Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1920, p. 1

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^^ /lesb^rtxm Vol 41, No. 16 Flesherton. Ont., Septeiriber IG 1920 PORTLAW In(ei.ded For Last Week Harvesdue has beeu going with a rush. Moiit (if the giaiii is now^ut and a Khnrt time oi coutiDued fine weather will complete the haulin}^ iii. The :rop iu the best in a good many year«. Mrs. Liwris Shearduwn is improvios after a serious illness. Mas(3r Vetn Wright is tecoveriog from an attack of diphcherm. Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Taylor vi«it(d friends in Owen SoUt:d last week. Messrs. Richard McMulIen and Aiira- ham Blakey are *he latest to invest in Ford cars. Miss Kesbit of Caledon has a.S!iumed the duties of teacher ef our school. Will Taylor of ToioDto is holidaying at home. Mr. and Mrs Geo Hacey and Mr and Mrs J. L Wood visited hitey with numerous friends here. .\ hea%-y wind and rain etorin passed over this district early Sunday morniue We have not heaid tf any ser.ous da-u-' a^^e ae a result _ Marguer'.tp, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert Fisher, has b.-en very ill with an atteck of appendicitis. Miss Lilian McKeiizie is seriously ill with nervous fhock aud aciatiea following teeth extractiuu. Miss Florence White left for Toronto on Monday to attend Normal school. Mrs Wauchobe of Biiton visited over Suiid«y 71 ith her daughter, Mrs Lewij Sheardown, EAST MOUNTAIN Harvesting is about completed in our locality. Mrs Smith of Barrio la the ^uest of Miss Lucy Wiiltou. Mr Roy Woods of VVodeh'U-e and a car load of friends fioin Flesherton and Mr aud Mrs Wni Martin of Victoria Corners visited at C Martin's. Miss Alma HumberEtone haf gone to teach school at Killarney at the salary of 81W0. Success . Among those who attended tlio Ex. in Tjrontc «ere : Misses Eva .Mien and Minnie Smart and Mr Carl Humber- stone. Miss Gladys Lever has returned home after spendins a fonui;;ht wiih her sister, Mrs. Martin. Sorry to report Mr E O'Brien not on- joyiny tha bes; oi haalth. The Misses .\nnie and Pearle Allen are teachius; school near Dundalk. Success girls. A youni; man namud Genrse Coirtlie was frttally burned in the Graud C«iiiral Hotel at Mount Forest on Saturday last. It is supposed that after go:ng to bed he lit a cigarette and wetit asleep, with the result that the bed clothing was set atire and could not, be put out befeie he was fatally burned. Notice to Creditors lu the matter of the estatfl of Robert H. Henderson Into of the Yilliij;e of F'eversham in the County of Grey, mer- chant, dsceased. Notice is hereby given, pur.suant. to "The Trustee Ace" and aiueiuiinenls thereto that all creditors and others havlns^claillls against tiio eotole ef the said Robert H. HLMidersoii, who di»d un or about the ItJih dsiy if Juno .\ P., 1!>20, are nviuired on or bofwie the 'JOtli Uay Septemlw A. U).,iy20, to send bv post prepaid or deliver to Mtssrs. Wrisih*. Telfoid iV: Biiuie, of iho City of (Hveii Sound, Siilioitor« for the Admiuis'.rainx of the estate of the said deceased, their Christian and Surnames, adJro-ses and de«criptious, the full particulars of their claim.s, the statement of tlmir account!", and the nature of she securities, tf any, hold hy lh«m. And further take noti«e that aftec such last luent.oHedriati^thesaul Aduiiniatrat- PRICEVILLE Durham and Dundalk Aaricultural Societies chanced the dates of their fall fairs to the tame