Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1920, p. 7

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Excels All ' For Purity, Flavour and Aroma 871S 15 you have not tried it, send us a post card for a free sample, stating the price you now pay and i! you use Black, Green or Mixed Tea. Address Sa*ada,Toronto \u- mâ€" Lesson X. December 5 THE GROWTH OF THE KINGDOM Lessonâ€" Matt. 13: 1-43. Printed Text â€"Matt. 13: 24-33. Golden Text â€" "Fret not thyself be- cause of evil-doers" (Ps. 37: 1). Historical Setting. j;me.â€" A. D. 28. Place.â€" GaUlee. Oatling Readings. Monday. November 29. â€" aowins and Reaping (Gal. 6: 6-10). Tuesday, Xovember 30. â€" The Growth of tlie Church (Acts 11: 21-30). Wednes- day, December 1. â€" Th« Seed of rhs Soil (Matt. 1-3: 1-17). Thursday, De- c?mber 2. â€" The Result ot Sowing (.Matt. 13: 18-23). Friday. Decem- ber 3.â€" The Pinal Harvest (Matt. 13: 34-43). Saturday, December. 4.â€" The Judgment (Rev. 20: 11-15). Sunday, December 5. â€" Glory c; the Church (Isa. 60: 1-3, 19-14). Cements. \'ers.? 24. All the t.akeside par- ables were delivered shortly after th« eU. But it is on tha day of judg- ment th.9t the separation Is to be made <V3. 40-43). Verse 27. The teaching of this Terse s plain upon one point. The evil that is in tlie world is not of Oud'd sowing. It comes from the hand of an enemy. Soaie hive be- iieved that tiiis passage bears direct- ly upon Uie question ot discipline in the church, but the point of compiri- sou lies in the separation tliat will take place at the "end of the world." Verse 29. Often the roots of the wheat and tie tares become so inter- woven that they pull up tJgellier. Verse 30. It Is possible to strain this, parable beyond the point of com- parison. For instance, good people in the charch may so influence the bad that the latter may become good. There used to be a superstition that tarea turned to wheat, but that is im- possible. It must be remembered that the point of comparison is not in one delivery of the Sermon on the Mount. \ parable teaches by comparing a spiritual truth with something famil- iar in human experience. It differs from a fable in that a parable is al- ways possible, while a fable is not. ' The good seed, as represented by 'sons of the kingdom," is the trutli. The tares are falsehoods, as repre- sented by the "sons ot the evil one," The field is the world. Verse 25. Tares are a noxious weed that at first resemble wheat. It is not until harvest-time that it may bs safely weeded out. Good and evil are often hard to distinguish in the churcJi, and the effort to separate them often tails. Verse 2». Here is an Illustration of Jesus' statement. "By tlieir fruits :ye shall know then;." Wlien the â- wheat becomes ripe aaid the tares be- -coine ripe they ar? easily distiiiguish- turning to the otiifr. but in final sep- aration. Verse 31.â€" In the first two of this group of parables we learn the strength cf the kingdom's adversaries, and iu the two now to be considered we learn the kingdom's own strength. In the first two i.s described the com- ' bit between the kingdom of righteous- ness and the kingdom of evil, and here we laarn the victory of righteousness over evil. \'erse 33. The muitird seed was the smallest with which the common people were ordinarily familiar in Palestine. The point of camparisou, however, is not in the siie of the seed, but in great growth from small beginnigns. Verse 33. To express this parable in words that we now use. the leaven is yeast and the meal is of f'our, repre- sents society in general. Therefore, the kingdom Is the agency â€" the active fiplritnat agency â€" uSiich brings life tD men. The parable indicates that ultimately the kingdom is the agency â€" the active 'spiritual agency â€" which brings life te men. The parable indi- cate« that ultimately tae klngdcm ot the fight for the possession of the kingdoms ot the earth. Illustrated Truth. The activity of the forces of right- eousness are likely to be a signal for activity on the ether side (v. 261. Illustration. â€" The organized bodies that have for their object the protec- tion of evil, all had their origin in the activity of the other side. Who be- lieves the "Persoaal Liberty League" would ever have corns into existence it there had net been aa ".Vnti-Saloon League?" Infield societies have ' sprung up in the waka ot great re- ; vivals, n3t because the latter create<i llheni, but because the sleeping seeds of evil broke th?ir bonds and began ^le ^lobix? tJWb {ground with the already expanding forces ot the kingdom. I Topics for Research and Discussion. I 1. Parable of the Tares (vs. 24-30). why did Explain 1. What is a parable, aud Jesus teach in parables? an 1 apply the parabia of the tares. II. Parable of the Mustard Seed (vs. 21. 