Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1922, p. 3

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Canada From Coast to Coast Summwsid*, P.E.I. .With a populn- men and> families, mostly from GIm- tion of about 90,000, Prince Eriwar.i grarry, will shortly arrive here under Istend haa seventy women's institutes the auspices of Rev. R. A. Mac-Done!!, WwJaing for community betterment, to take up farms in Kent and Essex P'hort courses are given annually with counties, where large numbers of hi'Stru'ction in domestic science*, fancy their compatriots have already fettled, work, sewing, millinery and other sub- Father MaoDeneM has announced that jects. ! this party will be the beginning of an Halifax, N.S. A healthy increase important emigration of HiKh'anders in Halifax industries is indicated in to this part of Ontario, the Domiinion Bureau of Statistic,' re- j Winnipeg, Man. In order to further port on Maritime industrial prcwth. ' promote the agricultural interests of The output of manufactures in the the province the Manitoba Govern- city in 1917 was $15,247,469; in 1918, men* has decided to in Tease loans a<l- $19,339,836; and 1919, $21,955,162. i vanced under the Rural Crecits Kentvill-e, N.S. Over 100,000 bar- ! scheme. The limit now placed by the ret* of apples have been shipped to [ Act, $3,000,000 will probably be in- HaHfix for export by the Dominion creased to $5,000,000, Hon. Edward Athntic Railway. There are still ap- Brown has announced. The policy of proximately 350,000 barrels left for encouraging farmers ta engage more export. From the beffinnintg of the extensively in stock raising by sup- season 1,490 more cars of apples were plying well-bred dairy cattle on credit moved than for the corresponding per-' will also be enlarged, kd last year. Saskatoon, Sassk. One hundred am Newcastle, N.B. the smelt fishing fifty thousand bushels of wheat grown for 1921-22 in the northern and e-as't- j in the Saskatoon district were sliippet ern coastal counties of New Bran*!- [ to Shanghai and Yokohama during wick has beiat the most successful in . the month of January direct from the history of the industry and the Saskatoon elevators. This is the first volume of &?.pmmia has exceeded ' wheat consignment for Asiatic points anything previously reached. The bulk; shipped direct from here, has gom to the United States though) Calgary, Alta. Admiral G. Como, there has been a satisfactory trade i D .S.O., formerly of the Italian and w,ih Quebec- and Ontario. j British navies, and who was in charge Quebec, Que. Complete control of ! of submarines for the Allies in the the tidui fisheries of the Province of I Adriatic dHiring the war, has secured - Quebec has been secured from the! a farm at Shepherd, a few miles from Federal Government by the Provincial here, and is engaging actively in oip- Govemment, accordJTug 1 to the an- j eratione. nouncement of the Provincial Minister The Dominion House of Parliament, with the Governor-General and the Parly Leaders inset. of Fisheries, on his rettirn from Ot- LLOYD GEORGE THREATENS TO RESIGN IN FACE OF "DIE-HARD" ATTACK Sir George Younger, Leader of the Conservative Secession- ists, Aims at Return to Old Party System Situation Rests With Balfour, Birkenhead and Chamberlain. London Medical School Excludes Women A despatch from London says: The London Hospital, one of the largest and most im- portant medical schools in i London, has decreed that wo- men students shall henceforth Mr. Larkin is Now A Privy Councilloi A despatch from Ottawa says: P. C. Larkin, who was recently appointed Canadian High Commissioner in Lon- don, will shortly be sworn in as a member of the Privy Council of Canada. His ap- pointment to the Privy