Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1920, p. 5

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September 23 193« THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Wheat Certificates 'y HIS Bank has special facili- -•- ties for collecting Wheat Participating Certificates, the initial payment being at the rate of 30 cents per bushel as authorized by the Wheat'Bdard. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA »* Capital, aazttut tad CalhrUW PnMi II4U.UUS. FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL . - Mana«ie« C. P. R. Time Table. Icains leave FleshercciM Station as ollovs : Qoin? South Going North 7.52 a. m. 12. OS p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.30v. ui. The mails are used at Flesherton i-a follows : For the north at 10.40 a.oi.and 7 p.ni. ; aad tlie afternoon wail south at 3.40 o'dooK. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous erg. VICINITY CHIPS Flesherton fall fair and horse races Sent. 24ih. Ladies, call and see my fall millinery displayâ€" Mrs. W. L. Wright. Mrs. S. E. de Codmoxe spent the Iriih And l()th iu DrMDgeville with hsr friend, miss Isobel Forbes, aud tsolc iu tht fair- Osprey Fall Fair will bn held at Fe- versham on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, Sept. 28 aud 2i), Mr. Blijah B.'ntham left last week to like a situation in an electrical works at Hamilton. Harry Bennett and company have been .secured for the fair concert on Supt. 24th. yiss Violet Hunter of Toraato spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Edward Best. Good races are assured at FlesherCou Fahr tomorrow (Friday) if the >vetttlii^r be tine. Mrs. >V. A. .'Vrmstrong uiotoiod to Toronto on Manday lasB .reek with her dau«hcer, Mrs. U. M. Hyland, husband and three boy», who visited here over tb e week end. The teatler garden stuff got its quietus on Saturday night when a heavy fro«l bore d«wn on tke north wind and next meruinv; still waters bore a thick coating of ice. Duudaik hi^h .sehool basaball boys came ap Thursday afternoon last! an^ played a seven innin; game with tha hi»h school here, resulting in a vi«fory for Flesherton bv a score of 6 to 4. Edward Hillock of Osprey was driving his Ford car a lit'le too fait over a rou!>h placa north of Euicenia on Thursday last when i*. took to the ditch and turned OTer, causing dt^jnage to the tune of $150 or mora. The occupants of the car were also badly shaken up. Beginning ou Sept. 1st ihu junsdicti.'n of the Division Court wa.s doubled. J>nw it is poHiiible to sue in this couit ui> to t40U aud iati'test on an aseertuiaiij account, $200 on an open acconut, and up to $120 for damages. As comjiared with the casos which heretofore had to be tried in the County Court there will be a cuaniderable saving to litigants iu the uiattei of costs. MarkdiUS'andard : The Flesheri«n Advance editor satisfactorily e.xplained his contention that he was one ot Orcy Co. publishfv.s forty year* ago. Wo had entirely forgotten that there was such a paper as the Tribune, and never knew before that our next neigbhor had been associated with it- Ai>a is honorable, po we niu^t .ihare ihtt hmor. Kecvo J. -V. Itoyd of Markdalu return- ed (o North Bsttleford, Sask., or Fric'ay last, whoic ho hai betii nei;otiating for a big putrhaso of a busiuens block and furniture an I iindartikinc biisi,ne.ss. He exp:-cts •« Lave a parniersh'p. tho invesimeiU totalliog about 970,000. Should the deil be completed this ccnin'.y will lo.Hfi a good piiMio man, Hnd Mtrk- dalp a good ciliz-n. Tu any event he will not niivfl his family west for some \ time. I Good purees are being oSered for thn horse races at Flesherton fair, Sept. 24 . vV'e are agenm for the Toronto dailies Leave your orders at The Advance oficu Mr. Jack McCowell of Toronta is visit- ing at M>. H. LeGard's. Mr. Frank VanDusen of Toronto spout Sunday with his mother here. The Women's l^lustitute has arranged for a monster fowl supper on Oct. 22. Mr. Isaco Cheesman of Stayuar ipan^ Sunday with Mrs. T. Wilson. Duodalk band will supply the imus^o •t Flesherton Fail Fair, Sep!. 24th. Watch these culumns next week for news of the bin entertaiameat at Price- ville on Oct. 20. Miss Araminta McCarthy of Niagara Falls is ipeadiug her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Stinson. Miss Mae Jamieson and friend, Ur. i Hoener. of Toronto, Tliited the former's mother here for a few days. Plums for sale â€" different varieties â€" will sell chesp. E. A. Graham, Clarks- burg. