Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1920, p. 4

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M l)eoeml)«r 16 1920 THE FI ESHlitTON ADVANCE Everyman's Problem "If I save the same amount during the next ten years of my life that I have saved during the past ten years, how much will I be worth?" What will be the answer in your own case ? Are you proud or ashamed of your Bank Account ? It is better to tay "I'm glad I Baved" than "I wish I had". No man ever retired on the money he spent TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: MontrcaU OF CANADA Established 1864. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORirrY, .... Manager. THE Flesherton Advance Ao independent newtpapur pulilishud every Thursday at the ottice, Cullingwond Street Flbuherton. Subscription pricf $i no per anouiii when paiJ in »ilvaHCt) ; I2.U0 wb«n not so paid. $2.00 tu Uiiitud Slates. Adveitising rates on application. Circulation ovt-r 11()C weekly. W. n. THUKSTOX, KuiTOK The Country Weekly Meichaiits Bank of Canada WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New 'I iilnihir Sliarple.s .Separators JOHN HEARD, MPUeWENT AQENT FLESHERTON. m m Flesherton Tn Shopâ€" «^«^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tiuware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetronghing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kimls promptly alLended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D, VlcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO. m I i I \n I M â- i^k^^A.'* ^'»r> i: Santa Claus si Here Again Oiice agnin Santa Cliiis lia.s linJi'd and unloaded many oF his Chrlatma<) Tciys fir hII tin' (Jirls Htvl H lyH AIhh NutH. Cindios, NiiV.il (lr»ii(;i?3 and Griip;) Fruit. Nut oaly wuh ho i;<iud li> the hoyH and girU but als > left Runie. for the older people Ruch as : Manicure Setts ' 8cirf« imd C»p8 Trays Hrui-h and C(inil) Settn Gli.v. s Hith T.wels Mihtary Brushes Dinhea Waist LuiikiIih Shavini/ .Srti.s I'iped Caspernlo line's Stationoty HHndki'rclii''fH 'I'ii'H liedriKiNi .Slippers H'ush .Jurdoiiii rs Wal'-ls Felt JJocilx I'iciuii's SwealiTB lUby's Tnilel Setts Haliy's Sw«ater Co its GROCERY DEPARTMENT Our New Fruilc, I'eels and Nuts havn just Hrrived fnr ymir C'liralma^ Baking. Highest [iritcs [aid for l.iv(! or Dressed Fowl'. F. G.--KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario I .y i ^ .L. FLESHERTON BAKERY The bread that satisfies people who are looking for a superior quality Bread. It is in every way superior to the ordinary loaf of bread, and we are most anxious that everyone should try a sample and prove or disapprove our assertions. A telephone call will bring a loaf to your door. FRED PINDER, Flesherton AUCTION SALE Uf high class Live Stock, luiplenients, K;c. The undursiuned auctimiuerH liave been favuic'd wilh iuHlruuliuns iarni Janits Fiiidliiy to (it'll by public auction his entiri) stuck of purubri'd ClydeadaJH liorouK, Shorthorn ('utile and IStiropshirt^ .Shi-ap: otliur farm slock, inipleuientn, etc', at Lot U7, N E T &S R.Arteinesin TUESD.W, DKCEVIBER 21, 1920 HORSES â€" Clydesdale mare 5 years old, •â-  BtB.sie Archer " (36882) ; Clydesdale mure 12 years old, " .Jean Archer " 20^91, supposed to bo in foal ; Ko!idstur niart3 8 yiaii old, splendid driver. UliOlsTEUEB SLIOHTIiOllNSâ€" Bull 2 years old, '• First War Lord " 13U817, Sire- Prince Horace 110428 by Printe Itini-deii 95748 out of I'loud Luly il'Jo41, traciim to L'»dy Funny (imp) 27ti, Uiiji â€" Ked Duchess 118428 by Silver Plate and out of Jtaspberry, trucing tn Duche-'.s of Gil slt 12Lh (imp) lo8, u rhuicoly bred bull and a splendid in- dividual!. C tw 8 ye;ir.