February 9 J922 THE FLESH EKTON ADVANCE Better Stock PR the tame expenditure of time, energy and feed, you get bigger returns on pure-bred cattle than on scrub stock. If you need financial help to improve your stock, consult the local Manager of this Bank. STANDARD SERVICE i, rs!t*ti*lty frrtuMri' SirvUt THE STANDARD BANK . Or CANADA TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Plesherton Branch, - George Mitchell, Manager CANADIAN 3~ PACl-FIC C. P. R. Time Table. Fleoherron Station as She Province of Ontario derived a revenue of 82,945,000 from motor va- hiclo licenses last year, and still tiey want innre ! How would it do for them to stick a license n all othnr pleasure vnhiolos, including baby curnageef Now that they have raised the manage license U.,1111,' North i f " e - * little tas ^i> " spooney " buggies p.m. -and tho afternoon mH -uth *tj Prince Arthur Lod^e, A.F. aud A.M. S.40 o'clock. For morning train south | enjoyed their annual baoqaet on Friday sail close at 9 p. m. the previous i'vg. Tratm olliAvs ; 'l-ilH'^ ^ > ww..^ ~- f 7 66 a m 11.52 p.m. i and baby carriages wouldn t make much 4.30 p.m. :>.:$0p. ra. j difference. Tax 'eio, ahywuy. Our very The mails tiro osea at Flesherton fa J economical government needs tha money, lellows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and; Pnnce Arthur Lodge, A.F. ud A.M. y niijht !.i*t, in the high eclriol auditorium, ' w .I'M about 125 members and their fr:cMuls were present at a choiao bai'nuet and sjcmblo evening There ware a few j'>villo and Maxwell, ' I but tha evening was rough, preventing The Dominion Parliament will meat ' others from attending. Tho event was March H;ii. very enjoyable for all. present. Miss lleill.a Smith (>M>w.-n Stmnd 1 |, U r S dy last was Candlemas D^y- Visited frien.li hero aver the woek end. | t | l( , ( | Hy lvhe|J j 4 , i , l ., i groundhogs and Mr mid Mrs A Gilclirisr u>' spending ] skunks came out to look for thuir shadow, t wuek ;it M .no Rund. - It stormed all .day, a real snowstorm, Williamson Bros., thu horse buyers-^ | and as the menagerie would have had to will be in town nil d*y Thursday of this ; oluub fjur or nvu miles into the sky in VICINITY CHIPS Date of Meetings Of Centre Grey Board of Agriculture Meetings of Centre Grey Board of Agriculture nil! be held KB follows : Walters Fll Feb. 21st Kocklyn Feb. 22nd Heaihcote Feb. 23rd Ravenna Feb. 24th Kimberluy Feb . 27th Maxwell Feb 28th Flesherton Marah 1st. The speakers wili be Mr. A. J Fallis of Millbrook, a practical farmer who has spent three years in Institute meetnt!S ; H. B. McKee, Livo Srdck Shipping Department, Toronto; If. Stewart Cooper Agricultural Representative, und Miss Ethel Chapman of Toronto. Thi! Women's Institute wi'.l be ad- dressed by .M: * ; Chapman and in the .i\ ,-nni.' a juint meeting will be In-lii. J T. Graham, Sec. week to IHIY horses. order thiow a thadow, they all went Mm Annie O.lchrut has returned bl " k l " theif *iious. ud wo .an fcorae after spending three wiuks with .... ... continue moru Lbsn three month* long- frieudii in Mrkd.ile. We runt uie that, as a urrdiotion, Mr. Will Wilonok, whohiu Icon with a hi Mr. Buwes. is mother hero since before Christmas, left on Friday la-i to retura to tho min- ing region. Mr. J. A. lioyd, who has been visit' ma his fiiailv in Markdale linoo tfaw ... . year old that day. Uf sourso the babu-.i Tears, returned lt week to hi buimem j jt ^ ._ ^ ' _ iu _ f f _ t at North BuUlefird. Fleihertoc. junior hockey olub will plsy ths Proton janiora on Thursday Mrs. George MoTavish >cv.. au uniquo party on Saturday last, when she- invited night babies of the town to a birthday ptrty for Master Dan, who was one ight of this wesk in tho rink hra. A.d- 1 ^^ isaiou 15 cents. Special tueetinit af the UFO will be aeld in tho Uvange Ball, Esgema, Safe, !