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell returned on Friday last from an -extended visit with her liaugluer, Mrs. Goldsborough, at Iroquois Falls. Satisfaction is what yon get iuHobber. liii Quality Tailoring. See new styles and woolens at LeGard's Gents' Furnish ings, Flesherton. Mr. Geo. HutchiBSon of Kimberley, who was recently injured by falling off a load, has made a quick recovery and is now able to walk out. A sawmill beioiiging to Adam Shaver Keppel, was burnjd. alon,' wifch a quau tity of lumber. The lire is anpposeU to have started froa the smakextack. Mr. Bob Trimble of the Merchant's Bank here, has received a promotiou to the bank at Stratford, and left on Thursdiy last for hiH new position. Mr. vV'ilton of Stratford takes bis place here, Mr Robert Brown of Forest, Oof., who is visitini; friendj at Feversham, gave The Advance a call one day iadt Week. He thinks tha country arcund Forest the Suesi in the world. Dr' Burt, specialist: in diseases ot the Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat, will be at the Munshaw House, Fleshorton, for eonsultatiou on Woduesday, Sept. 29, from 9 to 12 a.m Eyas tested, glasses ciupplied. Miss Cox of the Whita Sowing Ma- chiae Co., Guelph. will be, at W. A. Armstrong's store from Sepf 27 to Oi-t. 4 to demonstrate these we'l kuowfl ma- chine. See large advt. on back page for details of sale. Special by Wm. Reunie Seed Store fur Flesherton Fall Fair-jcFor the best collection of vegetables grown from Reunie's Seeds, l^t 33 worth of S6eds, 2nd $2 north of seeds, old 91 worth of •eeds from Reunie's 1921 caLalogu-j. Mr. and Mrs. John Spenc»r of Fever- sham announce the engagement of their second daughter, Annie Uuth, to Mr, James Alexander Bell, son of Mr. aud Mrs. Donald -A. Bell of Nottawa, Out., ttie matriago to take place early in Octaber. Friday, 3«pte^ab>)r S4th, the last day of Ea«i Grey Fall Fair, will be observed as •• Tag Day " for the needy and de- pendent children of this county. This IS tke only day in the year when you are asked fur a aubscripCieu to aid the children so we hupe the respoose will be hearty and generous. " It ia wiser and less expusstve te save children than la punish criminals. ' The Durham Chronicle says " there is a mad iinle en Garafraxa street. " Well, the laati tiins we drove through Durham we splashed through about forty mud boles. Durham's streets are uotoriausly bad â€" alnaoat as b.ul as those of Fle-sher- tou. But a few more raids on bloated auto owners oaght to givo the codnail Kuthcieut fands to tix 'em up »n a pave- ment basis. What aliout a crusade of this kind for Flesherton ! The Annual Camp Meeting of the Gospal Workers (D. V,) will be held at Clarksburg from h riday, September 17th, to Sunday, September 2<jth. ''J20. Four services will be held each day at U.OO aud 10 38 a. in. and 2. .JO aad 7.38 p. m. A i{ood stafl° of preachers aud evangelists will bo present and assiiit in the services. All are inviled to attend a'ld enjoy tho meetings. For further particulars apply t) Rev. F. D. Geif, Drawer 5, Clarks- barg. The trade territory of a town is not all dapaadent upon the distance to the aeighboriaf trading places, The trade depends upen the enterprise of tha mor- chanis and rMideot.s of the town If the town dues not reach out after It* trade it will come only as u is f.ircod lo. But if the merchants go after 'rhe business iu the surrounding country ' advertising in every possible way and making aood every word of llieir advertising, trade will come from aij e/er inciaaamv radius, the town will (i»io a rtputation for being aarake and ik will forge to the front. ^•^i^isss^ FALL niLLINEPY Come and visit the Show Foofn whether you wi.sh to purchase or not. Yeu will be interested iu one of the best displays we have ever oflered for veur selec- tion. Our prices are reasonable. FALL OVERCOATS Notice to Creditors In the matter of tke estate of Donald Kennedy, late of tke Township of Arteinesia, m the County of Grey, b'armer, deceased. Notiea is hereby jiren, pursuant to "The Truilee Act" and anaandmeata thereto that all croditora aad athar.i bavins olaittjs against the estate af the said Doaa il Kennedy, who siiad ou or about the 2tth day cf July, A. D. 1!»20. are recjuired on or before tbe 22nd day October, A.. D. 1980, to sand by post prepaid -r deliver tu Donald Campbell, Pricuville, Ouiario. or Alexander Stewart, Pr ceville, (Jntan,., the Executors of the last Will Hud Testament of the .s:iid di-C'»asi-d, their Ohriitian and Surnames. addro.ses aad d-Hciipiions, the full par- ticnlars af their claims, -he statement of ikair accoaats, and the natura of the saauritias, if aay, held by them. And further taUe notice that after such • last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of tlie deceased among the parties entitled thereio, bavins regard only ro the claims of which they shaH then have notice, and that th» saitl Executors will not be. linblrt for the >aid assets or any part iheriof to any pernon ,,t persons of whose cisim notice shal: not have been rsceiyed by them, ar the time of such : distribution. Dated this 2»ih dav of Sei^bemHer. A»D. 1920. â€"WRIGHT, TELFORD A BTRNIE, <' >en .'