Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1920, p. 7

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OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER By Aunt June Rcgtstend \uordiiig to the Copyriubt Act < r OeoiCATEO TO EVEMY BOV AND CURL IN CANADA My Dear Buys and Girls: â€" Olil London is full of 30 many in- teresting places ,1 could fill my letters to you Willi accounta ot the things to be seen. Some of you have, I know, vtaited many of the places. Ten, at least of our members were actually bom in Liondon, but there are some lilaturic places which even Londoners Who v/ere born there and still live there do not know of. Just aa many people living in Canada do not know all about their own country. One such place id an old tea bouse In the Strand. Over 300 years ago, in the reign of Queen Anne, tea waa a very expensive luxury, chiefly because it waa not widely ased. It cost aa much as fivo and seven dollars a pound. Queen Ann« was very fond of tea herself, and she wished to naake it more popular among her subiects, so that in her reign "tea hooee^^' became popular, places where people first met for the pleasure of drinking tea together. Klchard Twining, who Is the direct descendant of an Abbott who lived in the time of the War of the Roses, waa •ne of the first proprietors of a tea house to be honored by Queen Anne. In 171 ! she made him her purveyor of tea. and bis tea house was known by the sign of a golden lion and called "Ye Signe of Ye Golden Lyon" in the Strand. Tea and coffee houses soon after this bcame very popular. A third Klchard Twining who still carried on the business was bom hf- ter the battle of Trafalgar, and lived to the age of 99 years, thraugh the reign of four sovereigns. â-  Theodore Hook, a famous humo^st who lived in the ♦8th century, once wrote a comical verse about this fam- Jus old tea house: â€" "It seems in some places kind nature has planned. That namea with their callings agree. *"or Twining the tea-man that Uvea in the Strand Would be wining deprived of his "T." W1.ND.MILLS. Have you ever see.i a windmill? In the country districts of England there are still old mills to be seen with the big white sails flapping ia the wind. Not ail are in use. but there are still places wnera the miller grinds his corn in this old fashioned way. The poet, uongtellow, wrote a poem about tae winamlll: â€" THK WINDMILL. Behold !a ?lant am 1, Aloft here in my tower. u itb my granite Jaws 1 devour. The maize the wlieat and ttie rye, And grind tnem Inio flour. 1 look down over the farms, in the fields of grain I see. The harvest that is to be. And I fling aloft my arms Kor I know it ia all for me. I stand here in my place. With my foot on the roclt below. And whichever way it may blow, 1 meet It face to face, As a brave man meeta his foe. And while wo wrestle and strive. My master the miller stands. And feeds me with bis hands. For he knows who make^ his thrive, vvbo makes him lord of lands. On Sundays I take my rest, I'hurch going bells begin. Their low. melodious din, 1 cross my arms on my breast. And all is peace within. OVH MAIL BAG. A hearty welcome to our new mem- bers! vvnat a jolly time we shall have through the coming winter in our cor- ner .All kinds of plans are being made for winter games and puzzles. Yours lovingly. Aunt June. Lesson VI. Novemoer 7 PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIAN LIVING Lessonâ€" Matt.. 6: 1-7; 12. Printed Textâ€" .Matt. 6:19-34 Cfolden Text. â€" "Seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all things shall, be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33). HISTORICAL SETTING Time.â€" A. D. 28. Placeâ€" Cncertain. DAILY READINGS. -Monday, No ember 1. â€" How tcbLive (Matt. 6:19-34). Tuesday, Novem- ber 2.â€" Golden Rules (Matt. 7: l-U). Wcdneeday, .November 3. â€" Leaving .\11 (Mark 10: 23-31). Thursday, Novem- ber 4.â€" God's Care (Luke 12: 32-32). Friday. November 5. â€" Humble Prayer U-uke 18: 9-14). Saturday, .Novem- ber 6.â€" The Manna of Old (Ex. 16: 4. 