Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Feb 1922, p. 8

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February 9 1922 T HE F L E S H E U f N A D V AN U E A PIGS FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER Hints as to Both Summer and Winter Treatment. lion- to Protect Them l-Yoni Sun SCI(] - A I, III!.' (.!!-,-;. r (III tllfl IliMly Is Helpful Kccidnu Brood Sows Cheaply In Winter tin- I,nss Arnoni; Youi.g JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMFNT AOENT FLESHERTON. Insurance Is Good, But Insurance v. ill, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it uill not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty yc.trs over 300.000 buildings have been roddcd by the DODD System and in not a single ir..-tancc is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate. not that you are proof against it. Ask us today what it will cost you to have DODD t '*i protection, S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario. l' S s. (fontiibutod by Ontario Department o) Agriculture, Toronto.) During midsummer ownere of light i '-olored pigs frequently complain of ;ail)iirn or sunscald. This condition of I lie hide of the animal is similar 10 ihat of p'-oiile; it gives the same 1 of iincomfortableness to the plK and in caused in the same man- ner Consequently, the same method <>( I'l-. -vontlon and tivatmi-nt mny bo earrlnd out Miellrr IM .Most DesinibU-. 1 1. Hi'- Ihui pine--. "An ounce of piwvnUon In wortii a pound ol cure," .ml tin 1 prevention i^ Hhelter. No matti-i v;l.;it kind of Htock Is In the ;>;i.turi., shail" i.- ;> til ial, and much n u > . i pigs on arcoun' of ih' ihi.i routine of hair on their lio li. . If I'M! pasture for pigs IB Small Ads. Tiy Ftvei-pshftoi Pit* ty Flour, the hwt All Omrio For Sale A few ton* of good hy Herb. Cotbett, Proton, C.overdaie Farm (. hoppiKg doiin on Tuesday, Tl.umday nd Saturday Oraham Broi. Eugenia Honey For Sale Clover licney at nduccd price G. \V. Graham, Kugeui*. | (Jood comfertable bonne and etahlo t< rent, near tutrn. AppU at this i ffir". F.ir sale A qiunli'y of flax serd |2 50 p : liu-hel. Peter Muir. Coylnn. St|jh for sitlu or i<?i. t in town Ap|>'y > t'i Mrs. M. Tbutlethwaite, Flusherti.n. Hay for isle Abi lit teu tons and a, few lii-ids i ' vti i \V Johii-'on, Proton | S'vion I' O FLESHERTON BAKERY ITS WOHTIiy THE BIIKAD \VITH A PURPOSE. Yes, our Pure Food Bread has a worthy purpose It brings health and strength and ;i meal time satisfaobion to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a lo;if, onn loaf forms the habit. Bread is yonr best food vat. more of it. PHONE . FRED FINDER, Flesherton Notice of Registration 5 f *-* Six i.iiildinx li'H in Fi.-shti ton f .1 p.ile on Toronto Btret-t, lincnt location in town A [ -|.'y to H \\Vlti.n, Fltshorion E\|i"doil in arri'.'r thu HIT It, one- ci i '!:;. M.iyur "f I' inu V urJ addras-, " ' M i. !. 