Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1922, p. 1

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Vol 42, No. 42 Flesherton, Ont., Marcli T3O IO22 ROCK MILLS Isaac Smith Tiaited latt week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and chil- dren, visited at R Mclntyre's, at Tryon. Mits Mabel Hawkins visited over the week end with Walter Russell, wife, and family. Harold Bowers was a week end- visitor at C Neweli's. Fred Oiborne is nuising a very tore foot these days, at the home of his sister, Mrs- Walter Uussell. We hope to see him arouivl again soon. Samtnie Fisher gave a party last Tuesday night, aud all report a good time. Levi Belts, C Newell, W T Pedlar, Geo. Johnston and Jaa. Milne each hud wood bes recently. Mrs Walter Runnel received word recently of the death of her brother's child at Uwao Sound. Wilton--Sayre A quiet and pretty wedding took [ lace on Tuesday, March 21st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James N . Sayers, Ravenna, the otcatioa being the marriage of th<tr eldest daughter, Beatrice Elizabeth, to Mr. Walter Franklin Wilson, son of the late James and Mra. Wilson, Collingwood. The ceremony which tuok place at fcur o'clock beneath an arch of evergreens and flowers, was coeducted by ihe Rev. Jas. Brown of Maxwell. The bride's gown was of steel-grey latin de chine, beauti- fully embroidered with steel beads. Sne alto wore the conventional cap and veil nf embroidered nttwith wreath of orange blossoms, i i'v: young couple were un- attended, and the wedding march * i- played by Miss Permilla Coulthaid of Feversbam, cousin of th bride. Daring the signing of the register instrumental music was furnished by Miss Mayc Grint. Liter the whole company sit dowi a well laden supper table acid pirtouk of the daiuiy food. Among those present wero Mr. and Mrs. H. Coulthaid of Fevershmi, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wilson of banks, Miss Maye Uraut of Orillia, relatives from Thornbury. Other friends and relatives truui the immediate vicmiiy wure itleo in attendance. The bride's travelling cost- ume was of navy blue, with white georg- et'e Llouse and blue hat trimmed with bilrer. The gtoum's gift tothd btide w^s an ivory manicure aet, and to the organist a gold brooch set with im\ ' !.y-' -. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left on ihe 2 30 train from Thorobury, for . trip to Cookstown .-.'id points south Does A 5 -Tub Washing in 1 Hr. The White Cap Electric Wash- er will do an average family washing in one hour. It washes faster and wring* faster than any other machine washes the clothes more thor- oughly and to a better color. It U easier to operate than any other electric washer and gives much more lasting satisfaction. Sold on easy payments, at low price. See it at our store or have us take one to your ho e for free demonstration. Sold by Frank Duncan Flesherton PHONE 24rll EUGENIA Mr and Mr Fiank Cairns of FleKherton accompanied by Hies Ruthvec, Alliston, visited with Mr Cairns this week. Miss Ruthven will remain fur a few days. Mr Leonard Latiiuer is having the interior nf his house decorated Mr Carrington i>f Flesherton is doing the work. Quite a number are on the hick list at present. Mrs Wilson and Mrs Jacob Williams have been under the doctor's care the pant week, but we hope soon to see them both out again. Mr and Mrs A Hoy entertained their friends on Monday evening of this week and an enjoyable time was spent Tbe Memorial CVmnii'tee purpose doing a lot of work to the Memorial plot u lien the spring opens up, and w hope to have something to our credit in the wy of flowers this coming summer. Prayer meeting thi Wednesday eve. at the home of Mrs A Smith. A goodly number are turning out to tliu meetings and profitable hours are being spent each week. Mr and Mrs A Ca.ri-uth.erg vieited with frieuda on