Canada From Coast to Coasi Charlottetown, P.E.I. The number ( Oat production amounted to 284,147,- of industrial establishments in Prince 500 bushels from 10,819,641 acres; Edward Island increased from 484 to barley 44,681,000 bushels from 2,109,- 6*9 'between 1918 and 1919, according 085 acres; rye 19,109,700 bushels from to recent figures of the Bureau of Sts-i 1,688,228 acre*; and flax seed 3,945,- tistics. Industrial capitalization in- ! 700 bushels from 516,972 acres. creased from $2,867,035 to $2,886,662,; HegJna. Sask. An increasing de- and annual production from $5,698,878 ; mal ,i f cr lower grades of wool, for | to $6,868,684. which there had been no market for j Sydney, N^S. There has lately been ' some years, is noticeable, declared G. cast at the foundry of the Dominion \ E. O'Brien, general manager of the Iron and Steel Company a winding Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers, j drum, conical in shape, fifteen feet in at the annual meeting of the Saskat- 1 diameter, with a continuous groove for ' chewan Sheep Breeders' Association. ' 1%-inch wire rope of 1,400 lineal f eet. . The public is beginning to demand a The casting weighs 30,000 pounds and cheaper fa-bric, he said, and to fill this is stated to be the largest of its kind i demand manufacturers will have to ever' made in Canada. It is intended j turn their attention to the low-priced for use at one of the collieries of the < wools. Dominion Coal Co. Calgary, Alta. For the first time! Fredericton, N. B. According to'* 06 c - p - Railway carried snow as! figures published by the Dominion &&*, *> be utilized in Calgary's j Bureau of Statistics covering the year ' winter carnival. The snow, which was ARMED BANDS OF VOLUMERS AID IN PROTECTING OUTER BOUNDARY field Marshal Wilson to Serve in Northern Parliament Na Reprisals Have Occurred Within Six-County Area Fol- lowing Raid by Republican Troops. A despatch from Belfast says: A raiders none of those taken from Ul-4 new outbreak of guerrilla fighting and "er have been returned yet. In Done- gal several residents in the village ox aa 1919, New Brunswick has made not- esP^ially needed for the ski-jump, afele progress in industry. Whereas in was transported in freight cars from 1918 there were 1,364 establishments, ; Lake Louise. there were 1,439 in 1919. The capital I Grande Prairie, Alta. Indications invested increased from $74,470,879 to are that there will be renewed activity $89,958,822. Employes increased from in this region during the coming year 19,888 to 24,210 and their wages and and carloads of cusing and equipment salaries from $14,247,388 to $18,9:13,- ' are going in regularly to the Poucej 023. Production in 1917 was $62.4 17, .Coupe oil fields. Syndicates are con-i WHERE PRINCESS MARY WILL BE MARRIED The High Altar in the Sanctuary of Westminster Abbey, where the mar- riage ceremony will take place. I raids by well-armed Irish Republican ; Balhntraw are atih uemg held army bands took place over a hundred j hogtages miles of Ulster frontier early Wed-' Meajlwhile> to pre vent, if possible, nesday morning. Simultaneous at- ! any repetition of the incursion into tacks were made on police patrols,; their territory, th Ulster Government and the houses of leading Unionists : h v instituted extensive precantior.- were stormed, both in Ulster and in arv measures. From Armagh in the the Free State. Nearly a hundred southwest to Derry in the northwest police and Ulatermen were kidnapped the whol of * winding frontier JH in the following counties: Fermanagh, i more or ^ss patrolled. Thousand* o Sligo, Tyrone, Leitrim and Donegal, j police 5,000 is the number estimated Three police patrols were ambushed, \ are engaged in this extraordinary, | six officers were shot, and over 20 vigilance, and at night they are rH SIR CHARLES GORDON T( REPRESENT CANADA AT GENOA captured, together with a motor ten- ! mforced by bands of part-time spe-' der, arms and ammunition. eials ani1 amateurs, who from <hk tot later despatch from Belfast ! Field sunriw ***** in ** A says: Field Marshal Sir Henry ; vlliagres - Hughes Wilson, it was announced on j "In my 1'ttte town," said on* m*nu- Thursday, will join the Ulster party i facturer, "we had 32 watting tfa* . __ jupon his retirement as Chief of Staff, streets through the ngbt, aa rrned A despatch from Ottawa says:- dit< to Roumania and Greece to the of the British Army. He will be un-i^ith modern rifles and supplied with, 466; in 1918, $68,333.069, and ir 1HI9, sidering proposals from drilling con- 1 t th amount of nearly thirty millions, and. animously endorsed Saturday as th*;P 1 ty ammunition men who iuut 1100,005,606. jcerns to develop leases on a royalty r" 1 ^ *' "so far. even the inte-est has not been Unionist candidate for Parliament for been at work through the oay and Quebec, Que.