KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The days are so changeable one flay bright, the next cold .and stormy, that the mother IB afraid to take the children out for th "fresh air and exercise they need so much. In consequence they are often cooped up in overheated, oadly venti- lated rooms and are scon seized with colds or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is Baby's Own Tablets. They will regulate the stom- ach and bowels and drive out colds, and by their use the baby will- be able to get over the winter s*asou in per- fect safety. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockvilie. Ont. Pat's Answer. A motorist who was touring In Ira- land one day met a native who was driving a donkey and cart. Thinking he would have a little fun at his ex- pense, he began: "What is the difference, Pat, be- tween your turnout and mine?" The native looked at the questioner a minute or so, and then replied: "Not a great deal. Tho donkey's in the shafts In the one, and on the seat In the other." The motorist asked no more conun- drums. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express M<>ney Order. Five Doilar.s costs three cents. Sure of It. MRS. Jcnea was entertaining some of her sen's little friends. "Willie," she said, addressing a six-year-old, who was enjoying a plate of cold bf, "are you sure you can cut your own im-at?" The child, who was making desper- ate efforts wiih his knife an;l fork, re- plied: "Ytv. thanks. I've i ft>Mi had it as tough as this at home." fr Mlnard's Liniment fcr Distemper. Clever Rescue of Workman Marooned 150 Feet in Air. While, repairing, Kin&'-e Landed, the j top of a smokestack. 125 ft. above the j roof of a 30-ft.-liigb building in tlie : plant of the American Bridge Com- pany, Chicago, the workman let drop the line wlricli was his only means bf returning to the roof, and Uinc<? to the ground. Tliere was no pcssibility of conveying a tine to that height with 1 any appliance in the plaut, and so ap- 1 peal was made for help from the flre department which h;u; a line-throwing gun in nppearaiwe exactly like a niili- tary rifle, for use iu such an emerg- ency. Several futile attempts were ' made to flre the line within reach of the marooned workman, and finally this metlwl of rescue had to be aban- I doned. Fortunately, as the stack had I aot been in use, it was cold, and final- ly a feMow workman climbed from th* level of the roof up the first 30 ft. of the inside of the stack, to which height it was lined wi'Ji asbestos. On a 3-in. steel ring, on the top "of the as- bestos, the rescuer stood, with his legs astride the stack. In the meantime some long, light wooden scantlings, that htul been cut and drilled for tem- plates, as iis-eil in aU structural work, were obtained and passed up to toim. He pushed upward, first one of these scantlings, to the top of which a line was made fast, and to the bottom of that scantling he attached, with the aid of the holes, another, and so on. mantling after scantling, until the top one came within reach of the strand- ed workman. This did not happen un- till the poor fellow had sp^ut four hours in his perilous position. 130 ft. above ground, in the frosty December atmosphere. Once he grasped the end of the line, it was a inuttrr of only a few minutes before he had hitched it to the top of the stack, and slid down !o .safety. $25.00 FOR A LETTER CAN YOU WRITE ON 7 E? Johnny Spills the Benns. Johnny was entertaining his ,-ister's rul!t>r and said. "Helen told ma yester- day yon were a born politician." "Indeed!" said the young man, ii!i -:i ''! as ho could be. "Why does sho think that?" "That's just wliat ma wanted to know, and Helen said It's li.'ra.iM' you can do so much talking without com- mitting .yourself." Surnames and Their Origin ARBUCKLE Variations Buckler. Bucksmith. Racial Origin English Source An occupation. Theoretically, it would be to build up a (?o<xl arRiiment connect- ing the family name of Arbuclcl> with the contrivance known as a buckle, and assume that the first ArbuckJes, or Bucklers, were makers of these con- trivances. A study of those historical lists In wliich so> many of the names of the mutdl' ages have been preserved (bofli these which already had bctrtn-. hereditary and thos-e which were still merely descriptive) shows that this view would be in i-rror. True, one who made or sold buckle* might naturally have been called, a "buckler." Hut for the most part he. wasn't Tho records show that it was the maker of "bucld.'i-s" who was call- ed lirst a "iMicleror." shortened later Into "buclir" or "Ijnkeler." "Huckier is a word almost i;b.