Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1920, p. 1

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M'^' /ksb^rtxrti 4Hl*i>C# Vol 41, No. 24 Flestierton, GnX^ December '^ 1920 8th line, Osprey Hauling logs i* the order nf the d>y. A number of teams off the Sth kave joined the proceisiou. Mrs Jcihii Partous spsiit a f.-w days this week wilh her daughter, Mrs Jim MuKunzie Mrs Charlie Hanley and Mrs Walter Akitt spent the week end wiih friends io Markdala. Mr Alex Cameroa is attending County Council in Owen Sound. A sleigh load of young people drove to Stoiia's SettleiBBQt liist Tuesday evening, where they spent a pleasant time at Mrs Will Pediar'a renewing old acquaintance. Mrs Ephram Doupe and Miss .Martha Fenwick spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Tem Fenwiclt. A number from here attended ths Club Meeting at Kugenia on Siturday night. Our teachar. Miss Acheson, and Mrs Alex Cameron are bn.sy training the children for their Chiiatmas concert. Watch The Ad vanco for further particu- lars. Miss Emily Fenwick and Mis.s Olire Mftthewson of Fleaherton spent (he week end at the furnier's parental Uoiuo VANDELEUR Miss Taylor of Rocklyn it visiting with her brother, Mr Bert Taylor. Mr Parker of Proton is speudias; a few weeks with Mr and Mrs Jack Flynn. Mi-s Dave Graham and little daughter, Winnie, spent a few days with friends at Kimberley > Mr Chas Boland had iho misfortune to fall and sprain his ankle. Rev Mr Fnwier of Fleshert>in conduct- ed Prayor Meetint; at the liuiue of Mr and Mrs Robt Graham on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs Cook .of Rocklyn is spendins; a couple of wteka witd Mr and Mrs Bert Taylor. About eighty friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Baker ou Friday evening of last week and presented Mr and Mrs Otto Baker, who were married recently, with ati address and 8 set of diners. The even- ing was spent iu games and music. The Farmer's Club will tneet next Monday evening. John Jacknian, rural mail carrier l^f Chatsworth, was jfjtai down after ninlit by an autoist. His buggy was struck with such force that h» and his mail bass were thrown ou', the rench of the bui;gy broken and the hind axle badly b.'nt. Mr. 'ackinan wa» not injured. The autoist serenely went ou his way without trying to render assistaii':e or announce his identity. For Service Onejpure ored Shorthorn Bull on lot SB, con. 9, Arteiuesia. Terms $1.50 far grades. Must be paid within 9 mouths from date of service. W.Jau.9 â€" R. O. TURNKR . THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST Good Paint cannot be madu to mtet a price if the makers wi<*h to remain m business any lengt-h of tim«. A good article is always worth a fair price and the man who buys the best without being extravagant is the man who practices the right kind of economy. Sherwin Williams Paints may cost more than some other paints on the market, but you may rest assured that ycu get your money's worth every time you buy. as Bvery can is guaranteed Pure White Lead and Oil and will cover more surface than other paints. Ask us about your paint proposi- tions. A Paint or Varnish for every purpose -inside or outside. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario ROCK MILLJy Mrs W. T. Pddiar is spending % few days with her daushter, Mrs John Wickeni, Eugenia. Mrs S. Phillips is visiting with Mr and Mrs Geo Clark. Eddie White lust bis driver last week from paralysis. We are alad to report Mrs Wm Haw- kins much improved in health. Will Newell (if Durham visited over the week end wilh his brother, Charle.s Newell, and w;fe. Mr and Mrs J' H. Hoiley cf Vande- leur spent a day the past week with the former's sister, Mrs Sam Croft .Jas. Darafavel made a business irip to Durham on Monday. Jim and Ita Pedlar are viiiting wilh their grandmother, Mrs T Julian, in Flesherton. Mr and Mrr Art Porteous visited last week with the farmer's