Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1922, p. 7

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ACID STOMACH IS SOONOVERCOME WALTER BRODEUR SAYS HE CAN NOW EAT ANY- THING ON THE TABLE. Suffered So From Stomach Trouble He Dreaded For Meal-Time to Come. "For the first time In two years I can eat a hearty meal without fear of , distress afterwards and I certainly ! am strong for Tanlac," said Walter Brodeur. 1472 City Hall Ave.. Mont- real, Que. "I had acid stomach of the worst sort asd nothing agreed with me. Of- ten for as long as an hour after eating I felt that I was about to choke and would Just hare to fight to get my breath and I was so worried and ner- . vous that I dreaded for night to come, a tt meant hours of rolling and toss- ing. "Everything is changed now, how- ever, and I am like a new man. eat what I want, tleep all night long with- out a break and get up in the morning feeling as fresh and active a* a boy." ; Tanlac la sold by all good druggists. Adfrt a The most uncommon sense is com- mon sense. British shipmnsf was first reir:s:ered in 16tiO. Don't Say It! The harshest words that one can throw are often these, "I UId you so." Nor are you pleased, you must admit, when you're the on they chance to bit. Some people seem to take delight in anything that smack* of spite they smile within at other's woes and pelt them with "I told you so's." Perhaps you try a venture new and somehow fail to see it through: there's always someone standing by, to give the old "I told you" cry. With heart and soul we all despise the m -in who ev.-r waxes wise and very spitefully kes:ows his cynical "I told you so's." Age Mellows Bells. The quality of tone in many c-'d European bells could he accounted for only by their age. After careful in- vuetispitioc, an ingenious bell maker det .-mined that with a century of use the bell clapper and th inner sur- face of the bell became so worn that they titled exactly and a considerable surface of each came in contact. Ac- cordingly he cast a clapper in a form that gave them a considerable con- tact surface to begin with. The result was all that he had hoped. A month of lively ringing Is still needed to give any given bell a tone of the desired quality, but the economy in time is obvious. -* KEEP BABY WELL IN THE SPRING MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. The only civilized state in the world to be ruled absolutely by a woman is Bhopal, the second most important Mahommedan state in India. Mlnard's Liniment for Coughs and Colds INVESTMENT. Ciood C..ni|.;uiy. Preferred $100.00 Stock, with Ronua of one Common share. Price flo0.i)o Particulars from Campbell, 40 Adelaide West. Toronto. Mothers who have little ones in the home timi the Spring a time of great anxit-iy. At this season conditions make it necessary to keep the baby In- door; H.* is often confined to over- heated and badly ventilated rooms and catches colds wh-ich rack oi> whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels working regularly. This will prevent colds; constipation or colic, and keep baby well. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr Wil- liams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. Hemp Hurds for Paper Making. An interesting investigation recent- ly carried out at the Forest Prodv.ct.s j i Laboratories of the Department of the I Interior, Camula, reatea to the value of i hemp hurts as a paper-making ma- i terial. Hemp hurds are the waste ; stalks of hemp from which the ilbre ' has been removed. Considerable quantities of the hinds, a.t present a j mere waste product, are available in ! Canada. Some attention has been j given to this subject in the United States, where experiments have been made in which the soda process w:ts used. The work at the Laboratories, however, has boon directed towards J the application of the sulphite proofs .