-A surplus of $1,230 - ' iasis - A fifty-pound sample of iron Geiw *** and FmanclaJ <** paid . The formal mvitation to this' North Down, it was stated. | who * <*& vohinteers for tha 433 for th fiscal year ending June' ore was brought in recently from a fererrce by S:r Charles Gordon of ; ^^ eren( . e ^^^ from ^ it^^ ' Except for the detention by thej^ff 11 - BOth, 1921, was recently announced by de P Bit s* 3 *** 1 to ke exposed over an Montreal. Associated with him will Government, and it is expected in i Irish Republican army of an ambu-i The hewdquarters of th special the provincial treasurer. New esti- ! * rea ten m '' e(l ' n extent, and is being ' be Prof. Edouard Montpetit of the j Ottawa every day now. Its contents i lance carrying wounded sperm i con- ! constabulary hummed with activity, mates laid before the House provide ana ' yzec '- i Economics Department of Laval Uni-'have been cabled. ) stables to Belfast, there has been no Offers of assistance, some of them For an expenditure of $15,329,284. New Westminster, B.C. Construe- versity. These appointments are| It was stated in official circles that! development on the Ulster border. ! from ex-auxiiarie. have been received Montreal, Que. Despite adverse ' t ' on * las 8tjirte d "ere of a plant purely Canadian, just as was Sir Rob- ! requests for credits had been received j This incident occurred in County Mon- j from England. Col. WickJiam, chief conditions the proda-tion of new u ' t ' Ior th * extraction ' seed from cones. ert Borden's to the Disarmament Con- 1 from several European countries, but j aghan during the morning, and has of tfiiu force, la touring the entire dis- ~.n Canada in 1Q->1 showed deer = The plant is th * most moclorn "t its ference in Washington. I it had not been thought wise to aid! intensified the bitterness of feeling trict, accompanied by an armored car, 3 kind. It will combine drying of the These men will inquire into how far' them. Sir Charles Gordon is a Vice- : created by Wednesday's armed raids, and the fact is emphasized that, de- cones and extraction of the seed in a Canada should go with credits to j President of the Bank of Montreal,! Notwithstanding the reported order; spite tho provocation of the Repub- sir.g'e process, and will handle half, European countries in addition to par-' was Vice-Chairraan of the Imperial! of the Provisional Government for the; lu-an army element, JKJ reprisals have ton rf cones every six hours. The ticipati-g in the regular work of the! Munitions Board during the war, and i release of the prisoners seized by the 'occurred within the six-county area. _ e of only 8 per cent, compared with 1920. wherrns during the same period in the United States there was a de- crease of 19 per cent. Total produc- tion in Canada in 1921 was 812,860 tons as against 883,215. tons in 1920. British Columbia Forestry Service has ccnferer.ce. undertaken to collect 120 tons a year. ' the The late Government extended ere- i Washington. , Chairman of the Canadian Mission at tons. Toronto. Ont.-- Ontario's timber pro- J pounds of Sitka spruce, and a smaller 7*nS yCar Wa " ValUeJ at $26 '~ ' Quantity ' thr Pries, yearly. The 4,9J7, or 40 per ei-nt. of Canada's fi r 0,1103 are collected in the Fraser total output, according to the Provin- j Valley and the spruce cones on the rial Department of Lands and For- Q uee n Charlotte Islands. ** Pin** - -i .*- . . * 02,000 : CANADA'S REVENUE ! LESS; DEBT GROWS ' ties O f . IuR * is expect >d pedes- Total Net Debt Increased $69. 862,971 in Past Year. Victoria, B.C.-One would With the ex<:eption <)f temporary inconvenience to trbM and autoi.ts ui*il tMy became with $2,366,861^52 at the em! of De- to lhe ,, e>v r 4 u i ations .|, 1921. This ii an increase of A despatch from Ottawa says: The total net debt of Canada on Janu- ary 31 was $2,372,585.984, as compared in On?,. i the changing of the rule of the road,, $5,724,732 in the month of January. Winnipeg, Mar..- The total yield cf from :eft to right, would have little! On January 31, 1921, the total net in t!:e thre? prairie provinces of .Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berta in 1921 is finally estimated by effect. It has, however, occasioned was $2,302,723,013. The increase quite a flutter in real estate and stores! '" the >""" >, therefore, $69,862,971. bushels from 16,841,174 acres in 1920.) since the new rule came into effect/ . , j situated on wh*t are wait-for-the-' Total revenue collected on account Dominion Government at 286,098,- car corners have iieen advanced in'^f consolidated fund for the ten bushels from 22,181,329 sown | rent. Some are frank enough to ac-' months of the fiscal yiar ending Janu- cres, as compared with 234,138,300] knowledge an increase in business ary 31 was $318,489,889, a; compared jwith $383,835,567 last year, or a de- crease of $65,345,678. This was large- ly due to a falling off in customs re- ceipts, which declined from $142,839,- 081 for the ten months' period in 1921 to $85,262,370 for the corresponding period of the present fiscal year. Thei University Entrance Require- ments. At the January meetings of two County Councils there was a little ad- Noted Boer Dies General Christian DeWet. who led the Boer forces during the South Afri- can War. is dead. He had a very notable career. Present Reparations Bill Royal Elm and Oak Gone Against Britain From Central Park, N. Y. A despatch from Berlin says: ( A despatch from New York eays: Russia will present a bill at. the Genoa ; Residents of Gotham who cling with conference for indemnity or repara- j sentiment to object? of historic inter- tion against France and England that ; eat are regretting the rerr^ -tl of the will probably equal, if not exceed, ,' second of the two trees p".ted near Russia's pre-war debt to those powers.! the Mall in Central Park In 1860 by That is the information in diplo- matic circles here. The reparation or indemnity demanded will be based upon th* alleged Brititjh and Freiu-h financing of the Kolchak. Yudenich. Denekin and Wrangle counter-revolu- tionary campaigns againet Russia. King Edward VII., of England, then : Prince of Wales. The old forest monarch, an Amer- ican elm, has just hren felled, havug i'.f'i during the past year. Its companion, an Knglish oak. also Soviet planted by King Edward, was c-hop- ; ped down ten yearn ago. Weekly Market Report decrease in customs re -eip'.s when the I verse comment regarding th<? r entrance requirement* decided upon j lwo periods are compared, amounts to | by the four Ontario Universities to! $5V,'j76,711. j Scotch Wedding Cake take effect in 1923. Such criticism] T1 ' revenue from excise for the! has arisen only because full details of <*n months of the fiscal year 1921-22,] the change have not, until now, 'been amounted to $31,006,842, as compared i and Irish Trousseau A despatch from London says: $61,840,133 was realized t;iis year fiom inland revenue, as compared with $66,106,048 during the ten months' period i.f last year. Income taxation during the ten j a months of the present fiscal year i cation. According to the new scheme which have elapsed, yielded $74. 116,- j there are five diffen-nt avenues by i 48 ?. as compared with $26,399.025 last which one may enter the Firs-t Year year. The sum oi $19,267,571 was col- in an Ontario university; first, with 'c (; ted in business profits taxes as two honor matriculation subjects in ! against $29,708,795 in the ten-month addition to pass matriculation; S ee- ! P* r 'd f the last fiscal year. they are specially framed so as i to benefit the smaller Continuation Schools and also to provide that stu- 1 dents who come to the universities ' shall be sufficiently well prepared toj take full advantage of universitj Barley No. 3 extra, test 47 Ibs. or 7 to 60c; according to freights in wedding rings by having a simple, outside. narrow gold band. The ring is now Buckwheat- N'o. li. 78 to 80c. being mado by Mews. Gerrard. the ^ ve ^- '-> 8S to 88c. King's jewelers, who are beating it out of Wciah gold. The wedding rinj* re- sembles that of the late Queen Vic- Toronto. . Honey 60-30-ib. tins, 14^4 to !5c Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern.' Per It).; 5-2^-lb. tins, 17 to 18c per :b. $1.43Mi. j Ontario comb honey, per doz., $5.50. Manitoba oats No. 2 CW.. 58c- ex- : Smoked meats Hams, med., 27 to tra No. 1 feed, 65c; N. 1 feed, 55c. ,30c; cooked ham, 36 to 40c; smoked Manitoba barley Nominal. rolls, 24 to 26c; cottage rolls, 26 to All the above, track, Bay ports. |28c; breakfast bacon, 28 to 32c; spe- American corn No. 2 yellow, 72c; ' ' a - brand breakfast bacon, 33 to 35c; No. 3 yellow, 71c; No. 4 yellow. 70,-; backs, boneless. 