March 16 1022 THE JLESHEKTON ADVANCE Your Financial "Paper" D O you get prompt acceptances and quick re- turns on your notes, drafts and other "paper"? A network of branches and agencies covering the whole Dominion enables this Bank to offer you a highly efficient and specialized collection service Ltl STAN DA RD SER VICE ipttd up jour Trtdt "fmptr" THE STANDARD BANK Or CANADA. ** TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Flesherton Branch, - George Mitchell, Manager CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station The syrup season is at hand. Robins and crows are making things musical once mure. Mr Mark Wilson spent the past week in Toronto. Going North 11.52 p.m. 9.:iOp. m. Mia. (Dr.) Turnbull is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr and .M: Walter Thompson moved last week to their farm on the 4th line Trains allows : Going South 7/55 a. m. 4.30 p.m. The mails are osea at Flesherton si . f p a _i on . follows : For the aorth at 10.40 a.m. and 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south ah The snior room of the public school 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south \ he , d cxerci8eg in tha hi h 8chcol R few mail close at 9 p. ru. the previous evg. , _ ' days last week while repairs were being made tu the boiler in the furnace. The Woman'? Missionary Society will meet in the Methodist church at 3 p.m. , to-day, (Thursday) for election of officers | and delegate to Mr in h meeting. Mrs. Wilcock and Mr. T. Bentham . were in Buffalo i i- 1 week attending the 'funeral of Mr. R. Wilcock 's infant VICINITY CHIPS Regular spring Friday is tlio land". weather. " seventeenth cf Ire Mr Ed Be Toronto. spent the past week in Mr. Walter Thompson ws stricken Mr. C. C. Aulph of Peterborough wa j wilh paralysis on M ond.y at hi. home, a week er.d visitor at Geo. Mitchell's. Mrs Tii.i-i. Cullen of Toronto is visiting with Mr Johnston Cullen on the tust back line. Mrs. N. U. Durrant and two little daughters, of Mitchell, are visiting her parents at The Advance domicile. A successful moccasin dance was held in the rink last week. on Wednesday evening of Line, anil is in a precarious condition at time of writing. Dr. Mc- Farlane f Priceville in in attendance. The Adance has received a very int- eresting letter from Miss McPhail, M. P., which arrived too late for this week's paper, but will appear next week. Look out for it. The highly humorous play, " The i spinster's return, will be given iu Wai- 8HINGLES One carload N. B. j 90D ' 8 Hall, Pi ioeville, on Fridiy evening, shinglet just arrived-phone W A Arm- March 17, under the auspices of St. Iron*; for prices and particulars. C ilumta Guild. Admission :)5 and 'Joe. A man was conlined in the cells in the : On MoniUy evening, March 13, a few O*en Sound j til an hour or so for laugh- | friends gathered at the home of Mr. ing 8t one oi the answers given during : Thus. Buliuer tu celebrate the *.~ith the McMillan trial. j birthday of Mrs. VVm. Clayton, one if Mr Mark Wilson Jr. moved his house, j F1 "I'"ton'3 oldest residents, hold effects to his new home n Durham , The P a t *eek wvi a good sap week, on Thursday la*t. Mrs Wilson and j " nd tno!e who fail ed to tap missed what family joined tim on Saturday. | wil1 Fbau'y be the best run of the Outs for sale- Car of no 2 C W Oata due to arrive iu * week. These Ot8 will wi >: ah in the neighbourhood of 40 lot. ti' the measured bushel J. B Collinson, Ceylon. Mrs Bert Wyatt left last wrek for Aneroid to attend the funeral of her father, Thos. Plant. Mr P ant was native of Collingwood, having gniie west a few years ago. The highly humorous play, "The spinster's return,' will be given in Wat- son's ball, Priceville, on Friday evening, ! season. Snappy cold nights aud bliss- fully warm days 1:1 1 i it ideal sugar weather. The juniors went to Markdale on ' Friday night u a played the high school team of that town in a j>ame of hockey and II-T _ i winoeis by a score of 4 :'. a The ice was heavy