'ni-'ii. I ii. u-' to you iu , H lo our f c.,rn and a car uf No L' C. VV u.i, I This cust of maintenance of our schools 11 N' Uce is Imre'iy ^iveti that a Bylaw p-tsed by ilu- CV'UPcil of the Town- " f Arti.iw on tl ;li 13th dy of December, 1931, provtdtDii for the issua i.f of debcoturea tn the amount of (IQUOtai j lie I "'I""*/"' !'^;'^' il, luUnce due hy the Police Villaita of 1'rtcefiiU in \V. (\ \Vli.M, iVyl.in. l.i.i- -'. rlnn :5,3 i y. In I Hit. it w.u. Oil ,d Do.-,, Shep frr W2,56 7, nd in 1921 c:, ..... I'M!,,, th i -itii;H.-.d that thnv are no trees p .1 :-li .il.' to the animals H Id j .1? wi-ll to keep them . j,. r ,. Vl .|, ,, _ ,. | M1 .(},,.,. Mp.i-k-.li.hu, !i: up durius thf hottest parts of j p 4 ,|<er, proimi S'Hli n P lilf-reii school- i.. : -he inyait-n; lotl.-j J :,d allow them to run .out : ,,, , j,, ,,- ,. (,img Hie coin t. the . -. i night and early F..I -Si-.lt 1 1'Y-m i.. i.-, ,,n.i !.. f. .r - t'.iorni!!^ hour.- IJy keeping them in n l-'.Vhcit. n . -A|[.'y ! ^. S-.r.(i..ir.n i a p. :i ' .".mi v-lint darkened, -. , i hot rays of the gun .' - '! tlie t!; ihat ill''' always .in h.-ul ::r iiind ; Nxbli of . -:iy kind, 'hirii::- i i,. hoi .. . jitll" r. <ihf Tlu ni a "Hi ; \V:iII<i\v." u "hof, wal- low" in ti:- : ivhii iHsavery r , t- ,..:,. m'!;. .<- ';''-. ry i ood thi B, but the location -: mid . . ,,,.,, x ,. - , u ii! i hi: shade, a.s il is ' ^ (i wi'il-k; own fact l I ' '.-ill ' '-" '' '. > biist.': '. ' 'lian 1- : S il. I ' ii nil ii < >IL: i . ''p Kleetiic pypstciii in the Mid Police Vi!i.i;.', ;;:..! tht nuch Hyl<i* HIM n-.;i-f. it-.l in ;!n- Reg;8trjr 'f t Ill-c f..r tl.i I. .,.I.M..' ,MII Division of ,, tin- s u 'h Hiiiir.y ..f i!..- '.'p.un'y cf Oiey, un dm seventh diy :,:" Jnnuny, 1922, s I', nV, ' ''' ' ' ' ""' 872 ' ' " ; ' ,,. ""i' - <' -" M" ,. liy t:. ..... ml out ,,f ih i, , - . '.IIMHI f ' '. |, _n . . inul . . 'ii . V,'; tin C'^t. : - rtti X ' V ''' '' ''' ' '' l" ' '' ' : -'.'-id,' the iJ Bvliw mu-t be uii.:.' ,i!.',n thre l ' ' " B^P-Uic. ........ r ,h ; ntd tL 12ih , f .I,, U : M y. 1922 W. ). l!Kf.[,\MV. Clerk. Bull For Service '' drj A i lo tliink Ilia: a '.v.tll.nv ;.-. ; n I'r.ii-nyal U,i::;;. and it' he | II'O farmer into tlilnlv :; L- (he ga ' rnirr should l';ad him to hcliovc i',,it during the heat ul tin da;. t time to k'->'|i mi' of it. t.'.io?! ff Simtnirii. l! i!i pig? li..'..- in come suiibuni- .d at It l.s well t k.-p tln-m inside for a fi-w days and thoroughly their bodies, v.ith some nice Htnooth rreano Hurii in* va>lino. The . i ... ml ii> 1, IP tin.- air from ill" initalid akin and t-asi; Ih'- tin co'iiforiablnii'-s* i th' animal. Vase- llue also has a wonderful d'alin,' 1 rurally.- 1 i'1-op'Tty which makes It pi r.'ible iu surl: rases. J. C. Urll. ath, O. A i ..il, .;, . Giirlph. Up-to-date Clothing In Perfect ill \\ . '. :. , 1 I t'l 'iT'l'.'. S<-l r -'-.-. \\ ',|-' !.- iind I ,'tlsu ;t L'I MM! jiiic nf \|i'i ; i il 1 1 C'i < r.J I ill/ I;::. . f V I is] i Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All al lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Kepniring and Pressing r H, ALEXANDER MI Ji !l:;lil I'.'iiliil evershani, Ontario - v.yv , . , , + ,-r ; : -:--' Flesherton Tin Shop -.