Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1920, p. 8

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PIP September 2 19'i« ' THE FLESHEKrCN ADVANCE Rates for Telephone Service Our rates for exchange service, fixed many years ago, developed many inequalities as between cities at one time equal in population. In the new schedule filed with the Board of Railway Com- missioners we have so grouped cities and towns of approximately equal telephone development as to wipe out these inequalities. The rates for exchange service psoposed for ''^â- '"' H.RTUN under the new schedule are shown in the following table. Proposed Business Service Moiilhly Rate Individual line $2.75 2 -Party line 2.25 Residence Service Individual line $2.00 2-Pt»ty line 1.75 Rural party service 1.75 These new rates, we submit, should be considered in the light of the present purchasing power of the dollar. They compare favorably with the increased rates vvl-.ich telephone companies have had to secure from public service bodies all over the continent. The commodities we have to buy â€" labor and material â€" have advanced in no lesser degree than have those staples of every day use, the cost of which has made present living expenses so high. t- THE BELL X^LEPHONE COMPANY - OF CANADA f Made In Canada T^IXISTI does not make tlic auto- mobile any more than clotlies make llic man, but tlie finisli and cquii)mcnt of the Chavrolet "FIJ 50" Touring Car are evidence of tlie care willi wliich it is made tliroiif^liout to inoct liio re- quirements of the most jjarticular motorist, D. McTAVISH 8L SON Flesherton, Ontario "THE ELDRIDGE" I Dependable 8e\ving IMacliines fit Moderate Pi'ices. j SOLD IIY , W. A. ARMSTRONG I FliESllEUTON, ONT. Boar tor Service ; TliB uiulorsigiied lias u lhi)i(jui;li,)ped V iirksliiit Hniii for service nii lot 11, con. j 8, Osprey. Tur ins $1.50. ' FRED SPOFFARD F leshcrton Garage Agents for Ford, and Gray Dort Cars Expert Repairing A Specialty We have installed a complete acetyline welding plant and can do the most intricate work on all classes of broken metals. Batteries rebuilt and recharged. No-Knock Gas Saver on hand. NOW is the time to buy your Legalite Lens. large garage is now fully equipped with the latest modern appliances and we solicit your patronage. Feed your land with Harab-Davies Fertilizer and you will I.ave a bigger and better crop of Fall Wheat THIS is no arm-chair theory. It's s fact! Harab-Davies Fertilizer con- tains available plant food in the form of Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash. Fall Wheat sown with Harab-Davies Fertilizer can be sown late in order to avoid the Hessian Fly. It gives the grr wing plant a flood root system. It promotes quick and strong top grovi^th. it practically eliminates wintcr-killinK. It hastens a harvest with long straw, and big. plump, meaty kernels that grade high on the market. The Fall Wheat photo alongside was taken May 27, 1020. In the Sprinp: of 1919 tho well-srown poition of this field was sown in oats, fertilized v/ith Harab-Davios Fertilizer. After the oat.'i V\-ei'c hai'vcstcd the whole field was disked and cultivated and sown to Fall Wheat without additional fer- tilizer. The difference between the fer- tili'^cd and unfertilized portion is amaz- ing â€" and it incidentally proves that Harab-Davies Fertilizer will show re* suits the Kccond heason. Price List For Immediate Delivery Where little or no manure is to be had, use 200 to 300 pounds per acre of: â€" Available Phosphoric Acid. Potash. 12 10 2 10 8 2 Where manure is plentiful, use 200 to 300 Ammonia. 3 2 2 2 Per 125 lb. bag. $4.35 4.15 3.70 4.00 P»r Ton. $68.80 (55.75 .'