32). 3. WTiai is the differ- ence between the meanin? of this par- able and the one before it? 4. How- ls it iacumbeut upon us to see to it that these parables are fulfilled? III. Parable of the I^eaven (vs. iZ). 5. Explain the various applications of this brief, but rich, parable. I Its Virtue Cannort be Described. â€" ' No one can explain the subtle power that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil pos- I sess'rs. The originator was himself ; surpiised. By the wonderful quali- ties that his compound possessed. I That he was the benefactor ot hu- manity is shown by the myriads that ! rise in praise of this wonderful Oil. !So familiar is everyone with it that it Is prized as a household medicine . everywhere. I VON HINDY STILL BA^NKING ON I GOTT. I Hanover. Germany. â€" School chil- ' dreu visited former Field Marshall von HiadenbL>rg on his seventy-tltird birthday. ".Much has been taketi frcm us. but God wilt restore it," Hin- denbi'rg told em. MY C-RANOATlft MILUe 5AVS SHE LPARMCO AT SUMOAV SCHOOL THAT AQAM TOOK A RI830N OUT or 1-119 sioe POCKET ANo i>'iAoc eve OUT OF IT PALLID CHEEKS AND DULL EYES TELL THE STORY OF WATERY BLOODâ€" HOW TO REGAIN A GOOD COLOR ANO HEALTH. To be run down in health and to lose their attractiveness is the double misfortune ot many young girls. Their pallid cheeks and dull eyes tell everyone that they are doomed to days of wretched headaches and are victims of breathlessness and blood- lessaess. The anaemic girl, if she neglects her health, may be a suffer- er all her life; for an active happy woman canot be delevolepd out of a bloodless, consumptive looking gi'l, without the help of new, rich red blood. Pale, weak girls should take heed. Bloodlessness must not be neglected. Planty of good air. a nourishing diet and rest will help you, but the cure you need most promptly is new blood. Good new blod in abundance, such as makes all the difference between scund health and poor health to girls and women, is supplied by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. This one mission is to make new blood which reacjiea every organ, and every nerve in the body, bringing to anaemic girls and women new color, bright eyes, an elastic step and a feeling of joy In living. The value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to youug girls is shown by the cure of Miss Bessie Clarke, R. R. No. 1, Stevensvine. Ont., who says: "Two years ago, while studying for the entrance examination, my health broke down and I fell away to a mere shadow of my former self. When the day for the examinations came. I should have been in bed instead ot trying them, but I went on with the work and when through was almost on the verge ot collapse. I thought then that a rest would help rae, but I did not regain my strength. Then my mother was advised to have me try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after taking tliem for about a month I found myself restored to health, with good color and a change for the better, which people who knew me reiidily noticed. I am very thankful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me, and hope my experience will benefit some other weak girl." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pill? through any dealer in medicine, or by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.5t> from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Bcockville, Ont. FARMERS ARE KEEPING ACCOUNTS. Twenty thousand Farmer's .\c- couats Books have been supplied to Canadian farmers by tlie Commission of Conservation for the purpose of keeping records ot farm accounts. This farm record book enables the farmer to keej a complete account of all financial transactions on the farm â€" the receipts and expenditures for the several branches of work, for horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, field crops, etc., and for labor and miscellaneous. It provides also far an inventory of lands and buildings and of live stock, feed and supplies, and machinery, together with a sum- mary of the year's business. Instruc- tions tor keeping the accounts are clearly set forth. Additional valuable features are a yearly crop yield record, a live stock service record, and aids in taking inventories. SIMPLE AS A.B.O. ; TRY IT TO-NIGHT FOR YOUR NtRVOUSKESS Yet, &t 72 He Lives To Tell Wonderful Story Hydraulic Engineer Finds Cure for Rheumatism After Suffering Agonies Many Year* HOW IT HAPPENED. "EUven years ago I was in a hos- pital for seven weeks, at a cost ot over two hundred dollars. For two years 1 suffered torments, and winter before last 1 was laid up six weeks under doctor's care. Truly in the last twelve years I have wanted to die, I was In such agony. 1 would say. 