Vol 42, No. 39 Flestierton, Ont., March O IO22 ROCK MILLS Mr Richard Hoy, (pent a couple o' weeks in Toronto with her too, Chtrlrs, whose wife ha* been in the hospital Undergoing as opvratiou. Some ot the young peeplo. from hero attended the parly at Jake William*, on Friday night and report real gvod time. Mr and Mrs Henry Osborue und chil. d.en, ofOffeu Sound are visiting with tk former V sister, Mrs W Russell. Born On Thursday, March 2ud. to Mr &nd MM Lewis Pedlar, a daughter Doris Irene. MBBSM Will and JLouiw Newell, of Pur- hui, spent i* day wiili_th*ii brothtr, C Swell. Misa A n nil- Robertson, returned to her homo at Maxwell, after spending the p.iut hre im.TithK, with her l.'ncle, Lev 1 Belts, and wifu. Mrs J Croft, Mr and Mrs Mtryn Croft, nd babe, visited with the former'* son H.irn Croft, and wife here. Jag. Park, of Uwtn Sound if back 10 his old position as bead sawyer in the mill here. George Jaliau, and daughter, Sadie, of Feveriham, visited at W T PadUra. Mra J Hut'jhinsou left last week for Aberdeen, Saek., after (pending the pant three months with her brothers and i tlier relatives in the ricinily. Gladys Lyons visited with her sister, Mrs Sam KiBher, here. Burn On Thursday, March 2nd. to Mr *ud Mis Cecil Monaghun, a daughter- The D F Co. started the mill this Ween, aud will have around three mouths cu'tintf. It is nice to hesr the old whistle again. The lad:'es aid met last Wednesday a' the home uf Sir.-. Alex McRse with dona- tions for them, for which Mra Molina wishes to th u,k the l.niio- vary inuuh. The ladies itid will hold their regular monthly meeting a.t the home uf Mrs Ales Me 1 1 10 un Wed. March 10th. vinit- OIH welcome. Successful Meetings Board of Agriculture The Board of Agricultuio meetings throughout the riding, ciine to an end with a meeting at Hupeville DII Friday evening of last week, ai.d were fairly sue ceaaful. The speakers were <[uiie as gcod as any that have preceded them. At the afternoon meeting here there were not ninny fanners present, but at the evening meeting there was a oud turnout of citizens and farmers Miss Chapman was declared by the women of thi) -W. 1. to be the beet speaker they have ever had address them. At ihe night meeting her address was along lines of social work as a community under- taking; and was largely taken up with illustrations of what, had been done in other pltces. Mies Chapman is a whirl- wind to talk and her idea* are certainly worth listening to. She paid a high tribute to the village on its development of ill- Memorial Park and thought i, would be a valuable asset its a community uplift. Mr. Cooper, of ilio Agricultural I>ept., nm'e a plea for more work. He wanted the people to make use of him. There were only two sohools in the Township of Artemesia that had gone in for school fairs, tie put on a set of moving pictures showing market gardening in the Hirmbe r Valley, and how to dress a fowl for roast- ing. Thiisu pictures weie very cirmll and valuttlesi as a demonstration. Th aud. icnce did not find them instructive. Mr, Cooper advocated Farmers' Clubs buying these machines at 9250, for their own use but we fancy few clubs will ipend so much mouey for a toy of this nature. Mr. Broad of Toronto explained tlia working of the Government's scheme fur loaning miney to farmers. This, also, was received wilh little enthusiast!!. As one farmer *aid to The Advance, -'w ha? too iiru.-h of that sort of thing now." Mr. Fallis, the Farmer speaker, gave a splendid talk on how to make the liomn on the farm interesting for young people. His address was exoeedingly interesting Dd instructive. At the Wednesday evening meeting heie Mr. Geo. Miu-hull occupied the chair. Music waa supplied by village *lnt. New Lodge of the L. O- B. A. at Fevershem River Ladies' Orange Benevo- lent Atsociation Lodge, N.I -HI, was orgai/.ed at Feverghani on February 24th 1922. P:mi Worthy Miatreis Mr* Thomp- son of Collingwood was the organizer *ent by the Grtad Lodge of Ontario West, aud certainly Sitter Thompson is very thoroughly