A6drit communication* to AUI onuniUt. 71 Aatlald* St. Watt. Toronto. Deadly Germs Breed in Filth. I it will look somewhat separated and this to *Me, and will rosornb lea half- We want even' reader of nu; eohim to recognize the danger of on in shape, though not di.tmcUy. filth-germ infection and adopt meas-|^ > can scc a y lk when y l ures for the protection of animals, j Similar precautions should be taken! to prevent infection of wounds on . ln t r * e hatch. } egg is fertile and will probably man, for many a death occurs from blood-poisoning and tetanus (lockjaw) that might readily be prevented by ind disinfection of germ known as prompt the wounded part. A mischievous In a thin, white-shelled egg, such as a Leghorn egg, you can sometimes see a yolk in a fresh egg, but there been under the hen or in the incutfttor for a few days. If a thermometer is the incubator, the nure. canker bullnose or snuffles, which the hones of the snouts of swine and causes difficult, loud breathing in those animals, an intestinal disease heat fot ' infprtilc and this assertion. With a good egg-teater the chick can be seen to move around in the shell, like a fish in water, after seven or eight days of incubation, pro- vided the germs are strong enough to be saved. If the egg is warm and the germ does not move freely, reject it; the egg will never hatch. Were these directions carried out, two incubators would be sold where one is sold to-day, as the only objec- tions to the incubator would be removed, these objections being: Chicks die in the shell at pip- ping time, and of bowel trouble after hatching, which often takes the entire flock. A Httle practice and experimenting will enable one to test out all infertile eggs in thirty-six hours after the egg reaches the temperature of 103 deg. Have a good egg-tester, with a magni- fying lens attachment, which can be used in daylight. A pasteboard box enough heat is applied to bring them up to the required temperature, the fertile eggs will be overheated. Hence the importance of testing out infer- t.iles (which are cold eggs) at an early with holes in it and a coal-oil lamp, which must be used in a dark, hot if room, are only an excuse, as this test- er does only part of the work neces- sary to a successful hatch. People will never know what the modern incubator can do until they attend more carefully to this import- akin to hoe cholera and known ovi . t c e ... y date. An infert le egg is not hurt by ant feature of testing the eggs, in a end thT ki, ?i S ''"t V PmBtl V- 8t lthr*e d.vs of incubation, but a fertile reliable way. They will never be Ititi, f hi ? *P<> i: ed for food purposes at I successful in hatching and raising !p m . . this stage strong incubator chicks, unless more form ffiK , I"" 5 " / *m Set two or three hem. at the same stress is put on keeping the trays full form of foot-rot in sheep and cattle; . * _ _j * tl*Mn <>mi n4**4- 4-liM. i M.I t 1 . n * r\ M 'ITIfl HS Ol iTOOfl ('iTj-T- Smoke Tne Tobacco or Quality LB.TlNS-and in p'k'gs. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL on the lips the hoof-heads of horses, causing the most severe form of boils or furuncu- alwav8 &* lois. Then, too, it may invade little ,. . tested out of thejpoor hatch means poor chickens,! , replace them with fertile eggs which, if grown to maturity, will be from under the hens. Trays should unprofitable. full of eggs. In ten days test again, taking out abrasions or lacerations of the teats " Boiled eggs, dead or weak germs of the cow, sow or ewe. and induce a j ? nd "P 101 "* aain with good eggs serious condition that is difficult to from under the hens. If in ten days MARCH 5 Jehovah's Mercy to a Heathen City, Jonah 3: 1-10 Text Isa. 55: 7. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR Golden cure, or even ruin , to be saved, and will never live to Honesty Wins. At School of the Woods a great competition was in full swing. The head teacher, Miss Browne, had, one Lesson Foreword It is difficult to . Neh. 9: 1). Ashes; were also used to ! m nth previous, received a letter from say exactly when the Book of Jonah j express mourning and penitence. They | Sir Stephen Langton stating that the was written, but all the evidence I were thrown up in the air so as to j best composition written on "A Bird's There are many ways of destroying! points to a date after_ the exile, that j alight on the head and sometimes the j Life" would be rewarded with $500 a gold medal. Of all the girls, Roseleen Monarch was the most ex- ",. e . HW I [imii^vva^Buiucatiu^iiiK (/vims MI a uaLC . i M < i biic trjiiit;, MMM i MAJJCub vfl i nr DtJcMl BOH auinciiuics me: I > ' 1 the parts invaded.. 