6, 14-18). Sunday. .November 7. â€" Life Victorious (Horn. !2: 9-:il.) co.m.me:nts Verse 19. This Iftisoa droips back just a little in the Sermon on the .Mount. The .Jews were in the habit of storing wealth. Linen, embroidered garments and the like were handed down as heirlooms. Verse 20. Such a treasure as an un- impeachable character is moth-proof and burglar-proof. Vers.e 21. This statement proves it- self in our experience. Verses 22. 23. The eye is the Ught conveyor. If the eye is sound, it con- veys correct knowledge. If It is un- •uund. it gives wrong impressions. Verse 24, The present lesson exalts God as our Father. In verse 1 God OF INTEREST TO WOMEN This U m Short Letter, Bui b Proves the Reliability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. Bothwelt, Or.t â€" "I was weak and run down, had no appetite and was ner- â€" nvous. The nurse who^ took care of me told me to try Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound, and now i am get- tingstrong. I recom- mend your medicine to my friends, and you may use my testimonial. "â€"Mrs. W.J.Bradv, R.R.:', Bothwell, Ont. „^,^ -, i The reason whjr Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is 80 successful in overcoming woman's ills is because it contains the tonic, strengthening properties of good old-fashioned roots and herbs, which act on the female organism. Women from all parts of the country are con- tinually testifying to its strengthening, curative influence, and a.i it contains no narcotica or harmful drugs it is a »af» niedicins for wcmen. . , If you want special mi-i\e% write Lydia E. Pinkham Medici.ie Co. (con- tidential), Lynn, Mas*. Your letts« will be opens 1. rMd. and aoswered bg , DODOS \ iv;,Pi-i.LS ; ' rai SUNSHINY shower •^ Won t last half an hour. But it may spoil my new parasol; If 1 close it up tight I'll be quite all right. For the Tain drops won't hurt me at alL Find four other persons caught in the rain- Upper side down, alon^ skirt, right side down, on hairbow; lert side down, on j^ound; upper lett comer down, along parasol. I THE CARE AND I I FEEDING OF I I CHILDREN I By Elinor Murray RICH, RED BLOOO THE GREATES T NEED I Nearly All Ills Are Due to Poor, Watery Blood â€" Hq,w to In- Facts About I Canada ReflistereU according to Copyrifibt Act ' I prove It3 Condition. 4f\^P^;>; and mammon are put over against each other. It is iniaussl'jlo to keep standing midway between two power- ful attractions. Verse 25. ivershaer remind j us that this verse docs not "contain prudent forethought." It contains unnecessary worry Why let Christian Scienti'sta place exclusive emjhasis here? Verse 26. Birds do not sit on a Irmb and pray for rain. They live their normal bird life, attending to their work while God attends to His. God is their creator, but He is our Father. Therefore we should be the less anxi- ous. Verse 27. The -Ma^ster's point here Is that there is just as much sense in worrying because you are not a few inches tal!.er as there is in worrying over other things you -an not help. Verse 28. There man.v varieties of beautiful lilies in Palestine â€" some delicate and beautiful, others gorgeous and magnificent. \trse 30. This passage does not teach Idleness. The .Ma<jter was not discussing idleness, but faith in God The .\ew Testament use of the word ' "fakh" not only means assent to trufu^J and Joctriiies, but a condition of â-  confidence in heart toward tiod. 1 Verses 31. ;52. Being so anxious ' about food and raiment as to make \ them the objects ot living was a char- ; acterlstic of the Gentiles. Christ warned U4s disciples against this anxi- ety. Verse o.l. This Is the key pa.«sage to the lesson It solves the problem of life by malting right things the object of Living. The ri?hteou.sne«is here men- tioned is the righteousness ot our Lord Jesus Christ. ILLISTRATED TRUTH Thi? height df absurdity is reached by the one who tries to serve under Christ and the world at the same time tvs. 23. 24). 1L,LI.STR.\TI0.