Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1922, p. 4

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April i>0 1i>:>2 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE Town Hall, Flesherton Moving Pictures Thursday, April 20th Feature "THE CONCERT" Comedy "High and Dry" 1 2th Episode of the Pathe serial "Velvet Fingers" Show starts at 8 o'clock sharp. Don't Mifs It. ADMISSION :-13 cents and 30 cents, including Amusement Tax THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspaper published every Thursday at the oth'ee, Cellingwood I Street, Fli-hlierton. Subscription price i 81 00 per annum when paid in ndvanoj ; 82. 00 'when not so paid. 32.00 to I'nited States. Advertisinu rates on application. Circulation ovor HOC weekly. W. II. THUKSTON KIUTOH THE EUGENIA PHEASANTRY C. E. WALDEN, MANAGER THe Flesherton Tailor 8hop| The Place where you get Service .lust luiil in a new Block of ready-made WORKS DRF.SS TROUSERS l;.?t urade obtainable ului- til to til. At lowest prices. Come in ami look them over. Overalls and Work Shirts T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor llll'U Poor Old Folks- Looks as if they'll have to go "over the hill to the Poor-house." Their children either can't or won't support them. Tragic? Yes! But not half so tragic as the old folks' remembrance of the fact that their present plight is due to their lack of fore- sight in not making provision for their declining years. Be independent in YOUR old age. A 'small amount invested annually for a few years In an Imperial Endowment Policy will enable you to end your days in comfortable independence in- tead of as a burden upon the charity of friends or in a paupers' home May we tell you about the income you can insure for yourself 20 years hence, by making small pay- ments now when you have the tnoneyf Don't wait write for particulars to-day. THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Co. of Canada Head Office. Toronto E. Henry - - Agent - - -Flesherton Th Imperial maintain! ror poltcyholdwi' protection \Mtttt Gorcrnmtnt Deposit than Aon ny othr Canadian life company. nil BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES OHRiCB AllTHUB I.ODOK, No SNft.A.KA ' A M. u>t in tbt Matoulclnll. Arm I > M Illoct Kli.hortcD. very Friday on r befora lh lull uiocu. I 1 ' i lliilr W. M A. O. Hollanil. Hvifvtary. BUSINESS CARDS WM. KA1TTINO. Icmmori Auctioneer foi tlio couuili'B of liroy anil Hlninoe arm !, i filfiek talon specially. TRBI mi luintu. Mtlafaotlou final auUil. Aii"- i --niit f,,r ilatos may In- niaifo at tlm Ailvmce lH.-<,. or Ccutml teln l-nni' nfncB K*ver<haiu rr byaadrMMM BM at KVI bam. out. iJENTISTHY .I C 834 MURRAY I- D. K.rtettUI' b' IH-L K'* !l '")t of Torriito Uulvom |,''.1U'K' of l>ut*| Hurooti of Odtarfo, D'.t-l-ilMi , i.i.-ri.... I Anottouee toi HI. ('oirtlty of Orny. Toniiii mnilernln ami 4tl action t;i'rtn'ni1. Th/i arrapReuinMo <nrt flat nf Mitrn can Iw nmtlAat Tint A O VAN -Iflce. I - i t'-i .- M 'I l'.|>.. ('tfylitfi. Tolephoiiii KIU tictlon. fflcc tfrHHW ,.! T"i tuutli Ztraailoji Tcronto Riicvt. Himbertoc. LEUAL LUCAB, & I.I |:l I -IM !. , . rtullcltori, K.-l. II. Lutai, K. V.I W. I). Henry, OUlma, alaiVdala I.ucii Illuck. I'lioi.t hlancli cfl'.ci at Duudalk anil I'uiha r. (. A. Tl'KNUUI.l,. I \ M.I. . ITU linli- (inin tln< Kurnltv "f Mi-dlolno, Univorlty ofTori)iito. OlIkfHIchanl win HI nnk, Fluiili arton, Ttl.'l'hone !l'i. fi WRIGHT. A TKl.tOHIM'arrlilar. Ro!lrl. torn, o. Oil, co (Ire.y * Uriict l.i . I >wen Bound. Htandnrrt Dank .'FU'.l.'r Ma*|8atuHa;> W, II. Wright. '. r. I'.-iM I J'. Mill For Sale Chopping nnd llour mill, mill water p.iwer, i,. ir IM. l,.'ii..n Alto 05 acres of html in connection with luune and nil (>iiiluiildini.'H. Mill -mil i. ml. In, ; . in good .LI..: n, Ap;ily at I 'i premiiei to P. Loucki, H. K. 1 Fleahertun. G. M. Lecson, M. P. P. lor South- east Grey, sent The Advance under date April lltli, the following letter. Kditnr Fleaherton Ailvm c . Dear Sir, Rnplyiog to n article in your paper of April IV h. I must say thai you hve nal all the ficti relative to the K>iim' preserve t Eugenia. If you wil nsk me drliuite queRlions 1 will get you , nil the facts from Ihe iccords of the j Department. I will enclose a statement from tne Department which I hope will in'erest you. I will also send to you j undei separtte cover a 1V20 report, the figures for 1H21 inserted with pen an the Ul report i not in print yet You will notice that thu surplus txceedi expenditure. I will be pleased to ftuiml i'l inforOUtion v u niny ask for. Very liuly, . Geo. M. I.i'i'si-n. In the above letter Mi. Leeson promises certain documents, but has failed to comply with his promise?, It is acknowledged, however, that the development is a Gamo and Fisher- ies undertaking, and is not engineered by the Hydro. And the reason assigned is that there was a big surplus in that department last year, which, of r in .