the 4t h line a few daya the past week. Mr Wm Humberstime, who lives n< rth of Kugenia, went out to his barnyard one morning recently and found a deer feed- ing with the sheep. No need of shipping in deer for the park on the island, when the deer are getting so tame right within reach. Mrs Marshall visited with bur cousin. Nurse Graham, before leaving for her h"iii" in Markdile Krusi Purdy of Ceylon visited at Fred IWur's ovtr the week end Mr and Mrs Rosky have moved their effects to Toronto, where they intend to PROTON STATION Mr and Mis H Becker and son' Jick, are visiting wi'h ftiends in the village. Miss Jaac Ludlow is the guest of her cousin, '! Blakely. Mr and Mrs Wyville sppnt the week eud with the Litter 'a sister, Mrs Jumes Montgomery, Dundnlk. Miss Gerlic Lyons is vi^iiiag with her sister in Toronto. On Tuesday evening our Midgets met their first defeat of the season when they played the Jr Tuxis of Dundalk. The score was 4 to 2. On Thursday (weuing our young men were defeated in the same village by a score of 2 to 1. John Hodgins is visipng with friends in ihe village. M -.- Mae Mills and Master Fmnk aie holidaying with their grandmother, Mrs Carson. Mra BUck was the i'uest of her sister, Mrs Bites. Wm Wright is spending fowr Jays with friends iu S:ratford. Presbytery Notes At the meeting of the 'Orangeville Presbytery held in Orangeville rec- ently the following Commissioners were appointed to (he General assembly, which meets in Winnipeg th s ysar: Rms. 11. Shannon, Mo I my re; C S Jnies, Priceville; J. Mi:Crtney, Keldon, and N. VVuddell, Ballinnfad, and also a reprfsentativB elder fiom each of the fo||o*it>g places, iHinoly, Baliiuaf^ Everett, CMedon Eist and Shelbume. A union congregation is in process of foriuahon in the western part of the Prosby'ery. It will include the Pres- byterian woik t T-irbert and th*l of the Methodiat Church ut Tubert, Campinia and Monticello. There, are 103 families Connected with these appointment*. They will form a strong charge *nd will bi under the cure of the Methodis* Cliurch. Homings MilN, Prinmse, Culedon and Maxwell I'rcebvtenati and Meth- odist chuichej and Eugenia Methodist uhutch have voted in favor of co-oper- ation. Four additional cnugrogatimia have 1 reporte.l that they will p r iy thoir min- ister 1800 a year, namely. Maple C'Aude, Erin and dledoii East. I', is announced that the nxte "t I ou crutity and Provincial roada Ibis sea. V N'< is to be '20 cents an honr for men ' aud I > cents for teitms. CEYLON Mr and Mrs J Cumminti 1% fi Is>t week to reside in Toronto. Mr Gillenpi, who has been living with his nephew, Fred Wright, for the paiit four years, left lait week to reiside with bin daughter in Michigan. Mrs L Turrey of Lauriston spent a few days last week visiting with her parent*, Mr and MM H Piper. Wm Stone, who has been visiting his father and sister, left Tuesday for Nel- son, B.C. Mr and Mrs P Hunt and two children spent a couple of days visiting Markda'e friends A Stewart of Owtn Sound was in town the first ' s the week Archie Sinclair was at Shellxmie on Saturday . Thomas Spicer was at Orangeville Saturday attunditg a railmad meeting. Mrs R Gibson, who has been visiting Toronto and Owen Sound friends, has returned home and was accompanied liy her daughter Helen, who h*s been on an exten<?d visit in Owen Sound. Mr A Rubineon of Dolphin, Mao. visited last week with Mrs G Co'.'inson and daughter. We are sorry to report Mra John McFadden quite i 1. Miss Walkr of Fleshert-in in in at tenian-.-e. Mr Daniel, ttudent at Mo Master, took the services here on Sunday. Murdered Wife Then Suicides Collmgwood, March 2.'5. The town nf Srsyner, nine miles south of Cwlliiigwood, ws the scene of a double tragedy last nuh', when Tho. Waisoo, aged 40 yt>ars, shot and killed his wife, gej .').">, and afterwards killing hiin-i-ir. Th shootiuK occurred ID their home on the main .