'good Ivord take me rather than go through it again.' "But now I am a new man. I am better man to-day than 1 was twelve years ago. I can almost put my l§f over the back ot my head. 1 could do tliat at 30, now I am 72.' Mr. Wilson, the well known Hy- <lraultc Bnglneor. vs only one of thousands who suffer tor years, ow- ing to the general belief in the old. fals.i theory, that "rric Acid" causes rl.eumatism. This orrone lu.^ belief induced him and legions ot unfortun- ate mm and women to take wron? treatments. You might just as well attempt to put out a tire with oil as to try and get rid of your rheumatism, neuritis and like complaints, by tak- ing trcatiuent supposed to drive Uric acid cut ot your blood and body. Many physicians now know that Uric Acid never did and never will cause rheumatism; thai it is a uutural and necessary constitutent ot tlie blood: that it is found in every uew-boTn babe, and without it we canot live! It took .Mr. Wilson twelve years to find out this truth. He learned how •o get rid ef the true cause ot his rheumatism. and recovered his -trengt'.i fronu>"The Inner Mysteries." I remarkable book that is now being listributed free by an authority who devoted over twenty years to the -oientific study of this malady. .-Vnd Mv. Wilson says: "Now I know, and 1 never can forRcH â€"the carrier left t in my box and I came near throW- n^ it in the tire. But somothins? r-mpied me to look it over. Thank Jod I did." .VOTK: If any reader ot this paper vishos the book that reveals these facts regarding the true cause and .lire of rjimnnatisiu that were over- iptiked by doctors and scientists f:# centuries past, simply send a post card or letter to H. P. Cl'^rwater, 555- N Street, Hallowell. Maine, and it will be sent by return mall without any charge whatever. Send now! You may never get this toportunity again. It not a suffered yourself, hand this good uews to some afflict- ed friend. TOSSES HIS BABY INTO THE 'SEA! Manc'iester, England. â€" William Wilkes, ex-soldier, wheeled his baby to the seashore. Five minutes later he stopped a pedestrian and told him he had tossed the baby in the sea. Asked why. h? said: "Five thousand of them went and only 50 returned.' Shell shock is the alleged explana- tion. ♦-»♦♦»»♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦<-♦♦♦♦â- Â»â™¦â™¦Â»â™¦â™¦ SiUify Kesd Geared Cf Cetarri) Germs By "Gatarrhozone' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦-♦♦•» ♦♦^•♦•♦•♦^♦--•• To catarrh victims we have just one word of advice â€" euro it now. The remedy is "Catarrhozone." That it will cure permanently you cannot doubt. Catarrhozone has cured thous ands; it will cure you. too. It acts in two ways: First, it de- stroys the germ â€" that checks the pro- gress of the disease. Its second ac- tion is to heal the sore places the germs caused. Nice to think of breathing little drops of healing to every part ot the lungs, bronchial tubes and nasal passages. It is such absolute thorougliness that makes Catarrhozone so effective in grippe, catarrh, and colds. Then by its se- dative influence upon the mucous surir.oe it clears away the cough and throat tenderness ve:y quickly. We owe something to a science that h.».s â- ;iv.:n us C.itarrliozone â€" that wonder- ful remedy which so surely enables us Ij permanently cure disease ot the breathft'.g aparatus. We all know that stomach dosiiig is usel-.'ss, and liiis departure in the mode cf treat- ment is an advance in m.^dical science ihat everybody can appreciate and value. Complete outfit ot Catarrho- zone, which is guaranteed to cure any ca?e of catarrh, asthma, bronchial or throat troubles, lasts three mouths, price $1.00; smaller siz^, o'H-; trial size, 2oc; sold everywhere. Wise mothers who know th? virtues of Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor always have it at h:»ad. because It proves its value. Worn out, tired in the morning, you lack the energy and ambitiou to work as of old. This means nerve decay â€" -nerves that at'e starved for the want of good, rich blood. It's blo.r>d nourisiiment that vital- izes the uai-ves. Your blood is t-hiu, wear, watery. It's tilled with pois- ons that hang on because your kid- neys dan't filter properly. See here, fix up your kidneys, put new life in your liver, and you'll feel like new in a short time. To do this, you must use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, they make life look bright and pleasant because they re- store harmony and vigor to the or- gans that need repair. iDr. Hamilton's PlUs warm the bljod and fill it wiili nutriment that's bound to build you up, that's sure to lift your weakness, that invariably does make joyous, robust Good Health. Thiftk of it. youthful strength lots of nerve force, planty of red blood surging through your veins â€" isn't th'S reason enough tor your usutug Dr. Hamilton's Pills? Sold iu 25c boxes by all dealers. FAMILY OF 18 WON THE HOUSE.. Paris. â€" The 'oiggest family In France is living in an .American house now. An .