Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1920, p. 4

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^PHV^PHP* September 23 1920 THE fip:shekton' advance â- SaHBCS The Road to Independence Trouble comes to all of us at one time or another. The man with a snugr bank account, is fortified against the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". It is the duty of every man to lay aside something for the inevitable rainy day. Open a Savings Account todayâ€" and take your first step along the road to Independence. tH€ M€RCHANTS BANK He.d Office: MontreaU OF CANADA Established 1884. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NOKSWORTHT, .... Manager. i^'muvvaHknjHatfS) •acBS WE SELL -iBi^_C.*^' ^SU^SX^ -v FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECL\L PRICES IN New Tubulin' Siitii'ijles .SepanitcHs JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEMT AGENT FLESHERTON. n Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola VV. A. ARivlSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERTON ONT New Perfection Oil Cook Stove C I Touch a match to the burner and it is Ope6Qy"iea(ly for use instantly, just as speedy a3 a gas stove. Q. I Set the Hame where you want it. Yoa O lG3Qy-can always see it through the hiica door and it stays where you sat it. PI Does not blacken })otsand pans, The l/I6an-lon<,' blue chimney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. None of it escapes in smoke or soot or disagreeable odor. Ml For every cooking purpose there is always nOT'an abundance of steady, clean, intense cook- in;,,' heat directly against the utensil. r| Glass door, will not steam or break. UVGll'Three {K)int lock device saves heat. Scien- tific heat circulation, aU steam and moisture oarried away. No soggy iood. Call and let us .chow them to you. Made in 2, 3 and 4 burners. IJ II i^^i Iji! \$ d;|[| ii^i % ir^i iiii i Flesherton Tn Shop jJSj Ira I have just placed on the shelves a full line of 1^ Tinware, Nickelwarc and Agateware for domestic |2 use. Call on nie and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and St.ovn Furnish- ings. F. W HARDWARE. DUNCAN FLESHERTON m Repairing of all kinds pronjptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Chwe Bros. Furnaces. 11 D- M.CKILLOP I i(:<i ! ! Small Ads. FUR SALE For Saleâ€" Good youtisjfux liouud. VV, J. KiTioi:, Maxwell. Clover Honey Kof Sale.â€" G. W. Gra- il tia, Kii^utiii. Cull Kor Sale Three yi-urs old fiast, j suitiilile fur drivi'r â€" .John \Vriglit, Fle<-h- erfciiii. For S«k>â€" One ueimral purpi'su tiay | )i jrse 4 yis old and one brown generiil] purpiiae nmre 3 yra old â€"Apply to tlumus | Olivtr, l*ri':evillo. Phono 21 r 22. I Eloveu head (jf cattle were cut to piects by u norllibound passenger trisin .11 Ji railway crossitijj neiir Toitsiihani Secure n prize list of F"lesherton lal fair and niaku your eulriei early. W. A. HawUin, secretary. ' A tluef enturod Bronn'« store iu CsUinywood by the sk/light iiud stoU between $20 and $50 worth of |>oods. Mr. Kos.