Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1922, p. 4

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February 2 THE FIKSHKKTOX ADVANCE " AT THE TOWN HALL No show at the Theatre until Monday, February 6th when the following Special Pro- gram wiil be presented : James Oliver Curwood's greatest story "THE COURAGE OF MARGE O'DOONE" Larry Semon Comedy "His Home Sweet Home" The First Episode of a Thrilling Pathe Serial Feat- uring a popular Star "VELVET FINGERS" Show ttarts at 8 o'clock (harp. Don't Miss It. ADMISSION : 30 cent* and 55 cents, including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN, MANAGER Read This Ws are uiakuif.; a big reduction in Ranges and Quebec Heaters for the next two weeks before stock-taking. Come in and see it, it will be worth your white. Corona and Taso Ranges aud several diflcrent make* of Quebec Heaters. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware - Phone 24 r 11 ESTABLISHED Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS I 2 o'clock noon JttAD OfFICE ( ^^. HAMILTON to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNUALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRvNCH PROTON C. J. Forater, Sub-Manager FLESHERTON GARAGE CAR OWNERS ! ATTENTION! Are you giving your Battery a square deal? Have you brought it in to us for storage? If not, the first time you come to Town bring it in. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON IHE PUMP IN THE HOUSE Means Comfort and Convenience for Ihe Farmer's Wife. Water luilnnrs l'ii|ii])e<l from Out- ilnnr U'flls Ho\v lo Do the Job i ii-n>-.i:;ii I'miips Save Time anil Ktiergj. (Contributed by Ontrrto Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) The writer recently described in iliisc column* liow to safeguard the f:mn water supply against contamin- ation. All will uRrc-e that this mat- ter should receive foremost attention. In this and subsequent articles var- ious means for sMtliiK ilio water, whether well, spring, or cistern water on tap In the farm home will be described. In the final place I desire to emphasize the fact that It is frequently a very common thing for the farmers' wives to carry the water from the pump over the well to the house, where the pump could be located inside the house, and all the labor of carrying water avoided and without very little more labor expended In pumping. Distance of House lumi> from Well. Note this question: When can the piirrHlJ&e located to one side of the well, and how far away? If the water supply is no more than 150 or 200 feet from the house, and the level of the water at the supply, say the well Is never more than 20 or 22 feet below the level of the ground le-vel at the house, the 'pump may he put insidf the house, and the water drawn in quite satisfactorily. It would not cost very much to make this change iu the pump arrange- ment, and consider what a great sav- ing of labor and time, inconvenience, and exposure to bad weather would be effected by merely moving the pump inside. Pej-haps you have never thought of this matter. How about it? Then, too, the well can be more securely guarded from surface con- tamination than when the pump IB directly over it. The Majority of Wells Are Shallow. In many districts of our ..-ountry the majority of the wells are shallow and within a short distance of the house, and readily leud themselves to the pumping system described above. It is the nearest approach to water on tap, and tho system should b" far more common in the rural districts than It Is. If In the future some time an np-to-date water sys- tem should he insl.-illnd in the home, the water line from the house to 4 the well would be already installed, J and no changes In it would be necessary. Hints on Installation. Before passing on, a few features concerning installation of the water pipe to the well or supply should be emphasized. Those are: The best quality of galvanized pipe should be used, the joints In the line should be absolutely air-tight, the pipe line should be deep enough to be always safe from frost, tlie pipe should slope sllghily towards the wvll, .Tn.l th.T" should bo a chock-valve and strainer on the bottom of 'he pipe In the wall in order to maintain the plpo line full of water up to tbe pump itself and to keep buck sticks, stonfa, etc., that might clog the pump valves. The slzo of the pipe (Inside diameter) should bo at luast one-half tho dia- meter of i lie pump cylinder, the iMvaler Hi' horizontal distance water is drav. :i the lan;<T the pipe. The 1 ' ol jiunip used may vary con-. slderably. The ordinary out-of-doors pump i' ;i> l u: ;!. In this case the pump would be located in tho wood- sin (1. for instance, and installed over a dry well. This consists of a shal- low pit cribbed up securely in which tin- pump cylind'T is located, and It has a th'lil lo)> lik<i..an ordinary well. It would he a muelVwBlQT matter to r. pair the pump cylinder than when pump is over the well, and much easier to protect 111" pump from frost in severe winter weather. A single or double acting low down force pump similar to the. type used on threshers' wnler tsmks might be ii It il. It might be located in the cel- lar jur liny convenient place Inside; no dry well would he necessary in this case. Have a (>ood (Duality of I'miip. KVIMI ihi' kitchen pump would s. i v> the purpoM 1 very well if it were KIIIIK what heavier in construction and bolter designed than the cheaper ones of this class. Another typo would bo tho wini-rotary pump which in fastened BI curtly to the wall ol' CM 1. iii-l' ii or pantry at ono side, of Bink. It in operated by a short handle moved back and forth in n semi-circular manner. The samd pump at the kitchen sink may be used also for pumpinK up the water from the cistern by having a three- way valvo Installed in tho pipe line at a point just below tl'.u sink. When the valve Is Het one way, the well water can be. pumpud into HI. house, when opposite tho cistern or soft water can bo pumped. In this short article an endeavor has been made to explain a few simple and Inexpensive means of re- ducing Hie labor of getting the water into the farm home, in others to fol- low more up-to-date systems will he dealt with. Our Department at the College solicits Inquiries regardlnf the problems of equipping the farm homo with water syslems, plumbing, uowugo disposal, lighting systems, etc. Write for a copy of Bulletin No. 267; it is free. R. R. Graham, O. A. College, Ouelph. Aunt Ada's Axioms: Someone im.