and shooting difficult but otherwise a good exhibition game wiu given. March 17, under the auspices of St Columba Guild Admission .'i5 tad 25c. A couple of dogs got after a deer fn a swuiup near town on Thursday last and clmed the animal into Win. Carson's lield on the cast back line, where they would no doubt have put an end to it if tl.ey had nut te;n chased away from The ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian I h WM ft , doe So far M we church will hold a cike sale at Win Moore's this coming Saturday, March 18th, at 2 o ' clock p in; all the ladies of i the church ate requested to donate conk- | iog, etc. Miss Mi'ii-li Thompson, who has for ] the past three month* been visiting friends in Rochester, Scheneclady acd Wew Hampshire, has returned to Flesh - ! erton, where she will speed s> ma time with her fiiend, Miss Mabee, before returning to her home In Gaape, <jue. Services was not held in the Metnodist church on Sunday morning on account of Mr. Oke's illness, but in the evening Rev. j F. G. Fowler, Presbyteri.-.n Minister,; letrn the dogs were not owned ii The couniy will hav-e to pay. The DulTerin Construction Co. sued the county of Grey for excess work under instruc- tions from the county engineer on the M MI : ; to Owen Sound rou). The county did not thick they were but Justice Ljgia siys they were, and has judgment for full amount of claim. Honor Rolls tuok charge of Miller took th the service. Mr. Win. Vandeleur appointment; SS No. 14, Artemesia. A class J P Stewart, E Genoe.M Piper. Jr. Primer L Piper. A Liuchlin, D Daley, Sr. 2nd L McLean, Lauchlin, I Suell. J McMillen, J in the afternoon aud Mr. Fowler s service Suel1 ' D MacDonald, J Sinclair, at Proton in the evening. -3r. Primer tieo. Jaynes, M Mr. James H Stuart, who went West C Stafford. W Lauchliu. years ago, has always kept in touch with i First class J Stewart, B Genoe, M the home of his youth through The Snell, H Genoe, R MacDonald. Advance. Iu renewiug his subscription Jr. 2nd U Sienart, Kendal Stewart, the other day he says: "t could not; do without your paper. The home news U most interesting to me now in old ag-> | and I would be lost without it." Jr - 3fd-V Stewart, B MacDonald, E ,. i . ! VVhite, M Sinclair. Mr Cooper of the County Bnard if Agriculture telephoned The Advance; Sr. 3rd- McLachlan, M McMullen, lat week denying that he had lecommen- j H McLjan, A Lauchlm. ded the purchase of moving picture i 4th. class E McLachlan, J G Me- maohmes, such as were shown at the t Mullen, D White, R Hemplnll, M Mac- meeting here, by local clubs s a means I DjD&Ul. B Thistlethwnite, teacher of education and pleasure. He was about as enamored of them as the rest o f the audience. It was one of (he other ipeakers who advocated their purchase. Lat Thursday morning a deer was eeu struggling iu the MIUW O u the farm of Mr. J*bha Oliver, Old Durh^i Road, snd on making an examination it was > Sr 3rd B 1'edler, M Kendall, found to have one hind leg badlyibu'ken. ' J r Srd R Tlimiipst n, L ('> supposedly by falling oa ice. Mr. Oliver | left it aud phoned Mr. PUn't. game, overseer, who ^tiered it to bo killed anl ; the carcass held for ins! rue ions fium Toronto. However, on gel.ig baok to ; where the unimal lay it wius found to be i dkd from loss of blojd. Th WM taken care of. SS No. 14, Oprey Si 4;h-K Finlsy, U Pedler, N Pedlr, Ciinitron. Jr 4th M Guy, M ITiodlay Ihoini;- > B Wilto "' M Mcl " nes - W Sl . o ml _ Sullivan. Jr 2nd- -A rindl.iy. First- N PatterHon, V Sullivan, Primer M Fiiidl-iy C Thompson. ct4| average altcudwice 18 86 Alico VVintcrti, teacher. .Women's Concert Another Success Everybody in town attended the enter- Uimneijr given in tlie high school by the lH(i,es of the Methodist church on TnutaJay evening last, and since then everybody has been suffering from a kink in the side owing to the mirthfulness provoked by Mis Jarley'j wax tigures. The thing was too funny for description aqd we won't attempt it. It requires nerve to go in for a