Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Dec 1921, p. 7

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NEW PROPOSAL FOR BUSH SETTLEMENT PRESENTED TO SINN FEIN LEADERS Plan to Create Ireland a Domi nion, Giving Ulster the Option of Joining the Dominion Parl lament Boundary Commis- sion to Make Changes Adva ntageous Both to North and South During Se paration Period. A despatch from London says: A would be r.dvantageous both to the North and the South during the period draft of alternative proposals for an boundary . . , .. , - v *u I they are separated. Such a boun In* settlement was given by thej * m ^ ion P , t is thoupht , might Government n Thursday to the Sinn , rid of some of the difficult problems Fein leaders. Mr. Barton left London ! j n Tyrone and Fermanagh, and if in Thursday evening with the documents those counties some of the Sinn Fein which will be considered by the Sinn! population were aUotted to the South, Fein Cabhvet. If the Sinn Fein indf- perhaps in exchange Ulster might be oates readiness to discuss the new! allotted some territory in County scheme, then the Government will sub- 1 Donegal, which would render the geo- mit it to Ulster, it is hoped, by Tues-i graphical position of Derry City less day. ! anomalous. The alternative proposal has al-i The Government's undertaking to j-eady been described in general terms, su-bmit fresh proposals to Ulster be- It~woul<i create Ireland a Dominion, fore next Tuesday, the time limit set Ulster exercising her option to remain by Premier Sir James Craig this week out of the Dominion Parliament and, in his declination to accept the Gcv-, to retain her present powers and Im- ernment's previous proposal, is under- ADMIRAL BEATTY'S VISIT TO CANADA Admiral Beatty making a speech while he was in Montreal. Beside him PDI ., rr JK.lW.-t. T1MF 1 il 1C, perial representation, but on this im- stood to be conditioned upon the ac- jg a ^, rou( j ij tt ]<, member of the Boys' Naval Brigade, portant point Ulster would at any ceptance of the new proposals by Sinn time have the option at her owr. re- Fein, and upon the inclusion in such quest of joining the Dominion Pr.rlia- \ possible acceptance of an agreement ment. The Sinn Fein are to give their on the pan of Sinn Fein to swear al- allegiance under a form to be agreed, legiance to the Crown. Should this Part of the new proposal is a boisr.- agreement not be reached it is under- dary commission to re-examine the stood Ulster will not be approached frontiers of Ulster and the Sonth, again, and that nL-gotiations with Sinn with a view to some changes which Fein would then terminate. FOR BIG INDIA 5rOK 1 - Ar- Cost of Foodstuffs Rouses Vienna Mobs Meeting of International Early Next Year Ceremonials by Nativi During the Week. China-Japan Debates Point to New Era A despatch from Washington says: The opening of conversations between the representatives of China and Japan on the Shantung question ABOLITION OF SUBMARINE IS STRONGLY ADVOCATECD BY BRITISH AT CONFERENCE A says: despatch from Washington against merchant ships without viola- :omplet abolition of the sub- tion of the rules of war. marine as an instrument of warfare,: Moreover the Britiri, jPukennaa said he doubted seriously wheuier the still is regarded by the British dele- submarine waa the weapon at the gation as the most preferable decision weaker power a^inst the stronger, to be reached by the armament con- \ In response to an inquiry as to ference when the question of the sub- ! whether tihe same objection made to marines is brought urp. the submarine might not with equal While the British delegates realize force apply to the use of poison gas that their views as to the unruitability or to the dropping of bombs from of the submarine for warfare might airplanes, the British spokesman de- r.ot prevail in the conference, they clared there was a great difference, felt certain it would receive, much sym- ( It would