Coun- cil dates from March 1 , when he assumed the duties of High Commissioner. Membership in the Privy Council carries with it the title of Honorable, so Mr. Larkin will be address- ed in future a.a Hon. P. C. Lar- kin. Adult Education. Mr. Albert W. Mansbridge, founder of tl: Workers' Educational Associa- tion in England, spoke on Friday, March 3rd at the University of To- roii-tio on "An Adventure in Ed'ucatiom far Grown Men and Women." Mr. Msatt&rTdjje is a trades unionist who gave the best part of his life and sacrificed his health in fhe interests of education for work ing mew. For his excellrat work in the organization be excluded. The reason given I ^ the Workers' Bd-jcarronal Unless Calgary, AlOa. In the four days ' t } le Conservatives, can stop ttie "die- 1 ma'chinory, since he is the ace ending February 10 between A despatch from London says: J the Government, he ha* no direct con- j s that joint instruction on cer- i taon, the University of Oxford cou- jnless Austen Oamberlldn, leader of j tro-1 of the party fdn-.b <;r the electoral ...kiw-ta r^nnnt h*. r>rn ; ferredi on him the honirary degree ol __. ,,he Conservatives, can stop the "die- 1 machinery, since he is the accepted * SUDJCCIH . ' " j j M.A. Mr. Mansbridge also organized 7,000 and hand" intrigues against the Govern- ! leader of neither the Conservative nor perly conducted With mixed j the Workers' Educational Association bawa. The province hereafter is to '8,000 tens of prairie wheat was in- men t, Premier Lloyd George will re- the Liberal party, each wing of tto classes. The women retort i in Australia ami' is now on a visi-t to lave sole ad.minis '.ration of its tidal j speeied at Canary and shipped west ^j^n. This neir ultimatum is contained Coalition having retained its- own , , . nmouflaffe waters exoept for the waters cf the to Vancouver for ocean shipment to j n a fetter written to Mr. Chamberlain' party nw-v""' Magdalen Islands which lie in the! various parts of the worlJ. This is a \> y the Premier. Gulf of the St. Lawrence arid have j comparatively new trad? development Austen Chamberlain and Arthur J. been judge-} to be too far away for which has sprung up in the last year Balfour worn c!oset<?d on Thursday for practical provindal a<ln:iinistration. Montreal, Que. Several through successful experiments in shipping grain via the Panama Canal jiy rrau-n,i .piy. -j : (Jaruuia ana in xne unwn ataies. i Sir George Your.g-r is chairman of real motive or the men doctors j fir3t Corkers' Ediw^itiuntU Association the Unionist. trols party (ivirimizaiiun. which con- being jealousy of women's i in Cai/ada was foomdei rty funds, and represents .- i .1 ffreater ' with the University competition and their greater hours with Sir George Younger, the! the whole Conservative party of the """P^ , head of Iht- Conservative central ofnre,: country. H<- was appointed to that emciency as practitioners. pelts, insradingr those of the! Vancouver, B.C. Fifty -three deep- trying to bring him into line or to position by Andrew Boiuar Law, who, pppppccpc TT) <IT polar, grizzly and b!a-^k bear, coyote, soa ships, not including the big vcs- - O nser..t to resign. Younger has stated althoutrh he retired from the leader- rt-fc-KEOotO 1 U ol 1 b"jffa!'0, silver, red and cross f ox, ' sels that ply between Vancouver and tihat he will not resign, but if he ceased! *hip cf ^ the House <rf Commons on ac- \ muskirat, beaver, aa : b!e and nviak were ' San Fr;uii.-:sco, is the record of the hj s anti-Ger>i-ge activities the Coalition! count of ill-health, is still titular ( received by the Canadian Fur Auction port cf Vancouver for the month of;..