fkB^^nion mtft -0 V*l 41, No. 26 Flestjerton, Ont., Deceinbei dKv^920 8th I^ine, Osprey A tumber of the young people sre enjoying tha skating on the lake and at Mr. Oiimeron'a pond. Mr. an-l Mrs. Benlley and family hiw moved into Mr. Cimeion's house fi'rHhe winter. Mr. Will Saigeohn of Co'.lingwood spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous. A number of the farmers are getting their fctraw cut by Mr. Geo. Brackeubury and we give him credit for the sfoi-d work he is doing. LADY BANK Our s!eis;hing has all left us and s jme are pr-tdictiiig a 'green Christ ma?, which we hope will not prove true. Several of the faimer.s around here are hiiving wood bees aod preparing for the winter. Threshing in the immediate vicinity is ovei with the exception of tivo or three jobs. Vie are very sorry lo report the death of an old resident ef Lady Bank oj Dec. 8, when Mrs. Joseph Myers pissid away at the great age of 93 years. Our deep- est sympathy el^cs out to the sorrowina family. A large number of neighbors and friends followed the remains tn Providence cemetery, proving thi? h'jjh respect and esteem in which she and her family are held in thj rommunity. Miss Kirke, our public school teacher, intends holding a small conceit for the children on the afternoon of D.-c, 22. Joseph Crawford is remodelling his already attractive home. What does this mean Joseph? L'ju Le->pard, our mail carrif r, is raik- ina hts way over the rough road oaeh day alow but sUre. PROTON Mrs Bates visited with ftieiids in Dundalk. We extend our heartiest cvugratula- tions to iSlr and Mrs J C Wri,n:hl on the arrival of a young son on December 6. Miss Annie Stephen of Maxwell visited with her friend. Miss Maude Aches n. Miss Clara Biunie of Toronto visited at her home here and attended the fun- eral of her late brother-in-law, Mr Wm Boyd. The coming social events in the next for.night are : The Or;>ngemeu"s Oyster Supper on Dej 17, the Aiiglicau \\ onian's Auxiliary Baziiar on Dec IS and ihe School Concert on Dec 23, and amidst all a bigsaleat Mr Thos WyviH's. There is money in raising turkeys as is instanced by a lot brouyht to town last week by Mrs. Win. TreUord of Arran To. There were fifty three turkeys in the lot and tlwy brouKhi the iiic sum of 18317, 4y. Tindale Bros, were ihe pur- chasers and the price paid was 47<--. r> r pound.â€" Tara Leader. II Make it a Gift; tliat'9 useful. Tie Taco Usage is an extra satisfaeioty baker, pleasing appearance, smooth CHStiiig«, easily cleaned, large fuel savins; tiro box, dust proof warm- ing closet, dual pipe damper, copper resorvoir, or * N»w Porfeo tion Oil Stove, long chimney, easiest on oil, most satisfactory. .\lso Heaters, Washing Machines, Ctuirns, Axes, Shovels, Lantern--, Kitchen Utensils, .-Vu'o Tub. s, iMitts and Gloves, Snow Shoos, SUates, Hockey Sticks and Pucks, Silverware and a nice line of China and Glassware. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario At the Divisioa Court at Oiiilia an interesting point of law was involved. The action was to recover 8190 i-n a promissory .lote. The ag«uts for the defendants set ujj a defence that the suii was entered permaturely ss the note in question was not due until midnight on the day It was sued. The plaintill' con tended that as the not 3 was piy&tilc ut a Biuk, S'.nve became due at iho close of banking hnurs and cited a decision in support of his claim. In this he was upheld by the Co-irt, who gave judg- ment for the (ilaiutifif for amount claimed and costs A car and a cow contesting the road- way life day last suimnor provided uiitcrial for a