Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1920, p. 10

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%m' INoveubcr 4 192f THE FLESH EBr«N ADVANCE in \k BUSINESSCARDSl Societies OBINCK ARTHUK I.ODGK, No. XSS.A.K.Al A M, lueetii lu tbt MAsoulchall. Arm K rone'R BlooK Flo^liertoa, ur befor* the lull mocu. U. Ci. HolI»Dd,'bM.re*ftry every Frid»y on A. K. Miiir. W. K DEM'IvSTkV I • lb. C MURRAY U O. H , (l«Dtal sorgeuD hcuor graduiitti of Toronto Univor^ity RDd i Hbyk i'ol1e«« of I)ental RurKeoimof Oiit&rio, OuadminiiiiMered for t««tb extraction flee ftcraaldenoe. Toronto Bureet. riaatiartoo u Mkdical grk'Jiiatoof Facult) o llnlvoinity. r â- "â-  â€"Dr. L.lttle'b Utf'riifldeuco, tleotiorton. Dr W. J. Henry, M! M.. _ ol Medicir.B. ToroDt<ninlv<ii«ity. UBlce /V OTTEWELIj Voteriunrrr BDrg«oi> iradnato of Ouiario Vel6rlt>ary Colhtfie reiildeuoo â€" Beooiid door oootb weat^oD %iary atreet. Tbia acraat ran* ouUi r>i«i(bvt4«riaD Obnrob. Legal 1 UCA8. & hENRYâ€" HKrrl«ler«. dolicltora, ^ e)C.â€" I. li. Luuae. K. C; W. U. Hnnry, B. A. umcea, Ua.-liUale Lucas llluck. Pbouo SA, nracob oUcee at Oundalk aad Durbar. QT RIGHT. & TELFOHD.Ilarrleter, Bollol. " torn. Sic. OlUeee, (irtiy a Itrucu Klock, • (won Bound. Rtandard Hank 'â- k.'FlnBher- too, (Saturday!). W. H. WrigUt, VV. P. -relford Jr. Business (Jards WM. KATTTINO, (ceiiHed Ancrtionoer toi tbe countioa of (irey and Blracoe. Partu «ud Stock eaJee a b'petuaJty. Termu oiodnrK^A. batiefaction guarHuttBd. Arran^t*- uientB for datea luay bo uiRdc at tbe Advance office. Ol Central tbloi^botiu oflicc iievursbam (uby»ddr<]iiiiiu<i me at Kevei bam, Ont. OMoPHAl(^ Llcenaed AuooiOQen for th * Coanty of Grey. TcrmH modarate an •atiB.acTiou Kuarauteed. Tbe arraugomo : add datox of italnsnu he made at 1 Im AlrVAUce ot/lce. iteeidunceaiid P.O.. t'-«yl"n. Telepbone oiTDnMctiou. Dec. 6, 70 Boar tor Service The ondurtii^iied hsH » thoroui;hjiied Yosiushire Boarfor service nn luc 11, con. 8. Oaprey. Tcr ras $1.5(). FREDSPOFFAIU> NOTICE As it id [Cream Separntor peason and you want lli« best and most reliable Separator on iho tnarkut lenn'tiibfr the Di> LiBVal wn« the first invented and is till the leading Bt-paralor. ftlore uf them iu use than all other niachities, Sold by HUGH KNOTT, A^ent, M«rkdale,Ont, THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST Oood Paint cannot be made to nifet » jirioe if the niakers wi.^h to remain lu busiuess any leDgth of time. A good article is always wtirih a fair price and the nmn who buys thc! best without beiuR extrHvayant is the man wfho practices the rijjhl kind uf uc(inuu)y. 81ioiwin Williams Paints may 'cost more than some oiher pxiiilM on the innrket, hut yuu may reH' HftMured that yr'u gel yuur inonfy's worth every Lime you buy, an avery can i« yimraiileed Pore Wlnui Liead and Oil and will cover tnure surfHcelhaii other paitUH. Ask U8 about your \im«i pr..[ii)si. tions. A I'aiot or Vurmsh tor every purpo8e--in«ide or i.utside. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 FIesh«rton, Ontario Study this Map It tells â€" but only partly tellsâ€" the Story of Misery in Central Europe. Within the great territory between the black lines millions of destitute children are doomed to grow up weak and deformed through want of fats, milk and sugar, unless immediate help comes from without HERBERT HOOVER, invited to speak at a Canadian Red Cross meeting, said ' "Our problem over the forthcoming winter appears to be about 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 children. "These children are the obligation of every man, woman and child in the Western Hemisphere, for we have suffered less; but, beyond this, they are a charge on the heart of the whole world." The Canadian Red Cross appeals on behalf of The British Empire War Relief Fund (To Combat Distress and Disease in Europe) $10.00 will save a child; $1.00 will give, it "saving" food for a month. Help in this humane work by sending or bringing your subscription to the nearest local Red Cross Branch or to The Canadian Red Cross Society, 410 Sherhourne Street, Toronto, BOAR for SERVICE Purpbrod Tatii worth fJotr for service ; 1)11 lilt ltl7. S VV T mid S K , ArlfinesiH,. I Torins â€" Sl.fiO. Sows not retutnert will to- chnrui'd same as those in pit;. F.