^ carry on for a few months longer.! lesuler of th Cornier vative party as aj A despatch from London sayr, Sales Co. for their winter sale, con- j January. For the whole of 1921 the j After what lias happened comipVete I whol*. Younger, therefore, caiuiut !ie Viscountess Rhimdda has e*tBtrlihed! < { ae t M in co-operation of Toronto in 1918, and there are a; w seven even m ! C l.- S e3 in Toron.to receiving education '"f university grade. The proviwiaS : UTL j V ei-mty has aiao estatbildiAed fouai IN HOUSE OF LORDS . workers' Educational Associtian| ' cl.'iiss in Hamiitoii and' thoiee in : . ivivcrs-it T of Aiberta signmtnts ecnsng fixmi aW parts of C^nalu, the UnituJ States, Russia, Siberia, Li&radnr and Patagonia. Prrco? reaHzed were, c.rt tile w-hole, number ef tleeps'sa ships arrivinig inj unity in the Coalition when Piirtiamenit] dethroned except by a vote of the the claim of women, who are Peeresses ; Vancouver was 389, compare;) with 336 j i s once dissolved can no longer be po.s- ves^els in th* preceding twelvemonth. ' whole party, and, if he elects to stand in their own right, to take their seats firm, will continue to cantrol University of Aiberta conn fo such organizations in Ed>j amd Calgary. It is expected Mr. Mjansbridnje's visit wiR fur-i C'oastwtae local and foreign, the ar-j Lloyd George will Itad th Centre party's funi*. the j.n the House of Lords. There are n^h a very considerable limpetas ' 24 Peere.?*e>.s in the United Kingdom t bia important type of work in BT-! Party, carrying with him Chamber-! The revolt indude:* about fifty of w ho can take advantage of the decision | higher than tho.se prevail-ir.g at thj rivals in 19'2l were 11,485. , faH ta!3. iLr.'d i7i ail a re>v-enup in ex-j Armstrong, B.C. Preparations for ; lain, Lord Birkenhead iwul Balfour, if; the ''die-hard'' members of the House one Duohcss, four CounlesBea. tu-i cess .f $1,200,000 was se-surcJ from! a heavy cro-p of celery are being made! the 'latter does not retire. Should the of Commons, but 't Has the sympathy . ViEouTt*sscs ar.d 17 Burones&es. tihn four days' sale. here. Hot beds, in which the spring Independent Liiberals and Labor a' CT Tee of a gieat i:u;nbfr of the other Con- Some having married Peers highiv in , Toronto, Ont. About 25,000 hunt-! plants for the early harvest are to be' u> av oid a thrae-cornered contest, leav- Eervative members and tljr foilowintf rank Uvan themselves, are known by:^ err- B.-enacs were is>i,d last year in ! grown, are under construction and the! j n g the "I>ie-lia.rds" to split the Con-j in th* country. Presumably, therefore, their husband's titU-s. _ _ the Prc-vin^e cf Ontario, it was aw-] first seeding will be done within a servative vote, the Liberal-Labor com-, the crisis will continue until a meet- '~ ' ' " ~ n " MPP; l .{" . T"* . ncwnced by the Department of Lands,! short time. Shipments of th* 1921 (rame .n,J Fisheries. This is a some- ; celery crop, which was the heaviest i what 'larger number ihaii tin- befcTe. .. | gross returns from this crop averaged London, Ont. A party of 150 Scots- i about $700 an acre. biivation might secure a majority at; ing of the whole Conservative party is the polls, a consideration weighing j held. veur'six years, started en July fourth. The heavily with moderate Conservatives. | Much is he'd to d-cpe-ml upon whether It is less a personal conflict 'between I the Oinwewsitii've members, A. J. Bal- Mr. Lloyd George and Sir George j four, Lord Birken'hcad and Austen Younger, leader of the Conservative! (MianAerl'ain, will be ai-le to exerl than a symptom of th i (sufficient pressure on the Yomngcrites Weekly Market Report HEATED DEBATE IN DAIL EIREANN OVER WMAN SUFFRAGE Other Matters Cause Stormy Scenes Party Bickering and Minister Baiting Question of Observonce of March 17. A (i-es-patrh froni Dublin says: The charged misrepiesentalions of his po- iissuc of woman suffrage was injected sition. into the -Oai'l Kireann.'s debate on Th ' i ' 9 Discussion took the form, of ..., , ,. . ,, , ! allegations and explanation.