Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1922, p. 4

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March THE FIE8HBRTON ADVANCE Town Hall, Flesherton Moving Pictures Monday, March 13th Tom Moore in "MADE IN HEAVEN" Christie Comedy "WEDDING BLUES" 6th Episode of the thrilling Pathe serial "Velvet Fingers" Show starts at 8 o'clock sharp. Don't M: , It. ADMISSION : 15 cents and 30 centt, including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN, MANAGER f rtt .1 if ii rV. rrr.r.f iX THe Flesherton Tailor Shop! The Place where you get Service 5^ i A iiij; >(lt'ftioii of ill.-! c!a.- i n^ili ; ( suitii ga -in ! i' i!'t & in >9 ti cli'j'jsi! from. II ^t cLua WdlkllMnHJliji :tllJ {^ tailo 1 MI J^ Ihe Latest Styles l'i!c -.-! to .-i'lit all 1VM T. C. Blakely ^ Merchant Tailor Does A 5 = T u b Washing in 1 Hr. The White Cap I'm. Waih- er will do an <.!, family wanhing in one hour. It washes fanter and wrin:;. faster than any other machine washes the ciothca more thor- oughly and to a better color. It is easier to operate than any other electric washer and gives much more lasting satisfaction. Sold on easy payments, at low price. See it at our store or have us take one to your hon.e for free demonitration. Sold by Frank Duncan Flesherton PHONE 24rll ( iirriints anil (ioosi'tici lies. If n currant o .".oosrii.Try phi:ii;< lion is / |irop<Tly r.nvd lor. at least ^inlit to ten crops may hi> i-xprcti'd tli'fol'i- It Id'CDIIH'n Ulll'l Oil! 'I III" ll> i-.uisi' of Its iiK' 1 . I'lodnctlvi- lidds OMT twenty years old arc nut nn common in s<itin- s. < linns. AltlioiiKli lln> iiiiiiiln-r of .Miirs a plantation will rontiniic In .mil lii-:inn., COll- dill')!! (1. pi'llds I') .SflllH' eXh'lll Upon I.M-.i!i'ii ;>nd soil, the- must iinport- anl I'.iclur is tii.' (.(.-' Kliirh it i - celve Tli.- period of iiroiliictivi'Mi s.t iii I, "Hi mi rant and r.uuseljcrry plains is longer 1:1 not llicrn i gloi a tliiin toward tii .ninth. 'fn hum ; ..r t!i. MI fMllnri' ;md longer on heavy Boll than on san.ly soil. In Kartl>'iis -l:"|-e the availsjil.' land i li!nil.'il in . xl ni en. 'rants ami Kiiiis.'tierrie.-i may w.-ll he iilaiu -il anifiiiK Hi" tree fniitu and left tlier,> perin.iii'-iilly. The sliaile of the ir.'.'.i prul'.'t:; Mr' lruil:i from Him ; i\ild. iind (lie fulumv i; i'S!i;'!lv hi':illlii< r in .s;,c!i loe.ilion i than \vh' n KIO\VII where it IM fr. ely ex- !"i 'i In III.' ;,llll. A place with .o.)d ail drain:;'.;" I'j preferred lor tM'i.seheri-ie.s. In low. damn places miH ' attaclis liolh Irmt and I'oliaj.;.' i.ioro se\eri'ly t!ia:i on hiKlier Kites \,-|iere the ail' cirrn- lation is lietter. Cnrrauts. however, are seldom severely atti'cli.'il hy mil dew. Therefore, when the site is a sloping one, rnrranlM may lie planted on the lower part.; and Koo.seln.rn. .s above, As liolh fruits hlusHom very early in the sprini:, neither .-.lionlil he planted In low pockets where late iprlng trusts may kill the lloweis (io.is.'ln'1'ries ordinarily are prnpa- 'i d liy niound la.M-rn. The plant from which layers aie to he pn..''!!---!! shonl.l hi' cut hack heavily before it h.-^in.i lo urow in III sprin.r. Hy July it will have :ieal out niimorniiH vi^-irinis sli.iot.s. l! :i!ia;ild then he inuiiniled with earth hull' way to the lip of Hie H!IO.I|.I. H autumn the sh'i'its will have root d. Tliose with strong roots may then he cut of)' and a -t in the mirncry. l'i lie urown for one or two y ;,irs h.-i' n-e pl.::iti . i i thi' Held. If Ihe riots are not well developed, it will ho better ID le.'.\e tlu> shoots attached t i lae r .;,\ nt plant for u M:H- i.i.l j ,ir. IHIIIIEli Cftreiully Corrected Week Brley .................. 70 to 70 j Peas .................. 1*25 tn 1 25 ' Hunkwhmt ............. (I WHod .SO Votatoea ........... , ..... 1 30 to 1 30 Applea ......... : ....... 4 00 to 4 (K) Bntter ................. 2it to 24 ljut* ................... o 2fi- j0 o ^r> Winter Whet .......... 1 05 to 1 06 Spring Wheat ............ 1 00 to 1 00 nts . ........ 45 to 45 r.i-| .11 in.; for i ..,.! ;.i-. This month h.^.n.; tin- active gar- ildiini; work. Ilot-hcds should he made, ;n)d the nood of the curly pliintH llko cahha^ca, ruuliflow. r. early celery, early hotttn, nnd the loni; Hea.sdii plants like tomatoes, rm; plants and peppers tihonld he .si HI I. il Many of these seed.s for Hinall L,H d.'tilnn work may he started inside which will relle\e the necessity of niakitiK hoi beds until tho first part of next month. Manure for lop- dreHsliig Hi.