February !' 11^2 T 1 ( K K 1 KS 1 [ K I I TO \ A I ) V A NC E Honor Rolls .Mi'l.i-in. A 1,-iu -Mm, h White. Si 8n<l - L McK-an, I Snell, .1 I.oiifsh- jinn, D Sl-wart, K Slewiut, J McMillan - N 14. 0-|i.-y Hr 1%it BGonoe, H Genm-, J Stewait, St 4:h-K Fn'I'.v.N IVtltr.UI'rdli", ' M Snell. K MacD.-iuld. C Cm*i'iii. .;,. |,i, M ,. r D Miu-Dontld, L I'ipi'r, Ji 4'b-<i Th -i. i - .n. M <iuy, IJ I) Snell, K li, MU-. I I' >ti-ttit. Wilton, M MI-|M, -. \l ! i, :1 iy (,biuit ) . fl.-.ilr.ri- Th sileth*-iie,,Te-tciiei hr 3rd i: IVili.-r, M Kcnd.iM. Ji :trd- i: : -..n, I. i 'tin. Tun. \V 1 I ii I .HI-- 1 fii'iu ilie U |>ii ni'.-i.t o 1 Find lay. I'M lie W,,tk.<, Hi'ii. ^'r !!'.'-> I'eiriK Jr '_>nd A l-n tj... uii,oi,iy f,,r tin- statement, th\t fiiiiH-r V Sniiu in, N I'.'i >.i,,M n ,. x t ,|, n ii,, , ciinp-iiL-.i i:i be ! .y. (,' I'ii II.;,- Alice \V;v. i-, .'!' ,-',,!. 's i,,'ld>- iliivin,.' iii'l iii."|i'ii Mbi' pertous driving OIH tin .ii'_'iinui 'he inne. Ki 'mi ti.:-< j,.n - --bii\v il at s> N in, .Vit.-i: > |n increate in c*bul'ip lim '!.. n .Ii 4'h- E McI.Hchlmi. .1 i ' Mi-Mailer, ' n tin- ft'-i ,.t -I null .', "ti nr ,--l i;- P, lUmphiil, D \\ due. M lUcO,.n!,l. ' tl"im IIHM- bnni^'hi t., ligbl ih.- fa i Hi t r 3rd- t) M Lioli'm, V s;eHit, M many of t ho disisi- 1 recorded wi-i ilu M*i.-Mullcn, M -S IH-...II. Il M 4oD,.nld, 11 to reckless or drunkt-n c'rivcw Town Hall, F!esherton Moving Pictures Thursday, February 9th WILL ROGERS in "The Guile of WimmerT Educational Comedy Second episode of Serial "VELVET FINGERS" Show utarti at 8 o'clock sharp. Don't Miss It. ADMISSION :- 15 cents and 30 cents, including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN, MANAGER Read This We are n.ak : a big reduction in Ranges and Quebec- f i, ui-i for the next two weeks before stock-taking. Como in and see it, it will be worth /our white. Corona *nd Ta:n Kangcs and several different makt? ol Quebec Heaters. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware Phone 24 r II ESTABLISHED 1872 Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon in 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUMMI.K liKANCII-A. M. Carthcw, Manager SlB-BR^NCH PROTON C. J. lorsler, Sub-Manager Genuine Ford Parts-Best c by Every Test Till'! mu.ii. cMictiiij^ laboratory tests sorvo ID coiilinii tin- rcpiitJition mmed undt'r actual ninniji^ eoiiiiitions, ly (iL-nuiiio l''ord Purls. Jt liiis b(!on deinonsr.rated tliat spurious parts give w;iy uudcr n l>ruukin^ sii.iin less tluiii <i i If of that required fo hreak (Tt'miinr Hord I'aits. In othor words, a Koid (.!ar repaiird with (ifimiuo Paris will last twice as long wit hunt further repairs as a car in which imitation parts aro u.sed. ;9 Why take changes? We use. Genuine Ford Parts exclusively when your car IH rep'tired or overhauled luuv, you know ii is n^ht. Have Your Car or Truck Overhauled te before the Spring Rush Starts H. DOWN & SONS, ffl MANY i{ l/nsscvi nl' \. , . ... i .-,,! \Vei-f \ cry Heavy. N'i'wr'oiinillaiid shipping has suffer- id scvi'!i-l> duritii; the past your, and at least thirty nion of .lie ancient col- inily lor. I their lives at sea. Fifty vts.^els, iMOHtly sciiooncrs, wore wr'C'kccl. live M'>inn to the bottom \\illi all I, amis, .-'clioonors lost with Hit- iiH-n who inanned them were: l).,,i;-'laH II. Adams. Tercie Wclla, Hi'i-ii CV Mm-:-''. 1'asspnrt and Jean .I:H| Mary. Th<- Adams Ii ft Lisbon, 1'ortugal for Twilli?ir;il>'. early in the spring ;.!>d Ii.-'. not i i-!! heard from since. She curri<d a ei, \\- of six men. The Wells, practically a new ves- I. left New York with hard coal i "r St. John's in September, and la numbered amonsv tlie missing ships. She also carried six mon. The Helen Morse loft Little Bay Islands for St. Anthony on Oct. 28 and ovldently foundered in the ^reat storm which broke over New- J'oundland next day. She carried six men. Th" Jean and Mary, cut adrift when the strainer Ingraham, which was towing her from St. John's to Twill innate, ran ashore on "'>rth Peiifruln Island and was broken up by the hoiivy seas. XVivkage and stores were washed ashore, but the licidlos "f th<> crew were not recover r d. Of *the I." vessels which M-C-I-P v.r.'i'k-d win -nit lo.