Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1922, p. 6

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BOVR1L IMPROVES YOUR PIES ALL THAT IS GO 00 IN eccr T omens ^Sphere The Gates of Hope BY ANTHONY CARLYLE The Price of Motherhood. The rvttffon that so many people fail wives try to cheat and get all for no- thing tliat so many homes are broken up. The l( L'luniiL- of the SUHJ. to-morrow, Slan-ta HalsUud. secretary to Mrs. ' right ? An< . A dm, is entrusted with ome Bowels ri<~it.ted. H shade uncertainly, n wh:ie her employer got out to lun- note ot shyness in her von*. chci.:. With Kcmpton Rosstoer, his | "There'll be n sort of impromptu mt*p;i>olru-i I^dy Ros*h,er and her son (xiwert at one of t'v studios the even- Gordon Ruthven. Murcia puU the iug after. A -i i-urt* erf morn or lees jewels in the ss f <> but ffula to find the MerMtinff folk, mostly profeMloniUS, duplicate key. She consults noted of course, will be there. Cnn VVildo. nhy*. in life is because they are not wil'linp to pay tho final price of success. H is lh se who are just enough, and . For all that we get in the world j generous enough, to pay the full price ' we havo to pay something. Nothing of matrimony who make of marriage ami parenthood a nliinir.g success, j They pay in love, anil patience, ami ' forbearance. They strive for the hap-; 5 free, but when we pay little, we get little. The trouble with most of us is that just to see if you're all perhaps - She, too, we are always on the hunt for a bar- 1 pmew of each other. They give truth,! half, pain. We w*nt the best, but we ex- 1 and loyalty and sympathy, and under-. ncian who tell* her she cann.>t Hve lot'4'i-r than six months; t-h n twwer the call of a colicitur to find thut she ii heir to >. large fortune on conditior. lh*t the marries In-fore she is twerr. y-<.ne. Returning to Mr* Alden's the find* Kemp ton Rosslaer ( who i. ^cret!y married to Ar:.'.>y Tr:i*k) rt-.rUcing tiie f*em.> which bin tep-brot i^-i hi"! stcen. H- *I-.HIH him to be the thief, MarcU r ron " s<M r ''~ ncc if he will marry her within two <kj'5. To h'rld his father's nuine five wars in Paris, pert to get it marked down an<l we are surprised and disappointed when we find that we do not get first-class articles for a serond-clfcs-s pricv. Women fail us mothers because they think that somehow they win bring just riack *ifu Is goin# to give ua private view of up theit children on the bargain coun- hi* extra social p'c'.ures; Ko*irii, the ter plan. coming -and, ef ; Motherhood is a costly enough thing at best. For l.er children every woman pays in agony, in endles* anxiety, and sacrifice. She cannot escape that, and having paid so much, on would think that she would go on and pay her final ne\v Italian tenor, is coming and, of j course, Jasper Wnldron. I wonder il you'd care to let me take you?" Mnrcia shook her head almost ve- hinent!y, a quick refusal on her lip. She caught it bark nrnl st.x>d for a momiit waTerin-g, uncertain. She spoke after a minute, slowly: "1 was going away out of Kng- atanding. They count sacrifice a joy | because it is made for something dearer to them .nan their own selfish egotism. Always it is those who pay the full price who get the worth of thoir money. Fate runs no bargain counter. Un 1 -almost immediately," she ex- Ke nipt on consent*. At a restaurant plained, ami Arahy interrupted with Whroa fair;.- .-ind vs assisted by Uire* llWle exclanwitwn of disappointment, strangers Araby Trask, her father, "Oh! Hut that's too bad! I rather; mun j tv and a y.i'i)K man who puts bhe two hoped we'd see something of each I n n , other be friends." Marcia laughed, haJf ner.'ously, half (HAr'TKR XIV. (Confd.) pleased. "That was Ja-rper Waldron. He's a 1 "It's very nice of you. I haven't perfect dear, I think. Th. > ,rt of many friends. She paused. pern rgency girls into a taxi. on who's always ready in an em- shadowed a trifle, her lips tight-vied, about. These are t mcy you know! He never fu.