Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1920, p. 1

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RR^ ::^Al_. /lesh^rtxrn %inmtt. Vol 41,Fo. 13 Klesherton, Ont., Septetriber 2 1920 CEYLON PRICEVILLE Mrs Tedlow, who hag been visitiiig We have had tun ireeka of very good friends here, hau returned to her home , harvest weather. IQ Hiimilton. [ Rgy. C. S. Jones and family, who have Dc and Mrs Sharpo of Red Creek, N | been spending a few wneks holidays in Y., Mrs Jas McCloskley and two child- ren and Miss Margaret McAtthur of Wiiinipej spent a few days the past week calhtig on old friends here. Mr Steel of Toroiito spent tho weekend at Mr Geo Arrowsmit!!'"", and was accompanied home on Monday by his wife and two sons, who haVH i^pent \ foitnight here, Mr and Mrs Harrison and two children of L»urel, who have been visiting at Mr S IleniphiU's, have returned home. Miss Yelma Rands of Hanover was a guest of Miss Gaor^uia McLauchlau the past week. Mr J J Pattison of Toronto ia holiday- ing under the pirental roof. Miss Mary McLauchtan spent a week with Shelburne friends. Mr and Mrs ,Xewbiuer, Miss Emma Whittaker and Mr Bert Whittaker, all of Ackron, Ohio, have returned to their home after a pleasant visit with iheir parents, Mr and Mrs R Whitlak>'r. Mrs T Chislett has returned from a trip 10 Cleveland and Listowel feeiinU Biuch betiedtted by her visit. Miss Gladys Cusbnie returned to Toronto ou Monday after spending s^i weeks with her aunt, Miss Millie Couk. Mr and Mrs D D McI-aughUn am' i sons, Eldon and Oben, mo'jred (o Singliampton and visited friends the lat of the week. Mrs Echeringion and daughter iF Toronto are visiting her cousin, Mrs Archie Sinclair. Mrs Lse of SFarkdrkle is vi^iliag her brother, Mr J J Pittersou. Miss Kate B.ixter spent the weekeiui with Dundalk friends. Mrs Uaney of Southampton, wijo has been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs D McPhail, has returned home, acconipan- ioi by her mother. Osprey Council Crowded Out Last Week O'l Monday, Aug. 16ih, the Municipal Council of Osprey wet at Faversham in a special meeting. The members were all present with the exctption of Mr. Hendtriun, who was ill. ifter rcadine and coufiimitig the minutes of the last meetii'g the foUowirg business was dis- posed of : Russ â€" .\rnoU â€" That Mr. Jamio«on !• paid $49 50 fur work done in Koud Div No 14 and the saue be charged to the appri'priatiou if the Commissioner of Div No 5 Kaitting â€" Alnott â€" That the follonirjj gravel accounts be paid : Stephen Priddls, fa 37 ; Ell R.ibiDson I?17 60, W MuUeti tC.50. W E luksier $7 00, U Davidsc n »t5 75, W H Wright «1S.«7, Hugh Hardy *3 75, Ernest Hardy f41.87. Arnott â€" Kaittingâ€" That the Clsrk le paid 95.00 for postage account. Payment was ordered io favour of ll o Pedlar Peop'.e Ltd for lJia8.G« for cul veits, and iu favor of A C McDonald for $111.95 forctmeut. Arnott â€" Rossâ€" Thai the Treasurer be priJ 818.50, buiDfj unic uui of error in collecioi's roll of 1915 in respect to lota '26. con 1, S D R. R>8s â€" Kailiius; â€" That thu Rei-ve bav« the Eujjineer examine dr.iin ifo 1, on lots 51 and 52. cm 2. W D R. Bylaw No 078 to Itvy rates for the y«Jr 1920 was presentetl, read the required Dumber of times, s'yi.ed and sealed. Bylaw So 1)79 to 1 onus wire feiices was presented, read a tirbt and stcotid linio and laid over. Orders were issued in faiour < f tli« niembeis of the council and the clerk f, r til.tO f«r attending Ibk special nieetirg, and the ci uncil then adj< iirned to mei t at Ma.xwell in a regular mcelipg tn September 20th. -H W KERNAHAK, Cl.rk. We have been informed that Mr. S. Mclntyre again head* ths h'Cal followers of Is.ia* Walton in lauding tho bigg««t speckleil tn ut raujhl liere this .i<imiD«r The big fjllow was caught lost Tue.sfay uight iioiir Priceville, msasured 17^ inchci long, and weighed two puundg .six OU1C09. Wi) wonderi'd why Shirley passed ui on jho street the other day without, sp.'iking, and this is probably ihl explauaiiou- Puib.