Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1920, p. 4

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fmmw w^ssssm mm T December 9 1920 THE FIESH1«T0N ADVANCE A Man and His Wife will find it an advantage to have a Joint Bank Account in The Merchants Bank. Each can make deposits and draw cheques over their own slgTiatures; a convenience in case of sickness or in the absence from home of either party. In case of the ft death of either, the Joint Account becomes th« cole nroperty or the survivor, without any legal formalitiAB whatever. TH€ MCRCHANT5 BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA. Established 1884* CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NOi^WORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL IMPLEMENTS THE Flesherton Advance An independent newtpaper putilihl ed every Thursday at the olHee, Co'lingwood Stiuot, Fiinbertuu, Sul)!cripliun piice $1 DU per annum when puid in .fivance ; 92.U0 when not so paid. $2.00 tu I'liitud States. Advurtiaing rates on lipplicfttion. Circulation ovt<r 1 100 weekly. W. H. THUKSTON, Editor Upsetting All Precedents. Making an Unconditional Surrender. SL AUG HT ER! WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharj)les Scparator.s JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. ! Flesherton Tri Shop^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwaie and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- m II m m (in i m 11 I ! m m logs. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipcfitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. /VlcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j0 ONTARIO. 11 i 1 Tmys lUth T.)wi.'h Waist Lengths Ti.8 Waists liilby 'm Sw.'iilBr CditH Santa Claus si Here Again Oiico iij^aiii SaiiU Cliiis ban Undnl mmJ unloinieil inxiiy if his Chridtmis Toys f T nil the Oirli ani' FJoys. AInd NiitH. (yaiulii^s, Naval Uriliigos and Grape Fruit. Not o.ily w.is ho i»ood tu tho hoys and girla but ills > left some for the older people such as ; Manicure .S.tt.-) Scirfu and Caps Hruih and Comti S'lts Glnv.s (Vliliiary Urur.hoa Dishes Shavinir Srt'.s Pipel CftSRftfolo Stationery Handkerchiofs Bedroom Slippers ItranK .lardeni rs Felt hollt^ Pio'uics Baby's Toilet Setts GROCERY DEPARTMENT Our New Fruiis, Peels and Nnts have just arrive! fur yriir Chr almas Baking. Highesb [ rices pai<l for Live or Dressed Fowl. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario 1 ^ir;^y%^ •^^'â- Qi? ^^5tf^ %9^0V ^T^o^^rv;^ DOWN WITH THE HIGH COST OF LIVING I find lliat, with (iliiu-ttiug tlu; middlcnicii'.s prcfit 1 am al)l» to give liie piiople of Flesherton anii vicinity cheaper l)roa(l. Therefoi-e on and after vScptoniher 1st all Itread will bu .sold at the Hakory for 2.5c. per loaf. Any eustoiuor desiring bread delivered L'lJc. per loaf. MV MOTTO^ISCASil .VXD CAKRV FRED FINDER, Flesherton AUCTION SALE Of high class Live Stock, IinplDmenta, Eic. Th'3 uiidersiHned auctioneers have lieeii favored with instructions fornj Janit-s I'iiidlay to s«ll by public auction his entire elock of purebred Clydesdale horses, Shoitboin Cattle and hjhropshire JShi'jjp: other farm stock, iinpUnieuts, etc, at Lot 117, N E T &S H. Aneinesia TUESDAY, DKCKVIBER 21, 1920 liOKlSES â€" Clydesdale mare 5 years old, 'â-  Heasiu Archer " (;i6882) ; Clydesdale mare 12 years old, ".lean Archer" 20y'Jl, suppjsed to lie in foal ; llutdstii maru 8 yeara old, splendid driver. UKGISTEKED ShIOUTHOUNS-Bu;! 2 years old, '• First War Lord " 1.30817, .Sire- Prince Horaue 110428 by Prini e Htin-deu 05748 out of Proud Luly Oy,'i41, iraL-iii!,' to Lady Finny (luip) 276, Diiii~Ked Duchess 118428 by Silver Plate and out of Ka^ipbcrry, tracinj; to Duchess of G'lser 12th (iujp) LiS, a choicely bred bull and a splendid in- dividuil. C iw 8 yean old, " L'lJy Ctuncellor " lUi)312, Sireâ€" Cistle Guard 74y% by We,nva.-d Ho 04222 and out of .