Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1920, p. 4

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^^ November 1 1920 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE War Bond Interest Coupons and Cheques Cashed Free. The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, without making any charge whatever for the service. If you have not a Savings Account, why not use your interest money to open one with This Bank? TH€ M€RCHANTS BANK. Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADjCk Established 1864* CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C a' NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. IMPAGTION_OF RUMEN A Too Comnion Disease of the Stomach Amonj; Cattle. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tiihiihii' JSli:irpl('s SepiU'.'itois JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENl AQENT FLESHERTON, Flesherton Tri Shop. I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickehvare and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. I'ipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Hros, Furnaces. D, McKILLOP â- JJSki CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON i^ ONTARIO. i ii ii m m 1)1] \B \& m 1 1 r Cliildr;Mi 's, Lidies' and Gents' Sweaters ;ui<l!'Svveater (y'oats rii all sh ides. .Sweaters with or without collars ranging at <littoront prices. .Vfen's .Vevv Tweed an i Folt ilats forj F.ill. G| to 7^. Sizes FALL OVERCOATS -I'.ul and seii our ful' range of Ladii^s' and Gent's' Overcoats in colours of gray, hrown and tweed. Kvery garment is made In the very latest dc-iigiis â€" waist line coats for men, grey ulsters clnniois line >, imitation buffalo ami lauil> coats, etc. We have just receivetl a full assortment of cor ticclli fingering yams tor sweaters and scarfs in all tliu new season ible sliidjs. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario DOWN WITH THE HIGH COSTOF LIVING r find that with olim itiug the middhiincn's profit 1 am aUIe to givo tliti ])'M)pl(i of Klrslicrton and vioinitv cheipi'r hr.'ad. Tiierefori! on and after Septoniber ist all l)re!id will he sold at the liakrrv for â- Joe prr loaf. Any I>roi(i dellvoro 1 custoMUM" di'sinng â- J i •. p T hnf. .Snddon CImngeu to Very riilutahle K<km1 May Invlt<> It â€" Also tliu I'^atiiiK (if Over-rlpc Hay <if 'I'oo Much Giiiin â€" (jyiniitoins mid Treatment Described â€" Cliiikuu Chat. (Contributed by Ontario Department of A{;rlcunur«, Toronto.) M PACTION of tho rumen or I'aunch is one of tlie most com- mon (llseaso of the stomach of the ox. It Is a patliological con- dition somewhat similar to tympan- itis or bloating, hnt .llffeiing in llie urgency of its symptoms and method of treatment. It dopend.s upon tho introduction into the organ of solid matters to such an amount as to par- tially or wholly paralyze the muscles by over-distension. Some food.s, as grain, chaff or po- tatoes, appear more lialilu than oth- ers to cau.se tlie di.sordcr, but uny- lliing particularly palatable to the animal may be consumed in such quantities if opportunity presents it- self. Sudden changes of food, espe- cially if the change be to a food par- ticularly palatable to the animal; over feeding on grain without allow- ing the animal to tnkc exercise; Indi- gestible food, as over-ripo hay; food of poor quality, even if con.suined In only moderate qiiantilies, may cause the trouble. The animal continuing to eat, but not ruminating sufficient- ly, the amount of ingcsia gradually incrcase.-i In tho rumen. VVc frequent- ly notice a caso v?ithout appreciable cause. Symptoms. â€" The animal becomes (lull and .suffers pain, often expres.sed by .stamping tho feet, striking at the abdomen with the hind feet, switch- ing tho tail, etc. Uospirations usually accelerated, appetite lost and rumin- ation su.spended. Bowels usually cos- tive, abdomen enlarged, especially on left side, but tlii.s does not occui' as quickly as In tympanitis, neither is it of tho same nature. When tapped between the point of the left hip and the last rib, a dull sound is produced; and when pressed it has a doughy feel, and tlie imprints of the fingers do not disappear quiclcly â€" It 'pits on