Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Feb 1922, p. 7

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PRINCE OF WALES WITNESSES ROUND-UP OF WILD ELEPHANTS A dewateh fr.nnw Mysore. India,: ewys: _ The Prince of Wtv'.'M w n eye witness at the unusual spectacle of a round-up of wi'.d! etej*h'4n'.s. The round-up wais he-id 011 tbeTOtak cf the KwKwn'l River, forty-six miles south ; of the capital (M>;.o.re) of the pro-! vjpje. I The reswtS'r.'e of the -captives was' f vigorous ami ik-tannin^d that only four out cf twenty -o^-ht were finally driven irrts tihe roping ring nd tied tap, durir>? tlvc time that the Prince, watched the operation'*. | The herd) of wild elephants had been j pathaiij.l and concentrated during the j past two months by foff.it officials,! who cr.t off a track of juaigle. | Tho Priwco of Wales w:tr.-c=sed the drive from a special platform thirty feet in this 'air. Every difficult manceu'ver in getting tho cwpitivea in the. ropir.ij ring was apip-landed by the Prince. It was in- tensely exciting when fire:; wore burn- w l 'behind the elephants. The jire, however, (I'id not hold the wild beasts from furious attempts to escape. The big tusker leading the defeiu-e charged the tame elephants being use 1 to hel'p herd the wild ones. Foil; wed by the other captives the tu-ker forced his way back to the jungle, all except four of th younger ones escaping. On young tusker lay on the ground weep- ing in sheer rage. HEROIC ACTION OF INDIAN 14 YEARS OLD Boy Defies Bitter Cold and Saves Orphaned Brothers. Wirth Announces New German Taxes A despatch from Berlin says: The Germain Chancellor, Dr. Wirth, announced in the Reich- A despatch from Fort William gtag on Thursday ths Govern- says:- Five children, ranging -in age : ^^'3 new taxation proposals, from less than a year to 12, have Thev are' reached JVtcomfc,^on J^QawitaJ p-^ ' a compu l sory loan of a hfrdJnTi^i the^wuto^j t*rst only after three years, in- With has wife ar.d himself dying; tended to govern the budget ex- fixwn irJtuenza, Atehimo Nan Tuehees, : penditure for 1922, not relating am Indian trapper, called hi* eldest to posts and railways ; second, sen, Atchimo, 14, to his bedside amd abandonment of the tax on post- pwve him $1/200. the fruits of hisl war profits; third, a two per trapping, and bade him cafe for tfie, cent business tax: fourth, the " II:M " > " 'duty on coal raised to 40 per! A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF THE CHIPPAWA POWER CANAL This photograph gives an Idea of the immensity of the ennal, and the beautiful country it pauses through. In Uie distance can he seen the Niagara River, into which the canal discharges. children. ihe Mine day January 1.1, LONDON AND WASHINGTON GIVE FRENCH GOVERNMENT RUDE AWAKENING boti? d t t A T!i is despatch from Pans may be recorded hi Frmich in the shack, with the five youivg chil-' . A"e taxation proposals of Dr. <!ivn, and set out on swwshoes to fetch Wirth will increase the property h-s nearest wiglvwr, 30 mi'.e* away. | tax by 200 per cent. Whn he returr.e.l' with John Hin^ gcciih, two days later, the live cbil- drvn, incl'Udinig the baby, were gn-vw- ins riw nioos-i 1 flesh the only food inj the shack, and had 1 burned every scrap j of furniture to keep frsm fi-e^zinig. | A ,1'K-patch f rom Washington Hinsr-Josh and yo^t-g Atchimo packed ! says . -America's bill against Gor- t.hem on the dog t!ad and' muihed on| many far ^ s Ksr ,- A - nK o fthe Lusitariia; simultaneously from Washington and; United