*. ' widely used in Canadian pulp mills for I I the manufacture of chemical wood- 1 i pulp. The resnlts obtained indicate : that while the material lends itself to ; j sulphite cooking the resulting pulp has an extremely short fibre and is some- , what Irani to bleach. The yield, how-] j every is large, and the pulp might ' advantageously be used as a filler with pulps of longer fibre. Seventeen Dy-iasties Instead of Forty-one. Seventeen sovereign ruling dynas- ' i ties exist in the world, as against j j forty-one in 1914. Twenty-four dynas- i I ties, of which the most were German, ! lost their thrones through the war; I and the most tragic fate was that of j the Romanoff family, of which sixteen members were assassinated during and after the Russian revolution. Those and other figures, character- ' istic of change in the world's affairs since the outbreak of the war, appear in this year's Ahnana.- de Got ha. that I classic encyclopedia of world royalty. According to thJs authority the ruling German princes abdicated in 1918 as individuals only. Not one of the HohtM'.ZL.ierns or other dynasties who ruled over the several parts of Ger- ! many abdicated in the name of ths ea- tire family. The only central European State with a sovereign Liechtensti>in--is situate*! between Austria and Swit- zerland. It can be traversed in a mo- tor car in twenty minutes. Surnames and Their Origin FROBISHER Variation Forblsher. Racial Origin English. Source An occupation. With the "tip" that the family narna ] of Froblsher or Forbisher Is based up- 1 on an occupation, can you frue* its \ origin? Probably not. And the reason Is he- 1 cause the won! is all but obsolete, and the exact occupation Is obsolete also. ! though there are a great many more j or lees akin to It in the various Indus- ' tries of modern times. Occasionally, however, yen will run across the word "furbish." Probably , a majority of people cannot tell you , exactly what It means even thongh they have heard or more likely, read It. It means to polish. The "furbish- er" or "forbl*her" of medieval Eng- land was a "polisher." And again you have to conjure up a picture ot life In the Mkldli- Ages to realize what kept him so busy, what it was that needed so much pi)llshins ^'- s (o Kivc I'isn to a regular occupation. To-day he would probaby polish automobile*, or put the fine gloss on t-oinbs In the Middle j Ages he was kept busy poli.*hitift ar- ' mor. Hrt did for the Irou and steel clothing of tli knight, squire and man- at-arms what the little tailor around : the corner does for the worsted and rg clothing of the sales manager, ' bookkeeper and clerk of to-day for wt was just as active in the Middle Aga as dust is now. RODGERS Variation Rodger, Rogers, Roger. Racial Origin English. Source A given name. The family nanws of Rodgers and Ropers have been formed from a given r.aim>. through the regular meth- od of adding the termination "son," which in the coarse of time has been shortened to a mere "." and In some cases dropped altogether, thus bring- ing the family name back- to t!:e snme form as the given name from which it developed. Th> name of Rodger, or RciRer. is THI*II?;!O. In ono form or other It Is to be found among most of the Teu- tonic race*. In the Icelandic, that branch of the Scandinavian tongues Which luw changed the li*t of all the Teutonic languages In the course of time, it was "Hrotligeir." being a com- pound of the words "hroth" and "gelr." and having a meaning of "famous spear." Incidentally It ia from this same rit "geir" that the Freiu-h word "guerre." ineut'.ing "war." as woll as Uie wrrd "war" itself, lias been do vetoped The o'.'l records *how that tho forms "Hodg-ar" and "Roger" (the "g" being pronounced hard) wero used by the Ang-lo Saxons before tht Norman in- v .is ion. The form "Roger" also wa Norman and Flemish. The Danish form was "Roedeger." waffle farther wcutli on the. Continent, u tutor the l.itin inrtueiK-e. the givn mime be- came "Ri-.gier." She Turned Out the King of Sweden. One day a scholarly looking man. plainly dre>se<!. went into a church in Holland and took a seat near the pul- pit. In a few minutes a lady ap- proached the pew. and. seeing a stranger in it. curtly asked him to go out. Ha took one of the seats re- served for the poor and Joined de- voutly in the service When servi.-es were over one of the woman's friend.* a_-iked her if she knew who it was whom she had ordered out of her !*if. "No." she replied, "but it was only some pushing stranger. 