Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1920, p. 8

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Mi ppmppicn^pvpv" niij.j*|«li,in s September 23 19M THE FLESH &ltr»N ADVA»{GE Sept. 27th is Opening Day OF THE NOW FAMOUS WHITE PROGRESSIVE CLUB Twenty five cents is all you need. Come and let us tell you about it. THF: WORLD'S BEST SEWING MACHINE PLACED WITHIN REACH OF EVERY HOME DO YOUR PAKT BY DOING YOUK WWN SKVVINO WE ARE MAKING IT POSSIBLE KOK EVERY WOMA« TO HAVE THE WEST. PRACTICE REAL ECONOMY AND SEW UNDER THE PLEASANTEST CONDITIONS. CB»:^ SEW EASY ^"^^ Table of Payments" PAY SEVEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN AT ONCE 1. Kecauno the White is iiiitde l)y a bi^ estftblinhed CANADIAN I<ACTOUV â€" Guelpli, Ont. I'NITKU STATES FACTORY. â€" Cleveland, Ohid 2. Bec»u«e no better niHchine ia made. Theio ar« over five million sntiKtied ustirH c.f ibu White hil over the world, 3. Because you get cuaraoteed quality, backed by over fifty j-ears reputHiiini. 4. BecaiiMO the (ir»tco«t is so Low, rt. Ikcuusc the Club Prices are e«sily niaJc. G, Because priceH will be hit;hfr ufiftr lli« Club clo^el^. 7. BecauNc this uppurtunity may uot come again. THE SPECIAL CLUB PRICES are permitted by tho riianufaoturers durini! thia Snlo onlj* YOU UAYE YOUR CHOICE OR' ANY FtrM mcol 2Sc - 2nd pV , I \i<i pjym'i 4ih paym'i 25c V5c 3ih pjiym'i 90c . 1 ih p*in*i 75c 1 2th p'm'i liih p'm'i SLOO I4ih p'm'i SLOO ISihp'm'l $1.00 16th p'm'i SLOO 29fh p'm*i $1.40 iOih p'm'i $1.40 jTSpVt'i $1.40 Hihp'm'i 20lh p'rn^ $1.10 21 « p'm'i $1.20 i^ndp'm't 52nd p'm'i $1.20 $1.40 2ifd p'm'i $1.20 i^ihp'm't $1.20 25ihp'm*i ^1.30 2^h p'm'i $1.30 3 V<1 p'm'i $1.50 54ih p'm'i $1.50 â- â- >»!;;; â- ^... \^fM^ At^ecially Reduced Prices W. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton, : : Bth paym'i 50c DONT DELAY ONLY 20 MACHINES ONLY 20 ME.MBEIiSHIPS ARE OPEN When tbi8 uuirber are enrolled no mora will be sold at the Special Club Prices. Remember the time to take advantage of thia offer is limitedâ€" ACT NOW. PREMIUM REFUNDS 10c. An additional feature of the White Piogressive Club is tliij opportunity to save 10 cents 'Special Di.scoHnt on each final payraeut you uaake before it is due. COME IN- SEE THE Ontario AND H AVE US EXPLAIN THE PLAN BUSINESSCARDS Societies nBINCK ABTHDR rvODOB, No. Xa.AJM ^ A M, raeeU in the llaaoaie ball. Ar« vtaODii'a Block FliwbartOD. avary Fri4ay 9 or bafora tb« fall aaooD. T. OlayMm, W« U., A. E. Bnllamy, Sacr«t»r)f. Dentbwrv 8. C MURRAY U Q. 8., djptal MirR6oa bcooripradaate of Toroooi lm*araity and >v«yal OolleRa of Deulal SurKoona of •nta/io. 3a4 admUloiatared for t«etti aXtraetloD 9'>M at raaMeooa Toronto Stmt. Flesbertoa* ly, Medical Dr W. J. Baory, M! ».. frradaateof FacuUf of Medicine, Toronto Univxraity. OfQca -Dr. 4f" e'a late retid«Dce, FlCHberton. ! r P OTTBWBMi I Veterinary SargeoD graduate of Ontarir^ Veterinary Colleg* r9ildeu«« â€" second door soatb weBttoo SAry Btreet. This etreet rase oalb I 'r«Hbvtcriao Cbnrsh. Legal ' I CCAB, A bEN'RTâ€" Barristers. riolicUoUi, ! '-' o?e.â€" I. B. Lucae, K. C. : W. D. Henry, J B. A. Offlcea, Marlidale Lncis Klocl(. Pbos* ISA. '>rancb otficte at Oondalk and Oarban. 