^b 1.-, â€" T. .1. STIN50N, Prop. / Try us for job printing. your next For Sale Ths piopfrty Kilo's '1 as tho Ashdowii roHidence at Ceylon, an eijjht roomed i dwelling, ijood cellar, stable, etc ; about an aero of land; would make a Kood ; hoini) for a rnliipd lioulleaaii. Fori ennsand further particulars npply to â€" \V. .1. HKLLAMY, Fleslierton Se|i2820 f Osprey Council F O R D S O N TRADE MARK TRACTOR We believe in the Fordson. We believe in its efficiency both as a tractor for plov^ing and discing, and as a power plant for threshing, filling silos, turning the grinder, pump- ing water and for every purpose on the farm that requires power. We instruct you how to get the most out of it â€" how to operate it properly so as to avoid trouble â€" how to make all minor repairs and adjustments. When you do require repair service we are on hand with a complete stock of parts and with expert mechanics. The manufacturers of the Fordson make it durable and dependable. We keep it so. H. DOWN & SONS, Dealers The Municipal Council of tho To^nybij of Osprey met at MhxwkII on ^h1ll(l8.v, October 25lh. All tho inenibnrs of tbe council wtrn picscni, iho Reeve prcsid- inj;. After the reading and signing of the I minutes of the lasi iiit'i'tin|;, orders vif-re j issued covering tho folb wiiik accounts : '. Omo Lawler 91, clevis for load plounh ; Flesherion Advance $122 .'0, piintii« aocouni ; H W Keriiahan #2.t)0, postagB and stiilionery ; Municipal V\ orla 82 (!(>, Bt.ittionery tsupplies ; Chcs McMillan $17, sheep killed by dogs ; .John MoKinnon 9M. sheep killod by Cogi ; Jc hn Morri- •on 87 75, repairs to grader and read j drill;. The following gravel accounts were ordered pud : H Sliver So, Wni Mo- Ciitcheon 87.12, John Scott j>ll.;i7, J Tyaon 8r>.25. K Seeley $S.12, K Stevens $7 87, T .) Browu $14 75. Chas Mc- Millan (8.12. Bylaw No t>70 to bonus wire fences was fdad a third time, signed and sealed. Rylaw No (LSO anpoinlinK the Hank of Toronto,' Feveishani, as colkclor of rates for the year 1920 was read the reipiirod I uuinher uf times, signed and sealed. Arnottâ€" Henderson â€"That the Ueove, Clerk and Assessor be each paid the sum of $i).00 tor the se'ection of Jurors (ot the year 1!)21, Ross -Kaittini;â€" That » special grant of $80 1)0 placed to the credit of Division No. 1 lo dofruy expenses iuourrel in grading and giavollinfi uii the South Line eaat of the 2Uth eiderond, , Ou motion the council sdjiiuined to iineel at Siiighauiptiiii on N;>vi'Uilor IS, 1 1920, 1 H. »V. KEUXAHAN, Cleik. Stewart- McMaster On Octobe â-  27th a very pretty weddiaK took place at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. George MoMaster, 2ad lino, Ciprey, the occasion being the mariiage uf theie second daugbtor, Laura Jean, to Mr. Thomas Stewart of Mclntyre, Ont. T» the slrsios of Mendellaobn't wedding m-trch, played by the bride's sister, Mrs. Charley Hanley of Eugenia, the bridcr was (escorted into tho parlor by her father, who gave her away. The oore- mouy was performed by Rav. Mr. Black- well of Uundalk, beneath a beautiful and' â- rustic evergreen arch. The bride looked> charming in a beautiful costume of taupe- silk crepe de chine and bridal veil caught up with orange bloasoms. She also carried a bouquet of pink and white forget-me nots