1 e perm does not move freely m the the , ice whjch arc sure {o be present iSi a f te r B.C. 586. This book deals | penitent or mourner sat on them (see and To pvent diseases due to these I she11 of a warm egg it is t weak w h cre ver hogs are, unless some effec- 1 with Israel's attitude toward the Job 2: 11). That the king himself The Jews seemed never to should have repented so deeply shows V s. 7. 8. Not content with merely a nrecedent the 141 j unu |t i j ^v. viyv.iiiiiuit.>i, ivr> t germs hate cleanliness, sunshine and ! wl " hatch stron * chlcks tllat ' barrin K; oxygen; indeed, germs are killed i an ^I^*:.* 111 ,.!!*!: ^J'.f-** , j ing on. I sometimes thing they may; people, but on the other hand, the ! ance." A.V head^of*"th"e""state lie ' "]be a blessing in disguise, for in the heathen still ruled he earth. This,'j n charge of the religion of the I process of destroying or preventing 'proved a stumbl-ncf-block to Jewish | an< j could e7V j m or modify reli germs, stock barns must be kept clean, I* " savea ami will never live oj time meagu ^ js a(1 ted to preven t.i heathen mnny and perfectly ventilated, for all ' h ^ h , "^UU trays of strong live eggs , w fc w be able to adopt the proper religious , the profound effect Jonah s preaching . ,,.,n v, n *v .. -i,:,.!,,. n,~t Uo^.nn., attitude towards their heathen neigh- had on Nineveh. I once eliminate them entirely we, bors They prided themselves on hav- 'iof time to care for an incubator one- |would be freo from them ever after iing the knowledge of the true God, anfoy 5 a^ofTe ^TS^^SwfKttt^CI " Ut "" ** f 'I"!* iS . Sti " -|My.h, and on .being his pecu.hr fresh air; cheap remedies, ' surely. ] th T ee w T eeks < the rcst bein unhatch - Dlrty teaU cause mouth canker in! ab 'e>- In the end there will be trays new-born come invaded abscesses from clean . ...... ... ^ ^^ fop ^.^ ^ .,,.,... "-/.J; " u "-"' !? at ! on ' as a f ood Jew "ho_refused .at I alleges that the Persians made their! have tried first to preach repentance to Nineveh ' animal not to blame. The trouble the dipping tank, and found The Ninevites were instructed I upon their !ronl ; ***** ''" '" tivc but almost getting the infected cited, for composition was her hobby. Immediately the girls set to work great energy. The rules were few, but strict. Each girl must not get help from another, he was ! Each competitor must every night state j ke ^P her composition in her desk, se- religious curely locked. ani-| Roseleen at once hunted up books .???j ; n the subject. Her intimate friend, Gray, found it hard to keep dropping hints of what her essay ined. P.oseleen's and Lenore's only enemy Sheep wound their lips and muzzles i ' ct a dead chick, look for the running from the germ to i the different parts of the egg; if only All feeding-floors, pens and yards!*, black blotch is seen - without red used by livestock on farms should, blood vcms ' H in<lica t e s dead chick. In an egg subjected to ten days or two weeks incubation, a dead chick looks just like what it is a big, black, lifeless body in the shell, when seen through the lens in the tester. If the unhatchable eggs are tested out carefully with a tester which re- ports correctly, and the temperature work n, cau where pocnible, he made of concrete, o that they can be kept clean. Test Every F.gg Bcfor- Selling. If thero is one rule above all others to be followed in luitcliing, it is this: Test every egg Ix-fore setting. Set only the eggs that an- clear when ht-ld kept between 103 and 104 dog., very MIKUVI vivwiwiui v% iit-re uie\ coaiu sec the other eleven have been dry. Some that the one Go-i is the creator of the fix a rubbing post and wrap it heathen as well as of which are saturatedl [_ Warning, dip or oil. I| v . 1. Jonah; is th ' hero but not was practiced among them, such as the maladministration of justice or the pilfering of the poor by the rich. Lenore was disliked by Rose because she was Roseleui's bosom friend. It was^ the day before "Competition " " * *-> i l T .. .. ...,.., , ,.. c , re ... -, V. 9. These people who .stood out-i Ua y- Roseleen went to her desk in nnd an ordinary watering pot with the necessarily the author of the book. | side the covenant with Israel -had ajthe schoolroom, locked up her compo- hok-s in the nozzle enlarged with n'lt is nowhere said that Jonah him- j conscience, and that conscience, onee^ition and went away after exchang- small nail, and a can of good coal tar, self wrote the book. There was a I awakened, told them that God was j ing a few words with Miss Browne| dip handy to the water supply about prophet by this name in the reign of under no obligation