Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1922, p. 6

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With a MI,.., . hrr<-.l sigh she moved for- Uw re.nt nf the meal and frnaliy saw f white satin direse should be draped ward. Her fort ni.ui.'<- no oound upon : than on tte'r way. I with the very lovcily KngKah point tac the Kxft carpet. She-pushed,' the door ; Gordon ttccompianded them, but upon w hi c h beautified Queen Mary'a wed*- NEVER COOK UP COLD MEAT WITHOUT IT The Gates of Hope BY ANTHONY CARLYLE CHAPTKR 11. r<>'::',i. forced ht-rwlf to \! ir.-: i sti.pped abruptly. A little frown wrinkled her smooth brow, ij'm? i ui-!y int?mkr 1 visiting the irre-at > ing. -Sh*; doctor, but she was uim-rta'.n whether [ what he t" tf to him first or after ?hv 1 Mr. Morris, a kin-Hy c!d man with white hair. As in n (in am j-hi- heard him ta'.k- i iiiits aiiJ the slrin-g of pearls i hour. I'll pk'k >ou up biter for tea . ivory satin gown, and there is also that .'he had p^aooJ there curlier in j- -say at the f'riU-TVJ-n if that's all' a piece of the lace falling in straight the fay. right." n nes from the ehwuhtars. At tta sound of her exrlamwtion be Audrey- nrx'.-i'ftd laughingly. H'i iutned b-hurply round - -ntt.1 the girl ' rro'.hfr hiwitifce.-} for n moment, giving c-ned out again., amazed in':-rc"iiility, | him a sh^rp srlar.re. He met it o'Vr.:>Ert sonveth'iTiig of horror in eyes an.l vo-ict'. jsu!! ; frr/y, and w J.'h a t.ljrh she let him The uraai was Kempton RosslatT. ,go. . "Very we, tV.n," E he said. "Tlw CHAPTER IV j Criterion at fuur. Don't be late." .,.., . , j (Tube co:i'!;:r>ue>d.) As Audrey Alacn had surnriw-d, l*:!y KousXter am! HOT SMI al-b-ikrhfd ... _ _, . Women Can Dye Old Faded Things New in Diamond Dyes to her both for unj a.fterward, when L<ady R;-.s:aer Hivid she W'.is goir.'jc .shopping, an:l beg- Atrdiey to aecorn'pjny ht>r. He, innumer- mind DtfMAl i.-elf. I II go to Sir lluh, aid . "My diar Mifs Halstead," he said everywhere and knew ew-ryibody; "allow me to congratulate you. If wherefore her ladyship took great fullill the CMU- ' >" jynu are prcfwnd to fullill the con- : ^,^9 to be charming to hcr U- than twenty m.nutf.- later she '^tiiiw (> f your gmi t unc-le's will you: Audrey glance- 1 U-.TOSH at Kempt fouri hewe:f m the. ? n-atmanspres-. wm , v a very fortunate youn^r la<!y." ; Rosslacr' after th* invitation. He h "Conditions?". Maivia t() ! been a son new hat a great ef- >;'!f to kotrp hcr humor him hcr full at- I complettcy. w<xiy en had luncheon of good him Once or tw>e be leaked at his st*p- once. She had svnt in Audrey's note, and hi- gre-s?ted h<>r with a hint of j warmth in his u- is! cowteous manner. He was a thin, worn-looking man erf ' n ,-. n ^ uniting p tr uuj,:y. iwi yet rwi.cd t ;; ilkm Mr M<>rH& mUdte age, with cvr-br.gh.t eyes and .. Thev a ^ p erha[>s peculiar. jj ut I mother and then, with darkening brow f .., ,, . s,-!isitive Iwikus. He Kwke-J . r|m ^^ , h< , ?1 , in a very few words . ' at Gordon Ruthvtm. Then his atteti- . H. but I e had a quiet .-harm 0*J Yoar UIK -le kavea his whole fortune tion seemed fc> stray entirely; he had 52? 'to you on cxHKlitkm that, before your become abstracted., absent-minded' and, He as tnOOBMrUQe (juestion*. . j w . B t4J r> t birthday, you are married meetimg his> eyes, Audrey s'lwruafgei ,,-adr a ****** '*) thorough ex- j J32S3 to a g^ , b!rth und ; she shrewdly guessed that ' nsHMtion. and fina^y tunwd hi* bark wh ^ , . irpoTi her *nd crossed > tJu>_w.ndow. ; Vjiu , tha , u ,^^ For a out. Thei ht an.l :-at down. in ! i- k>T>g, nervous lungers, and be- t . . ro write with it on nic blotter be- fore him. Hi> eyes dwelt upon he?- for a mon.i'nt, then Itxrked awai again. was cam* If ?