posted in thu work and quite capable of filling the wrtice of Organizer. Bros. Thompson. Wilian and Reeser, also of Collingwood, assisted in opening this new lodge. There were- sixteen members initiated and all were given the degree* of the Association, after which Sister Thompson conducted the election and installation of officers, which resulted as follows : Worthy Mistress, Sister Mrs Thomas Ttiornbury ; D M , &ister Mrs A J Con- ron ; ChipUin, Sister Mrs E J Parsons i R: c Sec, Sister Mrs Jas McKenzie ; Fin Sec, Sister Mrs David McMullen ; Treas Sibter Mrs Win Conn ; 1st Lect, Sister Mrs James Conn ; -ml Lect, Sister Misc Mary Parsons ; Dir of Cer, Sister Miss Annie Galloway ; Inner Guard, Sister Miss Mary Fawcett ; Outer Guard, Bro Thomas Conron ; Ut Committee, Sister Mrs T W Conron ; 2nd Committee, Sisto r M ;-- Mary Julian ; 3rd Committee, Sister Mies Mary Fawcett ; 4, h Com, Sister Miaa Mary Parsons : nth Com, Sister Miss Annie Galloway ; Guardian, Bro I, mi, 's Vriv'iM ; Trustees, Bros A J Conron, Thos Thorribury and James McKeuzio ; Auditors, Sisters Miss Mary Parsons and Miss Mary Fawcett. This Lodgo. will meet monthly 1/11 the Thui-v.lay on or before thu full uiunu. All vis l'ii(j sisters welcome, also tiro officers will bi> p eased to receive appli- in: .s for membership. Victoria Corners Intended For Last Week Kev Mr Kippeii'.i broihcrgive i very itiNtructivu HiklreiH to tho Orangc'inQii on Sir; -1 iy it the llrrcu appointmurrtft. .-V'tfumber from around here attended the funorul of thu lato Mis MclJuire at Bethul. Great sympathy is extended to the Lorc'iived ones. Mr arrd Mrs Ltidlnw spent a few days at Shelburno Ist week. \Vo saw in H recent istue of your paper that Governor Millar uf Now York stated an>oni{ other I.-SIMI '.mi-, that prohibition lad people to disrespect the law. We would like Governor Miller to please point out to us where tho l ; <|Uor ever m id o a man respt-j the law ' How much I 1 -.-;- i ; has a Jrunkerr man, or one who wants to get drunk, for law, himself or his family ' Wo consider lhat a prttt'y weak banier io hiJe behind. This Week's Items W. Gallagher nd wife a r e ii> Toronto, where Mrs Gallagher expects to take treatrnunt, or potisilily undergo arr oper- ation. We are sorry to report Mra H JSichol very ill with the grippe, but hopa ihe will *jon he out axain. Mrs McCarthy arrd SOB, Walter, and Mie June Uadley of Niagara KalU, visited the former s sister, Mrs James Stiuaon. Honor Rolls S S No 3 Artemesia Springhill Pupils are listed i* order of merit in c'ass wurk and attendance. 4th class Harold Allen h, Wesley White h, Harry Akius h, Lome Sharpe, Lizzie McMullen, Minnie McMullen, Margaret Moore. Hartley BUokburn . Sr 3 Florence Allen h, James Allen, Everett Blackburn, Inez Brown, Ellwood Moore, Melville Hogarth. Sr 2 Qrnham Beard h, Mervyn Fenis h, Herbert Akina, Fred White, Arnold Brown. Sr 1 Bassie Beard and Florence Besf, Howard l'erri., Willie White. Prinrer Aunie Akins, George Allen, L -la Blackburn, Audrey Brown. Oeorgina M. Beatty, Teacher. Mr Herberr H Pletsoh of Culross, sirs- fc lined a very heavy loss whcu he lose a targe portion of his herd of cattle, with the disease known as "blacktop." fihne c it tie diVd nd several others wern aick. Mr Pletsch keeps a well-bred herd, go li loss will be a heavy one. Bruce ^ ra'd and Times EUGENIA a riuinber fvuin here attended the funeral of the lute Henry Fenvrick at Flesherton on Monday of last week to pay their last tribute to one of Eugenia's niot highly respected pioneers. Mr Fenwick was of a very quiet, kindly disposition, which won him many \vnrm fri .ml.