States' Bill for Lusitania is $16,000,000 Horses Displaced in the Royal Artillery I A despatch from London saya : ' The London Daily News un- j derstands that the War Office is substituting motor tractors for j horses in every branch of the \ says: ; forces which are one of the principal Royal Artillery. The cliange will Plain Speaking by Britain and the United States Reveals the INSANE POILUS MAY DIE UNKNOWN Six French Soldier* Found Wandering Between Lines Are Still Unidentified. A despatch from Paris stays : Among the most pathetic sequela of the war is the c&nditiun of six French prisoner-; who were returned to France from Germany aftei the jirmlstico and who are still un identified. They are insar.i> rm r -,we found wandering be- tween the line.;. The Germans did not identify them, hut kept them in n hospital until after Ine armistice was sigaitd, when they se-H them home. The men never wovored their reason, howwer, and all efforts to identify them have failed, although the Minis- try of Pensions has done every thins possible in this connection. The next step will be to publish their photognapihs in every newspaper in France aiv.i to have their pictures shown in every cineme. theatre in this country. Even this, however, is con- sidered doubtful o-f results, as it is quite pc'*'-ibk> they are foreigners who volunteered 1 to fight f<y France. There- fore they most pro'ii'.ibly will remin "unkn'onvn srokMt'i-i" until dath re- leases them. Hard Truth to French Politicians. causes of monetary inflation. This, coupled with the from Washington tlrat Secretary j personnel politics as a day of awakening. A real disposition to hec-d what is oeing said ; u^*, objects to going to (lenaa by other nations, whic'h has been com- ; unless France reduces her army and-j pletcly absent is now being displayed. ! balances her budgrt, and cam! id mes-j The double cold douche, which came } s B es 1Vom ** Loiulwl ' enable the Government to make I a ten per cent, reduction in the i to WatGomb, where HJ!| obtained food I j^ $K; 000 000 and medical attention. The infant, it is t't-.ired 1 , may die. fi _ l Compact Facts, Canada. A c'oi! fire which !\i* bei'ii that opinion is hostile to Premier Poin- ] I/ondon. is responsible for this change | care's modifications of the Anglo- All Helium in World Used by U.S. Navy University Finances. Tlw authorities cf the provincial university went before the Ontario Government last week with the build- ing program for the next three years. Four buildings, it was stated, are long overdue and should be commenced at once. Thp?* are a forestry and' botany building, a Women's building for fe- male students' lesidtenres and gymn- asium, wither an adminfftratiom build- ing to relieve University College o< the executive offices or an extension lo pivivide the nerc-ssary classroom ac- commodation f<ir University College, and u supplementary Inviting plant. One and a half million dollars, assurf-d now but spread over three years, would enable the University of To- ronto to commence these four urgently needed buildings at once. A despatch from Newport News. announcement tliat !! ! of at titude by diplomats, politicians 1 French pact, iiti pels the frank ad-mis- '' Va-.. says .