«m Chronicle, c^mp and elsewiiere. returned home in Tliursday evening of last week. Robert Carson, the young lad of aearly 18 yaars. who was operated on for apenilicitis on Aug. 21. passed away on Kriday afternoon of last week. A large number of people attended the funeral on Sunday. Tho usual morning service in tht) two churches iu the village were withdrawn, and Rev C. S. Jones, the fami y's pastor, conducted service at the residence at 11 o'clock a.m. and inter- mout took place iu the new public ceme- tery. The- wreaths and sprays of lovely fl.vwer3 contributed by members of the family, Sunday School, nurse in attend- ance, also other young friends and neighbor boys, were numerous. The bereikvid family have the sympathy of (ho whole neighborhood. D'inald McKionon of the South Line, Olenelg, get his hand seriously injured with a saw last week while cutting wotd. Mr. and Mrs. Ashman and children of Detroit are vui'ing witte Mrs. R. J. Conkey. Mrs. A. ia a sister of Mrs. Con key. John McArthur, barber, of Detroit, is spending a few holidays with his mother and other relatives. Toronto Line North Crowded Ou'. Last Week The threshing machine has been visit- IDK oiir line and the farmers report an e.\cel]eut cop of clover. Ml&slnnci Patrick las returned to her hi me in Kitchener aftjr a three" weeks' visit with her cousins here. Mr and Mrs Sled and family motorsd t.i Collnjw^od recently. Miss Edna White of Toronto wiis the guest cf 5Ii>s Vera Lever for a few days. Mrs H Staiiord and Mrs Li Morin of Toronto are visiting friends here. Mrs Russ and Miss Olive Davis of Toronto are visiting the former's sister, Mrs W Stewart. Miss Luella B^akely has returned to her home in Toronto after holidaying with friends here. Mr ;ind Mrs Wm SIobu of Kimberley spent the 1st of ^he week with friends here before leaving fur California. Mr. and Mrs Wm Crouiu and family and Mr Alf Youug of Toronto are visil- ng frenils and lelatites l.ere. Victoria Corners Mr!". Frame and two daughters e\f Uimilton are visiting her cousin, Mrs. James Lockhart. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Shrooder of Detroit visited a few d.iys wth tlie latter'a aun' and uiic'e, Mr and Mrs. George Moore. The youhg people of luiaiioge met at th 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee on .Monday evening last and presented tlie.n with a couch. Mrs. Talbot is very ill at pieseiit. She has dropsy ai d has sufi'ered a patti.^' Stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore received tho annouDCJineiit of the birth of another franddaughter. to Mr, and Mrs. Roler'' Moore at Xewbure, Auau-t 3id. ROAD CLOSING Noiiee is hurel y givoii that the Coiift- cil of the Tiiwnship i.t' .\rlei;:es;a will, after one mouth from the first publica- tion hereof iu The Flcshertun Advance, tlio d.ittf of wbioh first publication is the 12th day vl August, lU2t'. proceed lo pi.s» a Hyluw to close up and disp'isingof tho uidermeutioned oiiuinal all.iwauce f ir road, being iu thu 'I'ownship of .Arto- mosia, \'yi.. That pait ( f oriuiual nliow- Hooe for road lying between lots 150 and 151, 111 the third lanue S W T & S R, C'Miiiiieiiciug at a point in the S W limit for to.id between the 2nd and 3rd nioges S W of Uk' T aiu! S Road, thtuce .S VV seven chains !