Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1922, p. 5

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Marh9 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE - . The Investor's Safeguard CAFETY is the first consideration in every pha of this Bank's business and we are in a position to render a complete investment service* Our nearest Manager can give you information regarding any securities you may contemplate purchasing Let STANDARD SERVICE be your Inotttmtnt Safeguard THE 3"J R STANDARD BANK QF CANADA. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Flesherton Branch, - George Mitchell, Manager CANADIAN C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Going North 1 rains allows : Going Sooth 7.56 a. m. 11-52 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 9- : %- ". The mails are osea at Flesherton ti follows : For the north at 10.40 -'- and ' 8ister 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south j All classes of job work done in The Advance job department. Mrs. Fewster and Mrs. C. Evans and little son of Grintnn are visiting with Mrs. Everett Henry. No show at the theatre this week but a special showing will he m ,.l un Monday, March ! !i. -See Advertisement. Olire Nelion, of the public solmol ie spending a few days with her it Terra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter of Melanc- oiail close at 9 p. in. previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS | thon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Down. Mies E Sandil&nd, formerly of Hrtn, arrived last week tu Uke charge of the millinery department of F H W Hick- linn's store. \dvertise in The Advance, tho results ' -r- ne p%r | or ca f e clr wn j c h has been are aure. ; run <>n the morning and evening trains Mits Ale-da Mitchell spent the week | of this branch of the P R will remain. end in Toronto. | After a thorough trial and summing up of Mr Emcke of Elrawoud visited over | results this deoision has been reached, tho week end at F G Karstedt'a. . The sacrament of the Lord's Supper Mrs H Legard and daughter, Tena, ! '" e administered in Chainlet's Pres- 1 byteritui church next Sunday, March 12. j Preparatory service on Wednesday evct.- in at 8 o'clock. retunml last week from spending s month in Toronto. Mr Johnson Cullen of the east back , line huffered a slight paralytic stroke on Satmday last and is confined to hi< bed. j duo to arrive "> 'eok. These Outs will weigh in Oats for eale Car of no 2 C W Oats The Spring Assizes The Spring Aasi/.js are being held in Owen Sound tbi week. There is but one criminal ct*e, that of Rex v Daniel McMillan HIU! MIK l>mi. 1 McMillan on a ch-irgo of murder. There are three civil cases lieing. tried before Mr Jutice Lu^iv. Tho first is that of the Durferin Con- struction Co. v the Couuty of Grey. The county had a contract with the company to do any woik that their engineer should require. Tho Construction Company chim."l that they had done 512 cubie yards extra work on part cf the Meiford ui'i t >,v,-n Sound road and that they should receive extra payment for the extra work. The county claim* that i in-, work w;s included in the contract. The second caae is that of Lloyd v Lloyd. Mr. Lloyd is suing her husband for alimony. The parties are from Mark- dale and there has been trouble in the home. Mrs. Lloyd is -urn:; her husband for an amount sufficient to maintain her. The last case is that of McDowell v th County of Grey. The former County Engineer, Mr. McDowell, is suing the county for certain wages said to be owing him for services performed & the C junty