\â€" The car had reached the end of the line, and since there was no switch, the motorman aud the conductor changed places, the rear end of the car becoming ihe front, and vice versa. The small boy was watching proceedings with the keenest interest, "Oh. mother," he exc;aime<I excitedly, "they are going to run the car both ways at once. What will be- come of us'.'" We may well ask the same question when those who profesa to be fliristians attempt to walk the way of the world and the way of the cross at tho same lime. TOPICS VO'R RKSE.\RCH .\^.ND DISCUSSIO.N I Live I'nselfishly (vs. 19-23). 1 Does an unimpeachable character work to one's advantage or disadvantage in this world'.* 2. Give illustrations of the truthfulness of the statement in ^erse 21. II Trust in God (vs. 24-2fiV 3. What is j>ut over against God in this lesson'.* \ Can we occupy medium ground be- tween God and mammon'.' III .\void Worry (v«. 37-34). -V What Is meant by the expresstoa "be nut anxious"'.' SUMMER TROUBLE. j The child should be kept quiet dur- ing an attack of acute indigestion. It the vomiting and diarrhoea are at all severe he will be better and cooler un- dressed in bed or on a couch than at- tempting to move about the house or garden. For about 12 hours glvj the stomach a complete rest. Give no food at all: but teaspoonful doses of cool, boiled water. If this is not retained the use of the white of egg beaten in cold water. ' After th9 oil has acted, the stomach â- will be better able to retain the food. It the action ot the oil is not satisfac- tory, give an enema of salt to one pint bf boiled water. sliRhtly warm. I'tie a soft rubber catheter on the end of a fountain syringe tube, so that a high Injection may be given. ' After 12 hours' fast, if the stom- ach seems to be able to 'retain food, try one or two ounces of clear mirtton broth; then, thin gruel made from barley, rice or wheat: or some chicken broth with thin dry toast: then a â- well-cooked cereal, and gradually ^vork back to the regular di?t. Milk will sour on the stomach and should be diluted with water or gruel. It is best not to try milk for two or three days. The general rule for diar- rhoea or vomiting is. stop all milk at once. Tepid sponge baths with a little soda or alcohol in the w.iter are good to control the fever. Tl'.ese may be given frequently and the aching head â- kept cool with cold cloths. No S'jrglcal operation Is necessary In removing corns In HoUoway's Cora CURES A COLD QUICK AS A WINK! Easy As Rolling Off a Lof to Stop a Cough or Cold Withi CATARRHOZONE" 4*( ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦-♦♦-•• No more medicine ror the sloinach â€"that isn't where your cold is lodged. Just breathe in the healing vapor of Catarrhozoneâ€" a soothing. healin.i; medication that acts instantly. Colds, sore throat and catarrh fairly flee be- fore Catarrhozone. Every spot that Is congested '.3 healed, irritation is soothed a.vay. phlegm and secretions are cleaned out. and all symptoms of cold a:id catarrh are cured. Nothing so quick, so sure, so pleasant as Catarrhozone. Beware of d-angerous substitutes meant to deceive you for genuine Catarrhozone, All dealers sell Ca- tarrhozone. large size, which lasts two months, price $1.00; small size. iiOc; sample size, 25c. .„_ m* ^ 2 â€" â-  A COME-BACK. (Boston Globe.) Business Man (to young lad seek- ing employment) "Weren't you her? two weeks ago. and didn't I tell you then that I wanted an older boy'?" "Yes. sir! That's why I've come back:" Thf Bowels Must Act Healthly. â€" In most aliments the first care of the medical man is to see that t'lie bowels are open and fully performing their functions. Parmelee's Vegetable Pilis are so compounded that certain ingredients In them act on the bowls solely and they arc the very best med- icine available to produce hea'.'hy ac- tion of the bowe'.s. lndee<l. there Is no other specific so serviceable in keeping the dige.?live organs la healthful action To be in a heaitay condition the j human body receives a cunsrant sup- i ply of new. rich blood. Nearly all I the ills from which people suffer "ar se . f-om one cause â€" poverty of th-? u!oo 1. I M the blood i.s rich and red it ab- i .sorbs nourishment from the fiod I which passas into the stomach aud j disirib-j'OL- that nourishment Xi lue i bra*n. nerves muscles and all he oi- I gans of r;ie body. When the o.i od j is wcik fud poor in quality it cannot ' do its natural work ot feeding the brain and 'oody. and the result 1 I ewakness and disease. Headaches and backaches. 