parents here. Mr and Mrs Ned Croft are spending a few weeks with relatives at Feversham. Ourtnacher, Miss Moore, visited re- cently with her parents at Badjeros. CEYLON Miss M VVest of Owen Sound is visil- in4 with her friend, Wri FG CoUii.son. Mrs Georae Cairns and Mrs F G Cairns are visiting wkIi Toronto friends for .» week. Mrs Wm White is visiting her mother, who is ill in Toronto. Mr aiil': Mrs .A. Sinclair and two chila- reu ."peni: the week tnd with Hariiston friends. Mrs Archie Stewart spent i;ho week end witii her brother at Harrlston. The Women's Institute will hold thuir meeting At MrsRoy.den Gibson's Thurs- day. December 2ud, whoo they hope for a fuli aiteudance. Tlie Prayer Meeting will be held on Fiiday evening of tkis week at; Miss M Cook's. FEVERSHAM Mrs Will Stewart and Albert Stewart of Fieshertou visited with frieuds iu this village recently. Miss Mae Whi.-.eoak of Toronto is visitiiu; at her parental home here at present. Mrs Ed Croft of Rock Mills spent last weak with her sister hero. Bornâ€" ( )u November 'Juth, to Mr and Mrs Melville Dougla.s, a daughter. U.'inâ€" On November 25th, to Mr and Mrs Albert Holliugshead. a son. A number of persons here have been laitl up with bad colds and there ar-j a few ca.ses of scarlet fever around Max- well. Sleighing has been yood for the past week^auii the Duihaiu B'uruiture Co have about 25 teams drawing the toys they purchased fiom John Earle last suuimer, to their mill at R >ck Mills. Mr McGirr of Parry Sound has re- turned to his home after a two or three weeks' visit with his uncle, li. S. MoGirr and other friends in this vicinity. Mis Chris Thnaipsoti is visiting in Toronto tvith her sister, Mrs. William Walters. Jooelyn Green, the slayer of tJert Cavill, draymin of Chesley, was taken by Constable Ferguson to the Hamilton asylum on Friday last. Green, who recovered fr»m the severe wound made in his right temple, 8uppos»d(v by boring thro'igh hie right temple with his finger o«il, in an effort to end his life while in the cells, again tried 'o reavh repeatedly for the wound ou the trip lo the asylum, and only the fact that ho was handcnff»d and the cfficer was on ths watch for •uch manoeuvres alone prevented him from further injuring himtelf. Provided ke fails to recover hia reason he wilt be iacai'cersted in the a.sylum (or life, but in the event of bin regaining his sanity h« will be placed on kiml for the murder •f Cavill. .A local doctor who examined the priooner says that he is afflicted with a malady that will probably terminate fitally withio six months. -Bruce Her- ald and Times. Boar tor Service The onderaigned has a thorough jped Yorkshire Boartor service on lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Terms $1.50. j FREDSPOFF.ARDI (( THE ELDRIDGE Dependable Sewing Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHEUTON. t>NT. Concerning Gliosts From the Montreal Gazeete Somewhere about 18% I looked iuto a "daylight ghost " for the Toronto Globe If you look through the fyiea of that journal for several years before and after that date you will find a long (and inconclusive) account of it; by me. It was in a log .scho)l In the county of Crey in Ontario ; the postoffice was Biinea8»n; the nearest railway st.-.tion.^ in chose days were Durham (G T R) and Flesherto.i (CPR). Ic IS a hilly, ra:her heavily wooded region. The sohoolhouse was a one roomed log affair, more or less in a cedar swamp ; the people were ashamed ot it and trying to nerve themselves to build a brick one on a more suit ibla site. When the occurrences took place the teacher was a young woman who hved a few miles away, and there were, when they began, twenty or thirty pupils. Soma time before the summer holidays began noises invaded the school. The procedure was for the teacher to open the school ; half an hour after the usual noises of an elementary school had begun the myeterious sounds would be h»ard. It