be impossible, without pathy in the world at large. great injury to industrial life, he said, In anticipation of a lively discus- to end the manufacture of chemicals sion on this subject before the confer- capable of being turned into poison ence, one of the highest British auth- gases :n time of war. As to airplane? orities to-night set out the British which are now a valuable means of attitude as follows: transportation in times of peace, it The submarine hardly can be used ; would be impossible, he added to check without being abused; in the past it the development of these new means certainly was a gross abuse of every of communication. While these air- rule of war; it destroyed the innocent planes, capable of carrving large car- and the non-belligerent as well as the : goes in times of peace, might carry crews of -warships. There might be ! bombs in time of war. he contended. a legitimate use for the submarine if the submarines could not be tume-1 t. it could be confined to operations any other useful purpose than that ol ag-ainst warships; it could not be used a weapon of war. Canadian Product DARING ROBBERY AT Cheapest on Market NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. India, saj's : The Prince of Wales en- s. r :itre>; in A despatch from Vienna says: ; Grave riots have br. l;ej; out hen?. The 1 Ihe League at early on \Ve-ines;!:iy with rive teams of men. each team with four spears. Many vvomen accompanied the hunt- party. Numerous big black boars A despatch from London says: Armed Robbers Secured $40,- has caused great satisfaction in Jap- j In some things Canada can beat 000 While People Looked anese circles where, it is believed, it ' Germany at her own game of mark the inauguration of an | cheap production. According to :h of better understanding between t , 1(a Vpr,v,nrilp r.usH-rfinr, nftpr sued a call for the members of wcre j\, uri i. The Prince obtained his * ., ... . . - .-i-t~u t* ^t*i *./i. **%- ...~. . , NVIC i^/uii i. nc j. i luv*.- v/ui. j-rw.m^r r i ,.,m In f * f the International Court of Jus- first kill by riding down his boar and ^^ t-a^L f,-om T- a> aufe, dm to the anger the people j^ to meet at tn Hague on | securing a cl, ;n ar..l vigorous thrust Tsinan . Ku as a j oint sino-Jap u fc f \m ftf\o-t t\f \\vat\Aiii \ fl* - . O A f -. ** . . i * 1 <**/} in *r nt u Vifnl GT^rtT may epoch the two nations. The .lava.-. . -, -. iewpoint pia:::o<i ;;s one of conviction that Ja- pan sh r.;!ii insiot, in -..-..- negotiations, conduct the :au L>J On. tlie Mercantile Guardian. a:"*vr gi'inir the rounds of the world's markets, buyers for the tirst time in many months find Cana- dian aluminum the cheapest, at 1 shilling 2'-_' peno j at the cost of breadstuff's. January 30. Formanl opening at a vita! spot. Ten thousand men mavchc.l at noon 'of the court is expected early in 1 A <ispitch to The London Times into the city. They s-.ashed sh^ps in February. 1>rrm ' " h P ur - date Rii.-^strasse, and hottls a:-.<l cafes " ^ stormed. Guests \\- <_?>: dragged- -r), e highest suspension bridge in . the table:-, an,l automobiles in lhe worM U at Fribourg, Switzerlan 1, m *-' ^roupn the ; the streets wen stopped while the where one is thrown over the gorge " occupants were pulle,! out and their O f Gotteron. which is 317 feet above " ' ^. lavishness of the hospitality enterprise. joint Sino-Japanese : per pound, while the ' product, despite the depreciation jof the mark, is 2 pence dearer. For a week the Prince of Walt s. siru-e leaving Bombay, has been mov- It us clothes torn from their backs. e Ndllev - Canada From Coast to Coast Halifax, N.S. Forty-two Sable, tion of Ontario is becoming famous. Island ponies have arrived here on! Special attention will be given to the' _ _,. _ . v tho govorr.ment steamer Lady Laurier. I growing of beans, tobacco, sugar bejts' BLACK DAY every- where. The whole week has been on grand pageant of color, movement. light and music. With all the gather- ings and ceren'.cnials, the Prince still has had time for pol\ hunting, snipe shooting and good intervals of rest.". A nunvber of these animals are taken from Sable Island every year and sold .r>i corn. There is five different kin i.