to spare them j who was busiiy piling books inside of the easiest and surest method. One Jeroboam (2 Kings 14:25), but as he from the deserts of their wrongdoing.) the schoolroom cupboard. . an do u thorough job in a good-sized lim | Ionff l)cf ? re the , events described erd of hogs in l-, ss time- and with i? th . ls hook r ' he T' d no ' hav( ' ht ' CI l rf , ,, tin- hero of our storv. The second ess effort than it would take to put (ime . Tllo flrst eonimaRd to l)renpn to III. Forgiveness, 10. | A few minutes "after she left, the One of the leading ideas of the book lean face of Rose peeped in the door. . one willful pig into the dip tank, or Nineveh is given in ch. l)re 1:2. Jonah in front of the tester. hours after the eggs are the hens, test out which look fresh. Thirty-six few chicks will die in the shell at put under pipping time, and there will be no all infertile eggs It is not hard to tell which eggs are fertile and which are infertile. A bowel trouble among the flock. That impure eggs left in the incubator will poison the good eggs, I have learned by actual experience, and almost all yolk will show in the fi>rtile egg, but | incubator people will bear me out clean u and reload one patent hog. disobeyed this command because he oiler. I like to go over the shoats feared the effect of preaching repent- while at the trough, or in a close penj ance to Nineveh; the Ninevites would The big heavy hogs will flog down to repent and the Lord would have corn- rub themselves when the dip begins l Passion on them, where;s Jonah pre- to. bite and give one a good oppor- forr<Hl to scc tm ' m ''e^royed. The tunity to do a thorough job. [ESS*"*.*??*? *L*2'*Z*!!T> She glanced hastily around and, as Most sinners are cynics, cynics are sinners. t - M I brought him to his senses, and this and most time he "* V. 2. Nineveh; the of Jonah is that God is full of com- passion not only for Israel, but also \fio for the heathen. The faintest trace cf[?Sh , T'f jf^L* 8 r my repentance on the part even of the i cupboarli ' """Palely hidden, gave a heathen softens God's heart and . Slgh of *""*. Immediately she went causes him to turn aside from thej to Roseleen's desk, unlocked it with a punis'hment that should have been ' duplicate key, took out the precious meted out for their sin. Jonah was indignant that his essay, and soon had copied it all out in an old work book. Miss Browne preaching had awakened the Nine- had seen it all and she gave a gasp of "vjtea, his nation's foes, to repentance, amazement. At first she decided to a consequence God had ; te ll her assistant and get advice, but great Assyrian Empire was situate,! ' quit the cUy ' God cTused" amount to ! " " e . con< J **** *** k "^ "would on the eastern side of the Tigris, I grow and shelter him where ho sat e wlse to keep the news to herself until after Rose's competition had capital of the >itu Tigris, | grow The Leading Life Company of the Dominion 1921 THE MOST PROFITABLE YKAK IN THE HISTORY OF THE COMPANY bright and clear fluffy clouds hung . ._ the sapphire sky. If Jonah bad At half-past two the co-mo-skinns into it in place of the ram water on shown so much concern for a short- whirl) the inhabitants had depended; | lived and comparatively worthless gou \\, would not God show a far ' i pure drinking water was and stately palaces arose in the neigh- the people of Nineveh. were to be read before an assembled Soon after two nun Miuri.v jimm rs nil n tarn nei^n- KUU u, WOUKI not liotl snow a far .. horliood of the Tigris.'' "Its markets greater concern for a whole city of ' wcarin g a dainty, simple muslin were thronged with merchants and i living men and women, even though dress > w "t arm in arm with Lenore ''- ~" J : '" library was stored they were heathen? Jonah typified ! down to the auddtorium. Then Miss / f ' ay T> , books " | llis narrotv, prejudiced, Jewish race Browne rang the bell and the first girl fell in B.C.. 007, who were anxious to keep the knowl- called read her essay All this time edge of their God to themselves, but Rose, in the waiting room was copy- Qon smvv mm Viavn f>i.t V.; L . ,..,. _>_ . ' ^ v rj traders, and its with thousands (Sayce). Nineveh before the Medes. V. 3. An exceeding great city. The Hclnew means literally "great for^ IGod" that is, great even according to ' tends to all men, even to the' heathen God shows him here that his passion is not for Israel only, but ex- Jw *-., J_, *. . .. I I _ .1 . , * *'"- * 1 '' eai , a divine standard. The city occupied and to Israel's enemies. The book of aliout 1,800 acre-i anil was surrounded Jonah was, therefore, an ancient mis- went with walls surmounted by lowers and snomiry tract. pierced with gateways. These walls roso to for Year Eiuli'd jlst December great height and were in . The ' J nah ' ASSETS for year CASH INCOME Increase lot M KIM I S overall liabilities and otpital Increase for year .... PROFITS paid or allotted lo policyholdei'H PAYMENTS to I'olicyholders, Death Chums, etc ASSURANCES IN FORCE . . . I HIM (:( lot \<Ml , , , NEW ASSURANCES issued and pufd for in cash 14,53^,682.85 .M,107,14U6 '.355,570-73 10,38.