*. Collins j I huirdav. when Mrs. (VCs aghan pro- ,. , . . ; . .. . i suggested that a committee of two po?d that the Dail issue a decree < , .... the part of the three prin- cipal political partie*, Conser\'a:tive, Liberal and I.abor, rw aibandon the i Coalition system, which is generally I considered to have outlived its use- | ftilTie-ia, a.nl got bark to tlve old j;arty system. In this struggle Mr. Lloyd George occupies a somewhat anomalous po-! Washington and would not seek -in- sitio-n, inasmuch as, although head of other PremUfrship. Toronto. Manitoba wheat No. 1 Manitoba oats No. 2 ', SGf; to hold the party together. cannot, it is be'.ieved certain that the Prime Minis-ler will resign, leaving the Contfervativts to form a Govern- ment. Probably Mr. Cha-mibprlain would head such an administration, ti-at-k. Toronto. Nortiiem, ' CW, 62c;! Elfgs Ne\v laid ^i ids in ca.rtor.3. 36 to 39c. Beajis Can. h^aiid-plcked, bushel, ,; primes, $3.75 to $3.90. imp. All the a'bove, tre'rk. Bay ports. Amer. corn No. 2 yellow, 78^ic; j No. 3 yellow, 77c; No. 4 ytllow. 76c, , Mr. Balfour ia supposed to be Ontario oats- No. 2 wh-.te, nominal con lent, with th laurels brought from Ontario wherit^Newina'.. B Hr ;ey No. 3 extra, test, 4j 1'hs. or PROTECTORATE OF EGYPT ABOLISHED Kgyptian mission to London led by Adly Yeghen Pasiha. The paper also would contain, he adtV* the declara- , ,. ,, ,- bu'k ^ tion ot pjruey on which the Uovem- t>u - . to freights outside. Buckwheat-No, 'i, 78 to 80c. Rv-a No. L', 86 to 88c. Man. flour -First pats., nominal. Onba-rio flour 00 per cent, patent. Honey 60-30-lb. tins, 14% to loci per lib.; 5-li Mi-lib, tine, 17 to 18c per fib.; Ontario convb honey, per dozen, $5.50. Smoked meats HOTIK, med,, 32 to 34c; cooketi ham. 43 to 48>c; smoked rolls, liti to 28c; c-oltsffe rodte. 30 to the franchise to women be- from <>aoh side investigate the position Land of the Nile is Now ajment, in accordance with thu t ..V. . . and report. The suggestion was Sovereign and Independent Pluirkett proposed that the' Pail decree all busiiivss .suspended and I A State. despatri. from : A iwei-n in* ages of 21 and 30, instead of confining it to women of n:-ore than 30. This would ra>ake women vot- SSSSasS^S? -- -- - '^ h isa ; ^i^ ' AIKeJ { saying that when he tried this some; s j oner j,, Egypl, ' years ago there was a popular rovolt;' a tion abolishing to 33c; brand breakfast bacon, 37 bo 40c; backs, boneless, 35 to 40c. Cured meats lx>ng clesir bacon, .17. to 19r; clear heidies, 17 to 20c. Lard Pure tierces, 10 to , per bi)l., nominal. jtuh. IH'/fe bo 17c; paiU, 17 to Del. Montreal freight, ; print?, 18 to l!)r. Shortening, t in accordance with the prm- ! b - t , ^^. BraJ1( per W1K $28 to : 15 to 15M-; tuiw, 13H to 15%e: paite,' copies laid dcwn m December, now pro- j ,,..(,,. s ,,,, rtS( pe . r ton ,. (530 to $32; good j Ifi to lOV^c; prill's. 17^to_17%c._ " f6e( flour, S1.70 to $1.80. Choice heavy ^i-nrr, $7.50 to $8; uo' fr^T * . , . - iV.,, ,i,,... .. t ..,.-.- ' pos>d to proceed. ' law wil'l ijaieu n:iy trach, IUI-UHIAF. yci v^i>, .**--- ^ Kgypi. as SQt.ii as an act of indemnity I No > ^\ 50 to $22; mixed, $18. vho..-e. W.75 tn B7.B <to. x<*>A, % has been passed, the Prime Minister ' S;v:';w Oar lots, pvr ton, $12. 