---The world's supply of ? will be taken up by a special ' Hml mr bij<.i s t9. While there is still joton: "Our mse is . bad in Washing- ; helium, encase.! in the bag of the p,, arR _ n F tiarson Entirely to Family tota-1 is in the neighborhood <>f $7J>0,- | for over one hundred and thirty years QOO, 000. Many of these are "unprov- is somewhat of a luxury in tK-se d.nyjeu," howe\t,r, and the ritual amount of high prices fo-i- fuel. Such a flre,! w j|i be considerably sma-Mer, it wa K'j.wcvw, la found alcr^ the M u-ken/Je 1 stated. River, where a seam of ceil is still as in 1789 v> hen sen by Sir He Spoke in Time. clergyman in the United conimi; .ion, as soo: &a the enabling! e0 j, S Hi el -nb]e Clustering in retort to the ton as it is in London." The ficmi- treaty tan be ratified, State Depa-.t- p!ain sp^kin- by the United States.! official Temps m so perplexed o\or ment cHU-ials estimated that the g;-:uul' t | lelx , ; 3 H11 obvious undercurrent of! the it'.tiiude of tin- Unite.! Sbafo-s on 1 A'axmder Can-ada has lurge reserve of coal, but it is situated in the eustt'i-n and western portions of the country. The; States who counselled a young woman only cual fie Ms on the sea caasts ofiof his flock against marrying a young; h'e '..'-7 at tin- Hampton Kurds. I base/, is to be compn^-od and' els'ftwhere. The C-7 is to be de- with the dawning of 'the Genoa conference that it an- flte:l before February 1. a rea'liwition of the hard truth by ; mninces that it will no: .HBCU..S it. The gas. it IB undsrfttood, will be 1 public men ! avoiding the issue by saying that nn M(m to another station for expen- Tothem the several, shock has been 'the news <x)mes by way of London, mental purpov. The C-7 recently given by the Hoover Commission's re- j it mny i.r in.-xaci. Inn ailing, "It is way given a successful test. port calling for the reduction of the dtffHeult for us to believe that the amount of German reparations to United States Government has really T within t.h capacity of that iiwtion lo made an injuriouB comparison between- VrCBKiV A despatch from LoiKlcn says: The wili of the laic Sir Arthur Pearson, futimiei- of St. Dunrtan'.s Iiwtitution for the Blind, VMS been probated. The estute is valued it ).'94 tidO. and is left entirely to the family. There are no charitable bequests. pny. the reduction of the armed I the Bol: -lievist army ami the army of Ni.'rth America are in Canada. The deposits of bitumir.oiv; s.nn 1* the A:h i' -aska River are from ISO to 200 feet thick, from wlien.'i-, drawn by the heat of the 1 t'Lin, tar inro deep pco!?. This deposii represent-, the large:t known o^cur- of soiid af'h:ilt.ic material. Such facts ;us t-hc :ibov are a rovrla- tion to many of our peuplo. but are on>!y a few of the nvany contained in a nijw edition of a booklet "Compact Kjx-ts. C-inada'' JL"t is&ue'i 1 by the \atuu! Reinurce-i Irtelligeiice Branch of the Dppairtmen^ of the Interior at Ottawa, from whom copies may be i bt:iincd. Sacr Valley Trouble man whose family liistory ri-vcult-d his .'ess for marriage, is to be com-! The aggrieved suitor pro-i ceeded to bring another f..jit againsiJ ' Playing the Game. Toronto. I and bruises into >me warm and fleece- 1 Manituo.i wneat No, 1 Northern,; lined, upholstered retreat. ' $l-'*<i ! '- Manitoba oats-^No. 2 CW, u.V.ic; The best wav to umlersunwl any | and languor they declaim against risk. =555* iec ' * . ... l ' rm j.l. jf . . 1 J """!* Krom their environment of torpi r notion of a rnlinir . the minister; but the jury, after very'** i "" to look on - but lo brief deliberation h;^ brought in a it; not to read the rules, but to apply power in mortal affairs t-nat eoirid p<- verdict fcr the clergyman. them. j mit suMYring. Those who are engaged ii! earning But suffering is part of Ihe IIL-.