-i '!' t,n!ay. ii nipflnt a : hield. It ha.- !)'. shown in pri'ce.liiiK ar- ticles how jiisr t!'..- 'ar" of "arrow" is coi:tnit"-(! i'i the name of Arsmitli. The .-.;un>- is the ciso in Arbiickle. Tin; "ar bucler" made u certiiin type of shield des'igned to ward off arrows, and in the course of time the name has be- come shortened from "Arbuckler" to "Arbuckle." "Hucksmitli" wa.< "bucier- smith. BLYTHE Racial Origin English. Source A personal characteristic. This family name Ls also found in th older forms of Blythman and Hlitliiimn. And its meaniiiK ideally is what yen might hesitate to suspect, I "cheerful" or "happy." It belongs to that cla.-silicuiion of ! family names which were originally I descriptive of .some personal c'lamc- j (.eristic, in tliis ca u characteristic I of temperament. Some people Iiiul it difficult to see how such apparently "silly" nicknames were MI ciiuiMioii or so well thought of that they lal-'r u. veioped into regular family nani" ; 'i'lie fact remains, how- ever, that they did No less u person- age than Jo. i. sjster of King Henry VIII. of England, when she became lio- trothed to this Scottish monarch, there- by ending war between the two roun- tries, was mime. I ".loan Makr-1', ace" by the Scot--, ami the old records are full of surii descriptive Miriiani" - :: "(!cii;!'.v" ".M.'rry." "(Ja>." "Hl\tiie." "Make-ISI'sr." and the lik". l;i :IM old \Vardir.hc A'-.-cun! there appears "I^'.IT. l)ec"iu!i. r L'(i. To M ;ll 1 ,\l;.i(,.. Joy, tor dancij:^ liet'cr" K.lward. I'rir.ce of Wales, at Ipswich, two sh II lings ." The Norman tendency with such de- scriptive siiiiiiiuus ;.; Mi's was to ue th d*)llniie article, "le," with them. But as the Saxon element began again ; to gain dominance in Unglish speech the- article came to be dispensed with m or* cl'ten than not. You wouldn't put on hobbles to run a foot race Then why load up on handicaps for the day's work? A good deal ot food, unwisely chosen, does weigh the body down and clyg the digestion, and dull the brain. Why put on the hobbles? Grape-Nuts is a breakfast or lunch- time dish for those who want food effi- ciency, and mind and body efficiency. Grape -Nuts satisfies and nourishes. It delights the taste. It is ready to serve whenever you are ready to eat. And it digests easily, quickly and completely leaving no handicap of heaviness and drowsiness. Grape -Nuts is the food for health and action. "There's a Reason" Made by Canadian Postuni Ccroul Co., Ltd.. Windsor. Ont. Sold by good grocers ocrvWivre ! % Thirteen Prizes to be Awarded In a Letter Writing Competition. Some years ago the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., of Rrockville, Out., of- fered a series of prizes to ;esidents of the Province of Ontario for the best letters describing the benefits derived from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, either in Hie case of the writer of the letter, or some member of the writer's family. Hundreds of letters were submitted in this competition, and yet there must have been thous- ands of other users of the pills who did not avail themselves of the op- portunity to win a prize. To all these another letter writing competition is offered. There are thousands who have experienced great benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, whose cases have never her 'ii reported. These will furnish the material for the letters to be written in this contest. There is no demand upun the imagina- tion; every letter must deal with facts and (acts orly. The Prizes. The Dr. Williams' .Medicine Co.. of Brockvilie, Ont., will award a prize of $25.00 for the best letter received' on or before the 15th day of February. 