\lifla Ciiancellor, traciu:; co Mina Olh (imp) 344, Da.ii â€" Lady BroadhooKs 2nd V)Wjo by Broadhooks Golden Fame (imp) iinii out of Lovely U ise, tracing to lh;(i Rose (imp) 455, Lady Chancellor is a very hiiioolIi cow and has [iroven to bo a rarufjood breeder, bred August 4lb, 1020, i,o First War Lord, llcr heifer calf at foot, sired liy K yal Edward 10270:1. Cow 7 years old, " Liidy llamsden " 112013, Sireâ€" Hamsdtu Boy 8G184 by Jouiinander 73847 out of Miss Htuisdeu 12[h 04048 trrc nii to Mi.ss Rawisdeii Otii (iiii|i) 306, Dam â€" Lidy Broadhooks 2nd OOSuiJ by Broadliooks Golden barm (imp) and out of Lovely Rose, tracing to RbU R'SO (imp) 4j."> a half sister to Lady Chiincellor and also a splendid breeder, Bred October 25tli 1920 to First War Lord, tleifer calf at foot sired by Royal Edward 10.'!75,^. Cow i> years old, " Lovely Star " 147159, Sire â€" Crimson Priiic- 9.7053 by Crimson Emer 80210 and oui of Flora 760112 tracnu to t'loia 8lli (inip) 2141. Dim â€" Lidy Chancdlor 1(J'.);!13 by C^nllo (iuard 74.i90 and out ot Lady Bro.idhooks 2nc', trHcios! to Ued R' .s8 (imp) 455. A young cow uf out- Kiihdiiig quality with mucli of her u.se- fulness bflore lier. Bred June 1st to Fir»f W.ir Lord. Her bull calf at foot, srid by Royal Edward 10.V53, Ye-.irl iii^' lluifor " R .yil Bulle " 104212, S re â€" It'iyal E I wild 103753 by Choice SL'h 80588 and out of Lovelace 0th 99302 triicini; ti) Sipin (imp) 48575. Dam - Lidy Cbino'lloi lil93l:i by Oa^tlt (Unr.l and out ol Lilly l!r. adliookw 2nd liiicini; tolled Rose(iiiili). Bull Calf 10 monllis idd. Sire â€" R jyal Edward, etc , (jaiiie isiibove) Dam~L«volv vViinpie 2nd 80344 by Scotti-li Cbu-f 53100 and out ot Lively Winipie 03755, traoinu to Wimple (imp) 5233 A choicely bred calf. 1 1 U â- \ DES â€" C.iw 3 years old calf at foot, C iw y-.'ars old cilf at foo'. C.iw K years old Hnppn"!ed to bo in calf, Cow ouo to culvin .Jiiiuiry, Twovear old sti'or, Two yearlng stee-s, I'earling heifer, Heifer calf. SWINEâ€" Brocd sow supfjoaed to he In |ii!., 11 1>H',» 3 moiilhs old. PoULTRY-.vO hens. SHKKP The em ire stock of pure- bred registered Sliropsliires, consistint.' nf the II ick header, a Kelsoy bred ram, PtewesandH ram Uiiibs. This is an extra good flock, hts produced prize winners for tn my yearn, and now atfords a raie opportunity to purchase sc'iiie founil.ition stock. IMPliEVlENTS- Deering mower, Doer ingraku, fanning mill and bHgg.)r nearly no*, griodstoiie, Cickshult 15 disc drill, sutsoiles 2'JOO lb?, cultivator M. II., iiicu hater and brooder, land rollcr.stoiie boat 2 Kugir kettles, set iron harrows, 50 gmd urain leiys, Cocksliuu 2 furrow lidiig pio'.v, Fiiiorv plow; a (piinlnv of joi d lumiier and feiico posts, scnttt-r, tuinip pul|ii'r,pea harvester. VEHICLES, HARNESS, Etcâ€" Buggy nearly new, outer, road cart nearly new, 2 film w itoii^, wagon nemly new, box and nIocU iiieli c mihineil ; 2 Bet bob sleighs, buy r.ick. set heavy brass iiiiunt od hurii'Ks new, 2 set hoavy team liirnifs s •! cm^le diiviim harness nearly now. HAY. GRAIN, itc-35 tons liinolliv liiy, 6 tons clovir hay, 3i)l) bue () A V "III*, lir.-t pri/.o lield crod c mp 192ii, 1001) hiiihels other grain, a ipiiiitity of till nips, forks, el'.aiiiH, etc, otc- lloPSKIIOLDEFKECl'.S-riHrtm s pi- r.it o Melolte, k leheii Irole, TreaMUe • ngJ nearly new, kiicheu cupboar i, Royal .Knvel cook ^fov^â- , kileheii chiii- Floreiicii cost oil stove new, churn, a numlier of sap bu.skol.", wisIiiiil' ni vehiiiit refrigor.ilor, oak i xluiision talile ft, extension table 12 fi, secretary, coiuh nearly new sidul leithur covering, I'ldison phoiioi.>riiph, l.iiii|n, dishes, pails, etc. .S lis at 12 o'cl.ick sharp. TiUiich served at noon for thoHo fioui adislnnee. TERMSâ€" grain, hay, roots mid all sums of f 10 and umicr, cash ; over thxt amount 12 months' iredit will be given on approved joint not^is, ,>r 5 per cent, oil for cash in lieu of iiote^ Please roineinbor the date ind arraUKO to ariive early, as this is n laige sale and must cjiiiiiiunoe on lim.i. Positively no roscive, as Mr Fliidlii> ha.i (tisposed of I he firm and is leaving iin'med «tnly after the ^alu. Shepherd ion A Shephcrd8on,auciiona«rs Boar tor Service The nnilei signed has a thorough .