live hour session of division court here on Wednesday last, when G . [lawel of Hanovtr, brought suit against John Scan'oii of Braiit township for damage to his car The c<iw, alleged to havo been Soanlon's, was in collision with Mr. Hamel'scaron the road during the suiiiiuer. and as the bylaws of Brant prohibit catlle ruuiiiug at large tho iogal action was brousht. Mr. Scanlon won the cass at its lirst hearing, but appeal wss taken and this was heard U'eduesday by Judge Grei^. KviJencs was not conclusive as to the ownership of the oSendingow and h>s honor reserved decis on until Monday when he gave judgment m favor of I'amel foi tli« full niuouiit of his claim of $4,\ together with the c(.«ts of both trials, which wilt piobtb'y moan a total levy of nearly ;?10<laiiaiii3t Mr. Sca'ilon. -Bruce Uerald & Times. NOMINATI O N VILLAGK OF FLESHERTON CEYLON D. Brodie and J. UcCall of Toronto visited friends here. Mrs. Wm . While received a messaga on Saturday stating ^that htr mother. Mis Griffin, had pasted away at her home in Toronto. Mis. White ia at- tending the funeral there. Arntl Love of Toronto was in town on business last week tut returned to the city. On Sunday our new church was open- ed when Rev. Mr. Armstrong of Toronto assisted by the pastor, took charge of the services atternoon and evening. Mr_ Armstrong is a pleasing speaker and was listened to with wrapt attention. The building was Riled to full capacity at each service. The choitrendered special music, assisted by Mr. Fowler and Mies Mclntyie uf Proton. On Monday even- ing a Concert was given when an excel- lent program was rendered. Reck Mills orchis'ra gave some choice music, being encored again and again. Salem choir. Rev. Mr Jones and Rev. Mr McCarren of PrxeViiie, Revs Belfry and Fowler of Fiesherton each save splendid addresses; there were club swingiuj, drill acd reci- tations by the chilaren ; and solos by Misa Richardson and Mr. Goidsmith of Fiesherton. Mr Haviland of Fiesherton occupied the chair and veiy ably tilled that position. A vole of thanks was tendered to all who «£sisced and made the eveuin gsuch a success. The proceeds for Suuday and Monday amounted to §115.75. FEVERSHAM Hald Over Lwt Week Mr. Wiusluw Kernahan is in ToroBto tbi^ week. Philip Hulhngtihead of South Ri»er, Parry Sound Distric, has been visiting friends in thi.-i part i^r a couple of weeks. Matt Eiiis of CoUinpwoo 1 visited with hia brother, George, here last week. Miss Francie Alexander Tisited with her friend, Mi-a S-phia Findlay, near !j8in^hamptv^n, last week. Jubn Etrle has sold his farm nesr thLs fgiUsKe le Mr. Ed. Pedlar tf the Coll- iB|>wond gravel. Our taicher. Miss Jolly, is recovering from a sick soell and will soon be atle to I retfume her duties ai;ain. f Haroli Osborne is able to be arouud after a week's sick spell. Rev. Mr. Brown 'of Maxwell has co.tige prayer meetings in this villa<:e. The thaw of last week took all the snow away, but it has turned cod a:;ii!i. The threi-herHien have about fitished their seasons work acd the grain hag turned out ivell this yeir. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. Ccme in and see onr fine large stuck of Jewelry, Watcles. Clocks, etc. and when yoa Lave seen them j cm will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full line D Fiiotograph:c snpf lie;; Including developing powders, printing fi ames, dark lanterns, ali sizes of kodacks and fi'ms . BUSIXE-SS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone HiUcrest 268 124 x\ venue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager PORT LAW KIMBERLEY Mild weather ac time of wiitin;. Faiiiursare plowing and snme are threshiua sweet; clover, which is turning out well. Sunday school Chnstmass tree on Tuesday, Dec 21. Mr. O. Inviii has started to carry mail agam after being laid up with a sore kuee. Services in the chuich next Sabbath evaning. Christmas is corainsi. The thildicu are looking for Santa Claus to come with a load of Chiistuiss presents. Much sympathy ia feit for Mr Chris- topher Knort, whose wife died at ber home ill Meafead. Victoria Corners Tiin Lite for Last Week Mr. atid Mrs. Edijir Beits visited at Carl -•Vtkiii.'ion's, also Lome and Miss Atkinson. MissGracey and Miss "Buchanan of Shelburne visited at Mr. Laidlaw's. Mrs. James L ckhart has been with her sister, Mrs John McConi. ell, during the term of hsr illness and operation for apendtcitis. Mrs. McConnell is iiiiprov- i.ig INIrs. Rutherford of Owen Sound vis- itiid and spoke to the W M S ladie.s list Tucsdiy. It was a veiy instrucive meetit'g. Dr. Tortey ot Stratford tes'ed and passed six head of cattle for soverniuen: for George Moore last week. Charlie shipptd tl.em on Fri;Uy to B.>wm»nvil!e, going as far as Toronto with soni". Miss Velma Wragget of Bethel visited with Mrs. Carl Atkinson. This Weeks Items Mis.s Sniiih. wh'> his been visiting her grandpirents, Mr and Mrt Hanies, re- turned to Burlington. Miss Smith is one of our Western Pra-rie irirls. Mr .\ St iison met with a painl'ul and what miaht have proved a serious acci- dent last Sa'urday. In tying some catlle ill their stales one of tbein cru>hed him aaaiiist the wall and h'lft hiip, but he is able to be around agniii. Wne day last week the men in the gravel pit overturned a larao stoue, under whi'^h they f. und a small yel'ow snake and a number of large I'zuds. .Ml were fairly lively but when thrown out soon froze. Try us for your next job printing. u The nnniin'»tii'n fir members of the C '11 c I ami I'uhlic Sdio.d Tiu^tees will b > held in tJK Town Hall at 7S0 p, lu., ,. , Mondav, 27 h D.coniber, 1920. and if ni'tre than the iiecrssary iiumtier ot eardiilafea aie iiominat' d aid a poll ia reijuirei the ^aiiie wdl ho opcntd at iha Cork's , ttic- on Mmidav, the 3d day of ,.U!>'i,ry, 1S>21, fivm 9 00 a. m. to 5.00 t< 111 lilt such ulec ion. W, J. BELLAMY. Dated r>«c. 13, 1920. Clerk. J THE ELDRIDGE a I Depenthible Sewiiij^ Machines at Modarate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERIO-V I'NT. Mr Lewis SheMciown under«ent a vary critical operat;on in CoUingwood hospital last Saturday. He came throuah the ordeal well and all hope for hia speedy recovery. While aileadiug a wood buzzing outdt at Mr Riibt Hautiah's last Friday, J'r James Hcpps had the misforiune to have his left aim badly cut by coming in contact with the saw. Mrs J \V Bates of Toronto is visiting wi h her m thtr, Mrs Taylor, sr. MrandMrsGeo W Littl*j ,hns and son visited last week at the home of the former's uncle here. We are sorry to report [that Mr Jerry Taylor is in a poor state of health. Mr Lewis Hiil, Toionto Line, hse purchased Mr S Grummetl s IrO a'.re farm, ord L;ne C>sprey. Howard Biakey has gone noii.: t ' tie lumber camps for the winter. James SparliBg, luilder and 0)n!ract- or, and a prominent business mm of Meaford, d;ed very suddenly list week vvnile in his place of business. H; had bejn a resident of Meaford for 54 veii-<, and was a promiueut Masou and life loug Conservative. Four young men implicated in th>" fatal Haliowe'ea afftir iu Oraiigevile, which resulted in iha tragic death of Richard .