Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1920, p. 1

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/leshtrtxrn V»I 4i.Ko. 21 Flestierton, Ont, November -4 1920 The CaU of the Wild The call of the wild has again hit iha deer huaters in this locality and they have " hit the trail." Two hunting parties left thia station in a special car on Wedntsday of thia week for Parry Sound district. These parties are known as the Rusk Mills cluh and the Fi|(h Falls olub. They will be located about five miles apartâ€" the Rock Mills club on Dogtiah Lake and the High Falls club at their club house, Iligb ITalls, on the Shawanaga river. B'Hh p'irties have always had good bucness in that district and we (rust this year will be ao excep- tion. The first Dtmed club are composed of the following : Jas Dargav«l, Captain ; Win and Lea Chard, Geo Fiaher, Tiios and VVm Philiipa. Thoa Howard and D, Williims, Rock Mills ; Wilfred Phillips, Palinerston ; and Fred Mathewson, Fleaberton. The High Falls Club are represented by : Geo Miicbell, Fleshercon, Captain; John McKee, S Pedlar, John Wright and W. H. Thurston, Fleaherton ; P. Munshaw and T. Berry, Eugenia ; Tom Lockhart, Dundalk ; Frank Gerow and Beth McWilliams, Toronto ; John Ge- row, Brougham ; and Joaeph Hudson, Brooklyn. W. Caswell and G. B. Welton o£ town •Bd Jos and TtiOM Watson go with a Brampton party to the Lake of Bays district. ROCK MILL5> Mrs L. Badgerow and two daushters visited uver Sunday nith Mr and Mrs Sam Croft. Mrs Robert Clark and Mrs S. Phillips spent a day the past week wiih Vr and Mrs Albert B'ackburo, 4th line. Miss Jean Milne visited over Sunday at the parental home. Mrs McUruther of Markdale spent a week with Mr and Mrs Gordon Warling and other friends in the vicinity. We are sorry to report Mrs . Barney Fiald on the sick list;. Mr and Mrs Ned CroFc visited with the former's mother recently. Jas Dar^avel, wife and family, vibiti'd with the former's mother at Dornncb. The hunting gacR are preparing to leavM this week on their annual trip to the northern wilds. Bob Ci'oFt visited recently with friends at CoUingwood. Satn Oaborue spent a few days with his sister, Mrs Walter Russell. Will Newell and Jas Dirgavel utade » business trip to Durham last week. Monthly Report Flesherton P. S. 01 4 â€" K Ferris. F. Thomson, J Colgan, W Carriuoti.n, B S-.;wart, T McCuald. E .VicMulleu, E Bentham, K Smith T Wils..,,, F White. Sr3â€" G Finder, fl Richardson. M PittoD, L Bayd, L Lever, C Betts, V Thibtlethwaitc, £ Hacking. Jr 3â€" M Sled, J Nuhn, E McCallum. CI 2â€" E Fenwick, M Stuart, J Stuart, H Weltun, H Heard, J Cargoe, L Ciirriogton, F Wlnte, E McKee. Sr 1â€" H Chapman, B Patton, L Ferris. Jr 1 â€" A Heard and G Sled equal, W Colgan, B Phillips, K Fenwick, H Hacking. Primerâ€" A Lever, A Chapman, B Pattou, G Stuart. F Welton, M Bibby, G JIcMaster, B White, M Fenwick, H Upham, E Brown. In Memoriam la naemoiy of a loving husbaad and father, Wnj. Sharp, who died Nov. o, 1919. This day brings back sad memories Of one who has gone to rest, Aad those who think of him this day Are those who ioved him best. â€" Wife and Family CEYLON Old Durham Road Turnip pulling is the order of the day. Wo understand Mr Donald McKinnon is uniiur the doctor's care with p'.eurisy. We hope for an early recovery. John Oliver ha^ b.id a telephone in- stalled in bis home. Jr^We are soriy to report the serious illness cf Mr. Smdy McBoii'ild. Wo are pleased to have Mrs Allie Muir back to our neighborhood and hope she is tToatly improved in health. Willie vVhyte is visiting his parents here. Dave McDonald has purchased a horse. Mrs Alex Whyte ia visiting Toron'o friends at present. John Meads had four pigs killed and two injured by a C. P. R. train lately. A number from our neighborhood attended the Hallowe'n party held at Flesherton Friday evening and all report a splitndid time. The annual beef ring meotioK will be held in the school house Nov. 6. Miss Clara Gilchrist of Flesherton spent a few days with Miss Beatrice Wattara last week. Archie Currio spent a day or f-o in Hainiltou Ust week. He states that Mrs Curri* is improving in health Boar For Service Kejiiatered Chester White hog for snvico ntRock Mills. The father won tirst at Chicago Fair. Term.s 31.50. dc & 19 â€"I. SMITH Prop. Boar For Service Pure bied Uegistereti York.