^msriean. J. Davis, gave the French a:ubassador in Washing- ton $3,000 with the request thJ^ a house be built for the largest family left homeless by war. M. and Mme. Duborepere and their Ifi children won '.he house. Faultless in Preparation. â€" Unlike any other stomach regulator. Paruie- !ee's N'egetable Pills are the result of long study of vegetable compounds calculated to stimulate the stomachic functions and maintain them at the norma! condition. Years of use have proved their faultless character and established their excellent reputation, .\.ud this reputation they have niaiii- tala?d for years and w-ill continue to m.tiutaj.u. for these pills must always stand at the hetil of the list of stau- dt'-a preparations. Miller's Worm Powders will not only expel worms from the system, but will induce healthful conditions of the system uiuler which w'orins can uo longer thrive. Worms keep a child in a continual state of restless- ness and pai'd. and there can be no comfort for the little one until the cause of suffering be removed, which can be easily done by the use of these powders, than which th*re is nothing more effective. rRHEUMATISM-i LUHf BAGO, NEURALGIA I SCIATICA, NEURITIS I Their Treatment by Your Local Druggist. I Your own druggist, who has Known the people of his locality for years, has a pretty, good idea of what remedies are giving satisfac- tion to his customers. No number of testimonials from tar-distant persons counts halt as much with him as the. results he gets from sales over his own counter. That's why hundreds of druggists from Halifax to Victoria re- commend TEMPLETONS RHEUMATIC CAPSULES. Each of these hundreds knows of cases in his vicinity where T. R. C's. have brought amazing relief. Men and women of all ages find freedom from their pain in T. R. C's. Mr. W. A. Hawley. ot CampbelWord, at age of 84 was entirely cured after being h'elpiess with rheumatism tor months. Scores ot druggists write of the satisfaction given by T. R. C's. Here are the statements of three from Ontario Ross the Druggist, Midland Ont.: "Every saleof Templetons Rheumatic Capsules has meant a satisfied customer. I have yet to hear of a person not receiving beyond what they had hoped for in results from their use. In many case,s the benefits have been wonderful and these long-sufferers tell their friends. I have many calls for Templetons Rhewmatic Capsules and I never hesitate to recommend them. G. F. Vicars. Fenelon Falls: "T. R. C's. Is the mos?^ satisfac- tory of any line of rheumatic remedy I have ever IiaaUled." B. J. Cook, St. Thomas: 'We hav< ntver bad a preparation for rheuma"4fim end neui*iti3 thai ha3 soid like T. R. C's. The sale U wonderful and reports from our customers good. I figure a satis- fied customer is the beat adver- ti.-^ement." Sounds too good to be true? The explanation is that Tenpleton's Rheumatic Capsules act directly on the poisons in the system that in some persons cause rheumatism, in others lumbago, sciatica, neurit- is or neuralgia. Their composition is the result of thirty years of pat- ient study and experiment, long years of experience in the treatment of rheumatism. Get a Free Trial Package of T. R. C's. or R.iZ-MAH (fcr Asthma) from your druggist or from Templetons Li/nited, 56 Colborne Street East, Toronto, and prove these statements for yourseJf. These reatedies are absolutely harmless, or our druggist-agents wouldn't advise the use of them. W"aen your own druggist recommends a remedy he is sure to receive your thanks of condemnation. He won't risk the loss of a good customer by recommending a remedy in which ha has no confidence. The undermentioned druggists and hundreds of others back T. R, C's. and JIAZ-.MAH: Eeamsvilie, C. E. Riggins Beeton. D. S. Morrow. Niagara- on- the - Lake, A. C. Blyth, J. M. Hamilton. Bolton, C. E. Chambers. Burlington. W. R. Shaver. Caledonia, G. R. McCell. Clifford, G. E. Robb. Creemore, W. J. Corbett £ Dundalk, Medical Hall. Dutton, A. E. Roberts. Honsall, A. Hemphill. Hespeler, J. D. Conway. IngersoU. .7. R Gayfer. Meaford, .McCarroU & Co. >3n. Mitchell, S. A. Hodge. Niagara- on- the - Lake, A. Thorburn. North Bay, Campbell Drug Co. OakvUle, W. L. Byers. Paris. Apps, Ltd. Port Dover. G. W. Revaolds. Ripley, J. R. A\'hite. Simcoe, Austin & Co. ThamesviUe, 'Watson & Ruckle, Tilbuary, G. E. Arnold. Thessalon, F. H. Cavaaagh. Waterford, York & Co. Wingham, J. W. McKibboa. V.'yoming. Dale's Drug Store. RAZ-MAH is unrivalled in the treatment of ASTHMA. RAZ-MAH restores normal breathing, stops mucus-gatherings in the bronchial tubes, and give long nights of quiet sleep. And if RAZ-MAH does not ive relief, your d.'