prts.sure." Tliere is often a grunt during expiration, especially when the animal is lying. In tlio later stages tympanitis may appear as a complic.ition. In mild cases the patient appears to have periods of ease and expresses a desire for food. If food be allowed 1)0 will eat a variable quantity with appar.mt relish, but the symptoms of llli!e.ss soon become more marlted tluin before. Treatment must be directed to the removal of some or the Impacted iiKiKii of food and tho restoration to activity to the over-distended wall of tlio organ. When the distension i.i not exce.ssive, tho administration >.l a brisk purgative, as 2 lbs. VJpsom .salts, i/^ oz. gamboge ami 2 oz. gin- ger in about 1 »^ quarts of warm water given as a drench will usuall • Hive nood results. This la a fair (l(j.s'e for an ordina.-y seized cow. tlio doso lur smaller or larger aniumls shoul'l lie more or less, according to the size of the animal. Follow this up wiO) 2 drams of nus vomica every six or aovon hours, allow no solids to eat until fre(^ purgation is estab- lished. If purgation has not com- menced in twenty-four to thirty-six hours give 1% pints raw linseed oil, and this alternated every twelve hours with 1 lb. Epsom salts and 1 oz. ginger, until free purgation is established. If a desire for food be expre.ssed a liitlo bran mash iiiav be allowed. Allow all the water the |)a- tient will drink. In the meantime ke(^I) up the administration of nux vomica until pugation commences, f If tile disease Is not yielding to treatment aUer tho second day, some- thing must be given to eustaiu strength. For this purpose give buil- (^d Uax seed in quart doses nve or .sL\ times daiU' (an a drench). In cases where tho early 8vmpt(,iii3 are extreme, an operation by a vet- erinarian is necessary. Wliat Is commonly called "grai- siok" is simply impaction of ihj nuuen witli grain. When an animal has liad the op- portunity of eating excessive qiian- lities of grain, tlie usual eustom of sluittlng in tho stable, allowing mnb- ing to eat or drink, and awaiting developnienks, is absurd. TIk^ owner or attendant should antloipute trou- ble by at once administering a brisk purgative, as for ordinary impaelion Allow nothing to eat, Ihh allow ail tiie water he will drink, in small quantities and often, in hope tliat puigalioii will commence before dis- tress appears. Of course, in ca.ses of "grain sick" where the early symptoms are utvcie an operation called ••rumenoio;.,v," wliich consists In cutting into ihe nimeu and removing some of its con- tents by hand, should be performed by a veterinarian. â€" J. M. Ueed, V S . ColleKo, Uuelph. In Memoriam 111 k/vini( inoniory of our dpiir roii and bnllier, David DcForust C»rr, whudiod at Urillf», Ont., Oc . 4th, 1»20, after « liiiuericg illuodH. i util tlial ){>'j|dun day, d**r ona, \Vheii we •hall meet agtia. â€" Tbe Kanily In Memoriam ()i my beloved hiihlni.d, W. G. Pickell, who pasbcd ttw«y Nov. 21, lUIi), and our â-ºon, Charlie, who lift unftlareh i-'l), 1917, and Auhtiii. »lii> died ui Now V..rk (Jet fith. ilU'J. " Nut dead, oil no ! Ju«t paesed beyond the ahadowN, iiilo tho clearer light." In Memoriam ii loving memory of Charles Bucban- Hii, whoyiivo his life at Valenciennes, Nov. r>tb, i(il8, <-»one, but luit forpolien. â€" Father, Moiher, Brothers and Sister In Memoriam VaUHB â€" Id «ad but li'viiig meraoiy of our darling Jiuiniie, who died October 31st, 1U19. Days of saJness still come o'er uc. Tears of sorrow often flow, Memmy lietps our babv near us Whom God called one year iijjo. Fondly remembered by daddy, maninja and D.-II.1. What Shall I Give / Why KJve something peiishable fur a Christmas present, th.it can last «t most but HD hour or « day or n week, when Ihe imperidhablH in under your hand I And if. among thefio iinperiHhable-i, yon cli(iO>ie The Youth h CompaiiidD, your gift liaa this special iiuality : tho newness of the fjift, iiii freshn'ss, is not at once exhauetod. A jewel, a picture, or a piece of ftttiro afl'ords no surprised after the first inspection, but thn Youth's Comp»ni)n brinija unsuspected dellahts and untaalid eourcea of pleasure and liappincBS with every succeeding weekly I number. .'