Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1922, p. 4

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March 1<J 11122 THE KI.E3BBBFON ADVANCE Town Hall, Flesherton Moving Pictures Thursday, March 16th Samuel Goldwin presents "The Return of Tarzan" LLOYD HAMILTON in "April Fool" 7th Episode of the thrilling Pathe serial "Velvet Fingers" Show starts at 8 o'clock slurp. Don't Mi? - It. ADMISSION : 15 cents and 30 cents, including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN, MANAGER THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service A big selection of first clans j uiiple.-i ol suitings and punt in,'8 to choose from. I-'nst class woikniiusliip ml tailored in The Latest Styles i'lic.H to :-itiit all T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor W WWW WM/JlWWr^KWWW WW ' Artemesia Council Does A 5 T u b Washing in 1 Hr. The White Cap Electric Waah- er will do nn average family wmihing in one hour. It washei faater and wringa faater than any other machine washes the ciothex more thor- oughly and to a better color. It ia easier to operate than any other electric wanher and givea much more lasting antiafaction. Sold on eaay payments , at low price. See it at our atore or have ua take one to your hotve for free demonttration. Sold by Frank Duncan Flesh, rioii PHONE 24rll Carefully Birley.... Peas Btickwhet'. 1'olaioen.. Apples ... Butter . . MI Corrected Week 70 lo (i 7n 1 L'..' 1 2:. i ,vi i . - n i .in 10 i :tu Wagea for Road Work are for man S2.50, for Man and Team $15 | Council met at the town hall ou Sutur- dny, Mmcli Vu, inriiitu'iMitil pii'.ii-nl, the rei'v.- in i|,.. i-'u i. The nuiutea ' f Ust llli'B'll .,' W,-l.- U'lJ .'Hid Nlglil'ri. Ourreipondeocfl tv.-id from the High- way* iJi-j.t. le S'lli.-uly l!il ; liJU'-'atinri Ufpt. it- sclti) I attenati.ce > tlioer ; Muu ioiptl AuooUtUili in riKird t<> iiieiutitr- ulnp ; VV A McIiMii, Deputy Mmive? i f Ili^li* ij-,, in i..| 'ii'iii i in liyltw unit 8t. Ck I'll 1.11.4 Kt I i' 4- ; i li;j.- iii'|iut- lion ffnin S S Ii :n,J lu w.itrd up<.n Hie utid" ut xaid M'cii' n.i I'-y * t ij | ii .'... i, feiiCfViitv > 1 1 .tnu [i uridi'fp. i > vtiisin luJuoed aud rota in- ii -I Hid nd ,1111" and Iiid over In lu xt in. ciiii^ TltD AuJil.iis' I! 'put H 11 pii'.iunti-J HIII) iifeir >l to lliu Kietv :iuJ ( '.t>rk Im ruvinioa. I 'lie follofrili)) nt-ie ucuercd to l> ;>tid Thd KerVd ;inl Mi Cmulliers $-' encli INI c iiniiiituv , Dr Mrtiu v.iendtnve on Peloi (J.mstty $*> ; 1> s nii j , lo-iil i.ik t .Miiin.i- A iV I!, li.i.f I.' Lu cLt'^ed lu (i.ciu-lx J," ; Ml VVil.son, w.iuj, |l^'_' ,"il) If ODioipkl Wofld, dox t.ijjs anil subtcrip' U"ii-. {'.'I '.'U ; K ,J Spuiuli 1 , ni-iii u.r.' un l..*n lull, 910 10 ; .'OH McKu rufiind il"4 ' ' $1 ; II I'.nnU fi.rgnvel j i.'i). Utrraihtri Btoblar -Tbitt Mr H .- g>trib ba CUtbor'ttd to pmcniu n.n.inl I r building n ii..ii'. fence at lull op^ . iu- lot 14't, cm :!, VV --C'tiiu'd Cm in'. I.e. 1 i llo^iiili Tl.it. tlic i He (if H'l^L'H 10 1.0 pllltl I. II I mil III ll.C Tvvi:'ii|i Juiin^ lliu \. .! for a ten hnur diy be fin nun f'.' fiO, ttn.l foi man :tnd Ciiiuthera- Hng-irt ItThat in re^'itd t> ill petition if T V Wnnht ct nil pruy- ini; to hnvu ccit'iin lots in S S N < U nt.d Ii leiiiovi'd llieitfrniii und | laced in SS N\. IU N;' ictii'ii bo liken. Coui.cil 'l jou.