07 KIQHT. & TKLFOEX). Barrister, 3oIl£i, " torn, io. Olfices, Grey i. Bruce Block. Owon Sound. Btaodard Bank cl;,'Fle8ber. ton. (Saturdays). W. H. Wright, W. PT Telfori BUSINE.SS (3ards M' WM. EAITTINQ, icensed AucUroeer bll the counties of (irey and himeo*. arm and Stocli Bsdes a speciiltv. fermB zioderate. satisfaction guaranteed. ArraoKe* jiPDts for dates may be made at tbo .'idvitace >iiice, or Central telerbone cl*ic* tevfrsbam 'ir by addxeasina tne at F^^verehaui. Ont. OUcPHAIL, Licensed Aoctlonee for tbe â-  Connty of Grey. Terms t:]Oderate and satis'Hciion guaranteed. Tlie arracgementa and datee of sales can be madentThp; £iwajdcb oifloe. RosideDcei,ud P.f).. Cejlon, TelejjtKinB oODOection. Dec. G. 10 ENTER ANY DAY i Owen Sound, Onr. Individu»l Instnictinn. Staff of Speciali--f«. AdJintr, Book keeping Mnchini-a, Cnlculators, D c'.aphones, etc. Only School with a practiual depirtment. Oradua'eK assisted to piisitions. Catal- o;;ue Free. ; C. A FLE.MLVO, F.JC, A.. iPrincipal I G. D. FLEMING. S.u-maiy. 1 Men 'inn Ihia paper when writini;) Farm For Sale The Bank For The FARIvIER The Bank of Toronto places f;;rm production and crop finan- cing among the first calls upoh its rcrourcc:;. A i;irKe number of the branches â-  f this bank arc Kituatcd in rural ! cctions and in viiiatics and towns which arc supported by the farm- ing community. We undcr.^tand the farmer's requirements and are prepared to a::::isfc him. 200 acres clay lo«m at Sbriu'ley, 7 niil;'8 Eist c;f Dundrilit, 120 Kciof cl«ar<(i iiiid haluiicu in valuable sole timbur. N»!Vir fulling Npiiiiij cfHcU across corner of f.vriii wilhiu 200 fcul .of huiliiiiii;!. l!inik b:irn 44x70 v.iili â- >ood slirilin:,', drivinj; house* .S roo'.nfil brick d.velliiii<, phone and rural mail, Wiil sell tuira will) or wichou* Rtoclc iuid iifiiilHrni-nif, For fiir;hoi' pirliciilars npply to o*nei, A. K. IIANLICY, Diindalk, Dnr. ji« *,...-.£Si .i#.'^-- a w^ V\'lKa your <:- .[> i â- ; sold this Fall, deposit the ])roceeds with us ar.d cheque aK-iiniit it. Money y.-jd out of the packet is hard to a- cotint for â€" a cheque h a fcccipt. Capital tS.OOO.OOO Rc3.!rvr« $'>.793,8C8 i2 NOTICE Ah it is Cri'jini Separator soiison :Mid I you want ihti lia^t and most ruli^ib'e I Sepiii'ator Oil the niarki.t ioiiieiiib»'r (he i D • LiviJ was the first invented ami 1 stil thj l*idins S'-piriltor, Moii; o thsm iu use thi,kn all other inac'iines, ! Sold by i riCGH KN'iTT, Acont, I MarkHal<>,(*nt, Boar For Service |{..L!iiinin'l ('hosier While lr»i;.' U< ' srvicii 111 U)ck Mills Tim fi-.liHi- wii. I thst Ht Uhic.i)jo F.-iir. Ternw iSLTiO. docblO â€" I. SMTni Pwip. ^Mmm^^^mm^m^^^^mm^wij^^^^mm^mmmmmk^m^' Flcslierton Gar. Agents for Ford, and Gray Dort Cars Mr. Ford Owner WE HAVE INSTALLED THE SUN RE-CHARGER FOR FORD MAGNETOS A Car With a weak magneto costs mora to run. W(! will re ehar^'c your Fftid INIagnoto whilo you wait. All work guaranteed. Call and let us o.'Siplaiii. Wo test your car Vreo Our large garage is now fully equipped with the latest rwodern appliances and we solicit your patronage. f ^^\f^^^ ^^f^^^ ' H. DOWN & SONS, Proprietors C.-oA Combs the Beekeeper's Asset. An asset to the extr.icted honey producer Is combs, good combs an^ plenty ot combs. It is eoiiiotimesB problorn to obtain and maintain W BuflBcient stock, espociaUy if the ftpiary IS beinp: enlarged. Moreover, there aro soveral important problems associated. Fundimcntally, good eombs arc obtainable only when built on full sheets of wire foundation. Such combs -wiH endure; naturally built combs will not stand the wear and tear of repeated honey extrac- tion. Bf^sido being weak and likely to brea4c out of the frames, natural' ly drawn combs usually contain drone cells to some extent, if not in excess. The presence of drone cells In combs, used either in the brood chamber or in extraotin}; supers, is a source of continued disadvantage. Drone cells in combs are always costly. They may cost swarms; they may dampen the honey storing lu- â- lincts (bees are adverse to the stor- ing of honey in drone cells, until there is no other space available) tf the drone cells are in the super, thoir presence induces the queen to leaTo the brood chamber. If is a maxim to have only combs of all worker cells reinforced with wire; to this end, full sheets of foundation are