1922, from residents of the Province of Ontario on the subject: "Why 1 Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." A prize of $10.00 will be awarded for the second best letter received; a prize of $f>.00 for the third best letter and ten prizes of $2.00 each for the next best ten letters. The Conditions. If you are describing the benefits you have derived in your own case, or that, of some other member of your family, the symptoms of the illness should be fully described, and the let- ter signed with the full name and cor- rect post orticc address of the pti>on sending it in. If the case relates to some person other than the writer of the letter, it must also be signed by the person whose case is described, as a guarantee of luu truth of the state- ments made. Tho writer of each letter must give the name and date of the paper in which liu or she saw this announce- ment. Fine writing will not win a prize un- less you have a good case to describe. The strength of the recommendation and not the style of the letter will be the basis of the award. It is understood thai The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co. shall have till) right to publish any letter entered in this contest, if they desire to do so, whether it wins a prize or not. This contest will cluse on February 15, 1922, and (ho prizes will be award- ed as soon as possible thereafter? Do not delay. Write your letter now. Ob- serve the abovn conditions carefully or your letter may be thrown out. Address all letters as follows: The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvilie, Ont. Letter Contest Department. ____ A Gigantic Armored Mammal of Past Ages. Suroiy I'T strong) t mammal that .-\cv iivi ,1 'va.* tin- '.;!;. p. .:l.:'.i." which cairied its house with it. being on- ca ' in M :!ii!"hly -li"!l .-nai-'U 11.1: re- sembling I hat of a turtle but far more massive. '11.' carapace, furtliermoie. wad a.lmrist diuni'-sh.ipcd. and all parts of the creature's body, including CMMI llu j tail, were heavily armoie<|. This remarkable animal seems to have been exclusively American, and until recently uuiic of its fossil re- miiins lias been discovered nurth of the Kio Grande, barring a few frag- ments ol hc*nt!h. A big one was dug up recently, however, not far from Tucson. Ariz., by Dr. (Jid'ey. a palaeon- tologist of til" I'nitt'd States National M'lseum. It is a mmpMe skeleton, repi I'MjntiiiK a .-viaviinen which in life iiuiHt h:ive weighed about half a ton. The glyptcdon was so sluggish that a null 1 a mouth inn. I have bei'ii just about its l)t. t racing >pee,l. It fe.d on lii'.rbaKe. pn'tiiniiibl.v. and possessing no weapr.n nf def( .IMH. would have been ( ,HS\ prey for carnivorous ene- mies if its armor had not afforded ade- quate protection. When attacked it had only to withdraw it > head, wh'rli wan covered by a i.vavy bony *lu>atli, and to retract, its !PK,-I Ii the she'll, in order to become invulnerable. The as :I:'<MII inighi as well lacklo a hculdiT. The specimen found in Ari/.omi prob- ably HvH not le<s than 1,000.1100 .vein's . ajjii. Ii- tribi- ('ontempnrary with the i mega!.! >.-i 'i in or giant sloth i has no ' descendants to-day, but is represented in a wiiy by the mofieni armadillo, which i* likewise an annored manuir'l | and one of the curiosities of ti'itnre. Might Have Been Worse. i An Ins'lnii'Hii nanieU I'at din, oinmui name, tluiii was making a vicud pig- when I' 1 ' mi.-.-etl 11 nail ami hit Iws thumb, broking it. After Laving II wrapped up lit; met one of his fvicu.l . who naturally n.-kr-d him what he had been doing. "Sun-," sn''l I'at. "I hit live thumb will) a hummer. It'^ bail nmv. but I'd bad Mi' thumb left at all if I'd been - : : !;tn;; with boih haiH II<_altli is a j< vvcl. (ho mo.-t \\,;iuler- fnl boautiifier known to (.,'uar.l it, xvua: it, love it, btvati- v wi.liout it, Ml'e itsc-T is tJh<j drunric ''. crueleM i>il't, jun o\\ iu Heredity. Our apif'< forebears <\hing to trees, In times far antedating these lu f've.p would cling with hands and tew, They wore no high heeled pumps nor The Floor Held. "Did your watch stop wdx*n it drop- ped on the floor?" asked ono man of his friend. "Sure." was the reply. "Did you think it would go through ?" The Only Time. "What is a honeymoon, pa?" "A honeymoon, my son, is that time in a man's life when his wife Is really supplied with all she wnr.ts to wear." The Young Genius. Mother "Willie, how is it that no matter ho\v quiet and peaceful things are, as soon as yon appear on tlie scene trouble begins?" Willie" I gue.