- . had to be used up, and it was thought raising pheasants would be a good way to do it. It never entered the heads of our legis latori to reduce license lees and thub reduce tho coit of fins aud lish. The department receives an immense income- from the fisheries license alone aud boasts of the imuienso a- mount it has taken from thu Georgiat Hay fishermen in this way. As a remit fish food in this diBtrict costs as much as it did in war time. Ant the money taken from the public ir this manner is devoted to raiding pbwsantal Mr. LCCBOU is right when he says we have uot got all the facts, lint we hope that by keeping our weather eye open we will get them in time. Tho member request? us to nsk definite questions. In our article ol Apiil 6 we asked for the amount i 1 was proposed to spend on this pheas- antry, including salaries. But it fiecmH this was not definite enough . Will, we will let it go at that. We arc engaged raising pheasants for sport ami will have to keep it up, while our lish food costs us three or lour cents a pound more than it ought t) if the Toronto government ever thought of attempting U reduce the oast of living for it supporters. Since the above was put in type wo have received a letter from the Department of Game aud Fisheries, together with a report for 1920 These, however, do not deitroy the value, ot the article The Di-patt mint docs not appear to understand the location, or they would never say the suggestion to place tho pheasnntry in the park is abmtrd. This is not a municipal park in any sense, but was set apart by Hydro to beautify the fulls, which had its attractiveness destruyid. It includes a beautifully wooded hill, an ideal spot for a deer aud pheasant park, and it is as muil a part ol the crown reserve as is tho island. Did the Department ever examine this location'.' If they liail they surely would not pronounce it "too nbsurd for serious considera- tion." The Game aud Fisheries Deptart- ment had a surplus last year of $325,- :; ', l '.1:1 It is evidently like the small boy, who would suffer a burned hole in his Docket if he did not get rid ol his copper. The Advance never questioned the legality of closing the district under consideration, but it did, and does yot, question the expediency of closing up the small section of farming lands when unimproved lands much in .if suitable for the purpose could bo secured cln where. Pheasants will nover bo acclimatized hero. Kven qunil, a hardier bird, will not live aud propagate. For 8i!e Two cows, Ji-rsey and Dur- ham, coiii'n in soon, numt ho sold. F. Stii'iit, Fleshorton, ii.ii>-.' 1 ROCK MILLS Mrs J Croft visited with her daughter '>! Gulden Warlin^. Wo extend our deepest sympathy to Mr mid Mrs Kiclvird Allen and family, in ' I T bereavement. M ss Violet Moore and friend Mr Linn, of Mclutyre, visile! over Easter with Mr and Mrs John Margrave. Mis Frank Seely is spending ihe Eifti-r luluhjg at her home here. B rn On Surday April 10'h, to Mr and Mrs Dick Clark, a daughter. C-i'.vin Uoyce f'tve it piny lust Friday n'ijht, nnd a real good time was s^.ent I y all present. Sim Croft spent n fi-w diy-s last week with his brother in Owen Sound. Mr and Mis John forttK'Us ^ent Kister with (hen- daughter, Mrs Cecil MoDtgban. Herb Betls 'returned home Saturday iiiL'l ' . alter spending the put six months with liig Uncle W A Gilliland, of Edmon ton, who is in the coal mining business there. Mr and MM I'M Fiher mid family of Toronto, hvo moved to the Mini, Phillips farm. We extend n hertrty wel- come to them. Mr, Kearn and daughter, Gerlii>. of <>,ren Sound, are visiting with the former's daughter, Mrs Sim Phillipv CORN IN STOCK Both whole and cracked. Right prices. GROCERIES A full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. But Has Been Disappointed From the Owen Sound Suii-Tiuus Dr. L'.-cson. M.P.P- for S ( ,uth Grey.; h is promised the I i -:. : ; Advance an authorized >! ,t. nirni from the Game nnd Fisheries Dfpvrtment with reference to! Hi a activitioi at Eugenia. The statement ! wi;l probably cover th- pheasant island] activities, the ;i IH-_M!I n of deer, the reason why Ihe public arc not allowed to li*h at Eugenia Falls, and a number of, other mutters tint the public are inter-, estcd in. iitiuim Carefully Corrected Eacli Week Barley 70 lo 70 ' Peas 1 25 to 1 25 Buckwheat 80 tod HO 1'olatoen 1 30ti>l 30 !' Apples 4 00 to 4 0(1 j Hntter . . 28 to 30 * ?1^ ^F\-. TP\ ^t^/^^iiSlK ^f^^W^t^f^i f^^^i^^9^ ^^^'^^^^ f^f\ /V\ ?^f\ ^J\^f\^9^^-^f\^^\^^ * FOWL WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. Holiest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. $3.25 per bbl., 2 sacks to the barrel. JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON Jvos 25 :oO 25 Winter Wheat 1 05 to 1 05 Sprint; Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 Oats. . 45 to 45 Easter Term Opens April 18th 1922 FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES Practical courses Expert instruc- tion Individual instruction Emplojmcl department C. A. FLEMING. F.C.A . Principal since I -I . O. D FLEMING, Secretary. on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOW1R JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT backing tup the maniifadurerfc guarantee CHEVROLET cars are backed up by genuine Chevrolet service. We are prepared to live up to the fac- tory guarantee, because the Company backs us to the limit. The Chevrolet Motor Company recognizes its obliga- tion to Chevrolet owners and we recog- nize our part in giving the kind of ser- vice which motorists have a right to ex- pect. When you need service or parts, make it a policy to come to our service station. Some garage men use bogus Chevrolet parts, not made by the Chevrolet Motor Company nor guaranteed by anyone. Our parts are all guaranteed Chevrolet parts and our service is organized to take care of your needs efficiently, economic- ally and quickly. * A2 Ask for particulars of our deferred payment plan. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONT

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