Vol 42, No. 27 Flesherton, Ont., Deeernber lo 1921 VANDELEUR CHAMPION BASEBALL TEAM Reading from lft is right : T. r R<> Elmer \Varling, Sam Buchanan, tteorRe Buchanan , Dave Graham and H-my Baker. CENTRE Row-Russell Freeman, Ru'sell Grbum, Chas. lUaml Pn-*id,i.it. Wilfred Graham and Howard Graham. SITTING -Albert Buchanan, [> ;chur, and Harold B:w!r, catcher ; Howard McGee was absent. The Vandel^ur Btseball CUh li.iv.; enviable record of winuiaj? L'3 out ot '16 scheduled fr lh season, and scaring 'JO') runs over th'.-ir obpoii.-nt.s- 81. Wheu tlio League started in the sjjrin.; of ll>21 it co:npi:cd VanJuleur, Dun- T~* *% J ' 'llif Fluihertou, Uucklyu, Eu-oinan<l Ulenel^ Centre and finished in "Uio order named. Besides ih.- I-.-^m.- championship, tbt-y a!*<.. won the ll-dy tourna:n.Mitt Meaford on Augmt l.r, beatmtt seven y >od clubs. PROTON STATION Ceylon U.F.O. Celebrate t Miss McPhail's Victory Mi3 Georgio* McOirr visited will aunt, Mr* Hjgh Hi>dini. MissGerti- T.r 'us has n-t.u-ned I. The C.y^ti i; F. U. dub intcruiirad IU( a roonlh''. iit with her i*tr in themselves ami their fn.-nds at au-.>y,,tei- nu|>p.-r at the Park II<>ue in r-'lesherton mi t ho evening if December !> About Toronto. Mr and Mrs H U Becker and - ' . Jack, are visitinn with friends Ht Will iamttford. / er, J 0. Walter Wyvi 1 IMS reUiinc.1 home after spendiug the summer 'out \\est. jno of the (.' I '! |,,.,,p!,. j yfiiliy ate thu vry delicious supper provided by the fmiiilie.. of the members of the club. A spirit of socia- Jack Uanley ii relieving PRageatsat Fergus. Mr nd MM Jack llodins of Sound visited with friends here. Mary Wyville is visiting her cous.u Miu Dorothy Niohul. K'.,id humor. After all had eaten Mr. VI nry Shaw called the auetnu t 1 ' order fi-nui tlii 1 stairway in the ha'.l ud in hi able way made \ shoi', e chau - man's undress, re.viewiiig*hia connection < >*-cn l withtha I" F.l.) and the great need of all Canadians, both urban Mid rural, working together to improve Canada.our hriin-i laml. He thi'n called mi Dr. Geo. , M. Let-son, M.P.P., who nij-i short but Allan McDonald of I ' | well connected address empliasizjd his i desire to keop in close touch with the people acd to work i\t all Dines to pur- Bradley have gone spend the winter with the former's parents before going an^ tnXf new faru. in that vicinity. Mr Simpson, Field Secretary of the L L M addressing ur lodge t..nilii (Munds>y). The pupi s of our school intend v ,old- ini! their Chrutnia* entertainment <m Dec. 23. The young people are prep a- Ing a humorous play entitled Waiting for the Trolley. fect democracy. Dr. Levson is very modest mm, aud it is only those who know him personally wh i kimw hi.s true worth. Agnes C. MoPha.il, M. P. ulec, ws* the last upeaker and briefly tmtlined the National Policy of the Progressives, thanked the electors Cor thuir wonderful support aud pr>imi*ed to serve truly. Music aud dancing brought tho joyous occasion to a close at 12 o'clock. Mr Th"M. Sled, President, and Roy H, Piper, Bec-ruiary, aud (lie whole club, are to be t on the success of tlio Election Echoes : Huh ! C.nada doen' need Meehau, Tory Dame What a slwnie .' Two of my three sons voting to upset the x'wrnmout ; VU- lage Growler -Three more curses comiue 'round the schoulhouie crnr to vote for McPhail. Old Widuwer If that Me- phail girl needed a. husband m badly as I need a a housekeeper, she wuu'iln't be trotting tf to Parliaincui, i^oth it .' Rello, Attemcsia ! If you feel Com. FEVERSHAM Mrs Geo Hudson of Hawnrdeu, Sisk., is visiting her sisters near Kobnoy. Mr and Mrs John Black i>f Hatherton visited with the latter'* f -it her, Mr. Joa. i;oh Ferguson, receutly, Mrs. Silas Udell aud eon George, spent sleepy Sunday with ihe former's pareuts. Mr |, e a-id Mrs Geo Brown at Maxwell. the adjoining municipalities would ^ willing, to place some of JTHKIUj Mr Andrew WrGir of Kob B. >y is nin around your council board next 'slowly recovering from a severe ntucft of year ? Am. No, mind your own busi- heart and tomach trouble. ess. Old Arteinesia will elect her own citizarm alone to fill her council board for 19212, tint don't you forget it : Two or throo inches more sno* would - Jt"ke nice viutec roads. CEYLON James Sursent left the past week to spend the winter months in Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Percy Hunt and two children of McGee, Sank, ariivad here Saturday on an extended visit with the ltter's parents, Mr and Mrs Geovge Am warn it h. The Misses Valetftof H .,., n visited Mrs John Kennedy last week. Mr and Mrs Ii.._ h Bailey of Shngley visited the tatter's parents, Mr nnii Mrs D MePUuil, tor a couple uf days la-it week. Miss Myrtle Ueaiphill has returned home fn'ra Toronto. ,\ \Ve aru sorty to report 'Ross McMulIen on sick list, but hope for speedy recovery The Ceylon Tnioo Sabbath school intend holding their election f officers on Siibbaih afternoon, Dec 18. ,. Rev Mi- (Jphrm was a <juet uf Gtoorge Snell over the week end The church here held its tirst anni versary on Sabbath afternoon and even ing, when Kev Mr Upham, a former pastor, took charge of both services, assisted at the afternoon service by our paster, Mr Murks. MrVpham .z : ve two wall received sermons. Ths ahuroh was vary prettily deconUd with rtowars for the MCI; isimi and the rli>>ir rendered music. On Monday evauing an enter- tainment was given to a i-rotrdjjd house. 51r Archie Sinclair occupied the c!ir. The programme consisted of choruses by thd .school, dialogues, recitations and Tradings. Revs Jonas and MuCarten of Priccvilld Mid Oke of Fleshcrtou each i!ve -iploddid addresses which will lie long remembered^ At the clone of the pn.giaiu a he.ir-y vole ot thanks was tendered to all who assisted to make the en rettainnieut such it success. The pro- ceeds f r M> nJy i.:*ht amounted t j Mr Will licit man is ' ; '"!5 to be nun- a^er of the skating rink this winter. Young cc-upies who no skating will need to watch or he will be trading partners In theru, as Will is great hand at ,The concert in Watson's hall last 'making exchanges. Irldfcy night was a very erijoyablo ali'air. I Mt McGirr of South River visited The attendance was not large, but a \ with his uucle Robeit last wuek. pleasant evening was spent.' Proceeds) jm John Tysun is feeling a lot better o>er 941. and we liopo to aee him as well as usual Priceville Fox Cu.j..Uiuited. ha utcu very soon. formed here with Capital of 940,000, Miss Lily OUewall, wko has been on shares 1100 par value. Officers Pr<;s., tho sick list, for some time, is recovering Mr W M Moore, Toronto, fur merchant ; uieely. Vice Pre, H B MoKianon, Toronto! Kol , J((hn it is goul i ug lieA r Xmas, S-StL^Rvine" 1 fiSi'S'r!...-^*-^-^- r if 'iarstedt, PricevillH, and r G Jordan, yu don't. lt u-< <e.i h..vv you will hitch VANDELEUR MIM A. Pritchard of Williamsford spent % couple of nveks with Mr itod Mrs Pritchard. Tlio Orange Lodi> uf this place hud a very succusaful bux social in the Kchool housu on Friday evening, Dt-o 9th. A good program WHH rendered uf recitation* music, etc, !HO ;iddrei>s by Rav Uke of PlaabartOD aud Hev Thurburn Coun. Mr t!-. Pritchard -tcted as C'haiiinitn. Peupl# uf this suction u greatly (.leased over ilie electiun of Miss Ann on McPliail with suci large innJDrily . The vote ar the poll hero was McPh il !H), Ball 11. Histie '.'. ROCK MILLS Mv and Mra C D Meldrum aud babe tisited wuh W 'D Pediar and family. h:i:. Sunih 'pent n few d*ys the week with Mr an U^Mrs Frank Taylor, Utprey. VV Hii(j;ii!^ is spending a few dy with friends hure. The Ladies' Aid are holding their monthly meeting this Wdnwdy'ftt the home "f Mrs Ned Croft. Quite a nuoibei of the farmers with their wives attended the oyster supper last Friday given by Ceylon V V i.l ,\uc r.-juT' splendid time. Mrs J iliu Robertson anU tw tars, Edith and Kuhy. of Maxwell, spent the waek end with the former'* brother Lovi Belts, 'vif aud f.i'iiily. \V'e nre sorry to report Lewis Pedla: on 'he sick list 1 , but hope it i.s i nly temporary. Sam Croft, wife and children, spen Sunday with relutire.i Jt V-indcIeur. Tucker Phillips held a very sucje.ssfu sliouiinic match on Friday kst ud every tiling wont pretty KOU,!. fiice Edward IsUnd. t woodit C' nsidtTfthly lu*cr in this year ahuiidancd nf I at $.8.50, dry at 9'. 3rd. up ilnubl. Gilt, basy, John. Mr und MTU Flunk Curran ->nd of MI-III >r. . i-ipeut Sunday with 1 i - 'ii. Mrs Neil McKay of the 12th ceo. Eidersli sued lua neighbor, Stanley Herroti, to (90 for the loss uf two head of cattle b poisoainu through Heron's aareletsnefts MoKay sold a granary on his propert; on the 14th con, Elderslie, to Berroo I who took it down and removed it. I t the bailcliug wasaquaotity of psris gn-e whick wits left auiouK the debrle. Two o McKay's o.ittle Rot 'ho poirou and die ai its effacts. McKay entered a tui auiaiiist Hi-rmn for U)n vtlae of the poi- Kon.