< of soil on the farm. Winnlpcjr. Man. Building contracts issued in Western Canada durinjf the by the Dominion Government. St. John, N.B. Upwards of 000 have been allocated by the Argio- nwnth of October totalled $4,09_>._Vii, Persian Oil Company for the purport; ; <^'*tribu-ted a? follows: British Co;- of de\elopin'g the oil shale deposits i n ; umbia . *2. 155.1 00; Alberta, $8~! ! 100; New Brunswick The company intends: Saskatchewan, $471,200; Manitoba, to erect a 5,000-ton plant, from wMchj Wjf '8* 1 ^' le month's total compare.: BERLIN BOURSE it is hoped 60,000,000 gallon? per ar.-l*'' 1 ' 1 ^ corresponding month in num may be obtained from the de-| ver >' f:ivi.-rably. when the total ain- pusit.<. The estimate is made Uiat! unted to $2,!)'i7,400. and in 101!) when there is enough shale in the ?eries to supply five plants of 1 500-toi'. capa- city each for 50 years. SackvLlle, N.B. A fox company with a capital of fifty thousand dollars has been incorporated to engage in the total was S2.t>67,:iOO. Krsrira Sask. Thirty-one head of three head of cattle, twenty- the International Livestock Show at Chi- hoi-" sever sleep and twc'.ty-two h-g; Saskatchewan's co-uiibution to breedin-g-, ami rearing foxes, as well i as other fur-bearing animals. (Jabber, Que. -To meet a sudden ; dearth in the New Tori which had been time, 2 1 th ' s Aftcr the the hgs vinll be sJaughtered at: ! sold, the horses, cattle and sheep will The Canadian product, \vhich is often called American because it is shipped from New York, is said to be of exceptional quality. Lord Mount Stephen, who -IUM >'n Nov. 30. at Hruriv-;.:. Hortiunishire. Entfiar.u. :n h:s '.'.'Ir i ;. ear. wa* :'.nn- erly President of the Bank, of Munt-.-va! and tirst President of the Canad-.an Pav.-:;ic Railway, of which he was .>r.e of the chitf pro mot :-'. A ':e.pa:i.-h fr n X'.n;:ir:: Fails-. N*. Y.. says: Arm< : ers -r -ur--d loot .-;um-i: ;i: .--i 1 . n _;p of three - here on Thur- ... .ifter six o'ciov-k. The ; - . . . '.VD strong :>uxv- ;ind drovt . . vatchir.g .:u-ir. ' . ' . . . >ke. The . IT - '.' express com pair ffice I thi -:>.:: -:.cd of the N'ew V irk <":, tr.i. across :h>- -'-' A-; "::ev rc:i<-hi-i the train shed, four ir.e: 1 . stepped >ut, a: : w.th revol- vers. Thivc o!' - ..'.- coverec the expn->.-:nef., wh:ii- t:;c fourth ban- \o-. which con- tair.e<i ?-lu,0>M\ it: t ".irr--vi-v :i::<: vaiu- . es, . .' One Hi" th< .a revolver from :.< of :r.i' expr :::-n. and 'he t\nir t.5v:ii:>-'.i -A 1 . 1 out . -hut being fired. Weekly Market Report Viscount Lascelles Toronto. Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern.' $1.28; No. J Northern. S1.25; No. 3 1 $1.17. Manitoba oat?- N". 'J CW. 5^'-jc; No. .') CW, olIV--; .-xtra No. 1 No. 1 feed. 4y 1 -.-.-; No. '.' feed. I Question of Moratorium of Reparations Agitating Germany. A despatch from Berlin says: The dollar dropped fifty points on Thurs- day with the increasing insurance that a moratorium in reparations payments is going to be made. The first effect Wh.se .Migagement to H.R.H. l'vii..'-s of this stiffening of the mark was a! Mary has been officially announced, black day on the Bourse, but the new? * has gone far toward ending the strain : The Farmers' University. under which Germany has been bend-, ing to the breaking point. It etforts' Enquiry at t'r-.' Extension Office of for ;i moratorium fail after so much) the University cf Toronto this week i hope had been raised, this will make elicits the fact that request* for *P' | better "57 to'tfOc' acvor Vi^ii'to' VnTgiust P rlllts l'"'-J to ' l ~'-'- Shortenins. tit-/ -. things infinitely worse than they were plication forms for the Short Winter! before. Chancellor Wirth would be | Course are being received "in bunch- broken and the mark would in all like-! es." This means that, in a good many Manitoba All ;he above, track. Buy porte. American corn No. J yi-'.aiw, ' ; i ! .