-- The sympathy of the comrnnii- ity goes out to the bereaved family. Mrs Curruthers, accompanied by Miss Muriel and Basil, visited with frieds in Collingwood Htul Clarksburg all of last John Williams held a successful wood bee on Thursday uf lust week. Jacob Williams also had a wood bee on Friday and Mr and Mi- Williams entertained their niiiiiy friends. The evening was -|'nt in games anal dancing und all enjoyed a jolly time until the wet- Mrra' hours. The power house boys are. busy [jutting in repairs at the gate house in prparn- tion for the spring freshets. The W I met lit Mrs Smith's Thursday afternoon but as there was Ujt a large enough attendance t > get the matters settled satisfactorily, there is a meeting being called for lire Institute and Me- morial Committee on Thursday, Mareli 20th, i H o'clock p. m. i. the home of Mrs Leonard Litiiuur. Let us hope for a goodly number present Wm Smith and wife jf Maxwell visited with Mrs White at J Walker's recently.. The ice on thu lake is a greater depth than it has been all winter some 28 inches- but it will not take this March weather long tu rnuku it unsafe to travel on, if it continue* na warm as it has during the pus. fo.v days. WL- .-ire sony to report Miss Minnie Giuimm on the sick list. Goo Orris of Slielburne has returned home after spending the past week with his ami', .Mrs 'i irley. who returned \.-.t', him to visit friends iir and mound Shflburiit'. Mra Bert Grall-im and bubo are . >: ir her sisters, Mia Hamrrr nd .11. 1 Mrs Stu:irl, at, Kirnhurley. Mrs Armstrong mul Mr* Will Moore of Flesheiton visiLed with Mrs Lirge on Saturday last. Roy McVlillcn of MarkJale .\.i a guest of Mrs Wilson tho pt week Quite a number of the curious visited Pheasant Island thu past week to see how the work is progressing The houses which aru being en c ted should surely be of a very artistic tjpe in accord nice \yth the tastes of the gentlemen who are the promoters of this expensive work. MIPS Etla Ltlimer visited friends at Kimberley. Communion in the Presbyteiinn church next Sunday. Prayer meeting Friday evening at J Walkejr'a. The ladies of tlia Missionary Society are. holding H sowing bee at the home of Mrs Jaiob Williams on Thursday of this week. Anyone interested in missionary work will be made welcome. Bring along your thimble. .Mrs. John Gilchrist Mr*. John Gilcliriat died very suddenly at her home, Geylou, on Monday at the gre:it age <.f III years. She was a moi-t remarkable wonmn in many ways, having cintinucd to do her own household work Uj) to the d-iy of her death. Sunday evening .sho went to bed in her usual In ilib and at 5 o'clt.ck .MoncUy iiiorninn she called her son and comp'ained of feeling unwell, aud about noon p isaed peacefully away. Mrs. Gilchrist kept house for her only SOD, Thoinis. She was lorn in London- derry, Iriilunil, and camo ' Canada in 1855. She married the la'c John Gil- christ 51 years si{O. She also leayos tw stepsons Andrew uf Flesherton and William of Egflmid, Dakota. FLESHERTON Rink Schedule MONDAY-Skating 8 to 10 p.m. 'TUESDAY-hock.y practise. WEDNESDAY-Skating 8 to 10 p.m. THURSDAY-Hockey practice. FRIDAY-Ladie*' hockey 7 to 8 p.m. Skating, Band, 8 to 10 p.m. SATURDAY-Skating 8 to 10. I -8. E. DtCt'DMOKE, Sec. CEYLON i Miss Viola McDonald, who has visited Priceville friends for the past month, has returned home. Miss Margaret Sinclair guv.- -,\ liiithday jmrty to her schoolmutes last week, whmr a nuist I'lijoyable time was spent. Constable Cook was .'it Hamilton un Wednesday of last week. Mr Speurs of Fevurshanr sperrt a couple of days last week at S Hemphill's. Will McLean anil brother, MahU-r Earl, who have spent the past three months in Algoimi, have returned home. John Cook of Menfurd visited willi hi uncle here last week. Little K.-ttie Stewart, daii^hter of Mr and Mrs Archie Stewart, while out sleiglrridiny last Thursday, bad the nri.s- fortiine to fall and tirwik her collar Imne. A L-cmcert was given by the W 1 ,lat WeJne.silay evening iir the i-huvcli Mr. Archie Sinclair nccupitd the cha r in bis usual genial way. Mrs McCurten of 1'riceville gav a well rendered solo. Songs weru rendered by <i Hanks, S Pod'.ar and Mr Haxion Master Kail McLean gave a reci'ntiuii. Hawaiian music by the Hebhcrton young people was well received. A play was i;iverr taking up about an hour entitled "Bi IV'H Mishrrp. " The proceeds umounteil to about JSio. A vote of thanks w;is ten- dered to nil thone who took part .