dates as Priceville. so th» Priceville directors thought it best to chanye our dates to Wctobet 7 and 8. We consider it a shabby Uick to play on Pricevilie. The barvfst was nearly all gathered in \vaL week. A few remaining tiuids will b>- cleaned up m i.ood liuie this week. Mev. H. Berry, wbo hn.s been in charge of the Piiceville Methodist circiiiti curms the pastor's vacation, n^entioucd last Sunday morning that he had a letter from Rev. R. .J, McCarien stating that he w:is improving in health but desired to st.ay two or three weeks longer. Mr and Mrs Peuselly and other rela- tive.s, of Creemore, calltc on friends here the beginning of the week. Duncan McRae of Owen Sound has been visiting for a tew days with his parents, Mr and Mrs John McR^e. Mi.ss Milgaie Siothart ai.d her .si«ter, Mrs Kamsdale, haye been holidaying at the old home here. Ai.gus McLachlan, Ninh Line, aava hi»tootalud cut with an axe a few days ago. - Miss Lizzie Ci nipbell has teen holi- d.yiiiL' at her Oid home north of the Vdbigc. WALKERTON While j.'rUina a troll (lit ot the fU'er Charlie Schnurr, 13 years old, h;:d the misfortune to run » tish hook through the richt eyelid just over the ball of the eye. Ue was hnrned to a doctor's, where tl:e lish hook was with i:rt.it dilUculty removed. I'eter Altu'in, who occupies a farm southwi.'>t of Walkertou, was badly crushed 'oy a heavy horse when he was j*inmed aiiauis" the aide ef the stall liy the animal, which became sudoenly vicious while he was elaanins; it. H;s ribs were severely cruiihud »»d the breath so snneezod out i>f him that he was for a time in a state of coilapse- A doctor, who was tunimoned, found tha» while no bones were broken, yet thure is a possibility th»t snme serious internal (rouble may develop. During a tit of despondency bronght about by » loni; illness of nervjus trouble, James Boyd, a bachelor farmer of 45 years, residing •ear Klmwoed on the Uautiuik aide, ataibed himself live times in the abdoiuju at an early kour on Thursday iuorin»>; last and was found by lolativee, who went out in search nf him, 4taudiii^ attaiust an uld stamp in the field with the blood gushing from his wMunds. He was remived ro the house and laier brought tc the Bru<e County hospital at Walkorron, where Dr. Siu- cU»ir ae.»ed up the terribly lacerated abdomen and where the patient is now prciijressing as favorably aa possibh', with bright prospects for his ultimate recovery. License Inspector White's recent trips to Paisley and his fimiuent scoutings arouoi that burg for hooze infractions have resuHed in as least one supposedly b^J oti'endcr in the person of Thomas F. Pearce. drayman of that village, being causjht with the goods and u-ade whaek up to the tuno of 91600 on .Monday last, which IS the stifl'ost line yet levied in Bruce for a breach of the Tempeianca .\ck. â€" Ilarald and Times. CEYLON Mrs'Etherington and daughter, who have been viainni! at Mr A Sinclair's, have returned to their home in Toronto. They were' accompanied buck by Mrs Sinclair and daughter, Margaret, tc attend the Exhibition. Mr Jaa McMullen spent last week visiticK hts daughter and Mins lu Toron- to Mrs J McLeod and little daughter left last week to visi' friends in Toronto and 'points on the American side. Mrs Baxter at.d little foo of Caledoa are visiting with .Mr M Fergusen and other relatives. Mr and Mrs Riiss Leslie of West Toronto are visitins; the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs A McMullen. Mrs U Fisher and babe, who have spent the past: two months wih her muther hi-re, lave relun.ed hoine to Torinto. Mr WiLou McMullen I as returned from viMting his daughter nod S"n iu the Queen City. ^' M.e«srsT '^en. e avi W MoMuHen motored ro Meaford <o Monday. .Mr Daley of Li"hV.ridee, who visited at Mrs A Rutlediie's the past we. k, has left tn visit friends ac S'.rul>i. accompaa- icd by his little daughter, Mary. Prayer Meeting will be held on Tl'.uvs- day evening of this xeek at the home of Miss E WditLiker. Boyoe Bros are bnsy :his week thresh- ing sweet cI<ior fur .Mr J -f Pa'tisr n of Toronto. 8th IJne, Osprey Ir tended Fit Li.?t Vieek School opened Wednesday with nur tancher. Miss .\cheeon, to teach for anather ler'jn. Mr. John Carson of Santiago visited with his.vister, Mrs'. W V. Hanlcy. M\*» Nettie Dvvitt t-pi-nt the past month with her cous'ii, Mrs. J. Parsons, an-J other friends in the vicinity. W'li «r» pleased !o reptrt Mrs. James P*r(a*tis. who IS auSfering from rheuma- tisa, ia iinprrving. Mr. and Mrs, James Phillips and da»ilii»r, Ruth, of Balrimote, also Mrs. .^Fthar H i»lef *f Ottawa, ti«ited with thj formtr'a consm, Mr. Wm. Hanley. Mrs. Will Serg»«n5 of Owen Sound, s|t«Dt Ik* weak end vith telalives and oid at(iBaia)Aii«s. Government a Convert To Lightning Rods VANDELEUR Mr and Mra Gto Loucks and Mr and .^^rs X Louclis <f Meaford visited Mrs Wyville and family oce day lecenily. Mr and Mrs Lucas of Toronto were the guests of Mr an 1 Mrs S, B>wles for a few days. Miss Nellie Bi>land spent Ust week with friendii in Toronto. Miss Lillian Buchanan has gone to Owan Sound to utiend the Northern Busii.e.ss College. Miss Florence Caraoii and little brother who have been visiting their aurt, Mrs S. Gilbert, have returiicd to their home near Pricevil.e. Mr. and Mrs. W'. Buchanan visited frienda in Toronto for a few days last week Mr and Mrs George Wirliog anid Elmer, also Mrs S. Gilbert, spent a day, visitii.g frieoda at PriceviUc. Mr Hnd Mrs D. Graham and babe visited i>vtr the week et:d with friends in Kimberley. Quite H severe wind stoun [as>ed over this vicinity early Sutiuay moruiii','. FINE JEWELERvlBatesBurialCo. Embalmers i Br.4lNESS ,4S USUAL 1 Funeral Directors and Come in and see our fine large stcck of Jewelry, WatcLes, Clocks, etc, uu^,,^ um^-^o* ^ HQ andwhenyouUvcseeotiiemjonP^One HlllcrCSt 268 will be sure to buy. Watch re- 124 AvenUC Road, pairing a specialty. A fall line i Photographic SEpplies Toronto, Ont. Including developing powders, M.OTOR EQUIPMENT printing frame., dark lanterns, all j ^_ gates, R. Maddocks, sizes of kodacks aud Sims. President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESKERTON, - CM Yorkshires Tamworths Ycung Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes - ;eo. w. Koss, : - . ;: Maxwell p. O. Old Durham Road Harvesting was about brouylit. to a close last week, with wonderful crops. H<ipe they will help to reduce the hl^h Co.it of living. Mr. and Mrs. Davo McDonald have returned borne after sijendinf; several days with relatives at Chatswutth, Owen Sound and other pidnts. We hope Jlr. McDonald will be ••'eatly iinpieved in health. Absus Kennedy, our mail c«rri>>r, hcs handed over his mail route to Uany Hazard of Pncevillo. A number of fanners on the Sooth Line have purch;»sed a threshiniC outtit. Wo are sorry to report that Mr. Bob McSulry has been nnd r the d' ctors cue. We hope for a speedy recoTrry. The