32 to 36c. track, Toronto. Cured meats Long clear bacon, 16 Ontario oats No. 2, white, nominal. to 18c: clear bellies, 17 to 19c. Ontario wheat Nominal. Lard Pure tierces, 13^4 to 14c; tu *- 14 to P i!s . "% to 15c; to 17c - Shortening tiercea, U\c; paUs, I4^c; prints, Manitoba flour second pats.. $6.90, Toronto. Manitoba flour 90 per cent, pat,, bulk seaboard, pi-r barrel, $6.10. Mary is paying a delicate' bags included: Bran. Choice heavy steers. 87.50 to $8; First pats.. $7.10; ^ gool l' *l to H'^ ; ^ tdher 9teers - Tomnfn choice. $6.50 to $7.25: do. good, $5.76 to $H. 1 J5; do. n-.ed.. $6 to $5.50; do, com.. $4 to $5; butcher heifers, choke, $6.50 to $7; do, med., $5 to $6; do, com.. $4 to $4.25; butchers The New Pope. Pius XI. Cardinal Uatti. Archbishop of Mikui, wbo was elected Pope on the seventh ba!Iot of the Sacred CoHege. He was only created a Cardinal last .June, iind ia In his 65th year. 1 ond, with pass matriculation includ- I ing 75 per cent, in any four papers; j third, with pass matriculation includ- ing 66 per cent, in any six papers; ; fourth, with a second class profes- ! Total expenditures for the ten ' months of the fiscal year ending Janu- '"'Y 31, 1922, were $2(!9,313.260, us compared with $313,809.278 during a similar period in 1920-21. This is a ! sional certificate in addition to pass decrease of $44,496,028. The cxpendi- i matriculation; fifth, as a student of lures on soldiers' civil re-etablish- mature years with pass matriculation i >"ont declined from $27,985,317 during Market for Gold only. A despatch from London says: --Sir Robert SteveiHon Home, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced in the Hous* of Commons, in reply to a question, that it was the Govfrn- intention "to permit the Big Reduction in A despatch from London says: As a result of the Washington Arms Con- ferene and tha British Government's the ten month*' period last yt-ar to j $12,709,COO this year. The total am- *| ount P ai(1 in Interest on the public debt tiul ' in * the Present fiscal year is $114,- , 579i577> M C01npared with $120,042.240 during the ten months of 1920-21. re- j economy scheme, the administrative Sir Robert Borden, Canadion dele- .. _ ^.v.. ate to the Washington Disarmament establishment of aji unrestricted mar- staff of the British Admiralty is being ! Conference, has returned to Ottawa. ket for gold in London at the earliest ' greatly reduced. Already about 800^ < date at which th state of exchange officials have been discharged, and it! Mr. P. C. Larkin of Toronto h renders this course possible and de- i, understood 1,500 more have either! been appointed High Commissioner irable. received or ara about to receive notice.! for Canada in London. is now likely to become the owner of some of the finest gems in the king- dam. Orders are pouring in to jewel- ers for the finest emeralds, sapphires and diamonds to be set in platinum in new and original designs for gifts. German Government Meets Third Payment Old, large, 2t> 1 tons, new, 2 dairy, creamery, prints. choice, 28 to fresh, fancy, good, $5.50 to $6; do, com., $1.50 to fed and , , , , r, - m, * ati '"w<.fia, ioi iowi, A mspatcli from Paris says: The! ducklings 32c; turkevs Gerniiin Government has made its! geese, 20c. third payment of 31,000,000 gold' Margarine -20 to L'3c. marks to the Allied Reparations Com- , .^Sg* New laid straights, 50c .11 tn .!*<> Mn'i Kfcn n,.. v , ' > ET3 ' * 8 ' SO ! "cgs. ted and watered, $12.26 tk c>,okiii 4' to -'6, to $12 - 5 : do - f -- b - S11 - 50 to $11.73; Dressed poultry -Spring chicken., *' COUntry f<> ^ $I1 ' 25 to * n ' 50 - ;!0 to 38c; roosters. 20 to 25c; fowl, '28 j Montreal. to :(2c; ducklings. H2 to 38c; turkeys, 1 Oats Can. West. No. 2, 6-1 to. 50c; gccse 30c. to 64'c; No. 3. 63 to 634c. Flour Live poultry Spring chickens. 22 to Man. spring wheat pats., firsts, $7.60.' 28c roosters, 18c; fowl, 20 to 28c; Rolled oats Bags, 90 Ibs.. $2.70 to, Shorts, $30.25.' our lots, $28 to mission, in accordanci- with the ten- laid, in cartons. 52 to 54c. " $ ! h ? mi -P'f ke<i ' $2 ' 8 dy payment schedule recently adopt- 1 ed by the Commission at Cannes, ae-i cording to an announcement by The ffal y, i)(} . per 5 jm j T m l' s - I Maple sugar. lb.. 19 to 22c. 40 to 45c;j$2.80. Bran, $28.25. | Hay No. '2. per ton, $29. Cheese Finest westerns, 174 18 He. Butter Choicest creamery, 33! bushel, to 34 c' Potatoes Per bag, car lotsj $1.20 to $1.25. )d calves, $10.60 to $11.50)1 thin sucker calves, $8 to $10J] veJs. $11; hogs, selects, $12.78.] i good REGLAR FE1XEKS-- By Gene Byrnes AMD BOO4HT A QUART OP APPLtS \ (JoUL-t? \ BOVtR. AV4D I BtTV4. SELLER-