Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1922, p. 1

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Vol. 42, No. 46 Flesherton, Ont., April 27, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. EAST MOUNTAIN "April showers bring forth May flowers." What about April snow? Mr. W. Humberstone and family attended the funeral of Mrs. J. O'Brien in Markdale on Wednesday last. Mrs. O'Brien was a former resi- dent of this part. We extend our sympathy to those in bereavement. There was an error in last week's items "Steve Button and family" should have been printed "Steve Sut- ton and wife." Sorry this occurred. Miss Mary Haines visited friends in Toronto and other points. Mae Carruthers has returned to Toronto after holidaying at home. Stanley Smith visited Flesherton friends recently. Mr. Burton Carruthers is engaged working at Proton. Carrot Humberstone has quit the butcher business until fall. \Ve hear that Mr. Dolan, manager of Kimberley Bank, has tendered his resignation. We are sorry to lose such a popular young man. May good luck fall on him. PROTON STATION Miss Kathleen MacDonald, of Cey- lon, holidayed with friends here dur- ing the past week. Mr. George Blakely passed away at his home here on Tuesday. April 18, after a lingering illness. Interment took place at Flesherton cemetery. Mr. Blakely has been a highly re- spected resident of this village for many years. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Blakely, who is left entirely alone. The little Miss Hemphill visited at the home of Robt. Bates. Miss Gertie Lyons has returned home after a month's visit in Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wellar were guests at Ed. Stinson's. We are sorry to report Gordon Wauchope ill with tonsilitis and 'flu. We hope for his speedy recovery. Miss Annie Neilson is holidaying with her brother at Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Little, of Owen Sound, attended the funeral of Mr. George Blakely. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson (nee Adda Wright) were in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright and fam- ily have moved to Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Wright will be greatly missed in Proton, as they were exemplary citi- zens, kind and obliging neighbors and valued members of the Anglican ohurch. Mr. Peter Consley. accompanied by his wife, went to Owen Sound last Tuesday to undergo an operation for cataract on his eyes. We are pleased to hear that the operation was suc- cessful. N FEVERSHAM Old winter is paying us a visit on the mountain once in awhile, yet last week we had a real old time snow storm and about six inches of snow fell. Miss Alma Tupling has returned to Toronto after a week's holiday here with her sister. Mrs. Clarence Staples. Our teachers. Mr. Morris and Miss Jolley. have again resumed their du- ties, after the Easter holidays. Little Helen Dand has returned to her home in the city, after spending the winter with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. The Misses Eva and Nellie Spencer have returned to St. Thomas and To- ronto, respectively, after the holidays. Eva is teaching and Nellie is attend- ing Normal. Miss Pearl Fawcett visited with her friend, Rosie McGirr. recently. Mr. Silas t'dell happened with a bad accident a short time ago while skidding logs in the bush. A log slewed around and caught him. breaking his leg in two places. Miss Ruby Henderson spent the holiday with her sister. Mis. Frank Curran. at Mclntyre. Miss Muriel McLean is visiting with her uncle. Hugh, at present. Mr. Harold Spofford is very ill. Dr. of his speedy recovery. \Ve have an auxiliary crew in Fev- ersham and it has be.'ii in demand already, having been called out near Duntroon. a short time ago, to bring in a carload-wf our young people, who got stranded. Get your car licenses, boys, the cops are out. Well, the ladies' summer gowns xn in evidence again these fine spring days with a little change from last spring, as now we don't believe it is even necessary to sneeze. 'Nuff said. PORTLAW James Pedlar recently had one of his thumbs slightly wounded, which at first appeared to be only a trifling affair, but blood poisoning developed and the symptoms became alarming. Last week he was taken to Colling- wood hospital for treatment and his friends are glad to hear that he is now considered past the danger point and may be expected home soon. Miss Susie McMaster is consider- ably improved, although still in a serious state. The youngesj child of Mr. and Mrs. \V. H Little is very ill with pneu- monia Miss Violet MrNally. of Toronto, spent Easter holidays at home Miss Nesbitt, of Caledon. is visit- ing with her friend. Mrs. R. Hannah. Will Taylor, of Toronto, spoilt K.i-'. r a* hi* parental home. Mrs. Lewis Hill is recovering from a 'serious illness. Miss Vine Watson arrived home on Saturday from an extended visit with friends in Toronto. R. McMaster and wife visited dur- ing the week-end with friends in this part. Mt. Zion Epworth League re-org- an iznl lately and appointed a good staff of officers with Mrs. Roy White as President. The meetings on Thurs- day evenings are helpfal and plans are being made to make them more attractive and interesting. All are invited. EUGENIA TORONTO LINE