Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1920, p. 5

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â- Â«Wi PH W^ IP^ wmn ^mm ^^^^^"S! September 2 1920 THJi FLESHEKTON ABVANCE SUCCESS and Inde- pendence. â€" Do not depend on what you earn but on what you save. The Standard Bank of Can- ada can very materially assist you to win success and secure independence. •• THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FUESHERTON BRANCH GE«. MITCHELL MAMAsen 5: ^ rains ollows : Going Scuth 7.52 1. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are follows 7 p.m ANADIAN PAOiriC C. p. R. Time Table. leave Flesbercon Station as Gcing North 12.05 p.m. 9.S0p. m. .„„ csed at Flesherton 83 For the north at 10.40 a.tn.and and the afternoon mail south at a 40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. Mr. Dell>«rt fatloo of Toronto i« hilldajing at bi4 parental home here. Mr^ Vim. VV'ilc'ick t4 Tiiitio); her daughters in Toronto. M.a« Evada Wils'^n fiaited daring the pMt week wiih her aunt at tturlioxton Beach. Mr.s. Boyd Thompeon returned lia- we«k from a month* Tisic with friend* at Silver CreeV, .V Y. Mr and Mrs R. Monre cf Newbury announce the birth of • daughter on Aai»uit 2.3. Congratulations, Bob '. We have a .juantity of Red Astrakan and Duche<8 apples In tirtt «Ia«a shape fur sale. E. Pau', Eugsnia. We notice chat lome of our exchanges omtit the Flesherton fair from their published list. Why this thus / The public schools opened on Wed- nesday of this week. There is no change in the staff of the Flesherton ichool. Mrs. Gurdon Rellarand sen, Kenneth, of Toronto, are visi'in^ relatives and friends here. I Mr. and Mrs. John K^i^er motored ! from Rochesttr and spent the past week with the latter's brother,ReeTe McTavi'ti I and family. I S!r. S. .Octewell of Goodwood and ; daughter. Miss Olive, of Toronto, spent the past week with Dr. and Mn. Otte- i well. aitisfiCtion is what yon ^et iuHobber | lin '.Quality Tailoring. See new styles and woolen*; at LcGard's Gents' Famish- icsfs, Flesherton. Mr. Pioder baker, advertiser a reduc tion in the price of bread if called for at the bakery. If delivered there is no reduction. Tte Advancd tcLders jyiipa'.hy with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson, whcae son, Robert, 17 years of age, died en The latAat gamtt laws of each proviac*, iocluJiog the latei national migrstury Birda Ac: are included In Rod and Gun In Canada for Aujust. This l^aa* ct Caaad*' a iportamen's m ;nth!y eootaioa seven live blooded stories of adventure with ttanoe, i;un, rod and trap in Canada. In addition to these scocie* of fact and fiction therd are iha unuil hiiih class Guns and Ammuni'icn department for the gun crank ; the Aoglini d'>partmeQt for the Wa!tor.ian, and the Kennel acd Conservation departmi'n's fjr admirers of the cAnine ar.d lover* of true sporr. A. Bryan Wiliam^, the well known b'g gtme hunter, takes the reader on another " leg " of the hunting trip into the bills of British Colombia, after 'iheep and goats. Rod and Gun in Canada published monthly by W. J L'mited, Woodstock, On». aaa u -f^ T*y:or, 'S Gents' Furnishings ^ The Small Store with Big Vilues r). Friday last aoendicitis. following an operation for VICINITY CHIPS We are agents for the Toronto dailies Leave your orders at Ths Advance ..ffice Mrs. John Thistle'.hvraito vLsitid with friends in Toronto last week. Mrs. Will Turoey and son are visiting friends in Toronto and Queensville. Mrj. (Dr.) Henry i5 visiting her par- ents in Toronto. Mr. C.arence Fishci of Toronto is holidaying at his p»rental home. Mrs. B. MeCillum and dauahter. Edna, visited Rev. and Mrs Scobie at Whitechurch last week. Miss B!la Connell of Ouelph visited Mrs. Gilchrist and olh^r friends heie durius the past week. Mr. Ellwood Gence and faoiily of Toronto are holidaying »l the parental home. Reeve Boyd of Mirkd^le, who has been out West for some time, is expected home this w?ek. Mrs. J Thornton and daughter, of Toronto, spent the past week with Mrs. G. B. Welton. Mr. and Mrs, Chirks Jaraieson of Timmins visited the former's mother here during the past week. Mr. R. Thompson, jeweller, of S«d- bury, and little son, visited relatives here over the week end. R«v. Upham atid fimily retarued last week from a forlniitht's campini? wiih friends at South implou. Mrs. H. McAu^ey of Dundalk and Mrs. Kennedy of Toronto visited the past week with their mothjr, Mrs. Win Henry. Church of England service will be held iu the Town Hall, Flesherton. every Sunday at 7 p.m. Rev. J. Bhckwetl, pastor. All welcome. Miss M. B. Allison and Mrs. David Ross and so.i, Allison, of laerrpl>ert, Sask., are visitinii *t ths home of their brother. Mr. Joseph AUisoe, MaxMell. The Bast Grey f;irl fair prise lis: was placed in the hands of the secretary last week ar.d is now hiding distributed. Get one »ud make a note of the good lis5 of prizes offerad, then join np if you are not at present a member and help along theehon-. W. .