\nd every one in the family, of every "fie, will dee to it that tho good thlDj,'8 arp shared The .'72 is»H..(i..f 1021 will he crowded with serial stcrieR, nhnrt yiories, editor!- ale. poetry, facts an;l fun. Siibscrihii I (jw niid receive â€" 1 Th« Youth's Companion â€" 52 issues for 1921. t AH the reroainine issues of lJ>2n. .'5 The Companion Home Calendar for \on. All theaboTwfor 82.00. 4 McO.iU's Ma.jBzine for ]!»21. The monthly authority en fashions, ?1 50 a I year. Both publications <mly S3 iiO. j THK TorTH'.S COMl'.ANIOX, Comnionwea'th .Ave. ,t St. Paul St., Boston, Mhss. Xew subscript ions receiveii at this office. Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Biij Vjiluea Dancing at your own home^ any time with the best dance music and without expense -f if you have a i - yictrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ONT ^*-' • W. A. HAWKEN â€" ' dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments .^mm AT w^ Hinvk ill's Plioto Gallery and Music Stor FLESH ERTON Don't buy your Winter Overcoat until you see our new overcoat and raincoat comliiiied. They .ire real in iney savers, men's for Hobberliii made-to-measure Suits and Overcoats. We have also a linu of miile»kin coats, black rubber ennts with soh western hats, and tall and winter rain coats. Come and look these over and satisfy yourself. Anglican Church, Flesherton Holy Conimvniun will be celebrated the tirst Sundoy in the month, Nov. 7tb, in the Town Hall, Flei-herton. As this is our tirst Communion Servi(» it is hoped that every member will be piesent . Rev. VV. G. BlHckwell will t.*ke the service. Service next Sunday as usual. Cleaning and Presaini; done on shortest notices. O. A. Mv Morro^i.scAsii anM) cvru^- FRED PINDER, Flesherton Chicken Cliat. In view of tho high price of feed ran the farmer afford to keep the poor laying hens iu 1920? Given exercise, sour skininiilk plenty of urecn feed and 'larlcy or oiilH (rolled) tho furni (lock of layera will give a good account of thciu- aelvea. It saves work to let the hens f*od themselvesâ€" a hopper may be built at homo -without great expense. Only tho well-fed, W(>ll.bre(l liens will bo found in the very heavy piu- (luclng class. Whi^ro the hopper plan of feeding la ndopted on the farm, the labor prolileni is much reduced. If the hop- pers are kept supplied with grain there will he much less danger of underfeeding and producing sluntea chick*. J H. J. LEGARD Where your dolUr leatiis in have aioie IH[MHK[U itar It'HMis \i Ctllts. Flesherton, <>arefully Corrected Each Week Butter 48 to 50 Rt'BS 58 'jo .'â- >8 Wheat 2 20 bo 2 25 Peas 1 40 to 1 50 OtHi 60 to (10 ' Barter 1 20 tol 20 Ontario ! votato.'s x lo to i lo Yauge and Cbarlcs iStreets, Tarouto Prepares youn^ men and womeo for employment as accountants, typists, 8t:!n'ii!rapher8, prnate secretaries, cash- iers, coiiiineicial teachers & c. Salaries to start $15 to $25 a week. Commence any time. Write for particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinowal For Service One puiM bred Shorthorn bull on Lot 28 and L*'.>, Concession S. Artemesia. Terms â€" S1."'0 for urades if paid inside of 9 manthsâ€" if not S2. Pure breds $3 CO. l(Kt â€"ROBERT OSBOKNE. POWER FARMING WITH THE SAMSON Tho Samson 'Vractor is a product of (leneral Motors, makers of such well known ciii.s a.s the McLaughlin, Cadillaf^, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, G. INL C. Trucks, etc. riie Samson is tlie last word in motlorn down-to the-niinutc Tractor construction â€" a close conplcti power unit from raihator to rear wheels. Tlio Samson will take the phice of a harn full of horses. It has no lost motion for it is built anil lubricated like a high pricetl antouuibile. The even thstributiou of weight, compact unit design, and low centre (>f gravity give the iSamson great stability, maKing it hng the ground tiutl [)reventing all danger of rearing up and tipping over. Tho Samson IModol " M ' is tho one tractor you should look at before you buy n Tra(;toH of ativ make or kind. Tho Samson lino incUides Tractors, Farm Iniploments, Motor Trucks and device for fiower iarmiug. every D. DEALERS, McTAVlSH & SON, FLESHERTON

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