^,909.10 1,849,089.95 11,967,069.62 536,718,13053 50,076,805.36 90,030,035.66 circumference. It rwrainj three days to go through the eity from one end to the other. V. 4. A clay's journey. Jonah had penetrated almost to the heart of the Yet Application, sad This m has . because it has been so misunderstood.. It has been that the chief value of the of the "r^T w reatl - When Roseleen applause was great. She blushingly down the aisle to where Lenore was sitting. Then she whispered to Lenore: "Oh I hope 1 get the money. Jomvie. the gardener's '* almost Wi " J *<"' the $500 the ct for an op- announcement but they would feel j instinctively that the reason lay in ' their sinfulncss. "For this teeming i wii humanity he claims the universal pos- j "'"j' sibilit.y of repentance, that and no- thing more" (G. A. Smith). ni n _ ..... __ ______ _ ..... _ __ ______ - ,^... The jewel in the book of Joiia'li is with all men of their be- Then came Rose's turn and the ap- plause was deafening. She cast a triumphant glance at Roseleen, who smiled back in congratulation. Of tpected Rose to get then Miss Browne clear voace called order. She told n and the audience the sneak. s prize was then given to Rose- imd the cheers circled, echoed through the room for leen ir r 'r ol) r nta "^' - 9 ,' . , , b ' Ninevites as' V. f>. The people i.f Nineveh believed | drcn of Abraham (iod. They believed thaU (!od would touching verse in th cr th thret - yell as the chU- ' Reu.l thy last' in the book " I book of Jonah is thus an Meanwhllt; Rl e was hastily taken >I tlie school by an angry and in- dignant mother and was jeen no more carry out the threat and so they re- ' 2. The pen ted. Notice that their repentance j anticipation of the wide "sympathy of af School of the" Woods was immediate and all-inclusive. The Jesus. Luke ha* preserved for us the Ninevites contrasted favorably with] immortal parable of the Good Samar- . Whom did Jesus commend in this Two weeks later Jennie was taken to a specialist, the operation perform- ', and she recovered her sight, much SUN LIFE CANADA HKAD OFFICE MONTREAL the Israelites who hud many prophets . i nnd a long term of grace and yet had f,.^ lci v ,.-,,, 11IV , u ,[ ln <- - Driest -n not fully repented. One main point in or the "Levite," but the outcast "Sa-j to ', J ,? y f , T the story is that the knowledge of : maritan." Thus fie Master protested 1 . ..'. 1 " 1 gla(1 I wml tltp P'?. j against the narrowness, intolerance, i . , , ..- , j and blindness of his own fellow- raat . . . sackcloth. These are the countrymen, and endeavored to 'how outward signs of grief and self-abase- them that Ood oared for sincerity and i ment. The people of the East show human service wherever he found it. their feelmg-s with far less reserve Jonah himself was petulant, bitter than wo do. actually som that the foveijfi V. 0. The renort - p T --- 1 -' !^_ i.. ... Jehovah awakens an instinctive res- ponse even among the heathen. A - Jennie wo:ikl still bf blind " sailt Roseleen. a month later Floi- once Dare. Red cedars and apple oivhaids are poor bedfellows. Cut out red cedar windbreaks around apple orchards, f Junah'.s terrify- the Ninevites--. were repenting und-v ! wl " u " leBlls arounu apple ore ing announcement penetrated into the his preaching. The Lord was compel- 1 unloss you want rust - v a PP'es- royal palace. so that the king also re- '- J ' ' ' . . . pented and aba.-ed himself. Sackcloth I was rough cloth made of the hair of 'camels and goats. It was worn in .times of great trouble such as inourn- ; n;; 1'i.r the c\:.;.l t aii.I along with fast- ing was H vL-iblt- e\|)i -vf'n n of peni- ._ tcnce as here. (See 1 King* 21: 27;liiHtion* led to reprove him for his frightful , intolerance and pettiness, and to ahow f ht him that there was "a widenoss in ' i... .=... (Jod's mercy like the wideness of the sea." Thus the book of Jonah is M powerful luissioiiury book, its aim and purpose is to reveal (iod's love for nil peoples. man who is bothered with his horses gnawing the mangers should go ti> the drugstore and get som I i g rosin. Put some in the feed box rail pound it to pieces with a hammv, A !'i'.v feeds will euro ih hors. i i