- Bay ports. Ontario i>ats No. J Ontario wheat Noni :'.i. Barley No. :t extra. ;est 17 !bs. or per " .r.;i. gals.. S2..'i.">. . lb , 19 to -2c. li r.ej UO-30- b. tins. !4^ to loc per . - ' MS. 1'i to 17c per lb. ; Ontar.o y per do/.. $3.7." to $4.."i Smokt : ii'e.ii.s Hams, nu-i: . J,") :o '.'. ;i\y. 2"> '. ' 27,-; cottage rolls .'7 to -".if; breakfast bacon, 2. r > to 30c; <PI'I-..I! brand >reakfast '^cun. ."58 to 40c; backs, t'i'iie.i-.--. ''; M 4iK-. t'un-.i me-^ij Long v-ietir bacon. IS to 20c; cleiu- bellies. 18'-.. to 20^c. Lard Pure, f.eives. 14 to 14V : tubs, 14'- U> 15o; pails. 15 to pai'.s. pr:;:;-. gro to the agricultural show at Guelph,! Uhood crash to 500 to the dollar within ' localities, parties of men and w. men. Ontario. I a W eek. All eves are upon Walter; voung and old, are being some Ednior.ton. " Aha week - l> y es are U P" . tests' Rathenau. Minister of Reocnstnu-tlon., by some loading spirit to go in a body ally that sr. Father Knew. Who is the wLPst man meiniuni'il . had th to the two weeks commencing February Ht.h. Last February there was a good deal Buckwheat No. L 1 . 1)8 to 70c. Rye No. J, S4 to ^t!c. Manitoba flour Kirs; pat?.. ^T.H 1 : se.-on.i :-ats.. ?ii.'.i|>. Tor:Uo. Ontario flour yd per cent, pater:, bulk seaboard, per Ham-'. $4 .-id. Kic: r-.ihs. 15 H Choice i.e.ivy -.e>r, $6 to $7.76; i'ut.-hor sioiTS, .-i'l-.ce. $(< U) $4i.50; do. good, $;"> tu $H; iio. med., $4 to $4.f>0; uo. ci:m.. S2..H' to $;i..")0; butcher hfi:'ei-s. chove. $7>.oO to $6; bv..-l.er MiUfeed -Del. Montreal freight. oowi choice, *t to J4.50; do. n-.pj.. $: of friendly rivalry as U which county ( Wii | iAV/f/v II LUC i I'UCf XVlVCi COUU- barges so arrayed ; try have proven ver> . ^tisfa..^..,^ ac . i out u- i cording to report brought from thej -who is the wisest man meiitionod had the largest number of stu.k-n;? '] (riound upon the completion of the' in the Scriptures?" asked a teacher of ' presev.t. York, Simcoe. Hal ton and . ,., a *. P! testing operations. Dirt rur.uini? at I one of her Sunday-school class. I Peel, on account of their proximity, lume may be realized i east $1 in ^ to the cubic ya ,. (| wag i .. pau , ex!la!med , he , iule fellow. ' were, of course . ahead in numbers, but tn annual worked and with the opening of spring' confidently. j Huron, Oxford, Ontario, and Welling-' twins. _'l 'c to 2-J^c; t:-;i>iets, 22 '- to ( , ol] , ^ , . t $$. \ a , n ^ s .r.- ^ o 50 - o nada has been tba ^vr-;!i,.nto intor^., r n .,. j^ ! ..,. - T _i._..:.. . D^,.- . ., ,. I lon 1^,1 eac .h a i arB . p reuresentatfon. ' - 3 '- c - Cllf *- :' -5 to 26c; twins, j lf| . Jo. com.' $5.50 ' to $6 ; ^KMHO bags included: BraJi, per tor.. $2;> to $24; short s, per ton. $24 to $25; good feed rl.vir. $1.70 to Jl.SO. Baled hay Trnoi;, To'-onto. per ton. No. 2. $21.50 to S22; mixed, $18. Straw Car iots. per ton, $12. Cheese New. large. 21 to 22c; to $4; miners an-.i cutters. $!.r>0 to S2.. r iO; biuchor Iwlb, gomi. J;t.."v'. ..> $4; .lo. cx>n... $2.50 >> S:',.,")0; fee-.ie.-s, good, i'OO Ibs.. s:> tn ?,-!(!; do. fair. $4.50 to $7i; s:oclier!. g:o,l. $4 to $4.50; do. fair. $3 to $4; m;'.kers, S(JO to $80; spnngwrs, $70 to $00: calves, choice. t.> $11: do, me:.. .?S o $10: do. i S- onn ' * ' Foror.lo. . . . . I the ^ T i'ieate intends to commrnce de-| "Oh. no. Johnnie; Pan! was a very | ton had each a large representation. 25'-j to _'(!',.: triplets. 26 Stiltons, new, I) to 2tx-. Butter- -Krv-ii iiairy, v-hou- 3f>c; creamery prints, fresh. w 27 . :!;' No. jvelor.'iient upon a large scale | good ma-n, but Solomon is meiitlonetl j Of Lhi? thirty-three counties and dis- Ont.