<*>, Ifuli. 11. All members wishing ko urdor fluur i ml faed pletss attend. The KiuiberUy Ladiel Aid will hu<d \) annual B*r Thuwday afternoon and "ir. ,. Feb. 10th. Supper terved In the dining room of tha Community Hall from 6 to * Snpper 25 and 15o. had to bring their mothvra aloug. Just thu fun they bad examining )acu other's cyrs. Of | beautiful and more aute thau its neigh- bob The infants all passsd rearing rotit of khanks to Master Dan aud hia mother. Che Advance it only doora away and we Heard 'tat. two Mri. Charles F. Sims K ii. owing a lingering illness ot tire months, Sarah Klisahslh Badgarow, Wn Charters a well known farmer 66 '. beloved wife of Charles F. 8ims, pawed years of ge, living near Meaford. waa| away at her hume on Scarlet R.1, Waaion, found deid in his ban. with a shotgun : Out.. Wedas.day, Jan. llih, UU*. The by his side. He was shot through deceased w.s born m Arteme.ia town- the left side U is supposed to hn?e ahip, Q:ay county, and later on lired in keen accidtmlal. Miss \anos McPhail, 0nda' tirst worn 411 uieoibar of the U mimiou Parlia- samiC, wns -. -uuiii! thu two hundred stud- euta enrolled for tho oponinn dsy of tha , K ship, and deeply sympathise with the ahort Wmkur coure for Urine rs b the I . _ of Toronto. Toronto, coinicK to Wbtou eleven yeais ago. She attended the Weiton Mutbo Jist ' '. n-;li and sud inuda m.iny f: ' "!- m tho eoinoiniiiiy, who will TJI her friendly smile and pleasant coropanion- ThH D. b'. T P- O. arousing a debate it. the \l -,-, ,li'-t kail, MaKell, on Thuisdiy, Feb 9th. Subject ResulTc-d fh^t tho eight h ur day wuld be tuoio Vsu. ficwl '-a the farm- r than thu present; piAO'icu A: ice R"S-- Sou. Smaol /. M;Kmnhr,, a well known I bureaved fumily a their sorrow. i T auibaud, itne uu Norman it hone, and cue d,iunhtor Vlry. RJ.Kiugdon of Sorlet Uond surrivi. Funeral sufviauH wuro oonducted by the Rev. Mr. Wallwvn of the Wos'ou Mutnodivt church, an lur iv) rosidanco, on Jan. 1?, inlHrinent i..!: i..< plice Ht tha Riverside -mi. 111 f , We^iou. Kuplutsia tuwsxlnp farmer, die-it in Auaoiiaroeniy wher.' ha had gone for, Byron Sunffcr is entirely ri^ht in bis hu:il'k. The rurnuins wt-ra brought , siyioa that "a very scholarly man, fit tod hunaa mid interred in tho Thornbul* fa overy way 10 bo statesman, was armxicry. Ta decesea ent!ems lived dufi-at, d liy n inielluctunl infuriur who > and irned. 5. Juspph K:iiku. a lumhounan, was a be ter 'mixer'.'' Tliut is the wenk- 't, link in cur dumourncy. I f . so uflen prefers the "iiinor,' 1 who cftcn luriiH ot aixty yvara ol BK, whili' worku.M at his Wnuuhm furm H--1H 1 Dunc.in on S.it- j t' be nothing more. Bruce -,r.lHy,i.uffreaa'.tr,.kanJ fell uuo m- Times J.OOH in ttm snnw, where ho wis found Fiitnk SUnluy, tlm Bruca township farmer who W*H found t'uilty of making , clainiH in connect ion willi Ins entenoed by Judge ky hi(liui{hler. tie dinj Sunday inorti- A. hockey omch is 'o be piuyed in the Fli'bhorton raik in-twi-en Dundalk nd be Cm ni.surniite, Kit-in in u nmnth in jiil. Hi, Uouor inn-rm.i.iia'ts and promises to 'stated thi ho h*d ian''e lhn scnieuce wr.irliudBiieoiiMier, Dundulk will tiy light owing to ifei bi^ petition that iy to retrievu H>Kiiiselves flora thwn J. . httie two weaUs <). A nood alean 'Jnmmiteeo has ou* Thu Good esl,in..t.iH ahoui, $80,000 1*8* thau laat ettr. Them m >"<" ' o" 1 "' ll '" WI> K *le. which this Kuannier will b $2 5C lor m.m, tu ho*'* ; man and team $5,te dr* ODD and a half yards of gravel, aud $4 if only oneyx'd ia drawn. The UoiMM are put' ing oa a bigaarDiv*! atthBrii.kon ?ndT Temg of this wfk. Thy h>e K'me t< a lot tr.'ubi aud . iue~a and H pultmK up hm lint ! pra f"r hich ere bH'S. It metueci "-o 1 lint t HH wdl be iktttiviiit of tb,.