-*- ~ 1 lin\ i- jn <t |.Iacfil on t he -I !\ i -- ; full Tinware, Nirkdv, n, ;uil .\ iii-wait- I'm .lui II--' 1 < "all <>n lnc ..ml '/. .1 -mitiics K.ivi'lruii^hin;'. Stii\c|ii|ics .unl Siuvr Furni : ,, , , , . ;| ,| Pipsfltting, including pump work. FUMI.K > install.-.!. \ ,,! tor ( wurnacea as iJuriiif iln -. uili i- tlii' I.MM.ii . nvs u .1 n. i.i,uu!ii-d as chi-aply us li . Inn at tli. Hanii- tiaie tln-y l)i |ii o|. i ; . ; .1 in ord'-ftu 1'ar- ! . - L. r ol' h'-althy. I'p'll i vn p - i iii i|>nujj. ii. si . ' ' il when Htil i ; l : prod ! - '' on ' . ii.il! L; : fourth^ : 'l. T.> du ihi.-i ih'' . ia i ' .I ii . hi 1 l:iii.t d, and di- . in . e, for u h" I'.iinni h.i (licl i hulk. Hi" .! I..P. i i ! ,..it. d and . ' :ji|. il cuii- i ilii ion . . . . .i. I,i gumc . -,< . i.vail- 'f II 111 i. 1 .1 till ..... I I Ill-It ' . . M > v, i.'i r 1 .. upi II till r . I u. I' .In,. .\ll'iil,.i l.\ri-l|p'lil li.r l-'i-cil. din i alfalfa, < I-.N i-r, so) Oea i, ni fi\ rov. [p. .i h..j n I,. . ..is i v 1 . Unit v3 I i'o : . iind iili- or no i , ; ill'ato Id ii'-i'il. it t'j h:i lam lln 1 corn. llrii;l-.l, i : ' . . :...i. . . . .. i - . i . VII mi . iply III best rr-.iilr i f a haj . , i i . , . . il Cll/.-.'l '.:.'. ll 111 OHl I ch n.r.ir ! : . .. : j . ami ioj , rul . . -i r-;i I whet) 1 1:" !. i ould be 1 i .. i i. . ! . .; ; .' , , |, ||| . ll-li'M llOl ' il I .. ' I in cm I 1 '' and cov ,. , ii.i i I' MI i . thoi dried 1 . : ' ' iol:l l ..',., i- indi lion i - i . .1 sow ii" i d 'ipon i > u .rli IK nm i. , i -. and u . - I'rnni unit in- mold du i not ri'lish or thrivo infi'i-ior I ,1. It In vi 17 ,!].i. i" <-'.i !''' il Live iron hi .. ,j ;naj li-ad lo Hi li s ol ii. i- lii(. r. II ! I ifl IM! II I':;.- h.J D'irl n il . N , I-W013f .1 I0'2. S U T A S R, At- ll iXcl ... . ' ri :". $5 foe . . ' \ !\ 1 N'->. Pii.p ; . , . . ' . 1111 . ! i, I.. . ...... .!r . hi hint fin Vi A 1 1 . v . - i- I n. A'.KNr\ M.uiifu-n,:. I'.i- ; ni{i u .,.., I,., ,' ; , . ; . . . i'xl ii 1 , ny i i -\ i ; ' V . . : . i .,i V I. tl. i 'd . u- I.- . - mi ' . .v r . r.m -. i. rist in. lli,. Ill . ull > Hli. ! I'll l.-r. ki o'llr'l lllli' III . U-I'l'lil I ' ,\ Mir, 1': I' . S , ! ( 'I. , ,- p 1:1 i . ,; h ,' lei- * t 1" I. tl II 1 .11.' II III .1 < . II, . l.,kl II f. I II. till ; ' ... ! ii; i l . \; \ II .' S (! n- 1 . I' : : - - i 1 i r n I l / i ! . ' n S i H ' i i p i : ' : l , . II li.iill l''il i il l "| : . i i i I , \ V .1 M ' i i . I'll i ! H It! f.'l ll.lS lil-li . I llHI <1. I ' HI I , -.'i It li.lV- ; ' [.- 1 I \ 'Jill i s i l \ i . " '. il'Jj I ' ' : ,1 ; \\ .1. M l : , F 1 -!. ' ,i I' i i T . i,l : i I I S-. 0! '! Pill I ' I .11 111, II - .' II \.-l-ll.-ll 'II I 1 1 1 II. ,11 i, ii . S- uJi i.l) .i~.<u'. .1 1 .1 ill i. -.in r.:i; . \ mi-lit, l!..t l iiiiy Uni". \V:l'.- f r Oltr 1. .11, i-i I;,.' rt! 1:1 L;III'. \v. .1. I-:I.!.I;>TT, r,.!N,-ii,u. v. r CAN I-NTKI; ANY D.\\ Yon hi\.' i.fu n l ..M \ . f th.