-- -A syndicate cf To-; Victoria. B.C. The announcement | as the wisest man." Uriels from which students came las: T.to. -Montreal and Hamilton Capital- 1 bhat the zinc production of the Trail i "Weli. my father says Paul wa* session Essex. Renfrew. Rainy River. a . )C . creamerv ists has formed a company under Do- ; Smelter, Canadian Consolidated Min- the wisest man, because he never mar- j Haliburton, and Muskoka were the 43 to 47c- No ' -10 to 4K-- cw. -ri; "I'wjlTi arter> CaH?(i thC Illterilation - : kg ^nJ Smelting Co.. this ye.u- will' rieil. and I think my father ought to i most distant. Last February, too, the 22 to _'-U-.' al Wheel and Rim Company, Limited. | be the largest in the history of the j know," replied the boy, emphatically, man in attendance greatly outnumber- Dre.-svd poultry- Spring chk-kena, for the purpose of manufact-jring a , plar.t has been received with inuch in-' * led the women and this will probably 30 to 3f>c; roosters. 20 to 2f>c; fowl. double disc steel automobile wlwel j terest in British Columbia mining cir-| Manitoba's oldest woman, Nakasta- j be the case again even though house- - 8 >': duckling;., no to 3i>c; turkey, 45 under the Culp and Crenan patents j ctes. The output is said to be nearly kon, a member of the Swampy Creeihold science has been added to the to 5|V: * ril 'f 1 '' : and the new Culp Demountable Rim. 50 per cent- ahovo that /f !,* <>.C .-;i^ n t i,^iona i HPH at th ITP Hf- nf anhi.-ts Th K!vo,.ntii-., R.,-,! rmckens, : The company has decided to locate its factory in Toronto. Ridyebown, Ont. A 190-acre farm nt. above that of List year, tribe of Indians, is dead at the agejMst of subjects. The Executive Board choixv. $.'!.. "i l) ?4: ay, good. $3 to SJ.30: j,>, heavy a::d bucks, $1 to S2: hogs. :Vil artl watered. $9.">0 to SO.tiu; <io. 58.8 S3; ,!o, country Montreal. Oa-v.? Can. \V. *-. \u. j. 57 ; :."'.. : .'u>. \:>. '!. "><' to ""i'.-.. Klou: Man. A".i':ir. firsts. $7.,")0. Relied oate Ba, i>0 '.bs.. S2.80 to $2.85. A mark** has been found i th/Ori- of "il4 years. Nakastakon. whosejof the United Farmers of OnwZVs: % |.' M to ^c^fowfw tol X"ii I ^'~"' "*"" ent. inrportant shipments having been name in English means "dancing girl ,"| anxious to see the attendance doubled ^2c- uiicklings. 2 - _' to 25c:*turkevs made to the East reeen-tly. th'.is re-' was born at Moose Factory, tm the this year and the authorities of the to 50c; ffeese, 15 to 20c. , near here has been purchased for $40,- lievimg the surplus stock situation. ; Hudson Bay. and was among the tirst j provincial university are making all 000 by the Ontario Government from I Creston. B.C. All records for late-! Indians to welcome Anglican mission- j arrangements to provide two weeks A. B. Brien, a well-known live stock, ness in ripe tomato shipping w^re' arie* to the province. She died Ti.es- of profit and pleasure for ail who breeder. Work will be begun imme- 'broken this year, when the SS-T <on ; day at the Birch River Reserve in 'attend. , dtately to convert it into an exneri- ] clo.sed with an export of fifteen crates the Northland. During the last few nwntaJ farm for the development of , of the ripe grade from the peciaiized crops lor which this sec- ranch on October 26. R J. Long years she was totally blind and un- j able to walk. No one ever advances who eonstant- ly waits for directions. .")0c; gvese, Margarine 23 to 2.V. KKJIS No. 1 storage 4S to .">tk". select stcragp. S5 to 57 c; new laid straights. 86 to 880; new !aiii. in car- tons. 88 to 90c. Boars Can. band-picked, imshel, $4 to $4.2;">; prime?, $3.."0 to $;!.7. r >. Map'.i' DrOiiucts Syiiip, per imp. IS'-.- per t .<;:. cuv'ots. 527 U) S2S. -K-y.v>' .,i-U'i-'<. 18 to . B-.-.-.e: I'iioicest creamery, 40\ t. ID'..,.-. Eggs Selected, 52 Potatoes. i>e>- V.ag. carious. $1 vj $1.20. Canr.ern an.i cutters. $1.50 to $2.50; light heifers. $2.50 to $3; bulls, $2.25 to $3; calvt's. grosser.*. $3; med. eai. $8 to S!0; lambs. . :o $S.2f): good sheep. $4; hogs, SM. REGLAR bLLLEK5 By Gene Byrne*

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