\. U»wk«:n i« secretanr. The probliui this year was to get the crop saved. There is so much sweet clover among the grain iu this section that, along with the heavy straw, it has been very dittioult to cure. Fottunatelj the weather hat been ideal for siving it. If we remember rightly an Anti- Combine law was passed ly the Domini n Government a few years ag'> This law appears to have remained a dead letter, at least nothing his recently been l>eeu heard of it. Ou the conmry, the Board ' of Comiueree and Railway Bjavd have and are f>if tering combine* and setting a bad example in_ this pernicious practice, HUoihiUtiiig competition altogether,* hile the public suffers the conse».iueuces. It is high time now thit this coun'ry got back to a pre-war competitive bwis and dropped its Botr Js of Control and their highly piid olhcials. BOYS' 5CH00L CLOTHING Holidays are over and with the reopening of school comes the need of suitable .ichool clothing. Our range of Bovs' .Suits is very complet* and inclade* some very choice patterns, made up in good nobby •tvles. Boys' Suits with Bloomers, sizes 27 t« 35, from $7. .50 to $22.50. Boys' Suits with Long frou-sers. sizes 33 to 39, from %I5 to $3S.50. BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS G«od substantial Footwear, suitable for school, bub made 'up on up-to-date laits and well finished, black or brown leathers, medium and light styles' allgize* from I to H, prices from $2.79 to S^.-jO. LADIES' FALL COATS Our first shipment of Fall Coats will arrive this week and we shall be pleased t« have ycu come in and see them. Yuo will find a very nice seleaion, all reasonably priced, ranging from ':*2&.50 to $55.00. niLLINERY DEPAPTnENT Miss Collver has taken charge of the show room again this season, and is busy preparing for the fall season. Any advance orders will have her careful and prompt attention. Mrs. (Dr.) Ottewell received a telegram during the past week announcing the death of her brother. Professor John Stafford, in British Colambia. >'o par- ticulars are to hand. Mr. Stanley Short and sister, Mamie. of Waterloo, Henry Levergne of R'.vicr QU Loup, Quebec, and Mrs. B ppre of Mt. Clemens, Out., spent Sunday with Mr. aod Mrs. Ruaatadt'er. Bev. B;lfry and fimiiy returned on Frtddy last from a tiiree weeks' holiday at their sumuier cimp on L^ke Simcoe. Mr, Belfry occupied his own pulpit here en Sunday. The building up of tires aod the man- ufacture of msckintoahes acd other rubber g'?oda will be one cf the proees' exhibits at the Canadian National Eihi- I bition this year. McTavish Ot Son had t'*o of the new I Samson tractors delivered last week. j One is now busy cutting harvest in the ! Valley and is g.viu.^ wouderfal satisfsc- I t:oa. The munioipaiiiids interested h^ve been notified that the government form»lly took over the Toronto acd Sydeuh:im Rcai as a provincial highway at noon on Se^'t. 1st. Sugar manipu'ators are now bemoai^ic.g the fact ihc>t the drop in Sugtr means big lossee. What about the millions thai the public have already lose through the bcdevilmcut of the sugar business for the past e -"uple of years ? ^The public cin scarcely be expected to .'<hed tears if some i>f the sug-ir ijrafters are put out of business allogeiher. The Durham Review grew "good siz>'d p;tatoes in a coal ash heap, ai'd asks " how's that, " when coal ashes are supposed to h*v« no fnutritive or ferti- lizing value ' Well, here Is iha answff. Place potatoes in a box without any earth whatever and they will produce " good sized " potatoes. Moisture is all they require to do the trick. The regular monthly meeting and tea ol the W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Hickling on Wednesday. Aug. I, at 3 3J. "Some things that mike life worth while," by Mrs Clinton : " .Success from different standpoint", " by Mr*. W. X. Armslroiig' B.kkii)g Com. â€" Mrs .Aki"?, Mrs Cross^cy, Mrs .MoTivish lad Mrs A. Stewart. A nasty car ojllisi )a took place^a m.ie cast of the village on Suud»y, when i car I'riven by Bessie Mercer c.»ms up he »o»J from Loucks' miH and turned to gj to