- ground mny ho hanleil out the latter i> IM of this month. Put nprayiiiK machiuu Into good condition, and test it. Keep plant aphla In check by using BOUIO tobacco pri-uaration. TUF. Plesherton Advance An independent newspaper imliliahe' 1 every Thursday utthe oth'ee, (.'<illni>wooil Shoe*, Flmlierlon Sulncri|)iin!i price *i 51) per tiiintim wh\>n pii'l in .'nlvniicc : ~.''i wlx-n not M> juid. 82.011 t>> United -States. Adrurfciiiiii<> rntea on |iplioalfoii. (/'ircuHt'ion ovur weekly. \V. H. THi;i<STON CARMICHAEL'S RESIGNATION Tlio leMgnaiion of Hon. I) Car- niiclmcl from tlic Hydro Commission lust wei-k, as n protest against tl/o reckless Uturoftlitt expenditure, came as a bomb shell to the special friends ol Kir Adam JJeck and the limit men who want hj-tli radiaU and linge de- velopments, regard leis of expenditure. Mr. Cannichael evidently thinks it probable that there is a class of men who arg only too willing to euibarras the furmet ".overnrnent by cajoling them, or even forcing them, into ati expenditure tbat will discredit tlietn completely in tlic eyes of the country, and he is willing to drop a nice little salary lor the suke of r v. .. alien tion ID this stale of affairs. All honor to linn! Tliis was a danger tliat was from the moment Mr. Drury came into power. lie lias not alwajs bueu able to feud ofl' the attack, but lias fought valiantly. [n tendering his resignation Mi. Carmichael told ol bid assurance to the House last session that "t!i>' lii.il live unit* would he com- ;jl,ted a' u o at i.f f J5,()OU,OOD. I'p lu the eiid >.f .1 .1.1. ii\ thu . M'rii'i, , turn I.B I ("loan lo the sum of :?i'>l,- OS.\2K>. .-nil I In' enyineei-; of thu 'LO i.'- i :, IM* .iiiiniUd lo com- plete Ir . unii.s I y about Aliucli or Apul < f I'.IL'.'; !.' i ni uld hu I ticess my t. til ex]>' ndituri: of {'I'l.s.si;.", lilt.'!, v.iiicli, null in. .ill' H nice of |3,6UU,UOO f> i miltriVi and n|U'p- ini-i.l Niiv.iL.nl. u. u|. I n. ,k the n> I ixpei tlilur.- 8liO,:i05,(iO:! " A \VHITE MAN IN THE FENCE A peculiar iiimiciul ptu;:le exists iu thin villagu which is confining to tlic m. h.! of our village fathers to a eou- lc i V"i.t, and which will ha\e to bu solved at once or some ef the 'itliiiil- will be stricken down with insomnia >n:il nervous prostration. Thu trouble upueure to be that tlu'te id, auoordiug to tin; treasurer, nine or ten hundred dollars more on hand than the auditor? can Bnd justification! (or The item Ims hueii passi d along frum jt-ar to year \\iihoiU any person Small Ads. Tiy Fevershn.n Pas ry flour, the V>*ut or your cook. All Onmrio wtietc Oh (j|>i _' done on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Qraham Bros. Kugenta Honey For Sale Clover liuney at reduced price G. W. Ouhain, KugenU. Fur sale A '1'iuiii'y of flsx seed 2.50 pjr b<i-hel. Peter Muir. Ceylon. For Sale Coal or wood Cook stove ood .. new. MIH Mark Wilnon Jr. For Sde - Oi-od timothy hay, price $20 21 r "i Flesherion, A D. h win.l'ricevi'le ' Six building lots in Flesherton f. r Fale ' on Toronto street, finest location in Iowa | Apply lo B. XXVlton, Fleiherton For Sale Frame house and lot for sale n Flctberton. Apply to \V. SitndrEoa tt thu Munehiivr II"!i-". Dapp'e gray mare 9 yents old for sale, or would exchange for col' H XVeltou, Fleshurton. For sale Purebred Uurrmn calf, 11 month* old. !"t n and (J, con. lit, Proton, Win. McCoruiDck, Proton. CORN IN STOCK Both whole and cracked. Right prices. GROCERIES A full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. Cult Vor Stle Heavy colt iitln fou yearn, alco co\' f D ye-irs oM, due end March Bert Mcee, rmrY. of ? For Sale Birds pure wool Muckinawg in liUck, I. r .'.!! ttnil _ v, 'no knit 8toc-kmi! H Alextndtr FeVersfitrn. Fur Sule or Kent The old t-)JK factory ! in Fleshi'i tun, on e\*y IIMIIIK. Apply to i K. J. SprouW, Fleshert.ni. Hugs For Sile Four tirst O'HI'' home' for HI|Q. Also linolitiiu diinii,' r. nn in L:""ii condition. If interested : IK <. XV. I'liiilips, F!shtrton. FOWL WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese C;i>\\ or trade. Highest prices paid- CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. per bbl., '2 sacks to the barrel. $:5.25 ! i S>li' Dominion (>rg>n, B oe'veK, ill liisl c'.a'H ciiiiditi<ii>. price renson-iUe --XV A. U*Leii' .