. K. a:id Mis W.itsi'U (>f Durham, and Mr and Mis Josepii Piit'erstn of Varnoy, attended service m thsMitho- dst church here Sui day morninc, and spout the afterno<>n at the homo if >'rs Will WiitS'Ui and ilhof relatives. I A son of Mr Alex Carsoi', north of the 1 villaae, was taken \ery ill fn Krid.ay to Ihe bridesmaid a j>e»rl brooch bih' lo i n'gbt of last week »nd w»« oper.*led on the gKonitnian a tie pin. After a suinp- . (or apmdieitis oii Sutun'ay. We hope No Repost on Arnel Love No repoit has yet been made as tc ile sxiiity of Arnel Love, by the alienist who is ia charge >f the investiea'.ion of 't.e ratioiiLility ut the self confessed murdi r~ •r of his mother. For some time Lovl- has been in detention uu l«r the dose supervision of exyerts. The latter are not prepared to make any statement :is to his case till a report has been haii aed tj iliB -•Vttoruey Geuerars department, at the eX[ iry of ihe period of iuqu ly. .Although there h«s been considera'olc mystery as to iha whereabc u's of L vo, he has been at the Queen street asjlum fv r soaie lime â€" Mail Empire. Fruit and X'egetable Season is coming in fast. Place your order with us for youi" Fruits for Peaches, Pears, Plums, Tomatoes, etc. â€" preserving â€" lowest and in this way kep us to obtain th prices possible for you. We also have a full line of Groceries Conftctionery. anc Flour and Feed FLOURâ€" Royal Household and Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Chop, Calf Meal, Salt by barrel, or 50 and iOO lb. bags. TWINE-Brantford. Special attention gi\ tMi to phone onler?. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario Spring Announcement |; tuou.s weddinij repast the young ooupie left f r Toronto and Niagara Kails. The all will Ko weP. MARKDALE Mr, U. D. Irwin has disposed of his beautiful 150 acve faru) in the suburbs. >!>•. W. J. Buwis i< ^he buyer and SU,0OO the pr^co. The farm is M:». U.jwe.s' ur.aidfalhtr's hom-.'8tend. Vr. Irwin has [UTchaftod Mr. John Cook's residerco in Wcllini-lon sttett, sod is this week moving to town. Mr. Bert Burr, II, one o'' the wcrlnien on Win. Neely's »peoial gany on tl. â-  railway, certainly had a very narrow escape trom death Saturday avenirg. While retuiniog to MarkdaU he was on tho first of three jifgcrs in a stretch heavily laden wi h men, and (peodins lisbt along. In soaie way ho fell off, with the result that the second htudcsr pissed over him and was derailed, while the thii'l stopped on h;m. He was rtlea.sed from hix p^'riloas position, and W. L WIUGHT wishes to aiinouuce to the public ib«>t he has just received a spriug consignment ;. f M^n'sand Ladieh' Boots and Shoes, Rubbers to tit iny shape boot. Lorn; Rubber Btots, Fleet Foit White Wire in all styles for men, ladies, misses, boys and youths. Peabody's and Bull Dei; Overalls «cd Suiccks, Work Shirts. new line of Men's Shirts and Ball-riiigau Underwear, Ties, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. A freth stock of Groceries alway.s on hand. All kinds of Ciinned Goods, In the Millinery Department you will find Mrs. Wright with a comp'e'e stick of Lidiis Hst«. Ribbons, Laces and Vflils, Call and itspec' outlines. Satisfaction guarauleed. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. }^^- W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton y I" f I > t-i I E 'â-  I r-*.* â-  •â- â€¢â€¢ bride'* ttavelliiig suit was saud •""?• i "Tf^Wll Plot FoF SalC ' """* '*" ''*^' Br^t aid by the men. then with ranabou sto!o and black picture j 1 iv^l j rushed heme and the diHitot ctlled. Ho hat. After Ihe honejmoon the ycuo^ Towu Plot at Eugenia, containing fout } w\8 badly out, bruised and shaken up, couple will reside on the Dsvig hems- acres, good oichard, framo house, got d »t.-a>l, T. loiito L no, where they will be' weH. Ajply to â€" T. H'.NVMCK. at home tf te r Sei.> . I ~ '. Au<(2*>lnio Eugenia P.O. but seems to bo recovering very favor- ably." It i.s certainly a mitacla how M> escaped deathâ€" Standard. Faim For Sale iJFleslxertoiiL #^ Tonsoricit '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Enttare Satisfacti > LAUNDUY~B.i8ket civses Jlom^ 153 acte», lots 17, 18 anl 19, 2nd cod. S. D. U , .Xrlem.J^it, over lOO acres ci'ared, balance timbered. Two never fa lirg well.«. new brick house, large bi- k bam with seablea unJoinetth, new driving shed. This farm is neatly all ^"W**'. delivery Fimay ev seeded down and will be sold with a ' ~~~" •mil p.yment down Apply on the , «-^LEANTSG and DYEING- We :.- p.-on.iio.. to -Wni. PATON i'««"fsf"'' Parker's Dye Wosks-Cloft Phono RR:!. Priccville '-•'^''««1 wd dyod. fe\the-< re;a»enat iilytf TFISOER. -rROPRIETOI. K •»â-ºâ- :

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