'â- )is of appetite, poor digestion. nervousii.Ms, I pimples and un.sightly blotches nn the I skiu. all indi'-ate that the blo^l has i become impure â€" :hat tt is not uoiug j its appointed work. If this oouil;t:oa I is not remedied it will grow worse i and worse and a complete bfra-itlowti j- will eventually occur. To bring , about a health ycondition of the blood no medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Piils. Their one mi.-ision is to make irew. rich blood, which reaches every pari of the body, bringing wjih it new health and increasing vitality. Thousands have testified to the bene- fit they have found in the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when run down in health. .A.uiong these is Mrs. Bertha Kendall. Darling avenue, Tor- onto, who says: "in thw summer of l'.)18 1 was in poor health. My appetite was variable, and 1 was weak and un- fit tor work, and 1 suffered a great deal from nervous headache and palpi- tation of the heart. .V lady fneal le- commended Dr. Williams" Pink Pills, which I used with splendid results, a-s by the time 1 had taken six boxes I felt like a new woman. I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are worth "heir wei,ght in gold to every nercoaj, Mck woman, as they cur» quickly and save big doctor bills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be h,<J from any dealer In medicine or by mail at .">IJ cents a box or six boxes for J'J.oO from The Dr. Williams' .Med. cine Co.. Brockville. Ont. THE ANSWErT" (Stanford Chaparral.) She: "Do you know why I wo'i't marrv you?" He: "I can't Ihink." She: "Vou guei.sed it." In the closing days of May, 1615. a ship arrived at Quebec from Uontleur. France, bearing four members o( the Hecollet Order who hud been set asida for mlsaiunary work in the new world. They were Denis Lemu/, Jeiu Dol- beau, Joseph Le Caron and the lay brouer Pacifique du Plessls. 'They packed tiieir church ornaments and We our baggage," wrote (.'hamylain of thia trip Greater was the woncier of the In- dians when the priests landed at the toot of ihe rock at Quebec. Their garb consisted of a rude garment of coarse, grey cloth, girt at the waist with the knotted cord of the Order and completed with a peaked hood to be drawn over the head. Their nake<l feet were shod with wooden sandals more than one inch In thickness. TheJr first work was to choose a site for their convent: this they erect- ed near the fortified dwellings and 'he houses that Champlala had erected. This done they made an altar »ad c%le- brared the first mass ever celebrated in Canada. Dolbeau was the officiat- ing priest while all New France knelt On the bare ground around him while the cannon from the ships and the fort boomed in honor of the event Then. In Imitation of tiie Apostolic or- der, they took counsel together and assigned each his province in the vast field of missionary activity they had come to initiate. Le Caron took the Hurons; Dolbeau the Montegnais. while for the time Lemay and du Plessls were to remain In Quebec. Dol- beau followed the Indians of the Tad- oiisac region in their wanderings and lived In their desolate â- wigwams until he was worn out and almost blinded by the smoke of the wretched homes. â-  He was forced to return t'j Quebec to regain his health but tho next .vear. undaunted by his past experiences, he went with them even to the Iwrders of the Esquimaux lands. But the hardships of the trip wer" forgotten In the belief that he was performing a work of vast Importance for the In- dians and the new world. His exper- iences were duplicated by those of the or her priests who considered nothlns too severe if it would advance the In- •eresrs of the c'.iurcii and the Indiano in New France. All Night with Asthma. Keryor.e knows how attacks of asthma often keep their viotlni awak? the Trhole night long. Mcrning finds him whol- ly unfitted for a day of business, and yet. business must still be carried tiirough. .