Sweet Clover Maiket The swuut clover seed market this year dous not seem very proinii<inii, at least not .IS yet, and if amnothinij doe.s not happen to create a ehani'e thoro will no' beaiuch seed change hands this faU. Last I year's crop sold at a giod price, the seed I houses viniHg with eich otner in securiii:; busiHess. As a resuU, they boui-ht ; more clover seed than they had a market 1 for. Oh the other hand the acreage ' under sweet clover this year is reported Vinitor.s tf. the parliament buildings at Oi'awa reeendj bavin?, had their curios- ity ari!in«ed by the pre.^ence of steepie- juks OB ths top of the highest tower I'f iho mew Csntral Bl'ick, will be interected to Isar*! tha' this nia;:n;ficpr.t structure is b»inc pn<t»ctp<i aaa n't lightnino;, thus so'Mae n'lTernraert approval on ti^.e liijhtsini: rod, an appliance whose high *tti«itnfy it took many jexa to e-tab'ish from the practical s:df, Tks work has br*n entr;!.«teJ to the Shiuu Minufncturinij C tnpany of Can- ada, of G»elrh, Ont., Had is in personal charge of Pr»fea»"r W. H. Day. who for in-^HV yeai < an Prpfe^-or ef Physics at (ho 0»t»rio .Vijriculinral C"o'!f»» citried on fxtansivs researcli in to th« rtbciency of liahtainK rod>, which resulted ia jsiabliakinx Ik* fact tluk $;ond li^htnigg ' rod*, inslalltd in ufcordance with the laws of »c ence, are aljjost abaolute protection against lii;hini.)-j. Mr. E. Rutherford of Prott>n is ag<>nt for (he Sliinn flat liahtnini; rod in this district. A Miraculous Escape \Ved:n;sd»y n-ght of last wef ' . says the Br!-.inpton Conservator, while i- •nvn- in.; freui a garden party at Catari .i, a Ford car with a party of live :ioiii Adjila township met with a serious iceideti; when ptijsin;; a herjs anlt boL'^jy travelbug in the sniue diroctiua, en I'-eii's hill, 15 sidoroad, Calrdon, wk«B the •arth s^iro way and the car rolled d<AVD a forty foot euibanknienr, turoiag ever three tiine^. When it landed at tin- bottom four of the five pu»scnsj»rs «»re stilt in the car and on* under i>, and the engine was still running. The lifih p'trty was able to Ctiwl out and ail were very littl« the worse for their e.xperiei en other than a tew scratches and a seieto shaking up. The wonder is that there w;is a survivor to tell the ta'.e. N> xt day the cir was removed with the aid of a block and tackle and taken to a rep-iii' sh-ip, it being |» bad looking wreek, t'.:j top and wind-ihielci being ccmpletely destroyed iiuJ many other pirts twis'eJ And broken. ace vour oraer '*\.3eascn is coming in fast. with us for your Fruits ror preserving Fruit and Vegetable PI fr Peaches, Pears, .^iums, Tomatoes, etc. â€" and in this way he. o us to obtain the lowest prices pcisible for you. We also have a fui' line of Groceries and Confe ctionery. Flour and Feed FLOUR â€" Royal Household and Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Chop, Calf Meal, Salt by barrel, or 50 and 100 lb. bags. TWINE-Brantford. Special attention given to phone oruer«;. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario A Girl's Horse Sens3 CHA5. DOUPE Dynamite Hlisier. H< ck an i Stump niasting. Phoae :i-2T 11 Pi-.n.n s^iti v. I (). Farm For Sale rix will p,.K>,ed t,.- distribute the assets i •♦""ily double that of last, atid the result of the deceased anions! the iKirties entitled I of Ihrowmu this ssrplus "" ^^^ market therett), having rek!