wa-i a hunimina:, buzzinij sound ; the clearest duscripti.in given to me was that it was like a threshing machine runuitg empty. If the teacher were away and thrf pupils re:nained the noises continued. It Was the same if the pupiis went and the teacher stayed ; but if both left the noises stopped. To be brief, this mani- festation continued until thn sohoo' broke uu for the midsummer holidays. The trustees, beia« practical men, then dealt wifh the situation by dismissing the teacher and building a new brick school hou.se im a hill Huijerior to t,he cedxr swamp. While these we^ks wont by the whole counirysido visited ihe school and the unfonuoate teacher day after day went throujih tha motions of instructing her iiwiudling fiock while the invisible pres- ence hemmed and hawed. There would be a haiiJful of pupils in front and perhips a hundred visitors at the back of the room. The public school inspector, a Mr. Campbell, spent much time there and did what ho could to ferret out the cause ; the only effect was that the Presence did not. seem ti> like his efforts and fairly barktd at him. Once he noticed a smell as of electricity. Not to CO into too great detail, every piiSsible hypothesis eeeni»<l cortradicled by Komo feature of the aff'iir. It couli nor be Tentriki(jui.-<m for no one person's presence was esseiiiial to the show. The leiicher was not wholly normal. She professed to have had a dream a few weeks bnfore the tri>ub!B began and Co have heard the sounds in it , and some mouths after it w« ail over I heard tha; she had developed a habit of going into " irancos" A photographer drove out from Dur- ham and " took " the schoolhouso and the handful of childien who stuck to theia attendance. The leucher refused to pose in the group. A"hen it was developed, what passed for au additional face appealed lu the picure. ( 'f course there were iplenty of explan Uions, but was it not odd that an occurrence requir- ing exolanation attached itself to thst particular edifice ? We heard of ir in Toronto toe late to invsstigate while th^? affiir was iu pro- eresa. I eot my infurnutiou from the trusti-as and from Mr. Campbell, the inspector 1 hate no theories and merely know that it h.ippened. ROBERT STEAD Auth ir of "Dennison Grant," "The Cow Puncher," "The Homesleader,^' etc. Robert Stead's New Novel Time was not so long aao. when Cana- dians h.nitjht a njvel by a Cinidido â€" if they bought it at all â€" mucli as oi.u gives mouiiy to some worthy cauae. They did it to help a struguliog fellow countryman and felt, perha',;s, a conipensatina glow of prtriotism. even if they did not expect IO get value oat of their expenditure. Bu'^ Canadians are discovering that their fellow-counlryuieu are wrimg books which are most decidedly worth reading on their own account, and per- haps no one has contributed to this discovery more than has Robert Stead, author of the famous " Kitchener " col- lection cf poems, and of tha novels, " Tha Homesteader " and " The Cow Pilncher. ' There is uoe a dull liuu iu anything Mr. SteaJ writes, and this is pattioularly true of his new novel, '• Deiiuisoa Grant ' (SI 75) which has just been published by the Mussou Book Company Limited, of Toronto. Prepare for a period of absent-mindedness, broken engigemeijts and forgotten worries of the world when you get your copy of '•Deiinison Grant " Y'ou will be so interested in the fortunes of the young Easterner who renounces tli" family wealth on account of his Socia â- 'c ideals and who finds greater liappines as a ranch hand m Alberta than as a million- aire in a city club, that the hours will slip by uncounted until you tjiid out h .w It '• comes out " in the last chapter. And it comes cut a little ditf-renuy from what you expected, and yet in til • only way It eould and he true to the Stead type of story, wh:cli always leavus one with the feeling that the time spent: to good advantage. Musson Bd k Pub. Co., Toronto. Poisoned at O'wen Scund Owen Sound, Nov. 28 â€" Two young men, both under 20 years of age, a.