-ned. Shingles New Brunnwick White Cedar Shingles 1 same thickness ' i Cull Oi '| Ii it for price THE Flesherton Advance Alt independent nuwapoper puliliahed every Thiirsday at thu ottiee, CoUiogWOOd Stient, Fltsharton. SulHcripiiun price 91 50 per annum wlion pii 1 in tulvnttix* ; $OO when not MI p*id. 92.00 to I'nitvd si ..i.., Advurtisiii;; rHten on applicntion. Circtilntion ovur ll'K' weekly. W. H. THUU8TOX KI.ITOR Small Ads. Try FYversliam 1'as ry Flour, th beat, or >our cook. All Ontario A SOCIAL FUNCTION A uicr little bree/.d was created in the Ontario Legislature last week when Uon. Thomas Crawford moved for an inquiry into certain rumors regarding the conduct of mt-mbers on the lastnight of the 1921 session. These rumors had gone abroad over the country ami were not ol very flatt- ering nature to the members concei fl- ed. It was said that hard cider tlowcd quite freely and the old prudes of the house were terribly shocked ut an exhibition of the lady friends ol these revelers, but it is plensiii!,' to note that Mr. Raney, the Attoiney Genual, considered it onlyanmno cent bit of fun and that it was not within lits province to train his big guns on t!ie revelei?. That is, it wa.f pleasing to somo people. Mr. Driiiy also thought the inntter did not tetlect on the inuiubt-is of his cabinet, and the matter has been allowed to drop. According to Sum Clark of North umberland the affair t<uk place in the rooms of Hon. Peter .Smith, Provincial Treasurer, during that gentleman's absence. Well, if linn. Peter lias no UitL cuniin^ about the UPC of his apartmeiiiH fui a lit tie "janiboinee' and the levclcis could lei themselves in with u flieltton key, it anybody's business? And if the luuu = present WCIT all dressed iu the extreme height Oj fashion, with doubly attenuated skirts and smoked cigarettes while thej nipped absinthe and made things cheery o in geneial, how could the gentlemen present help if. 1 And again, the Ontario Legislature nude the O.T.A. themselves, and ii they want to give it a crack who's to hinder 'cm? Everybody has now decided that i 1 is best to let bygones be bygones. Hut don't do it again boys. Mr. Hanoy might change his mind, or Mr. Drury might yet a nudgo Irum thu concession?, or Peter fSmiih might put on a burglar-proof lock, or oh, will, a number ol' dire calamities might follow. What is Canada s finance coming to :' a^ks a writer in Saturday N'i^ht. \\'e can safely say tint it is nut coming om w:i\. 1) Mo I'UK'KYH.I.K I'l IU.1C SCHOOL Senior Room Sr r >th E MacCliMn, U Niclml, A Mac LMU. Jt iilh-l> Mnuh-Ul, M Nlchnl ((|H1) (i Macintosh, It Junes. A Sliortreed, C llu.ck.s, L MacDomld, A llmcks, A IVeli-r. \V MitcKechnu-. V Mil',.,: (-liwl) M Wv.H.rn. Sr 4>.li M C,irsuii. Jr 4th- i; M'-I-I.I-AII, I. McAtthur, A MikcLian, H' MauKeclmie, (>i|im) K MacMilUn, K Nieltul (e.junl) (J Humid. N MitcDuUKil. N MnuLe.ni, <> MacM.v- km, .) .MiieMi-eUin ib. M Kidd Junior U >om Sr!!rJ- K Mai-Lean, .) Nu:ln. I'h'iil I \lncUnii. I) MitcL-nn. .Iri'.rti lf'Ci.18.11. M Nicliol, ,) Mm-- I.enn, K fir* m, A Itoilcy, A Mnclntusli. .' M . \. ::.,., Ii Jlini'ks, M M .rM ,!.,,: nlisi'nt K Kvemt, II \Vyni.i-, M 'IVi'irr, .1 MarKtchnie. Sr L>nd .1 MfUcli'.in, VV Niclu.!, J M'icDi u^ill, G Tiv:i>r. Jr 1-.1 (! HirriKon \V liuriii-tt, K M'ltlur, (.' Alcinn, I) Ke ley, (KJIIV) J i'u v, P. W Alc.r.i, 1' M'i?l>..ua i l | . M Nicliul, Pr K Kinuke, C MucLean, A Hinckf. A .Mil LI. 8 '.:,i'. N Alcorn, M 1',,,-ii-i, M MacArlhur, I) MtcAillmr nhnt'tit I! MauLoau. >l i '..ii- u. ' Smith .- 1. In Population By Provinces I'rovi.c. I'.f.M I'.HI I'h'ij ;.ii.i: done MI Saturda-i on'y- r<tlmiii liron. Ku^unU HOIH y Kr title Clover h<>ney at reduced price U. W. Grahxiu, Kugenu. F.ir sale A iiiumry of flax setd $-' 50 p-r bushel. Peter Muir. Ceyli.n. Fur Sle 1 Aladdin banging lamp in jjuod rendition - Mrs A Sinclair, LVylun. Fur Sale-Gnod timothy hay, price 120 21 r f Fk'slu-ru.n, A. D. Irwin.Priceville (iuidvr wanted to exchange for n<>oe | J Hd|ip, I'ortlaw --Klesiterton P. 0. ! Fur Silo Milk cow 7 yearn old, due to calve April 8ih. J O. Pslton, Flesh-; eitou. Six building lou in Fie^heiton t r sale on Toronto street, finest location in IOWD Apply lo B. Welt on, Flesherton For Sale Frame house ami lot for sala n F;aih eiton. Apply to \v. Siindurson *t tllB MuQhlltW II :i Dipple jjrey mure !t yt-ais old for pale, or would txcharge for colt H \Velton, Flesherton. . CORN IN STOCK Both whole and cracked. Right prices. GROCERIES A full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. For Sle Htavy colt rismu four yems, nlm a cow , r > yc^rs old, due end of Mrtich -Bert Mee, I . i . For Sale- Birds pure- wool Mackinaws in I.Uck, brown and irrey, also knit; atockins'n H AlextndLT, Frvurflhe/.n. Fur Rule or Kent The old run factory in Flegheitcn, on i-i-y t finis. Apply to I R. J. Sfin.uU-, Flfi.herton. FOWL WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. Highest prices paid. For Sile Four lirst C'HSH liouie ni.' - fur si!e. Also linulitiiii dining ri nn j iqutro in good ccm(!itiou. If interested I pply t> (>. W. l'lii:li|s, Flealitrton. | For Bale Dominion Orgm. t> in tii HI !aH condition, price* W A. Hawkeu'M Music S:ore, Flesh eitcn. Hull Fui bale My herd Sire, Topi Notch, N... lU.'i-.'o. calved April 23 r.'17; VM> two ynunz bull calve* eiijht .ui<l nine inmitliH old, both tired by Top Notch -iiid Scotch lired damp, at reason- able pricts T. G. Bristow, Duntronn I', o , telephone central CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. per lbl., 2 sacks to the barrel. $3.25 JAMES McLE/.N, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON !In<euni Lot For Sale The prc.p I erty known as the Athdown reiidcnce at | (Vylc.n, an eij{ht ro .lie 1 dwelling, Kiod eellti, st.ible, etc. ; about an acre of I uul. would maUt> a uood hi me fur a rut'i-nl uent'fiintn FIT term* ar.d fur- ther patticuUra apply to W. .1. liella ny, Fl.'-herton. IMayft Uunn'i Fertilizer For S*le at Kii-h. r tun Sta'iini I'ir'.ieH v. i-lm to secure iiinn's Sure (i.iin Fertilizer can do BO by OOrreapondiog wiih W. J. .M....1 . as lie in ir for tl.is district and keeps it nn vu'd. Cm be secured any .'k day, u! sliipjiit ; ilay pieferred. As tbe price M ;.. t:i.\ n.luctd u will I'D in 'he in .crest uf lliuaS war ting these v;ooda to j ,"t my ptii^s \\. J. Mals, Flcs'ieitou j '. O. Tele'ilmne :< r4 FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERfON. 4 00 to 4 no 8 lino asOnUii > 2'2 to (i j I L'.'i -o LT Winter Wln-at . . . . 1 0.5 K, 1 (if, Spring Wheat 1 00 10 1 00 45 t,. : W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON Now B, nnswick :w.83D arii,.s:;;i Klwaid \'... HH.iiir. !t:;.7:s 2,:W!i.i)<i; 2,ni':; 839 ni,' ,u.' l!i!,ti."l 'J,r>L'.':.:7> tf I' t ' ' I I' W I'l'l'll Mull t ti 'i i oio.vUri SOU, iil 4 S,skRtcVi.n 7M1.HOU I'.'L.', I.'IJ AlhertH n.sl, !!>; U 74.fi(i:i n r itih i; hinii i. . . .;.-.'",Si-.:; iHi-.vii-o Yukon 4,102 8,511 N. W. T ,"< 18,481 We Are Responsible lousiness is ii personal matter. Yon cant get away from ft. Somebody has to be responsible for quality. Tin; deculiny factor in every deal in "who's responsible?" We are responsible for everything we sell you whether it be a car, ;t tractor, farm implements, tiies, tubes, blow-out patches, auto repairing or what not. And the (act that you know we're respons- ible, and everybody else knows it, too, is the only thing that keeps our business good. But this responsibility of ours would be sin awful load --a liabil- ity rather than an asset if we didn't buy our goods from people who a to just as responsible to us as we are to you, and who always send us goods that we can stand back of. That is why we sell you Chevrolet or McLauglan cars, Samson Tractors, Cockshutt Farm Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Goodyear, Dominion and Royal Oak Tires, etc. Our responsibility is at the back of your car when you leave it with us (or repairs. This also would be an awful load it we did not employ the best mechanics. Mr. Bmckenbury will be in charge of the repair shop again this season and nil work entrusted there will be done in a satisfactory way. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - - - ONT.

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