\IUMC S-on-, Flesh- JAMES McLE/.N, HuT For is.ile My herd Sire, T. p ; Notch, No. lU.'iL'ti, eilved April 2.1 I'-'IT; ii'no two youn.; hull caUea eiijht and nine montlm o!d, both tirei by Top Notch -ind Scotch l>n 1 duns, tt reason- able f rices T. (i. Biisiow, Uuntroon J . " , telephone centrid Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON lioaimd L >t For Sle The pup <ily known - tho Alhdown resilience at Ceylon, mi t ro > us I dwelling, etc. ; aliout an ac-e able to discover wherb the money oume from or to whom it belongs. The time has now arrived when the treasurer wauls this ruattcr cleared up. U the money belongs, to him lit wants i.' Know it; if to the town, he wicihej 10 know from whence it ei.im , and who i* responsible for its t \istence ax an iutl to the vill.i'.e. Tliere is a ponibility that (lie mutter will not bo c'eured up without the atsiiitmice of the Municipal Auditors. At lea^t \\ 11 M i) niilibluotoiy lo know I hat the boots have not been on-ihaiiyed anil a dclii.it ohragednp instead oft smphw. It' the anrii>mH is lonml Lo be due I i a liydr miscalculation in the early stages ol thu hydro "yanie", as some think it will this liily littlu sum would place the \illnt on "easy atrui't" with im 1 po(i bill, nuil piobably have the (it (educing out rates. It would jr m the fence" it would In 1 a white m. in . liud, would umke :i unod h. in.' retired giDtliroin I- i .!..- < 'her umticulnrt apply lo XV. .1. fMtfftherton. of for a ! fin- ; mi's Fertiliser For S-tle at Flesh, r lou tjta'ion I'lirlieN wiskii ^ to secure i i. inn's Siiio (lain Kvrtiliier cn do io by oorreipoDdiog wnh XX'. .) Me..ds, n he i ki'iit f'.r thi^ diitricl nnd keeps it on hai'd. ('in be .- -MIL' 1 u:.y wejk day, t U" sliippii .; diy i.-tfeii-ud. A>tlho FARM IMf CLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, 4 WALKING PLOWS, WAGON MOWER M H.'eali _\ lu.lucitl it will bo in the in- tuicst .if ihota W.M titij; these :;> 'd-t to g -t my pi ices XV. J. Mtails, Fli < .1 t n P. O. Telephuiiu If r 4 JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. In: nn "nife s '1 Im new Liberal Imdur's nauiu is Hay Tlic farmer government should bave looked Mr. Hay over in the dm uce. as hisuame imlit have lu'tn nil asset lo tha I'. V. O. ranks. i in Wnliiesilnv while wnlkin on the ruiul on his uy np town, Mr XV I.nndei nut iih H puinful HCL-iilenr, in whii-h ho received htukeli c. lUi l.onu. Mr Inuder, .|iiite denf, did not htar H bone .in.l cutter c uning up hehind him till it was .(iiite ohme, nd, heurin^j the telU, jninpe.d riijht in the puth of the oiiuoniing li"..,'nn.i MJJ. He was knock- ed down nnd Btuuned Hiid does not rem- ember anything till lie WAS living carried into thu huuso. He in now doing nicely . the hnniti if his son, Mr Ciinieun l.iii in Dnihaiii Chrmrole, The Village Barber Hair Cut 25c. Gfve me a trla) and get good sutface At All Times Our Aim Topics! V(r J. F. MATTHEWS MARK DAI F. BAKBER AND TOBACCONIST We Are Responsible Uiisint'ss is a personal matter. You cunt <;et axvay from it. Soinob.xly has to be responsible for t[iiality. Tne deciding factor in every deal in "xvho's responsible?" We are responsible for everything xve sell yon whether it be a car, u tractor, farm implements, thus, tubes, blow-out patches, auto repairing or what not. And the laet that you know we're respons- ible, and everybody else knows it, too, is the only thing that keeps our business good. But this responsibility of ours \vonld be an awful load a liabil- ity rather than an asset if we didn't buy our goods from people who are just as responsible to us as we are to you, and xvho alxvays send us goods that we ean stand back of. That is why we sell you Chevrolet or McLauglan cars, Samson Tractors, Cockshutt Farm Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Goodyear, Dominion and Royal Oak Tires, etc. Our responsibility is at the back of your car when you leave it with us for repairs. This also would be an axvlul load if we did not employ the best mechanics. Mr. Bmckenbury xvill be in charge of the repair shop again* this season and all work entrusted there will be done in a satisfactory wav. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONT.

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