< f * . Be . in no mood for frivolous shatter or ^ ^^ _ occupation. He had something on his conditions his ; mf.nFvrt* worried an-J d'istrart, and, forturue wiM revert to his great i with another shrug and a sigh she had i ... ,11 IT. u I am sorry. M..-S Halstead, he , your condition is to a< . k ^ qu<?sticn is the fortune Gordon Ruthven." j accepted I^ady Rossliaer'8 handkerchief up ! that a l he s'h-ould uocompany her. toiler Lips. She had foT-irotten the doc- : 1^- was with sometihang of an effort ttr. had foigotUn every thir.'g but this i that Kemp-ton coiucvaled the wave of amazing news. i relief that purged orver him at the "Tell nve," sh<- said, a* if impelled decision. He shook himself together, her will The Barometer's Secret. Mof,t of us have "tapped" the baro- meter in the morning. "Ah," we say, if the gla<;s has risen, "It's going to keep fine!" "Urn," we Ray, if the glass has fallen, "another wet day!" But can we explain these mysteries? After all, simple. t.hey are comparatively The principle of the barometer reels Rat-h packnpe of "Diamond Dyes" ' on tne fa(:t that the normal weight of contains directions BO simivlo any wo- i tno atmosphere at sea level equals the man can dye. or tint her worn, shabby j weight of a column of mercury thirty dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stock- j iru 'hs hi^h. When the air is hot or ings, sweaters, coverings, draperies. ! wot - its Pressure is lese than normal, hanjjlDKS, everything, even if ahe has ! au d the barometer falls. When the never dyed heft re. Buy "Diamond j air '" dr >' or ""'d. its pressure la graat- l)yes" no other kindthen perfect ' er Lh an normal, and the barometer Iromo (lyeinj? is sure because Diamond ' ^SBS. Dycw are guaranteed not to spot, fade, I But w 'Bd also affects the preiwure streak, or run. Tell your druggiat j of (be atmosphere. So It is not safe | to assume always that a high barom- ; eter means fine weather aji<l a low barometer wet. Generally apeaking, the barometer , rises for cold, dry, or less wind; and 1 it falls for hot. we^, or more wind. A whether the material you wish to dye itt wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Very Simple. "1 am a&hamed of my failure lo keep TIRE REPAIR MEN WANTED We want one live dealer in a<-h town support an up-to-date tire re- yea tire in course. Be independent Write to-day for free particulars. Canadian Tire and Equip- ment Co., C57 Yonge Street, Toronto. Doors. Little Bobbie Joue* was told to write an efray on "Doors," and tha effort which he sent in was as fol- lows: "Most houses have all the doors that they need, and no bouse is complete without at it-a-i one. The two main differences between a door and a gate te, flrsL, their opposite location; and, second, that people have much less re- spect for a gate, and would rather kick it than knock on it. "But a pate is more useful than a door because it doet> everything that a door can do, and besides that, it can be climbed over, and often is. "The doorhandle is a small but im- portant part of the door which people never appreciate until it comes off. Most people never notice the door- handle unless it is brought to their notice on account of having jam spread all over it. "Doors are great things to give peo- ple privacy, and would give them still more if it wasn't for the keyholes." abreast of modern science." said the ' Dorth or north weet wind, however, learned professor of zoology to the j wU1 invariably send th barometer up, young housewife. 'Take the electric j light, for Instance; I haven't the least whlle a 8ends " flown - or with-weet wind , Idea how it works." The young wo- ' Ra P ld rise3 aDd ralj are s u re 8l *ns man gave The Australian "bush" cure for a cold is stated to be a good walk, with arma swinging free and no hampering overcoat. ft.'arrt rr.