-il catrle and was allowed $90 as tha judve hold that Uurrou had chowo care. in loavinK the poison where tho .la could get at it. OFFICIAL RETURNS Riding of South-Eatt Grey ARTEMESIA . . ; 20 n 1 il . 44 5 11 -'5 U5 Total -2-22 94 BENTINUK 27ii J74 GHATS WORTH '.Mi 7'i UIXDALK 190 104 DURHAM .'.74 ^6 EGUEMONT J41 I'M FLESHEKTON H'J 34 ^ 't HOLLAND- 110 90 84 144 si 93 '.1:1 7'U 42 51 ua 817 4(1 117 . O'i 3 Tot,il ......... "'07 K:: HAN"VKU :>s f>'.'7 8LESBLO ............. r.s ..V ....... s I-'- 18 39 18 8 Total. ....146 MAHKDALE NKI'STADT NtiRMANBY USPRKY . t4 -i, ia i .1 474 . Irtu 132 ior. i.Mi 48 I 9 j 5 Q 817 44 io:s 113 37 71 80 Bl 28 Total 4ti;j L' Bl'LLIVAN ?J1 .'i: PROTON sn 50 j< 7'i 13 28 42 IS 8 1 12 T-tal. . ( ..... -10 S7 Total rot*.. .. 4:jtiO -'(5:58 Majority for Mm McPhail BO "DO IT NOW Bates BurialCo. Close To a Tragedy W. W. Bruco of East Luther hud n ratliar hai rowing experience al out 2 o'flocU Suudny morniuK that, on top of his recant troubles, is enough Co nuke'one shudder. Hu had retired about niidniu and rt couple of hours iifterwanl^ was awakened by n BrDotheriaq si'rsatii -n. Jumpiui; out of beil he found the upstHir.-t full of smoke nd he hustily picked up his little ones and placed tlu>m outdoors in thuir nmlit clothos. He ila.-hcil back, grabbed t pail ami attacked llio tlimus. which hail uow ruachcd the ceii-!iy and (mined lhruiii;h it. He succoded n on: ink' out tho fire but it was a cliiM. 1 cull. Tho heat was .' inienao that llui U'V- plionu receiver on Iho opposite N-ilo of the wall was melted. The li -e .supposed to h-u'e started from a pieeo ol wood left mi tho damper for 'n time becoming hen ted mid replaced in the wocdl'nx. The nhnle iti .n was a clone call on a tragedy Grand Valley Slur. For Sale By Tender Sealed tenders will bo received by the undersigned for the purchase of lots 148 U9 and 150, 3rd range N E T Jt S Ruad, Artemasia, 100 acres, of which 80 acres are ulearsd and l>alano>? in timber, with roughcast) dwelling and lot; barn, 1^ luiloe east of Vleiiherioii, Wm. Trueman pro- prietor Teudrrs to be sealed and martini Tendor for farm. "and will be reteiv-,1 up ' the ft- -.t of .Uou n-y, 1922 IVuu T-n per oent on acoepatuoe, and $100(1 in 30 day*, bftlancu to be secured by nvr jjiiiff ( n liio year) with iuterost nt p'-r oent. Principal may bo made payaMr by yearly m-.i ilim-n! . : will accept all ch. The ! "n,-- or any tendur D"t neri'i>rily nccxpted. W. J. BELLAMY, FlosUrrtnu. Don t put off buying your Christmas gifts. Our stock is complete now and we would respect- fully ad vise you to make your purchases early and save disappointment later. GIFTS THAT LAST W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, . ONT BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmer* Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. Everyman's Problem "If I save the same amount during the next ten years of my life that I have saved during the past ten years, how much will I be _ -worth?" What will be the answer in your < ^n case ? Are you proud or ashamed f your Bank Account ? It la better to say 'I'm glad I saved" than ' 1 wish I had". No ma:, over retired on the money he apoot. TH AYCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1884. FLESHERTON i CEYLON BRANCHES H. P. FERR1ER Manager, House of Quality Our Xmas Fruits I Oranges Nut3 Grape Fruit Bananas Raisins Cranberries Grapes Figs Lemons Prunes Celery Dates Good assortment of candies. These have just arrived perfectly fresh. Please let us have your order early, while selections are the best. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcsherton, - Ontario " r , . -<.-*. | CLEARANCE SALE Having leused our store to the Merchants Bank for a term of year.-*. \\-e a IT- going out of business. We are clearing out our entire stock At A Big Reduction Many linos at less than half price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don't miss these bargaius while they are W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton ?&&y^^l^&&J^&&B^&!&