> old, " Lndy Ohancellor " 1U'J312, Sireâ€" Cistle Guard 74;i:Mi by Westward Ho 04222 and out of Mills Ciiancellur, truciu<; cu Miua Olh (imp) 344, Daiii â€" Ltdy Broadhook.s 2nd 6(18u5 by Brojdhooks Golden Fame (imp) and out of Lively Rise, tracing to Red RoBe (imp) 456, Lady Chancellor is a very smooth cow and has proven to be a larenood breeder, bred Augu,st4th, 1920, tn Fust War Lord. Uer heifer calf at focit, sired by U .yal Edward 102753. Cow 7 years old, " Lidy Ram.sden " 112013, Sireâ€" Uamsden Buy 8G184 by Joniniiinder 73847 out of .Miss Kauisden 12ih 54048 trccmii to Miss RaBisdoii titli (mifi) 306, Dam â€" Lidy BioadhooUs 2iid 00855 by Broiidhooks Golden Farm (imp) and out of Lovely Uoae, tracing to Red ll'so (imp) 455 a half sister to Lady Cliiincellor and also a splendid breeder, Bred October 25ih 1920 to First War Lord, Heif.'r calf ut foot sired by lloyal E'iwaid 103753. Cow 5 years old, " Lovely Star " 147159, Sire â€" Crim.son I'rinc" 9.5052 by Crim.son Emer 80210 and (lU'. of Flora 76002 trac.n« to Flora 8Lh (imp) 2141. Dun -Lidy ChinoeUor 109313 tiy Ca'.llo (iu.rd 74,i96 and out of Liuly Broiidhooks 2iiil, tr.iciuij to Red ]{' so (imp) 405. A young cow uf out- standing iiu^ility with much of her use- fiilneas before lior. Bred June 1st to First War Loid. Her bull calf at foot, sired by Royal fid ward 103753. Yearl- ing lleif.T 'â- â€¢ R .yal Bell,) " 11)4242, .S r.' â€" l{'iyal K !wud 103753 by Choico Sur 8I),">.S8 and .uk of Lnvulaco Otli 99302 triom;- to Sipin (imp) 4.S575. Dam â€" bidy Chine llio 109.313 by Castlt Guard and out of Lnly Bri ndliook.i 2nd trseing to Red Rose (imp) B'jII Calf 10 ni inths old. Sire. â€" Riyal Edward, etc, (samo asabino) Dam â€" Lovely Wimple 2nd 80344 by Seotti-h Chief .53100 and out of |j ivuly Wimpie (),''755, tracins.' to Wimple (imp) 52.3.3 A clioioely bioj ra!f . liR \DES-C'iw 3 years old calf at foot, C nv (') y'ars old calf at fooi. Cjw K yours iild supposed to bu in calf. Cow uuo In oalv-i'i .liiiuiry, Twovour old steer, Two yearlng eteo'^s. Yearling lieifer, llo'fer ua'f. SWINE Bnxd sow supposed to bu nt pit, 1 1 pij^s 3 months idd. POCLTRY-.'iOhens. SIHCEP The eniiri) stock of pure- bred regiatored Shropshires, consisting of the thick header, a Kelaey bred ram, 19 ewes and 8 ram lambs. This is an extra goiid lluek, has produced prize winners for miiiy years, and now atlnrds a r.iio opportunity to purchase some fuuiidation slock. IMPLEVlENTS- Deering mower. Deer iiig rake, fanning mill and Irngg-^r nearly new, grindsionu, Cockshutt 15 disc drill, s.-tseilu-i 2000 Ib.-i, cultivator 5l. IL, incu- hater and brniider, land roller.stone boat 2 sugar kettles, set iron harrows, 50 gnoil erain Inns, C.iak^bu'i 2 furrow riding p'o.v, F;eiMV plow; » (plaiihly of unmi iumiier and fiiici! posts, seulll r, turnip puiper,pea harvester. VEIIICMvS, HARNESS, Etcâ€" Buggy marly new, eu ter, luad cart nearly new, 2 firm watons, w3gon neiivly new, box and otocU raok eniiihined ; 2 set bob sleigliH, bay rack, net heavy brass mount ed liannss new, 2 sot heavy team liiriuss si migli' iliiving harness iwaily new. 1I.\Y, (HtAiN, itc â€" .35 Ions limnlliv h ly, 5 tiMi-icloiir buy, 3il0 bun () A C "Ills, lir I piizo held Clod c iiip 19J(', 1000 liuslu'la uth^r gniiii, a (pianLity uf tii.irp-i, forks, el.Hiiis, itr, otc- IIDI'.SKIIOM) EFFKCl'S-cruam s pi- ritor Mul'iMe, kileben irldu, Treasme 'â- nge n. ally in-w, kilcheu cilplioar I, Royal .Itiwel emik t>tove, 6 kitelieii eliab- I'lor-'iieii colli (III stove new, cliurn, ii numliur of sap liiiskets, wishimj machine relriger.ilor, oak i xtennion talihi li fl, extiiision labli) 12 f', sicri'tary, emieh nearly now solid hnther covering, Kdisou idionourapb, lamps, dishes, pails, etc. .SiUut 12 o'cloek sharp. Lunch served at noon fur those from a distance. TERNLS -grain, hay, roots and all sums of #10 and uiniur, cash ; ovur thnt amount 12 months' credit will bu given i.ii apprijV»d joint noton, or 5 per cent, oil for cash in lieu of iioIh« I'ioasu remember the date «nd arrange tn arrive early, as this la a laigs sale and must uninetce on time. Positively no reSBive, as \lr Findlaj ha.a (tisposud of die film and is luaviu)^ iinin'.'d at<i!y after the Sftlo. Sliwphvrdson A Shephcrdsnn, auctioneers From the Farmer's Sun Nearly «ll the coulitry ptpert have rai-od their subscription price from tL^O i to 82 per year. This has been nude i.ec'itsary throujth the increased cost of produc'iuD. In common with the city dailies snd the trade and class publica- ' titjiis, the countiy papers have been | bn uglit face to face with a very serious ; situation and have been forced by self i pre ervation to increase iheir subtcrip- lion price. It is to bo hoped that n > iDorri of the country weeklies will be forced to suspend publication. Already there has hern a