1 sup- pose" "It was King Oscar of Swed- en." replied her informant : "he Is here visiting the queen." The only point was this: that the woman forcot tn carry her "company manners" to church. Six New Instruments Added to the Violin Family. It has been said by muslclaiUj that the viiMin fnir.il.v is composed of tn ] pygmies -the violin and the viola i and two giants the violoncello ard i the double buss. It is reasonable to j suppose that the great gap between 1 thnse two extremes could be ndv.ui | tugeourfly diminished. It is not sur- ;ir;-Miig then that two well-known French musician*, father and son. have, after years of *tudy and experi- mentation. created a number of Inter- mediary Instruments which have en- tirely changed the nature of the violin family. IT: a mile of railway track there are over 2,000 sleepers. SHE FOUND RELIEF AFTER FIVE YEARS An Ex-Service Man Tells How His Wife Found New Health. "I wlsli to testify." says Mr R. A. F. Hughes, of Hamilton, Ont.. "an to the efficiency of yotsr Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fur the following reasons: "When I returned home in May, 1919. After nearly five years absence on arir.y service, my wife had changed from a healthy, rolmst woman, to one whose life was a burden anil ordinary duties almost impossible. Through war worries, lcr.eli.iess and other fac- tors contributed. through my unavoid- able ahsriuv. her health had been steadily undergoing what 1 might des- cribe as an undermining process, for years. "I w.is fuUy aware from h*r letters that I would r.ot flnd her the same woman, but. when I reached home, I was terribly shocked to find her in the condition she was in. Her health:' color had changed. Sho seemed blood- less and her skin was sailcw. She was weak and listless, and with dili- culty moved about the house. She hardly ever moved out of the house as she became so short of breath and feared .she would fall during one of her dizzy spelis, which sir- *aid were becoming more frequent. "The day I arrived home 1 visited oar doctor, who is an old friend, and. later through his advice, consulted with another physician of this city. Everything was done that could be done and many medicines were pre- scribed and faithfully taken. As th.ise were of no avail I misted that alone would suffice to build up what had gradually been undone in the course of five years. Alter twelve months conditions ha:: become worse. Then I decided en ch.ii-.f.'e of air, gave up my position in the c:ty and moved to the country. Even this did not do any izoml. I think it added to her Flowers Think. 1/uvher Hurbank ewys that flowers think; that they have intelligence, and respond to our thought; that they know whether we love them or are in- diffaren* to them. Some people can raise flowers al- iuo.' anywhere, even with very Uttle sunshine, while others c-on do nothing with them under the most favorabl" conditions. That is because, as Mr. Burbank says, the l:tr>. mind cells of llowei-s and p;a!i:.s know who like them aad who do not. and respond ac- cordingly. A v !> intelligent woman I know stay.} tliat slu- never could prow (lowers, and that they wilt the mo- ment she puts them on her pe All plant life is sensitive to cur thought, to our mental attitude. The fanner who hates f ami in;; nver has the s-.K-ces.-i with his cvojis tha' his neighbors w.io 'nave pi-nwing ihir.gs li.ive. His niental aitUndr Q( : right, a:-.d his cr..i>s respond t I',:.-, -li.iiiglit in kii:d. Classified Advertisements C ANADIAN hATHIlio.'lAL I' A PER. 26c. No other fee. A. UeCrvery. Ont- _ WOOL MADE IXTO BLANKETS AT reaxunable prices. Yarns. Pur ! wool, chiefly grey necund*. flfty cents pr pound. Postage o.\-;r.u Sweater yarns, six beautiful colors, seventy-five centa. Rumples free. Ceorgelown Woolle* Mills (ieorffpt.iwn. Ontario. EARN JiU.OM TO JBO.OO PKK DAT vulcanizing. Bo Independent: teach you. Wrlttf for parti. 'Ulars. Chief instructor. Canu.la Vulc&nizer. London. Ont. A ITOMOBH.E STOP-LITK saves :u-. ^\. cldents Never fails. I'rlci". *'"> <<. Writo Peaoon Co.. 4fl Adelaide W . T -- AKTICI.E3 FOB SALE Bl-.lOK-KliriilW SUl'l'LlKs ; .\.\ii- riTKuTH and Jumbo hives and [ lurnlahJncBJt honey extractors. pu:-:ps. engines and storage tanks; a compitt* stock of beekeeping requirement*- srn.1 for our catalogue. Hani Brothers i." TU- I>any, Ltd.. Manufacturers, Bram:or<l. BELTING FOB ftALE ALL KINDS OF ::2W AND t'SBO Mlnard's Liniment prevents Spanish Flu A Youth Preserver. A noble ii;'e ,.::u ! more i'.:.\r. an ambition pre^'i-ver: :' ..