-C-; No. Manitoba Inn-ley Nominal. A'.l the ab-j\L-. track, Bay ports. Amcrii".tn oom 1 No. 2 yellow, 'i'.* 1 : No. M:i|>!<- products-- Syrup, per imp. Mapln sugar, lb., 19 to '22c. Honi-y tiO-IJO-ib. tins, 14 ! i to ITw per lb.;' iVJ'^-lb. tins, 17 to 18c per lb.; Ontario comb honey, per doz., ?:?.75 to $4.fiO. Smoked meat? Hams, mod., -5 tfi 27c; eooke:! bam, 3(> to lOc; smoked rolls, 28 to -4c; cottage rolls, -f> to If every body showed the same cour- There wou!:l not be so many ,... children paying for the marital mis- j it the more ami im.U-rstand it the bet-, takes of their progenitors. "Marrying tor from knowing even a little ; about . come when t'li! ran: jfj!d<:n hours Those hours are more than paroom" an i complaisant jmticea performance from tlreir own i worth the rest. the peace, with an eye to the fees and P'-acticc. not to the u reborn, often sin against! One finds the pessimists in l!i,. future of the race. At present ' world chiefly in tihe ranks of those on Caused by Berlin who inswt (,n. mental and physi- ulu '^ e ll: " 1 ' 1 '-' Ullle ls t-his One Member More for Coast Province heavily. cal well-being as a prerequmite to a Tlle optimists are stirring so A despatch from London says: Word has been received by Lou dun frier:!j of R. U. Waugh, ex-Mayor of Winnipeg, who is the Canadian mem- ber of the Saar Valley Cnmmissjon, that the League of Nation;' has ex- tended his HripointnicnL fi:r anolhvr year. Mr. Waugh says that all the recent trouble in the Saar Valley has bten caused by prcfraganda CIXMTI Berlin. Warships Supply Germans With Raw Material A despatch from Berlin says: A big German tu-m, according to the Actit Ubra'ber.dnlatt, h-as purchased wboct thirty British wai>:hipa for d<e- moHtion. Its obje<ct is to provide raw for German iirin-iries. Tlie n reported to have been about 500,000 sterling. matrimonial aliiar.oe are to some ex- that thev haven't, time to note cvery- tont pathfinders; before long they will thing that fin.l themselves on a broad ami beaten ^' le *' oc highway traveled by the thoughtful ^ose who are playing the >" by ileiiionntratiivg to them that, tile out- look is hopeless and victory is im- possible. A di-s|K:trh oays: Census or ,1'oes go wrong. i Columbia show a population of 523.- : s woukl like to bait Buckwheat No. 2. 7X u> sue Kye- No. 2. H(i to 8Hc. Manitoba flour First pats., $7.4(1; pats., $0.90. Toronto. Manilc.:;"'. Hour- -SMI per cent, pni., bulk, sr.'(ibr:u-d' pt"' barrel, ?5. Millfoiid-- Dul. Montreal fi ^.!if-. l/ag3 included: Bran, pur ton. SJS; from ()ti.:iwa. Out ., ; shorts, per ton. $'M; good feed flour, return's fcr British ' $1.70 to $1.80. Rii'eil hay Track, Toronto, per tan. 50,000,000 Words in 36'J. This wiM give an iiv,-.xase of only ! No - -'. *-'- 50 l $22 ! mixed. S18. o.ie in the parliamentary n-jwwrtfl- ! f' raw - ( J!' r !ot *' per ^"' , S1 -; 1 . ., i ( hcs-e New, large, 20 to 20-tc; lion c,f Uie provmoe. As the *ree twin;J ,,,,. h| Z lc-, MfO^, 21 to Vancouver constil"jcir.-ies have un a#-, 2 l% c ! old, Jtir-><, :?r. lo 2lic; twills population of 17B.447, the ad-: 1 >; ) i^ (., 26%c; tripilete, 26 to 27c; . 6' **"*** .) "2 \ ' vi " > , l r l jrjl'l? But they who are in the thick of (Htiol ,, al menl her wili probably be al- Stiltons, now, 2f> to 2(ic New EnglUh Dictionary j t,hins hav.