<nd tii'ly link-*, more or less, to'the ...N E limit of deviation road over said lot 50. A I persons iutsrested are hereby re- quiri d to take notice and govern ilieiii- selvt'j acoor dii gly. --W. J. BELLAMY Dated Auguat 12. 1920. Town Plot For Sale Town Plot at Kuienia, containing four acre.", g< od oicbard, frame housr. goi d we:i . A pply to â€" T, FKN V\ ICK. Au)i251nio Kugeiila P.O. James White Dead Mr. James White of Saugeen Junction died on Monday evening after an extend- ed illness of abthma, on the farm where he was horn, a: the age of (32 years. The deceased gentleman leaves a widow, four sons and one daughter. The fui.eral took place on Wednesday to Flesherton cemetery. EUGENIA Our village is being ii|proved by a new cement sidewalk tunning from Latimer's corner to the park. Mrs. H. Fenwick has returned homo after visiting friends here. Mr.Large and family motored to Oweu Sound to spend the week end with his mother. Mrs. J. Wiilimus and three sons mot- ored from Toronto Saturday, returning Tu8«day. Her daughter, Viola.relurned with them. Miss Mary Fawcett and friend, of Kitchener, spent the week enil at he* b)me here. Mr. Plantt of P,,rllaw spent Sunday wi h friends here. Ernie Hrpper and lady frieud motored from Toronto and spent a few days with his parents and other friends. Eugenia W. I. will hold a special ntieeting Thursday, August 3, at 8 o'clock in ihd park. Old and new members are asked to bo presrnt. Mr and Mrs 'lehinan (uee Ailie Will- lams) of Kenori and Misses JCeah and Hilda Williams, of Toronto, spent a few days with their father. Mr and 51 rs G. Ma^ee, Ms. Tuohy and son. Uirold, visited with fricuds iu Meaford . DURHAM A oiimercial man. wlio travels uvsr a large tetritoiy in Ontario, told The Chronicle last week that Durham is the worst place he stiikes ou gasoline prices. ,VIr and Mrs .John McGowan annnun"!' <be eugageiucnt of their second daugh- ter. Mary Etta (Mae) ti I'eroival John Trotter, of Port -Arthur. The marriage will take place in Port -Arthur the latier part of August. We have been iufsrmad, unotlicially of course, that the machinery of the defunct National Porllnud Cement Com- pany has been sold and operaiions will coon Stat t it. dismantling 'he plan' for shipment. The plunt has Oeon suid to a party of capitalists an.l it is the intention of the new ooaip.iny to ship the maoliin- ory to Havana, Cuba, where it w II bo used in the manufactuie of cement. There are a whole lot of people scattered throughout Canada, who, if li.ey had their wty, Wou'd consign the plant to a sigiit ho:ter place than Cuba. â€" Chronicle CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mes. Alex. Carsou, North Lino. Arttmesia, wish to thank their friends and rjciahbors for their uimy acts of kindness and py;iipathy during the recent illness and death i^f thoirsoii, Robert. Notice to Creditors In thj maltar of 'lie esknt* if Uubeit H. HendersiMi late uf the Village of Feveisham ill the County of Grey, vaer- chant, diceascd. Notice is bere'ny given, piirsusu' to " I'lie Trustee .â- Vet" and amendment.* thoieto that all creilitoi.s and o hfrs haviu'i cl'iiiiiS asalitsl I'lie esta'o sf tko. said Ko'jert H. Heniiersoii, who dud ou. or about the Itjih day < f Juno K U.. lUit), are rcv^iiiied on e*r before the 2ttlli (t ly Se;)tenii"er .