NORTH John Beecroft. of Owen Sound, made a business trip to our line the past week. Miss Lillian Lever returned to her school at Moorefield. after spending her Easter vacation at her home here. Mrs. W. J. Lever, of Owen Sound, spent a day with her daughter here recently. Robert Swanton spent a few days of the past week with Toronto friends. Arlene Beecroft. of Owen Sound, spent Easter holidays with her aunt. Mrs. Emerson Wickens. Mrs. Robert Richardson and son. Harold, visited Vandeleur friends re- cently. Gertrude Lever visited her sister. Mrs. Charles Martin. Eugenia. ROCK MILLS Herb Belts and wife visited with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stoddart. near Markdale. Sam Croft has commenced to drag the roads here and is making a line job of them. Mrs. James Park, of Owen Sound, is spending a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Dick Clark. James Milne moved his family to the Sornberger farm in Osprey last week. Charles Hoftnan. of Toronto, spent the week-end with Sam Croft and wife. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold their next meeting at the home of Mr?. Isaac Smith. A Morrison, of Maxwell, spent a day last week at C. Xewell's. Quite a number of new pupils have started to school here since Easter. The water is at its height at the lake at present. It is a pretty sight to see the water rushing with such force over the overflow down the old river bed, making the falls once more look quite natural. The fish were quite plentiful before the water rose to such a height. The lake must be alive with these suckers, judging from the number dashing over the overflow. What of our one time far- famed speckled trout? What spawn there is being deposited in the old river bed above the lake is being taken out by the government and shipped to other points, while we sit quietly by and help pay the expense of all this work for someone else's advantage. Mi-ses Mary and Isobvl McKee tavo returned home after spending a few days with friends at Portlaw. We are glad to report Mr. Leonard Latimor improving nicely at time ot" writing. Arthur Gough spent the week-end with Kenneth Large. Al:x. Johnston and wife, of Grirrs- ville. visited with the former's sister. Mrs. Latimer. the past week. Burton Carrutiiers has lak^-n a position at Saugeen Junction. Mrs. \Vm. Hislop spent Easter week with her sister and brother at Ceylon. Little Misses McKee and McCallum. of Flesherton, spent the Easter holi- days with the former's si>ur. Mrs. Dixon. Mrs. J. J. Magee and daughter. Doris, of Vandeleur. visited with Mrs. Munshavv over the week-end. Arthur Batten, of Owen Sound, is A guest of the Large boys this week. Miss Nea Williams is visiting with her aunt. Mrs. McTavish. at present. Mr. Harry Foester is having his house wired for the lights. Nurse McQue. who was with Mr. Latimer during his illness, was Called on Sunday to nurse Mrs. Wilfred Magee on the Sth line, who is critic- ally ill at time of writing. APRIL THE DIAMOiND MONTH We invite your inspec- tion of our new stock of Diamonds. Never have we held such a magnifi- cent variety. Solitaires, clusters and all the new exquisite settings are in- cluded and the quality is beyond question. "Gifts that Last" Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* 3 and Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates. R, MaddocLs, President. . . Manager. W. A. ARMSTRONG Now is * 4 to your subscription to FLESHERSON, - ONT.i The Advance CEYLON Held Over Last Week Misses Mabel and Mildred Biiuiie. of Toronto, spent the holiday under their parental roof. Archie Neilson, wiio and daughter. M irjorie. moved last wotk to their new home in Hanover. Miss Minnie tialbraith. of Toronto, visited with her mother ami other friends. Edith Cousley is spending 'the v- ..ition with her sisters in Toronto. Viola McDonald is visiting with her grandmother. Mrs. James Xeilson. Jack Hodgins. wiiV and family, of Owen Sound, have moved to thoir farm here. Emily Aohesoii. of Sudbury. is spending tli> holiday week with her parents here Ruth Stewart is visiting with her mother in the village. Hannah Roome. with a friend. Miss Keen, of Toronto, visited with her parents here and was accompanied home by her mother. Mrs. Elmo Stevens, who has been ill for the past month, is convalescing with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Acheson. Messrs. Ed. and Bruce Cade are holidaying with their parents here. STH LINE ARTEMESIA Miss Tearl M> Master, of Flesher- ton, visited the past week at C. Hanley's. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. on Sunday. April 23. a daugh- ter still born. Mr. Fred Janiieson attended the school convention at Toronto the past week. Mrs. Parsons spent the week-end with her daughter. Mrs. McKenxie. of Feversham. Mr. Hanley has !>eon very poorly the past week. \Ve are pleased to hear that Mr. Leonard Latimer. of Eugenia, is re- covering from his recent illness. Also of Mr. J. K. Janiieson. who has be- -n under the doctor's care. VANDELEUR < Intended For Last Week. I Mrs. S. H. Buchanan is spending tho holidays with her mother and sis- ter in Owen Sound. Mrs. Hare and children, of Mark- dale, are holidaying with the former's mother. Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Will Burrell. of Sligo. is visit- ing with her mother. Mrs. Genoe. The- April meeting of the Farmer*' Club was held on Monday evening of last week. Considerable business was r:insa !>!. Two letters from Miss MiPhAil were reiul with great inter- est, and the meeting was one ot the best in the history of the Club. Miss^Jean Wright, who is teaching school at Elmvale. spent E.ist.-r holi- days wiih her parents here. Mrs. S. Muir and Mrs. M Cabe. of Toronto, visited with the formers son and other friends here last week. Miss Maud Hemphill left last week to visit Toronto friends. James Patterson, of Toronto, and formerly of Ceylon, is a visitor at James ~McLeod's. Mr. Patterson's many old friends are pleased to see him. Clark McMullen returned to To- ronto last week. Miss sSeeley. of Maxwell, who was on her way to her school at Dromore. visited with her aunt. Mrs Bolton. on Saturday. Mrs. Bolton and son. Levi. spent the first of the week visiting friends in Osprey. Mr. Voce. of Toronto. Wio is preaching for a call, occupied ho pul- pit on Sunday afternoon. T a? con- (tregatuMi was well pleased with Mr Vivo. A number from here atK-viod the funeral of Mrs. A. McLean u Pri. - ville on Sunday morning. Mr Barlow, who has spent tho win ter with his daughter. Mr-. J. Me Lood. !. ft this- week for M.-.ssa.-hu> etts: . Dogs in Elmira must be shut up or tied up from April l&th until Novem- ber 15th. Hens also must be kept inside, according to the order of Chief Qrasser. Meaford has signed up with a local tirm to supply the town with light and power for another year. Wellington Singular, proprietor of the Western Hotel. Guelph. w.t< lined jlo<ii.i> and costs by Magistrate Watt for having liquor on his prem- ises. A. resident of Beutinck told us last Thursday afternoon of a prolific flock of sheep owned by Mr. Xell McCall- Utu. of that township. About three- weeks ago ten ewes gave birth to 29 lambs, nine having triplets and one twins. The lambs wero born during a cold spell and the inclement wea- ther played havoc with an otherwise apparently healthy bunch of animals. We believe this constitutes a record in so large a flock. About twenty of the young lambs are still living and doing well. Durham Chronicle. The Streets of Shelhurne From all directions in the vicinity of this town >-ome reports of the rc.id being in poor condition for vehicular traffic, but for downright impassable roads for any kind of traffic we might draw tho attentiou of our town fathers) to Main street, east from this office. On several occasions during the past week motors have '.-.ecu hauled out to solid terra tirnia by teams of horses. If the weather of the -past week continues, some eftort should be made to divert traffic to and from the town via Andrew St.. as the maiu thorofaro is not i:i tit shape for same and is a disgrace to the municipal!!.. . We might remark that to our knowledge Main street has never been in such a deplorable condition as at present. Free Press. TIMOTHY NO. 1 and 2 RED CLOVER NO. 1 and 2 MAMMOTH CLOVER NO. I & 2 ALSIKE NO. I SWEET CLOVER white bios.om No. 1 Good assortment of garden and field seeds Our Prices Right "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Feed. Seed*. Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Serious enough as it w : >. -. a much more serious result was '-.irrowl; averted on Saturday when Thor.i.i McPherson. of the backlir.;>. Proton into contact with a otvoular saw \vhilo cutting wood at Wuiior Car- He w;is in tho act o:' ^.-raping .he >aw dust from under thv machine whoa his arm wa< ouught by the saw teeth, making a lengthwise u! along tV iToshy part of llio am between the wrist and the elbow, almost graz- ing the bone. Dr. Martin dr.-ssed the wound, which, though painful, is not now considered serious. Mr. MeFher- sou is fortunate to have escaped so well. Dundalk Herald. A $ Saved is a $ Made Take notice to our prices 54 in. Serges SI. 50 per yard Grey Cotton 8 yds. $1.00 Flannelette 4 yards $1.00 Mulls, all shades, 45c. per yard SKOO Rugs for $10.00 Heavy Linoleum. 12 ft. wide. $4 \ Groceries St. Lawrence Sugar 13 Ibs. forSl.Uu Corn. 7 cans S1. Pumpkin. S cans $1. Highest prict-. paid for Pi-mince K\i-r> tiling ol.v in :uv<m!:in< < \vith tlii'-e pru o W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE. FLESHERTON Notice of Dissolution LOTS FOR SALE Park Lots 146, 15ir>o;.E.T. and S.R.. containing eight acres and 2S square rods. Apply to Mrs, W. E. Richardson. Flesherton. Field Crop Competition Notice i* hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be- :\veon H. Hannah and Thos. Devcr. as j j general merchants carrying on busi- iess as Hannah & Dever. has been \ '' dissolved. All accounts not settled 1 by May 15th will be placed in other ! hands for collection. Accounts may Finder's Bread" Is a sign of quality! NONE BETTER Bread is your best food eat more d it The East Grey Agricultural Socie- ty. Kleshorton. are again taking up the field crop competition with oats. for which there is $75 offered in be paid to either party priies. Kindly call and make your entries not later than May 15tfc. W A. Hawken. Secretary ROBT. HANNAH. THOS. DEVEK. FortUw. April 24. 192. A full line of Groceries, also Canned Go PHONE 8 F RED FINDER, Flesherton

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