-v, ttetiiji. n:> physical nierrtr; sixain. Iikl<.:.l" h*- ed, ch-aT.rjjf his threat. Somehow, to Mari-w, there oniiinouH in the sjaiv.l. trifle. or was Her Mr. Morris bent his head gravely. : "Very large," he returned, " Rough- ] ly, j'Cwr income should <be someth'ii'g. Wee sixty thou^arrl pound's a year!" Then she began '" him a patronizing amlle. | of unstable weather. During fine spelta "Why," she said, "it's very simple, ' tne barometer will move but liUl*. really. You Just press a button and | One tbin vou mv ** always remem- j the light comes on- that's all there Is ber - the higher you aacend the lower j to It." wUI oe >' our barometer readings. You I _ 9 should allow, roughly, 1 In. for 1,000 | endeavored to appear brighter during! Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu. ": That '" to *** if y " 1 " noase standa j _...._ ' "00 ft. above the sea, and your barom- eter reads 29.5. the sea level reading would be 30 in. T 1-1 i ' m*trr<i Krtoijv-.i. i iifii sire i>eKn 10 ImjrjUsively bhe Ulllfh weak .; y Abruptly ^ checked' herself. "Sixty thousand- a year!" hhe re- 1 pcultd. "And, to inherit it, I must! be married! Married 'before 1 am tweuty-one! Oh. talk iilw,)^ thx- irony i i)f fu'.el Talk about a fortune within ,, v 'one's gra5>p yet utterly out irf rerich! pour h^.rt. My dear young lady, j_ Mr 6 gg^g _ & ^^ f I do not wt:i to startle you. of course, ward ^ r , iark CVM wi .j., tra p c _i. d but you must take oare-the ver>- ive an , ythiiwf e VervU f :iig-nK.'ke any "What do you mean?" she Heked; quirkiy, "a.re >a,i trying to tel! me that I am iU seriously Ml? That thei'e i jtomrtfeing really wwnjf vith me? If so, what ! it?" made a slight jfesture. 'ornGns Oth^rw,,e - care. he paued. M u ; .i djpw a Ion- j.eaA: "O:her- Bu t_j can f t j ^^ * . fhe rtpMtod, Hr-J again lie ^^,,1 j kn,^ inri'Je a (refture. ," he fsid quietfy, "the will She Did Not Sell the Farm. Every year hundreds of women "aciince" t) poVseJI 'that fortUDtt Not families suddenly find themselves fac- on'y for inyuolf, but for my mother. ' ing life fulfill RHEUMATISM Thli l n old Hoot ud Krt> Remedy with hih- *t endorsement! from leading drug trade in the 8;at> for 14 year* tot Rheumatism. Qusy Btom.cha, Bowel nfl Kldcer Trouble. Now .fi Dru r " Hamilton. M Jet AT*., XMdXtOB. Oat. Have Animals Memories? Can borsea and dogs pick up a foreign language and still remember that of the land of their birth? This eubject was broached by one 1 of the speaker* at the World Service Exhibition in Liverpool, and it wa* de- clared that a lint '-.h horse can re- Plum duff and jam roly polie* are cognize IU own language abroad QM two other famous English pud.iwgs. The experts who have been con- | Crow tot KOT the p-lum duff, sift together two suited agree that this is so. They ; fteduc* cups of flour, two teaspoonl'tus of emphasize the fart, however, that Mrs. Fannie Morris, now one ^ing powder half a toaspoonhU of . . . , . saJt and a ha f a cup of sugar. Add a ^eoesrful farmers ^ aj,,g ^ ^ ^^ ^ g ^ <)f rat. h she "Yo^i moan, .:! d>V " He hcnt his head. "You I atiteMh.w a pret^ .rood judge of Uvnk you are orv-lmt you would lh * ex * rt truth in thc the r irl be-' - three-quarters of a Kan ,,, walk, sw'.ltly. without any Before the death of her husband, Flavor with nutmeg. I MM cf whore hor e'.e,-s werp taking^ her linn; had been entirely taken up I her. Her nvir^j w*s wh-vrXn*. Her with the care of five children and the lMMKta were cl ^ che<1 t! htl y- ho "> duti ' " er hiMbond'. financial .ucc(i on their UHO-acre stock farm all th* neceasitaes " receipt by ____ ii.o Orowtox diet. ;' p. i r.u a montb. Plenty a >c!i>nt:flc diet which doee) fat. CMWtM U absolutely or by mail OB p7 box. froia 001 ______ price. tl.OO cup of milk. lion lo the tone than to the sound of | the words. Dogo, like horses, remember the Sh : She ^^ ^ hv;>me >' ct ' mugt j^^ lime to ttfink hor 8hakon menta , fr ttall . The worW *e.ned to have turncM tupwv-turvty . "bout her oar*. A fortune ww within dumbly, and he nr p^p..,^ he could not rluim it Tie into a cloth and boil for three . ,, . . .