-M-s; Her *" >'* Wl ' re wmbre with RORietbing so occupied with : that was nt once dread arvl defiance. ' She wus thinking that on the even- ing after the next day she would no longer be Marcia Ha'.stead; that the step she contemplated taking would l>e beyond retracing; that her bargain with KempU'i] Rosslaer would b rati- Hnir-I)re.ssing. It is exceedingly difficult to suggest style of hair-dressing for a person whom one has never seen. So much haa to IM? taken ireto consideration the shape of the head and face, and the instalment on the superlative mother- j kind and quality of hair that only hood that would insure her boys and general rules can be given. It is hard- (rirls turning out to be the sort of men ; ly necessary to say that the hair must and women that are an honor to their be kept in good condition in order to parents and a blessing to the com- ! look its best. Very long ami heavy hair is difficult Unfortunately, all too many women j to arrange. Few womein who possess baulk at this last settlement. They such hair are willing to sacrifice a' dodge the final payment. These are part of it, but those who realize the the mothers who !e< their children run difficulty of arranging it in a becom- the streets while they are gadding ing way, will cut a lock out of the the mothers who are centre, in order to keep the coils or amusing themselves knot within a size which will not dis- , just dooa what in necessary- ' expect that's how he'. got where he is." Mu rein's eyes asked a question aiul Miss Tra-ik proceeded: "He's awfully rich. And he's made his money by sheer hard work and A-gjjed determination. As far as I fled. Aixl this (fir!- the girl for wt.om he cared, who. presumably, cared for him was offering her friendship! She stirred sharply. Then a quick flush run up hotly over her face. Sho heard again Araby's assertion that Jasper Waldron would be there. She saw a close-croppeJ fair head, wealthy folk, "he's gencrou.. A reld j (faying at the temp'.es, a pair of blue, whiu. man thmmrh and through." | concerned ey*-felt the strong pre ean moke out, he'.* been everywhere *nd done a litl'.e f everything, includ- ing |>ear] fishiig, mining ui.d wi.ting books! He's intere.-ting, clever and much travelled, but he never gives hiin,lf airr. He can be as serious s any one when necessary, but he krves enjoying himself. And though he's gt>l a heaji <{ money, unlike, most i Marcia WAS interested; r. > int<>r< -ti-d he wa. puzzleti at he-iself. She Mlud: "Vou know him well?" Ar.i:-y *h'K.k her head. "Not very. He's beci, uai.dt-'irg aW rver the face of the varlii for \i-ars; only came back to Kt ;'iand about a couple <f month* ago. He'* often at the studioK of various friends of father'*-- thi:t' how I came Lo n'--t bim. An- )':! nit erected in art?" Marvia Muuggcti. "I hardly know. You K'-e, I've l>ee.n m verj- wrrrk-a-dtiy pws^ri until until quite rwceiitly. Now She . tat<- 1 A ruby'.- -iet eyes rcgarde<l h*r tt i.r.v with bltero ;i' d \ in paihy. Marcia found hcr-ivi" jnusvvi-r- ing tu. th alrnont against her will. "Now I'm in H position to M- ni'-re of the world tu- to lia\e n good time. My luck's changed." The sympathy deepen i-.i in Araby's eyus. She gave a 1'ttle jerk "f her curly, sliming |MM-|. "I'm glad!" KTH- il.-. :.,i-<-l. and Mama felt, with vague surprise :tn.-l hade <>f wor.