- heard all these old, worn-j !f)Uwi to lh ,., { L . jty i out objections many times. They iirei ^,j A despatch from London says: An sick of the words "imprudent" or " in '-|pj R-^L-o Out in Oxford dictioiKiT.v begun in 1879 by possible." They have lost patii-nce * " IT. J D ' the late Sir J.m.es Murray is now! with the holdbacks, the standpal tursl Historic rredericton tSUlJOing nearing completion. When finis-hod' w-ho would prevent, them from lauiK-h- t.he ilictioii'ary will till more than 000 page?, and will conta-in about 50,- i out ami 1 pushing on. A despatch from FriMlerictuu, N.B., 60c; geew, 30c. Butter Fresh dairy, choice, 28 lo 3[ic; creamery, print.*, fresh, .'!S l 43c; No. 2, 34 to .'!(ic; eoitkiiyg, 26 to 2ti;'. Dre.-'-eil poultry Spring chirker 1 ', 30 to !J8c; iv)i!sti']-.<. 2(1 to 2f>c; fowl, 28 to -'i2c; duckliii'gs, :-!2 to 34c; turkeys K >"" * !.>."" " , . . ,, . "Let's go!" That tidier .log,.. WM say.:-The wooden building t Mio T.ive pou,^-^, ing 000,000 printed wonte. Sir James':' good one for us all. Before you set (corner of Queen Street and Chancery Murray, who died in 1915. rose every down life in general' as a delusion, and Lane, which bore a tablet showing it morning a* fl o'clock to work on the your own particular life aa a failure, was the structure in which tlva legis- dictionary and continued on his task try the experiment of living with all Mature of New Brunswick first met in dictionary for the greater part of the day. It took him two mion-th's to deal with tli history of "to" aa used with an in- finitive. your might. Frenlericton in 1788, was guttel by Those who cavil at the universe, are lire Thursday afternoon. Explosion usually those who are afraid of the I of an oil stve is said to have started open; who shrink away from blows! the blaze. to '.'He; roosters, 18c; fowl, 20 to 2*;-; u'uck'ingo, 32c; turkeys. 40 to 45c; Margarine 20 to 28c. Eggs No. 1 storage, 35 ty :iHc; new laid .straights, 52 to 54v; IH-W laid, in cartons, >-! to B(ic. Beans Can. han.l-picked. bushel, $3.30 la $3.50; primes, $2.80 to $3.10. brand breakfast bacon, 30 to 35c; backs, boneles-^ o!? to i!0c. Cinui meats- -lung .-'ear bacon, 13 tu 20.-; clear bellies, IS'-i- lo 20Vic. Lard Puro ticnt--, lii'i to IK 1 ; tub?. 14 to 14'c; pails. 14% to 15c; 'prints, UP-i to 17c. Sir rtcning t.ie-rco. Lie; tub?, l.Ttc; p.iils, 14c; prints, ISHc. Choke heavy .vteers. $7.50 to S8; do. good. S7 to $7.5(1; ijutohcr steers. -h'jice. ?<>.5() to ?7 L'5; no, goo:!,, $5.7. r > to S(i.25; ilo. me-!.. Jfi io Sii.50; do. com.. S4 to S5: but.-ht- - lit'ifcrs, ciioice, $(i.5i to $7; do. mi-d., $5.00 to KG.oO; d- i-din., S-l to S4.25; butt lu-r cows, choice^ $fi to *(i.50; .I,), mi.il., iW.50 to $4.5(Ui OHii-iu-rs ar.d ciittei .= , S2.oO to $3; buA cher bulls, good. $4.50 to $(i; do, com* S3 to $4; feeders, good, i?5 to $<i; do. fair, S4 to *r>; stu.-keis. giuisi, $4 to $5; do, fair, $3 to S4; milfcri-.i. Si!0 to $80; :-'prinnv!-s, S70 tn ^'.Ml; calves, choft-c. S12 to $12.5(1; do. mel. Si.50 t) $10.50; tio, eom.. SO.SO to $7.50; lamb?, choice, $11 to $12.50; ,!?. com.. $<i to $7; shw-ip. .-lioii-i-, lj, r i.50 to $(i., r >0: <lc. ^<UK], $4 t $5; d, mm.. $1.50 t,o S.'l; hog?, fed aiv.i \\:iterc.l, $12.25 to $12.50; do, f.o.b., $11.50 to $11.75; do, country p-i)i:it:s SI 1.2U In $11.50. Montreal. Oats, Cum. West, No. 2, 59 to liOci do, No. 3, 57 to r>8r. Flour, Mian., Spring wheat puts., lirsts. $7.50. Rolled oats, bag of !)0 libs., $2.85 to $2.95, Rran, $28.25. Shorts, $30.25. Hay, No. 2. per ton, car lots, $27 to $28. Butter, choicest cveaniery. 'Mjgi Eggs, selected, 34 to 35c. Potiatow, p-pr baff. car lots, $1.21 lo $1.25. REGLAK KiiLLERS by Gene Byrnes U v

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