-tnd helped to make it a in !.-,- Denth entered our vilUue on MonJ.iv, when Mrs John l.iilclirisl prissed away sbout 1- o'clock at her rendencu lieie, after 'ivitig he:o abi.ut 49 jeirs Slu- had been feeling N|ileuditl. About - r > a ur she i-alk'd her son, who arose ami c:une> dowr.stnirs, when she -.tated tlnil she diil not feel wo'l, ar.d lie <|uickly rnadu a warm drink for her. She nr.'idu- ally grew weaker Medical aid was procured, but all to no avail, as she was coMi[iletely worn out, ijiiiully sle<|iMig nvny. Slio was horn in Ireland irr the yuar l)Ml. Her maiden nanm WHS Mary (.juigg nnd sho was h, anted in January, IS'Jl, to Mr John C,;K-hrist, who pr< reded her six yea:- igo last November, and to whom n somwas burn - Thomas who remained .; holm- and cared for his aged m tin i Sbo also leaves t 't niourrr her Io s two s'L-psolls Win of Dakota .ind Audrew <-f l-!i>-hi'r ton, and three brothers She. wi.s i very kind hcirrted neighbor. The funeral will take p'ace. Wednesday aflcniiMii to Fleslieilon cemetery, where the lemairis will be laid besitlts those of b-.-r iata husband. Much sympathy is oxpressi d for the sorrowing one*. PORTLAW Tne welcome crow is iimuiri' \>. ii'.m- ing from thu tree topa the p[j: nil of yeullu s|n-irijj An epidemic of severe colds Iir- beiu previilent ar.d a good many piot/;-.! have bjeu bhul in an n o iiisti|iience. Mrs Robert Hill went ro U ulusier last week tu conduit sptcialibtf, iryard- ion K^i throat which has been i>i\ .: hr trorrble. SJin came home very rnuu'.r en- courted, :unl nil hope the trt-ttment will result in a permanent cine. Mr Hill HccurupiuiiuU his wife to the IrnKprtal. Rev. Mrs Fowler aud Miss Mildred CiHWrll of KloslreitoD, visitt'il with friends here last Friday. Misa Liy.zioj McLi'irrmn visited with relatives iir Toronto lately. Mis Bessie Young of Toronto, visited at hi>nn> for a few dys. The friends and ne'^hbors uf Mr mid Mrs Uiivkl Uiakt-y met in tlunr home recently, urrd prrsentud them with un nd~ dress nnd f-t purse us ;t token i f pr,rec- i.-iK.n 9 neighbors before lav .i\y for tlit'ir new homo on ceirre line. F W Hay, M P P, was uiven the Lm ersUip of ihe Reform party in ihe O:iUr:o L^K'^'a'ure at a big convention hold in Toronto last week. Mr Hny is jiiom er if ihe L : &towell iir- -ii of ','*, origin nud a Congregationaliat in re ligifii. Six yintiiK men and six young ltd ea H> ui-.l nil Mm way from Hepworth to ii.vi ii Sound, on the ciust which h d fo.ursd on the snow, to see the. Murkda'e- WiactpD garao last night. They oarne tiro twelve miles in two hours and ten minuses. The fro/.eu ruin on top nf the snow is ijirite strong enough to bear the wr^lit of a person on skates. Tho -k/i 1 - e s went back by tho special train wh.ch W>s down from vViarton. -Owen Sound 8 in Times. Two Million People Bates In Canada wear glasses to rest their eyes or to improve sight. Glasses really save eyes and are a sign that the feare r values eyesight pseciously. Our exam- ination of your eyesight, too, will benefit. W. A. ARMSTRONG BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager, Registered Optician FLESHERTON, ONT Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. ESTABLISHED 1872 Proton Office opuo 'f Tues., Thurs. and Sat. ;S );". 1 P f ^f' ' - ;< HOURS I 2 o'clock noon :HEAD OFFK L HAMILTON 10 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILT DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRvNCH PROTON -C. J. Forster, Sub-Mauager House of Quality Groceries, Candy, Fish GROCERIES-A full line of Groceries strictly fresh. CANDY Neilson's bulk, package and bars, good assortment. FISH Qualla and Herring. GRAIN & FEED CORN Cracked, ground and whole. Oats, Oat Chop, Buckwheat, Wheat and Shorts. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario M t i Sale Still Going Everything Must Go At A Big Reduction Many lines at. less than half price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don't miss these bargains whila they are goiu b '. W. L. WRIGHT, . Corner Store, Flesherton * \\ $^^