and maidenhair ferns, the only ornament being a pearl neciclace,. the gift of the groom. After the usual congratulations a sumptuous and eleganc dinner was served in the dining room^ which wan tastefully decorated for the occasion. The wedding gifts to the bride were numerous, costly and varied, show' ing the high eiteem in which she is held by her friends and neighbors. The bride's travelling salt was navy broadcloth and hat to match. The happy couple left on the 4.4a train for Toronto and other points, after which they will reside on their farm on the South Line. The beat wishes of the entire neif bborhood follow them to their new home. The groom's gift to ihe organist was a gold brooch. Friends from a distance were the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Keast, from Illinois,, and tbe groom's sister, Miss Fiance Stewart of Torouto. DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist Hnroutario Street, near Third Street.. Colliugwood, Ontario Appointments : â€" Dailyâ€" 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Holidays arranged. Telephone 611- VV. Box 1066 1 Jly 20 Bull For Service Pure 'bred Shorthorn Bull of the Village Family^for service on lot 10, con. 10, Osprey. Teims $2.50 for grades, $5- for pure breds. Jnly 15 â€" Mort. Sayers, Prop. Notice to Creditors Came Astray Came to tho premises of the und»r- signiMi iiboii', October 1, three yearling c^iile. Owner prove property, pay ex- pi"n»e.s iitiil I'lko the siimo aw^y. -JAMES PEDLAU MhxwoU p. O For Service Ono'4)ure ored Shorthorn Bull on lot 3(5, con. 9, Artomesia. Terms 81.50 for grades. Must be paid within 0; months ! from date of service. | lO.Jan.9 In the matter of the Estate of Hugh McKayden, l»te of the Village of Wallowa in the State of Oregon, one of tho United States of America. Farmer, de- ceased. Notice is h'eiebv given that all persons having any claims or demands auainst the late Hugh McFayden, who died on or about, the 17th day of November A. D., . 1902, at the Villrtge ot Wallowa in tha Statu of Oregun one of the Hnited States of America, are reijuired to send by registered post prepaid or deliver to ttie undersigned Solicitor herein for Neil McFayden, Administrator of the said Estate, their names and addresses and full particulars iu writing under oath of their claims, and statoments of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And take notice that after the 20th day of November, 1920, the said Neil McFayden will uroceed to distribute the assets jt the said deceased Among the persons entitled thareto, having regard only to the claims of which he siiaU then have had nonce, and that tho said Neil McKaydmi will not bo liable for the paid u.ssetN or any part thereof to any persons of whoso claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated at New Liskeard this 28th day of October A. D. 1920. M. F. PUMAVILLE, Union Blink Building, New Liskeard, Ont. â€" R. O. TURNER. SoNctttxs for the said Neil McFayden. Now is *Kc time to re- new your subscription. SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over 10C| users say about 1900 Gravity wa^era supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For I gOO Gravity washers atd wringers tlectnc and gasoline power washers . . ALSO for McOoiuniok Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Luadeni, Drills, Cultivator, Flows, Skeel ><H«lls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford double geared and nuto oiled airmotor Wind MiMe, Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Howls, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZISAWS One third more wood cut with same power when tlMvd with i.iy patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont.

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