-s it's just a iTift. iiuitN-r." Must be Dr. Cupid. "I don't like your heart action." -aid j the (!<:< tor. iipplviug his s-tPthosrcp"-. "You've had ^niue trouble with an- j gina pectoris, haven't you?" "You'rt. 1 partly right, doc." ainwored i the voting man, sheepishly. "Duly Iliat j ain't her name." ! Corrected. '.lames, have you whispered to-day i without permission?" "Only Wunst." "Larry; should James have said wunst?" "Xo'm; he should have said twvt." | At the Laundry. Laundryniaii "I'm sorry, but oii>> c.t your shirts is lost." l.'usiomor "Hut I paid for having it lauiuU red." Laundryniaii -"That's all right. Wo did it up lief ore we lost it." Truth Will Out Etihel (to her dearest friend "I put my foot in it so (iroadfiilly when K\\- win propi.-"d. I meant to say. 'This is so suddon!' you know, but 1 was so flustered that instead 1 exclaimed. 'At Always Supplied. The -on <..f a w'.:-k:uiwn pliy. ii ian loves to "iilay donor." T:;v little fellow makes the rounds ' of neighboring h:ii.<f.- f imiuiring as to thi> health of the inmates. Usually h , has with i:im an assortment i>f dolls- his "patients" in lit-u of larger one.-i. Heceiuly he called at a home and asked, "Anybody sic'k here.'" Ho was answered in the negative. "Oh, well," ho said with professional, producing two of his [ dolls, "guess I'll I nave a omiple of haliies. .inyway!" So Darwin says I guess he knows. If they had lo.'t their hold, yon -re. And topple:! down from out their tree, Wild animal.-; were all around To grab ttipni wlieji they hit the ground. Wilh U-eth all primed and set to gimsb Through cutlet, steak or fresh ape uissu- - Careers were ended wiih a crav;:! But those who wakened willi a start Did not lioi ,,'ne Ape a la carte They looked, tli^ir toes in tighter hold The tit survivors, we are toltl. Lived to became both gray and old. We dn :,m of fulling, while !n bwl; \\'f waken with a start ir.Mead. Tin* instinct thai cur t'oiTbeai Is liiinded down to me and you. Wo miyln have uii-.-rJ the whole Hi;; Show If Uraildpa. Ape, .<o IOIIK agn. Had not waked just in time, you know. ViolW McDougai. Minard's Liniment for Garget in Cowi. A sho>- ti-n;i'er rarely sro u t:" ! M may 'ne ..-ir.ic i as a pai't I :> a i;- tvor ' ' -' n:.i - elf i" tin- - .Miuy of the iini- ACHES AND PAINS- SLOAN'S GETS 'EM ! AVOID the misery of racking pain. Have a bottle of Sloan's nu'iit handy and apply when you first feel the ache or pain. It quickly eases the pain and sends a feeling of warmth through the aching part. Sloan' i Liniment penetrates without nibbing. l-ine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia, Bciatica, sprains and strains, stiff joints, lame back and sore muscles. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists 35c, 70c. $1.40. ^W ,^m Made in Canada. Sloati3 iniment enem\ IVlotner! Open Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup "Caacarats" To-night for Liver, Bowels You're bilious! You ar> iieadachy. constipated, your eyes burn, skill is yellnv. ; your stiunacli is sour. KII.-SV, nii>''. No wonder you fee! niisrraliie. You need a tboroiiKh [iliysic with "Ca:.caiet.s" to-niKlit to rieanso tlie stoiu.u-h i:I sour, f lenliiiK foml ami foul Bases; take tlie excess bile from the liver and carry out c:f the all t!.' 1 constipated puis-ui in tlie bowels-. Uet a lo-i'.-nt bi>\ ::,>-.v ;i:iil let j "Cascan i " .-tiainliti-n yi.u out | ( y : 111"! 1 :'!'! . Your little one will love the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if constipated, bilious, irritable, ffv.'ri.- Ii. or full of cold. A toaspooiiful never fails to cleanse tlie liver and bowel- . In a few hours you can stv for your<eif how thoroughly it w.jrlts all the s^nir bilo. ami uiuliKesteil food out of tlie bo\ve!.i and yon have a \\c<ll. playful child asaiii. .M!llion of mothers keep "Califoniiii KiK Syrup" handy. They know a tea- .spoonful to-day .-aves a sick child to- :iii.r!u\v. A.