- ileo a po-.ve:-. fu! health :i::d - 'i : :i pr-'-^rver. It is a umio that i>r " t ir> pre-.iuaure aging. When the farnlt'.es are employed in working out :; .: i > ,;.> wt- are happy, contented ; ! e m . : is so fully occupied thai it cannot ruet out or 'ose its buoyancy And it is the m thai keeps the i>. dy young. ' t>rttlnK i. alleys, uws. ca.ble.hose. rack ln. etc.. ihlpped i*ub):t to approval !nwj rtres In Canada. YORK BELTING CO. li-i YORK. BTR2BT. TORONTO. - ... N... tie'. ,.:.-::MJ ll'i spot'ips of in- sect, most i if them harmful, quail eat sixty >ne; !<> nf weed seeds. K-r.ff George oar. trace his dvscpnt in a. direct line from \Vi"ia:.-. :r.e Con- ... . . r Pionaar Dog; DOG DISEASES and How to Fetd Mulled Fre to any vd- '.:-.s by the Aa:n r H. c:.. aiovr Co.. Inc. w York U.si.V' "One day a friend visit*! u^ and as a result of tneir conversation niy wife made up her mind to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. "I had not much faith in what I did. but procured. t'.-.ree boxes. Tins h.ipper.0,1 r.ine months ago. 1 was surprised to h-:ir my w:to say, after about the tenth day. 'I believe these - are doing me good.' A week or so .it'ter that I certainly brlievi-d they were, for I saw color etnniiiiR to her cheeks and the sallow, unhealthy color disappearing. The pills were certain- ly doing what you claim they will do. and of her own free will she continued them for about three months. At tr.-_> end of this time she seemed quite a different woman. Life was worth liv- ing;. The llstlesMiess had gone and she could walk up the steep hill. which is h.ilf a mile long, leading to our house, without the slightest in- convenience. At this stage she dis- continued the pills and she is Just as well now as ever she was. "Now. sir, I want to say 1 have every faith iu Dr Williams' Pink Pills, as I have had proof, and I believe that what this medicine did for my wife. it can do for others " You can get Dr Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine de.ilcr or by ma:! at. SO cents a box. or six boxes for JLV.-.O. from The Dr WllilamV M-li- cine i'o, HrocUvi'.le. Out LC excrJlent for uiditfeetion because tt ftssisti stomach and liver to do ti.eir wotk natu:fcyand efficiently. With the orgaina in perfect working ordei indigestion u tmpowible. Try it today RN> INDIGESTION Mothtr3-ise!'e:'vrup is sold n :n 50c. i%nd $1.00 botti**. | COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF . TORONTO USE SLOAN'S TO EASE LAME BACKS YOl" can't do vour best when your back and every muscle aches with fatigue. Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, :r::"<- tmt rubbing, and enjoy a penetrativa glow of warmth and comfort. Good for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains und strjins, aches and pains, sciatica, sore muscles, stitf joints and the alter effects ot weather exposure. For forty >e.irs pain's enemy. Aslc yocr neighbor. Kctp ^'.Wn'j- kaady. At all druggists 35e, 70c, $1.40. ^. ^ ^a. Mail* in Canaum. Sloati^ liniment FOP Spanish Influenza The Liniment That Relie-.j A.I Ailments. The Fire-Bug and the East Wind. "It's time to hit the trail ;i:iin." The careless camper said. And left his little fire alila/c Within Its leafy bed. "I'll light another cii;areit*," T\\<? idle loafer said. And rlnicked his old 'snipe' brush, One end still glowing red in i lit 1 When Will There Be A Disarmament of Dining Tables? Suppose everybody would recognize the fact that there's no gain but much loss in keeping up hostilities with the stomach! Suppose the ancient aggrava- tion of improper food on indig- nant digestive organs should be settled with guarantees of sen- sible diet and tranquil digestion! The saving would be beyond all possibility of counting. Yet millions go on declaring war on the stomach and accept- ing war in return loading up on starchy, heavy, unbalanced and highly-seasoned food at breakfast or lunch and wonder- ing why comfort, hap- piness and efficiency are out of reach. Grape-Nuts makes a friend of the taste and an ally of the stomach. There's a charm and satis- faction to this delicious food which prompts appetite to say, "There's a meal! " and digestion to answer, "Thank goodness, here's peace at last!" Grape-Nuts is the perfected nutriment of wheat and malted barley sweet, crisp, and won- derfully nourishing. It digests quickly, and provides the neces- sary elements, including the vital mineral salts, for body, nerve and brain. Order Grape-Nuts from your grocer today, and let a delighted taste pass a treaty of peace along to an enthusiastic digestion and assimilation. Grape- Nuts the Body Buillder "There's a Reason" Made by Canadian IVsiuni Ctl Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. "CrtXHi lime to tire my tilashint: now." The thoughtless nuu-he r ..