-ierment, that she m<-nl U. Urxler her Uf-hi- nhe fell to muily- ing her with m-w, Fenri-liing inii-r- et. She wus nt>t in the least like fie had imagine. I be would bo when he had thougl't of her at all. Sh eenienl ucli a rhild, ye! of a child's gauiherie. Thi- underHtunding of a woman was ki her oh-ar eyes; there was ctuira and swee-tncBs in the young line- her sun- of a big. hnnvn hand. warmer ii. her chi The color K. "Oh, we! a rather come!" s.-.i.l impulsive!/ on !i-'tl" laugh, "I'll dren, aiui reap the reward. Whether a marriage tunvs out well or ill. depends absolutely on whether a man and woman are willing to pay the final price of matrimony. Every- one who inarriev ; mst pay something. They can't get out of tl.at. Marriage is bound tu bring ran and anxieties hair-line, looks best with the hair and burdens, from which tlio single brought well down to the brows. In are free. It exacts the giving up of spite of the protests against coviri:!g th ( HAPTKR XV. Wi<ie-eyti, wakeful, Marcia watched dawn (xynie. With it, utterly e::- she fell into a fitful sJuml)r, broken liy ehaoti, 1 dreams, in which, curiously. J-|ter Waldron played a more proniiiien: part thuii Uiv death sentence which had bocn Denounced upon her, the fortune she h.ul been so peril- usly r.<-ar to 1 :;ing, or even Kim plot; Rosflaer. She wake*! late to find her Mother, anxious an-l a little perplexed, her I- ing over her. She held u gnit sru-af of early yellow rows in her hand. As Marc. a Unwed the hair out of her eye* and sat upright she laid them upon the pillow. "A .Mr. Wa Id-run brought them," she said, "and inquired after you. Mrs. AUii-n sent round, too. snyin;; you had !::> lunic'l up mi ! asking if you were ill. It's awfully late; near!;, lunche <.i t-ii'i Hut Marcia did not heeil. Her eye- were on th ro*'< and the carH at- tai-he.'i. Thi-y were unwontedly lirin'i:' and thrre uas ;i u ild-rose warmth in one's own inclin itions and desire*. Kvt-ry husband ami wife must pay this price for bping married, and it i-* because they pay it with grumbling, and winning, and under protest, that so many marriages are failures. It is liecatiM- MI many husbands an<l the ears most women look well with the hair div.-sed softly o\ . r the upper part of these members. There are few really beautiful er., but if only the lobes arc shown, no one can prove that ours are not porfect ones, and most of us need this softening effect. f consternation, pre.acrib.-i abso- other's exclamation i "Vou sec, Sir Hugh lute change. It i.-. not only necessary, liut imperative." She paiisi- 1. The genuine concern in Mis. Alden 's pretty eyes touched her. She went on hastily, with H <j;iick little freimilxius smile: "I ha\e U'en very happy with you; I didn't reali/. until now hnw -orry thi-i life. O'f her cheek* that made Mr*, llalsteiul with nothing look at her wondcnngly. It soei.ifd to her that, somehow, her daughter |uite remarkably changod. "--he ler itched it little a* she yt down en UK- nf eil;.'!- of the l)i*l. fan-, in well a? fx'i.iily. There "Whatever kept you out so long wax n f riendliiveM in l^-r mitnner Unit yesterday, Marcia?" *he a.iki"l. "I Was wholly irrisi*tible; an<l Mari-in iiejfan In feel dreadfully worrieil. Ar.<l bud kiKywn iirtflw o-f frici^Uhip in her what did tb<- lawyer people xvan; ymi riiort life. nt/out ?" Tlie girl's ii'-rwrtutlity and ohiirin us "'I. .ma routed herseJf sharply from well :u> her warm kuiidliru-s* attracted lier conteinplatuin of Waldron'g flow ker; the cloak of somewhat unnatural ei iu>l sat upriglit. Sin- threw an iktterity with which she had wrappe.! arm about her mot lu-i -V. whouldors and about ;ni-e sho luid I>I*TI a |>uU*d her down for a hurried, t.'iil< r idnfl. "IVor miiniMi'! Hut it everything seemed (ino> yesterday. The.re to t^ll you oiiHy I daren't wait now. I'll have to fly. I forgot all al.