^ound, ( )iit. Solicitors for the above naaied Exbcutors Our range of Fall Overcoats is specially attractive this season. The styles are from the latest accepted .lesigns Every garment is made up from dependable wi^ol fabrics, well tailored and tinishe.l . Fall assortment of sizes in fall and wiater weights. Some snappy young men's styles are worthy of special mention Prices from ^Â¥^{) to !j54^:tW. s^^ HEN'S FALL CAPS New shap wi or pes and jtucking designs iu all wool tweeds, all good colorings, with ithout inside bands. Sizes 6;^ to 7}. Prices from $1.75 to $3 00. HEN'S FELT HATS FOR FALL We are fortunate in getting early delivery of our Fall Hats and can give you a good selection ot colors in the latest shapes in soft Keltsâ€" greens, browns and greysâ€" are all represented in difterent shades, also blacks. Prices $^;7r> bo- $ft.50 Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear, Watsons Ladies' Underwear, Penwan's Fall Hosiery, Lang Shirt and Arrow Collars. .Storey's Kit I Gloves and Mitts King >'eckwearand Suspenders, Snag Proof Overalls and Smocks. ^^ FLESHERTON, . F. H. W. HICKLING ONTARIO ^ S^^^i^.^^^i^ d^ ^gg^^ y^'^:^^^^ Gents' Furnishing Ti.e Small Store with Lhj \' aiues "THE ELDRIDGE" Dependable Sewing Machiues uc Moderate Prices. SOLD BV W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER.PIANOS. PHONG- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments .^mi AT w^^ ElA.vk3ii'3 Photo Gallery aud ', Music Stor FLE5H ERTON Agents for Hobberiin made-to-measure: Suits .tad Overcoats. I'anama aud Straw Mats. Summer Underwear, Bathing Suits and Boys' Jersuy.s rediicoA; 20 per Cent. Cleaning and Pressing vlono on ."iliortest notices. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON, U>T. .^J..-.- I YoHge and Cbarles Streets, Toronto 'i Enjuys au excellent; reputation fur high ! grade work. It is no wonder the de- tnaud for our graduates is live times our !>uppiy. Enter any time. Oattdague free. ' \V. J. ELLIOTT. PRiNctp.u. When her husband had been lined oue thousand dollars uo later than last Thursday for sellint whiskey, -Mrs. Wai, Cuiry (jaisie up in llepwsrth ye.'lierday and contributed five huntir^il dollars more to the .same fnuJ. She plaaied guilty to selling, bef.ro JHngistratca Atcheson and DouKlan^i. in iiepworth, and received a fine which, alihouuh aot the inixinium for the itfen.'ie, wks not the miiiimuiu eitliT. Tho cv^dencu in the aaso was yiven by tiyo youiig tneu tiamad Ryan and Rush, who cestiSed to having bought bottles of home b:ew from Mrs. Currie a^ a cost of $4 a botUe. Currie himaeif is snid 'o have been in Oven Sound at thj time the sale wis made bjf his wife â€" .\dvortisor. Three Million New Customers For Canada's Grain â€" Produce â€" Manufactures Secured by the West India Trade Agreement and Canadian Ships. By willingness and ability to pro- vide ships, Canada this year has drawn the West Indies closer to herself and to the Empire. She can make preferential trade agree- ments with other peoples under the British Fleig, without arousing international complications. Canada possesses men with brains who will make these pr?tereni:ial trade ag»eementsi Bui. io make good these trade agreemerUs \»e must have Canadian Ships. Cargoes Grocery SPECIALâ€" While they last we will give 3 bars of Polar Whito Soap for 25o. If you Maul geod, eleau, fresh Grooe»ies or Confecidouery jive us a call. We carry uoihiu^ but tke best. We have alsn a full Line of all the leading Tebacoes. All kinds of Fruits ia seaaou. CcMue iu aud visit our ice crcaui parlor. We baudio Ncilson's ice cream. Try a tin of Elkhorn lueese for yoiu; nest picaio. We bava 8 different flavars. Highest prices paid for ail kinds of Pisduc«. Ws will deliver it bo luy part ot tha viUage. Phoue in vot>r order. W. E. CARGOE. Pliane 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. aSv I BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. • ••• • ••• •••• •••• • ••• Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON :a The Navy Lea^e of Canada cnssi FLESHERTON, Ot\TARIO .>,.^j »••-«* •«««»«^» •••••» «••«•?• »»*^««

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