-il if y u n -i .1 till Nil pi 'irillv ) u Ul'll 'I ' I. L'llil'IOI 1 I- llI'Si' '.II ,ll V\ i ; Iv 1 ', I - 1 1 . II M A ;i.l > -I III :' :!,! in .; i LTSINESSCARDS SIK ii 1 :; - ' \ K.I ...Ann 1 ! t u!.iy a ... .''.-'.:.. \v. vr 1 'I.: 1 . : - ; \:\ \ut *. >HW.'A'. ... ^ > , .Jr:it*l ^argeoo 1 i ... . - i . . -.. '"> : O. Jttrto :>*i>.ii : i- tee '-\ . i -?ion ''"' : t , Tin 10 street. :'i.. -!:rtiir. l.EG.\L ' ' !'' .ifitori-. '-i' 1 . LI- l.t-'-ns, 1-.. r.. \\. l). Henry ' A. UiJ . I ,,k, Pbimi - ..- L ...p ,'n.k BI. i Liurbui'. W I ll, KT. * Tl I 1 01IH.|-u-:^:r. Solio t.u>. Ac. Hi'.. - (,,,v , : i ,.c. Block c^ Block. Ii ii .-11 . -i 1 , i!. \\ , glut, . i'.' -feiforj IIWi'li hound. >i 'I ]!:;, h tin i ' : ; :i- .1 ,. - ! no il, Kuii.i- s ,i.,l ! . I ' i ' i ' ..'IIP. c. A n.i: iux;. i < \ . I'l ' ( ! j . l ill.' I - ^ 1 li. n : u: . i x.;. S.IT. , > \" KAIT'I '. ! Ulifl . ( I, .,. l ' k Balue a i : 1 . -'i.i. i . .' 1 ' . . : -. - ' 'mm. Oat. : u tnt tfa* d ilia Uld n .ur umento I- " ' ' \UVAN : . . Ci'vl Ifcl! I'M.. K. \.. ai.n.. u-i i.iuato ranlto luck FletC- -. . Ur- m L D. WcKILLOP H CHRLSTOK BLOCK FLpSHERTOfJ ' ONTARIO. oAR for SERVICE Boar For Service lllllll'd 'I'HIIilf, I ll UlMf I' ..:- I'l .' I'll ^ lot U; f laud .s lv,.\ , '- <wH ' t<k ' - - fc* cbr Fob 15 ^, U I', mm ^1 nil ,s ..... n i r , i,i.|-.i-d . c h,,, , . ,j, ...,,,,,,., J.hTINS<iN. Prop 10,4,19 T. ,1 S! IN8 V , - I as thoio in piR. A Si'U-rr Si'litcnci'. Foiiy y< ai s in Kin;..:-tou IN nitcn- tiary, practically lii'n iiiii'i-is.iiiiiiciit, il extrni rdlnni . i' - diigii trni o Oi nri.',.. Mom-.-. - l , i i . ....... ('tophi.'!! Xi6\vlMiui:, th.> Gallelau who 1 I 111 M. tOfl ii or work. :iu<l had In-, n nut in 111 fold v, itlmut food, look Uiin in- :hoii . urj - If a f. nu in Hoi M long to tiii.' ovi i- ilif u to pr ' othora 1 1 oni follnwli . \ ,ui|)lo, uei on ti-n nts and j i to the send i'i . i. mbi . t. tin 1 jail tiirgeon, d>v- ' ' i :.- i M... uj. h " :i lov,' lyh" (if ll|.-!lt.lllly. 1 ' ii'what '11- had rceMitly n- f his r ly had o. en kill- ''il '! ;i ii \V:IP. [ posed I" 8 " . i ! >cartans, iu Oreccp, 600 . ' 'iila, .ho most ancient Ink, for Hulking hiijerH>Uons eu This Guarantee Gives You Better Rubber Footwear The strongest guarantee under which rubber footwear has ever been sold is fastened to each pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear. Here's what it says: " Every pair of Amos Holden Rubber Footwear is guaranteed to outwear any pair of simitar shoes of any other make, sold at the same price and worn under the same conditions." It protects you against inferior workmanship and materials, and assures the greatest possible value for the price you pay. If every pair wasn : t made right with the right materials pure rubber and stout strong fabric and linings this guarantee wouldn't be possible. No matter what you need in rubber footwear, we want you to try a pair and satisfy yourself that the best is for the Ames Holflcn mark on every pair. AMES HOUDEN BBER FOOTWEAR FOR SALl 1 , I'.Y F, H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ont.

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