-e in the General and Marine Hospital io a very serious condition from dunking wood alcohol mixed with anise, and Peter Falurio, a Greek, is in cu*'ody, eharned with selliug the concoction. One of the boys is very seriously ill, and grave doubts are entertained as to his recovery. Faluria appeared m court yesterday, but was remanded a week. Thesiutl was purchased Wednesday, but medical aid was not called till yesterday. One of the boys being unable to move himself, they became gradually wor^e and w(irse, untd lemoved to Uie h >spi(s|. If eiiher of these young men shoii'd dig there would be a serious charge jiminst the vendor of the poism. .\ man named Lewis died not :oDg aero, and it is saii his coi.dilicn was somewhat the same before bis death as that of these bovs. Albert Looby of lot 22, Fifth Line, Amataath, sustained a serious toss when his largo bank bam was totally destroyed by (ire, together wi'h most of the con- tents. The barn contained about 30 tots of hay and all hia season's crop of grain. The tire w,a» caused by the upsetting of a lantern iu the bay loft. The live stock wa.s all NKved. Mr.Lo'by carrifd insu'ance in thj Duffjrin Farm- ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., il(>00 outhebirn and JlOO on the contents, but ihio will not nearly cover the loss â€" Free Pr^ss. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. BUSINESS k^ USUAL i Funeral Directors and Coaie in and see niir fine large stock Embalmers of Jewelry. Watches, Clocks, etc. p^^jj HillCFCSt 268 and when you have sten themAuii â€"v^v will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. .\ full hue Photographic snppliea lucludiug developing powders, MOTOR printing IVames,, lark lanterns, allj^ VV. Bates, R. Maddocks, sizes of koaacks and films. o - i rresident. Manager 1 24 Avenue Road, Torojito, Ont, EQUIPMENT ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES w. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phoue or writeâ€" GEO. W. K03 FLESHERTON, - ONT : OspreyTel. system Maxwefl P. O. Farm For Sale â- i Flour and Feed FEED â€" Low Grrde Flour, Ontario Bran and Shorts, Oat Chop, Oat and Barley Chop, Wheat, Oa.s, Peas and Barley. FLOUR â€" Perfecti ^n and Snow Flake Pastry and ilobinhood. Groceries SPECIAL- 1 3 bars Polar White Soap $ 1 .00 Labrador Herring 10c. per lb. Fresh Figs 15c per lb. 2 packages Corn Starch 25c CANNED GOODS-Tomatoes, Peas and Corn 6 tins for $1.00, or 1 8c. per tin. Maple Leaf Salmon 58c. per tin. Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Autumn is here and winter is coming and we are ready with a good stock of Fall and â€" inter Caps for men and boys, Mitts and Gloves, Rubbers, Heavy and Light Sweater Coats, Mackinaw Coats, Peabody Smocks and Overalls, and Woolen Under- wear. e us a Everything at lowest prices. Giv call and seejjfor yourself. Highest Prices Paid For Produce. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton Loi lor> »nd lot), con. 3, W.T, AS Artenie>ii«. coattminit ubout 110 acrcH over90 »cre» cleared, nood buildiosa nuall orchard. w«ll wtLt^red. -^pply to ROD. STKVVART, 3.124, . Proton R. K ENTKR ANY D.\Y Owen Sound, Out. Individual lustructiui, Siaff of Speei»list8. .\duing. Book keBping M»cbinB?, Calculator*, Dicaphoncs, etc Only School with h prHctiow! liepiirtiiiibnt. Giaduates as6i-<ted.to positiuns. Catal- OKUe h'reo. C. A. KLEMISW. K. C. A., Principn G. ». FLEMING. SecreUiy. - Mentiunlhis p.ipor wheu'writini;) ' ^i^ Tonsorfal '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Butke ^ac•iHfR«^us LAUNDRY â€" Baskut oloaes Mouday night, delivery Fn<my •» CI45ANING auilDYElNi;- >Ve ar agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Olobhee cluaned and dyed, feathers rojuvunated T FISHBR- -PBOPRIETOB

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