Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1920, p. 8

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1 ' December 9 1920 Changing Conditions I N these times of changing con- ditions, prudent people naturally prepare for what the future may hold for them by conserving their resources, saving every dol- lar possible, reducing expenses, cultivating a growing Savings Account. Opportunities are always of- fering to those who have saved the small Capital necessary to take advantage of them. The Manager at any of our reversham ranch Branches will be pleased to re- ceive your account. A small sum and a few minutes will se- cure you a Savings Pass Book. 11. p. IJrlUiiiy. '^ANMORONTO Capital $5,000,000. Reserves $6,794,000. ^^^^^ T^ i^J m • *., VicuoU XVX, Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola >•â-  _^ W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ONT <fict^i â- ;TTBL-:'3rr^-''-="-i^" ^^^^ "=^- NOTICE TH£ FLESH fi^U£GN ABVaNGE V BUSINESSCARDS SOCIBTIES C^ OJUNOE ABTHUK I.ODOB, No. lOS.A.y.A I A M, luaeta In tbc UmouIo ball. Arm eroDii'i Hlook FloabarloD, (very fridity on or befora tbe full inooD, A, hi. Uuir. W. M I(. (1. nollaiiil, 8acrut«ry. Dentistry Dl h. C MURRAY L. O. B , dantftl sorgeoD bcnorRraduatu of Torouio UuiverBity uml R ya Colleeu ol D«ntal SurKeons of Outario, Q .8 adiuiiiluTBtured lor te«\b eXtractioD Uioe atr«siduuo«. Toronto Htree^. t'luBbortoQ. MEDICAL Dr W.J. Heury.-M! U., gra'luftteol Fuoultj ol MBillciiHi, TajODtg urilvorBity. Uflice â€"Dr. liitUe's latu rkbKeooo, Flesbottou. I !â-  OTTBWELt. ' Veteriuarry Barg«oo I irnduato ol Ontario Vetoilnary College c»*irleuco â€" Bnuond door Boath WMtrOQ viary street. Tbia etreet rani outb 'ri-Dbyterian Chnrob. Legal I Ut'AB, & hKNKYâ€" HarrlBtere. Bolinltors, L' o»c.â€" 1. li. LuoaB, K. 0.: W. D. Henry, H. A. OfflooB, MarkdalB Ljcib Ulock, Phone lA. laiicb oUlcca at Oandalk and Durha :'. ,17 nUHlT, & TfiliFOUD, liftrristor, Solici. " torn, &c. Ollicea, (iriiy E Bruco Ulnik, Owen Kouiid. Htandard Hank ck.^loflior- ton. (Saturdays). W. II. Wristi* W. IM'oKor;! Jr. Business Cards iXr.M. KAITTINO, Icensed Aaetioneer foi *' tbe oouutioB ol liroy and hirucoe. mru ami Hlock salea a specialty. Tcrin« uorU-rate. patlBfactiou ptiaranteed. Arran^d' ii"Uta for datoa niftv beniadoat the Advance illiji', or fBUtral tolei-lione oBica J'overfiliaiu " by addruBsini! me at Fovei Uami Ont. t\ IMcPHAIl . Llei>!isod .^nntlonpe for tli '-'• County of Oroy. Tornia moderate an 3atlB:action (jimrautoed. The arran^emo t and ilutofi of sales can he made Rt ThB ADVAnce iiticu. Ilcfiilcucofcud P.O.. I'Kyl""- Telenhone cmnection. Dj â- . o', ) ;; Farm For Sale Lot lo.\3iid IdU, con. 2, W.T. itS.K. Anuiiiesiij, cDntiiininu about 110 Hcr<H, over !I0 ucri-.s cliaied, ijood biiildiimi 8in!«ll ( rcliHicl, W.-1I w.'itucd. ANjily to UOU. STEWART, 3,124, . Proton K. U Notice of Application For Divorce NOTICE is hereby i^iveii llmt Rdpert IitwiN, iif tho Ciiy of Windsor, iti llin County of Ksse.x, in (lie Proviocj of U.iturio, Saleitnian, will n|)ply to the P.irllainont of Cunudu, at tho I'Cxt I Scasiuii iheiojf, for ii Hill of Divorce I from his wifi, M.vky Mautih Ulknktt- IiiWlN. of the Vilhuo of Klohherlon, in thu County of Grey, in tho Province of Ontario, on tho ground of Adultery. D.'VTIiD at the City <)f Windsor, in tho Couity of Iv.sBX, Province of Unturir, tbia Isr, dny of Noveiuber, A. D. 11)20. BVderick C. Kcriiy, 211 D*vis Build in'^, Windsor, Ontario, Solicitor for the A))[>lit'4ol. For Service P'or Sale Tiiu pi.ipfity kno:in ,te tho Asliduwn I'csidiincu lit Ccyloo, an eiyht roomed dwollin',', u Hid I'l'll'ii, Hiiilili'i lie ; about an acre of land ; would make )i ^nfid homo for ii iclired gentleu'nn. For eruis and furllK r piirticularM apply lo â€" W. .). ItKLLAMV, Flrshert .11 Sco2.S20 Rjinfmlicr the Old Ueliablo Sinter ' Sewin>! Machine. Vi.u can huy on' Oi« pnrj l^od Shorthorn hull on Lot terms to Buit you lit n veiy natoDsble 2.S and 2t>, ConcesHion ?. Arloiinsia. pric^. 