\. D .i'^^i'i, l» send hv |ii»t prepaid or deliver to iMis.srs. Winjli;, 'I'elfoidA: Biinie, of the City of t.iwoi» Sound, Solicitors for the .Adiiiiirs'ia'ri.t 4)f the estate of tho siiiil dtc>>asid, their Christian and Surnames, aeUlrc-.ses «:id de.seriptioH^, the full partie-Hlari Af their cinims, the »late«ieni if lh<»ir accouats, I aad the iiatiKc of iheseearitiM, if any, bold by theai. I .Vnd further take notice that after such last mentioned date the saiil .^dnlll^strr>t - rix will piooeetl to distribute tho assets of the deceased among the parties cnttled ilicr«ti>, having regard only to the . claims of which >he shall then have I notice, and that th.' said Adiii'iiistratnx j will nut b» li#ild for the s.aid asaets or J any pait theraof to :uiy person or persons of wh'>sc claim notice sh^all notjiave b«en received l>y her at lUo time of s'loh I Uislributiori. ! Dated this 2dth day uf August, A. D. I 1980. I -WRIGHT. TELFORD A DIRSIB. I 0*en Sound, Out. Solicitors for the Adiuinistratrix. VAJ^DELEUR Miss Doris MuGee has returned home after ^'pending a couple uf weeks with f> lends iu Torontu. Miss Thelina Wilson i^f Flesherton is visiting with Mrs. Lundy .lohnslon. Mrs. Will Burrell of .Sligo, also Mr Gordon McCJee of Toronto, spent the week end with their mother, 51 ra R. Genoe, Mesdames S. Gilbert, ^Vill Hutcbin- Hon, J. I. Graham, Fred and C. Boland, attended tho W. I. ceunty convention ia Meaford on Tuesday of laft week. Mrs. Gilbert is spending a few days with her brother, Mr Alex Cai.son, near Priceville. Mr and Mrs Lawrence of Kimherley visited with her daughter, .Atrs Jack Taylor, one day recently. Mrs. Pritchard has nlurued home after â- Â« month's visit with her daughter, Mrs Reiii, of Oxford. Mich. .Mr ai^d Mrs Keid auc two children acci.mpanied her home. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mr Robert Cirson on Sunday. The lipworth League attinded the service at Ebenezur on Sunday evening. Another Gas Well In Meaford Field Meaford, Aug. 29 â€" Another How of gas equal in pressure to that of the first well has been stiuck iu well number two at the Doran <.).! Fields, a few miles from the to«u. Both wells are said to mnln- tain an even pressure of 143 pounds each. At a iueetin<{ of the Doran Deve op.iient Company held heie, it was decided to form a joint stock ccmpauy to bt capital- ized at $100.0CO, and to allow the present shareholders shares to the value of two dollars fer every dollar icivested. As soon as the company is incorporated steps will be taken to pipe the gas to Meiford for best eg aud lightiug pui-pos. es as it is confidently believed iha' there is euourh g ,» coining from the ti"' â-  wel's to supply the town for years to c ..i:j. FINE JEWELERYlBatesBurialCo. Bl'.SlNESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come iu aud see our tiuc !arge steak ! Embalmers of Jewelry, Watcl.es, Clocks, etc, r»i rr-ii ^ -^z-o at.d when you have scot: them, t.u Phone HlllcteSt 268 l^'L^I'"'!--'", .''."•'â-  ^'^^^^ "- 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager pairing a .specialty A full line :i Fhotograplnc supplies Includiug developing powders, MOTOR printiug frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and Sims. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, ^^^^^^^ or writeâ€" GEO. W. ROSS. FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P.O. Mr. John Hainoe, who has been em- ployed with tho Provincial Commission and was w rkiinj at the local sub-slat on and at the Eugenia plan', has taken ove'' the duties of Supt. of the Uinover system. Mr. Uaiues is a youeg. rctive fellow and 's well posted ou installations, motors, transformers, etc. â€" Hanover Post. Anyone who handed a tiftaen year idd girl a leaded revolver and to.'d I e." to wave it in a crowd, would be leuarde.! as \ iciou'ly and criminally reckless of human life. Vet parents will permit a boy 3r sirl to drive a moior car upoi. a public highway and 'hiuk nothini; of 1 e face that they »i6 risking livjs right ;i d left and, iuciden'ally. \ iolating a ' i.v designed to afford prat ect ion to users of the pulilic stiecis.