-U your drngKist for genu- ine "California KlR Synip" wliich hat* dlroclions for babies and children of all printed on iKitl!". Mother' You mu.-l say "Caiilcrn .1 . n- you may ^et an imitation MK -yrnp. Plain Facts for Stomach Sufferers Digested food makci us strong, vigorous, healthy. Dytpepticsure invnriably weak and ailing. All they need to make them strong and well is the power to digest food, and thet i just what Mcthcr Siigel's Syrup gives. It helps the stomach, liver and bowels to do their work efficiently. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles in diug : T] stores. ( .,2 COARS SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad* drees by the Author. H. Oly Q10T*r Oo.. t&tt, IIS West 31*t atre*t New York. U.S.A. SPIRIN WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless }ou see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you aiv not getting Aspirin .it all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothaclu- Neuralgia Neuritis Earache l.unibajic Pain, Pain Huuilv "Raver" boxes of 12 tablets- Also luittlcs of 2-t and Aspiri Will r iiaypr tioxes ot i_ u < AISE iuu uruggiBia, i is the i,;..;, mirk i i"SiMi>r> d In Canuil:. < nt Haycr Mnii'ifacturo of ii i.ic>-., i nf Sdlcyllcacld, While H l v.i t.t.i.wii thai AM>|I!II mrni> Iltyn- KCturt to nulll ii Mi. msnlnm liciiotiion?. ilio Tablet* of Bayn t'ouxpaiiy iminiifd ^ilii ih< o i-m-mi iraiiv mairk, ui Uu. >M L'ruu." i'Al'KiCK J. HALEY,, N'.Y. l':ii li'dinK like ... new man silica . nothod and tuned up my st( :a- arh iiiul tor the lift time in forty yc-ars can -at a lu-artv meal and snfier no Jit tress at'ti-i-... rds," was the re- murkuli!f t-talonii'iu of Patrick J. li.-iivy. II.IT P:--;>JI .( AVP., Syracuse. \'.V . a wi'll-kunwii i|-un and .steel wo: k- " these wiin liav l:jid stomach 1 ili in .( !ia;l form <\m know wliat uiTereil iluring all those years. I most .1 iirrvii.* v.-rnck, too, and fur .M-ars ! .-lliln't knew \v!iat it was t<> fd ( .'iiirl sleep at night. "I ;;ut :;i'w life mid i-norgy from ouch dose tit' Tanlac at: 1 now I'm a well anil happy in in of a sick and nii.-craiiV as 1 was for so many years. I'M vouch for the mi.-rit of T.i;-.. lac at any time." Tanlac is sold hy loading dnit-u: < cvi'rywIiiTi'. A |vt. LJassitied Advertiseme. 1 ' . CANADIAN .MATKl.Mi'MAi. I'.M'ER, -,.i .\'t. u l lit r j<.-e. A. M.' ry. t ...n h.Uii < int. BELTING FOR SALE .Nu.-i OK : :;\v A.N:< HI-;D telling |iulley, .saws, eabltihosc |i.u..-.ii,.r. etc.. shii'iM-a Miljjei-'. ti> approval .it lu.vtaj prices In Canada. YORK lIEt.TI.NCI CO, 116 YOHK. STREET. TORONTO. i)uy (if till' bf.-U knov.'Il guides ;ll Nova Sriitiu Kivi-.-. tins ;i>stiiiK.:-.ial of MINAHirS L1NIA1KNT: Huvi' uecl Minard's Liniment in my houif. hunting aiul 'aunin-r 1:111.:. ..r anil ci.r.hider it tho Iji-si u.uta on ilic market. I llini tlial it gives quick rolinf tcj minor iii'.mi'iils. such ;is .-.praiiia, linn.-o.s and ui! .>:inia of wouiuis. AUti it is a gr-Mt ":aoiiy fur I'uiitilis, I'uKIs, t'tc. '.vliuh i,,> is llablo lu uutrh wlu-u UIB drivi: ar.d I'nii.-ing durii'.K '.In 1 wir.ti'r and -jiriiiR nuinllis. I wi'iihl not he \viiiiout .MlNAKirS UXI.MKNT ami .-aaiijt re- ronniK'i'.il it too liini.iy. iStKMciii lillison Gray. THIN, FLAT HAiR ': GROWS LONG, THICK **,*.*.'* AND ABUNDANT "Uandenrii- cos A oniy :i, r i cents a bottle Onv application ends ai! iiimiruff, ."tops itching ind fallitiR hair, and. in a fow moments you have ikmbled the beauty of your hai . 't will appear a mas?, -i -oft, lustrous, ami iisy to uo up. But what will please you most .vill by after a few w"eks use, when you see . new Iwir flno and downy at first yes but really new hair in-owing all over !..e >,:up. "DKn'.ier- ine" is to the hair wh.-.t fresh shower* of ,-ain ami sunshine arc to vegotation. It oes ripht to the roots, invigorate* and Htrengtfaeni them. This doiighlful, stiiiuilp.tingr tonic, hplps thin, lifeless, fadoil hair to fjrow ions;, thick heavy and luxuriant. Talcum Is so soothing and cooling (or baby's tender skin after a bath with Cuticura Soap. -.. OMmitZSuJSOc. T>tcu25c. Sold throuulioi:! lhrl)nniini'n. i?anudiuDepol: l. T -i~. l.iU.J, 144 St. Pi.l St.. W., ~ . u .,. . -...>. !!>,., without mu. , issue NO. <t~'a2. o