>r<)d Yorkshirr. Iloarfm service i^n I>t 11, con. ><, Usprey. Tor ma f l.ijl). FREDSPUFFARU m Buy Clothinji 20 per cent, reductions NOW on all lines Men's Ware Buy Xmas. Gifts NOW Men'.s Capi, sizes 6^ to 7f. Udd lines Men's Braces, strong and good web, reg. $1.00, for 70o Men's Cashmere and Wool Hose, brown and black. Good value. Boys' All Wool Stockings. Men's Neckwear, reg. $1.50 for $1.20. reg. $1.00 for SOc. Boys' Picture Hand- kerchiefs, 3 for 25c. Men's Raincoats, bH sizes, from $12 to $20. Men's Sweaters, Pullovers as A Svi eater Coats, from $4 to 88. All sizes. Men's wi»rk shirts reg. $1,75, $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75. Good-bye at a 20 percent reduction Men's Fine BbirtB, regular $3, out tbev go at $2.40' Men's Wool Mufflers, regular price $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, all to ga at the same di.soount. Men's Underwear, wool and fleece Jined, sizes 84 to 40. Come early. OVER AtLS, Railway big- ual at $2.75 Men's Handker- cbiefs, white, red, khaki and color- ed, regular SOc, for 25c. 20% Reduction on all Hobberlin Clothing. Commencing on Wednesday, December 1st and lasting for ten days. Now is the time to buy your Christmas Gifts. H. J. LEGARD, GENTS' FURNISHINGS. FLESHERTON, ONT. MAIL CONTRACT ! SKALKIJ TKNDKliS addre«.scd to Uie rosti.iaster (general will be reeeivn 1 at Ottawa until noon on Kriilay, the lOtli of Oecenibpr, ItlL'l), for the conveyanco of His Muje.sty's Mails, on a propoi'od Cimtract for four years, six titne.s per week on the ro-ite [ KlfGKNIVK. H. No. 1, viaFeversham ] from tho 1st of .April, 1021, next, Printed notiees containini,' f'uther informa- tion ua to conditions of pro|KiBed eoutraat may bo Seen and blank forma of T«!n<ler may be obtained at iho i\<n OIHee.s (jf Eiif[eni», Kevutuhioii and al ilie office of tho Post^Oftice ' tiiapectoi, Toronto. 1 A. HUTHKKLAND. i Post Office losptctor PiiHt O'tice In8pector'.s Office, Tji-onto, October â- .t*th, 1!I2<I. inriM Jarefully Corrected EboIi Week Bntter : 4S to 50 K>!gs Od t,o 00 Wheat 1 riOlo 1 60 Peas 1 2.'i to 1 2,5 Oats 3C> to ."i."! Barley 75 to 75 Potatoes 1 10 to 1 P) BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits PEELS A fresh stock of Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels. RAISINS and CURRANTS Vrtlencili Raisins, California Seeded and Seedless and Greek Currants Try these tor your Christinas Cake. ICIiNGS Prepared Icinys in packets, all fbivorp, also plain Icins; Sugar. DATES and FIGS Wo can supply your wants in Dried Fruits. All gouds fresh. LARD and SHORTENING Gunns' and Swifts' Pure L)rd; Domestic and Easifirs' Shorten- ing, Armours' XXX Margarine aiid Cnsco. CRANBERRIES A choice shipment of ihe.se berries just arrived. VEGETABLES Y'ellow Dauvers Oafons, Spanish Ouioiis'aud Cabbage. ^_\\\ prime quality. FLOUR Crt am of the West for bread and Monarch and Feversham for pastry. A trial will convince you of their worth. CANNED GOODS Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Asparagus, Strawbeitica, Plums, Cbsrrias and Raspberries SPECIALâ€" EXTRA QUALITY BLACK TEA SOc. PEK LB. Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherto n, Ont. Winter Storage of Cars Wlun \ oil store your car this winter }ou will drain your ratliator. Jack the car off the tires and put it in proper shape ior the "long winter's nap." But don't forget your Battery. Unless kept fully charged it may freeze and frozen batteries are not worth repairing. Tho " safety first " thing to do is to have us store it under proper conditions It costs only a little, but it means that you will get your battery again in the Spring in the best possible condition. A little forethought NOW may save a repair bill or the purchase of a New Battery \n the Spring. D. McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT

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