â- )8.50 62.90 pounds of: â€" Available PhoHphoric Ammonia. Acid. 12 10 16 14 Potao 2 4 Per 125 lb. bag. $3.35 3.60 2.95 2.85 Per Ton. $52.65 57.00 46.45 44.65 Freight prepaid to your station on orders of 500 lbs. or more. Goods shipped in 125 lb. bags (16 bags to the ton). Termsâ€" Ca,^h With Order. r FILL IN AND MAIL US THIS ORDER FORM WITH CHEQUE OR BANK DRAFT FOR AMOUNT DO IT NOW AND MAKE SURE OF A BIG, PROFITABLE FALL WHEAT CROP ORDER FORM ONTARIO FERTILIZEKS LIMITED, Dept. 27 West Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: â€" Please ship immediately the following: â€" AMOUNT \apio P. O Shipping Station : Railroad I enclose $ to cover the above. Victoria Corners (Jiowdoi Out liUsc \Vcfk Mr J.is Uiilluc^licr of Toronlo is vieiting hi« brother, Mr H II (JalUgher aid friends. .Also Mrs W.illaoe of Rliihnur. Mr Hiid Mrs Alen Jcliscm ct Hikinil- ti'ii, Mr iiiui Mis John McC'oiinell, Mr an J IMia Ji^hii Curbelt and Mr and Mil Ilrtrb Curbelt visited tt Mr Jus Lock* hut's (jne day hist week. Mta lielle Vimderburg of Toronto viai'el at Mr Goo Moore's. Mrs S W Wdodlftw of SiniihviUo is vifsi'inn '"'f d.iugh'.tr, Mrs C Moore. Wes Arinslrong of Fle&heitou visited at Milloii lUniKin's. Tho neinhbors hive formed a cunpanf and l)rui;ht a threshinu ouilit and etriW outtcr. ESTABLISHED 1872 ^^f ^m fii3B.»iMK^ ,HEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON TIni postulliou at Oxendeii liik^ becu o'oaed, as the );ovcrnment could got no one to i.ecept ilio po.sition fur the J 85 a ytur s.iiiry. Kusidunts will now huvs to Kii to W'ur (in, ihroc uiiiis, fur thill mail . . r>*\^ r^\, "'V/''*^ '^'V'^^'V^ v^^V''*'>^^'*V DOWN & SONS, Proprietors T tgj B^ IQi l^ l^ igi) C{P iQi I^Si^P <OTcQT ^p CgiS (0} (DO w^ CQJ UQJ (^ ^p BUSINESSCARDS SOCIKTIES DBINOE AUTHUU LODBE, No. H3;t,A.P.& ^ A M, luuittfl In the Masoniohall, Arm 8 lOQii's Ulotlt FltiHhcrtou, ovory FriUay on oi- bafors Oio lull i)io«ii. T. ("uytoii, W, M„ A. K. Bn'laiiiv. Hocrutary THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK The purchasing power of a dollar lias been cut iu two since 1914. With a tiend towaid normal prices the dollar will again be worth more. There will be great opportunities iu the next few years for the man with ready capital. Be dollarwise, save aud dcpoBit regularly. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK:bRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BR*NCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager Dentistry 5\r, fi. C MURftAV t. 0. B , deDU) snrgeon ' V ht uoi- Rrartnale of ToroiHij t/bfTOMrtV ifi3 i' Koyal I'ollupii ot Dental SniRi ono o( Outario, ' 'ita aduiitilniBtorud tor teoth oXtraotlon tlico at roBiduhco 'I'orouto Htreet. Fleaherloi'. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Medical Dr \V. J. Homy, M! H„ praOuatoof Facnltj ol Mocli(!lnp, Torooto I'liivoisity, Olllce â€" I)v. i.ittlv'6 lata rutidenco, Flesl\eitou. I P OTTKWKLL / Vetorinary Rnrgeon trailuatn ot Ontario Veterinary Oollego iKlAeuce â€" aecoiid door aouth weat'OD Vrary Ktreet. Thia atreet rana onUi 'riihlivterian Chnroh. Legal I DCA8, & hENllY-HarrlBtora. rtoiloltora, "-< ew.â€" U n. l.ncaa, K. ('..; W. D. Hunry, n. A. OinocB, MarhtUle liQcaa lllock, Pttoue SA. >MRnrlr olV.ci 6 at Uuiidalk aud liurha r. n HiailT, & THI.FOIID, Harriator, Bolloi. '' tam, ice. Otilcoa, (tiiiy £ lirnco Hlook, Owon kioilnd. Htandard Hank cl-,;Flefli(*- tun, (Baturdoja). W, U. Wilglft, W, P. i'ollord Jr. - â-  â-  â- â€¢ '" '' ' 'i^" ' â- ' Business Carps CyM. KAITTINO, IccnHod Auoticmior foi '" the oountiee of dray and KImcoo. â- "arm and Stock aa'ei a apeoUHy. Terma noderato. aatiatactio« H'laranttc). .Arrange- iieiitB tor dato'j may bo made at tbo Advance ilBco, or Centrul tolorlione olVioe lev«r»>iaui >r byaddrnaainK uie at h'evm-aliaui. Unt, OMaPIIAU. Iilc.cnBK.1 Auetioiiflo for tho • C'ountv ot Oroy. Turnia luodtrato and â- iRtls Bctun (.iiHranleed. Hie arror.KHricnta â- ind dates ol aalm can l>n niadcat fliE Ai>vaiic« •(floe, lli'fiilenccfciid I'.o., Ceylon. TulciiliOne ;onnootlon. l>ec, S, 70 Qnanrlw-^^*"^"^' '^ match to the burner and it is OpGfiuy"rt>atly for use instantly, just as speedy as a gas .stt^ve. Ql J Set the Hame where you want it. You O iCaUy'can always sec it through the mica iloor and it stays where you sat it. PI Does not blacken potsand, pans. The l/IGall'lonj^ blue chunney turns every drop of oil into cooUiiij,' heat. None of it escapes in smoke or sooi or disagreeable odor. Un'f ^'^*' every cooking purpose thtire ia always nOI'an abundance of steady, clean, intense cook- ing heat directly against the utensil. A _ (Jlass door, will not steam or break. UVCll'Thiee jx)int lock device saves heat. Scien- t die heat circulation, all steam and moisture carried away. No soggy fooil. Call and let \is show them to yoti. Made in 2, 3 and 4 burners. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON

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