\.I! this iiight .uffering and lack of rest cm be avoided by the prompt use of Dr J. D. Ke'uogg's .\3thm3. Remedy, which positively does drive away th'^ attacks. * < » â€" â-  Legends of National Emblems. Most people are acquainted with the log^d of St. Patrick and the sham- rocii. which has given Irishman their special decoration. In somewhat sim- ilar manner most nations have equip- ped themselves with a symbolical plant to which is generally attached a leg- end. Scotsmen are said to owe their sym- bol of a thistle to the fact that when a party of invading Danes were ap- proaching the slumbering camp in the darkness, one of them trod on th« FkuraB^o Tells How Cotkiira Healed Her Pimples "My (ace waa very itchy at ftrat, •cd aftST that it was covered with pimplsa that disfigured It badly. The pimples wera hard and red and they '«etB small, and they were scit> xsssi all over my face sod were so itchy I hod to scratch and I could not sleep. "These bothered me nearl|r a year before I used Cutlcura Soap and Oint- loent and when I had used five cakes of Cuticura Soap and rive boxes of Cuticuia Ointment I waa healed." < Signed) Mi33 Flcra M. Boyko, Qaidenton, Man., Dec 26, 1918. Having obtained a clear healthy skin by the use of Cuticura, keep It clear by using the Soap for all toilet purposes, aasisted by touches of Ointment aa needed. Oo not fail to include the exquisitely scented Cuti- cirs Talcum in your toilet prepata* tions. Splendid after bathing. Soap ZSc OiatmaM 25 awi SOc Sold throujihoutt.'ieOaninion. Canadian Depot: Lynana. ' jâ€" '«â€" « 3t. Paol St.. I JP^'XtaticMim Soap ahavaa witfaaala ISSUE NO. 45. 1920. vv< HELP WAhTEO I- i_n_rij-LrLj- .l â- _ -i,!!,!-! |-lJ-u^J-l_r .i- - i-ii . f--^ OOLiEX iliu:^ HEL.P -.VANTBDâ€" We h«v« several good openliisa («« •zp«r:enoed and iD-«zp«r!«nced mai* aa4 fenia'.e help. We require . .rla for wear- ing and windiai;. Every aaetstaac* â- '*- en to learners, and rood whkm paid aur- in« up-'eiiitceshla Workers in thia liMi earn vei-y high wairea. and are alwajra iQ demand. Only a oouple of weeks' " neceaeary to loam. Several i»ood inB» f jr ateady men. Special oonalde lion shown to family ot workera. Keata and coat of llvuJtf reaionable in Branlr ford . Movmi; expensaa advanced to r^ iiabie famlllea and hcusttia accommoaaj tlo:i arraneed. I-'ulI [lartlcu.ars (urr.Uha* upon requeat. Write u». The SlinKsW ilanuiacturliuf Co'.. I^td.. Brantford. Oafc HELP WANTEDâ€" FEMALE I ADIES W.V.NTEU TO DO Pl^AlN OH " light sewiiiu at .'iome. whole oc spare time; t>oo<l pay; work seni any ili^tance: ouarses pai(l Semi stamp taf particulars. Natii-nal Mfg. Co.. iloo- treul. FAilMS FOB SALE. $5Rnn -^ .WltE.S. IM L-LE.VREEyâ€" JJUU baiaiice well timbered: 7-rooin- -.1 liouse; large barn and o-ilbuildiiMjaj h. ing well watei-e<i. makf .-iplendid ranctt: tills is a snap; the 'iir.hoi- alone is wall worili ih.' pixe: only three miles from irnall village and railway station. â- > Kettle. Ursa. FOK S.\I^E-a» .\CRES. TOWNSHIP Maryboro': near Drayton: building* on eucii fariii; pui"';cu!ars apply D. Foi"*" man, tC Beec hwooil .S.ve.. Hamilton. **-* LIVE STOCK GAI.LOW.VVa-AKE H.VRDY. HORN- less beef cattle, crossed with short- horim or grades: they produee excelleaA ft-edins heifers and steers; young bulls for sale. Z>. MoCrae. Guelph. Ont. MISCELLANEOUS p OT.VTOEri^-.VNY Qf-VNTITY. SE>n> ' me your best price. D. Gordon. Ooc. Mary and Mac.Vuley Stii. Hamilton, OaL D EMIT BY DOMINION E.XPKHSS •^ money order. If lost or stolen you sat you:- money back. DR. MARTEL-3 PILLS FOR WOMENS AILMENTS Vwasanda of woiren have ta«ti/ie<I in tbe laat 26 yaara resardtna the healiaa aualitiaa of Dew MAKTELd FKM.'UUS PILLS. A ScientiAeaOr prepared remedy for dela/ed and paiafal â- Mnitrui^tion. Sc.** on'T in a Petented Ti^ Hlnire-Cover Bux, .At V^r Drusnitt. or dltaet by Mail, pries $2.00. Knickarbeckar It*nw4|r S*to i n Fnat St. Eaai " -aov Canaiia. | BB A KEGISTSKBD NURSEâ€" TH» Cooper Hospital of Camden. N.J.. of- fers a three t3) years InaininK (Tho- oretica! and rractical)- to yoiinn woniea who wish lo enter the nursinc profes- sion. A hish school education Is r»- qiiired. This course admit.s younp womea 'o one ot the many po.