thing like this and muscle. Think ot attempting to stand in one position for an hour or more while th exhibitor was describing each piece in detail. Try to hold your hand out for ten minutes in one poailiun and you will understand something of the amount of grit required tn go through with such a show. One lady very nearly fainted, another piece of wax work fell over and they allowed her to lie where she tell while she rested, but it all seemed natur- al and the audience thought it all in the evening's fun. Swollen feet and tired limbs i: .m long standing or sitting were general. As a fun producer the piece is a scream, especially when you can geg Simple Simon into the scenario. Natura; as life! Other choice charactars repre- sented were : The Giggler, Lcng Tom the Chinaman, Lncle Tom, Little Jack Homer, Queen Elizabeth, Babes in The Woods, The Bachelor and His Bride, Jacu Spratt and Wife, Mr. Jarley, etc. A play was also given called, "A ran carpet cutting bee, ' which was very funny. Altogether it was a great evening for laughter. The proceeds amounted to $93 40. This ia an annual afiiir, of course with variations, and is always looked upon aa one of the big events of the season. Murder Trial Is Postponed Spring Millinery We take pleasure in announcing that our Millinery Department will this season be in charge of Miss E. Sandiland, who comes to us highly recommended as a very capable and experienced milliner. A tasteful collection of early Spring styles in read- to-wear and trimmed hats is already on display, and the Department ready for Spring business. NEW GOODS~FOR SPRING Men's felt hats, new shades $3.50 and $3.75 Men's Spring Caps, noveltie* $1.75 to 2 50 Men's new Neckwear , 1.00 to 225 New Check Ginghams 30c to 40c Prints and Galateas 25c to iOc Yard wide Fancy Flannelettes g5c to 30c Congoleum Rugs $18.00 eaah Four yard wide heavy Linoleum $4.50 yd. Men's Rubber Boots, > to 1 1 4.50 to "7.50 Ames Holden Rubbers for every si/e and last ; Xew Wall Papers all reasonably priced ; Braadram.Henderson ready mixed Paints. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON _ ONTARIO I Owen SounJ, Out., Mirch S Because a juryman had been left unguirded a few minutes and had been spoken to by an outsider duiino that tim?, Mr Justice Lngie dismissed the jiiry in the MoMillen murder case and ordered a new trial at next Assizes. Jani"s Foster, a juryman, had registered at (he Vueen'a Hole!, and tii" sheriff had nn<K- arrangements for the jury hearing the case to be put up at the Seldon House. Foster was taken to the Oil-en'- H.-tel in charge of a constable in 1 allowed to go to his room alone to pack up. While rhere a Cap* lain Btrtou fulluwfd him up-t tu- and the two woro itloue together for a few ni'iiutes. Foster said no convttntioQ bad taken place. "I am not suggestiiig any impropriety,' said the jud;ie,"but the law says that in cipital cases the jury cannot .s.-parate for the very reason they may be, consciously or unconsciously, influenced by their friends. L'nder tliusu circumstances, I seu nothing for it but to dischargt> the jury and inverse th's case to the next (sin." Turning to the juiy, Justice Logi said: ' GentleiiK-u, yru re discbar>.'ed. I regret that this county hu been put to such expeose unnecessarily. >o.m: of you may be county C"uncillors, and, if so, I trust ycu will see that in the fu'ure sonic provisions must be- made for juiy- who are lockud up over night." The prisoners were thai taken back ROCK MILLS Mi and Mrs Levi Belts visited recently at D McPhaii's. Messrs Reid and Diilamre are holding revival meetings in the schuol house here, every night in tlio wetk, service com* enciuit at 8 p. m. Mr nd Mrs Geo. Urgrve, visited over the week end with the latter 1 ! parents And nifir. Mies Wilkinson, i Duncan, ii visiting witn her sister, Mrs Ern Russell. C Monaghaii visited over Sunday wilh his wife hen. R Purvis, ot" HuReuia, his been on our line cutting wm,d with his buz/, jaw Frank Kef's visited, recently