-treet. to which they had moved but yesterday, aud it is thought to hve tnken place between 11 and 12 o clock last night. No oca heard the shooting, the four children of the dead man and woman being asleep, and it waa not until this moriiiug that the tragedy i* dicuv- eied by the eldest of the chillreo, a twelve year nid boy. t'p.m tiding he was horrified tn Hud his mother lying dead on her bed, with the sida of her face shol away. The fathers body was f. und in the bathroom, with a double barrelled i-hotguii, wl.i.h evidently had been ussd, lying on the lloor beside the body. WnlBun WHS a drungist and hid been in I'li-itii < foi a number of years. He re- cently disposed of his drug store ai>d it \i eitid had been worrying over the matter. Mrs. Watson was a daughter uf J. C'ark, former Gland Trunk ktition agent at Stayner. Dr. Murphy, the coroner, will hold an in|iist into the tragedy. Rod And Gun The April issue (f RoJ and (luu in Canada is a uarticulany attrictive one, and from cover to cover if. Hbounds iu bright, iutereMiiig featurts. The stone,, include rptaodij OOWrfoationg from ihe pen of Frank Houuhtoti, entitled "The Trail of a Golden Hop.'" ; while " Birds, 1 ' by Phil H. Moore, is a'.s > wo-thy of spicinl metiiioii BonnycaMlc Dale is the auibor of " Our Wild IX-coys ' The various df|nrtni?ii;s iviiiiin .1 L -i!th if valuable iiiforintt,i< 'ii, .-is u^U'il. A co>ii plete repot t of ihe anuiul in ctuiij nf the Xoithem ( >n!;irio Outfi.MeiS and (iuides, is given. A haudsniui' art c ner by F. V. \VilliHius who nlso contribute* a short .story, will likewise Htuact atleu lion lo thii mouth's issuo. Rod aud Gun in CHimda is |Hibli.-hed uiontti!y *i WooJstick, On'ario ly W J. Taylor, Limited. Along the road of Thompson vilia where A'. R. Carnpjall'3 li'tle daughter me; her death last .', the railing ImJ be. omu aislucJued. Mr. i'ii'.' ,! brunch' this condition to tho altonlion of ihe TecuniHeib township cout:c I, which budy nf er cousiderin.4 Ihe municiplity'8 liibil ity. awarded Mr Camp.*.>ll $7.10. Sbelburno Fito Press. PRICEVILLE The cold wave of laet week has passed away, and spring like weather prevailed at end of week. On Saturday evening lair, about dusk, we noticed a flock of wild geese circling around between the Stugaen rivur and MOBS Lake, after > few moments they Deemed to settle down on the lake for the L, _ :. The farmers in this vicinity realize the importance of improved breeding in their cattle, and other live Htock, among the importatior s this year we uotice that John Oliver, on the > D. It. East, has brought home a fine young imported Shorthorn bull, and over on 'he South line, James Turner has purchased a 16 mouth's old Short horn bull from Thus Nichol, at a good price. From the North liue, the Durham Road, and the South line, we expert, to see a tine dig- pl.iy of these animals, also registered cows aud young t< ck at our fall fair naxt October. Mr. Stafford, a new arrival in town, has opened a general store in the A J._ in Block, and prubaMy will be able to attract many new cimtuuiera from outside points Th several persons who have been ailing for more or less time, -eem to be improving, some tljwly, but we expect to see them all around in the near 'u'ure. Toronto Line North Miss Usttie Cole of Toronto ppeni a few days with her father and (inter here. Mr. Albert Stew. is vibitins > J br.ilher in Toronto. Geo. Proctor and wife Kioiberley visited with E Wickeni and wife. Mn. Kotn Alcox ia visiting relatives in Toronto. We extend a welcome ti> Mr. and Mrs. Russell, *hi> have recently moved to our line. Mrs. Win Davis has returned to Toronto after spending Home lime here. Mr. and Mrs. Pntthard of VandvIeMr pp*> nt :i day wrh their daughter heie. Cjuilu a nuuibtr on the ' e arc busy mtp'e syrup. Vandeleur Miss Flossie DIIVIH has returned home after