essential and. economical. The best combs aro always pro- duced during a honey flow, yo!!, when there is a surplus coming in; nood eombs may be produced in the earlier part of the season, Just prior to ilio cropping season; yet, regardless of season, the best ot comtis are obtain- able only on strong colonies. ConTorsely, weak colonies, without tb« stimulation of the lieiiey flow, fall to draw out the (oundartioa even-' ly and fully: holes may even bo gnawed in the foundations, which hoJes, wkon built in, will probably be flUed with drone cells. With care, frsjues of full foundation, to be drawn out, may^be .<(upplled altcr- nateky with combs of brood or. honey. Moreover, th-e tendency is fer bees to bulge the old combs, »nd to corre- 8p«md, only partially draw out the foundation of the new comb, perhaps leaving the'corners open. The best results are usual when several frames with foundation are grouped In one side of the litve, or a full •upej- gives. *• In order to induce the attaching of the comb to the bottom bar, new eombs 'may bo drawn" out tn the super, over a powerful colony and during a lioney- flow. Having acquired new combs, good care should -be taken of them. If they are. intended for extracted h'oney product ion. they .should lie kept apart froui the brood r.est. noi allow- ing broo'd to be reared in Hieni. Cembs darkened with brood reaWng are not considered as wholesome for hoiiey product-Ion as are virgin (new) combs. Furthermore'it is.cor.Mdered on -Rood eVldcnce that dark combs â- will ilarlwHi and heiv-e dctrviorftto the li^ht gnule.i ot'honey. One (gen- eral ion "of brood in :'. comb may not injure It'for lijilitjioney cropping; it is thought by some (o«toughen and strengthen the roinb, yet the mora particular producers are equipping i with virgin • combs for (he supars. I The«!e choice extracting conibs .ire a valuable aSsol. PreserveW from j ear to year, they should endure. Although beed-abor has noi advanced in price, j nil. bee stipplies me increasingly cost- ily, hence good, combs are to-day a .'i-Toater asset Ib.an ever. â€" Dr. Buiton t M, Ga'.c^, O. A. college, Oiielnh. CHAs. DOUPE Dyuiimile Blaster. Hock mid Stump BUstini;. PI... Of :;2 r 14. Pioton Station P O, Boar For Service Pure bred Uepsrerea Yorkshirp Boa for s^rviri*â€" Maxwell .Tick B2993â€" on I'.t 167. S. W. T. it S. n., Arremtjia.: Terms SL-nO. 10,4,19 T. .1. STIXSOy Flesherton Fall Fair THURSDAY & FRIDAY Sept 23 a: 24, 1920 Special Features on Second Day of the Fair Speeding Events Sept. 24th FREE FOR ALL, Purse $125.00 1st $60.00, 2nd $40.00, 3rd $25.00 2.30 TROT or PACE, Purse $125.00 1st $60.00, 2nd $40.00, 3rd $25.00 L'ON1>1T10NS -Entrance fee fi per cent, of purse, with 5 per cent, additional from winners Kour to enter and three to start. Best tbi^e in five, mile beats. Ilij^bt riiaerved to change order of program, to declare oft" any class not tilling satisfactory to the Committee and to refill without advertising and to iloclrtre ott' on accouiil i f biul weather or other unavoidable causes. C.N. Kules to govern. GRAND CONCERT HARRY BENNETT AND COMPANY OF TORONTO have been engaged for the Concert to be given in the HIGH SCHOOL on FRIDAY EVENING. Don't miss this Concert as it will be the best of the season. .\ OMISSION Adults BOc. Children35c. lleserTed Seats 7B« Re.serTed Seat Tickets on wilo at Richardson's Drug Store. Doors open at 7.30. Concert til 8 00 o'clock. Dundalk Band has been engaged to supply the music on Friday, September 24th. $1100.00 offered in prizes. Write 'the Secre- tary for a Prize List. ADMISSION TO «Rl»UNDS-^Aikilts35e. Chrtdwti 20c. Valiides anil Autes £5c, L. A. FISHER, W. A. HAWKEN, President. Se c*y.-Tr3as. w \ W^'; Â¥ \

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