with, friends near il,t.t*cll. aug^r making time is here. A num ber are busy tapping these day^ ::iiif.:i.":;;;;ii:;;ii:;;; ;:;;;;;; ii Right Now Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush Justice Logie ijavn permission to R L Brackin, de'euce counsel, to apply to him for an order to change the venue to some convenient place where an Assize will be held iu the near future. Lady Bank Again our sleighing is gone. The sunny weather ul the pas! waek has taken a lot of the snow. Geo si. >r't is preparing for the annual syrup season iu his bush on tha 12th line. We hope the season will bo a aood one. Mr. and Mrs. Aithur Hjlroyd of Xot- tawa are risking the Utter's siter, Miss Myers, who has been very ill during the winter. We are glad t ;/ repjrt Mrs. Hirbnt'.le, senior, improving in health. Feversham BORN McCrscken On 5Iarch 4th, to Mr. nd Mrs. Liwrecce McCrackeu, ' son. MARRIED Sutton Semple In 4Iarkdle on \Vednesdny. Mjrcli 'S'h, Reta Beatrica Semple uf Lady B>nk to Joseph Stevan . f W.-odford, Ont. Neilson Wrigh 1 , Married, at the Method ist. Parsonage, Davenport U iJ, Toronto, by Rev. Geo. VVaugh, on the llth ist , Adslside May Wright, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. John Wright o( Flesher. | ton, to .1. Rny Nei'son, gon of lute Robert and Mrs Neilson, of Toronto. DIED Wi'cox-In Buffalo on Tuesday, Mirch 7th, J me Elizabeth, infair. daughter o Mr. and Mis. R. Wilcox, ag"d Smos. XSt * THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO IN MEMORIAM In memoiy of my cousin, Iren? English. who died February 28. lOl'.l. She wns n little flower, So loving, sweet snd fair. You touk her up to heaven To be an angel thore. We loved Irene darling But Jesas loved her best. And took her fri'iii p.iu ;<nd sorrow T tlut etennl rit. Reti Best. Tluuias Perigoe haa returned to his home in Toronto after a two weeks' visit with his parents here. His sister, Mrs Henry Alexander, went to the city with him. Miss Jesjio Mclutyre ml a gentleman friend spent Sunday aftemonn with Vr and Mrs Co!i|ueitd. Mr and Mrs Fiecl Spotl'ord spent Sun- day with fiieuds at Crecmoie. Wiuslow Ivoruulun spent few days In i he (jucen City last. wesk. Rev. Mr Kowler of Cliulmei's Church ocoupitd the Methodist pulpit Sunday evening. The moniing servico w is with- drawn, liev. Mr Olio, who (us been u in!l, is about rocuvjred mid will no d nibt be able tu Ukt> up his work ag-iin next Sunday. Clover Seeds Wanted Highest market prices for sweet clover, red clover and alaike. Send samples. A. C. WUIR. Ceylon Coughs Colds and Chronic Bronchitis Totally destroyed by Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture, most wonderful The \Vorld'* remedy. r.tTARANTBBD to .. o relief or money refunded 4O l->o*es for TSo Sold by nil dniRcifit* or by tail from W. K DUCKtET. LIMITED. 142 Mutml Sl. Tgronli Sold in FLESHERTON by W. J. Stewart & Sons and in CEYLON by Miss Millie Cook Vour Opportunity To obtain that machine you have been going to buy. We offer for sale the foil owing gramophones at exceedingly low prices and on terms thai will make it very easy for those wishing to own a mus- ical instrument to pay for same Columbia Grafonola Cabinet Style Fumed Oafc, all exposed parts heavily nicUled, Price $95.00. This machino equipped with non-seb automatic stop. The only machine with this in the world. S5.00 DOWN, $5.00 MONTHLY Windsor Phonograph Full Cabinet Style Mahogany finish Pkys all records, tone moderator. A wonderful phono- graph at a low price $80.00. S5.00 DOWN, $5.00 MONTHLY Columbia Grafonola Table Style Fumed Oak A fine uiachiu* for the price vre ask and of pleasing design $60.00. S5.00 DOWN, $5.00 MONTHLY Stewart Phongraphs In .\fahogany finish A ijrand little instrument for its si/e. We WiS clear these machines out at $12.00 each. $2.00 down, $2 monthly. THINK over these genuine bargains and come in and let us demonstrate for you. Remember the low prices and easy terms W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON - QNT. 4. T