10 yi-ar nuarantue. , T<Tiinâ€" ^l.oO for urBilea if paid iiMido of HUGH KNOTT, A«ent. " m:nths-if n-.t 82. r.iro bred, 8;! CO. M.rkdaVOnr, , l^ct -UObKIlT OSHOKNK. I Boar For Service Kujliatoivd Choster Whit« h osr for • service at llock MillH. Tho failiM- won ' lirst at Chio:i(;o Fair. Tcrn-N $1 oO. {do6iy â€"I. SMITH Prop. Something Rural and New If you are anxious to males your Ep worth League successful ; if you are loniiinv to meet and lieai some of the ouiMtanding leaders cf youni; peopln'e work in the Methodist church ; if ycu want to meet other Epworth Lcastuers and diacuss with thain your mutual p;ob lenis ; if you would like to got prac'ical hints from >ixp«rieiiced leaders j if you aro a suinmor Rchonl enthusiast and would like to Httoud a HuuunBr school in the winter time, ask your president or minister about the Toronto Conference Epworth LottKue Wii.ter School which is to be held in Danforth Avenne Meth- odist church, Toronto, J-in. 17 to 23, 1921. Iho winter school is to bo hs nearly like a summer school us possible, with particular attention being paid to inikiiiL' the studies practical. Each morniig and evening will be Riven to study, di.seussion and inspirational ad- dresses, while every afternoon will i,e devoted to visiting interesting places in Toronto, such ixi tho Parliamont of (Jiitario, the uiiivei.sity and collei/o build- ings, tho Ontario museum, etc. The week will bs a most delightful combina- tion of study and plejsure, of worK and play, wliieh, with tho splendid spirit of good fellowship which will permeate the schoo', will mike it one of the happiest of your life. Out of town delegates arc to be entertained in tho homes of the members of Danforlh Avenue church. Full infoiin.itioii omu be obl.iiued from youi president and piisloi', or from the secretary of the school, Mr- W. E. Bra den, 9.'il Ccjileye street, T.irorilo PRICEVILLE Sunday Sc'.iool workers and schol.tis are busy preparing their program for the aiiniccr.'aiy to be luld on Wednesday, December 22nd. The thin v«neer of ico and snow that we had of late on the roads and lields has all m jlted and tho old SiiU(;eeii is rushing like a mountain torrent in lis h'l.ste to Lake Huron. During the mild days of last week a number of farmers were busy diawing in the remniiidcr of their unfinished turnip crops. â-  Colin MuLenn's big llircebiug oultit is now on the Old Durham Road and will be workinjt on the section of the circle coniing toward homeâ€" ft circ'o ihic will havo laken three months or more lime to complete. Anolhercir of cosl is expected in town thisjweek and abhough oil is high pr.cod, yet it will no doubt clieok some of ;lie would be profiteers in stove wood. What about potatoea ? A lot of farm- ers have hundreds of higi of potatoes stored in collars and pits that they refused big prices fur and now thu JOo. or moio slump in the market will cause some of them to hivo bad dreaiiH. Notice to Creditors MR. CAR OWNER Now is the time to give your Battery Careful attention. Bring it in and leave it with us for the winter. If it is not right we will make it right. If it is right we keep it so. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial. H. DOWN & SONS, Dealers f III the matter of the estate of James While, late of the Towi sh'p of Arte- inesia, in the (loiinty of Orey, Fiirmer, decoa.-ied. Notice is herohyl'given, {pursuant to "The Trustee Act" and aniendinents ibeielo iliiil nil cre<litors and oiliers li IV iiiL' ebiiiiis !