-v, sound of the language of their hour*. Th ,s served enther with affer many years la a sugar *>d <* **< "- foreign ianJ can remember the mean- * ' ing of sentences. A dear yrwf of sooie dogs' cJever- made with chopped suet instead of *, neM u , o he foun<1 Jn ^ usual shortening. u ~ 11 ' -" lh " CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Sh '^?nt *->-r hrd dn W- nd h* "' fort ' ;n<1 was within . , Wn ^ i^T^ ^ ^th usual sh <> rt ' n ' n Jf- R*' 1 < ut on lhe pick up several native t d went or.: "WrU, then, at'an? 'trine, at ^^^eam" 1 ^L^ Wi "ton^i'hnel; the'farm^' Where ^d she* rn^ke a ; boar<1 ** s P r * ad ^ an >" , kin ' J* dialotcs when they live ^uTthSr ,; *^W~*Y>*^^t^^^ M F2Z& horn, for five fatheriess children. i J-"- P " ^-J ** British masters in ,nd,a or Africa. ._ but for ject to an attack whh w,H end fat, J,y. In. ny case - - agam he ; pau^ , _ ^ in hw r to enjoy all tho>e ' PS ' Marcl * ! d*^ht S for wfiich her >H W s,,ul Within her P ^ * live ln c. wou ome or ve aeress c. . , . . ----- ._^.. .- ,.,,, u , , cruelt of f . te At first she tho Ht rf ieHing tho end, together so the Jair . w^n t b^l , Q ^^ wh(jrc geverg , , anjplages y . ' ' the cloth Boil an hour that she retain the horn* which the 's father and grandfathe. had as a heritage. Mrs. Morris kept the thoroughbred She has a flock of CHAITKR III. and a half. Serve with fruit rauce. An oldtime boiled Indian is very good served with cream or a sum]] servim? of vanilla ice cream. Warm two cups of milik and add a cup of molasses and four Chop a pound of it to the in ilk. with a spoken. Cut., on the contrary, seem able of picking up more thai names in the language of the country in which they live; they do no' deign to i-unij.irinv.i the human tongue, and a cat that does Is exceutivua.l If we do not 'earn some thing, th.t which keep down mean so much to her! And then there the weeds about the place. Part of her mother. !.;.-- wouUI be hers, the land she rents on shares for the . . Whrn Marria found herself again ! to,, ., for always Hawing of com wheat and clover. t*Pxnftd of cinnamon, half a tea- are not m books, we shall fail; but if in the ^nshiiw she ww^tremfcling, in^Kor always! With a_ sudden genae she believes renting on shares to be "P 00 "^} f nutmeg and half a tea- we do not learn seme things in books, waa tremftlnig, in: 1'or always: With a swi-len sense she believes renting on shares to be " '"'" ~ ' Kmb. After that first bhmt an- <>f shock Maroia remembemi UK; doc- th , /..:-- " wnv i Tcr to the mn 8 P onfu ' 1 * salt - Now s*" lnto t* 1 * .meml Sir Hugh had been very tor and whst ho had said. Only six u i j * ;, ,> K,,,. enough Indinn meal to make a stiff v.^,. ^rmf.A** n... i, i n i^ n k_. *-., __-i -f who works tne lawi an<l lairer 10 ,nr. , we sliull n-ot go far. nounrcm gentle, very considerate. made the trutli But h<- hail months to 1'ive. And at the i-nd of , to those six months her mother would be On " corn fi< " W sho madc batter and boil three hours. Be such a man. live such a kife, that; aionx alone, with no the support her. one to help her or y* ur - Th<! <-" h ' Wr n an Mrs - Moms did the work in this field As she paseod pavement riie lifte^J her ha'nd"for a She cried out at the thought ami a Mrs. Morris believe* in keeping ac- nKHJient atfaiiU't her eyes. She knew txick hurror demrendcd UJHJII hcr. Her founts. A boiled date pudding i* H de!c- if every man were such aa yu and iy t h at cori table winter dessert. To >nake thi*. every life like yours, this earth wouIJ j y vou jj( t | t chop a pound of dates ami six ounces be God's Paradise. PhiHaps Brooke.! Truly! Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freestone" on an aching corn. Instant- harUngi then ghO rt- right off with fingers. of xve mu.t renster n account of j Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of must we likewise "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, j or corn between the toes, and the cal- the Flu. luses, without "ore'iiess or Irritation. r ' ^ * ' wjj-wn ii*;i * ^-Kiru WM^IC nvus iiv j'*'* w"^. im^m.- -tvrwi, AVI vi i<it uiiv v:un^ * i_ . t I reprieve- no chanco of .Wivt-mmee. ditdon have lived the six months th*t rlved flx)nl cach ontC7 Tr>! on the of Slit- was d<K)ined. Sh.- had, at the oiit- were left to h-r in >se nnd comfort: farm. havo known that her mother rm. heaDino- tablo-moomfirU K* child bus chosen the work he Sf"!**! 2 *' " " , Wlth tlny **** cup egg und two f flour sifted of baking Serve molds >yf hard ide, nix monthly to live. No more! No morn! T*i<- word* hammered would lio well provided for when she likes l>e*t. Mary c*res for the White " lu " LW " - **ponauis 01 UK-my,-!v, mock-iiiKly upon hcr whing was gono. And now Wyandotte chkkens. some of which ^ ,;_, f l, re * - f , brain. No m.TV no more! Six She p<rf>l>ed sudlonly under her Hre worth $50 Elizabeth who is m n !i! fb . '*? j Il ttte ,; lwrift 'y u P 8 iri h , r<V!l i h 'i, a7Kl ' tfW** 9 u hor .'' lwkwl v.-ry succesaful grower of months! And *hen' - atwirt Ivor. She was physically ex- f ju A cry rose in her tiiroat. BlindJy h.mxt4'd, cver-wrwig'nit, tsick to the ? n she hailed a jtktini(f taxi und stu^mbl- very sioul <,f lier. Slie longed for ponce, fcjUSt * ce Rinid ed into it. Stu^ felt that her \in&>* (|u.iet, anywhere where she might fuce scni<K " boys, onuld no longer suwort her nd slic- this t.liimg which ha<l oome to Iwr. Hut lon K to a calf club. Princess Mary is the I'i7*t bride of el back f or a moment on the cushion- she tx/uld not go home. She could not A stated nHowaivce w given to each tae Brjtifjj R yl House to wear a d t with closed cyo. fact- her mother's earnest, anxious of the childiren. The CAT bought this dr weddinir dav thai tvnifie* ^1 ftf2JAH5? driver to . k ? w " r J?! 8 ^' r uW not be " r w lwtK- >>ear is known as "the children's car," ^ far flung and its upkeep is to be pa:. I out of ..(r t ^ .1 . flowe-rs sauce ' each one topped with a stoned ' , w ^, ,. A Royal \Vedd.n K thr< ^ **, ^ a <*** and be- DISTEMPER AMOHU HORSES inocMSfnUy tr,t*d Witt Spohn's Distemper Compound re again EMPER, Dmlnr the wlnti-r and spring months )ic-rs are again nior* llablo to contract f.oniaglous dtaeasr UI.STKMPKK, IN- Kl.l)EN7..\, iTOt'QHH and COLDS. An B preventive agalnit itiB, an occasional doae of "BtQXX'B" Is marvelously ffpttlve. \ iem5> for casew already sutTertng, 'BPOK1TB" - <-<iually . .1. -.-,. (!l\e It as a prexentlve. Don't wall '- ale at <lniK storea. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY . aOSHEK 1NDIAH A USA. ^ O .. 1 ""'! i< : 1 . .*" llt . !\ r . r^ 1 ^', , A their allowance. i- r* f ^ M - m . * * rT " m the word* of Mrs. Morns herself. It where she witflied to gr> roused her. For a moment she looked at him d*z- . dly. Then, mo.-^mni<^aH y , he ns- -Joc"k nearby t,,ld h-r that it ws eight, wered, frivinjc Uhe uddrew of the w>W- The seetlui^ traffic was getting on *torv her ncrvos; the roar of the strcwt* rl9 faml 'y Vaguely she felt that an interview st her quivering. with thein would take her mind off !" nwwvt be (fuiftr- -omew1iere - hias token me twenty j-esrs to make thv horror that was impending the anywhero. She nimst, she told herself, my home what it is to-dny. I have dread sentence wliklli had Wisd upon her. If die dwe<I't It much longer In her prewnt unstrung den would not be back tUl' late. Both flnd in th. had #*g* she felt that she woirid go nnut maids wnt home when their duties J home w adwnvs <,Den to the For a IHtbe while, until he wa hn- were complete, and returned in the V , rfve miMt