-, said that a farm IB a business with a home attached; but (he best farms nn> homes with a business n tunhed. Klin, maple, or even nut trees and tnui treis are oud to plant along highways. The objection to truit and nu trees Is that they may be u.-oken down by over-zealous collectors of . fruit. 'I Ills IB not apt to happen U ttiey nre toauuun on the blguvray,. THE Flesherton Advance An independent nev()|iar publwlted eveiy Thursday at tl*) ofliee, Cnllingwood Stre '. Flutbentuu. 3ulampiiun prroe 9> oD per Dtmuin wh*n nuiil in advance ; $2.U<> when not no paid. 99.00 to l Slaton. AdvertMing rates on| llon. ('ircutatwn ovor 11(10 Hum <>K W. II. THUKSTO* HOCKEY ! \Vt* slid in latt weok' iue iln- the Dundalk and Flnlu-rtuti inlerniediale lint-key me which took place Thursday niyh 1 list was to lie a real <?*nie, and it vis. The well filled link uv one of the .i-iin-Ht ganiea of hockey that was < ver. played in the local ice palace for } cirs. It in a treat to watch a name that is played for ep.irt, instead of the o'd time wallop and p;et"your man stuff. Both trims were well balanced and each one was working for a win and played hard to that end Dundnlk opened the scoring hit the liiNl half minute of play, the locals coming back with a counter soon after. The visitors' net were airain punctured for two more goal* and before the period ended Dundalk had got back to even fuwlinii l>y making ;t cutipl.' of counters, the period ending 3-3. Tin 1 advai'tanc in tho uoond peiiod *as with the 1,.,,:. all through thu fr mie mid the visitors V.-HS unable to score, although they had nuni'ertm shots on the toml, which were easily turned -way. Two more goals were adJ.'d up in the 1 >un i.ilk xoal for the Fle.sherton bunch, und the scorinj; stopped fur that period A scramble tonk place iu front of the Uuudalk net in this frame that was clinical. - 1 he boys '.here were about niuu of tham worn all on -heir kntes in their eixerness lo i^et the pack iota the net, at warft-Uo the dufendors, and it Linked more liku cr|> Kimu ttun u gnnie of li'ickey. H > . -i. tk defonca WHS sog.iod than sn-J in the face off lhat thero wan no scutinK- The U-i period beK-m witli end tn end ru-lies and the checking n is harder here than at any limi! durint- thu game. PUy was more onen and oals were addeu turn about, Dundalk KeciirniK thu lint une and FlMhnton thf UM. The bt : ferling reigiiL'c botwunii tho two t. in throaghnat the gume. The next gaiue . t .MM'ii these two teatiiu ahonlii brin,; out a crowd as thu spectators Bra sure to seo a good exhibition of this national ]u-lii!U'. Following is tin- lineup : Dundalk Klexherton Mont^ituiery ijoal Ji-ont-n Kussell defanre (i Mi'l'uvith C Thumps-Hi Muir Hidley centre Caruoe Copeman I WIDK Tbuiaton MiN.Mi r winy I'.'irliin u W Claridgo Milii ..' McTuvirh I' W til wood Armstrong Keferoe K McTvih \ 1 ' >! 11 aid B)M)M1M wfi.: rt^niu before tho hii.-k y fins . \ n mi SV,,lni^d,iy i.i^lr u< i neel. iioii Ilit; f.jinn'r H.M Ot-, 7. GROCERIES A full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, - W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - 0NT. WE HAVE MOVED This week we have moved our tailoring es- tablishment to the office recently occupied by Dr. Turnbull. Suitings and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Our prices are rignt, and fit, style and workmanship the best. Pressing and Cleaning done on shortest notice. T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton .. A litjlr mi u luigiiy driving !.,. t; the ill at night in :\ grout protri 'ion to tho occu; .nits (if th it it;; mid to oil' T vt h- ijVsnri nt ur-i thui, on', i in i> IBS i'. Ti e | wonder i i lhal any ri<> C'tres to \.TIMI e on the road at night without H;ln ail- 1 ached, FOWL WANTED We are in the market tor all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. Highest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. $3.25 per bbl., 2 sacks to the barrel. JAMES McLE/ N, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON Will Your Car be in Good Running Shape When Spring Comes , Several have left their cars in to have a general over- hauling and some for minor repairs. If you have not already done so, we would be pleased to give you an estimate as to what the repairs would amount to. Isn't it better to know that your car will be in good running shape when the good roads, come, than to wait till the busy season starts. Have you left you Battery with us for storage and repairs? Do not take any chances on you battery, as it is the life of your car and required good care. It will pay you to do so Oxy-Acctylcnc Welding Why throw away broken castings, etc., and buy new ones when we can weld them and make as strong as We guarantee all our welding jobs. V- ever. D. McTAVISH 81 SONS FLESHKRTON ONTARIO

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