lengthy list of pipers forced into iho hands of the receiver. Nu matter how etticient city papers may be, they can never take the place of i the country weekly. There is a peif-on- 1 ility and a flavor about ihu home town J paper which oaiiuot be furnikhed by any I other puolicaticn on earih. To the people | of the district it is guide, philosopiier | and fiicnd, and to those living away I from the old home centre its weekly â-  Cuming is welcomed like a message from «i; absent friend. | Fur ihe must part the country weeklies i have dune a real service in fighting the i battles of the oummunity they serve. They see that the interist of the small town and of the farm are linked up to- 1 gether, and for Ihe mott part they have been warm suppnrteis of ihe Modern ( Movement to give the common people ai larger voice in the affairs of the nation. I A strange arlic'e was picked up on ( Mr. Mainland's faiin, 3rd con, Wett Luther, the other day that is causing some speculation. It is rough, uneven, i about 10 inches lorn; and possibly 4 - inches wide and about the same in depih. It: looks iks though two pieces of muienal had been fu^ed by great haat, the seam showing distinctly down the centre, while from each side rib like formations set out in irregular fashion. It Is not pure metal, and too heavy for stone, and some suggest it may be of nu'teoric composition. Whatever it may i be will likely be determined by scieutisCa ! in Toronto to whom it is being forward- ! ed. Strange to say this is the only piece found and h.ad been noticed on tho aur- i face for a couple of years or more, till tho ditching crew gave it more than . passing notice. â€" Grand Valley Star. ' Farm Help i Owing ta uneinploymeiit in centres of po[)ulation there are many men now available for ffttin woric. A large num-j bur of these men have had farm experi- ence anil th.'ir services are now available at moJer.ite *aL'e8 with hoard. Farmers ' M ho can Usefully employ one or two of' those men at l.Ms time will be rendering a service to the community as well us to I thxinselves Many fanners have repaiis and other odd jobs which haV3 been put oil for yoi'is en acoount of the high cost oflaLer. This might bd a good tiuie to i get caught up with work of ibis nature, i F'Armei'8 desiring help pleaaeBoommun- \ icate With your local representative and i statu the nature of tho work aad wages' you are w.Uing to pay. â€" J. Stewart Cooper, Maikdale. | Agricultural ll-prc-uatative ' Oroy County I Honorable Manning Duherty, j Minister of Agriculture. | Boar For Service i Pure Iwed Uegisterea Yorkshire Boa ' for service â€" Maxwell .lack 62903 â€" on lot 107, S, W. T. & S. R., Ar'emeaia. j Terms Sl.BO. Sows not returned will be charged same <is tiiofco in pig. j 10,4.19 T. J. STINSJN | Reports Record Progress Marked Eipansion id Assistance Bank Has Givin to Canadian Trade aud Commerce. Savings Deposits Show Large Incrciise. The cluds sssociaiiuD eRtablished{by The Merchants Bank of Canada with the ezpausiou of the business and industry of the Dominion is strikingly shown by the ssmi-annual statement of the Bunk, to October 30th, 1920. The MerehsDte dank, with its com- plete organization throughout the Dominion, id known for the spfcial assistance tu Browing and expanding businesiea snd the report now issued shows that it has been particularly active in this direction during the past year. This ia reflected by the increase in current leans and dis- counts to cusinroers to flt0,515,403, as compared with $102,346,614, a gain of J18, 168,889. Increase in Capital. With a view of increasing its facllitits to the farmers the. mer- chants and the manufacturers of the conn;ry, the Bank has provided for an incteaie in capita! and as a result the paid-up capital now stands at $9,956,970, an increase to date of $1,614,434. At tho same time the leserve has been inoreased by $1,400,- 000 and now stands at $8,400,000. Bo: h these amounts will be further increased by the instalments still outsitandiDg. A further substantial gain in sav- ings drp»sit8 indicates ibab the Can- adian people are practising hauits of thrift. During the year the savings deposits of- the banks have -been drawn (iD heavily to meet payments for the last Victory