-.s of life, the majority were victims of the early winter Ftorms, and left their bones upon their rugged native Bhores. s,-ver.il loi\ ipn KOinn vessels suc- ciimbod to stress of weaiher in mid- Atlantic, their crews being rescued by passint; .mi-riiii-rs One craft, the Niitihi'a. was lost In HIP Mediter- raii'-:.ii. i\n:i;lit in a violent storm shortly m't. r l>>;uiin; Naples, she, lost her s;iils. and on the eve of a wild niRht. was driy n ashore on a reef off llio coast of Corsica. The board- seas swept the boats away and the crew were drlvin to the ringing. After poundinK heavily for a while the vessel was lifted over the reef and sank with her spars half-way abov<- the BiirK 1 ' of the surf. All night Ihe men clung to the rigging, and when dawn came the coast to leeward appeared to be deserted. lint after some hours a Corsican on horseback appeared, and the men In tlio riKgliiK attached a life-belt to a small line and tossed It Into the surf. After drifting in for some dis- tance th" life-belt hung In the back- wash. and the crew began to give up hope. But presently the Corsican drove hln horse Into the surf in an attempt to reach the life-belt; four tlmen his horse was picked up by combers and flung back to shore. But the flfth time he reached the buoy, and soon had the line ashore. Then pulling a stouter line ashore he at- tached It to a tree, and the weary mariners made their way ashore. Steel. Stainless steel, which was discover- ed In the research laboratory of a British steel works, has been de- veloped recently in quite a number of engineering directions. One of the most successful is In connection with the blades of steam turbines. Hith- erto these blades have been niado of five per cent, nickel steel, which waa the best known substance for the purpose. Nickel steel, however, was found to corrode and wear away un- der the action of the steam, and It occurred to the inventors of stainless steel that it would be worth while trying whether the new material would Htancl up butter than nickel steel. Accordingly several stainless steel blades, together with some now nick-l iii,'el blades, were Inserted In a sti-ani turbine more than a year ago. When the turbine was again opened recently th" stainless steel blades were found as clean and smooth as on the day they had been insi-i-ied, while the nickel blades were deeiily pitted and their ed^es badly worn away. Apart from engineering IISOH. Ihe most popular new applica- tion for stainless steel appears to be in eonnection wi;h Kolf clubs. For this pn.-posi' Htainb Bs steel Is ideal. iiili<-r familiar IIK-S include mirrors, lenders, lire- irons, knives, scissors mid siiiTical Instruments. A ('oinprnmi.sc. At a dinner party a noble guest told a clory about a tis;er he had : hot. "Il in, ii i ,1 .v,!.... 1'niir feet," he s.iid. "fi-itn .snnul to (all-tip. " |-:\e|-yiji.,l y | i.il-i-it sn.-pl i:=eil. hut nobody in.-inii;it. ; | (hsli.li.f | n t ne story nobody but an old Scotsman, who pronei'd'-d to recount tlio story of a lii-h he had caught. He had been unable to piill i. in alone. "U win ,i Hkale," he naid. "and It ov>red two acres." The nobleman looked at the Scot through his eyeglass and left the table. Others followed, and after a while the host returned. "Sir," said he ; o the Scotsman, "you have insulted my guest, and you mii:it apologize." "1 didna insoolt him," said the Scot. "Yes, you did, with your two-acre llsh story. You must apologize." "Well," said tins braw and wary Scot, "tell him If he'll take ton feet off that tiger, I'll soe what I can do with my flsh." tin- PHONli 36 K1.KSH.ERTON -: < A Heroic Child. Kittle Angio Loulat; Bishop, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. H Ulsliop, of Marbleton, yue., has re- col-vod the Dominion parchment of the KoyiU Canadian Humane AHSO- clation In recognition of nn act of bravery in saving the life of her lit- tlp friend. Mabel Huberts. was also recommended for Carnogio Hero Fund (iiniiuis- , I'ii ahiir r .. 1'a., but was not as Hlie was n<t old enough H nl. Hi!- thu of th accident, ii nri'urreil un Dec. 21, 1920, hhi- beinc; only six years of age. Thr. two lltllo girls wore out slid- ing on the mill st.-oam when Mabel vtH v 11 thniHKti a holo Into he K.itir mid it was only by quick ic'iim mid bravery on the part at little Antle that she WRB saved. for THE Fiesherton Advance An indepnndeiit newspxper puViliNhed eveiy Tltursdny at I he offlee, Cnllingwood Sin 'f. FluhhfirJdii. Sutnoripitim [irtoe 81 M) per aiiimin whdii paid in advsirco ; S2.