\'.;iiiiisl tlio estnlo (f llio said ,1 limes White, who died on or about the 2'Jdi day if August, A D. 1!)20, lire re>|iiired on or before llio lOtli day Dfcunii'er, A. D. 1020, to ."ond by post lirepaid or deliver to ,Iolin J, Carson or Thoniiis White, Pro'on Siation, Ontario, the E.Kecntors of the last Will and Test- ament of tini saiil dl ceased, their I'liri.stiaii and Suriiiimes, addresses aud (l.'seri|ilioiis, the full p'utieuliirs of their eliiims, the slatonien' (if their accounts, aid the nitiiro of iho securities, if any, held by iIumh. And further take iiotieo that after such la-t mentioiiod date tho raid Executors will pioce(d to distribute Iho assets of the deceased among the parties entitled 1 hereto, liavitig rei>ar<l only to tho obiinis of which they shall then have notice, ,ind that tho said Executors will not be liable for tho said assets or aiiv part thereof to any person or persons of whoso claim notice shall not havo been receivi'd liy them ar the time of such clislribuHon. Dated this H;h day of November, A. D. 1920. â€" WUIGHT, TEfiFOUD.&.BHlNIE, Harristcrs, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitors for .loll 11 J. Carson'and Thoma Whire, Executors of James While Deceased . WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARI 'M\\ at the Owen Sound, Out. Kanntrs', Buaincs*, Shorthand »nd Praparatoiy Courses â€" Individual Instruc- tion â€" Only Canadian School with Practi oal Departintnt SiafT of Specialists. Every Oiaduatu in a phstioii. C.itul- oguo Kreo. C. A KLKMINO, V C. A , Piineipal ii. |). FI/»':MINi;, Secrjtaiy. Men'ionihiH p.'ipor whi-n writing) Now is the time to re- new your subscription. ARE YOU ON THE HYDRO LINE If so, why not equip your home with electrical appli- ances this Xmas ? We have a full stock ofâ€" Electiic Ranires " Washing Machines " Vacuum Sweeper " Heaters 'â-  Irons " Toasters " Orilh " H-.>aiiiig Pads " Reading <t Floor Lamps In fact everything of an electrical nature made. Wo invite your inquiries ftcd will pay phone charges where order is given for any of our goods. Seod Us Your Inquiries By Mail or Phone We Guarantee Satisfaction '7 i W. J. McLINDEN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR & SUPPLIES 976 2nd Ave. E. OWEN SOUND Phone 337 gnMj4lt for Every Horse We have a very choice and com- plete line of ^rillitK Halters They v.ill repair or rcpl.ice, free of charge, any of thei,- guaranteed halters if broken inside ci one yc.ir from date of purchase. We give you a dated tag with each of these haltera. This addei' protection is for you and we will oe pleased to show you our hal- t°.Fd and harness at any time. Tie the horse or cc'.t so he can't brt*-ilc loo<^ in the s'.ublo at night and damage th^ othi:r stock or gt^t ii^tired. **G-ifHth" Ilalttrs hold any hor^e. We have *em. O. W. PHILLIPS, Flesherton W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- jjj; J!;j jJ|^i GRAPHS Cjand RECORDS, and g/^-'^fe^ gj^££^ MUSIC. Call aiul see these high grade instruments ^ AT llivk)ii':i PUoto Gillory and Music Stor FLESHERTON BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Taniworth Bo»r for service Bull For Service I Pure lired Shorthorn' Bull of the' « w t „j c p a. ..„..»•;. on lot lot , !s >\ r and o Ci., Arteiueflia,. Villaiie F.inuly.f,>r service on lot 10, con^ , Termsâ€" Jl. 60. Sows not returned will 10, Osprey. Teinis 82 50 for Kl»des. $5 , be charged same as those in pic. for pure bieds. i Fob 15 â€" T. J . STINSON, Prop. July l."i â€"Mori. Siiyers, Prop. | SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over 10C| users say about 1900 Gravityjwasher.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 11)00 Gravity washers and wringers Elect lie and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCor.iniok Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakca, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plow*. Steel St«lls. Harrows, Gasoline Enginefi, Brantford double seared and »o!o oiled «irinotor Wind MilU, Beatty U«y Carriers, Hay Forks, SFings, Manure Carriers, Water Howls, Water Tanks. Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood out with same iwwer wh«n HUed wiih my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. vw

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