-^ition.f demand- ins Ih-! trained nurse of to-day. For further particulars write: The Super- intendent of Nurses, Cooper Hospital, Camden. N.J. JfNtTTING Y.\RNSâ€" rXTVBt.T COLX>RiL •^ pun» wool, but very moderate prUMMu Sample shades free. Oeoriftown Wol- !on Mills. Georgetown. Ontario. prickly thistle, and anaounced big contact with it in rather lou.i tones, which awakened the Scots, who drore off the enemy. Pairioctc Welshmen decorate their caps with a leek on St. David's Day because that saint is supposed to have advised the Britons on the eve of a battle with the Siixons to '^ear leeks in their caps so as to distinguish eas- ily, friends from foes. U^ngland has alwa.vs been famed for her roses, but the adoption of the rose as the nat:onal s.vinbol does not seem to have taken jilace till Edward IV. introduced it on his seal. The lily of Franoe has been traced to very early times, but probably owes its adoption to the Franks at the bat- tle of Tolbiao, -.vho crowned themselves with lilies afl^r tiie battle. Mlnard's Llniipent Co.. Limited Gentleineii. I have u.sed MI.N.VRiyS I.INIME.NT on my vf.-i.sel and in my fam- ily for veur.s. and for the every day ill.s aiid accidonLs of lite 1 consider it has no equal. 1 would not start a voyage without it if Jt cost a dollar a bottle. C.VPT. !••. R. DES.JARDIN. Schr. "Slorke." St. .Viidie. Kamourajka. JdusS'iisâ€"Thera are times wliea ever}' man takes a tumble to himselt. BuKglus I 4tti)i)ose that accounts tor the tact that laero i.s always rooui at tae toy. mj!^£^.\^.tcr •kCMiisu^at aBt< Htiilfa j ^ latia* â€" Munair ft .- Red- ^» oec-3, Sorencjo, CraauJa- tion. Itchipf: 3tid Biirrdr.s oi t!i« £yes or EyeL-ds; irttt wir ?»nr cor^&daK*. .A»k 'toir D.-utnpst forMuriBS when Tjur Eree Ne«.(t,»r^ It Eases Pain.6 Ask any druggist or dealer in medicines what is the most popular of the medicinal oils for pains in the joints, in tli? musries or iierves, or for neuralgia and rheumat- ism, and he will teli_ you that Dr. Thomas' Kc'ectric Oi! is ia greater demand than any other. Tiie reason for this is tliat I* possesses greater healing qus'.iiles than any other oil. • .^^^ _ A Rhubarb Tip. Rhubarb will keep its pink color and the pifce-.i will rotain tlieir .siiaoe if the washed and cut rliuharb i.s cov^'red with hall' the quantity of sugar, and al- lowed to stand overnight. It Is then baked In a very slow oven until soft. Worms, by the irritation that they cause in the stjmach and Intestines, doprlve infants of tlie nouris'.iraent that th«T shou'.d derive from food, and innl-nutrition Is the result. Mliler's Worm Powders desfroy wo-;iis and correct the morbid conditions in th<« stomach and bowels tiiat aro favor- able to worms, so that the ?^;i nutri- ment of thi' child is assured ad 49- velopment In c.-ery way er.couraj«a. «-..• Deposits ?•â- . Canadian rhart»T«'i banks In IS." I totalled $ll<.336."';S. wM'ist at !'!•• present time th^y amount to ?l.S07.0!)8.$6'i. Tlie ni Motial w"3li;i has bp?n tnnltiplyinjt at a high rat p. and to-day t'le Doailniou''* wealth is estlnisiiwl at $l«.yM,'iOO.OO<V 'T^ WALKt^. HOUSE . TwMta . M .1 -It . > . 1 1, .ir. tm ham .,.â- , i . ' j n. >nt*tl^ .IM.. V^,. .,„ .. ^ . TVWA(ICEIIH0t;«8P I* Wl « - tha . â-  HOti^ni. THE "walker house. TORONTO "" ' "* CkrtADA / It OF COURSE. The teacher was giving the class & .\nd the class yelled with one voioOk "Charlie Chaplin." * . ' J Worms cause tretfulness and rob the Infant of sleep, the great nourlsk- er. Mother Graves' Worm Extermla- ator will clear the stomach and \3k- testines and restore heallhfulness. J â-  » The total value of sea fi.sh caught and marketed in a fresh state in til* >-iriou3 Provinces of Canada engaged in the industry during the year 191» was $31,348,084, according to the aa* nual report of the Fisherie.s Branch. ^s^yaJ^j^^;^ :':â-  -MtViSTRU.ki FUNCti<!lNS.- â-  ....... :-^^-.^^g5jS^. n ywara Standard for Delayed and riilrflj M*.-i.tr\iation asalrd Tin parkair* nniy. ra OruKsi.u or direct by Mail Pries S.ML . Kniokarborkar KauMdy Co.. 1 1 t;. l^Vont S», ' Foronco, Canada.

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