«rd only to the : this season will have but one tendency â€" claims of which she shall then have 1 , ^ reduce the price. So far 20O acres c'ay loam at Shrigley, 7 miles Eist of Dund.dk. V2i) acres clea^vd the I and t>alance in valuable sM' tim'^er. to the then have notice, and that tlie sMd .administratrix _, , , , ... , , .. . , , w.n not he liible fcx tiro srvid assets or i «l>f'">--'l6 <--""l^' ascertain, the seed com- | Never failing spr,..g,creek ac-oss ciwr anv part thw-eof to any pertKiii or peisoHS ! paniea so far have quoted no pn«e at all . of farm withiu 200 feet of buildiuK'. of whT.se cliiin notice shliHl nnt.have b»e« ] ..-they are simply overstocked now and j Pank barn 44x70 wiU good stabling, received liy hor at the time of such chstrihution. inSr''"^ ""'* ^'^ ^^^ '*^ August, A. D. ! i^^j ^^^ ^1^ _ ^_^^^ ,^ ^^ ^^.^^. . ^^ ^^^ ^_^,,^,y â-  ^..,^ ^_^ ^..^ ,^. ^^_ ^^ ^,,^j implements. giviiii; publ city to iuforintlion we re- | For further pirticuliri apply to owoer. ! are not soini{ lo buy until they tee a way I drivint; house, 8 roomed brick dweU'ni;, oMt. Ofc'urso conditions may cSann* ' ph"ne and rural mail. Will seH farm Miss McVhail npoke at th» L->^or IV,y celabr.a'loB in 0«en S»u»4 ar.d ilie Advartisar reports her iu part as follens : " I wnuld rather rrproieai Ik«f<rn;('i8 than any other i.*La.s« on tatlk, 1 am very olad that tht» faroiors, Ukot aud raturnel sbU'iois «r» gelliBj; t«jt#l!v r. Th*y an the ooinni*n peopla aud u est m«t toaethcr if thay arc tu oo anyi'i. i u. Formerly at electMU time the lainnis were xn'.il that th»r were ihe sjit of the earth aud all »hai kind •f thin<(. lut the salt Si«oii lost i s sator nf.er the election. With two and a frncW,M ;<e» pie per »>quaia inilo m Canada, is it just to suppose that wo cttk make this a inanu- f»o uring ouualry, Kariuinc should con<o tirst, followed by miniuij, forestry ^nd ti.^hcries, with maiinfacturin-i la.-,t. Yet Ibe jjovernment tiios to protect uianu- facture while the farm Hnds are eoinij to j decay. There is a luoveineift t j get the people back oti the farms, buc whe«i I ! tannins pays three hundred and ten per I cent, profits as did the Dominion Tt«x- i tile Oil. t.'icii you wi§ have to put barb wire barricade" around the farms to keep the people away." ' "VSl - - -- - â- â- â-  â€" a^iUt â€" ^ â€" «.â€" a â€" ji â€" <»-:. » . ' â-  â€" »' a ,tt ,ml '-^' - â-  r > -" Ingle wood Bread for sale at 25c. a large loaf. L < r I I W. U WRIGHT, V j Corner Store, Flesherton \',%^ , _ ^ 2 i Faim For Sale -WRIGHT, TKfiFORD* WRNIB, t)wen Sound, Ont. Solicitor for the AJmiiiiatratrix. Fleslxepton ^^ Tonsork '^ Parlors We .\im to Give Entire Sjitisfaci LAIN DRYâ€" U,\sket ckses M«u>. ceiveJ from one who ounh' to kuow- Durhain Chronicle. A, V. 1! AX LEY, Dundalk, (.Vu Phone, wri'e or call fi'i a prize lut of Flesherioji fair, Sep'. iW and :?4 VV. d. Bawken, Secretary. l»8 Bctes, lots 17, 18 aud 19, 2nd cm. P. I). 11 , Arteme^ia, over lUO acnes cleared, â-  balance tiuliered. Two never f«!!in^ wells, new brick house, larue bank barn with scabies underiwath, new diivin-shed. r-Jrw farm is nearly aM 'l>^ht, delivery Fiiaay ev seeded down and wfll be sold wKh a _,_ ,, .„..„ „ ,, J . , .. CLKANtNG and BY KINOâ€" vv , •iik'H ptyineut down .Apply on the , „ ""'v. .t. . VV i.'v-r. IV agents for Parker's Dv^ Wotksâ€" Clot preini-vM to â€" >>in. t .\ l<>> â-  ^' I'he-.o K K â- ! I'rieeviH â-  '^'*^*"^' ""'^ "Jy" '• toathers rejuvena l%tt TFJSHER- -PROPRIETOR

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