spending several wetk* with her sister, Mrs Ji.n Cochrnne -U Colbornc. Miss E. Burrtit is vi.siliug her sister, Mrs D Graham. Mrs Kinuk Davis spent a .v days receutly wiih her patntii, Mr unJ Mrs Plewes, at Kimberley. Thu March uneting of the W I w.s held at the home of Mrs Davis - D Thurs- day, March 23. Papeis were re id by Mrs F P Bolar.d, Mrs Frank U.vis, and MII^S Lillian Buchanan, a'so a i ;purl of the adlre's given by Miss Chtpin.in of the Grey B.jard of Agriculture *t K m- herley. Lunch w.s serre 1 '/ MifB L Hiati Hiii-h iini! and Mrs L .K'hnston. Clover Seeds Wanted Hijjhcsr nurket prices for sweet clover, red c!<.'Vi>r ard a'xik>. Soirl siujij'les, A. 0. MUIR, Oylon. George Uarris of Owen SIMIII I w;t found under tlie influence on the strct with a bottle of contraband in Is pncktt. Tha lit'le misoloulntioB cost liini f:i('6.(0 Mrnlnrd tiucpnyeis will aia^er along this year under a rate of 51 mil!* on the dollar. The rate w>n struck hy the town council lust werk ind m made up of General rate, 'M. iinl's, and Srhnol rate> 20 mills. The Mayor stn'e.l tliat only three mil! were at thu council's disposal, the bulmicn was uticontrollablo ex;>-er.di. lure. Thu ra'e ia 4 mil's h h-r than las: year. 1hi W;llcerton \Vulfnre' A'f-ucsvn n has pasrtocl a revoiu'inn askinu lh.- atti r- n^y-gene'arii depHi'liiient to rciiu.v" Piov iiui'il Ooustablo llloi it. wlui was ^tii: to L> ue county sumo >i-!is i;o. The members of the association claim thnt a provincial pj io-'mtu iu that, dis- Iriot is necessary, but t'ie rctson for the objection to the bobl>y' |>resei < li>-s in the f<c f . lh it HJnce coinii v( to Waikorlou ha lias been over /. alous in thi* poifoi nu'iice of his dut.ts. particularly in ''t-spect to tho Motor Vehicles Act. As a result, a largo number of liusinows incu lint promiuunt ci'izeiis hava !". H before M i^i-Lrnle McN.ib and b^ve paid tines f >r varinuf) .nin.-i i ll nci s A New Razor Bates Burial Co. The Auto Strop Valet Safety Razor For a quick clean smooth shave this is all that's required The Model "CT'outfit consists of : Valet Auto Strop razor, 3 Auto Strop blades, V strop in velvet lined case. PRICE $1-00 AT W. A. ARMSTRONG'S FLESH ERTGN, . ONT BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embahners Phone Hillcrest 268 I 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont MOTOR EQUIPMENT i J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager. Now is the time to rc- 1 new your subscription to The Advance. ESTABLISHED 1872 Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. ,HEAD OFFICE (**^S-i HAMILTON == 4 o'clock p.m. _ . BANK OF HAMILTON DU.NDALK BRAXL'H-A. .M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRiNCH PRQTQJi-C. J. Former, Sufe-Manager HOURS I 2 o'clock noon ^^^^^^^i^^M^^^^BBBi^^^Bl^^M House of Quality Groceries & Confectionery GROCERIES A full line of Goceries" strictly fresh, at the right prices. CONFECTIONER V-Neilson's bulk package and bars, good assortment We also handle Neilson's Eskimo pies and bricks. FLOUR & FEED FLOUR We handle the best Pastry and Bread Flour. FEED Corn, cracked or ground or whole. Western oats, oatchop wheat, shorts, bran and low grade flour. "Grofast" calf meal ; try a cut of oil cake for spring feeding. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario ! r - ^r jfc ^V^^P^^v^^*v ^*_ V_T.fW^- i.Tj'a-^*^ Notice All old accounts duo Osprcy Municipi' Telephone System to Dec. 31st, 1J2I, t.. bo paid by April 8ih, l'.)22, or I o plao> d in Court for c-.illi'ction, with costs. By older Bosud of Commissioner') Sale Still Going Everything Must Go At A Big Reduction Many lines at k>s than half price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD * Don't miss those bargains while they are gom^. w. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton , Ife.

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