Engineer. Mr. McDowell was engaged by the county in February, 1A>20, at the detinue salary of $3000 per year and he was to pty his own expenses. This tgreement was terminate-! iu March of last year and a new agreement was undo out. The engineer was to receive 81'J per day and have his expenses paid.. Mr. McDowell claims that the county will not pay him the niuouot owing undtrthu new agreement. The county claims that the engineer is paid iu full for ill woik authorized by thetu. Jack Miner, tho Kiiisvilli) bird man, I (b$ will be iu Durham on March llth lo give'his interesting Ulk on wild life. The public school is closed for few days owing lo the bursting of the turn, ace boiler. ^r Petty ihioviug nd vandalism :l church t() the neighbourhood of 40 mmmfeA busne i._.T. p i Collinson, Ceyloc. The highly humorous npiusU't's return,'' .will Watson's Hall, Pricevill play, " The be given in (, on Friday are ami ants. Mr Hurry Slu-lbutnoj-'huich attend- _>) ecnts . ovouinir, March 1", under tho aiinpice s / of Si Column 4 Guild. A-iii.i- >! i. .'15 mil Tliistletliwite, whoS. has egaaraa^ I i i ll m 1 LV Spring Millinery We take pleasure in announcing that our Millinery Department will this season be in charge of Miss E. Sandiland, who comes to ua highly recommended as a very capable and experienced milliner. A tasteful collection of early Spring styles in read- to-wear and trimmed hats is already on display, and the Department ready for Spring business. NEW GOODS~FOR SPRING Men's felt hats, new shades $3.50 and $3.7& Men's Spring Caps, novelties $1.75 to 2 50 Men'ti new Neckwear 1-00 to 2 25 New Check Ginghams Mo to 40c Prints and Gakteas 25c to 40c Yard wide Fancy Flannelettes 25c to 30c Congoloum Hugs $IS.OO eaah Four yard wide heavy Linoleum $4.50 yd. Men's Rubber Boots, to 1 1 4.50 to 7.50 Ames Holden Rubbers for every si/e and last ; New Wall Papers all reasonably priced : Braidram.Henderson ready mixed Paints. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Miss Vt>rda Freomau of Markdnle ^_^ spent the oek end with Miss Mildrtd been wilh the Hydro at *i'S' Fl ! McCalluni. On Siiut!y Miss K.wrnun the pat five years, is visiting his parent. | w|)(| hw ^ pxcel , ent Vl , icB< f|4V(iri;d th(} nere - i audieiices in tlio Presbyterian aud Mtth- Several articles sold at Htl nuction tale j a ^ fl churches with tinely rennored wilns. in Miiion, contained money, from *1 25 to $10, which lud been laornad ownei. an old liidy who died " ia8 - ()rv Maxwell luTiironto, by th .1 i several, Mr snd Mis Cl:ff Blukoly iitti-rul.-d ilu. funeral in Hanover on Saturday of tho late M i--. M E AlcMalinu, aunt i [ Mis BUkeleyV, who diet! in-Toioiito (>n "' W - J - Thursday of ia-st week. Mrs Blakely ie- nesday. February Uiud, 1!'22, by the turntd hmne lo.l iy, VVoelnesdiiy. Rev. L Phelps, Eva Mae, eldest dauRhter of Mr and Mrs Chaa. Maxwell, and Wm. W Orr, Jr., both of Dundalk- week i in account of the illness of the pastor, Ki.v. J. II. like, the servico in the Mothodii-t church on Sunday inmnint; was taken by Missr.n Muir.y, Holland Mi- .1 Ruustiidler itrrivcd last from T'jrontd to get hia business in order and T. Bintbkffl. The evening service for the suiniiuT trado in butter and ug^s WU- taken by Mr. Win. Miller, a^iited He oteus up l.is business in the old by Mr. Cure Ok< - , wlm cimo up from Armstrong buildinu', which ho purchased , Toronto to take chargu. Some of our exchauses announce that had .1 81 r >,UOU tve recently- !! i i~i two y< us Flexlieitot. 