-'it Mrs. Aldeti -and I'll have to sen IM solici- ture, she pause I, stix ning imp'llsively tu kiss her again. "He patient a little longer, d'irlir.v I think the gods of good fortune have smiled upon us at last; b:it 1 want tu l>e i|uite sure before I t( '' jou much about it. This time lo-nr.i.'Tow," fhe caught her Ineatli for an i'lsiaiil, "I shall know fur certain.'' She went first to the scliri; i-'< of. lice. Sh- saw Mr Morns again, .indil shall lie to finish with pl'.irged at once, ncr --.I'lsly an I .- 'ittlc cnurst- under <;iMiimry (iisjnintcdly. into Jin explanation ti.at' ^he was, after all, prepared to fii'fi' the conditi'in i.f tli' will. The nld man watchetl he r shrewdly in>ddirg in sil- i-iu-e; ami. gaining confidence .n, '( r his quiet |4U/ ', she added: "Ne<~Ues, to say, Mr. Mori LS such a iniiiriage will l- iiilirely one of con veiiienro. \\',- IxitJi of us earnestly \, \?\\ that nun-' i I' our friends- no one knowing why the fact that, -not even my mother -shall know i her, (iordon Ruthveii was to that it has tken place. I take it there can ! n i objection to this?" Mr. Morris me' I !.. anxious eves re- "N'< no v. hiitevcr. the will it in reiiuir be MMirriod In'fdre NoHiing more thai: riuge i* dcmund<>il Hy the terms of -d that you shall you can inlu rit. a form of mar- of voti. As re 1 couldn't lie'p to hnp|N>n .it is such x heap after a livwlihood n lipped from bout her. Th coldnesn with which te had lerirn.Ml to arm li-r-i-lf t.haw wl. 8he forgot tht thix girl - ..-I ny >. nection with Kemptun Hir<laer for tie moment. She U-gun to talk tu bur tatrresledly, almost igi-rly. On the 1:4-11 outside (lie dingy Uwird , tors agiiin without delay. Ue a il tug )K>U<> she IwsitHtt- i. ftuxlifkl. uiien urui gut rne tome tea I don't aid impulsively: anything to eat." "Won't you - won't y.u cmi' in? She wa* pinning on her hat I should likn ym t/> mwt my mother.", M r.s. llulalijad came back. Shi "I'm afnid ..' to-rnghl, tliough I'd kV4 to. Dad will be waiting for mo, you know. Hut if I may run around wart when ilr.'ink tho th> tea thirwlily; thon, oldor woman's wisWul, tjtdibl MH she WHS abniit to take her depnr John Hull i a "No! m.ijr." KITCHEN, CABINET kill It, Mitrlaniiiv i - ' -. fattoii it, mid -Hi. i - I I, >.'.-,!. I , P.." garj.s sti-wcy, iiiy.self and ni> paitn.T aro tli< in.!y people who know the conleiA-- of the will. Naturally, our client.--' nffiiirs me slri.tly contiilen 1 ial May I kimw the name of tho er lie |xauo<ed aiul Marcia rose nit her abruptly. She answered bis ijuivtio'i briefly, flushed under the kivn, sur- prised interest of his *>'', then r*lmok liaiu'i- with him and departed. Shu weivt on to Arliss Mundons, where sho fouml Mrs. Alden puxzltu' at her absence and a trifle anxk)u. After apologir.inif she phui#fi><i afro/'i into cxp^ajia! ions, thia time with mere of - ,f ' , ui .v,-. . Somowhat to her own am axe t*ii' panic of yo<er<lay, Uie bewilderment, the uncortaliity had It-ft her. Her nervu had Ht<adind; flio had h>r*elf ooinpltJ> under control. Moreover, though uh hail scarcely boeii aware of it, lie had ., i. i.|\ decided upon t'ho ixjur.sc she meant to puraue. VV'hero it wus pt.^sliile slie mnan: to tll the truth. She had no love of de- cn]itloii; nt the sumo time . !n> shnoiK from giving Sir Hugh DaT!' copi- plute verdict. Tile tliought of P^J'. iiiirror, distix'c< made lu.