\!leu, have beeu committed tor trial. A tine of §1,DC0 and costs . • .; s nionihs in j lil was the i>enalry . out to Frank Falleris, of Owen J? imd, acv.used if sellir.g two boys a niixiitre t f wood alcoh il, from th- eli^cis ;-f \> n -h ihey narrowly escaped Jea'.k. He . >i k the six months. .411 cit Looby, of Amaranth, v.h-lost heavily recently by the destrueti. n of hs barn and contents by tire, wis on S i' urday given a very practical exor; jsion of sympathy by friends and neighbors The sympathy tork ihvi form of the presentitioti of $513 in cash, the result of the collection eiLrta of son <> hard headed Amaranth men who bicame i:!ibu«d with tbe commen sense id a that t'lere are occisions on which money s'v u'd bo cal;ed on to talk â€" Sle ''urne Ec nomisf. NOMINATION TOWNS UU' OF ARTEMESIA A meeting of ' he EleCo'^s of the Town- ihip i-t .\rrtnie«ia wii! be held 't the Town U;i|l, Fit •ilienon, on Mondsv the l!7th diy if December, \i^2'^, at one o'clock ;i 111 , for the [.urv>o<e of no.iim- ;<ting oai dida'es for the i tiiccs of Kc'vo. Drputy Reeve and Ci uncillors fur IP21. It moro than ihe required ouniler if cindilates are nooiiniied for any pjr. ticulir olBoe and a poil is require<l, p.ills «ill bo opfi'.'d on Moudav, 3rd Jasiiarv, 1921. a* follows : Pollini; Divisoa No. 1, Orange Hall. Orange ; Polling Divston No. 'J, Towiifhip Hid, Flesheit n : IVl itg Divis on No. 3, Orango Hall, Proton ; Po !i g Divi>ion No. 4, Oranga JIa'l. C,>\!oii ; Pollinn Division No. 5, Waison'.- Ha I, Pricevillo ; Prlling Division No C. Forester's Hill, Vandeleur ; Polling' Divi«ion No. 7, Orange Hall, Kuijenia ; Pollii'g Division Ni< S, House. Pori Law, from 9 I'Oa. m. to 5 CO p. m , for ihe election if M<;iubers of the Council. ' W. J, BELL.XMY. Dat d Doc. 13, I'.'JO. Clerk. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, Yorkshires. Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Piione or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOS ONT OspreyTel. system Maxwell P. O. Flour and Feed FEED â€" Low Graie Flour, Ontario Bran and Shorts, Oat Chop. Oat and Barley Chop, Wheat, Oal', Peas and Barley. FLOUR â€" Perfectic n and Snow Flake Pastry and Robinhood. Groceries SPECIAL- 1 3 bars Polar White Soap $ 1 .00 Labrador Herring 10c. per lb. Fresh Dates 20c per lb. 2 packages Corn Starch 25c Spanish Raisins 28c per lb. NUTS â€" Filberts 21c., Nigger Toes 45c., Walnuts 30c.. Almonds 30c., Peanuts 25c. CANNED GOODSâ€" Tomatoes, Peas and Corn 6 tins for $ 1 .00, or I 8c. per tin. Maple Leaf Salmon 58c. per tin. J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Fiesherton, Ontario ^Si^£.^ -^»v«v?'Yys-;>iyrfkViftrijif'.v.^-.^>,-. Autumn is here and winter is coming and we are ready with a good stock of Fall and â€" inter Caps for men and boys. Mitts and Gloves, Rubbers, Heavy and Light Sweater Coats, Mackinaw Coats, Peabody Smocks and Overalls, and Woolen Under- wear. Everything at lowest prices. Give us a call and seejfor yourself. Highest Prices Paid For Produce. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Fiesherton mefm ELLIOTT Yo'jge aud Charles Streets, Toiouco Aaccountancy, stenography, typewritiOij, â- eoretiirii'. coninifrcial teachers an.l general iinproveinont courses ; snporuir iustruction in all departments ; keen 1 demiud for cur giaiiuaie-^. Write for pirtirulars. \V J. ELLIITT, Pr.w.ip.^L #^ Torisoriar '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Euuru ^atisfact^ L.VUNnKY-B.isket cKses MonAij Di};ht, delivery Fuoay ev A, CLEANING \\'.\ DYEIXC- Wear , agents for IVlier's Dye Works- Clothes I cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHBR â- I'KOPKIETOR l^fe.-