-i, a O. P. II. hrid^e »iKt build- ing niiistiiv, wa.s tfcrowu froui a railway iiioior lirry iil: Orao'^iuvillo an I siisiaiui'd » bad fruclure of the collar bene. Dr. T. U. Henry Ket the breik and the injurod iniii was ab'u to raturii to hi« homt! Ill 'r<«roi\t« on ilie eveuiny tram . CHRISTOE BLOCK \l FLESHERTON n m )''or Salfâ€" Nice driver and lulilwr lirril bu'^ny wnli top, iiiao Uarne*''. \m Apply ar, tlii« idlioe. - Julylt m ShiiiKleHâ€" Carlo id XXX Quality B. C. flMI'll Oti\ â- ''y i ^^^ Cedar. Oiders now tnken. W. A. U 1^ il H n ! U . j Jljj i ,,„str m.'. Klesberto... Necessaries For Fall Sweater Coats, Pullovers, Yarn in all I shades, Coating, Coats, Flannelette, Grey and Red Flannel, Canton Flannel, Wool Underwear, Kimona Cloth, Flannel Shirts for men, Comforters, Wool Blankets. Art Sateen to make comforters, Batton, Rugs in all sizes. Wool Carpet by the yard. Scrim and Marquisette for curtains. New Fall Dress Goods, Silks, Shoes and Gloves. jj l>'y.)-m Kor S^leâ€" Soiilii liitif L,f jot .''U, Cm. ti, .Arteciiosia 4; intiiiiiing •")0 acrec, aboiii liair cieai't'd, li^ihiiice in timber suitable for good wood-Mrs. Joi-eijh Ponwick, FIcslieiloii, Out. nnaBaiiiiaBonnaBnniiagi F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario Farlilizurâ€"I am agmu for Gunn'e Sure (jHiii I'Vi iilzer.-t, the be-. ton l.lie niarkei, «iid am iiiiw lakiu.; ordor.sfir fall Jclivery at Fliwberlon St'vtioii. Send in <iidcrs by mall i^or ;>hono No 'Jl r 2 ll. W. .J. Bull For Service Pure bred Sh irthorn Bud of I be Villasje F.imily 'fir service on lot 10, c;in 10, t>spioy. reims S2..'iO for !;r-iile«. $5 fotjiure hrejs. Jnly 1." Mort. Siynrs, I'rop. â-  ^. â€" For Service One pure brod Shurthorn bull (ii Ij' t 28 and 2H, Coooessiun S, Artomcsia Ternn â€" $1 .M) for s.T.ide'i if paid in.iide of 9 mjntha-ii not. §2. I'uro bmli S;5-l'". loct â€" ROBKUr t)Sl5()UNK. .MeadK, Pricevillo P. O 1 d.o MI8CKLLANE0US fiii'i'Mt. p?ic 1 for h.ir'.,t)r and eiji^i at Orabani Bros. Kuuenia. .Iniio 26 Try h'.ivHr.slia.ii P.ntry Klour, the best or yoi.r eo .k, All Oiimrio wlioao (Jhoppini; Bviiry Siluidty o ily â€" Or« bam Bros., Uii);eiiia. Lmili CaiiiH .Astiay lo lot ;i(i, con, 10, Arleniesia. Owner provo propeity, piy e(|uensfs aud take the saiuo away â€" Olivei Turner. For Service • •ne'puro ured Sluntlioru Ibill ,>ii lot 36, 0011, ',), .Vrteniesia. '^elâ- ln^ $1.50 for ({rades. Must bo paid within 9J niunths from (late of Karvice. 19. Jan. 9 -II. O. TURNER. Boar tor Service The inidersiuned has a thornui;h Jicd YorK.-^hirc B.urfor scrvioe on K>i H, con. 8, ll.sproy. Ter nis Sl.&O. FREDSPOFFARD li[ii[||[[S "^^' it^^mx DOWN WITH THE HIGH COST OF LIVING 1 liiii! iliul with tliiiiiiLii)^ l!ic niitldUnucn's j)i-(.fii 1 iiiii ;il»!t: t»i ^ivo llu; peoplis of I'loslpMion anil vicinity (•li(';i[)t'r Itrcad, 'rii(M-('!urB (HI iiiid .iflcr fSeptt'inbtsr 1st all liifiid will Ik sold at the Hn1{ery for â- _'."ic per loaf. Any cirstoincr (Icsiwng )r(;.<l (!. I;v i;!! •'"(•. ii< r ioaf, MV MOTTO ISCA.