-aid. Ami touched it off without a ilu'iight Of how far it nrght spread. "Millions In lives anil timiier losl The newspapers noxt said j What made thosi- tin'> ail Mart at mu-e \\V wondered .is read. "It wasn't us. it wa. that wind." The fool's In chorus uaiii. So they're alivp ;uid loose (his year We hope tho wind is dul. E. T. Allen. .% New Forests for Great Britain. A shipment of seven hundred pounds of Douslsis (ir >vi"d was recpr.tly for- Witni<l (rum the IViiniriioii Forestry Branch seed-extract inp i>l.)iit nt New Westminster. B.C.. to Omit Britain. This Is tlin final h::pmeut i'f soed col- lected in 19U1. The total quantity of iNch kind of seed shipped for the sen- son was: Uouxlfls fir. 4.000 pounds: Sitka. spnice. 3.000 pounds: and west ' ern hemlock. 100 pounds. As trw seed Is \ery small and HjUit. van^in^ from an avernite of forty-throe thousand 10 j the pound of Douglas II r in four hun- ! dred thousand se*U to the p-i;ml of Sitka spruce, it will lie see ihat many uiillious of svedliiiRs will he j ge-rmlmited from these shlpiuenis for IplautitiK in the extensive i-o forest*- : ! tton scheme which the Hritish Foi-est- ry C'ommiissicn has in hand. A _ ^p ' - Country !if<?. is more oiin-.luoivo loirjif life than town life, aocording to' statistics lo'.'.co'.ed hy a well-known doctor, p ermanent Hair Health Promoted by Coticura Frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap, assisted when necessary by gentle anointings with Cuticura Ointment, afford the purest, sweet- est and most economical method of freeing the scalp of itchings and scalinRS and of establishing a hair- growing condition. SM2Sc. Ohti2SuJSc. Ttlt.2St. Sold throughout ihc? Dominion. Canadian Depot; .. L^iltJ, 344 SI. P..I SI., W.. HMIRI!. 'Culicur* Soap sh*ei without mun. FARMER'S WIFE REGAINS HEALTH Gives Credit to Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Fork River. Manitoba. "T --aw In the newspapers where l.yd' : a F.. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was doing no much - . 'i : > women, and as I needed something 1 began to take It. I used to be very sick hut I am not r.on I live on a farm ^n the home- s:-.id district and wo hav.> o do all Oii:- own work. I tell ail :'-.e women, I ?oe what Lydi:i E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound does for mo. I thinlc it saves me :rom jroin-.; to a doctor and !s the best medicine women can take." MBS. \\"M. Coi ' .: \s, Fork River. Manitoba. Lydia K. PinkhamV Vegetable Compound is a medicine Tor the ail- ments peculiar to wor.-- 1 ;]. It is pre- pared from niedi'-in;>i riant s. with, care and accuracy. It cau be taken, by women of any as" Women make a serious mistake la j allowing theuise'.vw t.> become so weak and nervous :l>.a' i ; is v--ll-:;ijih. impossible for them TO ::; "tul to their necessary household d-v-.es. Such symptoms as nains and irreg- 1 ulnritles. all-cone filings, backache. headache, hot flashes, nervousness. with a general run-down condition, indicate some form of female trouble. The Vegeiahle Compound has brought, relief to thousands of women suffering from such ailments. Let it help you. ISSUE No. 15 '22, WARNING! Say ''Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of '^Bayer Tables of Aspirin," which contains dictions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 veais .uid proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis L-arache Lumbago Pain, Pain Hndy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 I.'nigfc'ist*. Aiplrln ', nil trJ,- rairl; ir>;'sii.r.- t l in >'ana<la) of Haypr Manufacturo o Mono- nrrlU-acMeatcr of Sattcy'l.-tif M. Wliiie it In w?ll known thnr Aiplrln mosm-. !->fr msnufiteTuro, to nsniiit tli* j>u!ilio axHlnot Imliationtt. tlm Tabiotn of Kayer C'>n;/."vny will U >tmprd with th->ir g-oeral traUv mark. :lu- Uayar L'rort,"

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