Loan campaign. Notwithstanding this development, the Bank shows a gain fn sayings deposits of $4,688,040 and total deposits now stand at $170,634,061, up from $166,006,015. As a result of the expanaion, the total assets established a sew biyb record by oros.ing the $200,000,000 mark. They now total $209,450,448, against $198,506,672. Shareholders will take particular pride in the bteady expansion shown by the Bank. This development has been the result entirely of the round- ing out of its organization and servica throughout the eouutry. W'ith more active trade conditiuns. the Bank is now ill a position to reflect the benefit of the complete organization which has been gradually Luilt up over the entire Dominion. The general statement ot assets and liabilities, with comparisons with the previous year, shows as follows : ASSETS 1920 1919 Gold Coin, Dom. Notes and Or. Balances with Banking Correspondents. ... $ 30,630,351.09 $ 25,642,136.33 Deposit a the Central Gold Reserve 7,500,000.00 8,000,000 00 Goveinmenl and Municipal Securities 21,114,908 29 36,240,352.41 Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks 3,837,37714 3,870,611.91 C«ll Loans in Canada 8,254,586 81 6,843,01757 Call Loans elsewhere than in Canada 4,179,236 56 3,418,846.99 Loans and Discounts 120,515,463. 60 102,346,564.37 Loans and Disc.iunis elsewhere 1,340,428 69 329,334 27 Loanii te Municipalities - . 4,635,381.80 3,578,382.16 Liabilities! of Customers under Letters of Credit per contra 2,491,664 35 757,606.04 Bink Premises... 3,192,734.42 5,663,261.73 Real Estate other than Bank Premises 602.748 47 911,291 19 Mortgages on Real Estate sold by the Bank. . . 705,567.02 528,177.93 Deposit with Dominion Government for pur- poses of Circulation Fund 450,000 00 377,000.00 1209,450,448 23 $198,506,572 90 UABIUTIES Capital Paid up $ 9,955,970.00 $ 8.841,535 30 Reserve and Uncivided Profits 8,660,774 98 7,574,043 32 Notes in Circulation 17.707,977.00 15,827,373 00 Deposits. 170,634,061.90 166,006,015 24 Acceptpnces under Letters tf Cridit 2 491,664 35 757 606 04 $209,450,448.23 $198,506,572 90 BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits XMAS. WINES Thtse are foil flavored and mel- low but unfermented, including Foit, Blackberry and Ginger. ORANGES New Naval Or»nge», nil sizes, the best California producf. GRAPEFRUIT I'i- LEMONS An exceptionally fine lino of the above fruit that will be sure co please. NL'TS and CANDIES Almonds, Walnuts, Peanuts, Mixed Candy, Chocolates antl Creams in bulk for the Xmas. Tien. GRAPES Finest Malagas and Red Em- perors. A real treat for young and old. Willard's Fork-dipt Chocolates A box of these excellent Chocolates aiakes a nice Christmis Gift- All prices from 45c. to $3 00. CRANBERRIES A choice shipment uf these berries just arrived. ICE CREAM BRICKS Willard's Ice Cream Bricks make a swell dish. Put up iu containers that will carry. GROCERIES Our lines of (Jroceries are excellent and all sold under a positive guaiantee. For Dried Frui's such as Raisin", Curran s, Figs, etc., try us. FLOUR Cream ot the West for breed and Monarch and Fev^rshim for pastry SPECIALâ€" VERY BEST ONIONS, PER 100 LB. $3 60. Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. Boar tor Service The uiulersigncd has a thorough.ned Vorkshirr Biarfor service on lot 11, onn. H. litsi ley. Terms $1.50. FRKD8P0FFARD Jire Vou Interested Tn Hti Automobile? TfSo 'J'iike ii iteiutil jiiid paper juitl jot, ilown tlie features you really want in an .\iit()nu)bile. IncUv.io Conifoit, En(lnranco» Economy, Appoarance, Convouience, Kquipnient all the essentials a car must have to satisfy you. Bring this list with you anil use it to Judge the merits of the Chevrolet " Four- Ninety " Touring Car. Wo ask nothing more than your own opinion based on your own requirements. Wo will do no more than answer your (questions. It is because of tho ability of the Chevrolet to meet tests like this that we are back of It. It is built to conform to the studied needs and tastes ot particular motorists. When you have inspected it you will see how well it fulfills its purpose and \rhy. D. McTAVlSH & SON. CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT.

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