-uggist has positive instructions from Templeton- L:mited. lo give ysu your mone y back. Fair enough, don't vou tUlnk'' LIVE STOCK REPORTS TORO.XTO (Union Stock Yards i : â€" The heaviest receipts of the year were unloaded at the Y'ards during the week. Cattle were in excess of elev- en thousand, hogs totalled eight thous- and nine hundred and seven and sheep twelve thousand and seventy. In adltioa there were twenty-seven hundred and fifty-eight cattle, four hundred and twenty-one hogs and seventy-two ,ueep on throug'u billing. On Monday, about five thousand cattle s'^les were made in which the better grades were weighed up at steady prices, and the corcmon stuff at a re- duction ot oO cents per hundred. The market remained at the new level during the remainder of the week. Good heavy steers sold from $12 to $12.50. medium from $10 to $11. and common from $9 to $10. Handy weight butchers sold from $10 to $11«. if of good grading and from $S to $9.50. if commou. Light weights of steers changed hands from $5 to $7. Cows of good grading moved gen- erally from $S to $9, and f.iir kinds (rem $7 lo $8. these prices are from 50 cento to $1 below the prevailing range during the previous week. Cau- ners were liquidated at $3.50 and cut- ters from $4 to $4.50: choice bulls sold front $S to $9 and common from Jo to $6. During the week, there were many farmers on the yards in ?-.?arch of choice feeding steers but the supply of this quality was limited, and the purchasers had to fill their requirements with fair quality stock. It is expected that the stocker and feeder business will show considerable activity during the next two or t'lree weeks. Choice feeding steers weigh- ing frcra eight hundred pounds up sold at steady prices, sales being made from $9 to $11 per hundred. Light weight feeders of good quality moved from $8 to $9, and the common from $6 to $7. Milkers and Springers of good grading were in demand at steady p:-ices. but the common kinds were off from $1.5 to $'.'0 por I'.ead. I There was a light run of calves on a ; s-ronger market. C'.ioiee veal was in good demand at prices from $17 to $18. .50. god veal from $17 to $17.50, medium from $14 to $16. and common and grass calves from $^.50 to $li>. Sheep and lambs sold at steady prices. .Although the market was considered slightly weaker on Mon- day and Tuesday, there was a notice- ably strong feeimg on Wednesday and Thursday. Choice lambs sold most- ly from $12 to $12.50, choice yearlings from $9.50 to $10. light handy weight !r-' { sheep from $7 to $8. and heavy sheep j and bucks from $6 to $7. j There was an average run ot hogs \ on the market at tlie opening on .Mon- i day; selects sold early in the week I at $17."25, fed and watered, and a: the I close of the week from $16.25 to I $16.75. The market is in an unsteady condition, and no heavy increase in i the runs i« anticipated I .Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. ; Gentlemen. â€" Last winter I received i great benefit from the use of MI\- ARD'S U.NLME.NT in a severe attack I of LaGrippe, and I have frequently ; p-oved it to be very effective in cases of iatlammation. 'â-  Yours, I W. A. HUTCHISON. No More Asthma. Dr. J. D. Kel- ;os-5's Asthma Remedj^ sotmds the ii*ath knell of this trying trouble. It stops the awful choking and painful breathing. it guards against night attacks and gives renewed ability to sleep and rest the wliole night long. -Much is claimed for this remedy," but nothing but what can be demonstrat- ed by a trial. If you suffer f?oni asthma try it and convince yourself of its great value. -Artificer Engineer John Thomas ! Hunt, of the Royal Navy, who took I part in the Heligoland Bight affair, died from injuries received eleven I mouths ago. when his motor-cyel« ' collided with a motor wagon. For a new cottage hospital at Chirk,' the foundation-stones ot which have : been laid, the colliers at the Brynki- 1 nalt and Ifton mines each contributed i ill, rcpresentinir .til, 700. When Holloway's Corn Cure is ap- I plied to a corn or wart it kills the | roots and the callosity comes out | without Injury to the fiesh. i 1 A Quick Relief , lor Headache A fc*!aclache U frequently caused by badly digested fooci; t'he ca*e* and acioirciulting thsrifrom arc •baorSed by the blood which in turn irritate* the nervo* and cai:tt gainful ayniplom* cailed hcftja. Se, f'euralgta, rheuma- tism, etc. 13 to 30 drops of M-jthtr Sciptl's Svi-sp will correct f iuUydi;{eatton and siffcrdreUef. ^ pfan ^& to Att ? n d the lit h _A n n u aj FAT STOCK SHOW UNION3TOCK YARD3 Thursday and Friday, Dec. 9tn and 10th Larg; Cr.t ies in All Ciass:s. Judr;rn3 10 a.m., December £th. Auction Sals of CKo.v Stock, 10'a.m., Dec. 10.

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