<i-"" Thn p oneeiU (je to ll>s M ..... 0' * Park fu.-d W|ut, *li,'il|. Htr"iUlt.r*l SiiOl^tT f,,r K',,KhMi-'<-i, t V),.Hf id .B f' m,n .,e th. n,i>'. HI,,' liu li mi ha- lid n for y*-*rn TIIHIM .!,. u, i lie itiB,-in,t UUMI .-r..t ci z n.- in Knob, Ti'ii inift- i si d u h "' c, ill u' lur 'i.iru-u u't- m .k- H -oiery . f N,^ at.iir* a < u>-K, I' IK 1.11 l.n dll.Udl>l|| hid been trom 8'anloy'H neigh iH urging bi* previuumy good oharncter a o. Stanley ia to appear on Feb. ttth to answer two perjury cliaritOH, bub it is likely these chnr*e.> will be droppad hy t!ie Crowu TeleKCope. Gave Note For Premium On September 4th, IDl'J, Arthur E- McNeil of Geilerioh, insured his life with the North America Lifs for 81.0(10, giving prninissory note for thu premium and receiving a receipt and Policy- His note for premium was twice renewed, ami had nut. buun paid when he died on February IX'th. 1U20 The company re- fused to pity the uinouut of ihu policy on the grounds that thu premium had not been paid. In this they were upheld by Justice Kelly, who dismissed an action by tho administrator of McNeil to re- cover the insurance. The Appnllulo Div- ision gave judgment reveisini.' Justice, Kelly, tnd a'lowini; tho adminisiratot's appeal. Tho u mipany, it is huM, had dm. i with tbe nole, nul must pay the '. Exchange. Found Dead In Bed A death occurred at Mclntyr.i Monday aoder distreuiog circuniHincoa,when the, in.'ant son of Mr and Mrs Frank Currnu was found dead in bed at its mother's side. When the parents went to bed Sunday night the babe wai apparently all right. When tha mother awakened at 4 m Monday she found it dead. Dr. Guy wan called and itated thu little thing had been dead at least four hours. It was only 10 weeks old. The young par* nts bare uiuchsympithy extunded them. 'Che report comes from Ottawa that the estimates For tha Militia Department are to be cul to tho bone, and not before it ia time. When Sir Wilfred t -ui'ur WHI hulduig the reins of power there weru but two Generals on tho yay roll, draw- iiK 19,000 a year eaeh. To-day there are seventeen on the pay roll, receiving an a? erage salaty of about S$,000. The necessity for thu retention of this galaxy of feathers and gold braid has happily pasted away aud the country must l> relieved of this military brdn. -New* uuiket Era AUCTION SALE Of Form Stock Implimanta etc- The. uiulars ^nail anotinneor han been instructed hy LAWRENCE LYONS To -,;! liy IVilm Auoiion on Lcits 7, 8M I N D R, AaernMiu, <m Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1922 Thi' following aitiolea, uamuly STOCK.-H.uvy burse 9 y.urs old, Heavy hnrM 11 yoara old, driving h ,i.s,, B yeirB old, OOVT rising R nuppiied to li uui- J.in 30. cow riMng H Mifiim^ud to liu tlU'i Aj.nl 22. c '\y riin^ 8 Mi;>|i".-r t t" he iliji; .Ian,' r^ ( iirii'rr FIHIII^ J iia.- ti, ualvu June SO. . w 8 yciirs nlU sup|i ,seii PI !), dim .Match 15. is 'W 8 yi'iirs nl,| supposed to be din- I'Vh. S. 4 cuvfs. Y'.'kshirn lirciiici MI.V in piir. 7 IHMIH, 20 pullfts, fi tteese and 1 ^anJm, '.' ducks oiul 1 .link,'. MlSCKLLANli )("S 7 tons of c-'d tininihy (iny, 2 t,,ns sweet ciovei liny, W ii'.id.s i,f sti .ivr, 41)1) I'lishei.-. yuuil n ,1% 'J!j linsllelB ,if barley. I),:i:rii,|j Inn lur li l",,i cui, hcrse rk,i 11 f.-ei, i>et. heavy tuiiin IIHIIIOSN, s> C SHIM e. Iwrm-ss Ht w^ier- pi' of hursu covers, 1 di'Smiw XMIU b'mn, Daisy churn uis-nly new, ^rnvri Inn, S 'a-iilard cream si.pmnfcur nearly no*, 'II".V I<JIII[J,' - !:.; btOtO, liltChtll skatn, Sule 'o C'nanie.iion tit 1 o'clock. TERMS All .mini i,f |10 and under, ' ; over tti:it, aniouiu li innn'ha cie lit, will bs vivon ,>u approved joint II ,-, or 6 pur urnt. < ff for ouali m linn , ,, notui- D. MoPQAlL, aiivtioneer Horses Wanted Will'Hiiisiiu HrN will !). t FLESHtRTON. 