â€" Carleloii Place Cen- tral C iiiiadian. ^3 MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.Kli I'KNnKU.S a.!.Ir,.ssc.l t.. ihe l'i)sti.ia>ter Ciciierid will l>e reeeiro.l .it l-lttawa until nmai on Fridav, »lie 1-t uf Oetiilmr. I!'*', f»r tlif finiv»yanee i-f His M.ijesry's M^il.s una |UM|>»aed t'ontravt f.>r four years, six times per week mi the rt.are MAXWKLL K. K. Xo. 1 fnmi tie l'»atiiiaitt«r (StMiar^l's I'lcasmu luxt. Printed uoiii-fKcoKtainint; further iiiforuin- titm as to c-'iuljti"iis of pr>>pt'rtt>il vtiiitracl may be seen and blank forms "f 't'euilcr may be I'otaiiiwl at the I'lwi Ottio«< of Maxv.ell and at the oliice uf the Post Ollice Ina[>eae«r, 'ruri>uto. .v. !sl'THKKI..\.NH. l'<i»t Oth«u lnn>tctor Post Cfice Inspector'! Office, Tjronto. AuRust l.Slh, WW. Reliable Used Car Sale (1) Chevrokt Tiuiiim Car. IDl'.l â€" l!i::0 Model. (1) Fo.-d Toiirinii Car, 1!»1S model. (1) Ford Tourirg Car, lUlti model. (-2) Ford Touring Cars, 1«14 model. (,!} Ford Runabout, 11)17 model. The ahovc are for imiiiediale deliveiy and subject to prior sale. C SMITH A^ SONjj. F. rd Sa'es and Service, tfurhuu, Hflstein. ami Mount Forest. Fruit and \ egetable Season is comina: in fast with us s "- .«.^... Place your order for youv Fruits for preserving â€" Peaches, Pears, Plums, Tomatoes, etc. â€" and in this way he'p us to obtain the lowest prices pcssible for you. We also have a fu:l line of Groceries and Confectionery. Flour and Feed FLOUR â€" Royal Household and Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Chop, Calf Meal, Salt by barrel, or 50 and 100 lb. bags.. TWliNEâ€" Brantford. Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario ^yi-^'V- Spring Announcement W . L W KICiUT Wishes to announce to th.e public that he his just received a spring consignment of Man's and Ladies' Uouts and Shoes, Rubbers lo Bt any shape boot. Lonij Rubber 13. ots. Fleet Font White Ware in all styles for men. ladies, luisaee, hoys and you'hs. Peabody's and Bull Don OveralKs and Smocks, Work Shirt*. new line of Men's Shirts and Balbriygan I'nderwear, Ties, Collars. Bel^s, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. .\ freth stock of Groceries always on hand. All kinds of Canned Goo.is. Ill tho Millinery Department you will tiiid Mrs. Wnght with ii eomp'e'e sUck of Ladies' Hats, Ribbons. Lsces and Veil.s. Call and itispec^ our lines. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hi|<hest prices paid for Butter and Egns. % W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton Faim For Sale l.">0 acies, lets 17, IS anl 1^ 2nil con. S. D. U , .-Vrlemaiis. over lUO acies cloared, balance timbered. Two never fa lin({ wells, new brick house, larjte b.iik baim with stnblos unueinotth, new diivini; shed. Thl.t farm is nearly all seeded down and will bo sold with a tmill piymeiit down Apply on the prenimej to â€" Wm. I'ATON 1 hone U U 3. Priceville IJly tf jFleshepton ^^ TonsoriYi "^ Parlors We Alia to Uivo Entire .s.-nisfact . LAlâ- ^•UUY-Bk^ket oKses JHdu t»«sW, delivery FttuAy ev CLEANING and DYEING- We »gents for Pnrker's D>-e Work.<!- Clol cl»sni»il and dyo^i. feathers reju'-ena' S*^ T FISHER •PROPRIETOR

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