-r writhe. To see tlu-so in oilier people\ eya wouhi be inlolernhl* a i mv*tnnt reminiinr irf grUli tniHi. .Vnd silie wanted to H it. Sh months lay before hr six inonll- (hat much gold could make woitderfii'l, dazzling, hridinnt. SJxi wantetl to -M,-. I. j) of life ..mi joy and ImpjiinesH thai was p<imiib{A into t-liose six >iiim<hs; -AH iiud to shut hr mlml and her >' to what lay beyond. Only in this wwu ivxatd flhe fie-- her .Mjlf of Hie grim shallow vvjiich Kpi-'-ul il lim-J. Willys >ib/ovt> tn>r; ill i bi i .M--I- 111 nki> imdnrjiiili' tno ' !.lto Uiat b>T u/c wa m> liukjcor nli*n uf yir;. hut only Rhort -tavs "I am nfntnl " fba wild. Ml Aiurr.iy Ahtn wvm Mt i*> ohir, "thai I irhaU ti M \ > IMSV |wu Ui (NMntuin wtui my 4>rvioe 4 6m*. Then, at UK i; would be impassible to -I" s Hut I had a rather startling piece of news \esterday. I think I am almost sure that, provided affairs are settle-i intisfactorily, 1 have suddenly bvi*oine' a M ry rich woman." Rapidly, a little excitedly, she gave details, leaving out the condition* of her uncle'o will, mul without i]uile fulling benefit under it. And in the telling the thiivg seemed to Invi.me mure real; lc- like a fantastic dream. Mis. Alden's eongralu'.r, 10115 were as sincere us they were astonished. Her warmth brought a little lump to Marvin's throat. A? she rose to go Audrey caught her hands. "Talk ivbout truth mvd fiction!" she eiai'iilalcil. "This sure lias truth beat- en to a fragile 1 My dear, what are you going to do with such H fortune?" "Do?" Marcia'u head flushed up suddenly, her eyes took a quick, Ivot llami'. "I'm going to spend it! I'm going to make up for nil the days of ilnnigery, for all the dreary days of existence on Iwire necessities. I'm go- ing to have nil the pretty things my heart has hungered for! "I'm go" 1 * '" Ii v ' with beautiful furniture an^l sunshimi and flowwe about mu. I'm (joing to drink what I liko and oat what I liku and- and wear cre.|H- de chinu! I'm going to be selfish and. grwuly aiul happy! I'm ing ID crush three diiys into one! m going ti> Hve!" (To liu eoTitlnued.) that they do not know how their chit- tort the contour of a shapely head,! dren are diverting themselves. These nor make its owner look top-heavy. ' are the mothers who follow the line The hed should, however, be well- : of least resistance, and give in to their covered with hir of auff icient length children because they have not the to form a graceful outline and provide i nerve arvl courage to stand up and n frame for the face. I/ike gowns and light self-willed, half -grown boys and hats, the hair arrangement should be. girls. studied from nil point*. If tho shape The final price of motherhood is a of the head i good, keep it so; if the staggering one, but only the women contour is not ood, study to improve who psy it do their duty by their cbil- it. Be most particular about back and' side-views of the head, and sfcudy the face well in deciding style of the coif- fure. When one's forehead is well shaped it will slarol an arrangement which shows it off; but the exceedingly hiirh forehead, or one which has an ugly Candy jacket just "melts In your mouth" then you get the delectable gum center. And with Wrigley's three old standbys also affording friendly aid to teeth, throat, breath, appetite and digestion. Soothing, thirst- quenching. Making the next cigar taste better. DOUBLE treat ) Peppermint ver Pep- ; AFTE 'jfiS^ C17 EVERV I MEAL The shape of the fac;- gives the cue to one's coiffure. If it is long and narrow, strive to arrange the hair- so the face seems shorter and broader. If the face is siwrl and broad, work for the opposite effect. Never em- phasize a long, thin neck with a high head-dress, but the woman with the short plump neck needs to dress her hair high. Above all, choo-e an arrangement which suits your particular type. Be- cjiu.se Mis Blank looks well with her hair waved and dressed in an elaborate manner does not mean necessarily that you will. Be conservative; for while none of us wa.its to look old-fadiion*d, we surely do not ivare to be so new- fashioned th:tt we arc ridiculous. Only healthy one man in three is perfectly Miik will not burn if, before heating:, a little cold water is put into