1 HS laft fall. Better j,et your wiutui's work wound up. A break up might occur any tuni i up By Iha w^y, soino who promised to bring n ,, L j, a j uv . eil n |if latn ce ,u tire. Tho us wood tlrs winter have not yet fulfilled (tem tirbt appeared in mi Oransevillo the promise. This ny wny of reminder, you know. A cndit auction salo of faun stock and implements will bo hold on lot llto, T and S. K , Arleimsia, on Thursday, March i), tho properly of W. M. Davis. Mr D^vis has reeled his farm suil every- thing musr, be sold. See advt. in this issue and bills. A large load of wiro fencing arrived on Saturday for the government plioasautry at Eugenia. A uico six roomed frainu huuso will also bo one of tho appurtenan- ces theio, for use of Iho manager nd to tlun si-n'ir.i l ho i.inii.!- . Tlieie ! w,s no juslitication foi rho oiror. It '.t i- a confusion of Clarkiburg with Flot.h- ; erton und .in evidence of r.-ithi-i- >lips!i il editing. A in idorn utvo-dwulli r his In on il s- ; cn-ered in tho village of LinwooJ by T.ix (.' !!i i- ! Hoggs, who IMS sei/.cd the herd I of awiue bolongtng to Mr Frederick in order to got pnymont of tloif n the 40 dog alleged tu bo kopt by Mr Probst on his prtiimos. Mr Piob- it's nmniier of living H reported to be lli-j iniisl primitive. His dwellu g is f a shack with Hewson-English On WudnisJay, Fabruary 'Jl', at the nunse, Duniroon, by 'ho Rev, J. A. Me M ill.. M, the in-uria^i! ceremony took place of Lieu:. Francis M. Hevsou, Duntrooii, t'i Eli/.ihftb Vora, second d-uighter of Mr. and M:s. .John English of Sinubini|it "ii. Tiie tirido wore a navy tricotinc sin', navy Utl'ela bat, a corsage b.ui,|iiel GI" .-we i- 1 [11 is 'ind maidenhair fern, and '.lie grotm's g'ft. a sable wrap. Iniineili.iH'ly -ift.'i the ceremony Mr. ; d Mi-' Howson left for Toronto. After a short h: IHMII i .u ;hey will make their li line en ;|ioir ' inn ti"itli of DuntTOODi The bride was ouu of SinghamptOQ'i most talente"! mul [i pu''ir youn^ indies and her friunds in the c muiiinity evidenced tboir rstevm ! y ineeiins; >it lu-i hume on tllD Kridiiy lieforu her uurri::i;ei ind ahoweni." In i n!: * number if beau'iful gifts, J W H.iuiilt"!! of Mhelluirne fell on the icy s'dewalk wlulo i,'"iri; to church and dislocated his shoulder. i ' .. i:iiiii! the um oi --.'.ii.U, - i.\i to bl- owing to it by an xgreement with th 1 ' >iinty of Grey. the> Hyilro-Electiic I'onrar < ' -IIUMI - - n i. ,, ,-- led a writ i. I'll- 1 t ho Cunnty in tb Supremo Court. The c'lxlm arises out. uf work ilonn when roads wero being limit. In the cuuise of operations it was found necessary to move a number of pole?; :ind tho Commission, it whose 'expense tin- woik was iloiir, c'liims that the Country iis-reed to reim- buie it for all expense? incurred, Mes- AUCTION SALE n? Of Stock, liiip'.tments K'c A eivdit Auction Sile, the propel ty ut W. M. DAVIS will be held on f. .t !:;.". T \- S I!. AttemtMa, Thursday, March 9th, 1922, When llio f M mini; will K- i.li'eie'd : KS -Diivina mire. Agricultural mjod, team uf !'crcln-ri>:i ifldums :.' und .'! yc.ns inutclitd. I'ATTLK Com I years old due March JO, Cow S yi'ais i'U tiippuscd in calf, Cow i yean old wilh baliy calf by ^'- : " ul . 1 tu li" in mt, i.fifertt years old iil 111 i i.t, steur - ytMrs i Id, -\ j iisinn - years o!vl -u|i|i"M'il tu lie I in ciif. - steers nsinu'J y>-:ns uli.l,.i calvut i ii-in.' 1 Vfii vi, Alu'ulo'ii Ar'jus lull, j 10 !DII-.| cwi'-, yniiii^ lifni'd -o-,v will) pis, SU youu .: ;'i s, - * * * r *{! Right Now Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush - - .* :i frs Middltbro A- Speiemtn, <.'ounty icitois, arc r-et'iij,' on behalf of County, Sol- tho accommodate tho minister of (lieuwiita ! M to c.neist .,i a HINCK win, A when he conies up to iu.pect his hobby, eied w.lh a blanket for .u K ro 8 s and egrew. be AUCTION SALE HI Finn Si' 'A-, Imp'-e'incirs, eie. The undersigned noiioneer IIHS been fivurod with instructions from J. f. MARSHALL to sell l>y public auction ;it his premise-s, Lot 24, Con. 10, Artemesia, Ku- MACHINKEY Ftosl A w,.oJ binder : nearly new '> font, Mtl'oumck in-. WIT izood at- now, Deermi! ruke 10 ft, Massey liairis cu't tvfctoi , --ft Diamond harrowi I sec , Pcrcival w.ilking pluiv Xo '_'l,l''leiiry Uiiii; plow, Chatham v;iH"ii ij'.oil i-* iu-w, *( ulil wagon, sot slrtuhs new, iiiblm timl bii^^y nithtp. sti-el HUM tu^y. cutter, i"ot piujpor, Gurncy's si-wor. sci'ttlcr, stuL-k nick, w.u;oii m-k, C'hailum fanniiu mill itli IMU-J. r, -rf L'Oi-'i Hi M t !&, Mlgne t Ortam sipnrnlur ^nuj :is new. sot I'.i'-.vy hn-ci'liiiii: Inrm-s -rt i .in !iitnt- j , 1 gel n^U' hiiiiu.-s, ''* C"ll us "> *et win HI lu-.". 1 twin ni'i'k- yoki>. 1 buguy pole, lu >'il>iiri'. .-u^ir- UtttK', l:i.vn mower, f'."k-, 'novels, ih'iuis tnd other articles ton numerous \ nun- linn. A 'jUitr.tiiy uf ^hi'lliold Sinniliiiil seed ivite, !!.'> il" ut 1'J tun i f L-in-K-f timothy Iriy. TKKMS - lii.iiii, h iy .in.l .ll >iin, "t SlOunJ unclM-. i ish; .. er tlml 'ii; inonlh*, cru'it will lu- tiivon mi > joint ii"ic.-, "i' .1 JUT ctMii. off for lieu of no'.i's. Kale to commeiKM shurp it I n'l'Im-k. D'nni'r st'i'vi'.i f. i 1 tlii: - -i! from i dtl ance. Every thing must be --old :s tin- farm is rtntt-d \V. M. Davis !'r. p D. Mcl'hsil .-Vuc'ioueer. FOR SALE THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Brampton Public Schools re to i j numeMU | e d ot;8, which ho nmiiiliuns conducted on new plnns. EHicient pupilH ; prmcipal | y ,, horso moat (,,,.,, ))e , jro . cures though the cotinlty. side. I On \"nlley U.iad half mile |. s t of ' ' genia at Heaver Valley Fihliin.,' Club property Huddled with him in his hub nro the in will bo diauiissed daily at U.M p. m and lha remaining half hour will be dovot. od to thn more baknai'd. HOIUB work has been out oil in all classes under the Tliu auth- orities ure investigating 'ho matter. A gentleman lold'Tho Advance an in- thitd and that of tho senior cut J OWI) . ! elident tha other day thet illustrntes to a Weekly examinations will bo held ftlld ! dot the ineHiciency and carelessness uf th bright pupils promoted when An unfortunate error occurred Hydro Oommisaioii in incuninp expense*. ' It WHS found advisable to move tt certain pole in a near by village anil tho C.mi- Kugenia corrnsp'jnaenof. Ust week wilh | miMion WM thug j n f orme a. They sent reference r.o Mr. Gorley's death- ^ WM | maa f rom six miles away, and another announced as Mr Roberb Uorley who had j ftom njne |ni , M 8Wfty fo exaniine lhe passed away, whereas il hould have been po , 8 aBd report . LlUr lht)y seilfc Mlot | ler Reuben Gorley. Mr Robert Gorley is m%a 2 'J miles on the same eriand. Thre still with n, M we hope ha will be for ; d j tf , rent meu to report on ,h removal of many years. The etror if) not charge- j Qm po , 8 A.fter theie reports hail ben able to our oorresponlont, but tu '> n-.gde a gang of men was sent in from proof rcaddr. miles around, who moved the pole just The ladies of tha Methodist church | three teet from its original position! will give a high class KUlertainmont iu , And all this would be charged up t > the the high scho.ii Thursday evening of this , municipality containing the polo. Yet week. The program will include a p'ay ! that inuuicipality H assured that it is fiot- eutitled "A rag oirpet