tWnV f somet.hi,^ elw. morning. The flat woirfd be empty. Yt Mh Mt staring grimly beforo Marcia had her own latchkey. She bke Ex-soldders and ?uilors of the War Service Legion (iuiJ'1 of Sailor and Soldier Borderers 8j>ent. weeks hard at work on the wonderful harder of sdlver . , , just been desperately. And then her thoughts time for reading. I will wear calico we<I't upon <Jnod tx> ArMss Manaiona. MIS. Al- but I want good things in the heart th f th f foT eln broidery to ifo round the train, w hi c h is of lustn.us ivory satm on one Bi(1<1 arM j woven f^,,,, s ;i' ver thread oni ' ^ o ther u , lw nr<*t<.<i srome tin.,- *' .u . .T i!23Kr2 u v.f , "J*? ^ ' v - ,"1", em ' hlen V f Wale8 ' m1ght b * mdmh "' i ln any we sym-boUc- design which found a place ITZCARLTON ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. THE NEWEST HOTEL AT THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS RESORT European pbn. Novrl Ritz innovation; unique color , i-nnc througKout; Restaurant overloolcing Beirh andOceui. Dancing in TrtlriKooin and RitzGnll. Single Rooms i^.oo up ijl^j Double Roonn iSoo UP 1&L.. '.L . All rooms ulith Pricalc H;/i ar.Jfol! Ocean \'itu> liUSTAVK TOT1 AI.BI.M KKI I r'l: MinBc.nK U;"r -Li . to havc thenl J ,? ln '" " r musle on the Princess wedding gown. ha- until she rea<-hcd 'h*r destination. cou'U get in whenever s!h wished; and ""^ lf am * s Bntl rending m the even- Thl : 3 fl ONVt , ri iL is now And it was with uu effort, that she If she went there *he could be q lid et '"" Mrs - Morris continiued. "Mary !ta pK1 . t jn , lv( , ein hroidred Give me the man who can hold an when others let go ; who pushes ahead when others turn back ; who stif- fens up when others weak- en ; who advances when others retreat ; who knows no Kuch word as "can't" or "give up"; und I will nhow you u man who will win in the end, no matter who op- poses him, no matter what confront him. , pi.nyed border.' atone. Witli the thought she took hold play* the piano, Eliaabeth the violin \v n rkc'l in the hiuing silver thread? of herself. She wa utterly w^ry and wo also have good record music. ahw ,.^ t> , f t , r Knirfand, the but she could' mot bear in.art')n, and WP. enjoy flahing and bathing in Roc.k . Soollaiwl and the " vt ------ - S'A'S.'SS ^r. Very gently she inserted the Jatc.hky in the lock and praed in., iThrai, in the centre of the hall h <f th little writiivg room " and flowers." The door pai-Uy ajar. A rtre*k of light fHion* out into the hull. From witnin theie oame the faintest stir. M'arrea made u gesture of impa- tience. So Audrey Alden hod come holme f-anly after all! The loneliness ! ar,d leaves representing most of the : 1 Dominion!. | A maple loaf stands fur Canada, a! I spi-ay of niiinoj* for Australia, a lotus The famous suet puddling of Kn^g- ! bud for IndKa. atift a fern leaf for New] land is rather a simple dessert. To ! Zealand. _ .. . Boll( ' d and quiet she craved was denied her. tart aauce. make it, chop four ouncea of beef suet. Add a pound of flour fifted with half u teaspoonvful of salt. Mix to a paste with cold water, tie in the cloth and boll three hours. Of course, thip pudding cries aloud for a nice The Queen and Princes* Mary de- cided to use for the dress, hi which so much interest is taken, some of the material which was used by Q^een Mary when she was marrie-l to the! Kin. - ! It was decided that Prir. -e#.t Mary's 25O,OOO FARMERS Receive "Season&btc Hintii" Fi*>! *.re you i>ne of ihem? If not, cut h : t; ml All in ami mall if an env^Op? iddraMWd :- l*obirration!i Krnnch Dominion Drpnrtfarot of A{,ric!il;ir? (.No ma; .) Ottawa. XnUr my nan* tor "BBAVOWAHt.E oont>UUug nfal fac* Ciur funattu n, O fr* fiitm vdiiiU' - K UinMl k: r lUe no-i:'B" , ,. ; -* m-r * ; . fiat of otLr i.:.a' c/ Bun* Ofao* m . MO.

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