the saucepan ar.d brought to the boil, milk can then he heated in the wav. The uiual KEDUCB 8 POUHD8 A MOVTX by Ef CBOWTOX S ud followlaf Ui Crowtox otot. 8old by nil druRClxtv. or by mall, ROSS MEDICINE COMPANY 75 .: N rvli BtrMt. - Toronto Use Mln.ird's Liniment for the Flu. Kngland contains 150,t!9'2 miles of roads, Scotland 1M.771 mile.', and Ire- land . r >r>,.M;i! miles. "Lifeboats, with chambers filled j with rubber sponge, would be even ' more unsinkable than the present . type," say>< an English scientist. The l*'st f )'. em of o<i ication is that which drawn its chief support from the voluntary effort of the community, from the individual efforts of citizens, and from those burden* of taxation which they vo'.ur.t \rily impose upon themselves.- James A. Garfleld. GASINTHESTOMACH IS DANGEROUS goi I'm Dye OW Wrap, Skirt, Sweater, Curtains, in Diamond Dyes h ill Waeh pucka** of "Dlamoiul Dyoa" can tlyo or tint her old worn, faditd tlunXH tuiw. Mvu If shv lias novur ilyod lmlnr, xlio OHJI put a rich, color Into a hubby sktrU, n .-!-, '.-It. UH)klllK8, ..Mi.lt or*i, covrlngt. -I- -e, :i.-i liaiiglngR, ..i > Iliiiip. ' HllV I M.I n in, I OyttH- 1U) otbor kliul thi'ii pnrfect home dyeing i-. miiii.ni'ii'it Jiwt tell your drug KiAl whether tin 1 nuiterlr.l yi.u wlh to dye i- wool or silk, or whnUunr It Is llnon, roii. 'n or mlxnd .u>ods. IMa- Djrwi nvr stra.k, po4. fa<le., run. _ jy i ^ Pour smiiJB IlluiuU in the South Sel wcetitry offers! for sale in I^on- Aon. Mlnsrd's Llnjment for Qrlpp* nd Flu. Recommends Daily Use of Magnesia to Overcome Trouble, Caused by Fermenting Food and Acid Indlgastlon. Ua-i nJid wind In III" stuniaeh accom- panied by that full, b'.outud foellng af- ter eating arc almost certain evlilejice of tiin pretwmco 't xc8slve hydnv i chloric acid In lhi> stomnch. creat'iiR /,.. '-(ill'-.! "iicld indlKecvtion." Acid Homaclm are daiiKeroiis l>- nuuso too much acid Irrltn,t4>a tho deli- cate. llnln of tbo stomach, ofton leU- tnc to gnstrUiH nccomptinled by seri- ous stomach ulcurs. Food fe-rments and sours, creating the I 1 , r > ( RIIH which dlstende Hie Htomwh and hnin- pws til nonnai Junctions of the Mini Internal oi-Rims, often nlTectUiK the huart. It Is the worst of folly to MCtoCl such a Horloua ciuulitlou or to treat ( with onlinury dlgonllvo itlda which havo no nentnili/liVK effect on the (niiinc.li ucldH. Initead go' from ioiy di'umlat a fitw ounces of Hlsurated Magne*iu iiiul take n tei)iKH'.fnl In a quart HI- glnnn of water rlrbt after out- fng This will drive the gas. wlud WUl Wont rlKllt out of tlu> brxly. sweetM^ the Htomnoli, neutralize iU' ejtXBf in-lit nail provcnl its formation and there IB m> Mounnws or |nln. Hlwurntoil Mi4;iu v 'i.' (in i-o'i'-i or tabliV fivi MI ne\'W llqiriil or milk) Is hnrinlcKii to t|ii> Monuieh. inexiieiiaive to take and the llOVt !'o: l|l of ln:ixi" % sl.t fl>1 MtOlllluUl purpoaeii. It U QMd by tbounnmlit ot pnopto who enjoy tl'elr nn-a, wltii no more fMvi of Indlges'tlon. 15K postman and expressman will hring I'artcr service ngbt to your bonie. \Vfc p.iy carriage one way. \\'lmtever von seiul - whether it be household , draperies or the most deli- cate fabrics will bo speedily returned to their original freshness. When you think of cleaning r dyeiug think 01 PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. Toronto CORNS Lift Off with Fingers iv.-ra't burt a bltt Drop a iltil* "Freezoue" on an aclmg corn, Instant- If tiiut cora stops hurt'ug. then short- ly you lift U ugh; oft with ilnger*. Truly I Your ilruiRlst sells tlnr boltU ot Treeione" tor a few ctcts. sufltoUat to reuiovs cYay Lr.i corn, soft corn. Or corn i'otn th* toer. nr.l tit* o*> wlUout ior*naM or irriUUao.

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