1 1-. $6.26; <lo. m> .. .. ?6 to $o.f>0; do, be abolished _in BalH n ., y _ Track, Toronto, per ton, ' g<l. *7 ^fco *7.50; butcher tliat it was an attempt indirectly to| postpone the ele:-lion. This was heat- ichise, it beir : g im. 10 prepare new lists within the avail- able time. The motion was defeated on a vote of 47 -to 38. in the day rie Valera ,,AA;.,~ n, , <u i* \- T ""ding that the GaeiM LaUKWi which n ^ ;! '- <*** State, with status quo for the de- wa , , n , adu on Ul(1 rf Egrypi, the of vhe Grif-i Empire's CDin;iniunications and the pro- liuuds cf the Kgjptian Mijiislcrs fior * certain impi.i'tar:! mcayurf-s arising out of war fondOucns. An act of in- <l<-niraty, thr-refore, \vouid be uoces- Ontario co'in 5.1 to liOc, outside. butc-her buJ-ls, gnoA. $4..".0 to $5.60: do, com.. $3 to $4; feeders, good, S5 to $(lj i fi th stating that they wou.W consider! tection^ of foreigners and of tile Sudan, nary lii'fure any Goverm;iient cruld tiis- niatter. Griffith declared himself i \ despatch from London says: pns with m-irWal law. to pnnalizinp the^pcor man' Prime Minister Lloyri Goorgo amnoiin-j poverty, becwu'se while the <M "s?^ 1 ^^ ' a ^ *4tt^*ryss:w, ** sacks, f8a , $7MJ per bW.| 2nd pat*. t() ' ?& ^ faif| $;{ to $4 . mnluni ^ Cbakersl, .80. bo jg 0; spr j llv?erSi 70 to $90; oalveer^ Manitoba flour 1st pa>;<-.. :n ^l-^i choice. $12 to $13; da, med., $10 to tie* vention. that Member of R. I. C. Shot in Dublin Street ' Uoratctm ii !''- ' "! choice $12 to KL8; OD, mpii., $iu 10 !savUe. S8.70 per bb 1 ..; 2nd pats., $8.20. !| U 50 . <to> e(tm< $5 to 57; Jambs,,' Cheese New, la.i'gc. 20 to ZOfteilcboiee, SIS bo *l. r >; ,lo, com., 6 to $7i twn-n^. 'M% to 21c; tnplsts, i to I sheep, choice, $6.75 to $7.50; ,io, g.-od 1 , 1 ratification process pro vided only an interval in party bicker- ing and Minister Iwitirtg. The Griffith and Covlins party was heckled by aratia -j have all he required at home. On Grif-jf re e to work out such nation*! insti-j fith's motion the Dail adjourtwd to-tiiticns as mjght be suite,! to the as- A (iespaLc^h from Dul/lin April 25. - . _ . - arose on d'e Valera's proposal for ! a $25,000 loan for the initial purposes' -.,,.. of the Im-h rac* . . adopted j pirataonis of Iwr people. j Sergt. Cotter, of the Royal Iri.-h Corr- _, . * '. At the Siune time Mr. L.'oyd George i s'tab '' ' ' sse " tlal ajl arti '-- ! ejg, a ve t-ho terms upon which the British j the s i pidtunity of working out her own three assailant?, whoso identity is not Nel'lie ws told by the teacher tot salvation. I known, escaped. Old, Large. 25 to 2(k-; twins, j jg 5( j to $$. '^ cam . t $] 50 to $fl.50r to 2(iVic; triplets, 26 to -J7c; j^^g fed ara w . a{tere ,d, $13.50; do. f.o. s country poimts, $l'J.50j' .. Montreal. :ji)c; creamery, prints, fresh, fancy, 41 Oats', No. 2 CW, i8 to S''.i!ton, nw, ^4 to 25c. ; h.,"$i:].75; Kre.'h dairy, -choice. 28 toj Hindu 5l sentew!e fche word . at the Pans , ie oon.yent.ou De Mbeg . Upon consulting tlu ; d^tionary Valera adnnttod that Umted States ; s . h< , fo|HK , it to mea]] , lo k jn ,. g representation at Paris had been not j cordinglv what was expe-ded, but angrily j t,;^. wro , tfl . , . l\4.' said a Government while paper' would fhow tire- Hor.se vvliat bad taken ; "l.ii'elioats, with chumibers filled place since t:he declaration of the; With rubber sponge, would be even policy of the Bi ; t' : ?h Government !asl i more imsiri'ka'hle than the ]>resent. Deceni^ber, after the failure of the! type," says an English scientist. BOc- , 80c. to " 38c; turkeys, I ton, car lots, $28 to $29. Cheese, fir.iest vvpsternis, 17 to Live poultry- -Spring chickens, 22 to 28c: roosters, 18c; fowl, 20 to 28c; turkeys, 40 to 45c; Butter, (Choicest creamery, 36M: to 37cJ Potatoes. pe*r ba.jr, i-ar lots-. 90c to $1 .( Veal calve?, 'best, $11; nwd'., 20 to 2Sc. i inferior, $7; \mg*, yelects. $14.50 I SI 4. 75. q

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