cuitina bee," also ' ting elcotriciiy "at lirst cost!" and is sup an exhibition of Mra Jarley's Wax Works, i posed to keep (|iiiet atd cuppreis all interspersed with music and Hinging. [ grumbling. ,It cannot do nnytliing but When the ladies go in for a thing like sweat. If all thoir business in dune on this they go for all they are worth, and j the same basis as in this instance it is no always produce some-thing very laughable wonder that engineers' estimates are and entertaining, and-worth the money, doubled or trebled. Inefficiency can Don't fail to see what our x''li) of older j "'"ko first coats grow like * puflboll in yrs can do on this ooo*sion. See bills. I autumn. Wednesday, March 15, Tlio following : HOUSES- Geildmi' three years old Agricultural, Gelding four years old Agriculturnl- UATTLli Cow fiyeias old due Juno 3, Cow ti years old duo June 20, llol- stoin cow 4 years old due May r>, Hi.U atein cow I ye-urs n'd due, April 10, cow 3 years old milking and wull gone in culf, Pure bred Shoithuin bull clt !> months old (oli^iblo for roRist ration). SWINE and 1'01'LTRY 2 store pin--, 11 TouUuiie (jeese- (male and ^ ftiuilcs), 12 Bood hene, Pure bred Hhodo Island Red nockerel. IMPLEMKNTS, Ktc Adama won and box nearly new, Floury plow, <;ed drill, Cutler, set single baruess, crenin separator nearly new, oil drum 25 gallon capacity, oat liBivy li-u m s < nearly nw, a ijutiitity of green oals for fued, whiltle- tre-e*, chains, fi'iks and other articles t:>o numerojs to mentinn. Sale to i- in in n. - itt 1,3U sharp. TERMS Pig", poultry' and iell tunis of tn dollars and under, c*8h ; over that anount nine months' credit will be given on approved joint notes, or tivo per cunt oil' for cash in lieu of m tss. K'li-ily keep thodiitti in mind and t will be t'i your ;ulvnntair<9 to nl'end in sale, which is cljoioa offerii ( and will lia sold without, reserve, an lh propriotor Mr. Mnisliall lias disposed of the pup iiiy and i.- leaving nniiicdia'ely after thei -J. S. SUKPI1KUD8DN. Audi >noc. it 12 'V' -\\ li in 1 7 kviiop'>ivt'i- Listm nHsoliiii 1 onuini' I S inch Maple Leaf (.irind*r. 1 1?S mill Ui. /. saw 1 14 '.ih.ii Cutting Bi>x C'.inpU'tc wilh Blower 1 CIUIVHS IK-lt ,"> iii. by 70 feet 1 liiibbii 1 Bell li in. 1 y >"' fmt Will svll any ailtbioe separate (i. K. BrackcnbHi-y, Kleslu'ttoii Clover Seeds Wanted Hiuhest in.ii kel piicea fur sweet clover, ' red cluver anel alsike. Send samples. A. O. MUIR, Ceylon The Cough Killer is Busy! Qough> and Colds destroyed by Un- thousand every day. Tnetant relief from your suffering ^uararlteea by taking Backlejr't Bronchitis MiiUue the remedy which Is twenty tines Jlronga: than nny other on the market, MOIU-T back if it failf to five relief 4O "<-' for 7 bo Sold br *ll drunutt or by mail frm W. K. MICCUT. LIMITED 142 Mutual It. lo.iiit Sold in FLESHERTON by W. J. Stewart & Sons and in CEYLON by Miss Millie Cook S! * H- s H*: s::: - * CUT GLASS " Beautiful in Design and Style" We list here a few pieces low in price, but nevertheless of pleasing appearance and very useful as well as ornamental Cream and sugars - per pair $2.00 Butter dishes with knife - 1.50 each Fancy mustards with spoon - 1.00 each Marmalades, grape design - 1,50 each Tall creams 1.25 each Jug and 6 tumblers - per set 4.00 More Massive Pieces of richer, cut such as : Berry Bowls Bon-Bon Dishes Cake Plates Knife Rests Decanters, etc. are carried ifi stock and we will be very glad to show you at any time. ft* "**;*** ~ -' W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON - ONT.

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