1HURS., FEB. 7th til (>U> 1 1 .!>.;. Bronchitis Colds and Cough* Blown to atoms Every trace completely removed by the World'* mot powerful preparation Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Fully guaranteed to give you reliof or money raftwded. 4Q Dosea for 7 bo Sold hy nil iliu, :( ;i- ; , or by mail from W. K. Buckle*, l.mitt*. WMitMlM. TMIMU Sold in l-i.LMi. . bjr W. J Stt wart & Sons and in ChYi-ON by Niiss MI..IJ Cook ALL FURS AT 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT This week we place on sale all our Furs without exception at a discount of 25 per ceut. off our regular prices which are marked in plain figures on every article. For Ladies' wear our neck pieces and muffs are newest shapes, well made, beautifully lined and finished, and are made up in a variety of popular furs Black Wolf, Siberian tWolf, Natural Wolf, Australian Coon, Wombat, Opposum, etc., etc., and every article carries our guarantee of satisfaction. Underwear Special Men's wool elastic ribbed Un- shrinkable Shirts, double breasted perfect g'ooda, not seconds. Sizes suitable lor big men, 40 to -14, broasi. No drawers In this lot. Regular $1.25, $1.50 and $1,75 values Special to clear 95c. Winter Cap SpecialAt $1.29 An assortment of men's winter caps made up from some of our best selling lines in :i variety of shapes and a good range of colors to suit different individual tastes. All have either fur-lined or wool- lined bands for cold weather use, and the sixes run frf.in H^ to 7^. Regular '2 to ^-.7o values. Special $1.25 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO IIEII1IHI fJarofullv CorrccteM Ennh Barky .................. 70 to 70 Peas ................. 1 25 to 1 2B Buckwheat ............. 80 to 80 Potatoes ................. 1 30 to 1 JO Applea ................. 4 00 to 4 00 Batter . . ............. 22 u> 24 Rugs ......... ........ 43 43 VrioUr Wheat .......... 1 05 to 1 116 Spring Wheat ............ 1 00 to 1 00 Oats . 46 to 46 * ftr************B*s> ** Flesherton &- Tonsorial V- Parlors We Aim to Give Kntlro Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes, Monday iiit(ht, delivery Fuaay nv CLEANING and DYEING Wear agents lor Parker's Dy Worka Clothes . une,l and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR Clearing Sale - :: of Men's heavy Snag-proof Rubbers, 3 jjj and 4 eyelets, soles in red, white, black. Hi; aleo Hockey Boots In sizes If, 12, 13, 1 and 2 j| Clearing at $1.50 per pair ... ... THOS. CLAYTON ;j:i FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ... ..........-.....-.. .......T-rW^.. ........................... .} .-..........*.*.......... ..v/^^yw ...... ... .................. .... ^M I fit tit f IM*ii>*Ttf "f **1lf**** II fe_^_5* f I lift t II 1 1 ! I Iff lit f ttlff 1 1 f f tt ftMri OUT THEY GO BUY NOW Owing to the Tremendous Sale of Columbia Records since the announcement of our Special Clearing Price and the consequent depletion of our stock, we would respectfully advise intending pur- chasers to hurry, while they last. Please Note After our sale ends the price of records will revert to regular prices. S ) i ; ; ; - 1'opular ;ui(l Comic .: [nstrumental ami Band Music Toon son^s, Unclo Josh Sacred iirul Svinphony Musio Jigs and Keels There is still a fine lor, ot rxrtillem sr tions on hand for you to choose from these include the Old Favorites and all the newest selections Don't forget the Clearing-Out prices : 10 inch 12 inch only - 55 cents * only - $1.00 each /' Mif^\A/ aS WC Can con ^ ant 'y Predict that you 1^1 \J W ""will not see these Records at such low prices again. A rare chance to freshen up your supply of Records W. A. ARMSTRONG Gramophones - Records - Supplies FLESHERTON - QNT.