-shire Boa for .sorvioeâ€" Maxwell .lack 62903â€" im lot 167. S W. T. & S. R., Arremesia. 'IVrui.'i SI. 50. Sows nit returned will ke charged same as those in pig. ' 10,4.19 T. J. STINSON Mr and Mis James Pattison and fam- ily left Thuisday by motor for Toronto after fifteen years' residence here. They will spend a few weeks in Toronto prior to leaving for Florida for the winter months. Mr James McLean of Piston has taken possession of the Patiison store. We sxtend a welcome to Mr McLean and family. Miss Helen Gibson entertainad a number of her playmates to a party on Thursday evening when a most enjoyable time was spent. Mrs Coutts and Mrs Gott of Dundalk visited Mrs Boiton last week. Mrs John Gibson left on Sat'uday to visit with Caledou friends Miss Ella Whittaker entertained her Sabhalh school class to a Hallowe'en pirty on Saturday evening, when an enjoyable time was spent. Mrs Robert Laughlin visited friends a^ J<eversham the tirst of the week. We are sorry to report Mrs. T. Ghia- iett ill. The Institute meting will be held this woek on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Cummins. Mrs Balfour and son, Bonner, who have been visiting the former's niothor, Mrs G. CoUinson, returned Saturday to their home at Port Dalhousie. VANDELEUR Must Not Practice Her Occult Po'wer Miss Holmes of Flesherton was the gueat of Mr and Mrs Jc s Buchanan and family over the week end. Mr and Mrs Edwin Cullifl leave this week to spend ihe wimur with fiieuds in Parry Sound. Mr and Mm Ge^ rgo Wright and Mr and Mrs Will Hutchinson visited friends at EIravale recenily. Mr and Mrs Amos Smith of Meaford spent a day with Mr and Mrs Sainuil Gilbert. Miss Lillian Buchanan of Owen Sound Business College spent a few days at hit home here. Mr and Mrs Otto B..kcr, who wer.) Married recently, have returned from their irip and aie receiving the coi.gra'u- laiisus of their many friends. Following the decision of the court at Toronto which confirmed the judgment of Jui^ije Dickson convicting Miss Maggie Pollock, of near BIytb, on the charge of practisiug an occult science. Miss Pollock appeared Oefore .he .'udge recently for .sentence. His Honur admonished her that the practi^e inuut cease and bound her over in bonds of §200 from herself and from her brother to refrain from pretensions of occult power and froni practisiuij the occult science. She uiay e<\a8 far as stating that it is her opinion that an article may be found in a certain place but this niuet be the limit. She must not pretend thiC she has any super- natural power which gives ber kuowledge <f the location of .«uch articles Should she ba f< uud guilty of practising again she may be sentenced both for the new otfenae and for the old, but in the mean- time sentence is suspended. The case is one that; has attractet wide attention. Miss Pollock, whose home is in the siaighborhood of BIyth believes that lihe is possessed of supernatural powers, and ttiat her " God given " gifts shoald be exercised for the <;ond of huinmiity. S >me wonderful instances have been quoted of her uncinny faculty of locating niissing articles without her having liny foro knowledge of the circum- stances. It was her effort to locate some articles believed tc have been stolen which led to her being brought beforu ihe county .ludce. Miss Pollock says she has had since childhood the power of seeing " spirits " and for some time sho did nut know that the power was at all peculiar to herself, thinking it was a perfectly natural thing, common to all people. Later she difcovpred that she was different frcm other people m this lespect, and f^r years shn quietly em- ployed harstranoe faculty, at 'he reijaesC of Beighnors or others who came to 1 er to solve difliculties. Miss Pollock believes she should exercise her power for the g.iod of humanity, and she set Forth her views on the matter in a beautifully worded ai d wiitten letter to His Honor Julge Dick- sou some time sku. Gored to Death By a Bull A patheiic accident lu which an unraged thiee year old bull played a fuvaue p-irt wuh fatal results to Chester Patton, â-  f lot !