Eugenia. Another car came along at the same t'tue from Ejgenia and the two Collided. Both cars were quite badly used up, but nobody was hurt. The Owsn Sound Sun Times priutod a story last wetk to the effect th»l beans planted along with pK*toesj;woa!d prevent iha ravages of (hs potato beetle. Siuuc body must have be«n "jjshiBg" the reporter. Right in our own tardea we have a patch of boans. and am jnj the beans there are several hills of potsti^cs which came up from seed left in the ground last fall. These were l«ft to grow. After reading the Sua ar'ic'e we went to examine thorn, and leho'.i*, they were stripped to the st i!ks by the bugs. Nj, i>eaiis won'l scare em offâ€" Di't this year â€" and our ci>nfrer* with the shiney name ha? «*steJ abou^ six inches of valnable ne«jp*;»er* space teiltog »b ut somsthing ih.\t won't. Agents for Hcbbertin made-to measure Suits and Overcoats. Pacama and Straw Hats, Summer Underwear, Ea'h'ng Suits and Boys' Jerseys reduce-l 20 per cent. Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest coiiies. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ^"•^r^ New Principal Engaged Farm For Sale Lot 15.=? and 156, con. 2, W.T. &S.B , Artemesia, containing about 110 acft^, over 90 acres cleared, good buildings, small orchard, wtll watered. Appiy to ROD. STEWART, J24 Proton R. R. :i. Flesherton Hi^h School will reipea on SepCcmtier 7tb. The Board have secur- ed the services of Mr. H. J. Haviland, B. A., aa principal, who comes higbiy recommended a:s a Bi^h Schj-il Principal. The assistant! are iai-s Holmes, B. A., who has 'ceen on the start for several years, and whose [ualities as a teicher are well kcown, and Miss Broad, B. A., who comes with a good record- «j a teicher. Intending sradents should consul: :be' principal, who will be at tb« school oq 6th of September in the afternoon for she purp<>ie of meeting the pupils. s^^ Hi^k J Paj'.j F L E S VV. A, HAW KEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELS30HN PIANOS and PLAYERlPlANOS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. these high grade instruments AT H^ GiUery "and ^Mtisic Stor H E R T O N Safeguard that \^aluable home of ijours **EKGLISH PAINTiM -jA'i- n.- oU r r a. *% /"OU can never afford to let your heme Y deteriorate for lack of paint. Lately prop- erty values have risen so high that the cost of a few cans of paint is a trifling expense for the safeguarding of the home. With this knowledge there is a more complete under- standing of paint economy and a belief that it paj''* to use dependable paints, even if tl-ey cost a little more per can than the ordinary kind. »* 70%Pi!r5Tf>it9Lva i5rj~.:.-arr.",i C7Tsv.:rv? P.C) ,0 Pure riir.'- is guaranteed â€" ever\' can of itâ€" over the signa- ture of the maker. There is also printed on it the basic formula which ensures permanence and "covering capacity-." In spite of the rise m cost of materials, Brandram's B.B. Wliite Lead and other similar quality ingredients are used in the same liberal quantities as in the very earliest da\-s of B-H manufacture. B-H "English" Paint will never be allowed to devi- ate from its original standard of qua'.ity no matter how conditions may influence other manufacturers. There's too much at stake iu the wonderful B-H reputation to risk its pres- tige by even a slight departure from the famous formula which gives it such "body" brillia.ice, durability and all-round sarisfaction. For Sale by F. H. W. HICKLING. FLESHERTON, - ONT. Cargoe's Grocery SPECIALâ€" while they lass we will giv«3 bars of Polar White Soap tor 25c. If yoa \*in: good, clean, freeh Qttxmie* o» CourfMuoiiiirr gire U3 a call. We carry noshing btu Ih* b<?«t. We have alio a full line of all the lealia^ TsVMties. All kind^ of Fraiss in smwsh. Come ia and visit oar ice cream panor. ie« .iream . W« haodle NtiiMs'i Try a tia of EJkhorn Cheese for ysor sexs S difbres'. flavors. piabie. We h»Te Pat>ne Hiijhei! pnMi VQOf order. f aii f.« jkH kisnim .V P«<3u«. Wi wfli leiarer it B *tij part ot the viU^e. W. E. CARGOE. Pbene 30 J. FLESHERTOM. ONT. " BOOTS & SHOES I '^ •••• 9 In Ladies \\ ear we have Gun .Metal and Box Call. Wear we have a nice Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also verv serviceable Work Boots. Kid, Dongola. For Men's assortment of R RANPRAM -H gNDg:^S^ ' ncoiCiMB HAT â- OMOMTOM Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - ONTARIO •*M •••••••«• •••#•• ••♦•••••••••♦•••••Twynrpt »••*«•*••••••••••••»•♦•••** »*»*• *»»*

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