('0 when not so paid. 89.00 to 1'iiii <! St Uv. AclverfetNing rates on appbcTilio.i. Cireuhuion nnr 1100 weekly. W. II. THUKSTOif KDM-OK School Fair Material Tlio Degutiuanl of Agricultun-, Mnrk '-tie, ro now ^'otiii'g the legulmiuni, upplioarion foray, limof fovd-i, sir., for I In- I '.lite sohoul litirn prepared to be rent 1 llu* i9Hcherv in nil ilie Kcho-ils in Grt-y (miiiy. TheHc will go forward ciuiing .' i- iiiiii^ week nith <ho requtct to Invu them returned by March 15lh. Those orders for seeds should l> in by that dale 10 that, tlicy could Le filKd previous to esriist SMcdin:'- An earnest endeavor h bci-n [inide tiHy..ir t, !, iv>! uiuiy sclinnl enter' - i-O circuir letters wer >-ent to the ti'i':li--is iii i lie schools not now en^ngid in the vi. )i k |<re\i II.H to thu Ctni.s'iiMS huliil'iys wi;li iln- re<|Ufst these bo Ki*en lo the children .sn tli<* rln- i >te piyera ulil lie ' '.i- Id discuss the advi.sibihty ' f '.nli-iiuy ! tli,- Aniiuitl Milling. We lieliuve the School Fnir is *'.,rth while. \\ know it ii supported in other count- ii.siind we w;int Grey County (> b,! nu I n uh -incJil u any other:). \\ hat wou'd b, , -uiii,' '.i n l.jwn lh*t ii'i u. riuei? In uvfiy !. vn ilie nieu hu aJveitise Kta ihe iiii'Mt |,ruKrtffiive, in Uo, ii il wen,- u,,i, |,,r them there would be DO (own. Thoy'ra the n:n who keep tbioga morinx Hiid who ni"ke tliingi fur the ls ;jr,>|{iesflive fellow the DOB-adrartiier tu rzist. Take t look over this U8WHpH|mr nd (,: for yourself if (hit iiicu whu dvertiee du not cou- Rtitute a Uri(0 proportion ef ih"ie who i<> doiDj; t lot tn k<>r|) thu tnvvu in iking progress . vV . I. lleUutoheon f Uubkviuw met with * i i"-.it ,!-, ,|. n! recently whun he wta n ;.'. . logs in the bush. A itmy bullet from a j{un stn. him in the head (Muting lOOOOuTotUOeM f'>r B length of tiuie On : / , nj oonteiovsneii he h:tehod hit horve to the aluigh mid ui*n- i i to ,;.-i home. It in repotted tin 1 if nolb'Dg alM Mto to he will bo around >n * few weekn. ANNUAL MEETING OF TBK South-East Grey United Farmer's Political Organization The unniul meeting of th* Sutreholders i llio above named , u*iii/ IH..M will be hulj in the 'i\>wn II ill in Durham on !.!!) Ii- .! 14th, at 1.30 p in . fot the I---.-N ciniii of i llioT. and other neinl blUilMM. Joseph Good fIlo <r, M. K. Murray, I'rcB.. Duudalk 8o. I' . Neuaindt F 6~R S A LE~ 1 7 linrsi [i')wer I.iHtt-r jH.soViiii' 1 8 inch Vlnpla L ?f (jriudcr, t '^H inc'i liu/.x saw 1 14 ii!i' Cutting !' \ c >iiijil Bl. ver I Cunvs, Uelt u in. l,y 70 f.-it I Ku'iln r licit t'i in. ly X r < fi-fl Will II any iiiauhinu '.. K. .-!; n m-y, KI. GROCERIES A full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY - We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, Phone 30J - ONT. ' WE HAVE MOVED This week we have moved our tailoring es- tablishment to the office recently occupied by Dr. Turnbull. Suitings and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Our prices are rigut, and fit, style and workmanship the best. and Cleaning done en shortest notice. T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton FOWL WANTED We are in the market, for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. Highest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. $8.25 per bbl., '2 sacks to the barrel. JAMES McLE/ N, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON !,.it. y Will Your Car be in Good Running Shape When Spring Comes Several have leh their cars in to have a general over- hauling and some for minor repairs. If you have not already done so, we would be pleased to give you an estimate as to what the repairs would amount to. Isn't it betler to know that your car will be in good running shape when the good roads come, than to wait till the busy season starts. Have you left you Battery with us for storage and repairs? Do not take any chances on you battery, as it is the life of your car and requires good care. It will pay you to do so Oxy-Acetylene Welding Why throw away broken castings, etc., and buy new ones when we can weld them and make as strong as We guarantee all our welding jobs. ever. D. McTAVISH & SONS FLESHERTON ONTARIO