•, 8th line, Aniaraucn, occurred ewly on Friday niornini! of last week, Mr. Patton had arisen early in the morning and, after bringing the cattle in from the pasture field, was busily engaged milkiuii, seated on a milking stool, when h« was attackeH from the renr by the bull. The animal knocked him from his seat and proceeded to gore him, finally impaling the unfortunate, victim on is horns and throwing him nouie distance into the air. The injuries be received were fnchtful. his entire sbd(unen heini; ripped open, exposing the bowel.s, while one of the -*nimars horns pierced his liver. The accident occurred abi>ut 7 o'clock in the morniutc. Medical Htt^nd- ance was immediately suinmoneJ from Sbelburne aiidDra. Faliis and McLean responded and attended to the ,victim'8 injuries. Little hope wa; held out for h s recovary, and he passed away about 2 o'clock on Friday afturnoon â€" Shelbnrne Free Press. School Reports Report of Junior Room of Kimberley School for October. Jr 3â€" F Stuart, H Flood, M Flood, K Hatchins.m, W Flood, M Weber, B -Mc- Connell, E McConnell. Sf 2 -HCcrntield. CI 1â€" M Himmond. Pr â€" R Stuarr, K Hammond, L Law- rence. M Flood, S Ellis, E W»ber. S Harvey, C Cainaok. I Lewin. CI Aâ€" I Harris, M Flood. â€" D. Al-eicicmbie, Teacher. Property For Sale Lots 35 and 3ti. con. 10, Artomes a containing 140 acres mcr» or less. •.'!'• acres under cultivation, 100 acres pasture, .iiul balance hard and soft wood bush. .•\lao li acres north of the Presbyterinn Church, Eugenia, in good state of culti- vation ; 1 acre in froni of the Methodist Church ciiritaiuini; good barn ami orchard ; and lU acres north cf the river, C)ntainin;i good frame houie and st.ible and other n u' build ings. THOS. GEKOB, Eugenia. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. h Come in and see onr fine large stock of Jewelry, 'Watches, Clocks, etc, and when yoa Lave seen tLem}uii will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A fall line o Photographic supplies Incladiug developing powders, printing frames, dark lunterns, alJ sizes of kodacks and iiims. BUS1X1':SS A.S rSUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmer* Phone HiUcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES w. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Yorkshires, Tamworths i Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose* FLESHERTON, Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. ROS ONT OspreyTel. system Maxwell P. O. Potatoes and Oats We are no-vv on the market to buy your Potatoes and Oats. Please give us a phone call as we expect to be loading a car of Potatoes on October 14th and 15th. Flour and Feed FEED â€" Oats, Oat and Barley Chop,, Wheat, Barley and Ontario Bran. FLOUR â€" Perfection and Sno-w Flake Pastry Bring your produce to the store of quality and take home Groceries that satisfy. Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario :^i^L^ii::^^2['.m Anglican Church, Flesherton HOLi' COVMrNIOS SERVICE Town h«1', Sund.iy, Nov. 7tli, 7 p.m. Hymn 243. Draw uigh and take the bo.iy of tbe Lord. 247. I huQgcr «Dcl 1 thirst. 625 Jesu, the very thought of thoc. Sermon Rev. W. G. BUckwetl, M.A. Offertory Solo â€"Mr. Goldsmith. A( this is our first coniruuiiion aervicp, ! it u hoped all uiembers will stIenU. Autumn is here and -winter is coming and â- we are ready -with a good stock of Fall and â€" inter Caps for men and boys. Mitts and Gloves, Rubbers, Heavy and Light Sweater Coats, Mackinaw Coats, Peabody Smocks and Overalls, and Woolen Under- wear. Everything at lowest prices. Give us a call and secffor yourself. Highest Prices Paid For Produce. n W. L. WRIGHT, I Corner Store, Flesherton 1 'l^g! a g*5gg*^!g ^^F?! ?I!^^ ^^ "THE ELDRIDGE" Dependable Sewing Machines ar Moderate Prices. SOLn BY W. A. ARMSTRONG KI,i:silEUTOX, DNT. KNTER ANY DAY Owen Sound, Ont. Iiiilividutl Instruclii'ii. Sisff tit Spt'.-?i:ili8ts. Adoin:. Book keeping Muliincp, Calculators, Dic'aphnned, etc. I Only Schiiol with <\ priictioal dspartmi-iit. OlH'iuAie.s iu»istca to p*aibions. Catal- ' ut(Ue Free. C. A FLEMtNO, F.|C. A., Princiva G. l>. FLEMING, Secrs'ary. Mention this paper wbeu'writioK) Fleslieirtoin ^f^ Tonsorial "^ Pm-lors Wu Aiiu to Give Ciitire Sikti.^MCi^M LArNl>RYâ€" Ba»k«t ck'ses Monday ni;(ht, delivery Fiiuay ev CLEAN LNG aud DYEJSG- *e ar •gents fur Parker's Dye Woabkâ€" Clolbes cli.>»ne<} and dyed, feathers rejuvenated 'i V,' T FISHER •PROPRIETOB

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