^H ANlJ CAl.K'V FRED FINDER, FJesHerton BOAR for SERVICE I'uiubiMj 'I'ainwortli Ho»r for »ii'rvii;f on lilt ItST, -S VV 'I' i.ntl 8 Iv, Arkvixibia,, Turiiwâ€" *1,60. lull 1. J â€" r. J. ST1N6UN, Prop. Town Plot For Sale Town Plot i>t Kujenia, ooiitiiiiiiii;jj four aeiu4, yooil oichui'd, frame liou'iu, );o<:d wod. .Xpplyloâ€" T. b'KNWK'K, Aui;251uio Knyenia P.O. DR. F. C. NIXON Optumetritt and Optical Speciutitt uiuiilaiio Street, near Th.id Siriet tJullin^wood, Onbtri.i Appointuieiitu : â€" Dailyâ€" 8 a. ni. to 5 p. in. UvtningH and fiolidays umni^od. Telvpboui-(ill-\V. P.ox 10(111 1 .Ilv 20 >!ai'p fully liuttor . . ("lorrcoted Kiiob VVftk . IS'toO 4.S K;m« ri8 -.11 (I .'"8 VVh.at 2 20 to 2 2.") Pea.s 1 40 to 1 i'lO Oats ))0 to 90 Barley I 40 lo 1 4.'i FIED f THAT Is what over IOC users say about 11)00 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers lileijtiic aud tjasoliiie power washers . ALSO for McCorniick 'Biiiders. Moweis, Hay Rakes, Hay Loader.'', Urills, Culiivat-ir, Plows, Steel t+t^ill.s. Harrows, Gasoline Kni;iiH-s, Brantford duubly sjearud mid auto oiled aiumotor Wind MUls, Beatty Hay GwrierB, Hay Parks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water lUiatU, Water Tjtiks, Pump ;jnd Pip'oi;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One ihiiii iiiiTrt woml out with s.ime power when titfcd with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Fall Fairs FLKSKERTt)N Sept 23â€"24 Che-il.y Sept 80-Uotober 1 t'ollinawooil Sept 14 â€" 17 Dundalk -. S.pt HO-Oct 1 Durham Sept 00 -Oct 1 " Kevor.iham Sept 28-2» IJailover Sept 2;;â€" 24 Mwkdale Oct o - t> Moafonl Sept ;t0â€" Ojt, I Moiinc B'oroat. .Sept 1.1â€"16 Oranufvillo S.ipt 14 â€" 15 Pricevdio Sojit li'l-Oci I Shelbirne .Sc(rl 21-- 22 «im i A S' ^^1^ Find Out About The Satnsoti The Samson tractor is stronger than several teams of horses â€" it never needs a rest Working expenses on any farm are cut to the minimum by a Samson. It is a common sense method of hauling â€" costs you little when it works and nothing at all when it is idle. The Samson has the same reputation for unfailing service as the Chevrolet car. Come in some time soon and let us tell you why the Samson is proving such a good buy for the farmer. D. McTAVISH 81 SON, FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Farm For Sale l/it li.r. and l.'ifi, can. 2, W.'IV iVS.U . ArtMne^ia, contitiniov 1. â- â- â€¢ I Ul icr»K, uvui Oil crsH ol**aiid, 1 niidini;'', ht\[ ' ' , il, Wfl' «nt ^ •'â-  Apply lo UOU. s'lKWAKT, J .'4 Proton U It. .1. Farm For Sale Lota 16«, J(H), 2nd K»n)?e, V. T mul S R, ArtHmesiit, ll'O HoreH, good outhniH talg«, fruina hoti«f, well watered, orchaid, fa'lly nnort bnsh and weil frmed. Sm .1 pxyraont down. ^M.AUK STKVV.VUT Ati^?!) If H R ;'., l\otou -Siation P O ESTABUSHiiD 1872 iHEAO OFFICE HAMILTON ~ Soiuo people' liavo forjune.s left them. .Most people liavo to uiake llieirs. Everytbing must kiive a cotmucncement. A »av- iiiijs ai'ooniu in tlie Bank of UamiUon iiiay'be the cnmiueuc(i- imnit of jotir fortune. It is certain that if vou never start, jpu never get very far. ^ BANK OF HAMILTON DUNOAIK 15RANCH-.V. M. C.trthew, MaiiUKor SUlS-BRrNCII PRoTON C. .1. lorster, Siib-Maua^Jer > 1 I I t

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